Facebook Deletes Russian Trolls! hee-hee-hee…

So Facebook removed 32 accounts that the media claims were Russian BOTS aimed at disrupting mid-term elections! Oh My Gosh!  They used such names as;  Aztlan Warriors and Black Elevation and Mindful Being and Resisters!

So I looked them up.

Aztlan has a website, and is still active on Twitter and UTube.  Their accounts identify them as Chicanos, they have tweeted a grand total of 23 times since 2016, most of which are ‘retweets’, anti-religious, pro-Palestine, and include one follower – a personal injury attorney that fights ICE.

Black Elevation – which is still on Facebook, hmmm, promotes Black Power, white = oppression, and anti-Bible.

Resisters – apparently attempted to create a protest rally in which they were to Unite Against the Right!  They are billed as feminists against Fascism.

Very Covert, Very Sophisticated – are the media gasps…

So how could these Facebook accounts be linked to Russia?  Well, actually there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever. None.  In fact, Facebook has announced that there is no VPN trail, no traceable IP address, and third parties purchased the ads.  Why would they be considered a Russia attempt to disrupt mid-terms if they are all obviously pro-Socialist and Liberal agenda’s?

Apparently, no one is doing even the most superficial of homework…

Virginia Democrat, Senator Mark Warner, is one such case given he has come out vocally against the Russian interference in our election – except, er, it would appear these accounts are pro-Democrat.  Oops.

Still, Fox News, NYT, Wapo, CNN and just about everyone are all jumping on the band wagon in desperation claiming this is a Russian attempt to influence the elections – apparently in favor of the Democrats?  Only, they are calling it ‘discord’ and ‘divisive’ as opposed to pro-Trump.   In fact, despite having absolutely no evidence of who, where, what, created these accounts, the Russia Connection seems to be the highlight!

“Undermining American Democracy”!   “Russian Style Influence”!  “Vivid Evidence that Russia in fact infiltrated the 2016 Election”!

If it wasn’t so comical, it might be critical, but contrived it most certainly is, most definitely convoluted, with still wet markings of a con, albeit a careless, crass, conniving, confidence trick – one.

Lining up, they demand/want Trump and the White House to respond to the allegations?   Why?  Because if they say Russian 500 hundred times, then it must be true. In essence they are merely in desperation mode trying to show that Russia didn’t aid Trump, but sought to instill discord, er, yeah, that’s the new and improved strategy.

If the whole things sounds fishy, it’s most likely because it is fishy.   It’s just a bit too obvious.

Germany: FREE Child Care Will Cost 3 Billion Euro

Germany has a daycare problem, it has been made hugely worse by the importation of millions of immigrants who by law may use the municipal daycare facilities, for free given they have no income.   However, there are simply nowhere near enough facilities to accommodate the German children, much less the multitudes of added immigrants.   Merkel’s solution?  Make it all free, then everyone will be guaranteed a spot! Yeah!  Sounds good for the media!   So what’s the problem?  There are NO SPOTS!   Stories abound of German workers who take advantage of the extended leave made available by law, put their children on a waiting list, only to find there still is no available slot after their 14 months leave has run out.

Making daycare free will only exasperate the problem!   Subsidies already cover a hefty percentage of the costs at roughly 225 euros per month. Until recently, this subsidy was provided to parents that chose to keep their children home, out of daycare, but this law was over-turned when a group of activists protested that it encouraged moms to stay at home – a taboo in Germany.

Because in Germany, it is much more preferable to have the state bring up your children for you… And they can’t understand why their birth rate is the lowest in all of Europe.  Odd.

Refugees and immigrants are given priority for daycare slots because the government feels this is the only way to assure the children will learn German…   Thus, Germans are relegated to hiring nannies and au-pairs at a significantly higher cost.

Essentially, when Merkel announced free daycare for everyone, she was really addressing all the immigrants who have yet to take advantage of the welfare benefit.   The potential domino effect of these policies is Germans will lose their employment because they can’t find daycare, can’t find an au pair or nanny, or can’t afford the private costs.

In 2011, Merkel announced that all children over three have the ‘legal right’ to daycare.   In 2013, all children over the age of 12 months were granted this ‘legal right’.  But the terminology is useless if there isn’t an available facility.   In fact, it was estimated that in order to accommodate this right by 2013, Germany would have needed to ADD 140,000 new facilities!  Never made it even close, the infrastructure was not available and the cost topped well over $3 billion.

The solution?

