The Bank of International Settlements & Israel: Where Nazis Align with Bolsheviks

Big Secret… We already operate under a quasi One World Order.   Our governments take orders, they do not make decisions, execute actions, or run a country.   They are all props to give the illusion that we are still free and sovereign.    Our Three legislatures;    government, media and entertainment are provided scripts each morning on their daily role and pronouncements.   The farce of the Biden/Kamala parade is purposeful as a threat to those who refuse to read their proper ‘script’.   It is also a world warning for those countries that refuse the script;   do or die.

The US is not a party to the OLSO Convention, the Geneva Convention, the Vienna Convention, the Rome Statute, the International Court of Law, Ottawa Treaty, Kyoto Protocol, and many others.   Therefore, the US is justified in operating outside the laws and bodies that the US created for governing more than half the globe.

Basel provides international regulatory standards for all banks.   The Committee on Banking Supervision was created by Basel, aka, BIS.   The Committee’s prime goal is ‘globalization’. As of 2009, there are 28 Member countries including China and Russia. All current members of BRICS are members of this BIS Committee.

When BIS ordered central bank rate hikes across the board – all western nations immediately complied with the US being the most zealous.   A script.

BIS was Hitlers credit card.    Hitler was supposed to win WWII.   When the Soviets joined the war against Hitler, the entire Agenda was disrupted.   Without their alliance, Hitler would have risen to global leader status.   When Patton disobeyed orders from General Bradley and won battles, he became a target.   When Patton realized the complicit nature of the War, he was assassinated.

In other words, the US LOST WWII. Thus making WWII a pivotal moment for rearranging allies, alliances, and control.

BIS needed to extend its control in order to compensate for the damage caused by losing Hitler.  Hitler’s camps primarily targeted communists. He viewed all Jewish people as communists.   Thus his targeting was based on ideology as opposed to religiosity.

While BIS was created in 1930 to administer reparations to Germany post WWI, they recreated themselves after WWII, inserting Harry Truman as US President.   At the instructions of BIS, Truman created a new intelligence apparatus, the CIA in 1946.

Under Truman’s direction the CIA was given virtually unlimited power.   Every subsequent three letter agency was formed to ‘contain The Soviet Union’.    At the time, the Soviet Union was Bolshevik.   The National Security Council created the National Security Act – 1947, outlining the “Kill Authorizations”. The Kill Authorization allowed the CIA and NSC to assassinate US citizens if they were ‘suspected’ of being a terrorist.

This authorization was used by Pelosi during the January 6th protest when the Capitol was breached.   “I authorize shoot to kill – they are terrorists.”

The first known US election interference was between Truman and Thomas Dewey.   The BIS Powers needed Truman to remain in office so as to oversee the extension of FDR New Deal propaganda, the bombing of Hiroshima, and a Jewish state – Israel,  This was also the time frame wherein Eddie Jacobson, a friend of Truman convinced him to meet with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a Bolshevik communist Zionist.

It was the result of these alliances that the state of Israel was created in May 1948 with Weizmann appointed President. Many Jewish Zionists of the time were from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.   TO populate Israel, they marketed in these countries for resettlement.

The problem was the 500,000 to 600,000 Palestinians who already occupied the newly assigned Israeli land.   Weizmann considered trading them to Iraq for Jewish settlers there.   He considered ‘integration’ which was harshly denied.  Ultimately, because there was no resolution, Israel and Palestine have warred for 70+ years.

Every government apparatus became an arm of Israel with BIS overseeing the global Banking Sectors and Germany overseeing the global military industrial complex. Why Germany?   Because the Nazi’s were the best scientists in the World. The US in its quest to be the central global government resettled hundreds of Nazi scientists into the US.

It was only ‘after’ WWII that Raytheon expanded from making refrigerators to making guided missiles using German scientists.

The Global Order was thus reshaped into a complex ideology of Jewish Zionism meets Nazi elitism.

