Biden’s Handlers Impose Massive Destructive Tariffs

The Biden Handlers have imposed Tariffs on China:  semiconductors 50%, syringes 50%, lithium batteries 25%. Electric vehicles 100%.  Steel and Aluminum 25%.  The purpose is to destroy China’s economy.  The reason?  China continues trade with Russia. 

If Russia wins the war with Ukraine there are fallouts:  ego – front and center, the race to devalue the dollar will gain significant speed, America’s hegemony is built on wars.   Losing wars is typically a nonplus given the US funds both sides.  In this case, funding Russia is not available –

The Position being held by these non-economist lawyers and bankers is that America manufacturing needs to be competitive.  Why?  Because American prices can’t compete, therefore everyone must manufacture according America pricing.  Which is significantly higher already due to the price of transportation and labor.  According to the Directive, Biden claims American workers can only compete if China price matches…

When enacting tariffs, the loser in this scenario is American consumers who will now experience inflation ranging from 25% to 100%.  The hardest hit will be everything electronic;  cars, electric vehicles, appliances, cell phones, electricity, and Renewable Energy!  Everything green will now be unaffordable.  Simultaneously, the Intel chip making plant in Ohio  has announced they are behind schedule and the plant may not be up and working until – 2030.

Very few Chinese EV’s are actually sold in America, in fact very few EV’s are sold in America as dealerships post losses and sit on billions in unsold inventory.   According to the NYT, the industry ‘fears a flood of China’s EV’s’…   The reason?  The one company that is poised to ship Chinese EV’s to the US and Europe is Stellantis.  The cost of the car is $10,000 and according to Elon Musk – the car is stellar!  When the Federal Government is thru – Stellantis will be lucky to sell the car for $35,000  – taking away its competitive edge.  Altering the entire concept of Free Trade.

Headquartered in Amsterdam, Stellantis was formed in 2021 thru the merger of Fiat and the French PSA Group.  The Chair of Stellantis is John Elkann, the heir to the Gianni Agnelli family.   He is NOT happy.    His planned expansion of sales has just been gnashed.   Leading to an 11.5%  in share value.

While the EV market is the media focus – the steel and aluminum, and semiconductor tariffs will have the most egregious impact.  These costs directly affect the Green Market of solar, and windmills, but will also impact construction, cars, infrastructure – including bridges, and military equipment.  These tariffs are then absorbed by consumers and Taxpayers.

Right on cue, Mike Johnson declares that the Biden Handlers are wholly responsible for Inflation due to a government spending crisis – like the $95 billion Johnson approved.

Why would the handlers want to destroy the economies of The West?

The John Birch Society knew at its creation that a shadow government was controlling the FBI and CIA to convert the power of government to stakeholder elites and communists.   The power of control needs to be autocratic.   Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society is labeled anticommunist, right wing, radical, far right, libertarian, and a threat to democracy.   John Birch was an intelligence officer in WWII who was shot by the Communist factions of Mao.  He believed that communists in the Soviet Union and China were the greatest threat on earth.   Robert Welch, jr, was the founder of the John Birch Society and stated:

“Both the U.S. and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the U.S. government would betray the country’s sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, managed by a ‘one-world socialist government’”.

The Society once included the Koch Brothers who left sometime in the 1970’s.   Everything America is fighting for today can be traced to the Birch Society warning us of the Communist agenda – secularism, big government, unlimited autocratic power, and a One World Economic Forum Government.   As the Kabbalist collective plan is being shredded, they are ramping up their Agenda looking for disintegration wherever they can get it.

Somewhat of a last hurrah.

This is NOT about China or Russia or Ukraine – this is about ensuring and maintaining an autocratic control over those countries currently occupied, including America.

As the PM of Slovakia learned today, assassination is the outcome of a nonconformist ideology that does not align with the Kabbalah.  Whistleblowers are targets of assassination for nonconformist ideology.   And inventors who attempt to intervene in the allowed arena of Kabbalah industries are assassinated.

The Economist has called the elections in India – Modi Fatigue.  The intentional insertion of Modi’s opponent, Arvind Kejriwal, was financed by The Ford Foundation, which is a CIA construct – a left wing protégé of the Kabbalah.  In addition, Harper Collins published Kejriwal’s book Swaraj which increased his assets by Rs 1,34,57, 504 crore – or 60%.

Modi is not anti-Russia enough for the CIA and needs to go out quietly – either via the elections or via the same means as the PM of Slovakia.  Should Modi win the election, he will likely find his country sanctioned … the Kabbalah first means of punishment.

The Global Order is faltering – their schemes of punishment for not embracing a full alliance are now open and transparent.   Because they no longer care – because they know they have LOST their alter of acceptance.

Corporate Share Buybacks Funding The Elite Kaballahists

Anyone making a killing on this massive DOW market?   Certainly not to the tune of Pelosi’s annual 45%, but then what is really driving the market?   Share buybacks to the tune of $934 billion, according to Bloomberg.  When a company buys back its own stock, it’s reducing the number of shares outstanding and increasing the value of the remaining shares.  Who owns those shares?  BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.  How many millennials are in the stock market?   None.   Who are the investors?   The Elites.   Every other hedge fund/investment firm was scraping in 5% to 8% returns…  Because they aren’t “Part of the Club”  Carlin

Artificially pushing the market via buybacks is a ‘Last Hurrah’.

Fools and their piggy banks believe that the DOW is The measure of the economy.  So if millennials and Gen Zer’s aren’t in the market, who is going to support the market when the elites get bored, or when they die?   Trust Fund babies?

Soros has one daughter, Andrea, married to Eric Colombel.  While she is running the Open Society, Eric is the president and founder of the Tsadra Foundation, a nonprofit organization which funds the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the west.  Soros eldest son Robert, manages his own money and likes to sail competitively.   Two other sons don’t seem to have much ambition other than playing off daddy’s trust fund.  Youngest son Alex is tasked with the operation of the businesses – The Foundation parlayed into the realm of $5 billion net assets.

The Open Society Foundation does little of anything other than move assets from one NGO to another to avoid taxes while using PR to promote the appearance of philanthropy – a form of money laundering.  It does make grants to universities across the globe – for the advancement of Jewish studies…  One particular college is infused with quite a few grants – Bard College in NY.

