Global Strategy Group – Grooming Democrat Politicians

BEFORE Jen Psaki’s bio was rewritten to accommodate her Biden appointment, she was Obama’s ‘flying press secretary’, aka she accompanied hip on all his trips.   For one year between 2011 and 2012, Psaki apparently needed a makeover via Global Strategy Group.   The purpose of GSG is to remake democrat politicians and their handlers into more noteworthy candidates.   While GSG’s ‘team’ is comprised of 150+ researchers, their organization is structured around three white men who identify as he/him/his.

Co-founding partner and President, Jeffrey Pollock, is the functioning makeover aficionada covering a vast number of governors and members of Congress including New York’s Leticia James who is tasked with finding any dirt possible on President Trump.   Other clients include:   Comcast, Ford, Major League Baseball, Harvard, Bloomberg, MGM, and Bill & Melinda Gates – among others.

With a degree in Arts and a Masters in Public Policy, Mr. Pollock is a member of the “Screen Actors Guild”… and the Council on Foreign Relations.

An odd combination to say the least, unless the Screen Actors Guild is a CIA propaganda machine.  

Jeffrey Plaut, the alternate co-founder, graduated with a degree in psychology and boasts clients such as Bill & Melinda Gates as well as various unions.   His LinkedIn profile reveals a ten year gap between his education and his work at GSG… However, given the CIA’s obsession with psychological warfare against citizens, he was likely – recruited.

In 2013, Psaki was assigned to John Kerry.   It was in 2014, that the infamous picture of Psaki, Kerry, and Lavrov surfaced in which Psaki wore the pink hat with the Russian star. In 2021, Psaki’s bio upgraded her from a swimmer to an English major. And later in 2022 to an English degree – and still later to add sociology to her college credentials.   An obvious fabrication.

But fake degree’s seem to be a part of the GSG process as one of their graduates is elevated in the ranks.

Letitia James another GSG graduate:   Her first run for the 35th Council District was in November 2001. In a close race, James received 42% of the vote on the Working Families Party.   She lost to James Davis, a Democrat.  In July 2003, just months before the next election, Mr. Davis was assassinated by Othneil Askew a striving politician from the area. Thus allowing Letitia James to be the successor.

And if you believe any of this was a coincidence – you have been mind blogged by the CIA propaganda machinization!

The Working Families Party of New York was a member of ACORN.   ACORN was the subject of fraud, voter forgery, and corruption which ultimately rendered their legal status – defunct! They were conjoined with the Green Party and endorsed Obama.

Joe Manchin – GSG graduate.   His election/campaign came on the heels of an icon candidate Bob Wise with 24 years in office stepped down amid revelation that he had an extramarital affair.   Manchin won because there were no viable alternate candidates…

This is the Gamit! And GSG aids in these created and marketed means.

Jon Silvan is apparently a ‘distant co-founder’ of GSG having a resume that boasts Facebook, MGM, and the Rockefeller Foundation among others…

While these candidates fully know the skew and manipulation that garners their win, their ego remains intact.

While John Kerry was noted in Epstein’s black book via seven different numbers, Kerry was also a contributor to the Epstein – payroll.   Of course, Chucky Schumer, Clinton and Bush were also contributors to the Epstein Empire of sexual pedophilia.

As press secretary to both Obama and Kerry, Psaki obviously had some insider clout/knowledge that afforded her a  guaranteed ‘job’.   The fact that Kerry committed his wife to a sanatorium would seem most relevant.

So when Bots query about ‘Rittenhouse being a groomer’ they might want to take a garner at the various DC Propaganda Mechanisms including McKinsey and more clustered – Global Strategy Group.   And how they embrace Pedophilia and Assassination as a means of gain.


The Biden Administration is looking for means to initiate specific laws to be levied against white supremacist.   Apparently the current laws are not prevalent enough to target white people.   Citing the Anti Defamation League as a source of data, they attribute 45 murders to white supremacy in 2019 alone.   The most prominent being the El Paso shooter who killed 23 Hispanic people at a WalMart.   Unfortunately they don’t provide the data on the remaining 22…

In 2020 the ADL states that 17 murders were committed by white supremacists in 15 separate instances. Apparently, the number is low because there were no mass shootings…

While it is true that Patrick Crusius, a 21 year old white boy, did open fire with an AK 47 and murder 23 Hispanics, he was NOT a white supremacist. He was diagnosed as psychotic with significant neurological diseases necessitating his placement in special Ed his entire school life.   He was considered severely mentally handicapped.   Much like 20 year old Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook shooting who was also diagnosed with Asperger’s disease and was in special Ed classes.

The Anti Defamation League does not provide evidence to support their statement that 45 murders were conducted by white supremacist, instead they argue that 79 murders occurred in prison by white supremacist gangs over a period of 10 years… which would account for 8 murders per year… Really?  This would account for .06%!!!

Somehow they seem to have missed one very critical point!   Mental Illness.

Highlighting the US Capitol incident as a dominant example of white supremacist killings they fail to note that the one murder death at the Capitol was committed by a plain clothes black cop against an unarmed white woman, Ashli Babbitt.

Mikie Sherrill, a New Jersey Representative, is advocating for increased laws against white supremacists.   Her career included a stint at Kirkland & Ellis whose notable client list includes – Jeffrey Epstein. She is working in conjunction with Jonathon Greenblatt who worked on Bill Clinton’s campaign as well as Special Assistant to Obama. He is currently the CEO of the ADL and serves as an ‘independent’ monitor for – Facebook censorship.   Together these white gurus of extremism are self appointed warriors targeting white supremacist militants…and domestic terrorism.

They Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!

The culling of MAGA’s.

Except for one thing – they completely ignore BLM and ANTIFA.   Both extremist groups which have been responsible for billions in property damage and uncounted deaths and assaults.

Of course their problem is in how to create a law that specifically targets White Supremacists.   The NEW and improved definition of White Supremacy is: a person who believes the white race is inherently superior to other races and that whites should have control over all other races.   A secondary definition describes white supremacists as those who follow President Trump.

In 2017, Picciolini, white male and self-proclaimed former skinhead aligned with Obama, gave an interview in which he stated that the “average American” is a white supremacist. All while discussing Trump rallies.   Picciolini’s Free Radicals Project was given $400,000 by the Obama administration.   Their website is virtually empty of ANY information.

Despite their website stating they are a 501©(3) charitable organization, oddly they have yet to file any 990 forms with the IRS or provided any financial statements, nor do they have an address or any employees.

It would appear the $400,000 was a pocketed payoff for another slick willie.

ADL has a special arrangement with Tony Blair to facilitate Global Affairs (former PM of the UK under the Labour Party and devout globalist under the Cabal Party). Their Board consists of one black woman, no Asians and no Hispanics.   Odd.   Their staff consists of no blacks, Asians, or Hispanics…   Yet they proclaim white supremacism is an extremist for which they PROTECT against.

They do claim to work against anti-semitism given that Jews are part of America’s marginalized communities.

In 2019, their form 990 revealed:   over $91 million in revenue of which $24,000 was distributed as grants., over $40 million was consumed by salaries, rent was roughly $7 million, Travel & Conventions $4.4 million, and $9 million in ‘other’ which is not defined. Their secondary office is in Israel.  They have absolutely NO relationship with ASIAN, HISPANIC OR BLACKS.

By comparison:

*Roughly 10,000 to 12,000 Blacks are killed by Blacks each year. Accounting for 90% of black deaths.

*According to the Office of Research and Public Affairs, 33% of all mass killings in the US are conducted by the mentally ill.

*Drug related homicides account for 4-5% of all homicides.

*According to FBI statistics, less than 2% of all homicides are white on black.

IS this a white supremacist problem?   Not even remotely. But then, facts are not important…

US CONSTITUTION – Cancelled. The Enemy Of My Enemy Is MY Friend

Biden’s basement dweller is ruling by Executive Order.   Congress has thus been effectively repealed from existence.   With gun control measures going through via EO, and a vaccine passport prohibiting nonvaccinated individuals from engaging in commerce, The US Constitution has effectively been – cancelled.

The Supreme Court is cancelled.   The military, albeit one that has been purged, is now vetted and ready to assassinate anyone who moves.   The media won’t discuss the slaughter of ten innocent people because the perpetrator was a Biden supporter.   And the Japanese vessel stuck in the Suez Canal, is not Japanese at all, it is owned by EverGreen Maritime, incorporated in Taiwan and lists Board of Directors who seem to be Chinese and vocally anti-Taiwan independence. Newly released information suggests the maneuver was constructed deliberately and not a reaction to weather conditions.

Coincidentally, Hillary Clinton’s code name under the CIA was – EverGreen. The shipping company also has container ships named, Chelsea.   And the conspiracy fuels!

Was the blockage purposeful? A WH construct to further derail trade and wreak havoc on the economy?

I think it has become rather starkly clear that there are no coincidences, The global attack is in full force, and as Bill Gates smugly surmised, “we’ll have to wait and see who survives…”

While it has become fodder that the migrant children the WH is ‘protecting’ in these shelters, hotels, and on bases are likely awaiting their pedophile groomers, another question arises… what is on the Suez Canal grounded EverGreen?   Why are they reluctant to offload the containers and allow the draft to lighten?

And why is the media reporting they are Japanese owned?     Because they aren’t. They are a subgroup of the Evergreen Group which includes 18 subsidiaries including: Logistics, Aviation, Hotels, Steel, Construction, Security, etc… etc… and their affinity is ALL THINGS – CHINA.

While various people claim ‘Biden can’t do that’ the fact remains he has and no one is stopping the volcanic eruption.   Day 100 will occur on April 30th, the day of reckoning wherein Biden announced he would have a disease and resign.   TO think Kamaltoes will rise up as President is shortsided:    a) Hillary would never allow another woman that privilege and, b)   Obama is Biden’s puppet Master.   Kamaltoes will either relinquish command, or they will destroy her.   At which point Congress’ final duty before their abolishment will be to appoint a Hillary/Obama team as co-presidents.

And the US Constitution will be officially shredded.

Because Biden ‘made a muck of things’, these holier holy’s will venture that the US Constitution must be rewritten, aka destroyed given it is not upheld by the now defunct and useless Supreme Court.

Given that AI is much further developed than has been reported, according to the Rockefeller Foundation, those developments will likely be utilized to destroy the hooligan pro-Trumpers whose guns will have -0- impact on their Avatar weapons.

President Trump shanked their timeline.   As a result, they are moving at warp speed to dismantle economies, governments and societies across the globe.   They know citizens will rise.   But the elite will simply evacuate to islands and countries unknown until the wars are concluded.

Within this – there are some interesting caveats:   1.   Trump knows.   2.   Trumpers know.   3.   And the Rockefeller use of the term Avatar is not coincidental.   4.   The headstrong are likely to put up a fight they miscalculate.

