China Trade War – MSM Playing The Wizard Of Oz…

CNBC’s Emma Newberger has published an article claiming that Goldman Sachs the has stated; “cost of tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump last year against Chinese goods has fallen “entirely” on American businesses and households…”   Goldman says there are two very detailed, item level studies that prove that Chinese imports remain at the same price. In addition, the US GDP could be hit by a .4% decline.

I suppose to some this sounds devastating. But when analyzed just a bit, the entire article is misleading at best, an illusion, and a tactical study in propaganda at the very least.

The article does not provide any link to any studies. It cites no statistics.   There is no historical graph.   In fact, it is red Jello with absolutely no cherries. Hospital food.

Between 2016 and 2017, the Consumer Price Index, before the levy of ANY tariffs, rose 2.1%.   In 2018, the CPI increased 1.9%.   Between 1970 and 2018, the CPI rose 25% with a starting point of -10%.   This increase coincides with the increase in the ‘money supply’ which doubled into Nirvana land during the Obama administration.

As for the US GDP rate, in 2017 it was 2.3%. In 2018, GDP increased to 2.9%. And in the first quarter of 2019, it increased 3.2%.   A .4% decline from the previous year would amount to a total reduction of .0116 resulting in a new rate of 3.18%.

Just three months ago, the very liberal CNN authored a story in which they claim that “the Chinese economy has slowed severely.   It has hit its lowest level in three years.   And it is much, much weaker than government figures suggest.” Local businesses blame the trade wars.   Senior China economist at Capital Economics claims the economy of China shrank 3% last year making the Goldman Sachs argument smell like a dairy farm.

The problem with the media is they do not have the power to ‘delete’ history, and so instead they attempt to rewrite it.   But a five minute research by anyone can quite literally unfold the truth and reveal a plethora of lies. In politics, they call them ‘gaffes’.   In the media, they are fake news.

Goldman Sachs is thus guilty of – fake news.

Barron’s claims that the US economy is slowing down. They site different methodologies for measuring the growth and choose to eliminate certain ones so as to lower the actual numbers.   But a measurement is only so good as it’s comparable historical measure. To conveniently eliminate certain industries because they might ‘artificially inflate’ the number means one would have to eliminate those numbers for all history. It is a defeating argument, designed to manipulate and propagandize the economy.

In essence, when analyzing the manufacturing industry of the US, Barron’s has determined that the current outlook is ‘half as bad’ as the decline from 2014-2016 during the Obama reign.

All numbers are intertwined.   If economists are going to extrapolate specific numbers without looking at the whole, then there will always be fluctuations, but the whole is the ultimate grade of an economy, not the individual parts.

The Gestalt theory, expressed in psychological terms in the 1920’s, understood that the whole is a sum of the parts.   Thus extracting ‘a part’ denies the whole. My father named his sailboat, “Gestalt”.

If one reviews the news from farmer and agriculture sites, as opposed to political news sites, the concerns are not so much China as: weather, disease, techniques, herbicides, trends, organics, toxicity, soil – all the normal discussions among those inside the industry.

What they aren’t discussing is – China.

What this reveals is that the MSM is manufacturing a Farming crisis without a farmer, they are creating an Economic crisis without a study or statistic, and they are creating an illusion without – magic.

In fact, the MSM is no different than the Wizard of Oz, a slight, old man, standing behind a great curtain, using machines to create smoke and noise so as to scare Dorothy and her companions, when in fact, there is nothing wrong – at all – and they all can find what they want inside themselves without the idiotic, narcissist behind the curtain.


Roger Stone Indictment

The Republican that Wasn’t – Richard Painter, ethics attorney, calls out Roger Stone.

According to Deutsche Welle, Roger Stone is a ‘long time Trump advisor’ and is the link to collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks.   This revelation comes according to Richard Painter, a former Bush White House ethics lawyer who is an outspoken critic of Trump, is affiliated with the far-left leaning Campaign Legal Center, and who ran for the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party while previously claiming to be a Republican for Bush, before becoming an Independent running as a Democrat – who lost quite soundly.  Painter is also a commentator for CNN – the same CNN that had leaked information on the Roger Stone Indictment that was a staged scene worthy of el Chapo.

This is the voice of reason according to Germany’s Deutsche Welle.  Where the heck did they get him?   Soros.

Painter is also Vice Chair for Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics, CREW, a far-left liberal leaning organization whose Chairman, David Brock, is aligned with various Soros organizations including Media Matters, American Bridge, and American Independent Institute parlays a rabid Anti-Trump Agenda.  Building a base by filing complaints against Republican and Conservative organizations, the organization’s main task is to bring down – Trump.

But Deutsche Welle felt this person, Richard Painter, was fair fodder to disclose collusion between Trump and Stone and WikiLeaks and Russia.  Ah!

Despite being a 501©(3) prohibited from engaging in partisan or political activities, CREW has managed to far surpass that IRS legal point without even a slap on the wrist.

