The Psychosis Behind BLM and ANTIFA Riots in America

The riots and burning have now been going on for so long, people have forgotten what America looked liked just one year ago – Trump’s America. The America Trump was making that drove the far left liberals into a veritable psychotic rage!   And in line with the cult media narratives that are written by the Masters, the riots are now being blamed on President Trump because – he exists.

It is an old ridiculously worn and immature narrative to redirect blame from its source in order to create another illusion.    The dementia riddled Biden is now declaring that President Trump encourages violence…   Unfortunately, Biden is oblivious to his own blundering master “Nobel Peace Prizer” Obama wherein American soldiers were sent to die in the Middle East, the US experienced 3 times more riots under his reign than any other president in history, wherein Biden helped initiate and stoke the death spiral in the Ukrainian coup – because Biden lamented he was the ‘Poorest member of Congress in DC”! Poor baby!  And thus we need to relive our closest history – 10 years ago…

Funny thing.   When these truism facts are revealed in a comparison argument with a liberal, there is no acknowledgement, no discussion, simply the deflection of ignorance as in, ‘that was different’…

Really? Why? Silence.

Psychosis in America.   It affects 3 million in the US – per year! Those most affected are between the ages of 18 and 35.   The symptoms include:   the inability to process information, the inability to understand or relate in reality, delusional, hallucinations, etc…   What causes it? Most often – drugs, both prescription and off market.

The drug industry in the US is well on its way to being a $500 billion annual business enterprise.   And it cures – nothing.  What it does – is make money on the backs of patients it debilitates.

Pharmaceuticals have been fined billions for fraud – but they don’t care, because the fines are a drop in the bucket compared to annual profits. Doctors are given kick-backs, health insurance companies pay different premiums to doctors for the same medical procedure based on the doctor’s spiff rate.

Today 50% of the US population is on some form of prescription medication.   There are roughly 24 different medications prescribed for psychosis. The side effects include;   severe convulsions, severe nervous system reaction, severe constipation, uncontrolled muscle movements, death, angina, breast cancer, low white blood cell count, etc…etc…etc…   Typically, if you report some side effects to your doctor, instead of immediately withdrawing this medication, they will offer additional medications to treat the side effects. As a cancer patient, this was the routine of my oncologists.

One oncologist even went so far as to tell me that he had no reason to see me any longer if I refused their cocktail of medications…

When we watch the mass psychosis unfolding in the liberal, Democrat controlled cities across the US by young, white and black men and women, screaming obscenities, celebrating a person’s death, calling for death to anyone white or affiliated with our police, one can only assume a level of psychosis is fueling this insanity.

While ISIS is deemed to have been a created elite army that went rogue, it would appear that BLM/Antifa share the same rogue behavioral symptoms and outcome.   And like ISIS, this movement could backfire as their hatred is directed at the same group of people that created their ‘movement’.   Ultimately, it became necessary to destroy ISIS, and ultimately it will become necessary to destroy anarchy.

Those that dutifully create this chaos hold no affinity for those they create – and therein lies the ultimate rub.   ISIS destroyed itself, and BLM/Antifa will do the same taking mostly black people with them.   Because essentially, liberals have no affinity for ‘Black Lives’, their affinity is for depopulation (aka, black people are the first to receive the Bill Gates vaccine), and chaos so as to bring about the New Order.   The New Order has absolutely NOTHING to do with color – and everything to do with intellect!

Those that destroy are deemed lower in the intellectual grade and thus the first to be ‘depopulated’.

When someone, anyone, expresses a delusional view amidst depression, when their age is between 18 and 35, when such individual is prescribed a psychotic medication with multiple side effects, what – could – possibly – go wrong!

For a “woke generation” – people seem oddly asleep at the wheel.

IN 2010, more than 24% of college students revealed they were taking some sort of psychosis medication.   And in 2011, NIH released a study which evaluated the number of students who refused to admit to their psychosis given the stigma. SO the number – the 24% – is likely well below that actual prevalence.

The result of this study – more studying is necessary to determine why and improved education should help solve the crisis…Of course, create a panel to evaluate a panel, which didn’t project the necessary statistic that was driven by the masters who paid for the panel to ….

“Helping Your College Student Cope With Psychosis”   – “College Students and Mental Health” – “Prescription Stimulus Misuse Common…” – “Perceived Harmfulness…”   – Articles written ten and twenty years ago – sorry you can’t blame President Trump!

But parents ignored the reality. Students took more drugs.   And the Psychosis only grew like a cancer!

The Source? Follow The Money!

Big Pharma saw a weak link and went in for the kill.

The solution?

Get your kids off pharmaceutical drugs.   Get them into a rehab that emphasizes discussion.   Even research brain scans to see if your child’s ability to disseminate has been impaired by medications.   Do you care for your child? Or do you care for a psychotic meme you embrace?

Who is more important?   DO you want your child to live their life as a psychotic meme, or do you want them to live a full and loving life.   You do have power as a parent.   The choice is yours whether you choose to use that power for good – or for evil.

QAnon: A Stranger in a Strange Land – 1984

Q is NOT a Domestic Terrorist Organization on the FBI list despite the media attempting to reference it/them as so.

The entire drama with respect to Q is based on one ‘memo’ issued by the Phoenix office in 2019 in which Conspiracy theories, such as the one circulating:… “regarding the Mueller report as a smokescreen for Mueller and Trump’s secret investigation into the Democratic officials and other “global elites”, was considered threatening.”  Oddly, half of that conspiracy is now proven true!   And the Q investigation has shown no links whatsoever to violent and extremist acts within the definition of a Domestic Terrorist.

