The Psychological Dystopia of Elite Propaganda

The Latest Sniggle: “Russia is using Winter as a weapon”.   Variants:   “Russia is using energy as a weapon”…   “Russia is using grain as a weapon”…   “Russia’s war hawks…”,   “Russia’s authoritarian political system”,    Worse yet – social media is inciting chaos in Iran and China citing draconian control via CoVid.   And have somehow forgotten the measures employed by Western nations completely…   Exactly Who Is Authoritarian?

Quick answer – every country across the globe.

Unfortunately, the memory of the average citizen is now roughly 5 days… At which point all past totalitarian and authoritarian control is forgotten.   But it makes people feel better to call out regimes that have been festered for decades as communist while ignoring western regimes committing the EXACT same atrocities.

WHY?   For many, it gives them a sense of superiority – for others it alleviates having to address their own suppressive control.  

But the Truth is obvious – from the perspective of an outside student – the vast portion of our globe would be defined under the same oppression.

Trying to compare Iranian student uprisings and China Student uprisings to Canada’s trucking freedom convoy is a dangerous if not perilous agenda.   The purpose of which is to support coups.   The source of 90%+ coups is Western Propaganda NGO affiliates.

And in this – even the most conservative pundits fall prey to the Youth Market that conveys victimhood … without acknowledging the Antifa Market or the BLM Market. That plagues western nations. But it continues to serve the same purpose of division and chaos.

In this sphere of reality, we still emotionally adhere to America is good and those countries deemed bad by America – are bad. Therefore, even if their actions are the same as Western Nations, they are bad and Western Nations are good.   This placating is necessary to adhere to the false narratives.

A psychological dystopia.

As The Conservative Treehouse pointed out – when Biden declares that inflation has ended – that means that the inflated pricing remains inflated – yet the consumer propaganda is that this new price point has stabilized inflated. Ultimately, many consumers will see this as a positive despite paying 500% more over two years.

Attempting to bring this false and fake information to the public is met with derision – because the standard shifts.

It is no different than the misrepresentation of numbers that the US and the UN provide to disseminate statistics for Africa – when in reality Africa provides NO STATISTICS on anything –

It was recently noted that Africa has no CoVid and a supposed 6% vaccine status.   While the vaccine status may be as low as 1% – the point is regarded as an ‘unknown’.   Similar to the ‘unknown’ causes of death that have circled the globe to the tune of ! billion+ in 2022.

But another theory was posited to me – hydroxychloroquine is routinely used in Africa to combat Malaria.   The same hydroxy that eliminates CoVid.   Yet – Gates has initiated a New Malaria Drive in Africa to further eliminate populations that he deems unsustainable… aka – he hates blacks.

Will the Climate Space Cadets suddenly release a report that a mini-ice-age is the next diaspora climate change challenge?   Statistics would reveal – YES.   La Nina is the culprit cited by The Economist Rothschild Rag – as though these climate alts have never existed until today.   I remember when a female weather analyst acknowledged on air that the 2 tier climate ‘hump’ had grown to 3 tiers – this was perhaps 5-7 years ago wherein she was removed permanently.

As The Gateway Pundit has revealed – even the most strident conservatives can be manipulated to forge a fringe compassion for another anti-governments protests while ignoring the facts of western coups.

We should be LESS concerned about other government’s totalitarian regimes and MORE focused on our own!   Because, in reality, they are ONE AND THE SAME.

World Economic Forum: REGLOBALIZE from China to China

As the World Economic Forum winds down, there were two significant takeaways:   1)   In order to curb Climate Change, the EU announced they were moving the goal posts and from now on nuclear and gas would be considered GREEN, so as to hail their compliance and grand achievements,  and   2)   IMF Chief said the Pandemic must be contained in order to fix the supply chain discombobulation.   “This requires spending billions to make trillions.” In her world, that spending is on CoVid.

Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva stated that it isn’t just the fault of central bankers, ‘changing labour markets and other issues’ are feeding the inflation.   You know – stuff.   Sounds eerily like AOC talking points.


Calling for a geographically balanced resilient supply chain the WEF site their true Order: We want to see a greater shift in manufacturing to undeveloped countries like Ethiopia, Vietnam, and Cambodia.   In so doing, this move will solve the inequality problem and supply chain snaffoos in the future.

WHOA! What the HECK?

It would appear, that China is out, India is out, and these three specific countries are in.   WHY?  Or Maybe It IS Classic Double Speak….

Cambodia:   Labor is paid $6 a day.   Their entire population is 16 million and their factories are already working at near maximum capacity.   Their infrastructure needs repair, their manufacturing capacity needs expansion which would require new laborers.  NOT a viable powerhouse.

Vietnam:   “Chinese manufacturers have been moving their factories to Vietnam since the early 2000s because sourcing from Vietnam offers refuge from the brutal competition of Chinese businesses. This is turning a large portion of Vietnam’s manufacturing industry into an extension of China’s industry.”  In other words – it is mini-China.

