The MISES INSTITUTE – Bolsheviks rewrite Economics & History

The Rothschild Economist is afraid of Xi Jinping.   By becoming a more closed political system, Jinping is seeking to expand his power ~ according to an anonymous writer for The Economist.  The underlay Gob Speak translation is; ‘Xi Jinping will not allow a western coup’, therefore China is an Enemy.  How Dare China demand sovereignty.  

Jinping’s Minister of the Economy has unveiled a target of 5% GDP growth for 2024 thru increased productivity in manufacturing – which has proven to be China’s best source of income.   How?   By following in the Russia ideology of Nation First.   Or, Make America Great Again.   Nationalism is the bane of the Zion Cartel.  Nationalism has been redefined as ‘superiority’, aggression toward other nations, and racist.   Why?  Because nationalism unites people and the Cartel requires division and hate.

CATO INSTITUTE:   Nationalism is a collectivist ideology at odds with America’s founding fathers principles and institutions, classical-liberal economics, and the realities of our diverse population.

The CATO Institute was founded on libertarian principles, however in 1981, they kicked out Board Chair Murray Rothbard, one of the founders, in order to pursue more political skew points for the Rhino establishment.  Now CATO defines itself as embracing ‘classical liberalism’.

IN the Declaration of Independence, John Locke had initially written, Life, Liberty and Property – which Thomas Jefferson changed to ‘the pursuit of happiness’ – a World Economic Forum Pill that has soured considerably.  Our ‘Founding Fathers’ were not always on our side – they were on the side of Britain which was ruled by Rothschild.

By the 1930’s, FDR’s New Deal was declared to be the modern classical liberalism.  Karl Popper, Soros protégé, considered himself to be a classical liberal.   Today, the CATO Institute is associated with the Liberal Party – its roots have been sitting in too much water creating Methane Gas.

And Methane stinks.

Peter Goettler is CEO of CATO.   He is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.  Defined as a neoliberal organization, Mont Pelerin was created in 1947, for the purpose of fighting against the growing control of government which suppressed freedom.   Like CATO, its nonpolitical ideology was usurped and the Society became a thin dying vine of its previous self.

These NGO’s which were once revered for their nonpartisan intellectualism have fallen into a disarray parallel to our mayors, AG’s, DA’s, Justice Department and every intel agency known to exist.  They have essentially been ‘couped’.

Both CATO and Mont Pelerin declare they are in alignment with the Mises Institute.

The Mises Institute:    is a nonprofit thinktank headquartered in Auburn Alabama, that is a center for radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleoliberitarian and anarcho capitalist movements in the United States. 

WOW!  Apparently, our esteemed Lew Rockwell is a radical anarchist…. According to the classical liberals who dictate Truth.  The Mises Institute is credited with having earned the ire of The Economist (Rothschild) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (Soros) which claims that The Mises Institute is ‘neo-Confederate’.  Gob Speak for ‘white supremacy’ and racism.

Apparently, anyone who supports the history of the Confederate, including The United Daughters of The Confederacy – are guilty of creating a false history given they honor their legacy of Confederates who were really dishonorable soldiers advocating slavery.  Hence, The Mises Institute has been rebranded by the Cartel.

One fun aspect of “Wikipedia” is that it maintains a history of every edit made.   Therefore when reading the original caption of The Mises Institute from 2005, it stated;   “The Mises Institute is a foundation, based in Auburn Alabama, dedicated to research on economics and political economy. It subscribes to a view of government and economics inspired by the Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises. The Institute’s founder and current president is Llewellyn Rockwell Jr. Murray Rothbard was a major influence on the Institute’s activities, and he served as its vice president until his death in 1995.

And THAT my friends is how history is rewritten.

While Obama brought this transformation to the forefront, he is not the President behind the Blue Curtain as some ascertain.  Obama is simply another puppet groomed to dress, speak, walk, think, and display within the entirety of vanity.   His intelligence acumen is likely on par with Biden.   I doubt he went to Law School and his Columbia University degree is also questionable given no pictures, no classes, no classmates.

It is theorized that Obama was groomed by Soviet Bolsheviks to destroy America and initiate Marxist-Communist Totalitarian Rule.   The Harriman Institute at Columbia University was established in 1946, as the Russian Institute.  Founded by Rockefeller. The Harriman Institute grovels over Navalny, the Zion Holocaust, Ukraine Nazis, and Vladimir Troyanksy who wrote, Empire of Refugees.    The treatise exposes the anger of Soviet Bolsheviks and Muslim Circassians who left Russia for the Ottoman Empire and destroyed it from within.

These are the people who groomed Obama – who taught him Marxist and Communist ideologies as a means of taking over the world in the name of The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.  The Harriman Institute at Columbia University.

Guess who was just appointed as the newest member of Columbia Harrison Institute faculty? 

Victoria Nuland!  SURPRISE!

CLIMATE CHANGE: A Philosophy of Science Based On Opinion

“Can Dangerous Environmental Tipping Points Be Averted?”  ~   Short answer – NO.   Long answer – the media, the UN, the WEF have proclaimed that the end point has already been traversed multiple times – they just keep moving the goal posts.   Why?  The obvious answer is because the money going to the Green Fund needs a continuous flow in order to launder it back to politicians.  If they acknowledge we have reached the point of no return, why spend any more time, effort and money fixing a dead problem?

As of 12-31-22, the Green Fund was sitting on Assets of $11.7 Billion with total liabilities of $810 Million – the vast majority of which was a ‘new loan’.   Two outstanding figures on the Financial Statements include – Loans Receivable and Loans Payable.   Sitting on over $8 Billion in cash, it is curious the Green Fund would increase their borrowings by 90% over 2021, as in their ‘liability’.  Loans Receivable would indicate the fund is making ‘micro-loans’ instead of actually disbursing income – $11 billion is Assets/Cash.

Which of course, is the point – to raise contributions so that the fund becomes income generating via microloan interest rates exploiting the poor.   The Green Fund has many competitive friends including JP Morgan, George Soros, Citigroup, USAID, and Sequoia Capital who represent just a few of the investors who reap massive interest income rewards charging upwards of 100% per year.   The typical client?  Women.

What happens when a person cannot pay back the interest or the loan?   They lose their house, their land, their business, and often their – life.