In 2017, a judge determined that parents who are unable to find a government sponsored facility may sue the government for lost wages!   Merkel?

While state sponsored German media outlets applaud the low cost grand scheme of daycare in Germany, the reality is starkly different:

  1. shortage of workers, in Germany they are called ‘childminders’ for family care, means importing them from other countries…
  2. shortage of facilities meant that many communities simply used PODS, or warehouses without any play areas, small spaces, crowded spaces, and inadequate supplies.
  3. parents have taken to bribing managers given the wait list can be exorbitantly long, 5 or more years in more urban areas like Munich and Heidelberg.
  4. a study commissioned by the Federal Families Ministry of Germany, found that only 3% of the facilities were considered of ‘good’ quality.  None apparently made it higher.
  5. there is no standard curriculum and politicians don’t want to require one given this could increase already burgeoning costs.

The cost to the government in providing subsidies and promoting families has been running  $270 billion per year.   Part of the reasoning for the initiative was a result of the ever declining birth rate – which was the major reasoning behind bringing in the immigrants.  Germany needs children and immigrants to fill the cost of supporting an ever aging population, because the German birth rate continues to decline.  So the government decided that the reason adults in Germany were not procreating was because they wanted more state sponsored welfare programs to raise their children for them.

What will Merkel’s new freebie contribute?

Higher taxes given Germany is already grappling with the requirement that it boost it’s military spending to be in compliance with EU regulations, nothing is “Free”.  Higher childcare costs as demand can not match availability, and expatriation as couples search to fill their needs.

Cost of Child Care in Germany:

State run facility – $400 Euro per month average

Private facility – $500 to $900 per month average

Au Pair – 4 weeks paid vacation, 30 hour work week, sick days, public holidays, paid travel, secure room, board and a monthly stipend starting at roughly 450 euros.

Nanny – typically charge 2,000 to 2,500 Euro a month

Trump vs The Media Cabal…

German media would have us believe that Russia is ramping up it’s armaments because of a riff between “the West and Russia”.   Oddly, they seem to have forgotten the EU Commission, the UN, Germany, the UK, France, Sweden, The Netherlands and a host of countries that have all radically attacked, demonized and sanctioned Russia based on circumstantial, unproven, and scanty evidentiary matter.  Including the supposed ‘annexation of Crtimea’…oh brother – look up UK annexations…


Because it perpetuates a common media meme in which a World War has been staged at the behest of the world Cabal, and fortunately tabled as the Swamp is retrofit with truth. Tch.  Tch.

Still, Merkel’s media is desperate to undermine and create what Trump has been attempting to squelch and denounce in the agenda of fake news.

Of  course this also aligns in the wake of the New York times publisher, A. G. Sulzberger, denouncing Trump as divisive and dangerous. Why?   Because he is calling out the scourge and the scourge are whining, ‘no fair’!   It should be noted that Sulzberger’s credentials are parallel to ‘Trust Fund Baby’ in that he worked as intern for The Providence Journal (he is not considered a ‘notable contributor), then later wrote a few articles for the Oregonian (which aligned with Bill Clinton and has since become known as a ‘tabloid’), before writing for the New York Times briefly which his father published…  Um, that’s it folks.   That is his sum total of experience that apparently entitles him to denounce the President of The United States.

An entitled TFB.

He is no more worthy than his money – and thus in line with Hollywooders who seem to feel they are the true MSM of the world.

The German media goes on to reiterate how the relationship between the West and Russia is at an all time low not seen since the Cold War.   Of course, this low occurred during and as a consequence of the Obama Administration, a notation conveniently not mentioned or cited.   It also occurred at the behest of Merkel.  Also, conveniently, not noted.

In fact, when Obama and Merkel threw down the sanctions they thought would cripple Russia, Putin used the demonization to restructure the economy and the military so as to rise above and confront their battle.  Much to their chagrin, he won.   And now, the media would have us believe this win, is due to the Trump effect. Hmmm.

With more and more weight being given to Trump, his tweets, his abrasive attitude in defense of the US, it would seem that the MSM, albeit the New York Times and the Deutsch Weil, are still lagging considerably in supporting their shareholders… and instead are intent on supporting their subversive agenda.   Even as Soros denounces both Hillary and Obama – as abject disappointments!

So while the Cabal is disassociating itself with the failures of recent history, the media is lagging.  Could they be the next demon the Cabal destroys?