Ethiopia:   Africa is considered the final frontier of the 4th Industrial Revolution.   In 2019, the IMF declared Africa the world’s second-fastest growing region, predicting that it is well on its way to becoming a $5 trillion economy. Household consumption was expected to increase at a 3.8%annually reaching $2.1 trillion by 2025.   IN fact, China has recently invested $10 billion into the fashion industry outsourced in Ethiopia.  But’s only a smidgeon of the Truthism.

50% of Ethiopia’s debt is to China.   Of course, information between the two is scarce, opaque, and seemingly the charm of the IMF and WEF.  

When the IMF and WEF pronounce an African country as being the source for our ‘Reglobalization’ they are really detailing a shift from mainland China to Chino- Africa.   And all the other hubrub is merely a distraction.   What we can derive from this pronouncement by IMF Director Georgieva, is that billions will be spent flowing into the Chinese economy via these entities, so that China becomes the Global Power Vacuum.

And suddenly Ukraine emerges as a ‘DISTRACTION’.

Given that Xi Jinping was the primary global speaker at the WEF zoofest, it is no coincidence that the Banks would focus on China Assets for global billions in investment.

How quaint.

Essentially China is now effectively abandoning it’s own labor workforce to more lucrative low cost labor in favor of Africa, Cambodia and Vietnam where workers are available given the China labor force was eradicated by CoVid.  Shhh – don’t tell anyone…    Ethiopia claims CoVid deaths have skyrocketed to 7200 since it’s inception amongst a population of roughly 110 million.  Equating to a death rate of .0065% or .0032% per year.

The purpose of this IMF, WEF, idiotic debacle is the fact that China needs a booster given their workforce was annihilated by CoVid.   Outstanding loans are the impetus.  

China has made opaque loans to various African and Asian countries knowing that the default would realize China ownership of Country Assets, Mineral Rights, and majority ownership of the country.

That was the Point.

The fact that the IMF and WEF have agreed to rape themselves and the global economy in favor of China dollars only further degrades their value and integrity to the pit of Hell.   Led by Two WOMEN.   With the secondary subject at the Forum being ‘why they are hated so much’ – this naiveté only serves to reduce their intellect and business acumen to the level of a slug on a sidewalk.   Step on it and it dies.   But in China it is a delicacy at restaurants.

Chinese & Western History of Good & Evil

Christian and Chinese Ancient philosophy have interesting connections and parallels, even to the point of dating.   500 BC would seem to be a point of convergence.   In our western Greek history this was a time of Plato and Aristotle.   In China there were two diverging proponents of Confucianism.   One was Xun Kuang.   He was the negative. The evil bearer of Confucius.   He believed that humanity was inherently evil and the purpose of ethics was to bring this evil under control. Mencius is the innate opposite, like Satan vs. God. He believed that humans were innately good who could be refined via education and ritual.   However, the caveat was that this was confined to – the elite. Ultimately, both believed in a very class derived society of the intellectuals and the peasants.

Much like our own medieval times as well as the system attempting to absorb and recreate us today.

But just a century before these philosophers there were the Khazars.   The Khazars were a Turkic ethnicity described as having one of two distinct ethnicities – the White and the Black, although white was predominant   It is said that the Khazars converted to Judaisim sometime in the 8th century – which would have been during the “Dark Ages”.  The dominant theory had to do with the ability to lend money.

There are philosophers of lore who believe that this period crossing 500 BC is when the schism first began creating what evolved to be the battle of dark vs. light.   Yet, even in this ancient history of ‘light’ it was begotten within the concept of a monarch and the subjects.   Servitude.

The blacks call it ‘slavery’.   But servitude existed 3000 years before the Irish and African slave trade.     The building of the Pyramids!   2500 BC is said to be a pinnacle mark for this amazing Pyramid engineering. It opens the dialogue that 4,600 years ago, man was more advanced than he was in the 1800’s.   This can only occur as entire civilizations are destroyed.   Dark Ages are unveiled wherein the intellectual capacity of man has disintegrated exceedingly.

Only to rise, to advance, to find intellectual formation – and then be annihilated once again – a cyclical parlay of societies.   To start again. From Scratch.

Somewhat how we feel our world is positioning us today.  YET, given our degree of IT – we are ‘aware’, and it is the awareness that gives us our FEAR.

Will our writings be preserved or burnt to ashes?   Will the next society know what happened?   Or is all this interned in the vacuous cellars of The Vatican where all history is hidden. To be ultimately revealed at some point of – time. Infinitum.

Once upon a time, these sort of thoughts were considered philosophical, an open for discussion and debate shared acuity.   Today, such thoughts are called ‘conspiracy theories’, because open thought is a deviant of servitude.   And servitude is the only means of mass control.

I would have been quite comfortable in a lobby or at a café table with the likes of Monet, Picasso, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Degas – even Lautrec.   They considered themselves all to be intellectuals, the bourgeoisie of philosophical elites.   They were ridiculed by the old school – but they had released themselves from the bonds and boundaries and that was in and of itself – an enlightenment of freedom.

But that time was relatively short lived.

This era preceded WWI. And then everything changed.   In that moment in history, Communism took control of the globe, both overtly as in the Soviet Union, and subvertly as in what would become the EU, and the US.

