NIH and CDC: Funding Science Fiction via Globalization

NIH has an annual budget of $41.7 billion.   What exactly do American taxpayers get for their money?   Research.   Endless research with little results or changes.   “Science Driven HIV Research”.   Appropriating money for research over the next 7 years – because prior research wasn’t ‘science driven’.   “Experimental Vaccine For Tick Illness Effective in Macaques”.   Crimean Congo Tick Fever infects -0- people in the US annually.   “Commonly Used Antibiotic Shows Promise For Zika”.   There are -0- cases of Zika in the US.   “Decades of NIH Research Lead To Promising Treatment for Progeria”.   Progeria has affected 100 people worldwide since 1886.  

What The Heck?????

The 2020 budget included:   $291 million to support ending the HIV epidemic.   In 2018 the CDC claimed roughly 38,000 people were ‘diagnosed with HIV’ and that roughly 15,000 died from ANY CAUSE and also had an HIV diagnosis.  In other words it could be that -0- people died of HIV – the CDC just doesn’t know for sure.   The CDC can only ‘estimate’ their published numbers because they really don’t have any ‘science driven’ data – only guesses.   For that, we give the CDC $11.1 billion every year.

Despite their Budget labeling HIV as an ‘epidemic’, a paper released by NIH calls the HIV epidemic a pandemic and allocated $375.3 million for the first year to be divided among US and International institutions to conduct research over the next 7 years.

In essence, US taxpayers are paying for the vast majority of ALL global research.

Why?  Because ‘Science’ is part and parcel of the Great RESET.   Science, the theoretical philosophy, has been elevated to god-like proportions of fact and necessity.   The reality is far more devious.   Science is the global money pit.   Through the mazes of NGO’s, our money funds further ‘research’ that produces next to nothing.

Sierra Carter is an assistant psychology professor at Georgia State University. She was given grant money by NIH to study 800 black Americans over a period of 25 years beginning in 1998 – 12 years before she got her BA.   The purpose was to show that black Americans are sicker and die younger than white Americans because of racism.   Self reported questionnaires were utilized to determine stress and racist targeting.   She determined stree from racism was the primary cause of depression that resulted in health issues.

That is the entire extent of the study.   How much did that cost US taxpayers?

According to the very Propagandist Rothschildish outlet, The Economist, the life expectancy for blacks and whites is virtually the same.  Which would negate the entire study.

Within the CDC Budget, $40 million is allocated annually: “To enhance the ability of state, local, and territorial grantee capacity for detecting and responding to infectious diseases and other public health threats.”    I wonder what the states have been doing with this funding?

An additional $51 million is allocated “To improve linkages between the health care system and minority communities with unique social, economic, and cultural circumstances; and change the chronic disease conditions and risk factors in local communities.”

$324 million is spent to improve vaccination infrastructure.   $126 million is used to promote ‘tobacco awareness’ while only $73 million is spent on heart disease prevention efforts. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the US among all races.

NIH funding under the insulting title: A Plan For America – allocates $770 million to ‘combat Malaria in Africa’, $310 million for TB programs, and $102.5 million to combat neglected tropical diseases.   For a grand total just under $1.2 billion.   This is not a total number, it is an annual outlay!   Brilliant!

Annual Malaria deaths in the US are estimated by the CDC to be – 5.   TB deaths in the US have remained at a constant of just over 500 since 2007 – of course this is an estimate.  And last I checked, the US has no tropics from which to incur a tropical disease.

It is well past time to negate NIH and CDC federal funding completely and allow all funding to be private.   NGO’s should lose charitable status and be completely taxable entities.   And all the accumulated savings can be remit to the Social Security Fund!

As the US plays down its military presence across the globe having effectively subsidized Germany, and most of the EU for decades, so can our Health Agencies relinquish funding every other countries disease research.

Science has lost ALL incentive to cure anything. Research, endless research is the only means of guaranteeing an income.   And the outcome of the research is likely determined before the research begins – much like election polls.   And within that vein, science is not science at all it is the money pit that absorbs bounties of tax dollars while producing nothing.  

Astra Zeneca: Peer Reviewed By Bill Gates, Soros et al…

Astra Zeneca was initially an “agrochemical” company producing toxic and debilitating fertilizers, herbicides, and nuclear weapons before launching into the Big Pharma Vaccine industry!  

But I get ahead of myself –

UCHealth in Colorado is working with Astra Zeneca to provide willing candidates for their vaccine trial.   Astra Zeneca in collaboration with Oxford is utilizing a different methodology for their vaccine verses the mRNA version adopted by other pharma companies.

Astra Zeneca is injecting an ‘inactive cold virus’ in combination with a protein supposedly identified on the outside of SARS-Cov.   Note:   NOT CoVid 19 – but SARS which was first identified in 2002.

Proteins are naturally occurring in every human body.   Thousands of these proteins act within healthy immune systems to attack bacteria and viruses.   When the immune system is compromised, the proteins become confused and can attack the wrong cells while allowing a virus to multiply and further invade.

The obvious question would be – if a person’s immune system is compromised, then injecting a foreign protein substance will only create additional havoc!   If a person’s immune system is compromised – the solution would be to fix the immune system – not inject more foreign data.

The survey to identify potential candidates for the Astra Zeneca trial at UCHealth includes some interesting questions:   1.   If you have tested positive for CoVid in the past – that does not disqualify you from the trial.   In other words, a positive test does not necessarily mean you have been diagnosed with COVid 19 – a differentiation 2.   You should be in good health, and 3.   Your occupation puts you at increased risk of contracting CoVid.

I decided to complete the online survey to see if I would qualify.   Just for funzies!   When I stated I had an underlying condition, I was rejected.   So I resubmit declaring I am the healthiest person on the planet – and behold – I was accepted!   TA-DA!   Which obviously means that healthy people, who are not at risk for the virus, are the only ones included in the trial.  The age range for acceptance is 18 – 54, the same group with the lowest risk.   Extra – Ta-Da!

The Astra Zeneca vaccine is only safe for those people who would not be a risk factor for getting the virus – and the vaccine could damage your healthy immune system causing complication not associated with the virus at all!   So if you experience severe neuropathy or encephalitis, that doesn’t count…

Despite these bogus trials, the vaccine will be given first to Healthcare workers, those people at ‘higher risk’, and essential workers (think government).   Once you have been vaccinated, that data will be transferred to the Colorado Immunization Registry where it will be subject to hacking and your health records compromised.

Dr. Gary Lukesan is leading the trial. His specialty is cardiology, with no training in virology or epidemiology.   He is not board certified, and has some rather unpopular reviews.