Bard is an ‘Episcopal’ Liberal Arts college affiliated with The Annapolis Group and presided over by Leon Botstein, a Jewish conductor.  In 2020 Botstein was named Chancellor of the Open Society University Network.   The Open Society University was founded by Bard and the Central European University in Austria.   The member universities include:  Arizona State, London School of Economics, Tuskeegee, Chatham House, Berkeley, Columbia, and The Institute For New Economic Thinking – among others.

The Institute For New Economic Thinking is led by Robert Johnson former manager of Soros Fund Management.  Johnson is a regular contributor to NewDeal2.0 which is renamed The Roosevelt Institute.  The Institute is funded by Ford, Hewlett, MacArther and Bauman Foundations.  Their stated purpose is to recreate New Deal policies via the economist Joseph Stiglitzz; 

“firmly rooted in the conviction that more government can solve most of America’s economic challenges. It is a plan seemingly designed to rally liberals, enrage free-market economists and push a certain presumptive presidential nominee to the left.” ~WAPO

THIS is how our universities have been hijacked.   Events in their catalogue include:  The Road To Freedom:  Economics and the ‘Good Society’.  ~Stiglitz.  Rewriting The Tax Code ~ Elizabeth Warren.  Like the World Economic forum, these Soros institutions are advancing indoctrinated Young Leaders thru programs within the Universities dedicated to A New Global Order of Big Government.

All colleges across America are ranked by Hillel International which supports Jewish studies, antisemitism training, and recruitment.  They list 960 colleges with emphasis in NY, Florida, Arizona and Pennsylvania.   When the student protests ran rampant, it was Hillel International that dictated the response, including the bill making antisemitism a criminal offense, and another that directs all antisemite students to spend 6 months in – Gaza as punishment.

The peaceful protests were gaining anti-Israel traction and had to be infiltrated so as to incite ‘chaos’ the Soros calling card.  The agitators were not students, they are considerably older, they are highly paid, and they will NEVER be prosecuted.  Just like January 6th.  It is impossible to judge the real students based on their anti-war ideology when the agitators have been outed as funded and called to action by – Zionists…

The purpose is to ‘cleanse’ all colleges of nonZionist gentiles.  To dummy down those remaining gentiles while raising the intellect of Zionists.  To turn the next generation into McDonald’s employees and the Zionists into scientific elite.  Oddly, while antisemitism is considered racist, having Jewish only events, clubs, food, classes, etc… at colleges is NOT.    I personally do not judge the students.

In time for the roundabout:  Israeli tied republicans are calling for impeachment of Biden amidst his withholding of Congressionally approved aid to Israel.   Knowing that the withholding was a creation of the Handlers, ie Zionists, these republicans  withhold the truth and instead channel their inner illusion of crystals and magic.   Trump goes on a tirade about our Israeli Allies.   And Rafah is being destroyed along with 1.2 million Palestinians who were forced to go there by – Netanyahu.   It’s easier to take them out with fewer bombs when you force them into one huddle. 

Simultaneously, the EU is pressuring Israel and providing aid to Gaza…  The same Gaza that has no structure left, no water, no food, no housing, the Palestinians are supposed to upload their remaining belongings and tents and walk…   Until the last man Standing.

Stiglitz calls himself a modern Keynesian economist following the Georgist Theory.  This theory espouses that people should own the value that they produce themselves, while the ‘economic rent’ (profits) derived from land —including from all natural resources, the commons, and urban locations—should belong equally to all members of society – a variation of communism.   It follows the exact same path as the World Economic Forum – you will own nothing and be happy – because we will govern everything.  It follows the established settlements in Israel – the land is owned by Rothschild and the government – settlers are encouraged to communally and sustainably manage the agriculture output while paying a tithe and fees to the Owners.   The settlers are the worker bees supporting ‘the government’ or corporate stakeholder.

Although Israel’s debt to GDP (roughly 59%) is significantly lower than the US, its reduction was associated with American Taxpayers funding Israel’s economy.  By comparison, the US is now over 129%.  And nobody funds America but Americans.  Russian GDP to debt is a mere 14.9%.   We were the useful idiots in this game initiated thru the World Economic Forum directed by Zionist – Klaus Schwab.  No religion – mysticism via the Talmud and Kaballah.   But soon, there will be fewer and fewer useful idiots and the immigrants will be the trained slaves.

Argentina’s Milei, a Catholic – who never walked the walk – converted to Judaism shortly after taking office.  Milei was hailed as a great and mighty economic force that would make Argentina Great Again.   But he is also a member of the WEF, supported Biden’s White House handlers, and is facing economic collapse.  Monthly inflation is over 12% – so Milei has printed a new note – 10,000 peso bill to lighten the load of pushing worthless bricks of bills in wheelbarrows.  Riots in the streets – while economically challenged Americans think he is doing a fabulous job…

The Palestinian crisis has actually opened a black hole for the Zionists and revealed their true identity across the globe.   Their PR is twallette water.  This crisis has also made every republican and many democrats reveal their true identity as that of a pro-Israel gentile supporting atheism.  In fact, gentiles are considered pagans and heathens who will only be righteous if they submit to conversion…  aka, Milei.  

The most racist culture on earth wants all antisemites to gather in Gaza before it is bulldozed and flooded for the Ben Gurion Canal…

The MISES INSTITUTE – Bolsheviks rewrite Economics & History

The Rothschild Economist is afraid of Xi Jinping.   By becoming a more closed political system, Jinping is seeking to expand his power ~ according to an anonymous writer for The Economist.  The underlay Gob Speak translation is; ‘Xi Jinping will not allow a western coup’, therefore China is an Enemy.  How Dare China demand sovereignty.  

Jinping’s Minister of the Economy has unveiled a target of 5% GDP growth for 2024 thru increased productivity in manufacturing – which has proven to be China’s best source of income.   How?   By following in the Russia ideology of Nation First.   Or, Make America Great Again.   Nationalism is the bane of the Zion Cartel.  Nationalism has been redefined as ‘superiority’, aggression toward other nations, and racist.   Why?  Because nationalism unites people and the Cartel requires division and hate.

CATO INSTITUTE:   Nationalism is a collectivist ideology at odds with America’s founding fathers principles and institutions, classical-liberal economics, and the realities of our diverse population.

The CATO Institute was founded on libertarian principles, however in 1981, they kicked out Board Chair Murray Rothbard, one of the founders, in order to pursue more political skew points for the Rhino establishment.  Now CATO defines itself as embracing ‘classical liberalism’.