So why are the Democrats so afraid of Q?  

Today, Nancy Pelosi called President Trump a Domestic “Enemy of the State” = a Terrorist. Why?   Because everything within the Liberal agenda is built on portraying Biden as a 1960’s flower child holding up a daisy, and that’s the sum all of their entire ‘platform’ – Trump is the evil terrorist and Biden is a Flower Child Hippy.

Bottom Line: Q unifies the conservatives and the Trump Deplorables in the quest for truth – and truth will reveal ALL hidden agendas.   And those Agenda’s are far and wide and possibly connected to Epstein, the trade of children for sex, slavery, and even possibly occult phenomena.

What we actually ‘know’ is a microcosm of what actually ‘is’ – and that Grand Canyon cavern could be full of bodies and information dating hundreds of years with the power to absolutely destroy reputations. In essence it is the eclipse of Orwell’s book, 1984, and a surge of classified documents within the CIA and FBI that seem to circle one very critical implosion – pedophilia.

They don’t want to discuss it, don’t want to acknowledge it, don’t want to look at it.  They lower their eyes and change the topic.   And thus it reveals itself to be – the SNAKE in the room.

Many have written about such a ‘Conspiracy’, and yet the continuing defense would be something as banal as ‘no one has yet been arrested so therefore it never happened’.  

Many Conspiracy theories hinge on various projects or operations that were authored and classified within the government;  US, UK, Germany, etc…   Many of these ultimately were revealed to be true decades later.   Others remain classified and gaining inside information would be considered high treason punishable by death.   Hence, few are willing to come forward, and others are bound by their code of honor and ethics. Oddly, this ‘code’ seems to be a foreign pledge to many Democrats who adamantly use the Whistleblower status to reveal false and fake information under the guise of reality – further muddying the ‘Conspiracy theorists’.   I digress.

Two such frames occurred in the 1950’s and possibly continues today under the original names Project Monarch and Paperclip Operation.

The Paperclip Operation was revealed to be true despite years of abuse directed toward those who claimed the story true.   We Know:  The US and Russian governments went on a binge during and after WWII to coerce Nazi scientists into their regiment.   Those interviewed and deemed viable had their files marked with a paperclip.   As such, these scientists were told to gather what valuables they could, their family, and their secrecy and they would be secured at various locations across the US where their resources would be made available to the highest bidder and they would be guaranteed complete immunity.   One such location is in Colorado and links Lockheed Martin with the Cherokee Ranch in Sedalia.

As the sphere of conspiracy garnered greater and greater publicity, it became necessary to devise a means of silence. Blackmail.   And as such, as the associated names grew to volumes, this necessitated more definitive blackmail.   And a network of perversity emerged.

Prove it! Was the mantra behind our most trusted officials; DOD, CIA, FBI. And as we have seen today, those ‘trusted’ officials are seemingly the same ones initiating the blackmail.

After Jeffrey Epstein’s untimely ‘suicide by assassination’, the pedophilia pandum declared themselves safe, leaving themselves open to hacking.

But it wasn’t over at all.   In fact, they severely underestimated the general – President Trump.   All their ploys failed, and they were looking like the jester idiots.   Doing their Master’s bidding, they put all their brightest and greatest to create an alternate definition:  And the Communist agenda was rebranded as the 60’s Flower Child.  

The problem is, this general had acquired a lot of information that is quite damaging – and they are now playing a chicken race to see who drives off the cliff first.  The fact that it take thousands of backstabbers to try and take down one man and a handful of soldiers … might give you an idea of exactly how the battle is played.   Unfortunately for them, good for us, their ego’s led them into troubled land. Now they are stuck – and this is the best they could create on short notice – failure.

The fact that Trump declared to his audience that 4 more years weren’t enough and 12 years was more like it – the obvious jest or insinuation would be that Trump Jr. is the 2021 Agenda for 2025.

I sure am glad Trump is on our team – because I wouldn’t want him as an enemy. Despite their divide, I would imagine the Cartel is appreciative of Trump’s continued ability to maintain 5 steps ahead. Respect.

And so, the Libs are left with one asset – the media manipulation.   It is really all they have.   Their idiocy gave us:   1. Fake Hunter Biden – body double,   2.   A speech that was copied and plagiarized,   3.   A candidate who necessitates being propped up like a doll while AI uses past imaging to create the facial expressions, and verbiage   – which would explain the momentary short circuits,  and 4.   An aged, mixed up, unidentifiable platform that no voter can relate to.

And they will be aghast at their loss… Poor Them.

***more to come on past military ops…

Democrats: The New Morality Police

Morality of the Democrats:   Apparently, they envision themselves as moral and ethical gods to be praised and worshiped for their undeniable angelic behavior and character.   Because their slate is clean and shiny, just like The Shining!

First, to answer a viewer’s question, “Why the black Masks at the DNC?”

Black masks are symbolic, of black death, the plague, a super-villain, and evil.   An odd choice for a party decrying their whitey white morality.   But then, who are they really playing to? Not The People, they perform for their Masters.  Because their Masters own them as slaves to power and blackmail.

Another viewer:   “I see President Trump as aligned with Lucifer.”

When asked to explain why, there is only a blank space of white paper. Perhaps he doesn’t like how Trump tweets, or how he looks, or how he stands, or his history with women.   Appearance seems to be a common liberal meme – As though somehow ‘appearance’ drives one’s ability.   But then, that is the mass manipulation perpetrated by the media and Hollywood for decades!   Appearance topped Competence!

The illusion is so great that no one remembers Obama was a coke dealer, Billy was a philanderer, Biden is a thief, and even Reagan was guilty of an affair.   But they ‘looked good’, so their offenses were scraped.