While the ancient Tibetan and Confucius mantra is to create of world of peace and union and equality – at some point the negative Kuang took a dominant hold.   The Satan of Christianity.   While we have fought, the control was already placed in government.   Today, these same mantra statements are espoused by the WEF and the UN – despite the fact that 4500 years since these words were first spoken – it has NOT yet come to pass.


Because it NEVER WILL>

YET, every century or half century this mantra is regurgitated. As though we are moving and advancing into something more equitable…. When in fact, that is the furthest goal in the sport.

The Goal is to WIN.

Which means there has to be at least two players in the game – and possibly more.   Which means that there is literally a dark, seedy, stinking, smoky, booze riddled poker game determining our fate.   Someone is folding.   Someone is bidding up the pot.   And someone is holding a stinking hand.

And somehow, they find great pleasure in this gamut.

While we suck our thumbs in fear of reprisal…   Wear the duckbill mask and look like Daffy!   But I’m not making fun of you! Hehehehe…

To answer the question about what instigated my denouncement of ‘pussies’, albeit my parents endured WWI, The Great Depression, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and all the stigmas in-between, I – don’t – want – to – endure…

Enduring is NOT ok.   But I see it in many.   The ones who have no sense of injustice – and instead want to eat.   The ones who just – don’t care.   The ones who allowed Auschwitz.   The ones who voluntarily hopped on the – train…   and waved… hoping for a meal of bread and water at the end, because that was better than what they had now.   

That will NOT be me.

Mother Of All Supply Shortages!!

“The Mother of All Supply Shortages is Coming”!   Headline.   China to blame according to Bloomberg.   The story is making its waves thru liberal & conservative channels with the threat source – Bloomberg.   But the story is faulted and bears a closer look at exactly who is responsible and why. 

“China Finds Omicron in Another Port City Further Threatening Supply Chains” ~ Boston Globe.   That would be 1 case.   Yes.   One case of Omicron In a city of 7 million.

In 2021, China posted it’s largest trade with the US in history!   According to trade data from China, the bulk of that rise was a direct result of Pandemic supplies.   While the US was beleaguered by shipping container shortages, trucking mandates, port closures, and supply shortages in 2021, China was making huge profits.   If in fact China is and was responsible, then their trade profits would reflect those delays and shortages as well.   That didn’t happen. Why?

China is expecting slower growth for 2022 – as a direct result of the disappearance of the Pandemic and related supplies all made in China.   Including those N-95 masks now required by the CDC.

And while the Biden Handlers, which likely includes Mr Mikey Bloomberg, are doing everything in their power to destroy the US economy, China is busily making trade friends with the Middle East and now India.   As in, ‘keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’.   China recognizes nationalism within a bloc of trade partners is key to growth – and survival.

Note:   Bloomberg has offices in both Beijing and Shanghai. Having radically expanded in China over the last decade, they offer Chinese language professional services and subscriber news.   Self Citing:   “Bloomberg is the most trusted source of information for professionals and businesses”.    A)   Trusted – not accurate or factual, but trusted.   B)   Trusted.   Prove it.

Supply Shortages are created by the country having the shortage, ie, US, Australia, Canada, and EU.  

The shortages in nearly every industry are due to exactly one cause:   vaccine mandates. Lift the mandates – no more shortages.   Biden’s private mandate was struck down but some suppliers continue to mandate their workers privately.   Workers leave for greener pastures, and suppliers blame China.

The ‘Greater Demand’ explanation that the US kept pandering as the cause of supply shortages was a fabricated lie.   There was only ONE greater demand, Pandemic supplies.   Therefore, ships were prioritized according to their load – everything Pandemic docked, everything else languished.

China’s zero CoVid mandate continues to disrupt cities, partial city lockdowns are instituted when a CoVid case is diagnosed.   Yet headlines continue to make ‘assertions’ instead of relaying ‘facts’:   port at risk – congestion – may cause – could result in – could cause blow.    The headlines play word games once reviled by manufacturers marketing techniques:   20% better – better than what?

When searching these supply shortage  headlines they all have two specific dates attached – August 2021, and January 2022.   Nothing in-between.   The point?   Fear mongering in order to destabilize and support panic.   If China’s ports were shuttered extensively in August 2021, why did China post largest trade surplus ever over 20% for the year?

Yet, there is one headline that would have some truth behind it although the cause is fiction:
“Major Manufacturers Are Shutting Factories”.   I did find one – Canon.   The reason they have given is because no one is buying old school cameras any longer.   But the Newswire that supplies the same story across the entire grid of media claims Nike, Adidas, Volkswagen, and Samsung ‘suffer massive production problems’.   So I tested that claim and found this useful truism:

“In 2019 Samsung had ceased to make mobile phones in China, the company revealed on Wednesday. The company has been withdrawing from handset manufacturing in the country for a while now as its position in the Chinese market is not strong, whereas business conditions are better elsewhere.

Samsung used to run multiple phone manufacturing facilities in China. About a year ago, the company shut down its plant in Tianjin, then it closed its plant in Huizhou in mid-2019. Recently, the world’s No. 1 maker of smartphones ceased production of handsets in another factory in Huizhou. Equipment used at its facilities in China was relocated to plants in other countries, such as India and Vietnam.”

Samsung doesn’t exist in China any longer having pulled out over 2 years ago!  SO yes – that would be a ‘production problem’ I suppose.