The UN and World Bank are complicit.   The regional resources that are targeted are thus slowly transferred to the bank making the loans for pennies on the dollar.   Poverty is extended.   And local governments are given a piece of the profits to keep their mouths shut.

One such place is Barbados.  A colony of Britain, Barbados still operates slave trade.   The Green Fund and microlending are rife within this small island community.   Despite growing rage, King Charles’ response was to request a ‘study’ be done to assess the slavery on Barbados.  The Netherlands apologized and continued on unabated.   Typical farm employees earn $900 per month, 25% earn less than $600 per month.

The largest plantation land owner in Barbados is Richard Drax, a member of the British Parliament.   His family has been and continues to support the slave trade that has existed for over 200 years on his plantation.  While Drax failed to provide the required financials as a member of Parliament – it is estimated he is worth well over $150 million.


According to the UN University Institute For Environment and Human Security, 70% of groundwater is used for agriculture.   The plants that are the most water dependent are rice, soybeans, wheat, sugar, cotton and alfalfa.  Rice – they say – is a disaster for Africa due to the frequency of droughts. The drought friendly plants include peppers, chickpeas, corn, tomatoes, okra and rhubarb.  In Africa Sorghum is an abundant nutritious grain that is drought tolerant and is used for human consumption, animal feed, alcohol, and as a biofuel.  So why are they still growing rice?

The global cast for rice growing are China and India.  In fact, of the ten countries which are the producers of rice – Africa does not even factor in at all.  The myth.  China produces more than all countries combined with the elimination of India.  But the Green Fund, the UN, and the NOAA, don’t even mention China.   The countries producing the most soybeans?   Brazil and the US.   Soy is used extensively to make fake meats.  Other common ingredients include grains, beans and wheat – all of which require massive amounts of water.

In other words, the US and China are using the MOST water unsustainably than any other countries across the globe.  But the Green Fund goes to Africa…   Why?

Fast answer – because if Africa were to be able to develop its resources without western colonial interference – Africa would become a heavy weight industrial nation – competition. Therefore it is of paramount concern for the strategies implemented by the UN and Bill Gates to keep Africa in a forever state of abject poverty.  All while giving false information about the state of the Climate, the Globe, Food and Water.

Global Surface Temperature.

According to NOAA, between 1880 and 1940, the global surface temperature was negative – as in an ice age.  Between 1980 and present day, the surface temperature rose to 1.   1880 is used as the baseline because global surface temperatures were not taken and unknown prior to this year.   In fact, there was no ‘global’ baseline  because there was no ‘global measurement’, it was a singular measure taken either in Europe or the US.

The concept forces a false baseline and a false ‘global’ estimate.

The methodology of measuring sea temperature between 1880 and 1940 was accomplished via a sailor rowing out to sea, taking a bucket tied by a rope, collecting some water and measuring the temperature using a mercury thermometer.   Surface temperatures are taken at various stations around the globe, and their reliability is also suspect given the position of the stations is subject to ‘interpretation’.

As a result, raw data is ‘corrected’ to comply with the thought police of science …

In other words, surface and sea temperatures are unreliable today and worthless before, during and after upgrades in 1990.   The entire comparison methodology is false.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Greenhouse gas emissions are measured via a formula based on utilizing CO2 levels as the equivalent and multiplying that by the Global Warming Potential (GWP).   The global warming potential assigns a grade to gases such as nitrous oxide, methane, etc…  However, some countries use a different value system in creating their ‘estimates’  which are ignored in the final tally by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – created by the UN in 1988.   This GWP methodology was developed between 1995 and 1997 – when the world began…

The authors of these IPCC reports are aged from late 50’s to mid 80’s – well before Climate Change was offered in ANY university as a degree much less a program.   There is no true “expert on climate change”.

Making the entire methodology false and misleading.

The Climate Change Hoax for the advent of The Green Fund, was simply created as another $$$$$$$ Industry to launder money away from taxpayers to the governments.  It has no basis in reality and no basis in Science:   “The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.”  

Climate Change is a philosophy – which is NOT a truth, but an opinion.

ISRAEL WAR: A Slew of Back Stories Gone Awry – Blinken on Suicide Watch

There are some peculiar irregularities beginning to rise as we attempt to parlay where the Israel/Palestine war goes from here:  

  1. ‘Aid” to Palestine was an Obama construct, reversed by Trump and reinstated by Biden –
  2. Does this imply a confrontation had been planned for years?
  3. Egypt warned Israel 3-4 days before the attack and they did absolutely nothing to prepare.
  4. This is exactly what happened when our own distinguished intel all dropped the ball despite warnings ahead of 9-11.
  5. The Cartel likes to play the same reruns over and over…
  6. The WH declares absolutely no US incursion into the war.   Yet today DoD Austin announced two warships are off the coast, and marines had been called up.
  7. Human Rights Watch, which is a Soros NGO, is condemning Israel’s attacks as violating International Law targeting civilians.
  8. Netanyahu is dropping white sulfur on Gaza.   And seems to be operating as an android might.
  9. Israel has killed and injured a umber of war correspondents including from Reuters – and seems not to care. In additional 11 UN peaceworkers were killed by Netanyahu without remorse.
  10. The UN is calling out Israel’s War Crimes.

Blinken admits on national news that funding Iran means funding Hamas, gosh darn unfortunately.   But Blinken is likely the one who negotiated the exchange of 5 Americans for 3 Iranians and the unfreezing of monies held via a trade deal between South Korea and Iran.   A Contract.   And Qatar has likely refused to become a party to violating said contract.  Blinken – Fatal Flaw was already on the suicide watch.

I see three possible explanations:   1) Netanyahu has gone rogue. And is insane.   2) Rothschild’s Israel (owns 93% of the land in Israel and leases it to settlements) and the new Soros protégé, Pierre Omidyar, are having an argument.   3)   Netanyahu is AI.

Good ole desk jockey Austin has declared that the US can easily handle two wars, Ukraine and Israel thru funding, weapons, and ‘aid’.   The fact that the bank was broke with Ukraine makes the statement a bit as though memo’s are NOT emailed to everyone and thus we have a Houston Problemo.   The stories do NOT jive.