The fact that they have instituted ignorant and easily sacrificial appointees – is also not a coincidence:   Russell Honore, retired, worthless career and embroiled in causing the death of 2 girls, Austin Lloyd, worthless career, retired, has a no confidence vote from peers or peasants, Anthony Blinken who was recently ravaged over the coals by Chinese military diplomat, ad nauseam the list goes on.   They are not respected, not honorable, and are thus sacrificed.  There is NO HONOR among thieves.

Even Fauci fails to understand that his future is a non-sequitor. His purpose has expired.   And unless he had the juju to gather evidence to support his continued existence, he might also expire like bad yogurt.

You can’t fight unless you know the game.   You can’t win unless you fight.   And always know exactly who are your enemies – because the media has promoted false illusions for quite sometime and many see while others are still blind… The enemy of my enemy – is my friend.

OBAMA – Who Created Him & Where They Are Now

Obama’s entire political career began when he was elected to the Illinois Senate in 2004.   HOW he came to win the election was just now revealed to me quite inadvertently.   But it has opened more doors into the Matrix!

A man told me I looked like the actress Jeri Ryan.   When I looked her up, I discovered her ex-husband had been in the 2004 campaign against Obama’s senate run, Jack Ryan.  

Ryan was divorced at the time – as of 1999.   He won the Republican primary and was facing off against Obama.   His custody agreement in the divorce was sealed. Yet despite this, the Chicago Tribune and WLS-TV demanded the court unseal these very private and personal documents.   Despite much legal argument, the Judge ruled for the Media  at which point their very private custody documents were made Public

Ryan was forced to withdraw from the Senate race at the last minute as a direct result.

The question is – who could have known what was in those documents that would be so damaging?   And secondarily, how could a news media organization require a judge to unseal confidential court documents for publication?

What made this particular case highly unusual was the fact that the parties agreed to allow the unsealing of their divorce records, but demanded custody records remain sealed.   Despite both parties refusal, the judge relinquished the records for public view.

The Judge in this case was Robert Schnider of California who represented many high profile Hollywooders. Obama’s campaign manager claimed he had seen the sealed documents and made accusations.   Schnider acquiesced to the lawyers who brought the case representing the Tribune Group chaired at the time by Dennis J. FitzSimons who worked on John McCain’s Senate run, and WLS-TV – owned by Disney Group.

Obama’s campaign manager who claimed to have seen the sealed documents was Jim Cauley who was solicited by David Axelrod.   Axelrod worked for the Chicago Tribune aka Tribune Group, before launching his own political activist career.   Before becoming Obamas advisor, Axelrod worked diligently to elect black liberal mayoral candidates, was backed by Rothschilds, The Economist, and even worked for the Liberal Party of Ontario in Canada. When Obama was running for President in 2008, Axelrod was a Hillary Clinton aficionado and friend. He chose Obama.

In essence, if the California Judge, Schnider, had ruled to retain the sealing of the custody documents per law, history might very well be completely different.  As a result, Obama went on to ‘supposedly’ win 70% of the combined votes for Senate. The same year Kerry was running against Bush for President and democrat Kerry only won 54.3% of the combined votes… with a voter turnout in both instances reaching an all time high of – of 70.3%.

In 2004, 60.7% was the typical voter turnout based on registered voters for the US. And according to Ballotpedia, in 2004, Illinois voter turnout was actually 62.4%.     But Obama and Kerry won based on 70%.

So where oh where did all those additional votes come from?

June 27, 2004, the Kenyan news media, The Standard, published an AP article in which it referenced Obama as “Kenyan Born’ – All Set for Us Senate!   Snopes declared the article was not AP and that both the Seattle Times and San Diego Union Tribune gave different accounts of the AP story without the Kenyan reference.   When I researched their archives – no such articles exist.   However there is an edited article published by a then AP reporter that has literally no relationship to the article published by The Standard.

Lawrence Tribe is the source who attests to Obama’s Harvard tenure and his appointment to the Harvard Review despite not meeting their most basic criteria.   Tribe’s other students include:   Chief Justice Supreme Court – John Roberts, Adam Schiff, Merrick Garland, a noted liberal who clerked for Brennan, was appointed by Bill Clinton in 1997, was nominated by Obama as Associate Justice, and was nominated as Attorney General by Biden, and Jamie Raskin who led the second Trump impeachment. Garland is notable for reinstating the seatbelt mandate in 1983.

Garland’s 1997 confirmation under Clinton included endorsements from Mitch McConnell, Jeff Sessions, John McCain, Susan Collins, Orin Hatch and Jim Imhofe.   The neoconservatives.  

THE CLUB.   THE CULT. The dirty games – the alliances – the court ownership – owned judges – a once prestigious university engulfed within the rule and order of Communism – it is all rather amazing how the ties come together.  How dense is the forest of wolves.   How inter-twined is the manipulation.   How connived is the corruption.

And it is only then can we understand how very very deep it truly reigns.

Israel’s Netanyahu – Another Neo-Conservative Bent on Gates Depopulation…

Virtual Tourism!   Wow!   Sounds like yum…?   Hardly.   Israel has gone full Green Passport communism whereby unless you are vaccinated or have recovered from the virus and can medically prove it – you will be disallowed from certain events, venues and stores.   Nonresidents are not allowed inside Israel and residents who have travelled outside of the country are forced to wear ‘tracking bracelets’ as part of their quarantine.  

Netanyahu would appear to be the Communist Tzar…

Given the extremist eradication of individual freedom, Israel encourages a ‘safer’ venue of virtual travel, virtual vacations, virtual walks, virtual education, virtual life.