Adidas & Nike ‘production problems’ were actually boycott problems reported by Bloomberg in 2021 extensively. “A boycott by mainland Chinese consumers of international brands that have taken a stand against the treatment of Muslim Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region has taken a toll on Adidas and Nike brands.”

Lastly, the empty shelves posted from one grocery store in Canada had absolutely NOTHING to do with a supply shortage.   Canada had a monster snow storm approaching and the trucking union pulled all truckers from the roads until they could be cleared.   End of Story.

Jumping on the Bandwagon of these fake stories that promote a flawed if not corrupted picture of reality does no one any good at all.   Including the media.   It is true there is a shortage of truck drivers, exasperated by vaccine mandates. But that shortage has existed for over a decade and did not shutter our economy.

What IS shuttering our economy is manipulated data, manipulated news, manipulated Pandemic fears, and manipulated container shortages. The cost of shipping across all means is expected to continue to rise in 2022, not because of supply and demand – but because of inflation and forced wage hikes.

This is why researching instead of simply glomming onto Headlines is imperative!

Russia, Ukraine, China – HOST to Thousands of US Businesses

THIS whole China, Russia, Ukraine thing is so old and convoluted, I can not stand it any longer.   Please.   The US alone now has over 200 major businesses located in Ukraine including pharma, defense, and everything in-between. That IS JUST the US.   In China there are likely thousands of US corporations doing business in this dastardly country that we simultaneously prick into a holocaust War.   Including our most prestigious Universities and medical laboratories.   All while some defunct idiotic country provokes a global war on their behalf… That would be Ukraine, thank you.  

YET, somehow in the midst of these truisms, TESLA is decried a human rights abuser because they opened a showroom in China.   And somewhere under the rainbow there is some rational mind that understands this bizarre topsy-turvy.

I am a great proponent of The Gateway Pundit. But recently they have decried Biden’s failure to wage war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine.   Which would actually align them with the entire Democrat narrative.   TO destroy Russia.

I wonder how the Russian people sitting in their homes feel about that sort of annihilation of life?   Today, I tried to dissuade a Pakistani friend on Facebook from referring to the US as the progenitor of all things evil.   The People of the US are no different than the people of Russia or Pakistan in that we have been led astray.

I don’t think the punishment for astray should be death.   Lest the entire globe be annihilated.  In my heart, knowing this man, I think he will agree!

And then monetary reparations for something that occurred 100-1000 years ago is beyond bizarre.   I think I’ll sue Adam for not properly keeping Eve in line!   So every person who has a lineage of Adam would be subject to said lawsuit.   Infiniti.

What FUN in the reparations idiocy.

Obviously, Elon Musk has not wholly bent to the Cabal faction and so they are testing the boundary of how we can destroy you – if you don’t oblige.   Scenario.   To Date, it would appear, their threats are relatively small compared to others that disobeyed – Kate Slade for example. Lest we forget. I don’t. Forget.   I remember each of them.

I suppose Musk has obtained some relatively not popular evidence, ie blackmail, of the Cabalists – that sustains him and his family.   Provides him with a wall of shelter – for now.

I enjoy that I have FB friends from countries across the globe.   I enjoy hearing their perspective from their place.   And they seem to be of equal open mind.   Which extends the notion that we don’t want to be the same.   But we do want the same envoy of peace. Amidst the ability to be who we are.

Like a marriage.

I like that instead of fixing on the ‘truth’ that is spewed from media’s across the globe, I can talk directly with The People.   And it is not unlike what we proclaim in the US, the media speaks great falsehoods.   And that is a part of the psychosis of Hypnosis alleged by those who believe our entire globe has been usurped and our only recourse left – at this point – is unpleasant…

And with my Breath I share with you, My Friends, that this will not be known as a great time of history.   And like in many, many multiple years of history, we find ourselves at a crossroads.   We came here because of our failure to invoke critical thinking.   TO right that wrong, we must – do the opposite.   SO.   Good things will evolve from this.  Lesson.  Learnings.   It is NOT all bad.

Homeschooling is good.   Ancient medicines are good.   Conventional compassion is good!   Against their dervish will – we are actually becoming more enlightened – and that is a positive thing!

THE CHINA AFFAIR: Two Cabals Infighting?

THE CHINA AFFAIR.     The News about Biden’s incompetence is a distraction. The News about Kamaltoes incompetence – is a distraction.   Our Country has no governance.   At ALL.   Congress is doing nothing.   Governors are doing nothing.   Russia Today just revealed that AOC is an internet ‘game champion’.   Meaning THAT’S what she does all day every day!!   Everything we see on the News is a distraction. BECAUSE CHINA IS THE NEWS>

Every major US corporate conglomerate is in China. Doing business. Fervently working with the CCP.   Paying bribes which are backed into the fake inflationary price gouging.   While the Fake White House talks about sanctions against China that don’t exist except on paper.

That’s why no one cares about the fraudulent election… it doesn’t matter because Washington is no longer in charge of anything.

Technically, the US has laid down sanctions against 59 Chinese companies or individuals.   But circumventing sanctions has been the gamit since the game was created.   As the media declares the Biden WH has taken a tough stance on China for human rights, corporations do business as usual or circumvent through a channel.