We know our weapons are depleted.   We know our coffers are dry. We know our manpower and intelligence are ill-equipped. And we are on a temporary budget!  With Jim Jordan coming in – a McCarthy democrat deal is not nearly as likely.   The Democrat pick failed and Jim Jordan is taking the baton.  DANG!   Of course, they might use the, ‘We have to fund our military fighting against the Nazi terrorists’…

Yes, Hamas is no longer Hamas they have been promoted to ISIS/Nazi/Hamas. As though this reference will drive even greater fuel for rage responses.  

Something is amiss.  

Blinken ending his trip to Qatar to shore up the $6 billion of funds for Iran was billed as a great success until a day later Qatar announced that they would cutoff ALL oil exports if a ground war was launched in Gaza.   Interestingly, Qatar’s main export partners for oil include: Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea and Thailand.   None of whom have any hand in the Israel war.   But it could force these countries to thus take a side.   In particular worry is – China.

Creating the backdrop for the WWIII proposal that is making Blinken so jittery and nervous – eyes darting, etc…   Yet another development: Right after leaving Qatar, Blinken traveled to Colombia, Chile and Peru claiming these countries are the source of our out of control border…   What The Heck?

Of these three countries, the singular common denominator is they all export oil to – China.   Therefore, Blinken knew that Qatar would make the oil embargo statement and is busily trying to shore up and replenish Qatar’s oil for China with South American oil so that China doesn’t get in a wad and side with Palestine.

Back home in Amerika, America First Legal has filed a lawsuit against Blinken charging he violated the Taylor Force Act by subsidizing Palestinian terrorism resulting in the death of 14 Americans in Israel.  A potential death penalty.

Iran is an ally of Qatar.   Any attack on Iran would ignite Saudi Arabia and Qatar – both of whom have been heavily supplied with US weapons for years!   Putting the entire West on high alert.  And Blinken on the Line!

IF Netanyahu is rogue, then Blinken has no ability to quell Netanyahu’s dearth of vengeance including a ground assault. Meaning this was supposed to be another incursion – not a war.   And everyone miscalculated!

IF Netanyahu is AI – it means the world is under the spear of a James Bond villain set on destroying earth.

IF Netanyahu is answering to Rothschild’s demands and Soros is pissed because the funding he had already earmarked for Ukraine has now dwindled, negotiating peace in Israel would take front seat to appease Soros.

Any way you cook the gamut, it appears, this was NOT the plan and once again Blinken is in the hot seat for not considering the consequences of “Funding”.   Soros could give a fark if all our troops died due to being out-weaponed, he just wants to keep the money flowing into Ukraine. Why?   Because Ukraine was the trafficking hub for all trafficking and laundering;   money, children, organs, slaves, drugs, etc…   And Russia put a huge dent in that revenue source.   Soros has been taking the biggest cut of Ukraine money to replenish what he is losing from his trafficking trade.

That means, Blinken is charged with keeping China at bay, negotiating with Netanyahu over implementing peace, keeping the Middle East happy with suitcases of cash, and reinstating Ukraine Aid to Soros while keeping that war ongoing. It then becomes understandable that Blinken is losing it –

In the meantime, Putin has offered to step in and mediate a long lasting two separate state solution returning the pre 1967 boundaries taken by Israel. The UN concurs with Putin.

Alice In Wonderland Red Queen – Revisited!

THE CABAL Cartel – The Little Shop of Horrors

The expansion of the BRICS is the Band Wagon.  The GOP debate focusing on China and Russia is inconsequential, a benign threat.   It only becomes a threat when war hawks are fearful.  Both countries expressed a desire to work with the West – but the entire America Gamut of Cartel munchkins misguided the opportunity and instead chose punishment.  Realizing they had destroyed their chances of achieving their goal, the Cabalists wanted vengeance.  Death.

France is desperate.   Losing their foothold in Africa, they lose money and resources.   They want vengeance.   Sabotaging a private plane, they killed 7 members of a mercenary organization that could threaten their chance of regaining a foothold in Niger.   Putin likely already knows exactly who murdered the men.   He will avenge the death of his friends and comrades.

The war hawks blame Putin for the assassination mission and tell the media to gobble it up and spit it out.   Putin Did It!   But he didn’t.   The tactics are wrong.  Not his style.   Putin is subtle.   This was a Hollywood stage display.   It is why Belarus was vacated of every western person – The Cabalists thought vengeance would be reaped upon the innocent.   They don’t know Putin.  They will be hunted.

Africa wants help in establishing gas and electricity infrastructure.   The West, via Kerry, said no because gas is inconsistent with The Green Deal for net zero – as in no more breathable oxygen.  Plants die, wild animals die and the land is forever – dust to dust.   Africa wants help.   It is asking for help.  And the BRICS say – sure.  Because help means prosperity.   The Cabal is more concerned about prosperity for themselves ONLY.

The BRICS see prosperity as a means of expanding wealth, knowledge, and evolution.

The West is stuck on a hamster wheel wherein supporting each of the three Cartels is the point of existence.   Every single move made by the West is serving the Cartel.   Whether it is war, Pharma, or Banking.   And the Cartel is never satisfied – it is a vampire always needing more blood.

COUPSs are necessary in order to garner more food for the Cartel.  Money has no intrinsic value – it is just a piece of paper.   They prefer commodities.   This is their true wealth.  Their minions are well trained providing whatever they required.   There are no rules, acquisitions must be distributed.   By any methodology.   So they acquire the gold and uranium, the diamonds and sapphires.  They acquire children, and servants.   The spoils are secured in vaults and underground bunkers.   Traded only amongst themselves.   Because they can never be depleted.   They must be instead hoarded.

Putin’s war with Ukraine upended this cycle.   They lost their trafficking hub.  Their vaults of spoils.   And so multiple assassination attempts were levied.   Futile.   Putin dodged each time.   These failures were wholly unacceptable.   Desperation hung in the air and the Cartel gave the order to destroy the US economy.   Destroy the entire Western economies.   Because the minions had failed.   Their lackeys were useless.    Their lives expendable.

And the Cartel became the Python that ate its tail.  The minions continue doing the bidding of their Masters because they don’t know anything else.   They thrive on serving.

The West has lost.   The Cartel has lost.   They are angry.

The BRICS are united.

Will the Cartel lizards let go?   Never.   Because their existence is based on this cycle.   They must be fed.  The Little Shop of Horrors – FEED ME!

So how does the story end?