What if, the Cabal turned on itself?  What if, they turned on the very media they have supported for years?   What if, the MSM becomes the next victim of themselves?

How else could Soros rewrite history?

It is reminiscent of recent history in which Soros adamantly demanded that Merkel allow an indiscriminate number of migrants to come to Germany – at least one million, he asserted in interviews.  Later, when the migrant policy turned into chaos, Soros stated that Merkel had ruined Germany as a direct result of her stance on immigration.

It would follow that as the chaos gains heat, Soros will denounce the MSM and take a decidedly negative stance against them creating even greater divisiveness.   A chess match!

And while everyone is focused on protecting the King, it is the Queen who has the most power!

In that sense, the NYT, CNN, the Washington Post, DW, The BBC, NBC, CBS, etc…, should all be wary that the Cabal will turn on a dime, and demonize the very sources that supported their causes.   There is no honor among thieves…

There is no loyalty.  And as we have seen, this has torched the sex industry of Hollywood, and will only grow exponentially.

The Trump naysayers are mostly self absorbed.  They typically feel obliged to inform Trump what he should and should not do, how he should and should not act, how he should and should not speak, how he should and should not – be.   That is the best way to determine if the person speaking is really a Pro- or anti Swamp…   Shhhhh.

Facebook: Zuckerberg Selling Off!

Facebook shares have been crashing… and Zuckerberg has lost $15-$16 billion… that is, according to the MSM.   But a quick look at insider trading reveals that in the last month he has divested roughly 100,000 more shares than he was granted – daily.   The price per share that Zuckerberg cashed in at – $209, $208 and $207.  Netting him roughly $20,800,000 per day – for 25 days or $520 million thru July 25th.  In addition, another 140,000 shares were granted and sold representing his daily ‘salary’ (he takes no actual salary) amounting to $29,120,000 for 25 days in July = $728 million.  That would mean his monthly pay for 25 days in July was roughly $1,248,000,000.   So is he really ‘losing billions’?  

He still holds roughly 14.3 million shares of Facebook… currently trading at $175 per share, the net value to him would be over $2 billion not including his daily acquisition of 142,500 shares.  And then, of course, is the Zuckerberg Foundation which sits on piles of money and does absolutely – nothing.

So, the news that poor Zuckerberg is losing his shirt is a bit short-sighted at best, and rather misleading by truth.  But it does sound good.  The truth is he has been divesting his shares for some time and pocketing the cash – most likely in an offshore trust.

In 2011, Zuckerberg owned 24% of Facebook shares.   At the time there were 2.74 billion outstanding shares.  That would mean that at that time Zuckerberg owned over 657 million shares.  How is that possible given today he owns a mere 14 million?  Unless the plan has been in the making for quite some time…

In another twist, in 2011, a Russian investment firm, Digital Sky Technologies, owned 10% of the shares.    DST was founded by an Israeli Russian, Yuri Milner, who also has stakes in Twitter, Google, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Airbnb, Spotify and Alibaba.  Today, Alibaba shares are ranked within the top 6 of most ‘shorted shares’.


Twitter shares are also being pounded and the MSM is asking if this is the end of social media…  Of course there is always a back answer, a reason behind the curtain being manipulated by the Wizard of Oz!

Pundits who do little to no research are claiming that Twitter and Facebook’s financial results were ‘disappointing’.  But Twitter has been operating at a significant Net Loss for well over five years while each year that loss is lower than the previous year.   According to the Shareholder Report released for the second quarter of 2018, their year over year revenue increased 27% while expenses increased only 3% and total users were up 11%.

So what’s the beef?  Hardly disappointing news.

Facebook’s first quarter earnings report for 2018 revealed a 50% year over year increase in revenues, and a 63% increase in Net Income, with a 13% increase in active users.

Hardly the report of a dying company!

But apparently, that is what the MSM would have us believe. Why?   Because the purpose is to dissolve interest in a platform that is utilized to a wide extent by conservative bloggers.  Because demonizing these social media giants and inundating them in lawsuits will ultimately fray the conservative voice and give further rise to a Liberal monopoly.  Because Hillary is convinced that these platforms caused her to lose.

But if Zuckerberg has already divested most of his shares, is he really complicit in the tanking of Facebook?   Is he a part of the inner circle?   And are the allegations and lawsuits all a part of the sham to devour and censor the platform utilized by the voices of America?

Is Zuckerberg aiding in the conservative media censorship by destroying his own company?  If in fact he initially owned over 657 million shares and today that number is 14 million, wouldn’t that indicate a long term plan in the making whereby his profit was secured?