With an unemployment rate now spiking at 20%, Netanyahu is easing restrictions as another election looms just 3 weeks away.   Timing is everything!!   The Health Ministry claims a total of 5860 people died with CoVid over the last year+ – representing a whopping .06% of the total population.   Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat!   Mortality numbers for Israeli’s over the age of 65 are roughly 35,000 per year.   The ‘average age’ of those who died with CoVid has been roughly 80 years old…   and the vast majority suffered from other diseases.  Average means that vast majority are actually well over 80 years old…   and for this the economy was completely obliterated – Netanyahu…

The Health Minister, Yuli Edelstein, has declared that every citizen must be vaccinated or have medical professionals sign-off proving they have recovered from the virus – anyone who does not ‘will be left behind’.   Like the book series wherein – they will not ascend to Heaven…?   In other words, unless you submit, you may as well die because you will not be allowed to exist.

The only vaccine offered in Israel is the Pfizer jab.

Israel: So far 28 people have died from the vaccine since the vaccine program began roughly 5 weeks ago.

UK:   460 dead, 243,612 reported injuries.

CDC:   1265 dead, 25,212 injuries

South Korea:   7 dead, 2800 injuries

Norway:   30 dead.

Spain Nursing Home: 46 deaths in one facility after first shot

Germany bought over 736,000 does of the Pfizer vaccine – and so far only 87,000 doses have been administered due to the fear of death and injury rates.   As such in some cities across Germany the health minister has declared that the Pfizer vaccine is the only one that will be offered – take it or leave it.

Germany’s vaccine rate within the EU is one of the lowest ranking beneath Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Cyprus, etc…   Given Germany is the wealthiest country in the EU and the leader in all things – this is an odd anomaly.   Except that Germans seem reticent to get the jab.  And that reticence is justified!

By contrast the UK has the highest vaccine rate at roughly 4x times that of Germany.   And still advocates some of the strictest lockdowns and mandates.   And yet, the numbers don’t change… why is that?   Bojo the Clown rules.

But then Germany didn’t even order the vaccines which leads one to speculate – why?   Was it purposeful? Did Germany pull out to wait and see what the ‘experimental vaccine’ would do?   And in an odd play for Merkel – did she choose to allow other countries to subject their citizens as the proverbial guinea pigs?

Certainly, Bojo has no affinity for the people, and is simply doing the bidding of Bill Gates.   That is obvious.

Did Merkel defy the Order?

We live in a world of chess and checkers.

In this instance, as an outgoing leader in a matter of months, did Merkel defy the Global Handlers?   To save her people…. from the devastating effects of a vaccine known to kill, maim and destroy?

When Merkel suggested that Germany, instead, import the Russian Sputnik vaccine which is a protein composite within the entire SARS-Mers-Cold spectrum of coronaviruses.   Passing up the Big Pharma preferentials, was Merkel actually doing her country a service?   What Sputnik is NOT is an mRNA vaccine like Astra Zeneca and Moderna which are linked to the death tallies and debilitating side effects including stroke, aneurism, heart attack, neurological attitudes, and blood clots that have debilitated many across Europe and the US.

One can only assume the depopulation agenda is in full swing with certain countries gung-ho to slash their aged and non-productive citizens.   Israel.  Should a handful of the youth be sacrificed – so be it.   In the words of Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make??”

And while Israel is held up beyond normal standards despite it’s ‘record’, it has seemingly led the globe in fascist doctrines of CoVid and has recently announced that despite peace accords it has every intention of bombing “Iranian nuclear facilities”.  

Which puts Netanyahu on par with Joe Biden/Obamaville.

And Thus – another Neo-Conservative is revealed.

Oil Skypes While Wind/Solar Tank: Who Are The Winners?

After Biden shut down us oil production and fracking putting thousands of people out of work, the price of oil has gone up 18% – in one month.   Simultaneously, with the advent of climate change tzar, John Kerry pushing for windmills and solar, those shares have – dropped about 19% after rising steadily during President Trump’s tenure.

Isn’t that odd…

The White House that advocates for 100% renewables by 2030 has killed the renewable market.   The White House that wants to destroy all things Russia, just gave their economy a hefty boost!   The White House of Obamaville must have some lucrative investments – in oil.   And at Bill Gates bidding, destroying Tesla in the process is gravy – Tesla is down 30% since the White House changed ownership.

And Gates hates all things Elon Musk.

Who is selling Tesla?   Capital World Investors, Baillie Gifford & Co., Jennison Associates, and JP Morgan Chase. Interestingly, it would appear that all these sellers include Tesla among their top, if not the top, holdings.

It would appear to be an obvious coordinated effort to kill Tesla shares, aka Elon Musk.   Why?

It appears the feud is one of intellect vs non-intellect.   Gates is a college dropout whose marketing savvy has been his only claim to real fame.   Musk is likely of genius level and has used that intellect to create. The profound dichotomy would be like comparing a snake-oil salesman to a scientist.   And egos being what they are, Bill Gates feels affronted for his lack of actual intellect.

So. To proclaim his absolute superiority, Gates likely called for a Tesla – selloff. A chess game.

The big buys for Capital Group in this manipulated Chess Game include: Pfizer, Altria, JP Morgan and PayPal.   Meaning they all play the same roundabout of tit-for-tat.   Of course, minimum investments are not advertised although the dollar figure is likely in the millions.   Tch-tch.   “give us a call…”

A heavy weight name in the Obamaville play world is Timothy Geithner, currently presiding president of Warburg Pincus, LLC.   Despite his less than politically correct attributes of being – white – and male, Geithner wields a boatload of power.   Including most notably his membership at BIS, Bank For International Settlements.