It depends.   There were two endings to the Griffith story Little Shop of Horrors.  Just as we have parallel universes according to CERN.   We can choose our ending by our actions.   Sometimes that requires utilizing the ideology that creates weakness – and applying it where it belongs, as in ‘divide and conquer’.    Only we are the dividers.

Trade is essential to survival.   Resources are essential to survival.   And UNITY within is essential to survival.   We can’t just put the government minions in jail along with their supporters.   The Gulag Train.   But another Pandemic is being created for this winter.   Perhaps a pandemic of disease – perhaps a pandemic of geoengineered weather.  Don’t be drawn into the fear – use fear against them.

Ultimately, redrawing the United States may be our only means.     And maybe the BRICS will help us.   They are NOT our enemy.

ENERGY RESOURCES: Plundering Lithium While Exporting Oil & Gas

RESOURCES. Plundering resources is the amped up gamut parlayed by ‘intelligence operatives’ seeking means to take from others – and if they do not comply their government will be couped.   According CSIS, the newest plundering is focused on Chile, Argentina and Brazil. The resources: Lithium, gold, and copper.   The reasoning;   electric vehicle sales will become 60% of the global market by – 2030 – and lithium and gold are essential to that delivery.

The truth?   Electric cars are losing in the marketplace, auto manufacturers are sitting on devastatingly high inventories, and the burn factor is hitting insurance companies.

The Next Generation:   Science is testing 7 alternatives to the lithium battery after ignoring the grossly unethical and ravaging of the environment lithium induces.

  1. Aqueous Magnesium Batteries – very imperfect,   2.   Solid State Batteries – Toyota to begin release of EV’s using this technology in 2025,    3.   Sodium Atinomy Telluride Intermetalic Anodes – a technology that may collapse,    4.   Sodium Sulfur Batteries, – having some of the same problems as lithium,   5.   Seawater Batteries in top-secret development at IBM,   6.   Graphene Batteries – Australia – may revolutionize the industry,   7.   Manganese Hydrogen Batteries – too much instability.

This would indicate that the true resource that CSIS is diverting attention from is Graphene. The largest reserves of Graphene come from Turkey, China, Brazil and Mozambique.   Therefore plundering will necessitate some power manipulations.

Given China has become persona-non-grati, that would leave Turkey, Brazil and Mozambique as potential colonies.

The problem with graphene is the ‘finite reserves’ which are ‘scientifically predicted’ to be depleted by – 2030.   The magic number that is running the globe – 2030 when all things earth will succumb to the WEF Agenda.

Given the latest UFO release, and the fact that this has been an ongoing phenomena for 70 years, one would think that available technology in re-engineering its source of propulsion would have been conducted.   However, I would venture that finding a clean, renewable, infinite source of energy is a bit like cancer;   If it cures the problem, then there is a finite money source.   Therefore pouring infinite amounts of money into a research laundering scheme is more profitable.

Between 1920 and 1970, oil and gas production was steadily rising.   Production then steadily dropped reaching 1950 levels by 2010.   Manipulated Coincidence.  By May 2023, the US was producing 12,662 thousand barrels per day matching levels reached under Trump’s high of 13,000 in 2019.

So what’s the beef?

In 2013, the US began ramping up oil exports reaching 117,467 thousand barrels – per month as of May 2023.   That equates to a 31% depletion of US oil via exports.   In 2013, exports of US oil totaled 3705 barrels per month – realizing a 3200% increase.   At the same time, US consumption has reached nearly 12,000 thousand barrels per month.   IF we stopped exporting oil, we would have more than enough to meet our needs, the price would be flat, and everyone would be happy…

Except shortages create false price hikes.   And exporting creates those false shortages.

Biden’s Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, had a conversation with China’s CCP Energy division days ‘before’ the release and sale of US reserves to China.   The firm buying the oil had links to Hunter Biden.   The conversation was initiated by Granholm.

The Regime sold roughly 180 million barrels with the stated intention of easing the inflationary impact of gas prices.   Yet we continued to export not just our reserves but also our production, further depleting supply.   An economic catastrophe.

Jennifer Granholm is a lawyer whose legal career spanned a brief stint for Michigan before being ‘elected’ governor of Michigan in 2002 and later picked up by Obama as a member of his transition team. Unemployed in 2009, she and her husband ‘wrote a book’.   She has absolutely no training either in university or in experience in anything remotely concerning ‘energy’.   What she does have is strong ties to Hillary and a Harvard backed degree.

What was China given in exchange for this deal?

Who really installed Biden into office?   Was it the Cartel or China?   Or Both?   The Cartel is classic Mafia – woo allies to do your dirty work then eliminate them.   The China Syndrome would seem to be falling into that schematic.   By demonizing China using propaganda terminology such as, thug, dictator, human rights violator, etc…, the Cartel has essentially established a brake whereby if China were to decide to tell the world the truth and extent of blackmail, the Cartel would use their previous propaganda to dismiss the allegations.   A Form of Censorship.

Blackmailing the blackmailer.

In a world where business management acumen in the US government is at a peak low, we are instead a government of lawyers with absolutely no viable talent.    With one exception – they will do literally anything for money.  They will sell their soul and destroy their country for that commodity.

From The Netherlands With Love – The Agnelli Family

Yellen has arrived in China to clean up the mess after Biden called Xi Jinping a Dictator.   But the real concern is ‘metals’.   Metals that power semiconductors. Semiconductors that power – everything.   The Biden Handlers, in all their wisdom decided to reduce exports of semiconductors to China.   Although Intel is in Ohio building the world’s largest chip plant, it is worthless without China’s metals.   And Xi, unfettered, decided the Clown show running America is unraveling.  

IF Obama is Biden’s prime handler then he will be credited with the mental prowess of a five year old given the economic decisions.   Certainly, there is more than one handler behind the curtain; Bloomberg, Jarret, Rice, and Hillary are the obvious.   But obvious isn’t always the right answer.

There are four basic metals used in the production of semiconductors: Germanium (not the flower), arsenide (A derivative of arsenic), silicon, and gallium.   China has reduced shipments of the two G’s – Gallium and Germanium.   Retaliatory.

Blinken’s journey to China proved an abject disaster, so the Powers somehow think Yellen can sway Jinping into forgive and forget mode.  