In the end, Zuckerberg is no poker player, his face tells the story, and his share holdings back up the agenda…  Tch. Tch.  The wolves are everywhere.

Migrant Children – Don’t Want To Go Home!

Once again the perspective of the German government media icon, Deutsche Weil, seems somewhat perplexing as they attempt to provide a psychological analysis of migrant children being reunited with parents on the US border.  Apparently, the problem is the fact that many children aren’t too keen about the reunion, and DW would have us believe it is because they have been traumatized as a result of the separation.


Children don’t want to hug their mothers and fathers, they don’t smile or run and jump into their arms with happiness and glee. Instead they are sullen, distant, and scowling…  Odd.  Or maybe not so odd.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Barnert of UCLA, she warns that children will be angry, feel abandoned, and have life long health problems as a direct result of the US migrant separation policy.  So why isn’t this the case when veterans are deployed overseas and can be away from their children for a year or even more?  Why is it that time and again the veterans are greeted by their children with huge hugs and tears and kisses?   What could possibly be different?

Could it be because their fathers were beating them?  Could it be because they were abused?   Could it be because the sexual abuse they have endured in their homes has left a lifetime of scars?   Could it be because their life in the shelters was actually much more wholesome than the life they will return to?

Years ago when I lived in California, I came to know an immigrant family from Mexico.   Each year they legally submitted an application and paid the fee to have one of their children come to the US.   One child per year.   I remember Anna telling me how hard it was because all the children were being sexually abused by their uncle.  And yet, there was nothing they could do.   It was tortuous.

Could it be that these sad immigrant children reunited with their parents are not showing joy because this is the life we are returning them to at the behest of our outraged Hollywooders and politicians?

DW also cites Dr. Shonkoff who specializes in researching child development from a scientific viewpoint at Harvard.   Oddly, he too is making an analysis without actually interviewing any of the migrant children.   In fact, the basis of his theory could be more impactful in analyzing the development of children who are raised by nannies, day cares and public schools systems instead of by their parents.   The feelings of abandonment and neglect that institutionalizing children creates.  Or perhaps his research could apply to the roughly 150,000 orphans in the US…  But instead, somehow the millions are neglected in order to make a a statement about a few hundred.  Why?

So why would these two esteemed doctors make subjective statements regarding the psychological and health implications about a few immigrant children without conducting any interviews, specific research, or analysis of the life they are returning to? Why would they condemn the possible value that the shelter offered, as a ‘shelter’ from harm?

The cued media response is ‘irreparable harm, brain damage, obesity, and even – cancer!!  WOW!   What about the hundreds of thousands of children that are sent to the US unaccompanied – by their parents?  Hush!

The misplaced outrage is obtusely – misplaced.

Hundreds of migrant children will be traumatized, adversely affected, and Trump is the ultimate target of blame…  But what about the 2.7 million children who have a parent in prison?   Are they victims of brain damage and cancer?  How about the ‘ever increasing’ number of children in foster care now numbering roughly 450,000!   Where is the media outrage?  Where is Hollywood?

In 2008, a NY judge broke with tradition and granted asylum to three Honduran children who were being sexually abused by their relatives in Honduras.  Did any of these esteemed doctors who gave their name to the media as a reference against Trump’s policy research what these children were being sent back to?   Or maybe that reality didn’t fit the anti agenda…

Could it be that these ‘dogooders’ are oblivious to the abuse?   I doubt it.

In 2009, a report was issued that highlighted the fact that child sex abuse is at epidemic levels in Honduras and that statistics place it as one of the highest in the world!  Still it is below El Salvador…  Oh that’s right, many of the migrant children we are sending back home come from El Salvador too.

In 2006, UNICEF issued a scathing report in which it claimed that 40 million children younger than 15 were victims of violence, abuse and neglect in Latin America and the Caribbean alone!   And most of the violence takes place in the HOME.


Maybe that’s why these children aren’t looking too happy when they are reunited with their fathers, uncles and family…  This is what they are returning to as a result of the media, the outraged Liberals, and the Hollywood elite who throw pennies on the problem all the while derailing Trump.   Where are the politicians now who sought to see their name in print, the face plastered on papers as a guardian for youth?   Because it would appear by all accounts that what has been accomplished is to return these children to a living hell.