BIS has been names as the global Mafia.   BIS owns the banks, the cartel, the trafficking, the laundering, the drugs.  They, unilaterally are – the essential Cabal.   In the world of money, if you aren’t BIS – you are either dead, or will be soon.  Geithner is well entrenched.

Never mind his affiliations with Council on Foreign Relations, Economic Club of NY, Bilderberg Group, or Center For Global Development, BIS, is – key.   However, Center For Global Development bears a bit of explanation.

CGD is well known for its ‘micro-lending’ schemes in Nigeria and Liberia. But it is also in committed agreements with the Gates Foundation for vaccines against pneumonia – in Africa.   Imagine that!   Notable speakers for CGD include Hillary Clinton.   Awww, shuckaroonie.  After the Australian Government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations ranks as the 3rd thru 12th principal funders.  Followed closely by the EU Commission, Exxon, Ford Foundation, and 4 levels of Soros Open Philanthropy.

Obviously, Geithner is well entrenched in the Cabal.  And sometimes these revelations almost seem – boring for their obviousness.

Of course, they, CGD, are very, very, very…. Independent.  And would never ever pinky swear be anything – other than independent politically, socially, economically, or financially…independent.

And if you believe that you are utterly, complete, terribly, horribly – daft.

It is worth mentioning that ALL these big shell game investors selling Tesla are well entrenched in the China markets.  Surprise!

And while China is feigning great animosity with the US and EU, they simply couldn’t help their ego but to pronounce their very odd statement that during the COVid Pandemic, they accumulated more billionaires than the US.    Amazing!   In essence, if one can believe anything a communist country states, they are announcing that in the midst of causing/creating a global lockdown economic spiral into welfare, chaos – they – China – profited – hugely.

On our desperation.

Without pronouncing how, where, why and how, while they were embroiled in death and mayhem, they managed to create massive numbers of billionaires, somehow we are supposed to feel – ‘hurrah’….

In addition, according to the internet, we are supposed to believe that Geithner’s net worth is somewhere between $1 and $2 million…  despite his very very lucrative career in massive financial endeavors.

Ahhh, the fakery of Orwellian Speak.  How Sweet It IS!

I would venture that there were no new billionaires in China, Geithner is worth $1-$2 billion, and more than a few pieced-off wind/solar CEO’s in the EU are not happy with the White House and it’s co-horts of finance who have decimated their worth.  But then, those stories are ripped.

And then we have Pelosi:   In December, Pelosi Bought Upwards Of $1million Calls On Tesla At A Strike Price Of $500.   Tesla Hit $850 In February Before Plummeting to $600   We Don’t Know If Pelosi Exercised Her Strikes At $500 And Sold At $850…or if she is sitting on calls that will be worthless by the strike date. Either way, she Will Have To Report said Transactions Next Month.  Given her vast history in profiting as a Congressional member with insider information, it is likely she is busily attempting to find ways to divert names – from shares.

Personally – Oil appears to be the go-to buy.   Wind and solar are dead for the near short term.

And Tesla?   Lets ask – Bill Gates!

Insurrection ACT: Italy and Germany Complicit in Election Manipulation?

It would appear that the United Nations has on board its team – their very own aerospace, defense and cyber security and intelligence organization with over 50,000 employees working worldwide.   The website of this defense company declares that they work in unity with the “UN’s Sustainability Development Program Agenda 2030 and with the EU’s New Green Deal”.   They are 30% owned by the Italian government and boast revenues in the billions.

Six divisional offices are located throughout Italy, although their ‘footprint’ encompasses 115 countries including most notably; Germany, UK, Poland, Canada, Australia, Brazil, China, Russia and the US.

Their name is Leonardo SpA.

Luciano Carta is their Chairman and Alesandro Profumo is their CEO.   It would appear their entire board was just appointed May 2020, a shakeup without explanation.

Leonardo has been around for a few decades, although not so active as in the last 10 years.   Their US operation is LeonardoDRS.   In 1997 William Lynn was nominated as the Under Secretary of Defense by Bill Clinton. He had previously served in the office of the very vulnerable Senator Ed Kennedy.   The same Kennedy who killed Mary Jo Kopechne in the Chappquiddick River.

Lynn went on to rise in the ranks joining the Board of Directors of the highly liberal Atlantic Council, and accepting an appointment as Deputy Secretary of Defense by Obama. At the time Lynn was doing extensive work for Raytheon and an appointment was prohibited by a law actually established by Obama.   The law was waived. And Raytheon was awarded a $1.1 billion contract by the Obama administration.

In 2012, Lynn took a position with DRS Technologies as CEO and Chairman of the Board.   DRS had been purchased by Leonardo SpA in 2008, effectively placing a Clinton/Obama defense appointee in charge of the US operations of an Italian company. The US operation, DRS, operates jointly with BAE Systems and Airbus Group.

The 2030 Agenda proposed by the UN in 2015 is about peace…   Having onboard a global defense, space and Cyber Security organization seems a bit heavy handed.   The UN 2030 Manifesto calls for all governments and ‘stakeholders’ to unite in one collaborative partnership, ie New World Order.   The propaganda purpose is stated to be to ‘heal Mother Earth and eradicate the tyranny of poverty’.   The core idea is income redistribution.

Pelosi’s CoVid Bill was Agenda 2030.   Americans watched as over $750 billion of OUR tax dollars were sent overseas, leaving just $176 billion for our own core causes.   Ultimately, the purpose is to take more from us in taxes until we no longer become extravagant consumers of goods and services which includes food consumption as well as ownership of homes, appliances and such.