And the WH ‘looks good’ on paper.

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.   Sanctions are Rules.  There are numerous ways sanctions can be circumvented such as to simply change the name of the company, give it an English bent, a US Agent, and incorporate in Delaware as a foreign entity.   The lobbyists go away, and everything is swept under the magic carpet.

For example:   The latest WH sanction is against SenseTime Group based in China.   The fact that SenseTime had already been sanctioned for the same human rights issue in 2017 is a bit curious indeed!   SenseTime works in conjunction with MIT and Qualcomm. When they were sanctioned in 2017 MIT claimed they would no longer work with them.   Amidst the horrors.   But in 2018 MIT announced another joint venture with SenseTime.   How is that possible?   Why wasn’t MIT fined for violating sanctions?

Why is SenseTime being sanctioned again by the Biden WH for the same Uyghur human rights abuse?

Apparently, the alleged abuse isn’t about human rights at all but about technology that SenseTime has developed that can distinguish between ethnicities.   The sanction is based on the ‘belief’ that this AI technology was specifically developed to target the ethnic Uyghurs.   Thus, it is considered “intrusive”.  

But Haystack.AI, based out of New York, is also using ethnic surveillance techniques. One of it’s Founders comes from MIT. Surprise! So they essentially co-opted the SenseTime technology thru the MIT engagement. Pulkit Jaiswal, a co-founder of Haystack has proclaimed that his coming work is all about the 4th Revolution. Sourav Goswani, fellow co-founder, also serves as an advisor to Colle Capital Partners which stages IPO’s for new technology companies – including Haystack.

Apparently, this ‘intrusive’ software is not intrusive when utilized in the US. And the Sanctions imposed may be directly related to a possible forthcoming IPO from Haystack.

SenseTime was forced to withdraw its IPO as a direct result of the sanctions. With offices located throughout the world, subsidiaries, and a valuation of $7.7 billion, it is doubtful the WH Sanctions will have much of an impact.  But it may just be enough leverage to get Haystack a jump start.

More Sanction Circumvention:  Investment companies also typically have global offices.   Cyprus serves as a convenient location given their privacy rules.   Burisma Holdings, the company that hired Hunter Biden to persuade VP daddy, is incorporated in Cyprus.

Using a subsidiary to make investments in a US sanctioned company that is NOT sanctioned in the country which houses the office of the investment firm not only circumvents the sanction but it depletes potential US tax revenue. A lose-lose scenario.  But that assumes the sanctions are to ‘protect’ the US, which may have been the original use of sanctions 100 years ago.   Instead it appears that Sanctions are being twiddled and dee’d to further devalue the US Economy.

Of course the circular circumvention can work in multiple ways – a Chinese company reorganizes in Cyprus or Taiwan… etc… and US investments now flow to a Cyprus based firm with a flat tax rate for corporations of 12.5%.

While CSIS and The China Business Council are busily expanding China relations with US conglomerates, National Endowment For Democracy is busily declaring China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and UAE as Authoritarian Regimes exerting ‘influence’ and disinformation globally.

Specifically, NED declares that China is bribing foreign nations such as the Congolese president.   China is influencing the Italian parliament, as well as using politicians and lobbyists as proxies for foreign influence.   But NED is the coup-color revolution source across the globe.   Funded by USAID.   They initiated the Arab Spring, set Ukraine on the map with the 2014 coup and color revolution, and continually back dissidents like Navalny in Russia.   So is NED miffed that their anti-sovereign influence is being upended by China?

Perhaps NED is operating under the old school Mafia religion of two sets of books – only in this case it is the face presented via their website vs the face behind the shroud in collaboration with the CCP all along.

If NOT – it would reveal two separate and distinct Cabals: NED is one Cabal and CSIS is another Cabal – infighting. I wonder which one is the White House Handler?  

Economist Psaki Explains Biden’s Inflation: Follow The China …

Psaki keeps denying that the Biden Handlers are responsible for the largest rate of inflation since the 1940’s. Routinely she grins and says it is because companies are ripping off people with incomparable profits!   So I decided to take a gander:

1)   BP Oil – year end 9/30/21 revenue was up 45% over 2020 which was down 35% from 2019.   2019 was $282.6 billion, and 2021 was $217.5 billion. Net change = -23%.

2) Proctor & Gamble – gross profit for 2019 was $32.9 billion and for 2021 was $39 billion an increase of 18% over 2 years.

3)   Kraft-Heinz – apparently their financials were misstated to appear ‘overly rosy’ between 2015 and 2018 and are subject to fines…and regulatory restatement. $In January 2021 a $2.7 billion debt reduction was approved.

4) Exxon-Mobile – 2019 earnings were $14 billion while earnings for the first 9 months of 2021 were $14 billion with anticipated year end to reach $16-$19 billion a potential increase of 14%-35%. They made record debt repayments, began a massive share repurchase program, and secured 3 million barrels from the US Reserve.

5)   JP Morgan Chase – in 2019 had revenue of $115.6 billion compared to total anticipated for 2021 of $121.6 – an increase of 5% over 2 years. A $30 billion share buyback was authorized for 2021.