Are they protecting the children – or are they putting them to – a living death?  Were the Shelters the only safety they have ever known…

EU Commission: Gluttonous Spending

The EU Commission is embarking on a massive mission of garnering sought after revenue by suing major US companies including; Google, Amazon, Starbucks, Qualcomm and Apple. The woman behind the coup is Denmark’s, Margreth Vestager, a Socialist Liberal.   Vestager was the primary instigator in leveling a fine on Cyprus Airlines that ultimately resulted in their going bankrupt and the loss of 550 jobs.  By all accounts, she is – brutal.

The Google fine is heavy, weighing in at an astounding $5.1 billion as well as a demand that they change their business model to allow greater competition in the European market.  Whether this affects the share price is debatable, but the fact that the EU is specifically targeting US firms is of more interest as the Commission revenues have floundered and an appeal for funds is most likely the driving force, especially when BREXIT is finalized and 14 billion euro’s result in a significant shortfall.

The Trade War Behind The Trade War

This is not the first time the EU Commission has made headlines and enemies in trade disputes. IN 2004 Microsoft was ordered to pay $497 million which was the largest fine to date.  In 2006, they again attacked Microsoft and imposed an additional $448 million for competition violations.   And again in 2009 imposed $1.44 billion in fines.  And again in 2013, 561 million Euros.  In 2009, the EU Commission fined Intel $1.45 billion.

It would seem that the EU Commission is pocketing quite a bit of revenue from fines which, according to Article 83 of the EU Commission Protocol, are not reported as revenue but instead are held in a ‘special fund’ portfolio of high quality sovereign bonds with no designated purpose. 

In 2014, the Commission reported that of 70 separate fines imposed on various businesses, they collected $2.2 billion in ‘funds’.   In 2016, the EU Commission expenditures topped 136.4 billion Euros with roughly 8 billion going toward ‘Administration’.  Of course, it is important to note that administration is not an all inclusive of salaries and wages given that each sub-section absorbs costs that are ‘allocated’ to the specific project.   The two largest projects are;  Sustainable Growth Natural Resources, and Smart and Inclusive Growth which combined absorb over 90% of expenditures.

What the heck?

Smart and Inclusive Growth is supposedly targeting infrastructure and jobs in the least developed EU countries.   Sustainable Growth targets increased agriculture productivity.

In 2013, an external audit revealed that £109 billion out of a total of £117 billion spent by the EU in 2013 was “affected by material error”.  In fact, the audits for the previous 19 years all revealed similar deficits.  At the same time, the Commission was demanding additional sums from the UK in the amount of 1.7 billion creating  a havoc of hypocrisy and distrust.

The newly released budget for the Commission is slated at 1.14 trillion Euro.  The largest expenditure is applied to ‘foreign aid’ for countries wishing to become EU members – 123 billion Euros.

Given such an astronomical budget, what exactly has the EU Commission accomplished over it’s lifetime?

1)  It ratified the Paris Climate Accord

2)  It initiated the phasing out of export subsidies to allow poorer countries the opportunity to compete in agriculture

3)  It banished the death penalty

4)  It created a single market

5)  It ‘theoretically created open borders that meant passports were not necessary – although in reality due to the EU’s refuge and immigrant abject failures this open border policy is no longer being followed.

But most of the funding supports Research and studies that tackle various concerns including a project that determined cargo ships use less fuel than lorries, a mobile app to monitor weight loss, a publication of our galaxy, the design of an electric car for aging people, continuing research to expand renewable energy supply which now accounts for 5% of all energy output, and a project in which busses were subjected to a three year trial to determine if hydrogen fuel is a viable alternative…

While these projects all have relevance, it would seem the cost of funding the commission is rather extraordinary in comparison to the actual economic benefits achieved.

BY contrast, it would appear the US does not reciprocate in embarking in lawsuits against EU businesses that violate trade competition.

Massive Anti-Trump Protests? Huh.

The “MASSIVE” protests in London have begun with Trump’s arrival.  Given the DW.com claims that no one in the UK likes Trump, it was anticipated that thousands would rally.  So far, the MASS has amounted to around 30.

The hysteria is only matched in DC where MASSIVE protests took place, according to the NY Times and Washington Post, to claim outrage at Trump’s proposed pick for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.   Meanwhile media gaffs beat all gaffs once again as they proved their editorial negligence wherein they accidentally published their deplorable account of the new Supreme Court pick, only forgetting to fill in the XX’s with his name. Because the same article would have printed no matter who was chosen…

And while the Immigration protests planned by Moveon.org under the direction of Soros, were slated to bring in hundreds upon hundreds of thousands across over 160 cities, the turnout was piddlin.   Nashville thinks they may have had 1000.   While the media pictures were filled with individual signs, and individual profiles, few gave the impression of ‘massive’.   Photos were purposefully cropped to attempt to illustrate masses when in fact the count was more atune to 100’s.