Children will become wards of state education much like China whereby their thoughts and opinions must align with the Greater Good as ‘critical agents of change’.

Small businesses will no longer exist.   All businesses will be centralized under a corporate fascist head and rationing will be determined according to need by the Committee.

While the Agenda is well known, certainly not censored, what may not be as obvious is how it has already begun implementation.

There was one big obstacle with the advancement of the implementation of Agenda 2030 – the American People.   Subverting the election was the means to eradicate Trump and his influence.   Despite massive evidence, our courts and Congress chose to simply pretend it didn’t exist and ignore the corruption.

And then we were given a feather – a quiver.

Sometime around December 24th an employee of Leonardo SpA came forth with allegations that Leonardo Company was complicit in injecting reverse data into ballot tabulations in the Presidential Election 2020 in favor of Biden.   Utilizing their in depth security data source equipment, they were able to send signals off satellites owned in a joint venture with Thales Alena, a French/Italian manufacturer of satellites.

The whistleblower has since provided a sworn affidavit of his allegations which states that “under instructions from persons inside the US Embassy in Rome he undertook the operation to switch data”.   In addition he has stated that the information was sent to Frankfurt, Germany.

The US Ambassador to Italy is Lewis Eisenberg.   He was an advocate for Bush and McCain.

Others have since come forward from Leonardo confirming the same allegation of election interference and manipulation.   Documents, data, personnel are currently being vetted by authorities as evidence supporting the allegation of foreign intelligence interference in the US election.

If the evidence is sufficient, President Trump would be authorized to institute the Insurrection Act.  

General Flynn had already supported such a move but President Trump appeared reticent.    That was before … This is now.

AND THIS is why Pelosi is desperate for immediate impeachment.

Science vs. Charity. Mythological gods of Science.

The egocentric gods of Science are much like the mythological gods of Rome and Greece.   They have elevated themselves to such extremes that they now truly believe they are the only ones worthy of survival.   Their Science is typically based on conventional predictions and false predications, but the delusion remains strong.  

If one can stack 20 facts upon a theory – they espouse the core theory to be a fact. And with this elixor, they are trampling our world.

Science is a PHILOSOPHY.   Within it there exist truisms – and trash. But unfortunately, our world has recently elevated science to such Biblical proportions that the masses follow without any creative thought or challenge.

In 2007, Germany, the progenitor of nearly all massive Wars and destruction, created the World Future Council.  

Their purported function is to determine what is equitable, what is justice, and what needs to be eliminated given their surmise.   It would appear – they function primarily in – Africa.

One of their premier representatives is Auma Obama, elder half sister to Barack Obama.   And in that, it would drive the concept that Africa is being groomed to be the next Global Power.

Unfortunately for Africa, this does not mean that Black Africans will rule the world, it simply means that those entities and people who own and control Africa will be the elites to control – whether White, or other.

In that context, it is important to note exactly who those ‘others’ might be.

Unlike the British Royal Society that has existed for centuries, The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 by a plethora of academia who considered themselves intellectually – elite.   The plebes, the peasants, the society that was not of their compatible IQ were wholly and effectively renounced as unworthy of existence.   And thus they became a mainstay of the Gates Depopulation Agenda.

People often wonder how someone of an elevated ‘IQ’ could possibly be evil?   Wouldn’t one completely void the other?

When serial killers, Ted Bundy types, were analyzed, it was believed that a higher IIQ would translate to a higher compassion for human existence. Only to discover the exact opposite was unharnessed.     And IQ has absolutely zero correlation to compassion, heart, or God.   Instead it embraces what is described as – evil.

Instead we have the Bill Gates of the world who are Ted Bundy times 100million.

The Royal Society, the Club of Rome, these are simply two examples of what are likely hundreds of exclusive egocentric machanizations that purport to be the ‘worthy’.   They view themselves as the ones who will ‘inherit the earth’ .

And yet, what is overwhelmingly powerful is the fact that in this thinking – they have revealed their inherent lack of intellect – or worthiness.

Sun Tzu thought;   when a person elevates themselves they reveal they are the dirt that needs to be cleansed.   When a person believes they are the prophet or savior, they have fallen into the deepest depths of fire – or Hell.   Because the moment you elevate yourself, is the moment you lose the most fundamental Buddhist concept.   At which point you are relegated to the lowest point of reincarnation.

It is all about humbleness.

I am not a practicing Buddhist.   But I have studied.   And most of these Atheist or Agnostic champions that we face today, proclaim they are – Buddhist.   And yet haven’t a clue about the most pronounced caveat – much like #1 of the Ten Commandments.

They are fake.   Fake humans.

When Kamala squeakily squeaked that her family always celebrated Kwanzaa, the chalkboard fingernail was vicious!   But pathological liars have no guilt, because they don’t even understand that what they lie about is a lie – because everything is – made up!

Truth does NOT exist.   How bizarre is that!   I had the misfortune to marry such.  UGH.

Anywhoooo.   The ONLY way to vastly deplatform the sector is simply to make all charitable organizations, foundations, NGO’s, and anything nontaxable – Taxable.

I mean, a charity should not have a profit…   otherwise it isn’t a ‘charity’!!!

I mean, if a charity is sitting on $563 billion profits – what expressly defines it as a ‘charity’?   There should be zero profit.

Wonder how that would change the NGO Landscape? Wouldn’t it be a HOOT!

4th Industrial Revolution – Pope Francis Signs On.