Today, BIS operates as a nontaxable entity similar to the US NGO status.   According to author Adam LeBor, their 2012 annual untaxed profit was $1.17 billion. In their latest release for 2022 their net income was roughly $700 million.  Where the money goes would appear to be creative books and accounting principles subsequently taught to the likes of The Pentagon.

In 2014, Adam LeBor published a nonfiction book, “The Tower of Basel; The Shadowy History of The Secret Bank That Runs The World”.  True to form, the communist aligned Harvard attempted to discredit LeBor’s analysis without factual evidence but purely on rhetorical derision.

When asked who runs the handlers running the governments – the answer continually reverts to the Bank of International Settlements. The Netherlands.  And the ‘Queen’ via The UK Royal Society where King Charles now reigns.  Why the Queen? Because she created King Charles. She taught him. Trained him.   And dissolved anything or anyone in their way.  

MODI Enters The Den of BIS NAZI’s

The Fanfare over Modi has been cringe-worthy at best.   The Economist can’t get enough, lauding him, “The World’s Most Popular Leader”.   “America and India Drawing Their Countries Close!    With Jill and Joey leading him around by the hands like a toddler, Modi came and watched and went.   But not before giving Jill a 7.5k ‘sustainable’ diamond.   What the Fark is a sustainable diamond?   Lab grown – and like meat they have little comparative value to the real thing.

And like lab grown meat – it isn’t really a diamond – it is simply an upgrade from zirconium. Perhaps the real meaning of the gift was more of an embodiment of the Biden’s – as FAKE.  OUCH!

The sum total of the ‘meeting’ would appear to be weapons.   Biden agreed to sell Modi weapons in order to woo India away from Russia.   According to every MSM the meeting was a grand success and India has agreed to cool its jets with BRICS partners China and Russia in favor of US relations and trade.

“General Electric’s aerospace unit and Hindustan Aeronautics, India’s state-owned aerospace and defense company, have signed a memorandum of understanding for the manufacture of engines for the Indian-made Tejas fighter jet and an export license agreement for its technology transfer. The engines will be manufactured in India.”

Not sure how this benefits the US…

Somehow Russian and Chinese human rights violations are Paramount Fodder by the US Media, but India’s are not.   Modi is no fool.   He is front and center observing the current China backstabbing and the Russia is evil campaign.   Pragmatic, BRICS are about trade – not sanctions and war.   Somehow, this deviance seems to fly over the heads of US heads of state.

But the point is the fact that America’s dominance is losing and fending for allies is becoming ever more difficult.   Laughing at the White House and all its ‘occupants’ is more the true Fanfare.   And no amount of slobber wooing is going to alter that reality.

India’s Partners are its neighbors.


“India may “pull apart” if rights of the religious and ethnic minorities are not upheld.”   Stated in an interview with Christina Amanpour. Not done, Obama continued, “…President Biden called the President of China a dictator and is sticking with it. He is also hosting as we speak the Prime Minister of India, Modi, who is considered to be autocratic or at least an illiberal democrat.”

Suffering Succotash!  

An odd statement at the close of Modi’s US visit.   And sounding much like a backdoor threat to toe the line.   ‘Pull apart’ is code for Color Revolution.   And like Xi Jinping and Putin – sovereignty is not a salable option.

Given Obama’s remarks, I would suggest that the egocentric will find himself without a country.

The Sanction Sovereign Gamut employed and deployed through the globe has come to a screeching halt.   The True Awakening.

Yet.   It appears that isolating China and India from America may be purposeful.   The idea that Obama and Clinton care a pig’s arse about human rights is the telltale.   They setup the Ukraine Cartel!   If the point is to leverage animosity among BRICS members so as to divide and conquer – the means and the intelligence behind the means is asinine at best and laughable more likely.   Perhaps desk jockey, Austin thought up the idea.

Macron has stated he wants an invitation to the BRICS September meeting hosted by South Africa’s Ramaphosa.   Without providing any reasoning behind the request other than curiosity, it smells.