In the interview with Deutsche Welle, he states that the fact that Mueller indicted Stone is evidence that:  “collusion between high-ranking officials in the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to obtain documents stolen by the Russians in the 2016 election. There is other evidence of course of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. So this clearly closes the loop and makes clear that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians, with WikiLeaks to obtain damaging emails that have been stolen from Hillary Clinton and the DNC.”

From a strictly legal standpoint;  a)  an indictment is NOT evidence of anything. And  b)  Mueller has already stated that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump and Russia.   And c)  Stone stopped working for the Trump campaign in 2015 with Trump saying he was fired, and Stone saying he quit. The DNC hack occurred in May 2016.

It would appear that by making these statements, Painter, as a lawyer, is putting himself in a position of libel and slander. 

Painter continues these bizarre statements by claiming that  this also proves that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr, and Trump were all in Trump Tower together “…meeting with the Russians to talk about incriminating dirt on Hillary that they wanted to get.”

For an attorney, Painter is clearly painting himself into a defamation lawsuit potential.

But his statements just plow on.

He highlights the fact that this Indictment is clearly the link for the circle that will bring Trump et al ‘down’ because Manafort was convicted, Gates was convicted and Cohen was convicted.   But wait – yes, all of these individuals were convicted – on charges of tax fraud – not Russian collusion.  Nyeh – details.

And for his piece-de-resistance, Richard Painter goes to the height of legal deception by stating:   “It is very dangerous for the United States, because as the prosecutors move closer and closer to Donald Trump and senior members of his campaign — including his own family — we are very concerned that his irrational behavior is going to increase. And that is a dangerous situation when he is in control of nuclear weapons and has as much power as he does.”

The implication being that Trump will detonate a nuclear catastrophic bomb annihilating the globe should he be impeached.  Painter then calls for Trump to resign immediately as he most assuredly faces criminal charges along with his family members.

This interview couldn’t be more impertinent, more false, or more speculative and defaming, and is truly grounds for defamation beyond comprehension!  The fact that Deutsche Welle, a government financed taxpayer funded media outlet would have the audacity to publish such drivel is purely a vindictive agenda promulgated by the failing Merkel presidency, and a desperate Soros.

The Indictment itself makes statements that are not proven including;   “The DNC – thru Company 1 – publically announced that it had been hacked by Russian government actors.”  An announcement – is not evidentiary conclusion. The crux of most of the Indictment is that Stone had communicated with WikiLeaks through an intermediary August 2016, three months after the DNC hack.  In addition, Mueller’s Indictment states that WikiLeaks is actually a Russian mole.  Unproven.  Biased.  And most definitely a Hillary take-em-all-down tantrum.

The entire Indictment, this ridiculous interview with Painter, the means with which Stone was served and arrested, the CNN exclusive media crew skulking at Stone’s house to film the verbose episode ALL so REEK of Clinton, it is impossible to come to any other conclusion.  The fact that an attorney, Painter, would subject himself to such massive defamation speaks to his legal acumen and without doubt his character.

Not even the most liberal New York Times is biting on this drivel.

Massive Anti-Trump Protests? Huh.

The “MASSIVE” protests in London have begun with Trump’s arrival.  Given the claims that no one in the UK likes Trump, it was anticipated that thousands would rally.  So far, the MASS has amounted to around 30.

The hysteria is only matched in DC where MASSIVE protests took place, according to the NY Times and Washington Post, to claim outrage at Trump’s proposed pick for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.   Meanwhile media gaffs beat all gaffs once again as they proved their editorial negligence wherein they accidentally published their deplorable account of the new Supreme Court pick, only forgetting to fill in the XX’s with his name. Because the same article would have printed no matter who was chosen…

And while the Immigration protests planned by under the direction of Soros, were slated to bring in hundreds upon hundreds of thousands across over 160 cities, the turnout was piddlin.   Nashville thinks they may have had 1000.   While the media pictures were filled with individual signs, and individual profiles, few gave the impression of ‘massive’.   Photos were purposefully cropped to attempt to illustrate masses when in fact the count was more atune to 100’s.

In one picture on the media, it would appear the effervescent Trump blimp in London drew a remarkable crowd of perhaps ten.

The reason?

Because the coordinate efforts are trying to create an appearance of a distraught nation when in fact it just ain’t so.  The media read the same script, aired the same photos which in reality numbered less than a thousand protestors, and plugged the same agenda.  Fake news in all its glory.

If there is any distraught it is in the fact that impatience rules and The People wish he could do more faster!  Unfortunately, it is like pregnancy.  It took you 9 months to gain the weight, you won’t lose it in a day…no matter how much you ‘want’ to.  Because ‘want’ does not always align with ‘can’. which is at the forefront of many anti-Trump campaigns has released it’s updated list:

  1. Defend the Mueller investigation – Moveon is preparing to rally 900 protests and 350,000 participants should Mueller get fired.
  2. NRA and Gun Rights – Moveon is inciting black people and young people specifically to rise up, ruging action and a fight.
  3. Elections – instigating turmoil by diving into ‘special elections’ and endorsing progressive candidates.
  4. Oppose Trump’s March To War – apparently this is targeting Trump’s cabinet in pro-torture, anti-diplomacy, anti- Muslim, anti-LGBT, and climate change.Of course, Trump’s cabinet have not instigated anything in this regard with the exception of dropping out of the funny failure of the Paris Climate Accord that has done – absolutely Nothing.
  5. Immigration – apparently there were no deported immigrants prior to Trump, they somehow never existed except that Obama has the dubious honor of deporting more immigrants than any other president – ever!Problem is – they all came back.
  6. Say No to Sinclair Merger – weird one, born of Liberal fear of losing their monopoly on the media?