IN the Declaration of Independence, John Locke had initially written, Life, Liberty and Property – which Thomas Jefferson changed to ‘the pursuit of happiness’ – a World Economic Forum Pill that has soured considerably.  Our ‘Founding Fathers’ were not always on our side – they were on the side of Britain which was ruled by Rothschild.

By the 1930’s, FDR’s New Deal was declared to be the modern classical liberalism.  Karl Popper, Soros protégé, considered himself to be a classical liberal.   Today, the CATO Institute is associated with the Liberal Party – its roots have been sitting in too much water creating Methane Gas.

And Methane stinks.

Peter Goettler is CEO of CATO.   He is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.  Defined as a neoliberal organization, Mont Pelerin was created in 1947, for the purpose of fighting against the growing control of government which suppressed freedom.   Like CATO, its nonpolitical ideology was usurped and the Society became a thin dying vine of its previous self.

These NGO’s which were once revered for their nonpartisan intellectualism have fallen into a disarray parallel to our mayors, AG’s, DA’s, Justice Department and every intel agency known to exist.  They have essentially been ‘couped’.

Both CATO and Mont Pelerin declare they are in alignment with the Mises Institute.

The Mises Institute:    is a nonprofit thinktank headquartered in Auburn Alabama, that is a center for radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleoliberitarian and anarcho capitalist movements in the United States. 

WOW!  Apparently, our esteemed Lew Rockwell is a radical anarchist…. According to the classical liberals who dictate Truth.  The Mises Institute is credited with having earned the ire of The Economist (Rothschild) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (Soros) which claims that The Mises Institute is ‘neo-Confederate’.  Gob Speak for ‘white supremacy’ and racism.

Apparently, anyone who supports the history of the Confederate, including The United Daughters of The Confederacy – are guilty of creating a false history given they honor their legacy of Confederates who were really dishonorable soldiers advocating slavery.  Hence, The Mises Institute has been rebranded by the Cartel.

One fun aspect of “Wikipedia” is that it maintains a history of every edit made.   Therefore when reading the original caption of The Mises Institute from 2005, it stated;   “The Mises Institute is a foundation, based in Auburn Alabama, dedicated to research on economics and political economy. It subscribes to a view of government and economics inspired by the Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises. The Institute’s founder and current president is Llewellyn Rockwell Jr. Murray Rothbard was a major influence on the Institute’s activities, and he served as its vice president until his death in 1995.

And THAT my friends is how history is rewritten.

While Obama brought this transformation to the forefront, he is not the President behind the Blue Curtain as some ascertain.  Obama is simply another puppet groomed to dress, speak, walk, think, and display within the entirety of vanity.   His intelligence acumen is likely on par with Biden.   I doubt he went to Law School and his Columbia University degree is also questionable given no pictures, no classes, no classmates.

It is theorized that Obama was groomed by Soviet Bolsheviks to destroy America and initiate Marxist-Communist Totalitarian Rule.   The Harriman Institute at Columbia University was established in 1946, as the Russian Institute.  Founded by Rockefeller. The Harriman Institute grovels over Navalny, the Zion Holocaust, Ukraine Nazis, and Vladimir Troyanksy who wrote, Empire of Refugees.    The treatise exposes the anger of Soviet Bolsheviks and Muslim Circassians who left Russia for the Ottoman Empire and destroyed it from within.

These are the people who groomed Obama – who taught him Marxist and Communist ideologies as a means of taking over the world in the name of The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.  The Harriman Institute at Columbia University.

Guess who was just appointed as the newest member of Columbia Harrison Institute faculty? 

Victoria Nuland!  SURPRISE!

General Patton Warnings of Communist Bolshevism

I decided to research some quotes by General Patton during and after WWII and delightedly found some doozies!   Patton was hard core to be sure.  He came from a generation where The Art of War was ingrained throughout West Point.   He believed in America with his heart, soul, and life.   But he also came to realize that he had been duped by the Military War Machine and the people he most trusted;  Eisenhower and Bradley.   What this realization did was to open his eyes to the realities that had been befuddled in illusion and lies.  

He fought on the wrong side.

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from the Soviet Union.” ~Patton 7/21/1945 

He came to understand that when fighting Nazi’s, Germans became the innocent victims.   While still acknowledging that Nazism needed to be eradicated, he understood that Bolshevik Communism was an even bigger threat that could ultimately destroy Europe and America.  He referred to the Bolsheviks as “Asiatic Mongols”.   Barbarians.  Animals.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany.” ~ Patton

“I was reluctant, in fact unwilling, to be party to the destruction of Germany under the pretense of denazification . . . I believe Germany should not be destroyed, but rather rebuilt as a buffer against the real danger which is Bolshevism from Russia.”  ~ Patton

Patton died December 1945 after a freak car accident wherein he broke his neck, suffered paralysis and supposedly died of a blood clot.   Patton was sitting in the back of his limousine when his driver, PFC Horace Woodring, sped too fast over a railroad crossing in Mannheim, Germany, and plowed into the passenger-side of a left-turning Army truck headed into a depot.

Before his death General Patton made public his views regarding Bolshevik Communism claiming Germany would fall to Communism which would write the epitaph for democracy in the United States.


It took us 75 years to wake up to Patton’s warnings.

Where did the Bolsheviks go after WWII?

Ukraine was overcome by Bolsheviks after their invasion of the Soviet Union 1917.  During WWII Nazi’s moved into Ukraine and together the two factions massacred Russian, Polish, Romanian, and Belarusian peoples.  Post WWII the Bolsheviks controlled Ukraine, and East Berlin.   America initially refused to allow the Bolshevik Jews entry and instead attempted repatriation of POW’s.   Angered, the Bolsheviks wanted no part of their 1917 homeland and demanded immigration status to the US.

Many people across Europe and America believed that Germany had created a Fifth Column of spies and allowing any immigrants into the US would put America at risk.   The Fifth Column was believed to be comprised of communists sympathetic with Nazis who would bring down America from within.  By 1941 over 300,000 Bolsheviks were requesting immigration visas to the US.

To help effectuate this mass immigration, the Jews created private relief agencies:  Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Emergency Rescue Committee, International Rescue Committee (IRC), JDC, etc… all of which were funded thru Jewish philanthropy.

The IRC was formed as a collaboration of the Communist Party members purged by Stalin and the Social Workers Party at the request of Albert Einstein  in 1931.

Communist sympathizers were persona non grati after WWII, thus the UK and US agreed to provide them with a statehood of their own – Palestine.  This resulted in the 1948 Israel Independence Agreement to establish Palestine as a place for communist Bolshevik settlements under the tutelage of The House of Rothschild – only seculars need to apply.