But it doesn’t end there. Christians declare President Trump isn’t ‘Christian enough’.   While they can’t find a past president that would measure up to their critique, the conflation makes them feel – superior.   A handful might claim Reagan, but then Reagan was Hollywood and his personal life was never dissected with the rigor imposed on Trump – or anyone for that matter.

While parlaying the illegal and immoral onstage at the DNC, wearing black death masks, the Democrats are the self described ‘moral police’ – which is oddly compatible with Sharia Law. Or The Puritans.   But hardly indicative of the reality.

Biden is embroiled in a corruption and fraud investigation with regard to his dealings in Ukraine and China.   What better way to secure his presidency than to bring on as VP a person who is so blatantly incompetent, corrupt, and ignorant as Kamala Harris?  Moral Police are abruptly hushed by her past dalliances aka, sleeping her way through politics to achieve her position while benefiting from lavish gifts!

But the Democrat Party is steeped in fabrications of reality.  We hear the Mark Twain quotes over and over again:  

  • “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.”
  • There are basically two types of people, those who have accomplished things and those who claim to have accomplished things.”

Within this current political climate, some of us are so puzzled by the lack of rational, the obvious vacancy, and wonder how such a deception can be believed.   The propaganda played by the Media is so filled to the brim like a glutenous snake, it has begun to eat itself.

As O’Reilly used to say, it is all SPIN. A means of creating a false reality by constantly plugging lies until the truth is simply a speck of sand on a beach.   Practiced for hundreds of years, the media gave SPIN a hyper jolt!

Some people are more prone to SPIN than others, and therein is the psychology factor.   How many will cower in fear, and how many will fight.

Democrats have lost every ploy they had against President Trump since 2015.   So now the Epstein crowd is reveling in their new self-proclaimed definition, Morality Police.   Because it elevates them in their own minds.   They have failed miserably and need a booster shot to garner some position in the coming election.

Of course it is a test. A test to determine who and how many can be controlled with propaganda, and who and how many will not succumb.  Can Marxism be disguised as utopia?   Can capitalism be disguised as dystopia?  What will the masses ultimately believe?

Somewhere in the propaganda, people came to judge based on perfection.   President Trump isn’t ‘perfect enough’.   As though that was an achievable criteria.   Yet it is widely used by Christians despite it being the antithesis of Christ’s message. Are you “Christian enough”?

Today we have “Karens”, the women who routinely utilize their version of policing to determine if someone is in violation of mandates – masks.   Self appointed. Egocentric.   Snitches.   We have Hollywood that was created on the back of promiscuity, sex, exploitation, rape, sexual assault, sex favors, lecturing The People about “Morality”.   And neither the Karens nor Hollywood seem to see the hypocrisy.   Because they have a basic need to feel they are doing something of worth given their profession is nothing more than pretense and make believe. The Illusion.   A magic trick.

Narcissism is another common transgression that is hurled at President Trump.   Most often this is launched by other politicians, Media pundits and actors. Unfortunately, these same people seem oblivious to the fact that in order to be an actor, a script reader, a politician, a person thrives on narcissism.   It comes with the position and no one is immune.   But it feels good to shrew the word at others while ignoring self.

In the end, judging President Trump by his ‘appearance’ or his ‘morality’ is so incredibly obtuse it belies the entire notion of a Leader.   What defines a Leader?

While in the world of Church morality is certainly a criteria, in the world of Leadership via government, a leader is one who fights for The People.   As the democrats are embroiled in citywide anarchy and destruction and governors are pillaging in their death marches, these so-called leaders are the true wolves, snakes, and deceivers.   What have they done for – YOU?

Is your life better now that your city is destroyed and taxpayers are faced with $100 billion in destruction? I certainly have no intention in giving these ‘leaders’ one dime.   I don’t care what their ‘appearance’ is, or whether they tweet, I care about the demoralizing anarchy that they have conveyed upon us as a nation.

Are you Moral enough?
Are you Christian enough?

If you say yes – then I counter with:   “Anyone who claims they don’t come from a dysfunctional family is either A) lying, or B) delusional.

We STRIVE for perfection – but we can never achieve it – so why does ‘appearance’, the Hollywood Axiom that defines all people, ignore Anarchy against Reality?   Why is this definition a necessary projection of a President?

Who then is the real wolf?   The Judged or the Judger?

CoVid! Vaccines! Flu Viruses! The Scam of Biblical Proportions =

In 2015, NIH published an article detailing the two classes of viruses that are comprise the common vaccines in use – today, Influenza B (Yamagata and Victoria and Colorado) and Influenza A ( H1N1 and H3N2 and all the H’s and N’s in-between).  

The first interesting statement determined by CDC and NIH regarding viruses is that they typically infect 5% to 10% of the population.   In the US that would account for 16-35 million people annually.

Secondly the authors of the NIH study state that the A viruses are initially found in bats which then infect pigs, horses, wildfowl and humans. These variants or strains were first detected in the early 1900’s, however humans infected with the original H1N1 virus then created a robust genetic resilience that was passed on thru their lineage.   As a result the H and the N was thought to be vaporized.

Then in 1957 a new Asian virus originated as a variant of H1N1+ a host of RNA variants. This strain circulated for a decade until a new strain manifested in 1968 which caused a pandemic until 1977 when the original H1N1 resurfaced and…

It would seem that the same viruses magically reoccur every decade including the H1N1 from Obama’s pandemic years in 2009 which is supposedly still circulating thus requiring the current vaccine to contain proteins related to that strain.   But isn’t the purpose of a vaccine to eradicate?