UCHealth gets all its funding from NIH.   They primarily service Medicaid and Indigent patients.   In other words – they service the old and aged, the drug addicts, and those of poor health, but those people are not valid participants in the Astra Zeneca trial.  WHY?  Because their immunity is in the twallete – and twallete people will die.

Before Astra Zeneca indulged in the pharma industry, they were an agro-chemical company operating under the name Imperial Chemical Industries.   They produced fertilizers, insecticides, dyestuffs and explosives.   During WWII, they were part of the UK’s nuclear weapons program. They branched into pharmaceuticals in 1957 with the guidance of McKinsey & Company.   McKinsey is a consulting firm that helps rebrand people and companies to conform to marketing strategies.   At the time, Fred Gluck was advising ICI, while simultaneously an acting Director at Amgen, Inc.   Amgen produces biopharmaceuticals in California. Gosh!   No conflicting relationship there!

Gluck still serves on a number of boards including the International Executive Service Corps.  

Founded by Rockefeller, IESC has established a footprint in South Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mali, Afghanistan, Liberia and China – where they worked with the Chinese government to deploy senior business executive leaders as volunteer experts to China. Their funding comes from USAID.

Another notable board for which Gluck administers is the Kavli Foundation.   They award prizes to scientists based on recommendations of:   Chinese Academy of Science, Max Planck Society, US National Academy of Sciences, The French Academy, and the Royal Society.

The Royal Society acts as an advisor to the UK Government, the European Commission, and the UN!  WHOA!

Comprised of roughly 1600 members including the current royal family, all members must be nominated by other members and subject to an approval process.   As of 2014 the Royal Society began publishing the “Open Access Scientific Journal”.

The Royal Society list of Donors includes – Astra Zeneca.

Other donors include the Kavli Foundation, GlaxoSmith Kline and Google.

Everything “Open Access” has its roots in the Budapest Open Access Initiative formed in 2002 by the Open Society Institute, ie George Soros.   The Max Planck Society declares itself to be a co-founder of the Open Access Initiative/Movement. Other signatories include a number of Canadian academics and universities as well as Harvard affiliates.   Open access was the basis of the Chinese Thousand Talents Program wherein scholarly science research conducted at universities across the US and Canada was given away to – China.

According to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Website: The Plan S Principles will be adopted as of 2021, “with all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo.”

Apparently, this mandate was already adopted across the EU and EU Commission as of 2018 via cOAlition S.

Further, as of 2021, all scientists delivering research who wish to be published by a peer reviewed journal – must first be vetted according to the information allowed as per the journals under the auspices of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation trutherators.   In other words, if your science doesn’t agree with Gates – you can find your research twaletted.   Any agency that wants to advertise in their periodicals must also align with the Gates mandated version of information/truth of be twaletted.

They are even so kind as to provide a full list by country of those organizations that have climbed aboard the Gates train and will provide funding to scientists needing to appear scholarly – under their open access program.   The US list includes NIH, US Department of Energy and the EPA among others.

There is one source of funding for China – Chinese Academy of Science, which of course includes the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Funding sources for the UK include Oxford, London School of Economics, Open University OU and just about every government and university throughout the Kingdom.

SCIENCE is only science when it substantiates the view of the Royal Society which dictates/reiterates the truth as espoused by the EU, EU Commission and the UN, the college dropout Bill Gates, and the protocols of George Soros et al.   Astra Zeneca is not based on Science – but on chemical toxicity.   

And thus – the CIRCLE is complete.  

Biden Vs. Trump – The Battle Wages For America

Germany is gushing over Biden and all his Obama crony picks for positions in the White House.   The EU Commission, the UN, WHO, all the actors and players are reveling in their carnage and joy in ushering in a Communist Revolution. The 4th Industrial Revolution.

They seem to especially like John Kerry, Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan who has been claimed as National Security Advisor.   If we ever thought Germany was our friend, we were either delusional or ignorant. Germany has NEVER been a friend to The People of America, only to the business $$$$ that would be shared, and the countries that would be destroyed. And in that vein, Biden and Germany are likely to create another war. The question is – who? Which country will be their next victim.

No country is safe.   Iran was once an ally, as was Russia, as was Syria.   That alliance did not bode well…

Jake Sullivan made his direction clear when he recently stated that the US should “encourage China’s rise”.   The obvious question, who picked Sullivan, China or Rothschild?   South China Morning Post has declared that a Biden win would be a “firming up of Beijing’s interests”.   In other words, a Biden Presidency means we will be absorbed by China. And all our guns won’t stand a chance against the oblivion they would detonate.   Personally, I refuse to go down sniveling.

One thing China has made clear is that non-yellow humans in general are nonessential, a drag on the economy, and completely dispensable. That would include blacks and Hispanics….and Indians from Jamaican heritage…  The only asset from which one might carve a sliver of safety would be gold. China obsesses over gold – preferably physical.   And Canada – has none.   Trudeau sold the remaining stockpile so as to leave all Canadians vulnerable to a complete economic whiteout.  Australia has sold significant reserves as well.  Germany is hoarding.  Paper is worthless.

Without President Trump there are a number of vulnerable countries that could find themselves obliterated under a Regime alliance of China and the US under a Biden et al ruling elite   Throughout the entire EU, there is only one country that came out in support of President Trump – Poland.   African nations approved of Trump – as did many within the Middle East.  But that alliance might prove to be their – disaster under a Global RESET REGIME.

Blinken’s Obama fawning can be traced to the Bill Clinton fawn of his father Donald – who like son attended the Marxist University of Harvard. Harvard. Where it all began – the university where ‘everybody graduates magna cum laude’!  even those who never actually attend.

Blinken supported the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the war against Syria, the intervention in Libya that resulted in the torture and death of Christopher Stevens, and the elimination of the Kurds.   All, in pursuit of happiness and tranquility.

But the media focuses on the fact that Blinken ‘plays guitar’ – WTF!   And that must be the reason Biden picked him for National Security…because he will woo the American public with his rendition of guitar tweekings… of course that’s what we all look for in a National Security Advisor – his Hollywood guitar picks.

Kerry we all know is a political puppet, pawn and hypocritical Climate advocate who is likely well diversified in a portfolio that will reap 400% returns should Biden take office.

And then we have Jake Sullivan – who served Hillary, Obama, Biden, and Biden.   While he didn’t graduate sigma cum laude from Harvard – he did get a ‘ gasp ‘ Rhodes Scholarship award!   Of course, none of this could ever be corroborated which is why it can all be – made up!

Sullivan was also instrumental in foreign policy under Hillary toward Syria, Myanmar, and Libya.   How’d that turn out for ya!