In one picture on the media, it would appear the effervescent Trump blimp in London drew a remarkable crowd of perhaps ten.

The reason?

Because the coordinate efforts are trying to create an appearance of a distraught nation when in fact it just ain’t so.  The media read the same script, aired the same photos which in reality numbered less than a thousand protestors, and plugged the same agenda.  Fake news in all its glory.

If there is any distraught it is in the fact that impatience rules and The People wish he could do more faster!  Unfortunately, it is like pregnancy.  It took you 9 months to gain the weight, you won’t lose it in a day…no matter how much you ‘want’ to.  Because ‘want’ does not always align with ‘can’.

Moveon.org which is at the forefront of many anti-Trump campaigns has released it’s updated list:

  1. Defend the Mueller investigation – Moveon is preparing to rally 900 protests and 350,000 participants should Mueller get fired.
  2. NRA and Gun Rights – Moveon is inciting black people and young people specifically to rise up, ruging action and a fight.
  3. Elections – instigating turmoil by diving into ‘special elections’ and endorsing progressive candidates.
  4. Oppose Trump’s March To War – apparently this is targeting Trump’s cabinet in pro-torture, anti-diplomacy, anti- Muslim, anti-LGBT, and climate change.Of course, Trump’s cabinet have not instigated anything in this regard with the exception of dropping out of the funny failure of the Paris Climate Accord that has done – absolutely Nothing.
  5. Immigration – apparently there were no deported immigrants prior to Trump, they somehow never existed except that Obama has the dubious honor of deporting more immigrants than any other president – ever!Problem is – they all came back.
  6. Say No to Sinclair Merger – weird one, born of Liberal fear of losing their monopoly on the media?

These are the fights that will take the media by storm in the coming months as they are fed the propaganda to engorge on an unsuspecting populace.

Of course the Liberal focus for the present will be on Brett Kavanaugh, peeling him apart, shred by shred, until they are dancing the streets at their tolerance, peace, and love for thy neighbor.

NATO: A Freefall into Oblivion

Shortly after we got transferred back to the states in the late 1960’s and my dad went to work for the Pentagon, the proverbial shitake mushrooms hit the fan as the defense budget costs were audited revealing $1000 nails, gold toilet seats, $5000 paintings, etc… It was an embarrassment but it showed how budgets were created, inflated, and spent.  It also showed – why?

In the government, when you submit a budget, if you don’t use up all the allocated funds, the subsequent year you are given less.  Therefore, some genius came up with the idea of overspending so that each subsequent year you would get more.  That’s how it went in a nutshell.  And that’s how it continued from the advent of Democrat Lyndon Johnson, until present day.

In light of Trump demanding that NATO allies immediately spend the ‘required’ 2% of GDP on defense, the backlash is typical – “the USAF spent $32,000 on special cups”. Therefore, Trump is a spendthrift who can’t call out member states who don’t ante up their part.

Of course, they have completely missed the point.

The oddball spendthrift is the one country that is the EU’s wealthiest, Germany spending just a tad over 1%.  Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Norway, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania all underspend according to the NATO rules of Protocol. And they all have since 1991 when Clinton was President and the Soviet Union was dissolved.   The threats for which NATO was created; Italy and the Soviet Union, no longer existed.

Of 29 member states, 5 meet the 2% threshold, Poland is quite close, and the remaining don’t.  So why have rules at all if no one cares to abide by them?  Why have NATO is even the EU’s wealthiest nation refuses to pay their fair share?

Yet somehow, Trump is the bad guy…

Trump called for the 2% mark to be met immediately with a future goal of 4% and the media is going ballistic.  Why? Because they say the US doesn’t spend that much, in fact the US spends only 3.6%…  Interesting argument.  Trump is apparently setting the stage for an increase in defense spending and the media completely missed the message.

Adding to the idiocy is the fact that Merkel who just instituted an extension of sanctions against Russia, simultaneously signed a deal for $11 billion to bring the Russian pipeline into the EU, and demonized Trump for even criticizing the hypocrisy of the situation, while demanding that the US continue to pay the bill to protect Germany from the ‘bad guy’ – Russia.

