Suicide And Guns

Like the newly ordained Socialist candidate Ocasio, Shannon Watts who created, Moms Demand Action/Everytown For Gun Safety, 2014 budget – $40,773,276! – which, despite it’s 501©(3) nonpolitical status with the IRS is actively lobbying against Trump, and spending upwards of $5 million annually on political campaigns…  has become the ‘Poster Face’ behind Gun Control.  

Funded by, the brainiac child, Michael Bloomberg, other notable funders include – Schwab and the George Lucas Family Foundation.

Watts was previously active in Emerge America, an organization founded by Andrew Dew Steele whose previous background was with the Soros organization, Human Rights Watch.  

Everytown’s website lists bullet point ‘facts’, that are simply bullet point ‘fiction’:

1)   One monumental claim is that 2/3rds of gun deaths in the US are suicides.  While suicides overwhelming account for a high percentage of gun deaths, the rate is 50%.

2)   The other claim is that states with high gun ownership have the highest rates of gun suicide rates.  But the statistics used to rank states by gun ownership was dated – 2002.

Not so.  Alaska ranks number one for overall suicides. According to their Department of Human Services 90% of people who die by suicide have depression, substance abuse disorder or a mental disorder.   The second highest suicide rate in the US in 2016 was among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Wyoming is considered another high risk state.  While the vast majority of the suicides occur in the elderly – 80+, schools have analyzed data with regard to high school students and found that the causal factors are: lack of social skills, traumatic home life, lack of religion, lack of moral code, with the second highest rate found among American Indians and Alaska natives living in Wyoming.

Nevada is at high risk, but it also has the dubious honor of the highest rate among all states for the elderly at 34 per 100,000 population.   DC has the lowest rate at 1.5 per 100,000.   But the homicide rate by gun violence is up by 37% between 2017 and 2018.   As a result, police are cracking down on ‘illegal ownership of guns’. Interestingly, during Obama’s tenure, 2009 to 2017, gun laws were routinely relaxed in DC.

In other words, if a link was to be generated for the three states with the highest suicide rates, veterans and certainly the elderly are worth noting, but the overwhelming statistic points to the conditions of the Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.  In this regard, Australia’s Aboriginals are on equal footing.

According to Mz. Watts 96 people commit suicide every day.   Factually, roughly 44,000 people commit suicide – over 365 days that would account for 120 per day.   Of the 120, 22 are military veterans – 18%, the elderly account for another 14% roughly.

According to the CDC, physical/health problems are seemingly one of the primary causes of suicide, secondary to mental health issues.

And while Mz. Watts would have us believe that more laws to regulate legal gun ownership will have an effect on cities like Chicago and St Louis, where homicide rates continue to inflate unabated, again has about as much logic as our fun friend Ocasio-Cortez when discussing economics.  Especially given that gangs and illegal gun ownership are the dominant causal factor.

Ocasio grew up in a house in Yorktown Heights, considered predominantly white – 90.5%, and with a median income of $137,000 per family.  She attended Yorktown High School with a total enrollment of about 1200. Started Brook Avenue Press in 2012, which has no reported income, no reported agent, and no known filings, has a Twitter account with 1 Tweet that is closed to the public, and endorses Planned Parenthood,, Black Lives Matter, Democracy for America, whose endorsements include Al Franken, Obama, Sanders, Lizzy Warren, and a host of Soros bids.

What becomes evident in the Soros Files is his penchant for molding and forming out of a base of clay – female politicians with ethnic backgrounds, although Lizzy’s absurd Native American miserable failure has become quite a joke.

Of course, this is only the tipping point, as Soros bidding in conjunction with The Muslim Brotherhood have fought hard to enlist 100 Muslim candidates for US office this year. For example:  “Amira Dajani, a GOPcandidate running for Florida attorney general under the name “Amy Fox,” was recently discovered to be part of a family with deep ties to the PLO, a terrorist group pledged to destroy Israel.”

The Swamp has no political affiliation.  Do not be fooled.

If in fact, we want to curtail suicides, we want to curtail homicides – then the logical core contributors need to be staunchly addressed, but lives are meaningless when an “Agenda” is at stake.   Confiscating guns is an Agenda.   Putting people into office that are basically ignorant – is an Agenda, they are easily puppeted.   Ocasio, Watts, Harris, Warren, even Hillary were blank canvas’s and all the paint was conscripted by Soros and the Rothschild Cabal for the singular purpose of control.  