The US has been nearly war free since the Trump Presidency.   All that would change under Biden and digress to the diaspora of war and coups and death promulgated by a quasi Biden presidency under the auspices of Obama who hates America with a fervent passion!

And somehow, the EU is ALL ABOARD!

You see, The Great Reset, is not free, it requires massive amounts of money currently estimated to be over $3 trillion.   And none of the elites are willing to put up their hard earned mafia earnings, so another source is necessary.   Typically that source is WAR. Preferably – somewhere else.

Saudi Arabia’s one Smart City alone costs over $500 billion.   In current lifespan ‘science’ Bill Gates, Bezos, Omidyar, etc… have roughly 40 years or less.   As businessmen, they have no inclination to front the money for these Smart Cities given they will prosper post ‘their lifetime’ –  and so they devise means to escalate revenue through false hyped markets, death, reconstruction contracts, and theft.   While preserving their wealth for – what?

If one were to ask any elitist why they want ‘more and more and more money’ I doubt that could provide a cohesive answer other than because.   In essence, they have become bored and are searching for some meaning to their life while clinging to the concepts of money = Power = my existence.

Saudi Arabia’s Bin Salman was an ally of Trump.   That puts him and his country in a precarious position now with Qatar, an enemy, looking to likely assert an NED/ Biden coup.

Unfortunately, the chess players within the Biden administration are hell bent on making a pronounced statement toward ANY country past, present or future that has any resilient alignment with President Trump’s designation to Drain The Swamp.

The Swamp must survive at all costs – by their own admission – and no one is immune from their genocide. No country, and certainly no individual.

So this is what the American liberal population supported!   And now they can watch as their own family members are interred…or removed from existence.   I see it in my own family.   DO they understand?

How quaint.

But the naiveté does exist.   And unfortunately, until they actually are annihilated as non-yellow, they will not comprehend what they have done.   Jesus said, “Lord, forgive them, for they no not what they do…” Luke 23:34.

And in that, I would agree, The People, are ignorant. The Politicians, business elites, media, Hollywooders are serpents of evil – and thus not subject to that same forgiveness – for they act knowing they are evil.

If you are a spectator in the arena watching the battle unfold – you are NOT going to win.   The ONLY way to win is to be in the battle fighting!  If you are not in the Battle – you have already surrendered the life of you, your family and friends.   

The Vaccine – Lithium – New Green Deal: THE GLOBAL RESET

This is why Boris Johnson sold out – not the vaccine per se, or even Lithium per se. But what those two steps in the agenda foretell for the future in which Smart Cities Rule under an elite Corporate city government is the target Point.  In the US – A Federal government will cease to exist.  Period.

While the vaccine agenda is well known for the need to generate more money to fulfill these goals, an interesting resource is necessary for the long-term attainment – Lithium.   Lithium will power the self-driving cars, the go-green electric vehicles that socialist countries are mandating – including the UK.

All Aboard the Train!

It would appear that Bojo Boris Johnson created a dual personality so President Trump would endorse him and the people of the UK would elect him based on that endorsement.   In reality, Boris had already been groomed by Bill Gates.  They used the Trump endorsement in order to falsely coerce the UK vote.

In a sequel to my blog about Boris selling out the UK – once a Trumper groupy – suddenly a Gates pawn – this sort of regurgitated in my lap:

Boris Johnson has revealed he is no more a MAGA Trumper than Romney or McCain.   What’s in it for Boris?    Money.   Not via the vaccine – but via Lithium.   The new Green Gold.

While ‘going Green’ has been a front and center topic with a 15 year old autistic child telling the world to eff themselves and thus getting promoted to spokesperson at the UN, it got a bit out of hand.

The Cabal is bored.   Remaking the world is a Project.  It begins in capitalist markets:   The Vaccine/Pharma fraud is only one of many tentacles the octopus has revealed.   An obscene push for an all electric vehicles mandate ahead of schedule is attention worthy.   Why?    Because Bill Gates got ‘possession’ of a very valuable resource patent that was initially created by Dr. John Burba.   He attended my church and is a very humble and charitably driven man.   This patent provides the means of shaving off what would have taken 2-3 months to extract to compressing that time frame to mere minutes.   In the Lithium extraction world – this is – MONUMENTAL.   Burba determined this extraction methodology was valued at $2.5 billion.

Elon Musk offered Dr. Burba $365 million and he declined asking $1.6 billion.  Long story short, Musk walked.   Burba’s startup company, Simbol Materials, hit hard times and went into receivership.

Enter Alger Alternative Energies:  The patent was dated January 2019 and assigned to Algers in a Simbol Materials bailout deal.

Lilac Solutions is a private lithium company formed in 2016 out of California.   They provide extraction services.   Lilac Solutions is backed by Breakthrough Energy Ventures – which is a company owned by Bill Gates.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures also financially backed another lithium company, Controlled Thermal Resources.   CTR signed an agreement with Algers, which had acquired the Burba Patent for pennies on the dollar.   Thus putting Bill Gates at the forefront of the Lithium market just in time for the electric vehicle mandate to be pushed from 2035 to 2025!   A huge reset promulgated by a President Trump – LOSS.

That lithium market will help drive the end goal – Smart Cities.

So now – Bill Gates has the market cornered for lithium extraction which is a closed-loop system that returns spent brine to its original source; utilizes 100% renewable power and steam for processing; takes hours, not months to produce high purity lithium products; has a very small physical footprint and a close-to-zero carbon footprint; is not weather dependent or water intensive; doesn’t require open pit mines, large evaporation ponds or off-shore processing and; will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Typically, lithium mines ravage land, the most prominent suppliers thus being Africa and Brazil who have little incentive to preserve land. This was a brilliant breakthrough by Dr. Burba that got irreparably lost and is now in the hands of Bill Gates.

All of this is part of the New Green Deal agenda wherein Smart Cities will be reconfigured to conform to this new industry.   Every industrial revolution produces new billionaires – and this is no exception. The UN labels this the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Boris Johnson has suddenly launched himself into the New Green Deal World wherein the UK will ban gas and diesel by 2030.

Johnson’s alignment with Gates only became open sometime in March when the original global lockdown was ordered by his heinous highness Gates.   According to an interview, Gates claimed the peak would occur in April, but stated that we needed to ‘prioritize testing in the right way’ before we could lift any lockdown which he recommended as of the end of 2021.

The World Economic Forum has developed a plan for how renewable energy, aka electric vehicles, etc…, can drive a CoVid recovery.   Five companies are working toward that goal:   Microsoft, Palantir, Facebook, Netflix and Gavi. Smart cities are the wave.