With the help of Eleanor Roosevelt, the International Refugee Organization which became the International Rescue Committee (IRC), was established to help coordinate the immigration of Bolshevik Jews into America.   Founded by Varian Fry, the IRC was funded by the US National War Fund working in collaboration with British intelligence.   After the war, in the 1950’s the communist Bolshevik IRC formed the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) whose members have included Angela Merkel – a communist.   And Germany was thus absorbed into Communism just as General Patton had predicted.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society was created in 1881 to assist Russian jews coming to America.  The organization set up a booth at Ellis Island and proceeded to allow entry to over 100,000 by 1904.  By the end of WWI – the Hebrew Aid Society had registered over 482,700 Bolsheviks.   HIAS went on to create a worldwide network of organizations across Canada, South America, China, and Australia.  The purpose was to import communism.

By 1925, the US east coast agency of HIAS had established Jewish only schools, universities, grocery stores, banks, and settlements.

This is how communism spread across America taking it down – from within.   Just as General Patton predicted shortly before his assassination.   The same ideology employed by George Soros – when he declared the only two countries standing in the way of his FULL Global takeover were Russia and the US.

The Fifth Column:    “a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within national borders.”  Such as the CIA and MI6.   In this context, the enemy is Bolshevik Communists.

“The noise against me is the only means by which Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany. There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs.  All Europe will be Communist.”    ~ General Patton

Thee CIA Drug Cartel & The Zionist Smart Cities

The White House and Pentagon are oddly silent regarding who operated the drone that hit the US Base in Jordan.   The reference is consistently ‘Iran Backed Drone” without designating what terrorist group is behind the controls.  Normally, such an attack would be cause for a terrorist group to gloat a victory – yet they are silent, begging the question was the drone actually an errant Israeli drone – given the location? 

Tower 22, the base that was hit by the drone is located near the demilitarized zone on the border between Jordan and Syria, the Iraqi border is 6 miles away.  The US has over 16 bases lining the western coast of Iran – on the east side, the US has another 8+ bases bordering Iran.   Other high security bases litter the Middle East but are not disclosed for ‘security’.   How a drone could fly undetected and ‘follow a US drone’ to the base before detonating is not logical.

The Houthi’s have been operating in the Red Sea exclusively as of late – their focus on Israel.   Hezbollah has been operating out of Iraq, not Iran.   Hezbollah rose to prominence after the assassination of Saddam Hussein who, with American support, began a war with Iran that cost over a million lives.   After Saddam declared himself no longer aligned with the US in 2003, America invaded Iraq.

Using the pretext of the attack being Iranian simply bolsters Israel’s desire for the carpet bombing of Iran.   So why does Israel so despise Iran that it wants the country disintegrated?  The popular narrative is to blame Hamas and Hezbollah as being Iran backed and funded.   But that isn’t the actual truth.   A)   Hamas is Sunni – Iran is Shiite.  B)   Hamas believes that Zionists want to take over the world.   C)  Hamas is funded by Qatar, USAID, UN, Iran, and thru a plethora of NGO’s and investment earnings.

Hezbollah is funded primarily through Lebanese businessmen who trade in Africa’s diamond market.   Other funding comes from the European Union and Germany.  While the US has accused other governments of funding, none of these countries have authenticated the accusation.

Enter Colombia drug market and the pissed off CIA:

The CIA drug running activities have allegedly included Colombia, Venezuela, Korea, Afghanistan, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, etc…   According to Gary Webb, an American journalist who wrote scathing accounts of the CIA and was subsequently assassinated, the CIA had massive ongoing activities in Nicaragua via the contra affair – cocaine.   DEA Agent Enrique Camarena discovered the CIA operation in Mexico – he too was assassinated.  Alfred McCoy claimed the CIA was harvesting the heroin in Afghanistan and protected the Drug Lords.

Hezbollah is a Shiite militant organization based in Lebanon.  They also are heavily involved in the drug trade operating across Europe, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico.   In other words, the drug trafficking Mafia CIA is fighting the drug trafficking Mafia Hezbollah for territory.   And Iran was thrown in as the enemy to appease Israel which then created ISIS.  The purpose of which was to take out Syrian and Iraqi Shiite Muslims.

What the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas have in common is their support for Palestine and their desire for all foreign bases and interference in the Middle East to be quashed.  What the CIA wants is zero competition.

The illicit drug trade in the US alone is valued at over $150 billion.  Worldwide, the trade is worth over $650 billion.   The White House under Senator Sheldon Whitehouse would seem to be uninformed as to the magnitude of US CIA involvement as he declares the US should be the global police of the trafficking trade…

Or perhaps Mr. Sheldon is more than aware of the CIA involvement and wants to ensure that the US remains the #1 Cartel.  His focus is to curb China’s trafficking in order to facilitate the Department of Justice’s ability to confiscate money laundered funds from the other Cartels.  He makes no mention of Colombia, Afghanistan, Venezuela, etc…  because that would open questions.

Drugs are part of the agenda.   Drugs are not simply causing overdose deaths, they are turning humans into rapid animals.   The animals defecate on streets, beat up police officers, and commit heinous crimes in inner cities with the ultimate purpose of mass exodus of the sane.

Gaza could be a test case.   With the end result, or RESET, being a recreation.  Because – no one will care when only criminals and zombies are massacred….  or carpet bombed in US cities given their lapse into hell.

Enter the Smart Cities Council:

Servicing ‘stakeholders’, the Council envisions extravagant smart cities that are virtually playgrounds for the elite – such as Dubai .   In November 2023, the Council hosted a summit on ‘building tomorrow’s sustainable urban ecosystem in – Orlando Florida using Altamonte Springs as an example of their success.   The panel included Florida state government officials.  Most residents in Altamonte rent their homes.  Institutional investors are the primary owner.

Through its subsidiary, Home Partners, Blackstone is buying up homes and offering ‘lease to own’ options.  Blackstone CEO is Stephen Schwarzman, a Zionist republican who favored Hillary and Romney.   He was also a favorite of Trump who positioned him and JP Morgan’s Dimon in the White House as advisors.  Schwarzman also works closely with China’s CCP

Home Partners:  Example.  A house in Sorrento is offered for $375,490 with monthly rental of $2660 or $32,000 per year.   The ‘right to purchase’ value of the home is 10% over the current list price and continues to grow each year.   The owner would pay an upfront security deposit for the right to buy.   The lease amount does not apply toward the house and financing must be through a proven third party.

