Biden’s Climate Change EO’s – Green Energy Another WWII Revenue Gouge!

Biden has announced his first 10 Executive Orders once he is sitting in the White House.   They all revolve to some degree around Climate Change policies, although most are vague with wording that really is meaningless:   ensure, double down on, reduce, require and protect.   None actually present a definitive date, time, percentage, and the proverbial – where will the money come from determinations.   As such they seem more to placate the Greenies, than to actually administer a plan of action, although he pledges to appropriate $2 trillion for these costs.

Electric cars have definitely been making the rounds with the new and improved Boris Johnson proclaiming a green transformation for the UK by 2030.   No one really objects to reducing emissions, we just don’t like when mandates that we can’t afford empty our purses and wallets.  But what is Bojo really touting?

For example, a Sunday drive would have to be pre-planned to make sure your vehicle is charged which can take up to 12 hours.   No more, “Honey let’s go up to the mountains, what do you think…”   spur of the moment drives.   Intrastate travel will slow to a crawl as motorists are forced to stop every 200 miles for 8 hours of charging! That 13 hour drive from Denver to Phoenix will now take 36 hours.   And your vacation choice will be altered due to drive time.

But more importantly how can cities sustain the additional load on electrical grids?   California and New York typically have blackouts due to over use.   Imagine adding 15+ million additional vehicles to that grid?  Because California boasts the most vehicles in the nation.

Generally, blackouts are triggered during the summer months due to heightened use of air conditioners. But summer is also the time of heightened travel, summer vacations, road trips, weekend getaways, etc…

The ten largest utility companies in the US service 9 states including California and New York.   ALL are investor owned.   Do you really think those investors won’t hike rates to cover the increased usage for electric cars? Think again.

California has 24 separate utility companies including Pacific Gas and Electric which ranks in the top 10 by Revenue.   And it STILL had rolling blackouts this past summer.   Pacific Gas is also embroiled in lawsuits given the grid explodes every year causing massive wildfires!    In 2017 alone – 9 separate wildfires were attributed to PG&E.   It filed for bankruptcy in 2019 and was bailed out by Newsom in 2020.

Natural gas was the primary source to power PG&E.   It diversified in the 1990’s to the utilization of some hydroelectric usage, but droughts hampered the ability to produce power. And droughts are a mainstay of California.

PG&E’s renewable source for utility plants is estimated to be 32%.   That would include hydroelectric which consumes vast amounts of water – another huge depleted asset in the US.  That means 68% of power is generated thru fossil fuels.   HELLO!

Lets look at another top utility company and its profit margin.

Duke Energy services North Caroline, Tennessee and South Carolina.   Its revenues are upwards of $23billion annually, achieved thru ‘natural gas’ facilities and ‘water reactors’. The CEO, Lynn Good, rakes in annual compensation of more than $14 million per year and simultaneously sits on the Board of Boeing earning her additional income.   IN 2002, Duke was named the 46th largest polluter in the US.   Eighteen of its facilities are ‘coal fired’ and 23 are oil and gas fired.

But electric energy is – CLEAN.

Transitioning to Green energy is NOT viable. At least not given we haven’t developed a source that can generate the needs demanded of coal, oil and gas.   A nuclear plant requires years for approval and another 20 years to build.   Europe is shuttering their nuclear facilities.   The alternatives have yet to be scientifically developed.   Solar is solar specific and not captured.   Wind is a veritable disaster!   And water is more precious than GOLD!

Which is why the Flintstones cartoon makes headlines.

In an Amazon world – all employees would exist within a housing unit city for the purpose of doing Amazon work 13 hours per day and paying rent for the privilege to work in their city state.   Their life would revolve around one thing – work. Their existence would be determined by their work.   And their productivity would be monitored by their accomplishments for Amazon – as determined by Amazon police Karens.  And as mini-me robots, their utilization of energy would be reduced.

Such an existence would require – no cars, no travel, no vacations, no movement outside the complex.   That is the vision of Bezos.   Workers. Bees to the queen.   Nothing more.

The largest investor of Duke Energy that services the Carolina’s is CalPers – which is a subsidiary of California Government Operations Agency under the guidance of Governor Gavin Newsom.    Surprise.

IN February 2020, Gavin Newsom et al proposed a governmental takeover of PG&E.   And the MSM was wholly supportive…

Exelon would seem to top the charts in revenue for a ‘clean source’ with $40 billion annual revenues , $118 billion in assets, and a portfolio that includes Nuclear Power, fossil fuels, natural gas and Hydroelectric… blah-blah.

In other words – NONE of the electric producers in the US are anything but – consumers of nonrenewable plants – nor do they have any incentive to alter that diaspora.   Money is money – and they are making plenty as the incentive to use more via fake electrical greens escalates.  How much more they can make should conversion to electric energy vs gas stations is likely in the Trillions.

In the end – GREEN has absolutely Nothing to do with preserving the Planet or reducing emissions, or saving anything!   It has everything to do with a new source of revenue gouging by creating an overload and thus ramping up electricity costs 120-130% – or more….  Have fun!

It is no different than the WWII war effort wherein industries played their profits by supporting both sides and oil became the new gold.

Hedge your bets – buy electricity company stock – maybe then you can afford your monthly bill. They like to call it a Green Revolution – but in actually it is simply another Elite Gouge – for profit.