In 2017, Germany reported a 41.2 billion Euro surplus which represented 1.2% of their GDP.  SO why didn’t they meet their NATO budget criteria if they had the funds to do so?   Military expenditures represented roughly 10% of their Revenues.

The reason they don’t is because no one is crying wolfe!  They are not called to their word.  And their integrity has flatlined.

NATO:  The US was initially not a member of NATO until Democrat, Harry Truman, decided that including the US would help to expand the globalization goal in eradicating communism – ie, Soviet Russia and Fascist Italy.   At the time Germany was not a member given they were the front for WWII.  In 1955, despite France’s adamant denunciation, NATO brought West Germany in as a member.  By 1966, De Gaulle had transferred all defense forces out of NATO due to the perception that it had become a US/UK stronghold.

Short term memory: France did not return to NATO until 2009 with advent of Obama’s Presidency and the rise of the Global elite cabal.

While NATO membership continued to expand from its initial 5 countries as of 1948, it is not clear why given the threats it was created to deter had long ago been eradicated.  Still, it was somewhat of an elite party and everyone wanted to be on the list although no one wanted to pay their fee, they likened it to a freebie supported in most by the US.

Over the course of it’s life NATO has worked somewhat in conjunction with US military forces. Essentially, they became a US adjunct financially, while the EU states that it was formed to protect continued to pay less and less over the next 26-27 years from 1991 to 2018.  The US military budget is $886 billion.   That accounts for over half the Discretionary Spending and roughly 20% of the entire Federal Budget.

NATO is obsolete. Whether or not they accomplished anything of value since their ascension to power is debatable.   Their purpose has been removed from existence over the last 26 years.  EU and Canada have recognized this and their contributions have been on a steady free fall ever since.

Dump NATO.

BREXIT, Theresa May’s Father, and Blackmail

Where the wind blows – so does Boris Johnson.  He has Brexited himself despite being against, for, and against, on any given day depending on where he will most likely get the most attention.   A man without ethics, he exited stage left before fulfilling the duties he had committed to – a summit on the Western Balkans.   That lack of integrity does define his honor.   But then he was never terribly committed to actually doing anything, he was following his own motley of money as he continued to botch just about everything he touched including a number of women he had affairs with. 

To think his resignation is anything but a breath of relief would be rather short sighted.   Plagued with a tongue that had no limits or boundaries, Mr. Johnson routinely bumbled his way through Parliament much like a bull in a china shop, requiring the deployment of a FT cleaner to sweep away the fragments of splintered china that he left behind.

He offended nearly everyone, lied, cheated, supported the devastation of Yemen while previously calling for the impeachment of Tony Blair for his support in the Iraq invasion.  He was the UK’s Maxine Waters with everyone wondering how the heck he managed to stay so long!

While the motivation for Johnson is questionable, the Theresa May bungling of BREXIT is truly remarkable.  In essence the soft deal is basically no BREXIT per se at all.   It is likely to be compared to Obamacare, “I guarantee you can keep your doctor and everyone will save at least $2500 per year” fiasco!

It’s a muckered down, waste of time and effort most likely composed by the Rothschilds given the demand for a re-vote didn’t fly.

What could cause May to cave to the will of the Rothschild cabal and the Swamp that infiltrated the UK decades ago?

This isn’t the only time Theresa May has surreptitiously botched an important issue upon taking office – the child sex abuse scandal reignited under her domain has just been quashed.   The main witness has now been charged with crimes including bringing false accusations, thus terminating the entire investigation which was targeting high up political and wealthy individuals, initially numbering over 1400.

And suddenly, just like that, they are all found ‘not guilty’.

Why would May allow the child sex scandal to flounder and completely shred?

Coverups and conspiracies ignite involving Chichester Diocese, All Saints of Eastbourne, Vicory House, St Barnabas in Bexhill and many others dating from as far back as the 1940’s.  Even those who were convicted in prior years served sentences that were ‘unholy’ by all definitions;   Father Keith Wilke Denford, convicted in 2013 for crimes dating 25 years prior – 18 months, Michael Mytton received a suspended nine month jail term.  Basically, a slap on the wrist.  A deal for keeping silent.

Theresa May’s father, Herbert Brasier, sought to avoid WWII and became a priest attending The Community of the Resurrection Seminary.  In years to come the Community of the Resurrection would become known for the systematic sexual abuse of children at the seminary by the Italian Verona brothers.