BIS and The Economist continue to focus on digital currencies.   While the focus has been on how such a currency could impact the ability of everyday citizens to buy and sell with imposed social credit scores, the GLOBAL corporate powerhouses would also be subject to this scoring system.   US corporations are already hooked into the social scorecard, hence websites and social media must highlight their sustainable and equitable justice system.   In the US.   But The Bank of International Settlements, is concerned with how they can extend this monstrosity to all global businesses.   And thus – governments.

Before the Ukraine/Russia Conflict, this goal may have been achieved.   But the business of sovereign rule intervened. And now BIS and it’s cohorts are facing a collapse of power.   Without that Power – BRICS will prevail.

The Two US representatives at BIS include; Jerome Powell, US Federal Reserve Chair, and John Williams of the NY Federal Reserve.   There are zero African or Middle East representatives at BIS.   WHY?   Because BIS is yet another Nazi affiliation from its onset – and Nazi’s are not friendly with ‘people of color’.

John Strausbaugh:   “Via the BIS, the American and British bankers would maintain a mostly secret friendship with their Nazi and Japanese counterparts straight through World War II while thousands and thousands of American and British men in uniform were being killed and maimed in the fight to defeat the Nazis and Japanese.” 

The Nazi affiliation of BIS unravels the vast Khazarian influence, past and present within all western nations.   And explains the predicate of Jewish Nazism. The leader of the BIS during WWII was a Wall Streeter named Thomas McKittrick.   Find a Harvard graduate and you may find a Nazi.    Unsurprisingly, McKittrick was family friends with Alan Dulles – the CIA Director who broke the back of US Intelligence and Propaganda Allusions.

JP Morgan led the reconstruction of Europe.   JP Morgan and BlackRock have been named as the Bagmen for the reconstruction of Ukraine.   CSIS has already developed a committee for the reconstruction as Zelenskyy routinely – loses.   Rumblings across social media suggest that the CIA has already put out a hit on Zelenskyy as he has proven to be a ‘comedic failure’.

Of course, ANY hit on Zelenskyy will be blamed on Russia and used as pontific justification for an all out World War.   For which the US is NOT prepared.   AND the US is also meant to lose.   Because the US has proven a ginormous obstacle for the BIS Bankers Cartel – operating in lawless Ukraine.

Given the Khazars would only approve a Caucasian Power Grab after the Fall of America – China, India, Africa and the Middle East are not in the BIS Cartel Playbook.   Europe has no army leaving them quacking.   A quagmire to be sure – it appears BIS has painted itself into the corner on the roof’s edge…   But then the intelligentsia apparatus seems to have devolved 20-50 IQ points as mistake after mistake requires recalibration. Perhaps they have a secret society living underground as the offspring of Hitler’s Nazis …  waiting.

Their Playbook is looking more and more wretchedly wracked self righteous rot wreaking of rancid rancor.  $10k for a Senator.   Going, going GONE!


In response to a request, I am going to explain why China is no longer a Soros Darling:

For decades, Soros nurtured the same Bankers he beat when he shorted the British Pound.   They were impressed!   And Soros was allowed entry into the Cult Mafia run by BIS.   The CIA and MI6 had been created by these same bankers – their loyalty was based on blackmail.   They operate as the paramilitary of BIS.  The plan for an ‘Open Society’ was Soros dangling carrot for the Banking Cartel.   Veiled within a thin fabric of ‘capitalism’, the end game has always been Communism.  

Soros studied under the Masters; Mao, Hitler and Stalin, drawing from their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses.   Soros envisioned this dictatorship control as a means for usurping the globe of sovereign nations and inserting the Cartel as the  Supreme Leader.   Cleansing genocide. Mao and Stalin were merely elementary students compared to Soros globalization vision; communism for thee and capitalism for moi!