Share Buybacks are, like everything else, good and bad depending on the circumstances.   While it increases the dividend/distribution payout to shareholders, it depletes cash reserves for expansion.  There is also the fatal flaw that the buyback manipulates the metrics used to calculate executive compensation and bonuses making the move more attractive for a select few while not dispersing the payout to shareholders. It is therefore considered a means of ‘stock manipulation’.

In a chart provided by Harvard, an analysis in 2018 of buybacks to dividend payout revealed that the US companies were the ONLY ones to NOT return the reaped dividends to the shareholders.

For example, a review of ”Insider Trading” for JP Morgan Chase reveals a selloff beginning in the 2nd quarter 2020 and continuing thru the 2nd quarter 2021.

But this practice has been ongoing since the 1980’s, ramping up over the last decade, while it reaped massive profits for the elite, inflation was never an outcome.

Psaki’s college education is disputable given that despite having a Wikipedia presence since 2013, her backstroke degree in swimming was suddenly altered in 2021 to state her degree was in English and months later upgraded to claim her degree was also in sociology.   English majors typically go on to be teachers or writers – but Psaki immediately was picked up for ‘politics’ – more than odd given a swimming degree hardly qualifies as a political operative. But then there appear to be no pictures of her as a swimmer, nor as a graduate.

Kindof like AOC graduating from Boston College despite no pics or intellect to support the claim.

The John Kerry affair(s)? may have been squelched after rising early 2000, but Psaki stating she travelled alone with Kerry to France 25 times seems a bit unusual given Kerry was running for president of the US – not France.   But then a list of Kerry’s employees and interns leaves NO mention of Psaki at all…. perhaps she wasn’t actually on the ‘payroll’.

Anywho – Psaki’s knowledge of economics is sorely vacant. By contrast Kayleigh McEnany graduated from Georgetown majoring in international politics, studied abroad at Oxford and spent three years as producer of the Mike Huckabee show, ultimately graduating with a law degree from Harvard..

While corporate profits definitely trended higher in 2021, the impetus was the 2020 pandemic recession which also saw massive unemployment and bankruptcies.   But those profits do not match the gluttonous price increases that took effect just as Biden took office including:   food up 30% to 300%, gas up 200%, building materials up 31%, steel up 95%, housing up 35% to 50%.

THE TRUE ROOT CAUSE OF OUR CURRENT INFLATION?   We are subsidizing China.   Our corporate Behemoths are establishing a new Chinese Consumerism obsession – but until the Chinese consumer can afford their ‘pricing’, the US and Europe are functioning as Subsidy TaxPayers thru exponential price increases.  This FAKE INFLATION has NOTHING to do with supply and demand, and everything to do with the creation of a NEW Economy with 1.5 billion potential consumers!!

And the Shipping container Debacle!   That’s China too!   My next BLOG POST.

Biden’s Australia/UK/US Triad – AUKUS: A British Colonization in PLAY!

Why are the Biden Handlers creating an alliance with the UK and Australia?   A better question would be – why are Europe and Canada NOT a part of that alliance?   Why is Germany silent while Macron fumes?   The supposed threat would be China, however, if that were true all of Humpty Dumpty’s allies would have been included.    France in particular is openly angry, while Germany and Canada prefer to pretend nothing happened.  

According to Politico, the purpose of the alliance is “to share information and know-how in key technological areas like artificial intelligence, cyber, quantum, underwater systems, and long-range strike capabilities.”   Specifically nuclear subs.

Oddly, Australia doesn’t have any nuclear subs because they signed an agreement in 2010 pinky swear promising not to produce nuclear material.  Which means the entire pact is about diverting Australia deals with EU countries in favor of creating a more nuclear powerful Triad Australia.

The arrangement is understood as a means of tipping the power void of another British Crown Colony.    Although the media parlays the deal as a means of thwarting China’s aggression in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan, that announcement is likely a deflection.   While Humpty Dumpty spoke of the need to maintain a “free and open Indo-Pacific”, that would be in stark contrast to his Afghanistan withdrawal pronouncement of ‘non-interference’.

Well, look no further than the recent contracts awarded to the military industrial complex!

In July Raytheon was ‘awarded’ a $2 billion contract for nuclear cruise missiles.   In August they were awarded another $960 million to provide hardware and software procurement services to the U.S. Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center for the terminal segment of a joint service satellite communications system.

Coincidence?  I think not.   This Triad was concocted many moons ago.   But obviously the non-interventionism espoused by Biden’s WH Handlers in the Afghanistan pullout was smoke and mirrors – as is well observed.

Was China’s Xi Jinping conned?  

July and August, PM Johnson thought it a fun idea to attempt to provoke the wrath of China by taunting them with warship excursions in the South China Sea.   Johnson was well aware what this childish tactic would gain – the invocation of who is in power and who remains subservient.

The Triad alliance may have omitted Canada because Trudeau is headed for the twalette in the election next week.   It bears mentioning that the Demonic Dominion organization is based in Canada.   Therefore the election can be parlayed with the same Arizona/Pennsylvania/Georgia/Newsom Recall antics.   Does the CULT really want Trudeau to remain?   O’Toole is the opponent who vies for a more moderate conservative party – much like the toolbit Bush, Cheney, Romney, Graham, etc….