Essentially, this concept was derived from 1980’s communist ideology in Poland.  You prepay for the privilege of buying but don’t take actual ownership/possession until a future date at an inflated price.  The owner of the property is guaranteed profit no matter what the actual real estate climate is in the future.

This is how small communities become smart cities wherein you will own nothing and be happy… Urban smart cities require the removal of valued residents before they can be carpet bombed like Gaza.

Media Spins are rife with falsities.   But money would be central to nearly every spin.   The CIA operates as a Cartel.   Investment Institutions operate like communist power blocs.   And Home Ownership will become a pact among billionaires.

THE FDR Equation Gave US Zionist Communist Control

Calling for a ceasefire in Palestine is pointless.   Netanyahu is operating on the highest Zion level to eradicate the population forever.   The UN is stumbling over itself against the allegations of Genocide initially brought by South Africa, with more loading on the dumpster that is what Israel has become.   The takeaway?   The UN is obsolete and worthless.  It’s demise would domino into other worthless money laundering schematics, including;  NATO, WHO, IMF, World Bank, every institution that self-proclaims they are the Global Order.

All the globalist institutions were created between 1944 – 1948.  The same people created ALL of these institutions with one purpose – Global Control.

The World Bank is run by 29 Vice Presidents and 25 Executive Directors and overseen by The World Bank Group which established the IMF.   It was created at the behest of Henry Morgenthau jr., a German Jew who never graduated from college but did find favor with Eleanor Roosevelt and thus was inducted into the FDR New Deal agenda.

The UN was formed in 1945 and created the World Health Organization.  The UN was established to end ALL future wars.   It’s predecessor, The League of Nations, proved worthless so FDR proposed a new and improved League – the United Nations.  The UN Charter was drafted by FDR, Churchill and Stalin…  The Charter was signed by the US, UK, Soviet Russia (Bolsheviks) and China.  Their mission was to ‘fight the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy’.

The alliance was communism.

During the fifties, communism began to run out of favor as it was exposed by McCarthy.   Instead of disappearing, communism simply moved underground.  The sixties Revolution was created to renew communism favor with young people pushing communes, drugs, open sex, etc…   But favor still did not spill over into government.

So the CIA was commandeered to operate as the communist underbelly.   Coups became commonplace, assassinations were ripe, and the infiltration of the media was an easy game of mass hypnosis – “America is the Greatest Nation.   The American government is the only government worthy of monitoring the corrupt nation’s ‘elections’.”

Reagan was easy to manipulate by this ‘goodness factor’.   Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama were all aboard the communist train and China was our best friend.   Then the Big Four began to splinter.   Reagan freed Russia of its communist oppressors.  China was still far behind the US making it a quasi ‘follower’ of US hegemony.   Therefore, the Zionists palled with China while demonizing Russia.

Secularism was the new majority.  And the Big Four believed they had captured the globe and could implement their reign of terror so as to create fear which translated into oppression.   But Putin’s Russia was clear that a coup would not be tolerated and their nationalism would thrive, survive, and grow stronger.   The Powers attempted to overthrow Xi Jinping – and lost.

And the Big Four became Two – the US and UK. 

During the era of 2,000’s the Middle East needed to be quashed given their oil profits were creating a new bloc that was not wholly aligned with the Big Two.   Enter the Big Lie – 9-11.   Created by the Big Two plus small one – Israel.   The purpose?  To squash the Middle East through wars sanctioned by the UN in their failed quest for global peace that never existed.

Now with Netanyahu’s unrelenting bombing of Palestine, the UN whines, but does nothing in terms of consequences.   Because the UN is the war monger.   And the World Bank profits on the war industry.

So.  Here we are.   The Middle East is slowly beginning to realize that they could easily be the next China or Russia.   South America is realizing that their economies were purposefully destroyed in order to make them noncompetitive in the Global Game of Four and now Two.   And the US now has more enemies – than allies.   While the Zionists proclaim they are winning.

In 2020, the WEF in Davos hosted over 117 governments.  In 2024, just 60 ‘governments & dignitaries’ showed.  Nearly half.   This is not a winning stage.   Yet – these elite don’t have a solution other than – censorship.

They are losing – and the question is – where will they go to regroup?  Zionists are unwelcome just about everywhere.  Not out of ‘anti-Semitism’, but out of their destructive, Godless, Greed and Power vacuum that believes they are The Chosen Ones.  By a God they don’t believe in.

This is why Ukraine is so important.   It is why the CIA has ordered Zelenskyy to continue killing as many Ukrainians as possible while vacating his entire government – so that the Zionist Controlled CIA can take over the country.   Zelenskyy will be eliminated.  Not by Russia – but by the CIA which will blame Russia.  His usefulness has been relinquished.   Blinken knows this.   And the country will become the playground for the Zionists to rebuild in the likeness of Dubai – the city they covet.  Ruled as a monarchial statehood.  Stakeholders will pay for the privilege to be included.   The money will be confiscated from frozen Russian assets, soon to be frozen Chinese assets, and the Climate Fund held by The World Bank.

The World Bank as controlled by the Zionists.   Kerry knows this.   This is why he stepped down as Climate Tzar.  Money.

What will become of Europe in this Zion transformation?

The biggest resource of the EU is manufacturing, ie, people.  But they killed the viable people off with the vax, so now The People will be the uneducated, immigrants pouring across the borders.   Training is slow given it requires language assimilation first.   The rate of success in this program is below 10%.   And more death vaxes are coming.   Their economies have been destroyed by Zionist agendas.   IF they recover it will take time – perhaps 70 years or more.

What will become of Israel?   The Boogeyman in the closet…

Israel’s Palestine agenda was to build a canal and cities along the canal – a continuation of Ben Gurion Canal – while putting the Suez out of business.   But in so doing, the Zionist Israel has now made enemies of every Middle Eastern country.   The cost to build the canal was being shared by the US in the form of war aid.   The beneficiaries are Europe and Asia.   But Asia has been cancelled.  The Middle East now despises Israel, and Europe is on the decline meaning trade will dramatically dissipate leaving Netanyahu and the US holding an empty purse.

IF – the US reverses its Zionist Control and trajectory, a trade alliance with the BRICS is the only means for recovery.