Destroying the economy, creating mass unemployment and the indoctrination of solitary confinement provide the means of recreating urban cities.   Boris Johnson has no intention of simply lifting lockdown – ever.   Those that survive will be shuttled to the newly created Urban Smart City.

The concept is to remove a large sector of the economy, physical retail, and replace it with new solo computer data entry technology.   To compress the suburban and rural footprint which is too spatial to control. Forcing people into smaller footprints within new reimagined smart cities.

The People will be housed within these super city confines, self sufficient, rationed, and allowing for 12 hour work days.   The elites will have their lolling country estates from which they will remotely govern via some sort of electronic AI punishment for dissenters.

Gates, Boris, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, and Biden’s handlers, have all boarded the 4th revolution train.   Old cities will be scraped and new ones will spring up.   Google boarded the train with their sites set on Toronto in 2017. It is a Google campus, where everyone will work for – Google!   Gates set his sites on Belmont, Arizona purchasing nearly 25,000 acres.   This project promises 80,000 ‘residences’, advanced manufacturing jobs, delivery services, driverless electric vehicles, and schools to train youth in new jobs eliminating the need for colleges and universities.

In Saudi Arabia, their plan is a one-upmanship: “You add robot maids, glow-in-the-dark beaches, man-made rain, a giant artificial moon, 100% renewable energy, robot dinosaurs, and a genetic engineering program to create stronger citizens, alongside the standard smart city promises of autonomous vehicles and better internet connectivity.”

Catch Phrase:   genetically engineered stronger citizens.

In creating these new super cities – the old and decrepit cities will be vacated.   Population will have been reduced. And worker bees will be relegated to the indoctrinated youth market as they are retrained in appropriate skills.

All of this requires population culling, unemployment, shuttered businesses, confinement and AI to conform properly.   Marketed as Utopia.   The pain and culling will be in the present, a step by step plan that included the virus, with a set date of 2030 for initiation of those who remain.

Biden’s Climate Change EO’s – Green Energy Another WWII Revenue Gouge!

Biden has announced his first 10 Executive Orders once he is sitting in the White House.   They all revolve to some degree around Climate Change policies, although most are vague with wording that really is meaningless:   ensure, double down on, reduce, require and protect.   None actually present a definitive date, time, percentage, and the proverbial – where will the money come from determinations.   As such they seem more to placate the Greenies, than to actually administer a plan of action, although he pledges to appropriate $2 trillion for these costs.

Electric cars have definitely been making the rounds with the new and improved Boris Johnson proclaiming a green transformation for the UK by 2030.   No one really objects to reducing emissions, we just don’t like when mandates that we can’t afford empty our purses and wallets.  But what is Bojo really touting?

For example, a Sunday drive would have to be pre-planned to make sure your vehicle is charged which can take up to 12 hours.   No more, “Honey let’s go up to the mountains, what do you think…”   spur of the moment drives.   Intrastate travel will slow to a crawl as motorists are forced to stop every 200 miles for 8 hours of charging! That 13 hour drive from Denver to Phoenix will now take 36 hours.   And your vacation choice will be altered due to drive time.

But more importantly how can cities sustain the additional load on electrical grids?   California and New York typically have blackouts due to over use.   Imagine adding 15+ million additional vehicles to that grid?  Because California boasts the most vehicles in the nation.

Generally, blackouts are triggered during the summer months due to heightened use of air conditioners. But summer is also the time of heightened travel, summer vacations, road trips, weekend getaways, etc…

The ten largest utility companies in the US service 9 states including California and New York.   ALL are investor owned.   Do you really think those investors won’t hike rates to cover the increased usage for electric cars? Think again.

California has 24 separate utility companies including Pacific Gas and Electric which ranks in the top 10 by Revenue.   And it STILL had rolling blackouts this past summer.   Pacific Gas is also embroiled in lawsuits given the grid explodes every year causing massive wildfires!    In 2017 alone – 9 separate wildfires were attributed to PG&E.   It filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and was bailed out by Newsom in 2020.

Natural gas was the primary source to power PG&E.   It diversified in the 1990’s to the utilization of some hydroelectric usage, but droughts hampered the ability to produce power. And droughts are a mainstay of California.

PG&E’s renewable source for utility plants is estimated to be 32%.   That would include hydroelectric which consumes vast amounts of water – another huge depleted asset in the US.  That means 68% of power is generated thru fossil fuels.   HELLO!

Lets look at another top utility company and its profit margin.

Duke Energy services North Caroline, Tennessee and South Carolina.   Its revenues are upwards of $23billion annually, achieved thru ‘natural gas’ facilities and ‘water reactors’. The CEO, Lynn Good, rakes in annual compensation of more than $14 million per year and simultaneously sits on the Board of Boeing earning her additional income.   IN 2002, Duke was named the 46th largest polluter in the US.   Eighteen of its facilities are ‘coal fired’ and 23 are oil and gas fired.

But electric energy is – CLEAN.

Transitioning to Green energy is NOT viable. At least not given we haven’t developed a source that can generate the needs demanded of coal, oil and gas.   A nuclear plant requires years for approval and another 20 years to build.   Europe is shuttering their nuclear facilities.   The alternatives have yet to be scientifically developed.   Solar is solar specific and not captured.   Wind is a veritable disaster!   And water is more precious than GOLD!

Which is why the Flintstones cartoon makes headlines.

In an Amazon world – all employees would exist within a housing unit city for the purpose of doing Amazon work 13 hours per day and paying rent for the privilege to work in their city state.   Their life would revolve around one thing – work. Their existence would be determined by their work.   And their productivity would be monitored by their accomplishments for Amazon – as determined by Amazon police Karens.  And as mini-me robots, their utilization of energy would be reduced.

Such an existence would require – no cars, no travel, no vacations, no movement outside the complex.   That is the vision of Bezos.   Workers. Bees to the queen.   Nothing more.

The largest investor of Duke Energy that services the Carolina’s is CalPers – which is a subsidiary of California Government Operations Agency under the guidance of Governor Gavin Newsom.    Surprise.

IN February 2020, Gavin Newsom et al proposed a governmental takeover of PG&E.   And the MSM was wholly supportive…

Exelon would seem to top the charts in revenue for a ‘clean source’ with $40 billion annual revenues , $118 billion in assets, and a portfolio that includes Nuclear Power, fossil fuels, natural gas and Hydroelectric… blah-blah.