Lying, cheating, fraud, corruption, blackmail were all considered hands-on means for achieving the ultimate goal.   Countries that he wanted preserved remained so – while others were not so fortunate, aka Syria.

The EU was his first target. They were compliant and obedient.   This passive response emboldened Soros teaching him many lessons. Including the most important, every government must be created by Soros. The only means of preserving loyalty was to insert fools and jesters into fake positions and call them president or prime minister.   The more ridiculous the jester – the more FUN…

Bojo, Von der Leyen, Macron, Scholz, etc… were injected as fools. They do as they are told without hesitation or complaint.   They have no morals or ethics, and their values are vaporized leaving them with what we euphemistically call – lizard brains.   The EU fully entrenched, Soros moved easily through Canada and Australia.

The Middle East became the next target, but Soros needed to make compromises.   It is far more difficult to takedown a monarchial rule vs a flimsy democratic republic.   Assets are nationalized.   But Greed is still a viable means.   Using the vast wealth accumulated in tax free NGO’s and Foundations, Soros offered Saudi Arabia and Qatar pieces of London and the US.   Once Soros forged these 2 Middle East countries, the others would blithely tag along. Assad refused to give up Syria – so Syria was destroyed.   Gaddafi refused – Iraq was destroyed and Gaddafi executed.

From the beginning, Soros declared that the US and Russia would be the hardest countries to submit.   China was already communist and had been considered an easy target to scoop up as the end game.   And that belief ultimately became Soros Achilles heel.

Soros wanted China – without Jinping.   Orchestrating the Hong Kong riots was a mistake.   Soros revealed his hand and Jinping realized his head was on the proverbial chop-chop block.

Things began to unravel. Trump was inadvertently elected President.   Soros lost Saudi Arabia when Prince Salman took control and all of Soros alliances were suddenly confined and fined extensively.   Soros lost Russia despite multiple attempts to insert his jester, Navalny.   Soros lost China when Jinping refused to be bullied into submission.   Brazil was lost to pro-Trump Bolsonaro. Venezuela was lost and their insert, Guido, never took office.   And the Banking Cartel likely gave Soros an ultimatum.   Soros was losing and losing is NOT tolerated

Like Putin, Jinping assured his continuation via the elimination of ‘term limits’.   Voila, suddenly Soros admiration for all things China shifted and he prompted the media to demonize Jinping and call for his ousting.   The means? Collapse the economy – blame Jinping – and create riots.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used to alienate Putin.   Communist sanctions and price fixing of oil were instituted.   Brazil’s fraudulent election installed Lula.   Pakistan’s beloved Khan was ousted – jester installed.   India’s Modi was threatened.   And Soros refocused on South America where wins would not be challenged and he could regain the admiration of the BIS Cartel.

The ultimate Soros coup, of course, was Biden!   Install an obvious Fool to convey to the world just how powerful you are.   Destroy America city by city.   And watch other countries cave in fear and cowardness….

Again, Soros did NOT anticipate ‘social media’ power.

Essentially the same means Soros and his cohorts within BIS, CIA, and MI6 had accomplished in other regions was used to take down South America.   Ultimately, that takedown included the US.    BIS was Proud and Soros regained his respect.

Today, on cue, just days after Blinken met with the communist Lula in Brazil – the Supreme Court of Brazil changed the date of Lula’s inauguration by a month.   In return, Bolsonaro has deployed the Military.   Contrary to rumors that Venezuela has sent paramilitary to fight against Bolsonaro, it is much more likely that Blinken brought ‘mercenaries’ with him when visiting this week. The Communist Manifesto ante – is now in high gear!  Brazil is  a necessary win…

The Federal Reserve Operates under BIS Masters who Determine Global Monetary Policies