Today O’Toole stated that he pledged to have Canada join the Triad.   That statement sounds like a Queen’s Handmaid story.   Which likens O’Toole as just another tool of the Cabalist Cult whose definitive goal is the reassertion of a Global Crown Colony. And thus it would appear that perhaps the Crown is just as weary of Trudeau as they are of Biden.

That leaves Singapore and Hong Kong as the next former British colonies to be absorbed by the Powers.   Given Kamalisha’s latest Asian visit included Singapore, the relationship or threat of colonization could have been the main agenda on the table.

Hong Kong is another former British Colony recently absorbed by China.   Given Hong Kong citizens adamantly feared and protested the absorption… and given the protests were heavily infiltrated by radicals, it could be surmised that the China agenda was a Cabal plan.   Why?   Quite simply – chaos before the introduction of a Savior.   The British Crown will now supplant Communist China with the more moderate authority of the British Crown.    The Colony reasserts its aggressive attitude toward China, and Hong Kong becomes the bargain table deal – all for $1.598.

Recreating the Crown is essential to the institution of a British imperialist rule.

In the forward time of Alice In Wonderland, the pawns of Australia and other territories will build an untenable nuclear war machine. The timeline for these ‘transactions’ is an end game of 2026 – 4 years before the 2030 Agenda is fully implemented.   Via the destruction of China and Russia.

So where is South America in all this?   A land of much fertile soil, and freshwater lakes…   Another Blog…

In the meantime, we can ‘predict’ a British Colony Chess Gamit – in the series, Russia’s Viking was defeated by a little girl.   I would suggest that eyes should remain wide and wary…

Is The Taliban Aligned With CHINA Or A Puppet of The Cabal?

There would appear two opposing universes colliding simultaneously when reporting on Afghanistan.   One report states that the last remaining Americans and westerners could not leave Kabul because the US government would not allow planes to land at ANY US military bases throughout the middle east.   Another report stated that the Taliban held the plane hostage.   And still another report stated that the airport’s infrastructure had been bombed to such an extent, international planes were grounded.

Which universe is correct?

The focus is China.  China is planning to cozy up to the Taliban and suddenly, the alliance creates a fueled power.   Yet China tortures millions of Muslim Uyghurs, so how can Sharia Taliban embrace China’s ethnic cleansing?  Apparently, the Uyghurs have no Muslim allies – most notably, the Taliban.  So China is wooing the Taliban with money $31 million worth.

“Experts’”seem confused.  Why would China eradicate Muslims in China and form an alliance with Muslims in Afghanistan?   Outside of China, the government would appear to harbor no racism when it comes to gaining a foothold toward another country’s assets whether those assets are scientific research or plain old Fauci cash.   And everyone, literally everyone now sees the possibility of negotiating for Afghanistan’s $3 trillion in resources.

China Evergrande Group’s credit rating was cut by Moody’s Investors Service, the second downgrade by a global ratings company in less than two weeks. Moody’s lowered the grade by one notch to B2, it said in a statement Wednesday evening.  It is a result of rising credit in China.   Which would indicate that China’s economy is in far worse condition than the CCP cares to reveal.

The globalists are running ransom – Xi Jinping is being blamed for the looming economic cataclysm.   Having destroyed Syria, Libya, Lebanon, and Ukraine, the globalists would seem to have set their sights on China.   The next coup is likely already in the works.

The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall!

Amped up with their success in the US, the globalists are fueled with false victory.  Of course China is busily denying the reports coming out of the Cabalist media.   But the damage is done.  And the once angelic child, China, is now the enemy of all western nations.   Lured into a belief that the Cabal would be China’s great partner, Xi Jinping made the fatal mistake of trusting them.   In order to cross thru the portal of evil, one must be evil.

Destroying China’s economy also has the dual agenda of pulling down the remaining partners, most specifically – Russia.   Russia has continued to defy the advances of the Cabalists, the frequent coup attempts by the Cabalist puppet Navalny, and the Obama Administration attempt to destroy their economy tanking the oil market.

The EU and Australia have been told to avoid their great companion – China.   As a result, shortages will escalate as economies have been created to be heavily dependent and haven’t the manufacturing structure to reboot.

Afghanistan will be used as the portal to defeat the entire Middle East.   Using terrorism as the mantra, coordinated assaults will be executed and blamed on the Taliban while claiming the Taliban is in alliance with ISIS and Al Qaeda.   Given that various middle eastern countries have openly asserted their support of the Taliban, they will inadvertently become targets as well.   The World War meant to depopulate the planet will at last be executed so that the rise of the Colony serfdoms can be imposed amongst a populace drained of energy, trust and power.

Liberals, hawks and neoconservatives are aligned in this Cabalist agenda.   With the Fall of America, the authoritarians and imperialists know that other countries will become easier to defeat.   Suggesting, predicting, and parlaying the Taliban ruse will give way to an orchestrated industrial war.    And The People, will have no say.

The UK has been actively taunting China.   China is now aware of how they were played.   And instead of actively aligning against the real enemy, they make childish comments about America at large.  China could take some coaching, instead they are playing into the Cabalist chess game without a queen.