Actually – No.   The purpose is to provide a security blanket until that strain disappears and a new variant can be the cause for media exclamation and fear.  However, each year or decade, a new variant emerges that is based on the original but in its mutated form… And this mutant becomes the nom-de-pleu!

All of this would seem to suggest that all viruses are simply a new sub-type mutation of an old virus – meaning CoVid 19 is here to stay for a decade, vaccine or no vaccine given the vaccines don’t seem to eliminate – anything. Ever.  They are simply a placebo for the faint of heart.

Which begs the question, if the viruses are simply an ongoing recurrence each and every decade, what exactly are the pharmaceuticals manufacturing?   It would seem based on flu testing there are only two base viruses – A & B – and every vaccine is renamed under the global heading A & B with a sub-heading for some place in the world: Hong Kong, Wuhan, Australia, Colorado, Victoria, etc…, while routine flu tests do not even distinguish between A & B.

That would imply that Big Pharma vats are filled with variants of the original two viruses, A & B, and a handful of mutations. Each year they arrive at a hocus-pocus determination of which variants of the same they will combine – and ‘hope’ it works.   But in reality they acknowledge the efficacy of their crystal ball has only about 5% to 20% accuracy rate.   Tough luck.

Ah, but it get’s much worse.

NIH also states that B viruses are similar to the common cold and coronaviruses… Google B Virus, and you get pages of “Coronavirus”.  While the A virus can spread from animal to human, the B virus can only transfer from human to human.  Unique.

According to the CDC when testing for the A/B flu viruses they recommend an algorithm be followed:   1. If a person tests positive give antiviral treatment immediately.   2. Given that the test does not distinguish between A & B, if the doctor feels it is necessary to know, consider additional testing procedures and ‘bacterial’ treatment.   What?   According to the NIH study by Fauci in 2008, bacterial infection was the main cause of deaths in the 1918-1920 pandemic… not a virus. Therefore this statement would indicate the same. Viruses aren’t the cause of death – bacterial infections are.   BUT – it get’s even Better!   3.   If a person initially tests negative and the community has a high rate of the flu, assume the negative result to be false.   4.   Immediately proceed with antiviral treatment.   5.   If the patient is high risk, admit to the hospital and order additional tests.

In other words, flu tests are completely and wholly – worthless.   A positive is always right and a negative is most often wrong, therefore assume all results are – positive.

If you thought the ‘flu’ was bad, here is a list of vaccine complications that are covered under the 1986 Vaccine Compensation Act:   anaphylaxis, encephalitis (remember the mosquito fraud), vasovagal syncope, measles, polio, chronic arthritis, thrombocytopenic purpura (excessive bleeding into the skin or in urine, jaundice, enlarged spleen, blood clots to brain and lungs), Guillain-Barre Syndrome.   There are 17 vaccine/shots that have caused these ‘symptoms’ resulting in disease and death.

As Bill Sardi has unequivocally pointed out for decades, the vaccine debacle is only a part of the scam – the viral or virus farce is equally a scam perpetuated by the Cartel in order to caste the sheep.  

Yes we have viruses, but they are two main genomes – A & B.   That’s it folks.   And every virus tracked for the last one hundred years is a variant of A or B.   How much did Big Pharma charge for that bit of disease knowledge?   Trillions!

China’s WeChat: Another Distraction for Cabal’s Waning Wealth…

The eight largest US companies bought by Chinese firms occurred between 2012 and 2016 during the Obama administration. The most expensive was Starwood Hotels which was bought for $14.3 billion.   Fifty percent of fortune 500 companies have offices in China – Beijing mostly. In 2011, WeChat was launched as an app using the Apple or Microsoft operating system and has openly been found to analyze, track and share data from US users with the Chinese government.   August 2020, President Trump issued an EO banning transactions with WeChat.   And a number of obvious oligarch monopolies cried fowl…

Chicken Little included.  

Microsoft, Walmart, Apple, Ford, Walt Disney, P&G, Intel, MetLife, UPS, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merck and Cargill made the claim that they would lose money given the sanction. But WeChat has 9 competitors including: Twitter, Facebook, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Instagram, Line, Telegram and Snapchat.   All of which are also used by Chinese citizens. So what’s the beef?

While some of these apps are banned in China, why is it a dastardly sanction to ban WeChat in the US?

The largest aspect of WeChat that is lauded by these mammoth corporations is their payment schematic… meaning ALL information for everyone connected with these conglomerates can be – hacked.   In fact a Google search revealed pages upon pages of methods one can employ to ‘hack WeChat 100% Guaranteed’.

With India banning Whatsapp, and now the US, their user base is severely depleted – as is their revenue base.

WhatsApp is owned by Tencent, a Chinese conglomerate formed in 1998 during the Clinton administration whose platform is basically theft of intellectual property.   But ownership records reveal an interesting schism – Tencent’s majority shareholder is Prosus, headquartered in the Netherlands!   It’s chair is from South Africa with a stake holding of over 30%.   One of their subsidiaries includes Media 24 which was convicted of price fixing and fixing of trade conditions.   Other subsidiaries have been accused of monopoly practices, and bribery.

But the collaboration of South Africa and China is an interesting revelation – indeed.

So when these US conglomerates decry ‘fowl’ who are they representing?

Long we have known that the Cartel/Cabal have their sites on Africa for colonization via land grabs, so how is this connected?

*Ford is the best selling used vehicle in South Africa…

*IN 2018, Walmart bought a 51% share of Massmart in South Africa. Today there are nearly 400 stores in – South Africa. In contrast, WalMart has 411 stores in all of China. And 4770 in US.   Worldwide, Walmart claims to have 11,500 stores. So why is the China market so important when it represents 3.5% of total global stores? And prices are significantly par?

