Russia, Ukraine, China – HOST to Thousands of US Businesses

THIS whole China, Russia, Ukraine thing is so old and convoluted, I can not stand it any longer.   Please.   The US alone now has over 200 major businesses located in Ukraine including pharma, defense, and everything in-between. That IS JUST the US.   In China there are likely thousands of US corporations doing business in this dastardly country that we simultaneously prick into a holocaust War.   Including our most prestigious Universities and medical laboratories.   All while some defunct idiotic country provokes a global war on their behalf… That would be Ukraine, thank you.  

YET, somehow in the midst of these truisms, TESLA is decried a human rights abuser because they opened a showroom in China.   And somewhere under the rainbow there is some rational mind that understands this bizarre topsy-turvy.

I am a great proponent of The Gateway Pundit. But recently they have decried Biden’s failure to wage war against Russia on behalf of Ukraine.   Which would actually align them with the entire Democrat narrative.   TO destroy Russia.

I wonder how the Russian people sitting in their homes feel about that sort of annihilation of life?   Today, I tried to dissuade a Pakistani friend on Facebook from referring to the US as the progenitor of all things evil.   The People of the US are no different than the people of Russia or Pakistan in that we have been led astray.

I don’t think the punishment for astray should be death.   Lest the entire globe be annihilated.  In my heart, knowing this man, I think he will agree!

And then monetary reparations for something that occurred 100-1000 years ago is beyond bizarre.   I think I’ll sue Adam for not properly keeping Eve in line!   So every person who has a lineage of Adam would be subject to said lawsuit.   Infiniti.

What FUN in the reparations idiocy.

Obviously, Elon Musk has not wholly bent to the Cabal faction and so they are testing the boundary of how we can destroy you – if you don’t oblige.   Scenario.   To Date, it would appear, their threats are relatively small compared to others that disobeyed – Kate Slade for example. Lest we forget. I don’t. Forget.   I remember each of them.

I suppose Musk has obtained some relatively not popular evidence, ie blackmail, of the Cabalists – that sustains him and his family.   Provides him with a wall of shelter – for now.

I enjoy that I have FB friends from countries across the globe.   I enjoy hearing their perspective from their place.   And they seem to be of equal open mind.   Which extends the notion that we don’t want to be the same.   But we do want the same envoy of peace. Amidst the ability to be who we are.

Like a marriage.

I like that instead of fixing on the ‘truth’ that is spewed from media’s across the globe, I can talk directly with The People.   And it is not unlike what we proclaim in the US, the media speaks great falsehoods.   And that is a part of the psychosis of Hypnosis alleged by those who believe our entire globe has been usurped and our only recourse left – at this point – is unpleasant…

And with my Breath I share with you, My Friends, that this will not be known as a great time of history.   And like in many, many multiple years of history, we find ourselves at a crossroads.   We came here because of our failure to invoke critical thinking.   TO right that wrong, we must – do the opposite.   SO.   Good things will evolve from this.  Lesson.  Learnings.   It is NOT all bad.

Homeschooling is good.   Ancient medicines are good.   Conventional compassion is good!   Against their dervish will – we are actually becoming more enlightened – and that is a positive thing!