It is Sunday and the ‘Council For Inclusive Capitalism’ is making headlines as Pope Francis joins The Movement.   Timing is everything.   It appears as though the shadows are moving into the light.   Emerging into mainstream as they seek to enforce the final Act of their Shakespearean Play for global dominance, these organizations are anything but ‘inclusive’.   They are the money hoarders who built their fortunes on chaos, poverty and death.   And they call themselves:    The Guardians.

Pope Francis the Jesuit is coming out of the proverbial closet and has been anointed as a Guardian.   Others wishing to join The Movement are relegated to:  1. Steward – business leaders whose collective actions advance the movement, 2.   Allies – foundations and NGO’s who work in parallel to the mission, and 3.   Individuals – the commoners.

On the surface, just like Soros philanthropic swamps, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism promotes ‘dignity and equality’.     However, pulling aside the curtain of OZ, reveals a gluttonous vision of:   Rockefeller Foundation, Lynn Rothschild, Ford Foundation, Bank of America, Mastercard, Merck, OECD, Allianz, UN, etc…

And the true Agenda?   Corporate Global Governance.   The NWO is about eliminating elected government and replacing it with corporate tiers and committees who are aligned in their version of inclusive capitalism ie, Green.

The fact that Pope Francis is suddenly operating in alliance as though The Vatican is now a corporate entity – is wholly predictable.   The Vatican has bilked global citizens of infinite wealth for centuries.   Like an NGO, it sits on the bulk of it’s charity hoarding for the day when their power can be fueled once again.   Francis was groomed.  And given that entry into The Club is predicated on wealth – not equality and dignity, The Vatican has been a target.

Formed in 2010, it is as though the Obama reign opened the gates for the final lap.   MasterCard CEO Anjay Banga is an anointed Guardian.   Previously he was an Obama appointment for the role of ‘enhancing cybersecurity’.   Guardian Oliver Bate, Chairman of the Board for Allianz, began his grooming career with McKinsey & Company.   Guardian Marc Benioff, Chair and CEO of SalesForce, serves as Chair of the World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.    Guardian Mark Carney is currently the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, while also serving as Prime Minister Bojo Johnson’s Finance Adviser for COP26.  From 2018 to 2020 Carney chaired the Global Economic Committee for BIS, Bank For International Settlements.

BIS has been less than ‘transparent’ and some have called it out as central to the human trafficking trade, satanism, control over all mafia’s, child pornography, money laundering, drugs, and just about every nefarious criminal activity possible.  (See the interviews with Ronald Bernard)

The representative amount of wealth owned and managed by The Guardians is well into the multiple trillions.

Representing over 2500 organizations across 70 countries, The Council developed and utilized what they term to be, ‘integrated reporting’, so as to encapsulate society into a singular thought stream.   Boasting of their accomplishment in this, The Council claims to have ‘woven themselves into the fabric of corporate governance reform in countries across the world’.   In other words, they own governments. They are the Directors of the Narrative. They are – The Shadow.

The International Integrated Reporting Council became the means of ensuring a universal message was parlayed. Headed by Prince Charles of Wales, IIRC states that their purpose is to create a ‘common world view’ that is globally relevant to fit the desires of future businesses.  How does one achieve such a huge common view?

In essence they are defining the worker as a mechanism to build their business model, much like one would define and utilize a robot.  The most prominent worker identified is youth.   As such the UN developed Entertainment Partnerships to help supplant a mindset propaganda in innocent children.   The effort to inspire ‘sustainable development goals’   at the youngest age was accomplished via three seemingly benign productions:   1.   Angry Birds – Act Now Climate Campaign.   2.   Thomas & Friends – All Aboard For Global Goals.   3.   Hello Kitty – promoting Sustainable Development Goals.

Separately, The Handmaid’s Tale was created in collaboration with the UN to promote Climate Change, Human Rights, and Refugee sympathy.  Other movies created for UN means include:   Chernobyl, Chasing Ice, The Social Dilemma, Racing Extinction, Chasing Coral, The Game Changers and The Cover.   These propagandized movies are along the lines of the CIA movies from the age of MK Ultra which proliferated from the 1950’s thru the 1970’s – and likely today..   Fake scenes of war torn Syrian children became a dissected visitation into the world of MKUltra operating out of studios in North Carolina.

Re-educating older generations is a futile effort, therefore training young, innocent, suppliant bees is a much easier task. The bees will never be anything but bees. Their usefulness is solely as a worker. But they will have been trained and their minds altered to share one common reality and thesis.   The purpose is to eliminate the rebels, the free thinkers, and the creative.

Pope Francis’ role is to bring onboard the millions of Catholics who are worshipping him – instead of God.  While many Catholics understand the Jesuit’s righteous claim to a throne as a false indoctrination, many millions remain unaware.   It is not a coincidence of timing that Francis has announced his allegiance now.   The players are advancing quickly.

In this rule of Guardians, their ideology of advancing the poor can be seen in their response to the “Pandemic” in which they acknowledge that those who don’t die will live in abject poverty and those of robust youth will be the sustainers of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Even more importantly, the individual wealth of The Guardians is most certainly NOT on the table to bring about equality, their wealth simply secures them a seat at the Round Table.  Their diligence to ‘the cause’ means those that question or fall away – disappear.   The Vatican’s wealth has been a target for decades – Francis was the means appointed in 2013 at the behest of The Guardians.   And with America a last frontier to conquer, the elimination of President Trump and his supporters gained immediate and substantial traction.