These are the fights that will take the media by storm in the coming months as they are fed the propaganda to engorge on an unsuspecting populace.

Of course the Liberal focus for the present will be on Brett Kavanaugh, peeling him apart, shred by shred, until they are dancing the streets at their tolerance, peace, and love for thy neighbor.

Soros, Rothschilds and Rockefellers – On The Move!

Our Socialist sweetheart, Sanders, advocates for anarchy, terrorism, violence and fear. It would appear he revels in it. It would appear he believes that rioting is a right of passage. And the Democrat steamroller opponent, the Hillary, remains eerily quiet.

Revelations of a new protest organized by a former marine is scheduled to occur at Trump Tower. His beef, instead of Trump raising $6 million for the Veterans, he raised only $4.5 million… Instead of being grateful for the thought, the effort, the work, he is angry and advocates violence. Not cool.

And while the Hillary is apparently behind the marine’s protest campaign and organizers, and Blacklivesmatter are also openly prominent in the ‘assemblies’. Both organizations are backed and funded by Soros who would seem to be in a panic. I am reminded of Obama’s first election when the youth were specifically targeted for his vote. My son was attending University of Colorado at Fort Collins and when he attempted to vote at the tables set up on campus, the only vote that was ‘allowed’ was for Obama. He was told to – moveon.

But there are other factions that are actively organizing against Trump – Answer Coalition is one that is demonstratively against both Trump and Hillary but calls for demonstrations against only – Trump. The organization that funds ANSWER is Media Matters, founded by David Brock and John Podesta, both Clintonites. It is staffed by members of the Marxist, Workers World Party, and specializes in anti-America rallies and immigrant rights protests. They have been accused of financially supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, and were instrumental in the Ferguson riots.

Donations to ANSWER are tax deductible as they are processed through their sponsor, Progress Unity Fund, a 501(c)(3).  So we have a US charity supporting Hamas …  They share the same address in San Francisco, a small house on Anderson Street in San Francisco and their funding is predominantly through The Alliance For Global Justice, a Soros backed organization connected to the Occupy Wall Street protests and supposedly – Hugo Chavez.  Chavez’ death in 2013 was mired in controversy and accusations of conspiracies with fingers being pointed to the US State Department – which coincidentally would coincide with Hillary’s tenure from 2009 to 2013.

Chavez was instrumental in the use of the Venezuelan electronic voting machines that purportedly helped rig elections. The same machines that the US used in the Obama election. But like Assad, Chavez made some very powerful enemies, including; Soros, Heinz, Bush, Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell – and ultimately the Koch Brothers. As in – get into the Big Oil Business, and we will destroy you unless you pay us 99% of your profits. And so the price gutting of oil was triggered to destroy the competition, as in Venezuela you will die.

On 30 January 2009, George Soros said at Davos that “the main oil producing countries have been the enemies of the prevailing world order.” He also said of Hugo Chavez that “probably his days are numbered.” Those three countries would include; Iran, Venezuela and Russia. Bring them to their knees and the ‘world order’ will be given carte blanche to step in.  Chavez – assassinated.  Like other commodity trades, Soros would seem to have insider track…

In the meantime, the media is being instructed to create diversions so as to delude the populations what is really happening around the world and instead fill their minds with drivel – aka Bernie’s Socialism agenda, riots, protests, and entertainment/porn stories.

So while the media is paralyzed talking about Trump and Sanders and Hillary, the real mechanisms continue to wreak havoc:

Venezuela is on the brink of collapse.

Brazil is fighting a fake virus that will devastate the tourist economy

Europe is so over-run with refugees and ISIS their economy and society are perilously ready to implode

Poroschenko thinks that raging war on Crimea and slaughtering the citizens will bring peace to Ukraine.

Erdogan has stated that if the EU does not comply with his blackmail order he has ‘other options’

France and the US are digging into their oil reserves

And rumormill: The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are bitterly fighting each other for power and control, hence the Panama Paper Caper leaked Rothschild tax havens – the leak came from the ICIJ which is funded by both Soros and the Rockefellers.  UGH.  If these two powerhouses end up duking it out, we will be the forefeit pawns.  

And where is Soros?  Why he is busily betting against China, selling off US stocks and buying – gold.  Oh, in addition he bought shares in Gilead which coincidentally patented a zika virus vaccine and Novavax, whose new vaccine for all adults over 60 was – coincidentally – fast tracked thru the FDA…  Huh.  Gee Whillikers…

But hey, lets focus on a bunch of idiotic children rioting and acting like brats at campaign rallys…, Bathroom Bills, wage hikes, and flags and statues.