In other words – NONE of the electric producers in the US are anything but – consumers of nonrenewable plants – nor do they have any incentive to alter that diaspora.   Money is money – and they are making plenty as the incentive to use more via fake electrical greens escalates.  How much more they can make should conversion to electric energy vs gas stations is likely in the Trillions.

In the end – GREEN has absolutely Nothing to do with preserving the Planet or reducing emissions, or saving anything!   It has everything to do with a new source of revenue gouging by creating an overload and thus ramping up electricity costs 120-130% – or more….  Have fun!

It is no different than the WWII war effort wherein industries played their profits by supporting both sides and oil became the new gold.

Hedge your bets – buy electricity company stock – maybe then you can afford your monthly bill. They like to call it a Green Revolution – but in actually it is simply another Elite Gouge – for profit.

Tucker Carlson: The Serpent

Where did the Tucker assault come from?   Is Tucker a hack? Is he a loyalist?   What the Heck happened?

Psychology is filled with analysis to this regard, as such there are three psychological dynamics that lead to crossing ethical lines: First, there’s omnipotence: when someone feels so aggrandized and entitled that they believe the rules of decent behavior don’t apply to them. Second, we have cultural numbness: when others play along and gradually begin to accept and embody deviant norms. Finally, we see justified neglect: when people don’t speak up about ethical breaches because they are thinking of more immediate rewards such as staying on a good footing with the powerful.

When analyzing why Tucker Carlson suddenly quite inexplicably off the deep end of what was his entire television persona and attacked Sydney Powell, we witnessed – an actor.   And we were duped.

I am quite familiar with this particular personality disorder.   And yet, what is so amazing, is that there is NO lead up to the loss of control – the moment when they unveil themselves and think, ‘oh shit’.

Because, once unveiled, the veil cannot ever be redrawn.   Tucker Carlson – unfortunately for him – completely screwed up the idea that that veil could ever be reconstructed.   He has come out from behind the red cloth that veiled the ‘Wizard of Oz’ as a hoax, a cheap con man.

What an incredibly sad revelation.  

NO one likes betrayal.   It is certainly one of the worst sins. And yet it thrives.

The only reason it thrives is pure greed.   None of those who parlay to that extent of the bowels of society, do they have any pedigree left that could salvage them.   Carlson is a Catholic.   But I suggest the memes might disagree.

I was a supporter/follower.   I chose to ignore the obvious wig and try and focus on the wit!   I love Wit!   But I am eager to believe in the good, and wholly missed the actor.   A Star Is Born!   Hasn’t been the first time – and most likely won’t be the last, but I hold still to the harness that believing in good is essential to life. And so – I do.

There are good people and evil people and everything in between.   People justify their badness, and give sainthood to their goodness.   This is obviously common, we certainly wouldn’t wish for our own Hell?

Nonetheless, it is always a tragedy to lose another soul.   SO many –

On the other hand, it is good to know your enemy.   And they do themselves a losing battle in war when they give up their agenda before the fight. Somehow, despite all their global military expertise, they have lost every single battle against Trump.

Without exception.

Statistically – that is NOT possible.

But Carlson is not the first, nor the last neoconservative to file their horns. Dana Perino recently came out from the proverbial closet and revealed that yes, after working both the Clinton and Obama administrations, she is no more a republican than Greta…Climate Change Grumbler

IN a perfectly staged world of Soros, these actors would be groomed quite early, coached extensively on presentation, and taught how to say absolutely nothing while speaking for well over an hour – and leave your constituents breathless for more.

#1 – Be Pretty – whether male or female – appearance accounts for likely 80% or your votes.   Remember Nixon got ouched because the color of his shirt appeared gray on Black and White TV!   The color of his shirt lost him the election… as it goes.

We thought it was funny!

But it was brilliantly crafted.   Tedious number of years – at least 80 or 90, likely more.   It’s like the mantra of pregnancy, it took you nine months to get here physically, it will take at least nine months to get you back pre-pregnancy.   But if we’ve been gassed by a Swamp for 100 years, it’s a hard sell to convince people – hey we can get you back, but it will take 100 years….

Well heck, I’ll be dead, and maybe my kids!

I worked for a bunch of jerks, aeholes sometimes, blah-blah, but I was raised to see them, and reject them.   That’s what you do.   IN the real world, the harassment is far more perverse than simply a guy vs a girl.   But I realized early that it was simply the way it was.   When you grow up and this is your world – well then – this is your world.

Which makes the new divergence that much more scary.   How easily we will ultimately accommodate what is the Communist agenda.   Certainly, some would move underground, that is natural for every revolt.   But many would become “Karens” and sell their neighbor.   And when we watch the uprisings that led to Nazi Germany, there exist many similarities.’

I suppose, the ‘Karens’ are the hardest to ultimately digest. Your friend or neighbor selling you out knowing that that sale will cost you your life.   I’m sure I have many.

But I always thought it odd when someone would declare with such grievance, ‘how could they possibly’ – when referring to the Nazi’s.

And yet every military unit in the WORLD performs their duty according to the commands. Which may define killing all the inhabitants of another country.   But because it is done under the guise and tutelage of the word ‘Military’ – it has status that exempts it from religious or moral or ethical referendums…

I grew up indoctrinated within the belief that – 1.   there is good and bad.   2.   Good wins.   3.   We must fight to create a win.   4.   Doing nothing – conceives nothing.   Sitting around pointing a finger at the television, tossing a crushed 5th beer can into the hollows and burping with satisfaction does not have any productive value.

SO – World.   We The People ask – You The People – what is most important?   Freedom or Slavery?   How Much is your breakeven?   Obviously AOC has determined her breakeven is somewhere in the realm of $200,000 annually.   DO you really believe she will determine that is your – net entitled worth?   Or will it be closer to $10,000 annually – which is actually below welfare.

Ahhhh, the twisted world we do sow.   I can only watch, observe, and comment.   Such as it is.

CoronaVirus Vaccine – Targets Corona not CoVid 19

North Dakota making news for CoVid.   Reporting 818 deaths, 642 were CoVid, 466 were in nursing homes/end care with another 400 patients in end-care currently testing positive – meaning 73% of CoVid deaths were end stage patients.   There are currently 322 people hospitalized that have tested positive.  

In March when the virus began to spread, officials estimated they could care for over 500 CoVid patients in a peak day.   They have 2098 ‘staffed’ hospital beds with the ability to increase that to 2398 if necessary ~ according to Maj. Gen Dohrmann.   General Dohrmann further stated he felt confident that if necessary they could convert the State college for an additional 4000 beds.  No problems.

Therefore, the entire news doomsday being fired out to send our economy into whiplash is false. But the narrative needs to be hyped for the benefit of terrorism.