Yellen spent the majority of her working years as a professor before Bill Clinton appointed her to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and The Council of Economic Advisors.   Her government career is relatively lackluster with few if any real achievements.

Yellen’s success is measured by the positions she has held rather than positive accomplishments attributable. So why was she chosen to speak with Xi Jinping?    Mending US and China relations is the tabloid agenda.   Oddly, Yellen’s visit is not even mentioned in Chinese Newspapers.

However, this pronouncement was quoted in Xinhau Globalink, “The U.S. recognizes that it can’t push for a full economic ‘decoupling’ with China,” said Nick Marro, an analyst of global trade, noting that there are “simply too many linkages” between the world’s two largest economies.”

Nick Marro works for The Economist Intelligence Unit.   This ‘Unit’ acts as the research and advisory division of The Economist Group, which publishes The Economist Magazine. The Group, was formed in 1946 predominantly by The Rothschild’s.   Shroder, Cadbury and Exor, NV are current shareholders as well, with Exor holding a majority of shares.

John Elkann, a NY Jewish Italian, inherited the fortune of the Agnelli family given a series of tragic deaths.  He is the current CEO and President.

Elkann and Nitan Nohria of India together control Exor, which holds over 46% of The Economist Group shares.   Nohria, a Harvard Grad, works with the World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, and was honored by McKinsey & CO.   He was appointed Chairman of Exor May 2023. The previous Chairman of Exor resigned to become President of World Bank.

They both adamantly oppose President Trump.

The Agnelli Family trace their ancestry to Ramesses II of the Turin Dynasty – 1200 BC.     Yet, given Ramesses had over 150 children, it is believed that 90% of Europe and parts of Asia could claim ancestry.    Hardly a pronouncement of royalty – but the media love to lap it up as though it bears merit.

The Agnelli family saw the profitability of war – first against Libya in 1911, then again WWI and WWII wherein their company supported the political rise of Mussolini – embracing Fascism.    The Agnelli company provided trucks, weapons, ambulances, and aircraft engines for war, growing the company from 50 employees to 10,000 by 1915.

Giovanni Agnelli was both a member of Mussolini’s Fascist Party and in alliance with Nazi Germany.   When Giovanni died, Viktor Valletta, then managing director for the company, took control.   Valletta was one of the original founders of the Bilderberg Group in 1954. The Agnelli family were instrumental in the formation of The Trilateral Commission in 1973 and the Aspen Institute.

The Headquarters for The Economist Group is the UK. Exor, NV is headquartered in the Netherlands.   The Home of BIS – the International Bank that rules the West.   Where Jerome Powell is employed.

Despite being the Chair of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell takes his orders from – BIS.   And BIS has ordered more interest rate hikes in order to affirm a Recession and Collapse.

This vast industrial complex was handed over to John Elkann in 2003, Giovanni’s grandson.   And in 2010, China became a destination for money and profits.

The Agnelli Family is interested in China for only one reason – money.   There are no politics involved, no human rights, no concern for ideologies, it is as simplistic as it sounds – $$$$$$$$$$$.

According to The Economist Group at least 13 multinational companies do business in China where they make of $10 billion each. But many are attempting to decouple by moving operations to Vietnam or India. Some cannot.   There are 22 multinational semiconductor companies operating in China.

Companies were drawn to China to scavenge the 1.4 billion consumer population while hacking the low cost of production and wages.   With time, these costs began to steadily rise and the competitive edge narrowed. As a result, they sought to ravage India where wages were still low but work ethic was high.

Biden’s foot & mouth disease put a canker sore on the devolving arrangement. And Yellen is sent in as a decoy. Or maybe to offer a Treasury Bribe.

Bill Gates, Blinken, Jamie Dimon; visiting China as Beggars

It has come to the attention of ‘those who find it interesting’ that the lab meat Bill Gates grows and advocates is genetically modified ‘immortalized cells’.   These cells are specifically designated for research purposes only and even in that context the outcome of related studies are said to be ‘compromised’.   Lancet.   Yet, apparently, it is just these cancerous immortalized cells that Bill Gates has been using in his and likely others ‘fake meat’ product.

Apparently the problem arose when it was discovered that normal cells don’t reproduce forever – they have a designated lifespan’.   The Fake Meat is predicated on fake cells because they can be manipulated and reproduce forever – because they are Fake.   But if this is a fake cultured cell then it isn’t really a cell at all!    IS IT?

It is a bioengineered nucleus.  

I liken the fakery department to its roots – Flowers!   Flowers became nonseasonal – a year round enjoyment!   But to manufacture these GMO ‘flowers’ their cell structure had to be severely mutated.   This human created cell however, could not reproduce scent.   Thus all such GMO flowers are devoid of ‘scent’.

Such is the Fake Meat Market.   It may look and taste like something aboriginal, but it has no scent.   And more importantly – it has no nutritional value.   Farmed Fish have NO Nutritional value.   Farmed Chickens – pigs – cows lose their nutritional value as they don’t develop normally. That development is what is passed to you – consumer.

The Danish Government has bent to the Slavic sorcerers and is going to euthanize over 200,000 cows to reduce farting gas.   And semi-normal people nod like bauble dolls in agreement.

Today, the esteemed fake programmer, biologist, medical doctor, farmer, rancher, lab expert, climate Tzar – Bill Gates arrived in China – as did Blinken.    Gates is scheduled to meet with Xi Jinping, while Blinken will meet with one of Jinping’s lower associates with no fanfare.   Gates claims this is the first visit to China since 2019 when the CoVid Pandemic was orchestrated.   What will Gates provide this time?

The meetings come on the heels of CSIS discussing ways and means of preemptively sanctioning China for invading Taiwan.   Punishment ‘before’ the anticipated maybe crime.  A threat?

The CEO meetings descending in droves with China Leaders also includes the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, who has been a witness in the Virgin Island Lawsuit brought against JP Morgan and Jamie Dimon via the Epstein scandal.   His visit also coincides with Gates last visit in 2019… months before the Pandemic Was Levied. Coincidental?

Elon Musk met with Jinping as he also paid a snap visit to China to oversee his factory in Shanghai.   Citigroup CEO was in China.   Goldman Sachs CEO. Apple CEO, Intel CEO, Blackstone, and General Motors have all descended on China in the last month.   Desperate to shore relations despite the Pentagon and NGO insanity.