As the war produced more and more orphan refugees, many were sent to The Community of Mirfield where Theresa May’s father was then the vicar.  Mirfield and Resurrection were considered a tight knit group. A supply chain.

In 1953, Brasier was transferred to All Saints Hospital in Eastbourne where he presided as Chaplain.   He worked alongside Dr. John Bodkin Adams who was believed to have murdered upwards of 163 patients after having them change their wills and naming him as beneficiary.   Despite being labeled a bungler, falling asleep during operations, eating cakes and on multiple occasions injecting the wrong anaesthetic gas tube, he became the wealthiest doctor in Eastbourne.   Adams was ultimately charged with ‘one’ murder and acquitted by the presiding Judge, Sir Patrick Devlin whose wife Madeline was of the Oppenheimer family.   Multiple members of Parliament were said to be friends or lovers of Adams, thus his connections were vast and he was never convicted of murder or of theft.

It would seem that prior to Theresa May’s father marrying her mother who already had been diagnosed with MS, his postings routinely found him ensnared in the midst of and at the center of child abuse, sexual abuse and murder.   While little is known of him after May was born, the fodder for possible blackmail certainly seems a potential explanation for a whitewashing of web sources to research his life, and a Prime Minister who will do anything to keep her father’s name clear – including quashing the largest pedophilia case in the history of the UK.

And for her part, tit-for-tat, she will agree to uprooting and destroying BREXIT.

Theresa May & Sadiq Khan Failing Grade

London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, is allowing the blasphemous blimp depicting a baby Trump to fly across London when Trump meets for a summit with Theresa May and The Queen.   Khan has been blatheringly belligerent in his view of Trump since Trump proposed a temporary ban on all Middle East Immigration in 2015.  Despite Trump congratulating Khan on his win as mayor, Khan has upheld his contempt, and the feud continues.

So what has Khan accomplished during his tenancy as Mayor of London?

Stabbings are at an all time high, the murder rate is up 40% rivaling New York City, which is actually dropping, there is a spike in gun crimes, he has cut the number of police officers on the beat, he has closed youth centers, and eliminated the two strikes law.  And like Obama’s tenure, London has seen a tremendous rise in ‘hate crimes’.

Khan is anti BREXIT and decided to use government money to create a report that supports his conclusion: A no-deal BREXIT would leave the economy diminished and the people poorer.  That is the conclusion Khan asked for and the conclusion the report defined.  Apparently, the report makes future predictions that by 2030, Britain’s national income will be 3% less… if there is no transition agreement and no trade deal.

Basically, the report is based on a worst case scenario assuming that nothing changes, that the government caves to its inability to do anything whatsoever, and to a stagnant population with closing finance institutions.  Dire.

But is it reality?

Racism is on the rise in London during Khan’s tenure too.  At least that is what the media claim.  But is it true?  Or is it the same stoking we saw too often under the Obama administration to invite a belief until the belief was believed as truth?   Initiating chaos and having the government help promote, incite and provoke?

The Guardian is even taking the racism agenda a step beyond rationale claiming that BREXIT caused racism.  Of course there are other culprits in the cause of racism – capitalism and the far right.

But it isn’t just London that is currently a chaotic mess, the entire UK Parliament has come unhinged with eruptions resembling a junior high playground of bully fighting, fists and unfiltered tongues included.  The notion of the English Gentleman is most definitely a novelty of many years past. And yet these same brewhards and blowhards would hypocritically paint President Trump in an unglamorous fashion all the while failing miserably to account for his accomplishments in this past year and a half.

What has Theresa May accomplished?  Boris Johnson?  Anyone within the UK Parliament?   A list does not even exist.

What the UK has managed is the creation of a strange lot of laws:

1)  Muslims may pray on the streets individually or enmasse.  However, a man who read aloud from the Bible was arrested for inciting hate speech.

2)   MI6 helped create the Trump Dossier.

3)   The Skripal case against Russia was never proven, nor was the evidence released despite the accusation and the ultimate prosecution being finalized.

4)   The UK has banned entry, and/or jailed, activists who hold to an anti-Muslim opinion because their speech might cause Muslim’s to become violent.  This is akin to jailing the victim of a crime.

If in fact either Khan or May had a slew of amazing accomplishments behind them as Mayor and PM, their derisive attitude toward Trump might have some basis.  But given that Trump has infinite accomplishments to their none makes the entire snub rattily snotty.