There are few media resources left that are not compromised.   The US government, military, and security organizations have been lost.   New revelations are revealed daily of the lies, the omissions, and the corruption that has become the norm.  And the overtness of those in office who do not even attempt to hide their perverse system of justice is beyond comprehension.

But history does reveal that what rises, falls.   People revolt.   And while pain can not be averted, we can prevail!


EU Weapon of Choice – KNIVES: Attacks Rippling!

IN many countries outside of the US where gun ownership is a Constitutional Right, vengeance is achieved via a much more personal and often much more painful means – knives.   While mentioning a knife, it should be qualified, because knife in these instances means; machete, sword, serrated fish scaling, or a 10” blade.   And the attacks typically are not a single person but involve mass, random death and maiming.   The psychology remains – the knife doesn’t kill, the person does.

Statistically, the numbers are skewed.   Like rape, knife attack stats are based on ‘recorded attacks’.   For example, when Germany’s Merkel was attempting to quash the violence perpetrated by immigrants during the mass influx in 2016, she told the police to not record attacks, to not prosecute, to squelch the truth so that ‘order’ could be an illusion.

This same dogma is used by China and other communist nations to quell not just face and perception, but to quell reality. It is enough to fear the CCP.   So the attacks are blocked from the media.

In essence that is the purpose of censorship.

IN London, the number of ‘reported’ knife attacks is 15.6 per 1,000. In China, statistics don’t really exist and if they did it is a 99% probability they are purposefully skewed.   Lying is preferred in order to preserve an illusion.

IN 2014, 130 people at a train station in Kunming, China were attacked by knife wielding men and women.   Of the 130 – 28 people were ‘confirmed’ dead.   A Mass murder spree in the every day life of China.   Did the knives do it?

Communist Germany is no different with knife attacks occurring often daily.   Three people killed, five injured.   A woman and her 2 year old daughter decapitated.   Forty eight people injured, fatalities unknown.   1 suspect.

NONE of these ever make headlines or even back page for any Mainstream Media.   Why?   Because these countries are communist – including Germany and much of Europe. While China is overtly Communist, Europe still pretends. And yet these EU communists are our ‘allies’.   But even in communism there are hypocritical inconsistencies: Cuba is not our ally. Venezuela is not our ally.   Both are just as communist as the EU and China and yet, they are sanctioned and isolated….


The Illusion only gets more profound.

Why people go off the deep end remains much of an enigma.   In China, the absolute suppression of society builds in some people to the point where they are unable to differentiate between violent actions and morality.   In Germany and London, by far the attacks are mostly perpetrated by African immigrants. Why?

Because their brains never developed to the point of being able to comprehend anything BUT violence.   It is their way of life.   It is normal.

By contrast, in the US we are always trying to discern the ‘cause’ of the violent action.   What happened?   Was the person angry? Why was he angry? Was he entitled to something he didn’t get?   And psychiatrists glom onto the narrative to support the ‘behavioral institutions’ that are making grandiose profit on abnormal behavior syndrome. Lawyers seek out these clients, and the system crashes into the abyss of profit.

While both systems are utter abject failures to this regard, the communist world prefers the largess illusion, while the once western world prefers to make it a profit concern.

And the problem is NEVER solved.

Example; what was the outcome of WWI?

  1. “Specific Effects of World War 1: The war changed the economical balance of the world, leaving European countries deep in debt and making the U.S. the leading industrial power and creditor in the world. Inflation shot up in most countries and the German economy was highly affected by having to pay for reparations.”
  2. “ It changed America’s military production systems, advanced aircraft to great heights.”
  3. It provided the ideal spark for the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 ushering in a Soviet communist state that was a menace for 82 years, thus making the United States a world power.”

We have been propagandized to believe we are somehow ‘saving societies’ by war, when in reality, war is simply a board game for the production of Money & Power. As China shifted its capitalist embrace, it did so for one reason – money and power. As Germany created the illusion of ally, it did so in order to attain greater Power… and Money.

Germany, France, UK, etc… are no more our ally than is Venezuela.   Each have one secular goal – to be supreme global power. And it is that nationalist view that has to date kept the CULT, the Cabal, from executing their Agenda. Rebel countries.   Economically, socially, and politically destroying each and every country into compliance – is the goal. If you don’t comply – we will destroy you.

Of course, the US was their greatest conquest. Europe had long ago succumbed.   Australia and Canada already were Crown territory.   Africa was easy given the level of poverty and corruption.   South America was supported by drugs and cartels – infiltrate and own.   Easy.

Who is left?

The Middle East which has been the focus of Revolutions since the Obama Supreme Leader entered the fray and NED sought control.   And of course – Russia.

Russia has become more of a stigma threat than even the US.   Putin’s justice system is not bound by the fake and fraudulent justice system we purport to uphold.

The creation of war is no different than the creation of internal chaos.   Both have the same two motives – power and money.   In countries where there are no guns – they use knives and stockpiles of grenades to achieve the same outcome – chaos.

Who wins?   Why the same profiteers who achieved vast wealth as a result of WWI, WWII, and most recently Pandemics…