If Coronavirus cases are surging and most people report mild flu like symptoms, would that not be a good thing given that means they all now have the antibodies that the vaccine wants to give us?  Most will never get the virus again…  But somehow, the vaccine will only protect us six months – and then we are susceptible again – that definitely makes zero sense!  Unless you follow the trail of $$$$$$$$$.

If we take all supposed deaths across the US – 255,000 and all supposed tests – 11,801,000, that would give a death rate of 2%.   If we back out deaths with underlying conditions (according to the Science of the CDC) that would give us a death rate of .01% of all cases.   Just a number.

New York Times – Nov. 18th:    “In July, Pfizer and BioNTech initiated a late-stage clinical trial on a coronavirus vaccine.”    That’s odd.   They are they calling it a “coronavirus vaccine” not a CoVid 19 vaccine?   Just like the PCR Test is a coronavirus test, not a CoVid 19 test!

Are they vaccinating against a cold or CoVid?

The technology being utilized in the vaccines has NEVER been used before in any vaccine.   The nanoparticles installed in the vaccine are injected into a muscle and create inflammation so as to cause your own immune system to make antibodies to attack the virus.  What kind of inflammation?   Participants who experienced significant adverse effects developed inflammation within their neurological system.

So why did the mRNA traverse into their neuro system instead of tracking a simple virus? Obviously the ‘coding’ got confused and went places it wasn’t designed to go.

Another vaccine in development would inject a person with ‘self amplifying’ RNA which means the nanoparticles replicate inside you on their own.   Do they ultimately stop replicating? Can you stop them from replicating?   Do all those self replicating particles take over a person’s DNA?

Or are you now altering your DNA?

Apparently, other than the RNA nanoparticles – all other ingredients are a Big Secret! Why?   If vaccines are patent protected, then the ingredients should not be an issue.  Unless there is something to hide.

In 2018, Jon Rappaport wrote of the RNA concept in terms of it altering a person’s genetics permanently.   At the time, NIAID scientists (that would be Fauci’s office) were busily creating a vaccine that they claimed would use synthetic genes to re-engineer a person’s DNA and protect them from all flu viruses. At the time they called it a ‘universal vaccine’.  Imagine the amount of coding necessary to protect against 6000 different flu viruses – imagine one nanoparticle goes – rogue.

While gene editing has been in various stages of experimental use for specific diseases caused by a damaged or missing gene, the CoVid vaccine is not targeting a gene – it is injecting particles and instructing them to find a viral gene code based on strings of code.   The virus is not caused by a mutated genetic cell, it is caused by an infection.    Big difference.

When explaining how the altered DNA works, Bill Gates discussed how the new genes would clasp onto strands cut the defective one and replace it.  But that was based on targeted therapy.   In that sense it is something like chemo. Full body chemo invades every cell in your body making you very sick, whereas targeted chemo attacks the diseased cells in a specific location and is much less invasive.

Oddly, gene editing and genetically modified foods are not permitted in many countries until further research can determine long term health affects.   But billions of nanoparticles redesigning a human gene is somehow permissible…hmm

CoVid LockDowns: Coming To Your State TOO!

Colorado deaths have been on a steady incline since at least 2000 with totals growing from 27,000 to 39,000 in 2020 representing an increase of 45% from ALL causes.   The largest increases have been county specific: Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, with a statistical relevance of 96% among whites vs blacks.   So if you want to assign a racial disparity – there you have it! Whites far outnumber blacks in death for Colorado.   Have we created a Whites statistical analysis? A Whites health data center?   A Whites analytical model administered to promote greater health for WHITES?


Veterans account for 23%.   Not color coded. Did our esteemed government mandate veterans above everyone else in a job application?   Nah. Because they aren’t “color coded”.

A near THIRD are 85 and above.   Over half – 54% are 75 and above.   Did our government institute mandates to protect the elderly?   Nah.   So despite over half of the states deaths occurring among the elderly, the state, Governor Polis, feels they just don’t count – They have over-lived their usefulness. And instead, we destroy our economy because the nursing home population isn’t dying ‘fast enough’???  And Everyone must PAY.

I’m angry.

THESE are the same numbers that Governor Polis chose to ignore when instituting mass lockdown of nearly every viable business and entity in Colorado because CoVid cases rose according to tabulations that we can’t possibly know if they are true or false?   Because all tabulations are hacked.   Wonderful..

Elbert County has had a supposed TOTAL 419 case count of positive tests – and 4 deaths, this entire YEAR.   They are in RED alert Lockdown.   That means bars are shut down, restaurants are shut down, personal care is shut down, retail is shut down, manufacturing is limited to 25% or 50 capacity!   MANUFACTURING!

Because 4 people died of some related cause…

And somehow, this man, this human person has absolutely no compassion and waves his wand of destruction.   Before Polis, Colorado was a vibrant, positive community with low tax rates, and a healthy lifestyle.   We thrived well!

Today everyone bickers. Everyone hides.   Everyone is losing – and Polis finds this result to be perfect under his agenda.   How does a person become so evil?

YES – I am angry. I would be dead if I wasn’t.

They were upset because they couldn’t cancel Thanksgiving.   The dreaded Holiday that gave spirit to family and love and harvest – A Celebration!   Dastardly!   So they needed an alternate means vs simply recommending.   Waving their wand, they made it law, by writing the law themselves, the night before, and instituting it via EO.   And thus they became – the devils of Marxism and Totalitarianism.

They have been promised a ‘place at the table’. It becomes so obvious in their demeanor. Suddenly they have no fear for anything they do unlawfully – because they have been granted full immunity from ‘everything’ – forever.  Epstein Island was the Promised Land.  That’s the Devil’s deal.

For me, it is very difficult to grasp that sort of brain.   I talk about it, read about it, but just can’t get past the nuance of ‘choice’.   In the end, everyone has a choice for the decisions and actions they take.   In this case, Our Esteemed Governors of Punishment, ‘CHOOSE” to subject us to this chaos and financial destruction.   They are fully aware of the consequences, and are willing to destroy/assassinate a fair share of the population of their state.

Suck that in:  Our Leaders are crafting our assassination so as to claim the Great RESET, because it has been chastised for quite some time that a massive population reduction is necessary for the survival of the ‘fittest’ or those with the most ‘money’. 

So let’s say, everyone needs to reach an income, asset threshold, before one is guaranteed admittance into the Great RESET Committee.   A rush ensues as the Medialites, and the Politicites buy all the TP off the shelves – metaphorically.