Jerome Powell is Chairman of the US Federal Reserve.   Powell was also appointed by Bank of International Settlements as; Chair of the Global Economy Meeting (GEM) and as Chair of The Economic Consultative Committee (ECC). This means that the Federal Reserve is actually a ‘subsidiary’ of BIS.   And ‘They”, not Powell or Yellen, are running our entire Banking System. From raising interest rates, to bank bailouts, to bank monetary investments.   We are under the Tutelage Thumb of – BIS

BIS determines global monetary policy.   All members comply from India to China to US and Brazil, BIS regulates its 90 member countries and determines who gets what.   At their meeting this past November, BIS determined that some cryptocurrencies needed to be eliminated in order to facilitate better control on their ‘chosen crypto’s.   In addition through Basel III BIS deemed greater regulation and oversight of nonbanking institutions is necessary in order to encapsulate risk management schemes.  This phase in will be completed as of 2028.

In the GEM & ECC meetings, BIS seeks to assure the banking cartel that BIS will continue to leverage the profits these members require in order to be ‘happy’.   As such, the Committee states that high interest rates should succeed in that happiness quotient.

Powell’s US actions are a direct enforcement of BIS.   He has repeatedly confirmed that he works for the Banks, not the Public.   As such, he created pools of profits wherein the Banking Cartel was advised when to buy, when to sell, what to buy, etc…

Today, this Banking Cartel warns that pension funds and non-banking institutions have over $80 TRILLION in ‘hidden debt’. The debt is NOT on bank balance sheets and it is short term.   Relative risk to high interest rates means a scramble.   That scramble would mean banks will need to make huge profits via short-term investments to pay interest and debt obligations.

“In mid-2022, non-US banks with direct access to Federal Reserve credit only in their US operations owed an estimated $39 trillion in dollars from FX swaps, forwards and currency swaps.”

FX Swaps are a form of exchange rate currency manipulation.   Typically, these trades require a ‘swap dealer’ as defined in the 2010 Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform implemented during the Obama Regime. According to the Reform, a dealer is only regulated should the aggregate swap exceed a minimum of $8billion.   The Dodd Frank Reform is said to have disproportionately hit small banks reinforcing greater control within the Banking Cartel.

Due to the regulations, small banks were unable to comply resulting in a 20% drop in their market share.   While ‘hidden debt’ is a real factor, what is not discussed is banks also have ‘hidden assets’ not reported on their Balance Sheets.   Typically, these assets can be real estate, resources, and derivatives.   For Example:   In 2012, JP Morgan claimed its total assets on its balance sheet were $2.4 trillion.   However, it had $1.5 trillion in derivatives NOT reported on its BS.   That translates to nearly 40% of assets were Hidden from consumers.   When a Bank is bailed out – those ‘hidden assets’ are not taken into account.   And Taxpayers take a double hit.

Importers and exporters hedge FX Swaps in Trade.  Bond markets typically use FX swaps to increase profit margins.   But in essence, these hedges are manipulated and profits are distributed like  free chocolate.   I imagine, BIS members pay a Fee in order to be aboard the Cartel Train –

According to BIS:

“Off-balance sheet dollar debt may remain out of sight and out of mind, but only until the next time dollar funding liquidity is squeezed. Then, the hidden leverage10 and maturity mismatch in pension funds’ and insurance companies’ portfolios – generally supposed to be long-only – could pose a policy challenge. And policies to restore the flow of dollars would still be set in a fog.”

This ‘challenge’ was called out by BIS when monetary policy across member states was ‘squeezed’ via raising interest rates.   The squeezing of the flow of money, aka high interest rates, was purposefully done to create a possible Banking crisis as hidden liabilities and their increased interest payments can no longer be offset by depreciating hidden assets.   This squeeze could create havoc with pension funds – and potentially see some funds collapse – insolvent.

While BIS would have us believe all of this trade manipulation is based on markets –  the markets are based on BIS.   BIS controls the markets – if BIS wants a collapse – it happens.   If BIS wants profit – it happens.   It is much like The Economist.   When they predict something will occur, it is because they are diligently causing its occurrence.  