*Disney has a theme park in Shanghai that has under quarantine and most recently 30% capacity regulations.   But China government owns 57% of Shanghai Disneyland 57% of Hong Kong Disneyland, so in essence when Disney is clambering at President Trump over his China sanction declarations on behalf of Disney, it is the Chinese government making the loudest noises!

*Morgan Stanley bought their rights in China boasting the first US banking institution to do so – in 2006.

March 2020, along with a few peers, Morgan Stanley was granted permission sby the Chinese Government to take majority interest control of their financial institutions that were under China rule.   Just in time for a Pandemic crisis that has led to runs on various banks in China as the economy completely tailspins out of control.  Morgan Stanley doesn’t care about WeChat, they care about their Chinese investments going sour and becoming the biggest purveyor of losses.

So when these massive global conglomerates declare they will suffer if the US sanctions WeChat is the furthest truism from any semblance of truth.   China is symbolic.   Any garage/basement hack could re-create WeChat for $1.95 and a case of beer.

In fact WeChat itself is simply a theft from a variety of platforms.

So obviously, WeChat is meaningless.   And the larger picture is Anything that could possibly represent an attack on our ‘investments’ at large deserves annihilation.

After the US, Africa is China’s only safe harbor. Without either they will collapse.   And the circumstances that created this need have come to a crisis point.

India coming into the mix with already stretched relations with China, has become the godchild – the only blackmail China had left.   Ramping up betwixt anger!   The Taming of the Shrews.  The US shifted to India.

So why would anyone care about an app that could be duplicated in a micro-second and sold thru every Apple and Microsoft operating system? Hello?

The App is a distraction for a larger problem. If the economy of China collapses, a lot of people are going to lose – a lot of money – and that would make them somewhat mad…

If in fact most of China’s IT market is based on intellectual theft, certainly there are subhuman droids capable of creating a WhatsApp that infiltrates all internet without censorship.   And this entire false fisting by a bunch of China dolls could be passed. I no longer see the need for pretense – and so we have been inadvertently made aware of a handful of the companies owned by the Cartel.

Why?   Why is Obama so scared that Biden could conceivably “F*** it up!”   If there wasn’t a play in production already staged and into Act IV?

And many are only now picking up their programs and browsing the contents having seen only a blank stage to date.

No one really gives a dang about WeChat, a South African owned IT company that can be replicated in an instant… but a front is always necessary to mask the true intent – with China being at the forefront – and possibly trillions of investments at stake….

They misjudged. They underrated.   They messed up torrentially – and now they are desperate to create a hologram of reality.   How best than to conjoin in order to decry the lost revenue from a company whose revenue is a spattering of Facebook or Twitter.   Logical?

It gives them a window. TO clean themselves up. Whomever is able to divest soonest will gain the most – or perhaps, winner takes all, and there are internal disruptions within the Cartel itself!.   It is likely a heated stress filled time – for those wallets.

Bill Gates – Rockefeller – Johns Hopkins: Big Pharma Cartel

Was the Spanish flu a virus?   Or was it a biologically orchestrated vaccine gone awry? Was history rewritten?

The US remained neutral during the outset of WWI thus allowing the banking cartel free reign to invest as it deemed most financially beneficial for 3 years.   Then on April 4, 1917, as the banking Cartel, including Rockefeller and JP Morgan, began to worry their vast wealth of War Time investments might not be repaid, the US declared war on Germany.

One week after Wilson made a declaration of War, he created the Committee on Public Information headed by a radical Democrat journalist, George Creel. Their motto was: “Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms. The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false.”

February 1918 thru November 1918 when WWI ended, the Spanish viral flu raged through the trenches of Europe infecting troops who then brought it home. The death toll was minimal until the second wave which saw the greatest death rates across the globe beginning in June 1918.

According to an NIH report written by Dr. Fauci in August 2008, the vast number of deaths during this epidemic were caused by a secondary bacterial pneumonia infection, not viral. The paper goes on to conclude that future epidemics should focus on curing the bacterial infection given the viral infections are much more mild.   The common cure for a bacterial pneumonia is – antibiotics.   “Preparations for diagnosing, treating and preventing bacterial pneumonia should be among highest priorities in influenza pandemic planning, for future outbreaks.”

Between January 21 1918 and June 4 1918, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research injected an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine into soldiers beginning with those stationed at Fort Riley. The vaccine was cultured in horses.   Those soldiers then went on to Europe where the bacterial infection spread rapidly among the Brits, Spanish, Italians, Russians, Germans and French.   In order to quell any knowledge of this pandemic disease, propaganda media and the CPI continued to quash any knowledge of what was actually happening.

It is estimated 640,000 US citizens died from the bacterial pneumonia, aka the Rockefeller vaccine, and upwards of 50-100 million died globally.   Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime, while a virus typically infects the very young, very old and those with a compromised immune system.  Bacterial infections tend to invade faster and with greater death statistics.

During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent its experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.

The Rockefeller Institute was the ground-breaking first Big Pharma company having formulated drugs using what Rockefeller had monopolized – petroleum. Using petroleum as a derivative gave his oil companies greater wealth while simultaneously creating a new market industry – Pharmaceuticals.   But there was a catch, Rockefeller needed to rid the competition, the medical community that prescribed natural medicine cures.   So he used his powers in Congress to pass the ‘standardization’ of medical schools and education via his Big Pharma industry thus eradicating the idea of cures and natural remedies in favor for ‘drugs’.  All parlayed by the new curriculum and espoused by doctors who were suddenly elevated in their god-like illusion.