As a direct result of these visits – the bank CEO’s released a common statement that China’s Economic Growth Outlook has been raised to 6.4%.   In other words, Xi Jinping is pissed about the negative prediction news and wants positive prediction news – and banks will pay China for that privilege.

SPD Silicon Valley Bank, declared insolvency and was absorbed by First Citizens Bank. They bought a negative equity of $8 billion.    Before the insolvency, SPD Silicon was a 50/50 joint venture with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank.

China’s banking sector is the largest in the world holding over $50 Trillion in assets.  That fact alone may have something to do with the deluge of visiting Tzars from the US as our banks implode sitting on less than 5% Net Equity!

JP Morgan claims it has been doing business in China since 1921. That would be 60 years BEFORE China opened its economic society to foreign influence. It would also indicate that JP Morgan was well entrenched in the Communist Mao period wherein millions of citizens were liquidated – and millions others starved.

The West is fully entrenched in the China business landscape despite the media matter propaganda – the CSIS and IISS propaganda – all declaring China a major threat!   Reality Check would reveal that AI is significantly more advanced in China than the US – and that represents the actual ‘threat’.   $$$$$$$$$$.

Open Technology, aka Soros, wants to have access to ALL of China’s advanced AI technology so western nations can ‘catch-up’.   Having spent the last two years destroying the US via CRT, academic failure in k-12 and universities, riots and the destruction of all major cities, while busily devolving the US social and economic construct, suddenly the Lax Lazy Cartel Powers have awoken to find – the US tech elites are in Twalette Water.

Enter Alex Soros.   A Silver Spoon History Major.

Alex Soros claims to have a BA degree in something and a PhD in History – yet the Bio-Makers that falsify education and accomplishments for ‘a fee’ made egregious mistakes.   Alex bio states he received his BA in 2009.   They also decree that Soros pursued his PhD in History in 2010, earning it in 2011… before he secured his Masters…   he somehow skipped an entire degree program and obtained his PhD in just 2 short years….   Farkalicious! Gotta hate when that happens.

Trying to terrorize the Trump Magats, Alex declares that he is 10x more evil than his dad and he alone will destroy Trump.

The propaganda continues to make it a difficult journey to find TRUTH among the RugRats of Deception and Chaos.   For me, my blogs take an extraordinary amount of time, researching, deleting and stepping away.   China and Russia are paramount discussion points because they are the HIT targets.

Still:   The US and EU continue to buy Russian resources DESPITE sanctions and demonizing.   The US and EU are dependent on China – despite their sucking up naysayers – pinky swearing otherwise.   The US and EU continue to demonize Russia and China in the public Platform – while continuing trade out of FEAR.  

The nouveau FEAR is that the West is Losing. Losing Hard and Fast.   Massive intelligence idiocy, massive incompetence, massive Chaos has caused allies to disperse faster than rats racing into the curbside dumps of Manhattan refuse!   But the purpose is the same – GARBAGE.

BRICS – CHINA – and Middle Asia COUPS

The International Institute For Strategic Studies, IISS, is obsessed with all things China, the Middle Power Asia and BRIC’s.   WHY?    Because this evolution of Global Power was not anticipated.   China was supposed to be a colony of the West…

When trying to get inside the shadows that peril our world, there emerge pieces that don’t fit – anywhere.  The Cabal failed the most prominent Art of War – Know Thy Enemy.   And now they have nothing more than fake propaganda purging to try and incite more froth in the wave of global elections.  The BRICS are winning.  Russia is winning.    And the only sword the Cabal can muster from its vast sheath of depleted armaments?   A plastic toy Kamikaze sword.

While focused on Russia as the dominant coup target, the Mafia Cabal felt that China was already a reeled in Marlin trophy that needed no tending.   But the unraveling proliferated by social media laid an overcast over all the King’s Men – and they Fell.   Like domino sticks of dynamite – one by one – until there was no army left at all…

There is turmoil inside The Mafia Cartel.   CIA Director Burns made an unannounced visit to China to attempt to quell the divisiveness that has manifested within our MSM.   Blinken attempted to neutralize Russia with words of propaganda and no one was impressed.   The number of countries offering to mediate a peace deal have been met with contempt by the West & Zelenskyy.   This action/reaction is exactly why the Cartel is losing.

Each country that comes forward with a plan for peace is making note.   The note is inserted in the West playbook of wars and colonization via an International Order.   The playbook reveals there are no allies – only pawns.   And the density of brain matter spills easily.   The Playbook is like a revamped Hollywood movie – the plot is the same, the outcome is the same, but the characters have changed.   Running ramshod is no longer viewed as tolerable among the vast majority of countries.

And so they move closer to the BRICS and further from The Cartel Swampland.   Our intelligentsia still believes that the dollar is dominant.   Still believes that Russia is losing.   Still believes that pinky swear is a viable honor, and still believes that contracts are meaningless.

Where are the General Patton’s?

Argentina has requested permission to join the BRIC’s Bank. Nineteen countries have now expressed an interest in joining the BRIC’s ~ according to Bloomberg.   Blinken scoffs claiming the BRIC’s are nothing more than a ragtag bunch of no-nothings – and NATO is supreme.   In so saying, he is telling the Middle East and Africa they are Nothingisms… because those are the countries turning their back on the West.   NOT a good Power Play!

The most recent country to offer a peace deal for Ukraine was Indonesia.   Their plan was immediately trashed by Zelenskyy.   If the EU decides to further embrace Zelenskyy and War, they may find themselves with three trading partners: Canada, Australia, and US.

According to IISS, a bipolar globe is not healthy, but they are willing to compromise as to its inevitability.   That compromise means leaving allies behind and attempting to solidify smaller ones – like Taiwan.   But our southern border has been neglected.   Our allies are dispersing like geese in winter.   And a different climate based on fair trade versus repression, coups, blackmail and bombing is emerging.

And still the Blinken/Kerry/Bloomberg model is stuck in second gear with no one knowing how to work a clutch.   Soros has aged out and his son Alex has taken over shop class.   Despite Alex being given everything to work with including our entire Government and NGO’s, he doesn’t have the acumen.   Milley is retiring again.   Austin is a desk jockey completely out of his classroom comfort zone, and Blinken’s shameful expose at Helsinki was cringe-worthy!   “Russia’s Strategic Failure”.   Clapping required.