British Imperialism = The New World Order = Cabal

In 1949, Carroll Quigley introduced the world at large to the Milner Group via his first book which was posthumously published 2+ decades later.   Why?   Quigley was friends and a cohort of the Group and was likely asked to deflect the Communist theory that surrounded their agenda.   In 1950, the McCarthy administration began its purge communism from Hollywood and Politics.   Historically, this is looked upon as a ‘conspiracy’, however, the reality is the conspiracy – then and now.

While Quigley offered enough information to give the appearance that he was neutral, and the Milner Group had the world’s best interest at heart, it is more likely that he was simply another pawn – deflecting per orders.   His usefulness was dismissed when he was suicided via a heart attack at the age of 66.    That would have been1977.

Various writers subsequently commentated on his various theories and doctrine, however, Quigley dismissed them as rhetorical conspiracists while continuing to support all things Milner.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes, of South Africa’s De-Beers Mining diamond fame, William Stead, an infamous journalist, and Lord Esher, friend and confidante to Queen Victoria, decided that the British Empire  should rule – the world.   What we now refer to as The New World Order.   They created an organizational structure whereby the inner circle was known as the Elite/Elect and would govern as a Junta of Three.   The Leader was Rhodes, and the Junta was comprised of Stead, Esher and Alfred Milner.   The outer circle was known as the Association of Helpers.

While the Elite remained, the Association of Helpers acquired various alternate names;   Milner’s Kindergarten, The Round Table, and the Chatham House crowd, among others.   Today, the Chatham House Crowd and The Pilgrims Society.

In 1902, the Pilgrims Society was formed in the UK.  One year later, the US opened its doors and membership became reciprocal.    Quigley wrote ‘Tragedy and Hope’ in 1966 in which he unveiled the vast network of Foundations and organizations that multiplied with unprecedented veracity, irreparably linked to the Milner Group.

Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…   ALL names currently configured in the scheme of the New World Order.

It would appear that within the hierarchy, individuals were initially appointed to specific industries so as to mold the global control mechanism under a closed power vacuum.  For example:   JP Morgan was the banker elite.    Then in 1930 the Bank of International Settlements, BIS, was created as a global central banking institution.   Its purpose was to create a global unified force – so as to own the wealth of the world.   This agenda has been calcified in the junta of the 1%ers.

However, the program became diffused with the advent of literally multiple thousands of subsequent foundations and NGO’s all having their own agenda, all demanding their place on the Pyramid, all thus creating their own vision.  And so, the Elite, the Cabal, became ingrained in – internal division.

Most recently, this massive displacement became all the more clear to me as a result of my own computer crash:

Day One:  I was told my computer might literally explode as my battery was expanding exponentially.    Oblivious, I fortunately listened and came to find that my computer was literally about to ‘catch fire’.   I was directed to put everything I could on a flash drive in the event my entire computer went up in flames.   Unfortunately, instead of copying files to the flash, I copied them to my desktop whereupon over 2500 files suddenly infiltrated my screen!

What I saw on my desktop was the thousands of layers of files that represent part of my work as a grid that mimicked thousands of layers of NGO’s that have become the grid for the initial Milner Group.   All layered.

And the inability to access one was little different from the ability of the Milner Group to Control the now thousands upon thousands of NGO’s that have become “Their Helpers’ per se.

In other words, the Cabal is rife with internal conflicts given they allowed thousands to become ‘Helpers’ per se.   And thus, their power is greatly, hugely, diffused.

Each Helper has their own agenda.  Each Helper has their own desire for Control.   Each Helper is corrupted within their own standard of corruption.   And thus – The Milner Group, The Cabal, is actually fighting desperately within.

Which means the infighting, the agendas, are in constant revolt for power.

In April 2017, Ronald Bernard, a format Handler who worked with BIS in trafficking, drugs, child sacrifice, and the occult gave a five-part interview explaining the mechanism of how and why The Group conducts its activities.