Whilst this meant the Royalty would necessarily need to temporarily acquiesce to communist China – they are not a part of the elite Cult.  They were simply a tool.   China succeeded in creating the most productive tool – a Pandemic.   The Pandemic will eliminate America as a last frontier by collapsing the economy.   All, of course, according to the reset of equality – transparency – and dignity… 

New World Order: China Out. EU – In.

Hunter Biden is the means to the end.   If Joe Biden manages to squeeze himself in as US president, the means of getting him out were typically directed at his obvious mental decline.   But with the Hunter Biden story making mainstream headlines it would appear that the bait and switch is in full blown active territory!  

Obama is enacting his revenge.

Obama hated Biden when in office.   He hated Biden out of office.   It was nearing an impossibility to coerce Obama endorsing Biden’s presidency – but in the end, Obama complied.   And the laptopGate is looking like its roots may have been framed under a China-Obama allegiance.   Destroy the entire family.   And interestingly, the mainstream media have all simultaneously abandoned Biden. Tossed him under the proverbial bus, and begun their destructive Phase II.

Others are now being linked to a Jim Biden email list that includes: Kamala Harris, DeBlasio, Cuomo, Schumer, Newsom, Al Franken, McAuliffe, Feinstein, Garcetti, and Jerry Brown.      Will they go down with Biden as well?   That would leave candidate Biden AND Harris defunct.     Normally, The Constitution provides that the House and Senate pick via a contingent election and electorals vote for the replacement should both a president and Vice President be eliminated.

But given the election is under major legal challenges, the plan becomes much more problematic for the Democrats.  Their ONLY actionable plan – distract, deny, destroy.

To date the Biden Cabinet picks are roughly 50-50 in terms of being lifted from Hillary/Bill reign of terror and Obama’s war hawk agenda.   This would indicate that if both Biden and Harris are vacated, the Congressional picks for a new President and Vice President would also be 50-50 Clinton vs Obama camps nominations.

Obama/Clinton et all have announced an interesting choice for the Biden Cabinet Trade representative: Katherine Tai whose past experience was considered somewhat brutal in her disputes against China during her tenure at the World Trade Association.

Has China been played?   Did they already serve their purpose?  Are they going down the road of annihilation?

The notion that the Deep State would hand over their one world government to China is rather preposterous. The Deep State is rooted in British heritage – and just as they initiated an ever destructive spiral of the Middle East and Africa so will they set in motion China’s implosion.    Power must be dissolved from all countries in order to institute a new reign of government.  And China was simply another – useful puppet

China just may find themselves projecting an Assad moment.   Assad was a useful tool, until he wasn’t.   And when he wasn’t his country was destroyed.

General Lloyd Austin served during the Obama administration as commander of CENTCOM.   During his military tenure, his only true military roles included short stints in Afghanistan and Iraq, hardly worthy of his rank. The remainder of his time has been spent in the US, albeit not at the Pentagon.   His Masters degree was in ‘education’.   And his experience is devoid of interaction with both Russia and China.   His most notable achievement to date is the fact that he sits on the board of Raytheon earning a remarkable annual stipend of $350,000.   Raytheon defense spending took a hit under the more pacifist Trump administration unlike hawk Democrats and ‘neoconservatives’.

As a board member of Raytheon, it is likely he will advise military missions with defense spending in mind.   As in ‘pick-a-fight-any-fight.  Other than that, by all appearances he appears to be a – nothing.

General Austin’s acceptance speech indicated a renewal of ‘allies’ that have been left out of the party by Trump including Iran, Germany and France.   Because these allies are crucial in reinstating the power core of a new world order.

Most of South America has been obliterated in terms of wealth and economic viability.   Africans are being eliminated through ISIS styled militias.   Russia remains a hostile regime for the democrats. That leaves Europe.   The revitalization of Europe as the control tower would seem the likely direction. And while the barbs have been freely levied citing comparisons to Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, another former Marxist/Communist serves as a baseline – Pol Pot.

Winning the election thru widespread voter intimidation and electoral fraud, Pol Pot took over Cambodia creating a one party state and ruling by decree.   Remember Biden declaring he would rule by Executive Order?   Wealthier peasants had their land redistributed so that by the end of 1972, all families living in the Marxist-controlled areas possessed an equal amount of land. Daily lifestyle meetings were imposed in which citizens engaged in criticism and self criticism.   Essentially adopting a snitch/Karen atmosphere of distrust.   Poverty was worshipped. Phnom Penh was vacated when Pol Pot decreed that the city would be bombed – and everyone left.   Most were then relegated to agriculture farming peasantry.

A common phrase or mantra of his Khmer Rouge was – “to keep you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss”.   Closely aligning with the ideals of the CoVid pandemic eliminating the elderly who have no useful productive purpose.

Communal kitchens meant foraging and hunting for food was prohibited atheism rose, starvation rose as motivation faltered, and brothels for the elite members were encouraged. Estimates consider 1/3 of the population of Cambodia died.  I am reminded of The Hunger Games.   Hollywood is routinely fed propaganda ideas to form into propaganda films that at the time appear fictional…

Biden is not Pol Pot.   But Biden is not President-Elect either.   He is simply a cardboard cutout that will be replaced rather quickly as we watch the media hyena’s begin their assault!

Today, Black Live Matter took issue with Biden – furthering the division that will be utilized in his ultimate denouncement whilst a more equitable president will be slated to be announced.   Someone clean.   Someone without repute.

Biden’s fall from grace was planned from the beginning.   Likely Kamaltoes was also a diversion given her lack of anything remotely British Royal.

Biden’s Cabinet picks tell the tale.   This is about an Obama-Clinton rise to power within a global order of One.   And unfortunately for China, that Order, would never include them.