Every military strategist goes to battle with Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C.   Why?   Circumstances change.   Period.   Be Prepared.

This basic acumen seems lost on our NATO Cartel.   Bullying is instead considered Plan B.   And Africa is responding with aggressive – snubs!   Maduro is now in talks with Saudi Arabia – for OIL trade – not solar panels and wind turbines that are wiping out our whales and dolphins!

Colombia is laughing at the US pledge of war on Drugs – a cartel that was absorbed by the CIA.   El Salvador’s President is denouncing the mass immigration to the US and attempting to turn the country around in an alliance with former President Trump.   And the attempted coups continue to heave South America. Bullying.

The coup in Turkey to oust Erdogan did not fly.   Belarus has warned that the NED coup makers are working in his country.   The National Democrat Institute has announced its ‘assistance’ in the following 2023 upcoming elections: Mali, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, and Cote D’Ivoire.   Nigeria was assigned NDI’s chosen Presidential candidate in the March election cycle with challenges and fraud being asserted.

NDI is funded by National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, UN, World Bank, western governments and The Open Society Foundation, among others. These NGO’s work in a closed circuit of funding and actionable Power Vacuums, to confer countries into the Western Bloc.   IISS is a UK NGO funded by global governments, the US military industrial complex, the major oil companies, and the US State Department.

These NGO’s and their various subsidiaries serve as the “Election Observers” to assure a fair, safe and secure election – wherein the Cartel’s preferred candidate is the Chosen One. Under the Age Old design of Democracy.   Democracy as it relates to the achievement of a Western Power Grid in defiance of the BRICs Trade associates.

A Democracy that is not democratic, fair, secure, or By The People.   But a Democracy Based On Power to Cull Resources… Syria anyone?

CSIS & CIA in OverDrive on Twitter Pushing Propaganda!

An article posted by CSIS (Center For Strategic & International Studies) is quite damning – not just in the acknowledgement that ‘regime change’ is the US intelligence main focus, but on their incompetence.    There are nine separate intelligence agencies that US Taxpayers openly pay for – yet their means for determining ‘an action’ is Laurel & Hardy reincarnated.  Strategy is co-opted by propaganda…

Lose over and over but use the Media to call it a win so thousands of incompetent agencies can continue to thrive monetarily.  In their board room self esteem is biopic narcissistic; the US won Afghanistan, Iraq, and – Ukraine.

“The Future of War – Rethinking Risk in Great Power Competition”.

  • War is simply a boys game of ‘competition’.
  • The ‘Future’ is War.
  • Risk is the fallout of their aggressive tactics – as in pushing an incursion with Russia caused a global depression, starvation, inflation, and a loss of alliances to BRICS+.

Oops.  What to do?

The authors  at CSIS propose is to modernize the strategic planning within the DoD.   Imagine this:

“National Military Strategy and National Defense Strategy, the Joint Staff prepares the Joint Strategic Campaign Plan, which outlines priorities for CCMD contingency plans, including what potential crises to focus on and how often to update plans. Since these plans are bets about hypothetical futures, they tend to be isolated, static, and deterministic “what if” propositions.”

After the DoD gets together with the relative agencies and they brutalize some plans of action at various locales across the globe, those plans remain in force for 2 years before another meeting is convened.   Contingencies are addressed periodically from a ‘shelf’ of options.  

“General!   The Ruskies have taken over all our biolabs in Ukraine…  what the Fuck are we supposed to do?”

General Phillips,  “Send out an AP  media blitz about Ruskie casualties!”

“But we don’t know what the numbers are – no one does!  What should I say?”

General Phillips,  “For Christ’s sake man, make it up!   If no one knows, they can’t challenge it.   Hell, tell them to claim it is 200,000 to 300,000.  Tell them We won, no tell them Ukraine has won the war!”

That would be Contingency #436 on the shelf.

Our entire military is essentially a ‘Green-Screen’.

The authors recommendation:   “…active campaigning requires a constant reframing of key assumptions that captures the temporal component of risks identified during planning as they compound, wane, or accrue to new stakeholders over time.”

Gosh darn, in other words, the authors have used all their expertise to identify that ‘circumstances change more than every 2 years’ – and a more dynamic approach is needed to be addressed…   In addition, it is noteworthy that risks associated with ‘CITIZENS’ being killed and maimed is replaced with the ‘Stakeholder’.    There was NO mention of civilian fallout, death, dismemberment.

Nowhere in the paper is death mentioned as a cause for concern to adjust risk criteria, instead it is simply the associated Stakeholders.   Those stakeholders would be the Defense Industrial Complex and Banking.   Upholding stakeholder interests is the entire point of War.  Rogue Whistleblowers and adverse media need to be quashed.

Lamenting the fact that Ukraine absorbed our weapon stockpiles and our ‘personnel deployments’ – the authors point to the failure that Iran was left out of the equation and now they haven’t the resources to destroy Iran.  Apparently, these NINE agencies and NGO’s used their ‘instincts’ instead of actual strategic and intelligentsia ‘thinking’.   Because strategies are only updated every 2 years, there is no formal process to alter, update or rethink plans of action on a day-to-day basis!   Intelligence is thus processed on a ‘single dimension of risk’.

This would explain why the hype of propaganda is used instead to provide a ‘green-screen’ of the war as an allusion.   It explains the common rhetoric of ‘fighting Ukraine until every Ukrainian is dead’ promoted by western governments.   They don’t have a PLAN B!

The absence of risk assessment was obvious in the absurd US decision to blow up the Nord Stream without a proper EU resolution or legal precedent  The entire purpose was supposedly to destroy Russia’s economy – without any intelligentsia considering the consequences to food, power, and recession risks to the entire EU.  The secondary purpose was to set oil and gas prices for Big Oil.   Achieved.

Cleanup.   Cleanup means pretending it never happened?   Like a five year old playground bully?   How is it possible that Western military commanders are so ridiculously incompetent?   Could it be that the ones making these decisions have ZERO training in military warfare or “Peace” – and instead are winging it while the props have been drugged?

Incompetency explains the ‘passive-aggressive’ stance taken against China.   Create a boogey-man, incite rage, and when the economic reality is actually discussed as a ‘risk’ – the military complex backtracks.  “Pretending’ everything is fine.