Suddenly vaccines and drugs were the new normal and the vast field of all competition, ie natural remedies, Chinese medicine and ancient American Indian cures was eliminated through a huge media campaign to quell the value of these ‘quacks’.

Contrary to previous definitions of medicine, a Big Pharma client cannot be cured, because that represents a client lost – and a steady stream of marketing curatives that cured nothing was the Rockefeller schematic that embraced his business model – an endless supply of money.

Rockefeller shadowed is monopolies from public perception by distracting them with his philanthropy.   Like Bill Gates.   And like Rockefeller, Gates has taken the baton of vaccine mandates for one purpose only – $$$$$$$$.     It is an industry that has no cure, but panders a wonder drug like the snakeoil salesmen peddlers pandering elixors.

Only today, the snakeoil salesman is Bill Gates and the elixor is a vaccine.

Utilizing the business model exploited by Rockefeller, Gates is marketing a business that is essentially worthless.   And there is only one motive – make more money.

Today John Hopkins University supplies the statistics for CoVid-19. Johns Hopkins was founded and funded by Rockefeller in 1910. They have continued to work together since and sometimes in highly litigious ways:   1. 1940 Guatemalan experiment – funded partially by NIH   2. The Tuskegee Experiment – a form of eugenics   3.   Event 201 (CoVid-19) that was co-sponsored by Gates – Hopkins and Rockefeller.

In their minds, humans are simply guinea pigs put on earth to further their livelihood.   And these ‘business’ men are calling for blacks to be the first subjects to receive the CoVid-19 vaccine…   If you are Black – you should be scared shitless.

And if you had doubt, in 2001 a Carnegie ceremony brought together Gates Sr., Soros, Ted Turner, Rockefeller, Fauci, Brokaw, Leonore Annenberg and Bill Moyers.  

A Tight Circle.

Lebanon: A Globalist Revolution For The Cabal

Beirut destroyed.   A detonation missile is suspect.   Why and Who?

Beirut was in the midst of massive protests as people descended into the streets in what they term as their October Revolution 2019.   Who was behind the protests?   Who funded them?   Some interesting agitators emerge: Communist Party, Anarchists, Socialists of the Madenati movement/party who advocate a New Green era, the Sabaa Party which describes itself as ‘civil resistance’ revolutionaries, and various ‘independent individuals’ who remain anonymous…  Not exactly sweet-peas…and pie.

Reuters claims that in 2016, the government of Lebanon was ‘warned’ that ammonium nitrate was being stored at the harbor and that if it exploded the city of Beirut would be destroyed.   Reuter’s states they reviewed ‘official documents’, but within the normal transparency of bizarre media conflation they won’t reveal their sources…  How did they obtain such documents?  Do such documents exist?

Was that a warning or a threat?

Ammonium nitrate is a crystallized salt compound used in agriculture and in making explosives. It does NOT burn or explode on it’s own – there must be a detonator such as fire or other chemical compounds.

Before the detonation, anarchy had devolved within the Revolution as protestors busily made their point by destroying cities with fire, destroying forests with fire, closing schools, blocking streets, and vandalizing…   In fact it sounds like a familiar plot that is quite similar across the globe including – the US.  Imagine that!

It would thus be logical to assume that it too was fueled by the same agitators, ie Masters.   The Cartel Cabal initiating the demolition of major cities so as to usher in the Global New Green Deal of Communist Marxism seems probable.

In fact the “warning” is always the same, ‘play by our rules or we will destroy you!’. And so it went for Beirut.   The players have utilized the same threat for decades, and the players are always the same: National Endowment For Democracy is at the forefront.   They are the Coup Revolutionaries demanding globalization and a New World of order wherein they, the Committee, rules via Marxist proletariat protocols.

Enraging and engaging uneducated youth, they parlay their propaganda of universal utopia, and the ignorant buy into the idealism while invoking complete chaos and destruction – unable, or too ignorant, to comprehend what they are doing or the outcome.

NED’s website lists four major partnerships:

The Solidarity Center – an NGO aligned with the AFL-CIO labour federation working to develop a global labour movement.  They highlight their work with Pedro Estango in the failed Venezuelan coup of 2002.   Funding comes from USAID.

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs – Founded by Madeleine Albright, it’s stated mission is:   “The NDI’s core program areas include citizen participation, elections, debates, democratic governance, democracy and technology, political inclusion of marginalized groups, and gender, women and democracy, peace and security, political parties, and youth political participation.   The organization’s stated mission is to “support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.”   


Their current president is Derek Mitchell who proudly served both Clinton and Obama.   His primary application was Asia and China. In 2006 he co-authored a book on China with Bill Gates and in 2007 he co-edited another book on China with – Bill Gates.

Obviously the China Campaign was initiated by Clinton, Gates and Obama.  Communism for Thee – But Not For Me!

Center For International Private Enterprise – which promotes ‘economic reform’ in over 70 countries particularly in resolution of conflict – that was created by NED.   My initial search for them abruptly came up in Ukrainian where they apparently enjoy a partnership with various organizations throughout the country.    OOPS!

They also have offices in Russia, Hungary and Egypt.   Board members hail from the US Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO with emphasis of expanding a global footprint with Beijing, including Myron Brilliant whose bio states: “…serves as an economic development adviser to the governor of China’s Guangdong Province.”

They might want to edit that part of his bio…

International Republican Institute – The Institute’s activities include assisting political parties and candidates to develop their values and institutional structures, good governance practices, civil society development, civic education, women’s and youth leadership development, electoral reform and election monitoring, and political expression in closed societies.