IN a normal world, such a psychotic attitude would be grounds for the straight jacket. But today, it defines our politicians and with degrees the tributaries of each associated river and stream.   In other words, following a stream of intelligence had a pattern.   Today, the creators of the patterns are themselves technically ‘insane’ – so it takes a different sort – to sort the patterns.

I digress.   I am angry at our Governor for lying, for having no soul.   And I just cannot fathom a human so – evil and without conscience.

That’s all I’ve got to say.

Dominion Voting Systems, SYTL Software: Soros, NED, and the Cabal United With Open Government Partnership

Sytl Software has been cited as the voter tabulation company for Dominion with offices in Germany and Spain. After it was reported Sytl’s computers in Germany were confiscated by the US government, Sytl gave a press release in which they stated that all counting/tabulation was done by their subsidiary in Tampa Florida – SOE Software.   And they don’t have any link to Soros, Russia, or any online voter authority.

Lets See!

Sytl bought SOE Software in 2012.   SOE Software LinkedIn accounts have ALL been updated as the “3rd” account including the SOE Founder and Director until 2012 – Marc Fratello. His most recent post would appear to alter his position at Sytl to that of an ‘advisor’ since 2014.   But according to Secretary of State registrations, he was still the CEO and Director in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 with additional filings in: Texas, Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Indiana, Connecticut, Arizona, Alaska, California and of course, Florida.

In their 2019 Secretary of State filing , Jonathon Brill, the then acting VP, was listed as the CEO/Director, as well as a change of address was noted. And Fratello had no further leadership.

The discrepancy is not ‘CLEAN” – and one would think the CEO would know when he was no longer the CEO…which was as of 2019.   I would suggest Fratello create a new LinkedIn account #4.   But the lie is an obvious attempt to distance himself from the potential of Fraud.

Sytl’s website claims many other clients: EU Parliament; having provided all 28 member states with election results.   Ukraine: providing election training. Canada; New Democrats in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Toronto, Calgary, etc…   US Department of Defense, UK Ministry of Justice, Government of Catalonia, SPD Party of Germany, Brazil, etc..

Then suddenly in June 2020 Sytl declared bankruptcy and the government of Spain authorized the sale of their assets.   What happened?

In February 2016, Sytl bought OpenSeneca and subdivided into 3 entities:   Sytl Voting, Sytl Hardwar, and Civiciti (the new name for OpenSeneca).   Why the name change?   Any organization utilizing the word ‘Open” in its title is an automatic link to George Soros Open Society, Open Data, Open Government, Open open, they wanted to hide the connection.

Civiciti’s website produces a blog.   Many of the blogs are devoted to an Open Government initiative.   Careless, these idiots don’t properly cover all their tracks!

Civicciti promotes and openly works in conjunction with the Open Government Partnership. The Donors of this OGP include: Omidyar Network, Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Department for International Development (UK Government and – Open Society Foundation.  

Their Motto is: BUILD BACK BETTER.  Sound familiar?

The Open Society Foundation was a founding donor of Civiciti and pledged additional funding of $10million in 2019, apparently with ‘caveats’.

Open Government Partnership currently consists of six working groups:   1. Global Initiative on fiscal Transparency, (government of Philippines and Brazil) 2.   National Democratic Institute, (Government of Chile) 3.   The Carter Center (led by Government of Mexico) 4.   Open Society Foundations and Transparency International (Governments of UK, Georgia and Brazil), 5.   Web Foundation (Government of Canada), 6.   National Resource Governance Institute and World Resource Institute (Government of Indonesia).   78 countries participate in the Partnership including the US and all of the EU.

The National Democratic Institute is funded by the Orange Revolution Coup organizers, National Endowment for Democracy, funded by the US government and chaired by Madeleine Albright.

The Global Initiative on Fiscal Transparency is very untransparent – it’s website provides little to no information other than how ‘open they are’.

The Carter Center is Jimmy Carter still holding the dyke with his pinky finger.

Web Foundation is a web of Open Data bologna, with links to Qatar, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, blah-blah.

Civiciti produces a blog that discusses the needs to force people to accept their Open Government ideology by closing the gap and utilizing representatives to administer the right public policy and – thought.

Civiciti’s main product is ‘online voting,   “…teaching countries and statehoods how to manage your election while providing, “real-time visualizations of election results”.

Civiciti works in partnership with the Open Government Partnership,  

The OGP has deep roots in the Open Society Foundation through multiple partners including : Luminate, PEW Research, Hewlett Foundation, Ford and Knight Foundations, etc…

Luminate is a creation of Omidyar. Their primary objective is: to seek to change how the internet enables the spread of news and information, through their subsidiary – RESET. 

The website reflects a propaganda that is so perversely tuned as to be brilliant in its subversive champion of false disinformation.   They want ‘independent media, financial transparency, data and digital rights, civic empowerment – blah-blah.   In actuality, their end game agenda is to have one independent media, controlled and edited data rights, civic slavery, and financial lines so opaque it requires massive research to find the – collaborations.

They are a cult of sorts – all supporting the same NGO’s with the same ultimate goals that traverse Marxism and the Green RESET.

Civiciti is one of the three subsidiaries of Sytl. 

SO, they are not owned by George Soros as they state in their refuting Press Release.   But their subsidiary is funded by the Open Society Foundation.   Also, despite their statement that they do not support online voting – that Product is Sytl’s and Civiciti’s main component according to their websites.   As people are shuttered in their homes and society is locked down for CoVid detention, online voting would be the only means.

One of the objectives of the Open Government Partnership is to shut down social media disinformation campaigns which they feel undermine their goals. Everything they promote regarding Open Source, Open Data, Open Government is all about censorship of everything that does not align with what they want the global citizens to know and have access to –

OGP website provides a portal into their latest News.   The most recent article announces that:

Deputy CEO of OGP Joe Powell Announced as New Obama Foundation European Leader.

And then we have the irrefutable Malloch Brown – friend to, partner with, and board member of a veritable mishmash of Soros organizations.   His relationship with SmartMatic and SGO Corporation Limited have hurled him front and center in the online voting scandal that has perpetuated since at least the 1990’s.   His operation has been in the forefront of election fraud throughout Venezuela, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, US, UK, Philippines, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico and Chile.

In fact, election fraud was brought to the attention of the American public by – Democrats when George Bush was elected and they cited FOUL!   SmartMatic was slapped on the wrist.   With Dominion Voting Systems front and center. So they decided to buy them instead of fight them.

Dominion Voting makes specialized hardware and software used by some 600 US jurisdictions in 22 states, as well as by jurisdictions in Canada and other countries. Its flagship product line, Democracy Suite, comprises various systems used by election officials, including optical ballot scanners and vote tabulators, voter list generators, election management software, and electronic ballot systems for absentee voting.