His interviews detail the true Cabal of Power, born of occultism, that has morphed significantly from the Quigley interpretation.

While there are multiple key organizations that now dominate this Cabalist elite that are nowhere remotely Quigley’s understanding, the dominant end game presentation is Communism – as the MEANS.   While British Imperialism remains the quandry for continued infighting.   And the Agenda modus have varied ideologies.

Current Board Members of BIS include:  Christine Lagarde, Jerome Powell, Yi Gang, and Roberto Campos.  ALL run the prime banking institution/cabal of their respective country.   All envision themselves as the elite wherein they gain control of global order.   However, while that is their interpretation, it is not necessarily the interpretation of the True Elite.

Just as brainless Hollywood icons think they are the Chosen Ones, their ignorance of intellect presides over their intuition – and in reality they are insignificant pawns.

There are a few societies that have remained in power as next generation Milner Group:   Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…     They are old school intellectuals who have been bribed to believe their existence is paramount amongst the plebes and peasants.

Their ego’s are more than willing to comply with whatever heinous actions they must support.

Within the initial structure of the Milner Group – communism was embraced, however, the actual globalization goal was Imperialism.

Government controlled schooling or public schooling was a forced mandate initiated by these imperialists as a means of controlling knowledge and writing history as they conceived it to be.  Nearly 100 hundred years ago!

Bank Wars became a means for controlling economies.   And elite universities (Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Oxford, London School of Economics) became a hub for new members indoctrinated within The Group.   Daddy Bush was radically involved although his implication in the Franklin Scandal nearly upended his Seat.   The Jimmy Saville Scandal in the UK was another upended that was quashed leaving pedophiles and sexual abusers free reign.   The Epstein Scandal nearly toppled hundreds if not thousands of potential Group members.  

And chaos within the ranks unfolded.

Most governmental organizations were created as offshoots including;  CIA, FBI, NSA, MI6, etc…   They were used to eliminate the enemies – most notably Kennedy, Patton, Huey Long, Princess Diana, and Garfield.   But they were also instrumental in the vagrancies of sexual deviances.   Blackmail.

The Economist (Rothschild Rag) recently lauded Macron for his intuitive realization that the Taliban would soon take control of Afghanistan.   As a result, Macron apparently ordered all embassy workers back to France in – July.   A full month before Biden.   As all other Operations seem rooted in The Group and its offshoots, it is fairly predictable that the Afghanistan debacle was orchestrated as well and the Deep State Helpers were briefed, including Biden, Merkel, and NATO.   Hollywood actors walk with their stipend …   And the public at large is exposed to an infinite schematic of propaganda videos and scenes that simply – DON’T EXIST IN AFGHANISTAN – but do in Iran.

ONE author within the New York Times is given this attribute that is shared amongst thousands of indoctrinated offshoot MSM plebes.   And suddenly the fake CIA green screen becomes the social media frenzy!

In 2009, Sibel Edmonds gave groundbreaking testimony exposing the US government’s role in 9-11, which was called Operation Gladio/B.  Having worked for the FBI, she revealed that drug cartels, mafia’s, money laundering, and arms dealing were all internally orchestrated to destabilize the Middle East – at the behest of the US CIA.   She claims that both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri worked with the CIA.

Peter Hoekstra was one of the Dirty Dozen named by Edmonds as a Deep State member.  Others included; Hillary, Orin Hatch, DeWine, Dreyer, Lieberman, Hastert, Ruppersberger, Santorum, Souder, Sensenbrenner, and Kyl.  A fair mix of republicans and democrats.

While the ‘Initial’ British Imperialist Society was the game, other agenda’s have infiltrated the schematic and morphed its means and end.   I doubt Quigley was an occultist.   I doubt he was a communist.   However, his version of insight has been eclipsed by 70 years of infiltration.

What Quigley did reveal is that the conspiracies are real, and reality is the conspiracy.  Plato’s Matrix?   The Next BLOG!