While a Haley election would most certainly lead America into the twalette – a Trump vote can put us on the path to recovery.  A Journey that will be long and arduous given the extent to which the Zionist agendas have raped the wealth from The People.   A journey, nonetheless, worth the making.

Everything Is Trump’s Fault: Declares the Anarchist Casey

The Conservatives of America will never unite.   The only viable candidate must possess a degree in law, political science, medicine, biology, religion, chemistry, economics, public heath, engineering, history, philosophy, mathematics, and mechanics in order to be considered.   But if he’s wearing anything but red socks – he’s OUT!   The ideology of perfection is nothing less than God.   God must be the US President.   Yet even then, they would find fault –

This is the reality of our culture.

I was reading an interview with Doug Casey and left with an incomprehensible awe of bridled disbelief.   The argument was regarding Trump and the fact that he made mistakes – he surrounded himself with bad people. Unintentionally.   But there is still no excuse.   Twitter is fraught with allegations that Trump botched the CoVid lockdown, meltdown atrocities and should have known better.

Why?   Because, 3 years after the fact everyone is an expert medical biologist with a degree in basketweaving.   Hindsight.   Yet the very same recommendations made by Trump, ie Vitamin D3 and C, were met with jeers and death threats!   Those same recommendations are now considered the cure. Treat it like a bad flu.

In 2016, theologian John Piper told his entire congregation that Trump wasn’t good enough and to vote for Pence –  Why   Because, he professed Christian doctrine. Hindsight.  Pence revealed himself to be the traitor, the turncoat, the fake Christian.   He is a rhino wearing a mask of the wolf.

Only God is eligible to be President.   Because perfection, a completely unattainable human condition, is required.

Trump should have known who all the wolves were. He should be able to surveil each and every house, bedroom, office and court room of every individual to know their secret inclinations.   Trump should have fired everybody – even those he  legally couldn’t.

Ann is shredding Trump for not completing the border wall.   “He deserves what he got”!   “He Failed”!   Melania’s close advisor wrote a tell-all book after spying on the First Lady.   Melania Failed!   Or my favorite, “Melania was never on the cover of Vogue, therefore she is ugly”!   These commentaries are not just from liberals – they are from wolf-conservatives.   They are vile – and they are devoid of humanity.

Ironically, Doug Casey’s fame came on the coattails of his multi-millionaire father’s real estate tycoon developments.   An atheist, Casey lives in Argentina. He states that Trump is unfit because he is a Jacobin.   What he doesn’t say is – who would be a viable and willing President that would meet his expectations.   It appears – no one.

Everybody is a self-proclaimed ‘expert’ – in hindsight.  

JFK’s VP was Lyndon Johnson, his CIA Director was Allen Dulles – thick as thieves they would have been hung in an America built on justice and truth.   Reagan had Bush – a devout Clintonite in disguise.   Obama was handed a corrupt Biden.   And Biden has the desert camel.

Trump a Jacobin?   Jacobin’s align with far left ideologies of socialism, authoritarianism, big government, and a peasant class state.   Doug Casey’s claim that this is representative of Trump is clearly false – yet it reflects a rhino sentimentality.   Not in Trump – but in Casey.

It is worthy to note that Casey’s preferred country, Argentina, where he has a  residential sporting estate project, Estancia de Cafayate”, is a country ruled under the Frente de Todos Party.   Their ideology includes: left wing populism, social democracy, progressivism, and communism.   The front runner for the coming Presidential election is anarcho-capitalist, Javier Milei.   And thus it becomes more clear why Casey would deride President Trump and falsely label him a Jacobin when in fact Jacobian ideology is anarchism and Casey self identifies as an anarcho-capitalist.

Hate to break the news but neither God nor Jesus will ever be elected US President.   Anarchy breeds chaos.   The wall was not built because of rhinos.   The Pandemic was supported by – rhinos.   The economy is being driven into a full-blown Great Depression II by rhino’s aligned with Democrats.   And Bolshevik communism is the end result if The People adhere to – it’s all Trump’s fault – while sitting on their arses, drinking Jacobian kool-aide.

Are The Jewish Bolshevik Hedge Funds Infighting?

Between 2021 and 2022, Hawaiian Electric increased revenue by nearly 40%.   Their ‘Maintenance’ Expense represented 3.4% of income.   Customer Receivables increased by $67 million or 45%.   The Green New Deal that powers the switch to: A) averting the climate crisis, B) clean communities, C) LOWER energy costs, and D) millions of good paying jobs declares these are the ‘fruits of their work.   ENERGY is much cheaper now.  Millions of good paying jobs have been created.   And the climate crisis has been removed.   Living the LIE.

The Green New Deal Website:   “We will change the narrative by investing in movements. We invest in and support creative and disruptive movements that can dramatically change public opinion and what’s politically possible.”

They sponsor 14 organizations including;   MoveOn, BLM, Service Employees International Union, The Working Families Party and Sunrise Movement – among others.

Their position?   Communism For All. Their Funding? Tides Foundation and US Government via The Inflation Reduction Act, The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, The Justice 40 Initiative, the EPA, and The America Rescue Plan Act – all implemented vis the Biden Regime.

One of their prime concerns was making sure Trump lost 2020 and will never be elected again.  Why?  Because Trump is onboard oil & gas energy efficiency and independence.

Will the governor of Hawaii declare the cause of the Lahaina fire to be faulty equipment?   With a $2-$3 billion price tag to rebuild – Hawaii Electric would be wiped out.   The largest shareholders include BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard.  The only other option would be to declare the fire was a direct result of Climate Change – an Act of God – and likely uninsured.

The media predominantly focuses on Larry Fink as the founder of BlackRock, however, there are eight co-founders: Larry Fink, Robert Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson.  They have a number of commonalities including being of Jewish descendancy.   When BlackRock was founded, Fink’s desk was referred to as Little Israel.

Today, with $10 trillion under investment, BlackRock is not just powered by investment – but by lending.   If a business/corporation wants to secure a loan, said company MUST adhere to Little Israel’s conditions.   Typically those conditions involve DEI – and entail reimagined and unnecessary costs.   A type of blackmail scheme to reduce profits.