Gun Control Politics – Again…

How much does a protest march cost? Apparently quite a lot because 17 year old Cameron Kasky has rather quickly organized a March in DC to fight gun rights and so far has raised:   $500,000 from Spielberg, $500,000 from Katzenberg, $500,000 from Clooney, $500,000 from Oprah, and upwards of $1 million on a GoFundMe page that has been up for 3-4 days!   Quite a haul! All of the donors were heavy weights in the Obama and Clinton camps. Katzenberg came under an SEC investigation that claimed he had bribed Chinese officials with Joe Biden.

Kasky is joined by David Hogg, who has also made himself a personal spokesperson for anti-gun ownership, anti-NRA, anti-Trump.   Their solution? Ban all guns.

Kasky set up his Twitter account February 18th. He now has over 78,000 followers.   Hogg, about the same, (I imagine – the same followers). Their “Political Organization” (as per their Facebook page) is called March For Our Lives, donations are not tax deductible, they have a Twitter account, a Facebook account, Instagram page and a website.  WHEW!

They have utilized the disgraced former DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz to help promote their campaigns including the upcoming nationwide March 24th protest.   They are also supported by Florida Senate member, Lauren Book, who ran unopposed for the District seat because it was a ‘redistricted’, newly created seat. This is her first political experience.

In 2016, Eric Holder and Obama created the National Democratic Redistricting Committee in order to extend the number of potential Democrat seats by the next election given Trump won the majority in the 2016 election.  And that wasn’t fair.

Reading the Twitter feeds and Facebook feeds, the commentary demand that anyone whose opinion is not aligned be ‘blocked’. Others claim that anyone who disagrees must be a Russian Troll.   And still others believe that everyone is a Bot. One person went so far as to state that freedom of speech was for the government, but didn’t apply to them.  OUCH!

While their pain and fear is shared by everyone, their solution is not.   And while the publicity is aligned with the students attempting to change gun laws, the laws are not and the facts are not. When lobbying for change, it is best to have truth and facts to support your argument.   These students are naïve, but because they are students, they have managed to rally hearts behind them. Statistics? Not so much.

Media outlets have vilified conservatives who challenge some of the oddities in the student organization – the most obvious being the scripted reading by Hogg. However, the idea that a group of underage teen-agers would be in charge of $3,000,000 (and growing) donated via Facebook from highly public democrats is a bit startling… if not wholly lacking in legality.   I seriously doubt that Clooney, Oprah or Speilberg would hand over that kind of money without a league of adult lawyers managing it’s use.  So obviously, there is much more lurking in the background than we are privy to.

It’s also rather interesting that the March 24th protest was scheduled in DC seemingly without going through the ‘elaborate’ permitting system which requires Homeland Security approval, Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs approval, Metropolitan Police Department approval, Fire Department approval, as well as a sit down to discuss specifics with the police.  Who did all that?

In addition, it is common for opposing groups to petition for simultaneous permits, which we have yet to hear about.

George Soros’ Media Matters has taken the student movement to the highest degree of propaganda.   The Women’s March organizers are also behind the March 24th protest whose goal was to raise $2 million for the 2017 protest which would pay for porta-potties, security and bus parking. The March For Our Lives is backed and funded by Bloomberg’s, Everytown For Gun Safety, a nonprofit which advocates for gun control. In 2015, their reported revenue was shy of $40 million. According to their 990 for 2016, they spent $1.8 million on actual grants – 4.5%of total revenue, most of which went to three organizations: Mainers For Responsible Gun Ownership, Nevadans for Background Checks, and Oregon Democracy Fund.

Oregon Democracy Fund was created in 2015, has no known website or data. They are a 501©(4) organization which is not considered charitable and may not be written off as a charitable donation, rather they are a business expense registered as a Social Welfare organization. Therefore, Everytown, which is a charitable nonprofit, makes grants to Social Welfare organizations that are not charitable nonprofits, but rather lobbying organizations. Both the Mainers and the Nevadans organizations, also 501(c)(4)’s, are linked back to Bloomberg.

Thus, it would appear that his grant making is simply to support his own lobbying organizations. In addition to the “grants”, Everytown spent roughly $2.4 million on political lobbying and gave funds to politicians.

For Every Season, turn, turn turn… there is always a back story.