In 2018,  our very own Swamper, John McCain who was serving as chair informed the board of his intention to step down after 25 years in the role and recommended US Senator of Alaska, Dan Sullivan, to succeed him.  Sullivan was sworn into office by Joe Biden, and did NOT support President Trump’s election.

Haiti was considered one of their finest accomplishments wherein they received USAID funding. Other fun activities include training activists in the Arab Spring Uprisings throughout the Middle East, a failed Cuba coup, and the promotion of NGO’s throughout Honduras.  YUM!

The current sitting president for NED, Carl Gershman, served as executive director of Social Democrats USA. Of course, socialism would seem to be confused given the entire ‘footprint’ NED claims to pursue is democracy.

The Swamp is FULL!

USAID needs to be abolished.   Defunded.

Lebanon is obviously the Cartel’s latest target with protests and the absolute annihilation of their capital, Beirut.   They have no allegiance to the US, or any country for that matter, they are globalists bent on turning America into a mini-me version of China so as to usher in the global New World of peasantry and monarchy. While there have been empires throughout history, never has One ruled the World.   It would appear, these egomaniacs believe – it is time.

RESET: President Trump vs The World!

Of all the candidates that Biden was floating, Kamala Harris is by far the least viable. She’s weak, couldn’t garner more than 4% of the public when running for president, is mired in MeToo controversy for sleeping her way to the top, and has an atrocious record as California’s DA.  

So why are two losers picked to run on the Democrat ticket?

All along it appeared obvious that Biden would be taken away in a straight jacket if he won the election paving the way for the VP to take office.   He admitted so much in his most recent gaffe in which he praised Harris as someone who could lead the country January 2021.   She has NO following and is a Weak Link! So – why?

Rumors abounded that either Michelley or Hillary would be the likely candidate to assume office when Biden was pronounced ‘unfit’.   But President Trump has intimated that he has a healthy file on both that could possibly put them in Guantanamo for life.   As a result, a new plan had to be orchestrated with the same ultimate goal.

Kamala is just as nonessential to the Cartel as Biden.   And that is why she was chosen – for her uselessness.

The election will be plagued. Results will NOT be forthwith.   And legal action may be imposed. Fraud is highly likely.   Obamagate is not just about Obama but Biden as well.   Therefore whatever evidence AG Barr is holding back now will likely be exposed as close as possible to or after Election Day thereby disqualifying Biden as a candidate.   At which point a scramble will be necessary for the Democrats to find someone ‘clean’.   Given All 435 House seats are up for re-election, and given that Democrats are something like Eric Carle’s, The Greedy Python, in which the snake ate himself, there may not be – a viable candidate.

In which case, Trump could remain President as they fight internally without success.   They will become the victims of their own Agenda.

According to the Globalists – that would be catastrophic to their agenda.  

The momentum would stall.   And any languishing democrat governor or mayor would ramp up demolition of major cities with crime spikes and pure anarchy thereby guaranteeing a Democrat Largess LOSS!

But the snake has already destroyed Minneapolis, Chicago, LA, Seattle and Portland. All Democrat controlled.   In response, The People are leaving in droves, and as they do – they take their votes with them and their memories of what their elected officials gave them – not guaranteed income, not universal healthcare, not a livelihood, not a business, and not education.

Democrats are destroying not just cities, but their votes as well.   And like these cities in the US, they cheer the destruction of Beirut.   Syria.   Ukraine.   Much of Africa.   Hong Kong.   Those that oppose the Cartel are simply destroyed.   Those that take a knee, are spared.

Australia and New Zealand have succumbed.   Western EU – succumbed.   South American countries are split with some still fighting and others succumbing.   Russia seems to be leaning toward the globalists.   Canada left the real world years ago.   And Japan eeks by.   China is being punished by the Cartel for losing their foothold to President Trump and the battles are much more pronounced.

Years ago in an interview Soros contended that there were only two countries in his way for full world control:   America and Russia.

With Clinton, Bush and Obama in office, Soros had no opposition.   But even those men are too weak – for Soros.   Thus, in the event that the globalists succeed, they likely will create a new form of government, abolish the US Constitution completely, and institute a militaristic unit of control – the Federal Reserve Police Task Force. US Forces will pledge allegiance to the Global Committee chaired by Bill Gates, or be shot for insurrection.

The Vatican will play a role in the process of sterilization for population control, while intercoms continually pledge that all things are for our safety – just like at Home Depot…

But in all horror stories of history wherein the government attempted to rule by Marxist Doctrine, or totalitarian control, there ALWAYS arose The Underground!   The only means the Elites could think to quash the Underground was to confiscate guns.   It hasn’t worked.  AnyWhere!

“It is a Fool who resolutely believes you can rule 100% of the people as one.   Sending the remainder to the gasses is what Soros knows best.  But even Soros exhibits senility in his thinking processes.  And those blank shots can be seen through a scope – and annihilated.”   

These Undergrounds exist in repressed countries today – China, Venezuela, Korea, Cuba, etc… they flourish, they provide truth, and they have something the Marxists can never ‘create’ – WILL! A Will to do what is right!   A Will to fight for each other!   A Unity!

The most relevant, most important, most sustainable means of survival that destroys these attempts at autocracy and cause them to fail is because the replication of the power of Faith & Freedom does not exist in AI or subjugation.   Their subjects are not revered or respected because they are supple sheeple cowards unable to understand the most basic values of humanity;   honor, loyalty, respect, love, humility, wisdom.

As such the subjects that follow the Cartel are the very ones they respect the least.   The Game will become folly and boring, and they will ultimately grow weary of the worms given their lacking strength of character.