WHY hundreds of Generals are unable to commit to peace is because they are under orders to create $500billion+ for the Stakeholder benefactors, annually.   The military thus focuses on the means to create the most money under orders of – nothing else matters.   When an operation is botched, the Media launches into cataclysmic mode:

  • Moscow’s Military Capabilities in Question After Massive LOSS
  • What Ukraine Means For The World
  • War Has TurboCharged the Green Transition
  • Putin Must Turn 360’
  • US Warns China About Providing ‘lethal aide’ To Russia

Daily hype.   It used to work.   When western citizens buried their heads in the sand.   But with more extensive social media – even censorship couldn’t bring down the TRUTH.   And Our Entire Military Complex Has NO Plan B.

TODAY, the CIA Tzars are in HYPER MODUS setting up a mass campaign to deluge Twitter with Fake News, Disinformation and Propaganda.   There are multiple potential reasons:   1.   To move the REAL topics into a different stratosphere,   2.   To sway opinion.   3.   To set up Twitter by later suing for not properly filtering dangerous propaganda.

Propaganda That is GEARED to distract from the news…

The Second Coming OF Christ – A Green Screen of The Second Coming

Serge Monast was an investigative journalist who posited various conspiracy theories during his career.   In 1994 Monast proposed a theory he called, Project Blue Beam, in which the Illuminati, the Poynter Institute, and NASA would collude to create a fake second coming of Christ.   The means would be similar to the CIA green-screen studios which were heavily used during the bombing destruction of Syria.   The media successfully used these videos and photographs to engage a global hypnosis.  Every “Fact checker”, including The Poynter Institute’s very own “Myth Detector’ have called Monast’s conspiracy FALSE.   The scenario described by Serge Monast claims the Antichrist will come before humanity like a vision or allusion and use epidemics as the means for establishing control over humans in the third, final phase – WWIII.  

Personally, this would be one of the most egregious conspiracies one could effect:

Intrigued/obsessed by the concept of conspiracies, Monast claims his protégé was William Guy Carr, and yet, conspiracies have been the mainstay of history for EVERY civilization!   Kings and Queens were obsessed with their supposed assassins who plotted vigorously to “Coup” the current Monarchy.

Guy Carr, Monast and Hersh seem to have created a legacy platform of  the New World Order that spans anywhere from 200 years ago to 2000+ years ago – all in the Making.  For your research!.   Quite a heady trinity, they have caused a myriad of vengeance including the death of Monast at the age of 51 of a heart attack.

Literally, every conspiracy we think we have invented today – has existed for the last 40-50 years.   Our esteemed ‘beatniks’, ‘Bolsheviks’ were tasked with adhering to the mantra that Capitalist goons were wholly responsible.   Pope Benedict has made his view known in a liturgy of thoughts published as of his death.   In these sermons, Pope Benedict reveals the Satanic cult that co-erced his supposed abdication – which he claims was not ‘Legal’ – meaning Francis ascendancy to Pope is False.

Francis is thus a fakery- an allusion.   And the Media is SILENT!

So, what about the WWIII Allusion?

As of the past 2-3 months, various far-left Generals, or retired nobodies, have alluded to the FACT that the US will be at war with China as of 2025.   So Be prepared for nuclear annihilation…   Here is what we recommend for your medicine cabinet while your skin peels away from your bones…

It would appear the Play has Three Acts.

WWI, WWII and WWIII – which we get to experience in the very near future.   Said war is alluded to be between Russia and China vs The EU and US.   Certainly, other countries will pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Rothschild.   But, the Protocols would allude WWIII is the Last Stand.   Choosing wisely is a value choice.

Project Blue Beam – would thus be yet another conspiracy – come true.   Preluded via our CIA through the Media, and then argued as a conspiracy of propaganda to confuse.   Along the line of intrigue established via CS Lewis…   ‘you may die and go into dirt for millennium… you may die and be lifted to a glorious Heaven, you may be slithered into Hell where you will be tormented for eternity.


SO>   Project Blue Beam came to be an annoyance of the Poynter Institute for its reference to the New World Order.   Poynter was not soft in their offensive!   And MONEY Talked.

The basic premise that elevated Serge Monast from obscure conspiracy theorist to public enemy worthy of assassination was the comparisons that became obvious in Hollywood.   Comparisons to allusions and theories, and propaganda that was being parlayed into phenomenal heights.   “The creation of a false Second Coming of Christ via a CIA/green-screen Hollywood allusion.”   Not unlike the supposed allusion if “The Bay of Pigs” discussed by esteemed journalist – Sy Herst, was in fact a CIA green-screen – what are they capable of NOW?

According to Monast – that would be the allusion of the Second Coming of Christ that would in actuality be – The Anti-Christ!  AND Perhaps Billions would believe the allusion and thus convert to the anti-religion-New-Religion- of Atheism under the guise of Jew -who is a non Jew as defined over 2000 years ago!

Thus WWIII would be between these two belief systems.

It would challenge everything we are thought to believe today – and rechallenge us into a new realm.   Who you support and who you deny will become the equivalent of right and wrong – or black and white – there is only ONE choice.

THE Balloon Stage Play has taken on the kicks and robes and crowns of something from a Hollywood drama of Kings and Queens 1840.   The purpose?  To  distract – as usual – the Distraction?


China is being delisted while every US Defense Organization, Legal Organization, Banking Cartel,  has established their monarchial rule of every civilization – Within CHINA.   For the newbies – this means we have invited China to destroy the US.  And not unlike WWI and WWII – the Industrialists who create war – play the monetary sides of – BOTH.

For Ukraine – that would translate to ISRAEL.   For Syria that would translate to USAID.   For Yemen – for Iran – for Iraq, for Israel, Serbia, every eastern front across the globe willing to align with US Propaganda – will be – aligned!   Translate to Turkey, Malta, Serbia, Belarus, and other eastern nations making their own choices….

Monast’s crystal ball predictions were most definitively NOT in our best interests and have challenged some in their belief in GOD.   Conspiracy is in itself a construct that has only most recently gained the attention of the ‘possessed’.   Why?   Because it has power.   And that Power has the potential to undermine the Dark Power that vies for Control

I write.   I do not engage.   I watch.   I process.   And then – it all begins – again….