In 2019, Barbara Novick held an hours long conversation at Stanford School of Business to discuss whether BlackRock should be the global corporate governance.   The rationale?  There are only 2 countries in the world with a GDP over $10 Trillion – US and China.  Therefore BlackRock already has the advantage over every country and every business…

  • November 2021, BlackRock was charged by Consumers Research of propping up Chinese Leaders, and investing in surveillance companies owned by the CCP.   In addition, Consumers Research Director, Hild, claimed BlackRock was ‘bullying US companies to divest their main product – oil & gas.   In the selloff, BlackRock sopped up increased investment in – oil & gas knowing full well that solar and wind were defunct useless investments.
  • August 1, 2023, BlackRock was being investigated by Congress for allegedly investing in Chinese companies blacklisted by the US.

Jewish Communism, aka The Bolsheviks, has even left Soros floundering in their acrid pool of Control.  Maybe Not So Fast.

BlackRock claims it has invested $170 billion in US public energy companies, including; Valero, Exxon, Chevron, Occidental, and Conoco Phillips. In addition it has equity positions throughout Europe’s Oil & Gas industry. The obvious point of BlackRock bullying US corporations to divest their oil & Gas shares is to create a Kingdom Monopoly. The concept of “Net Zero” is a fantasy.   It is a diversion so as to create a Western One World with BlackRock at the helm.

China Investment presented a feud:  Soros and Fink parted ways over the Chinese Investments.   In 2020, BlackRock’s China portfolio showed a whopping return over 46%.   Over the course of 2021 and 2022, that return was completely wiped out.   It would appear Soros won that argument.

Are the Jewish Bolsheviks infighting?

In a 2020 commentary, Soros stated, BlackRock’s endorsement of transparency and forthrightness environmental, social, and corporate governance investing principles are oxymoronic in light of their efforts in China. Put more coarsely, the firm is talking out of both sides of its mouth.”

Bridgewater, another hedge fund that invested heavily in China, has liquidated 1/3 of its investments. Also of Jewish descent, Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater in 1975.   Stepping down as co-CEO in 2017, while still maintaining an advisory role, two new co-CEO’s were named in 2022: Mark Bertolini and Nir Bar Dea.  Nir is Jewish.  His investment focus – AI.

Since the Maui fire, Hawaii electric has lost nearly 60% of its value.   Like PG&E, the utility may declare bankruptcy.   Oddly, before the fire, Hawaiian Electric had paid out 2/3rds of its benefit pension liability, was this in anticipation?  There is no such thing as coincidence.   Hawaii Electric’s largest shareholders include Vanguard and BlackRock.

When the largest hedge funds in the world begin to have spats, the outcome will be a nuclear selloff war for Control.   At this point, although Fink has significantly more at his helm than Soros – he doesn’t have Soros power…. YET.


Pre-Earthquake, Erdogan was adamant that he would not approve of Finland and Sweden joining the NATO ascension throne.   Post earthquake, Erdogan has given his approval for fast-tracking.   In addition, despite a contractual agreement with Putin, Erdogan allowed five Azov Battalion Nazis free from their Turkish prison. The agreement with Russia stipulated that once the war was over, the five Nazis could be freed to Ukraine.

Is the Russia-Ukraine war over?   No.   But the obvious threat to Erdogan was a repeat of the earthquake multiplied by ten.   And the threat-makers are likely at their desks in Langley.

From Russia’s standpoint, Sweden and Finland were already well entrenched in the socialist Marxist ideology.   And the award ceremony is mere pomp and circumstance. While Finland borders Russia, Sweden does not.   Typically, the reason by western mobsters would be to use Finland as a human shield for the front of an EU war.   A Sacrificial Lamb – if they embraced God. But they don’t.

Finland’s membership in the Cult is not even 3 months old and the US is putting together a contract for multiple military bases and fultime deployment of US troops.   The official briefing, “The presence of US forces will help strengthen Finland’s defensive potential”.   The unofficial commentary – A)  the US spends anywhere from $80 billion to $160 billion annually (Pentagon Math) to maintain current overseas bases.   B)   the military is short-staffed to the tune of 25%   C)   the military weapon stash is depleted.   D) the cost to build a new base is roughly $800 million – and the US is proposing multiple bases in Finland, Sweden and Denmark.

Sounds eerily like a military takeover of three European countries simultaneously.

It also wreaks of US allowing Ukraine to completely fall to Russia while they reconnoiter efforts to the North for a future offensive. That would mean Soros and the Cartel have been sufficiently compensated for their various trafficking enterprises that were stalled by the Russian incursion via aide packages that never went to Ukraine.

On that note:   Today Biden opposed an independent audit of Ukraine aid to date.   Surprise!

ALL of these northern European base maneuvers are hardly a defensive move, the offensive is preparing for a long war with Russia to the tune of decades.   Only the next time the US and Europe will be the invaders.   Soros, Biden, and most of the aging pool of neocons will have hit the bucket by then – making what they do now dependent on the same evil existing forever.

The strategy is stagnant.   Germany never needed US bases.   Nor is it the responsibility of the US.   A now seemingly ‘broke’ US.   So where will The Pentagon ‘find’ the money if Yellen keeps telling us we are moving toward a recession while using fake employment numbers to justify raising interest rates to 1970’s levels?   If the government caves employment, they cave tax dollars, they cave Pentagon expenditures.

Who the Fark is running the show?  Because they apparently have a combined IQ of 50 and the military strategic analysis of a poolboy.

Finland and Sweden currently spend about $15 billion per year for their military expenditures combined.   Under the NATO 2% guideline, Sweden would need to nearly double its current spending on defense. Assuming that NATO actually upholds the 2% requirement, which it hasn’t since its inception.   Of course, this time is Different – every NATO member has ‘pledged’ – pinky swear, to make the 2% sometime within the next decade…or two.

After 70 years, only 7 of the 30 NATO members have actually spent 2% of GDP on defense – 23%.   How can that be?   USAID.

The US gives Foreign Aid to 172 countries.   There are a total of 195 countries on the globe counting The Vatican.   That means the US is footing the bill for 90% of the world! The Brookings Institute states that Foreign Aid in 2019 was only $38 Billion or less than 1% of The Federal Budget.   Another source states the aid in 2019 was $47 billion. Still another put the figure at $33 billion and another at $51 billion.

The problem with fudging the books is that you need to make sure everyone spits out the same answer.

The US Constitution Article 8, Clause 3, regulates the power of Congress to spend money on foreign nations for the purpose of ‘Commerce’.   As in Trade.   Using taxpayer dollars for Foreign Aid is NOT Constitutional!

Between 1945 and 1953, the US government illegally gave nearly $6 billion to Asian countries – the vast majority going to China/Taiwan (given that Taiwan was given to China post WWII).