~Dunn & Bradstreet

So when Dominion says they don’t operate in Canada – they are lying.   When they say they do not promote online voting – they are lying.   When they say they are not ‘Owned by Soros’ – ownership becomes an interesting definition – Soros dictates end results and provides funding for their subsidiary – but he technically does not own them.   They did claim to have offices in Frankfurt – but supposedly shut them down.

But the connection through the maze of ownership levels does end in the entity: Open Government Partnership, which is primarily funded by Soros and his cult foundations.

Was their massive fraud in the 2020 US election?   Yes.

Did Dominion contribute to that fraud while Sytl gave election officials teaching techniques as to how to manipulate the votes on the Dominion machines as well as the ballot harvesting?    Yes.   Is Sytl’s subsidiary Civiciti heavily engaged with the Open Government Partnership?     Yes.   And what is the primary function of the Open Government Partnership?

TO RESET and RECONSTRUCT government and society within the Great RESET as outlined by the World Economic Forum with the ‘here-here’ of the UN.

So yes – Soros is in the mix, but so is Ford Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, Omidyar, Rockefeller Foundation, NED, USAID, – and the UK GOVERNMENT –   When your Friends Are your Enemies, – Boris Johnson, Theresa May – they HATE the US.


El Paso claims 1076 people “with CoVid” are currently hospitalized.   Their Health Department claims that represents 50% of all hospital beds in the county.   But there is a caveat.   The media statement is there are only 2200 ‘staffed beds’ and roughly 2850 ‘licensed’ beds.   In March, medical professionals estimated they could turn single rooms into double rooms and handle 6100 CoVid patients.  

So why would 1076, which represents 17% of capacity according to the head of Texas Tech University in El Paso suddenly become a total collapse?

Staffed Beds:   Most hospitals fired staff when hospitals were operating at 20-50% capacity back in April.   At family medical practices, 800,000 were furloughed or laid off back in April when doctor visits dropped by 80%.   Hospitals were no different.   Operating at 40% capacity, a business whether profit or nonprofit is going to slash costs – and staff represent the majority of costs.

El Paso Health Department does detail that those hospitalized are ‘over 60’, but actual statistical data are not provided.   Still, even that isn’t the true story.

Mexicans along the border ‘twin city’ of Juarez are crossing into the US and jamming El Paso hospitals.   Firetrucks pick them up and drop them off, sometimes running 14 -15 trips a day.   And that’s why El Paso Health can’t release data, the patients dying are NOT Americans!

The hospitals in Mexico don’t have the supplies or the drugs to treat CoVid patients. Private Hospitals in Mexico are too expensive, so they trek to US state run hospitals which means free care.   Over-capacity becomes an issue – but instead of actually telling The Truth, the CoVid fear Monsters create a media blitz!

Recently Juarez officials proudly showed reporters inside their new field hospital, fully equipped and ready for ‘20’ CoVid patients…   It was empty.

According to CoVid tracker, the number of people hospitalized who have tested positive for CoVid or are ‘suspected of having CoVid now sits at 62,000 throughout the US.   The highest rates appear to be in the Midwest with patients taking up 14% of the beds.

The total number of ‘staffed’ hospital beds in the country is roughly 926,000, down from 1.466million in 1975 – a reduction of 37% – while demographics of an aging population have increased.   Odd.  According to the CDC, normal capacity averages 65-70% – utilizing 602,000 to 648,000 beds.   That would translate to a ‘With CoVid’ scenario of 10% usage at a time when hospitals are operating at 30-40% of capacity…meaning EMPTY BEDS!

As of the end of October the US had estimated 2.4 million deaths. Including 6755 from the flu.   According to the UN, 2018 recorded estimates of 2.839,000 deaths.   2017 the estimated number of deaths was 2.813,000. The upward trend in deaths began in 2009 and has increased every year from 8.131 to 8.88 an increase of 8% with a UN projection to 10.58 by 2050.   Given an increase rate of 1.12% each year, the total deaths anticipated for 2020 would be 2,903,000. Which means we are within normal DESPITE a Pandemic.

South Dakota has recently declared a spike of CoVid as well.   The NPR report claims 27 recently died – “With CoVid”. Not From CoVid.   Of the 27, 17 were over 80, 7 were 70-80, and 2 were 60-70.   The total number of people in ‘state hospitals’ as opposed to private, stands at 543.   With 2750 beds, that means the hospitals in South Dakota are operating at 20% of capacity!

The biggest concern is not beds but staffing shortages.   When hospitals were disallowed from accepting any patients outside of CoVid, nurses and technicians were initially furloughed, and then let go.  SO now hospitals are scrambling because they haven’t the staff to care for patients after firing everyone.

Of course, we are told to believe the data…  Just like the Dominion Voting Machines manipulated the data and we’re supposed to accept that fraud!

For example: Colorado has roughly 10,292 staffed hospital beds and today is reporting 11,100 hospitalized patients.   In fact we are taking in patients from other states because we have the capacity.   Somebody didn’t get their data set tables right – because those numbers would be an impossibility.     Obviously ALL DATA is being manipulated – from the number of cases (I personally know no one who has been even tested), to CoVid death rates, to hospitalization rates.   NOTHING is real. – It is all a mirage.

ALAS, it isn’t just hospitals fighting a staffing shortage.

Schools across the country flip-flop between being open and being remote.   Why? Because of staffing shortages.   Bus Drivers laid off, cafeteria cooks laid off, counselors, security, teachers and assistants – laid off.   In April, it was reported that over 1.1 million teachers and staff lost their positions as a result of school closures.   Now they are struggling to reopen because they haven’t the staffing necessary and no one is applying for a job that could go negative with the stroke of the Governor’s pen’ – CLOSED!

Gates wanted online teaching – he got online teaching, by hook or by crook.  everyone must learn the exact same data – just like Chinese Schools!

The twofold agenda was to have a national curriculum created and edited by Bill Gates’ hand-picked ‘professionals’, and second to pushback on the two household wage earner given students must be supervised at home. Loss of wages will put a strain on the last of the middle class. Debt will become insurmountable and homes will be foreclosed – and scraped.

Why? So everyone can live in a surveilled and monitored Bubble.

The PLAY on word choices is reminiscent of advertising companies pushing their new and improved product… was the old product bad?   The target of shutting down Thanksgiving and Christmas is to keep people miserable.   Miserable people will latch onto anything after a while to put salve on their misery.   Take away festive holidays – and then give us a concert – and they now control our emotions.

The ONLY way to Win is to Not comply.