4th Industrial Revolution – Pope Francis Signs On.

It is Sunday and the ‘Council For Inclusive Capitalism’ is making headlines as Pope Francis joins The Movement.   Timing is everything.   It appears as though the shadows are moving into the light.   Emerging into mainstream as they seek to enforce the final Act of their Shakespearean Play for global dominance, these organizations are anything but ‘inclusive’.   They are the money hoarders who built their fortunes on chaos, poverty and death.   And they call themselves:    The Guardians.

Pope Francis the Jesuit is coming out of the proverbial closet and has been anointed as a Guardian.   Others wishing to join The Movement are relegated to:  1. Steward – business leaders whose collective actions advance the movement, 2.   Allies – foundations and NGO’s who work in parallel to the mission, and 3.   Individuals – the commoners.

On the surface, just like Soros philanthropic swamps, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism promotes ‘dignity and equality’.     However, pulling aside the curtain of OZ, reveals a gluttonous vision of:   Rockefeller Foundation, Lynn Rothschild, Ford Foundation, Bank of America, Mastercard, Merck, OECD, Allianz, UN, etc…

And the true Agenda?   Corporate Global Governance.   The NWO is about eliminating elected government and replacing it with corporate tiers and committees who are aligned in their version of inclusive capitalism ie, Green.

The fact that Pope Francis is suddenly operating in alliance as though The Vatican is now a corporate entity – is wholly predictable.   The Vatican has bilked global citizens of infinite wealth for centuries.   Like an NGO, it sits on the bulk of it’s charity hoarding for the day when their power can be fueled once again.   Francis was groomed.  And given that entry into The Club is predicated on wealth – not equality and dignity, The Vatican has been a target.

Formed in 2010, it is as though the Obama reign opened the gates for the final lap.   MasterCard CEO Anjay Banga is an anointed Guardian.   Previously he was an Obama appointment for the role of ‘enhancing cybersecurity’.   Guardian Oliver Bate, Chairman of the Board for Allianz, began his grooming career with McKinsey & Company.   Guardian Marc Benioff, Chair and CEO of SalesForce, serves as Chair of the World Economic Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.    Guardian Mark Carney is currently the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, while also serving as Prime Minister Bojo Johnson’s Finance Adviser for COP26.  From 2018 to 2020 Carney chaired the Global Economic Committee for BIS, Bank For International Settlements.

BIS has been less than ‘transparent’ and some have called it out as central to the human trafficking trade, satanism, control over all mafia’s, child pornography, money laundering, drugs, and just about every nefarious criminal activity possible.  (See the interviews with Ronald Bernard)

The representative amount of wealth owned and managed by The Guardians is well into the multiple trillions.

Representing over 2500 organizations across 70 countries, The Council developed and utilized what they term to be, ‘integrated reporting’, so as to encapsulate society into a singular thought stream.   Boasting of their accomplishment in this, The Council claims to have ‘woven themselves into the fabric of corporate governance reform in countries across the world’.   In other words, they own governments. They are the Directors of the Narrative. They are – The Shadow.

The International Integrated Reporting Council became the means of ensuring a universal message was parlayed. Headed by Prince Charles of Wales, IIRC states that their purpose is to create a ‘common world view’ that is globally relevant to fit the desires of future businesses.  How does one achieve such a huge common view?

In essence they are defining the worker as a mechanism to build their business model, much like one would define and utilize a robot.  The most prominent worker identified is youth.   As such the UN developed Entertainment Partnerships to help supplant a mindset propaganda in innocent children.   The effort to inspire ‘sustainable development goals’   at the youngest age was accomplished via three seemingly benign productions:   1.   Angry Birds – Act Now Climate Campaign.   2.   Thomas & Friends – All Aboard For Global Goals.   3.   Hello Kitty – promoting Sustainable Development Goals.

Separately, The Handmaid’s Tale was created in collaboration with the UN to promote Climate Change, Human Rights, and Refugee sympathy.  Other movies created for UN means include:   Chernobyl, Chasing Ice, The Social Dilemma, Racing Extinction, Chasing Coral, The Game Changers and The Cover.   These propagandized movies are along the lines of the CIA movies from the age of MK Ultra which proliferated from the 1950’s thru the 1970’s – and likely today..   Fake scenes of war torn Syrian children became a dissected visitation into the world of MKUltra operating out of studios in North Carolina.

Re-educating older generations is a futile effort, therefore training young, innocent, suppliant bees is a much easier task. The bees will never be anything but bees. Their usefulness is solely as a worker. But they will have been trained and their minds altered to share one common reality and thesis.   The purpose is to eliminate the rebels, the free thinkers, and the creative.

Pope Francis’ role is to bring onboard the millions of Catholics who are worshipping him – instead of God.  While many Catholics understand the Jesuit’s righteous claim to a throne as a false indoctrination, many millions remain unaware.   It is not a coincidence of timing that Francis has announced his allegiance now.   The players are advancing quickly.

In this rule of Guardians, their ideology of advancing the poor can be seen in their response to the “Pandemic” in which they acknowledge that those who don’t die will live in abject poverty and those of robust youth will be the sustainers of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Even more importantly, the individual wealth of The Guardians is most certainly NOT on the table to bring about equality, their wealth simply secures them a seat at the Round Table.  Their diligence to ‘the cause’ means those that question or fall away – disappear.   The Vatican’s wealth has been a target for decades – Francis was the means appointed in 2013 at the behest of The Guardians.   And with America a last frontier to conquer, the elimination of President Trump and his supporters gained immediate and substantial traction.

Whilst this meant the Royalty would necessarily need to temporarily acquiesce to communist China – they are not a part of the elite Cult.  They were simply a tool.   China succeeded in creating the most productive tool – a Pandemic.   The Pandemic will eliminate America as a last frontier by collapsing the economy.   All, of course, according to the reset of equality – transparency – and dignity…