In 1961, Congress enacted The Foreign Assistance Act, which was signed as an Executive Order by JFK. The Act was written by James Fulbright, a democrat hawk who supported US integration into NATO, UN, Marshall Plan, and a European Union. He also supported President Truman’s firing of General McArthur over his anti-Communist stance. Fulbright declared that communism was not our enemy – The Soviet Union was our biggest threat.   Lost on him was that the Soviets were Communist.   However, Fulbright’s advocacy against McCarthy leant clarity to Fulbright’s embrace of communism.   Fulbright’s entire tenure in the federal government was the preservation of communism in the US.

The Foreign Assistance Act enabled the formation of USAID.   The Act declared that no assistance would ever go to a communist country, nor to any country that violated ANY Human Rights.   Which would basically eliminate nearly every country on earth from aid today!   However, it was this Act that Biden used as justification to give aid to Ukraine – illegally – given the human rights violations in Ukraine have been documented by Amnesty International and in numerous UN Reports for decades.

AND NOT One Congressman considered a vote of violation.

Sending troops abroad has also been a point of contention given that the US Constitution would take precedent over a NATO agreement.  The US Military now has 750 bases spread across 80 countries.   This represents 80% to 90% of ALL Foreign bases across the globe. The main tenets for overseas bases include:   1. Deterrence whether real or imagined,   2.   Reassure allies.

The CATO Institute, The Brookings Institute, Foreign Policy Center and others have all challenged the entire concept of foreign bases.   There is no Constitutional or legal basis for the precedent.   In fact – the US Government takes it to extreme by having a base in northern Syria WITHOUT permission of the government.   Not to mention theft of Syria’s oil.

It is no wonder aid to Iraq last year increased exponentially given the oil taken from Syria is sold on the Iraqi black market. And booked as Foreign Aid by The Pentagon.

Always looking out for the Cartels:   Trafficking, Banking and Military Industrial, The US Government is apparently RingLeader personified..

As Ukraine takes a nosedive following their non-integration into EU Membership the US is already in Plan D mode creating a trafficking route on the northern spectrum of Europe via Finland, Denmark and Sweden.   With ALL that this implies.

World Economic Forum: Employee Ownership – A Ponzi Scheme

The main thrust of the World Economic Forum 2023 is “Resilience”.   Corporations are warned that they need quick and decisive action in the face of adversity.   The slower they react, the more likely they will fail their ‘stakeholders’.   Shareholders are passé.   WEF Young Leaders have infiltrated every western country, and China. Those from Taiwan list their country of origin as Taiwan, China.   NOT Taiwan, USA.

In our new world of DEI and sustainability – it appears the concept is appeasement.   Websites have been redrawn to host a black representation of life.   Diversity experts showcase the corporations stakeholder agenda.   While behind the scenes Boards are typically white male dominant.   The point – the D in DEI is a nod, not a reality.

Equity:   this concept is a bit more creative in its logic and rationale. The term “equity” refers to fairness and justice. Equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances. ~ NACE

It is under this presumption that DA’s refuse to prosecute – because criminals started from a place of imbalance and thus are not responsible for their crimes.   By contrast, it is presumed that all educated White people come from a place of upper class standards and therefore their crimes must be over-prosecuted to account for the injustice of equity.

Inclusivity:     This term did not apply to people until recently. It’s previous meanings were more aligned in entities or resorts or family.   It was not until the great sustainable word began to be used in every sentence that ‘inclusive’ was brought in as a form of ‘nonracism’.

The WEF list of global fellow youth leaders is inclusive of Christina Freeland of Canada, and Maria Bartiroma of the US. A prominent sponsor of the WEF is McKinsey & Company.

McKinsey’s website states they want to build an ‘Inclusive Economy”.   Lead in;   7 in 10 people live in societies with growing inequality.For McKinsey this means delisting colleges and attracting more people to trained skill positions. Their point? College does nothing to prepare a person for work.   It is a good point, relevant, and viable – IF that is what they actually were trying to achieve.

Unfortunately, McKinsey then starts with the Bill Gates/WHO methodology of tossing out fake success numbers that are completely, entirely fabricated.   “We saved 5 million lives” – “We have helped reskill 1.25 million people”…   False Advertising used to be a crime.

In complete contrast to the WEF they fund and sponsor, McKinsey claims Ownership Works, and have created a new NGO with the name.   Website:   “We are reimagining Equity to Build Wealth For All”. Funding is predominantly from Banks, Investment Funds, Big Oil, and includes Rockefeller Foundation and Omidyar Network among other noteworthies.

Their objective is for employees to become the owners of an existing company – overseen by an ‘investor’. The Investor is a funding partner of Ownership Works;   Berkshire, KKR, Silver Lake, Blue Wolf Capital, etc…   The appointed Investor manages all the business and decision making on behalf of the employee share owners while training the employees is a joint effort of McKinsey and the WEF.   For a Fee.

But it isn’t exactly how it sounds.   Employees are given shares in the company in the highest dilution possible.   For example:   Harley is predominantly owned by BlackRock and State Street. More than 146 million shares are outstanding.   The shares given to employees are infinitesimal compared to the number outstanding and the employee is only given the value of the shares when they retire. More like a pension plan. Or restricted stock shares that cannot be sold.

Harley Davidson’s share value since 2014 has halved.   Employees are warned that the risk of ownership may outweigh its benefit ~ SEC.

When United Airlines instituted 55% stake employee ownership – it came with restrictions such as reduced pay, reduced benefits, and work-rule changes.   The largest shareholder of United is – Vanguard.  It is the Hedge Funds which rule the Board of Directors which rally the Executives to do as they are told.   Employees are still just employees – only now they are getting paid less.

The idea of employee ownership has not taken off very well. It is not about ownership per se, you are still simply an employee with reduced wages and benefits and a retirement plan built on owning one stock. By comparison, executives are offered higher options, unrestricted, and retain full power.

This is more like a PR stunt to pay less employee wages and benefits such as 401k plans – in the present and future while maintaining the same structure.   A Ponzi Scheme – a shell game because you still don’t have real ownership – your stock has no value – until you retire.

Note:   In the 1980’s when the communists took control of Poland they instituted similar measures;   to buy any car, you needed to pay the FULL cost up front, wait 5-7 years for the delivery of said car, and if the value increased during the time between purchase and delivery you had to pay the difference. If the value decreased, Your Loss!   Exactly the same as the employee stock ownership plan…