In the end, the Elites are creating a world society that they will soon be bored with and busily hold forums to recreate the re-creation RESET.   Because in the end, when all the money and control is no longer a challenge – there is nothing.   

There is no ego to be had – in ruling worms.

The CoVid New World Order

In 1969 G. Edward Griffin gave a speech in which he warned that since the 1920’s communists have had plans to use racial agitation, violence, & socialism for a communist revolution in America.   He warned that the United Nations was a “Fearful Master’ with plans to initiate the New World Order. And in his book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, he warns about the banking cabal, the elitists who run the Federal Reserve, and the illusion of ‘money’.

Then – and now – he has been labeled a right wing conspiracy nut.

Perhaps it is time to listen.

His 1969 speech details how China Communists will use racial disparity in the US to foment a ‘negro’ Revolution wherein the people will be used as pawns to annihilate each other thereby laying open ground for Communism to take control.

As we watch the anarchy displayed in major cities under the helm of BLM and Antifa, we are watching their ‘end-game’. Divide, destroy, and kill – under the pretext of something that doesn’t exist – a propaganda illusion fueled by the media and entertainment industries – according to Griffin’s writing 50+ years ago!

The man is incredibly articulate despite his 88 years on this earth, and he is still actively engaged in current events giving interviews and speeches.  I highly recommend his videos and Books!

In one such video just this past May he defines Cartel in his denouncement of the International Banking Cartel that is run by The Federal Reserve in conjunction with The Bank for International Settlements which is based out of Switzerland. BIS became a conspiracy target in a 5 part interview video with Ronald Bernard who revealed the massive laundering, trafficking, and satanic rituals conducted under our noses.   Bernard knows because he was one of them.

Griffin notes that the definition of a Cartel is important:  a small group of elite power brokers bent on ‘Control’ who form a syndicate of managed family in order to suppress competition. Other synonyms include: gang, syndicate, mob, cabal, etc…

Griffin discusses the means for creating sheeple, and the ultimate economic collapse that would provide the Cartel with the means for out of control inflation so as to reduce all shred of a civilized society (like Nazi Germany) thereby – from ashes they would rise to save us from a world they created.   Survival.  Basic Animal Instincts.

In order for Communism to arise, socialism must be accepted as a better alternative to capitalism despite socialism always being the precursor.    But Socialism is more accepted for its communal sense.  Remember the 1960’s Communes!   FAILED!   Corporate America will attempt to placate the rioters in order to assure their own survival – by declaring their ‘submission’.   In the end, that survival is based on their submission to the Cartel.   Those that do not submit – will die.

In numbers:   Worldwide Malaria cases are estimated to be roughly 230million per year with upwards of 600,000 annual deaths.   Oddly, there is no ‘pandemic’ of malaria.   There is no epidemic. Instead the CDC refers to ‘endemic areas’.   According to a CDC Report released December 2008, the two underlying reasons for Malaria deaths and cases included:   1. Malnutrition,   2. An underlying immune disorder.     In a report released August 2020 by the CDC, the deaths among CoVid patients were attributed to diabetes, and underlying immune deficient conditions including respiratory diseases.   Nutrition was elaborated as a vital core cure.   This study paper advised treatment – not economic shutdowns.

It has been noted that CoVid mimics a variation of Malaria.

This same Covid Study paper released by the CDC that tracked patients at two California hospitals revealed that 91% received hydroxychloroquine with zinc and the death rate was considerably less than what was being reported.   In fact, the differential was as much as 35- 50 percentage points!

In 1974, Griffin published a book, World Without Cancer, in which he declared that nutritional deficiencies could be causal factors in cancer.   IN Griffin’s scenario, nutritional deficiencies, specifically Vitamin B-17, could be a precursor cause of cancer. The media and pharmaceutical industry declared this statement ‘quackery’.   And yet, 30 years later, the CDC is using the same coefficient for causal factors in malaria analysis.

What is good for one goose would not seem good for the gander – unless it can be patented and sold for mega-profit.

The second most powerful entity after the banking cartel, according to Griffin, is the pharmaceutical industry.   While pharma has been around for thousands of years, it wasn’t until the early 20th century that they began to take over what they were – naturopath, herbal tincture medicines.   The means to their rise?   Every physician who prescribed a tincture was labeled – a Quack.

Can these virus’s and diseases be cured via natural means?

The masthead of Pharma is the fact that there is “NO cure for the common cold”.     Therefore, you must be given a host of manufactured pharma bionics that won’t cure your ailment, but might help it – or not.   And thus our entire health industry is based on a Non-Cure algorithm.

Who helped to create this propaganda?

The Media. The Entertainment Industry. Just as Mr. Griffin stated would be a part of the Communist Agenda to Colonize and take over the US within the cloak of the New World Order in – 1969.

Mr. Griffin was well before his time in analyzing, researching, and solving the puzzle of 10,000 pieces despite the negative propaganda that attempted to label Griffin as a – Quack.   Exactly the same means employed by the Pharma Industry 100 years ago!

With a small legion of diehard activists reaching out to the public to educate, or re-educate as it were, regarding Truth vs Illusion, Pamela Popper is one such advocate.

Others attempt to air their knowledge, but the vast disproportion of Control is a formidable enemy.  

We have One Warrior. President Trump. Don’t Give Up!

CoVid Vaccine? A Possible Hoax For Quick Money

IS Moderna making a vaccine – or is it a hoax?  

Moderna is a relatively new biomedical company formed in September 2009 and going public in 2018 with a valuation estimated to be roughly $7.5 billion and cumulative losses of $1.5 billion.   Since its inception it has never made a profit.

While Moderna has conducted a few trials with large pharma collaboratives including Astra-Zeneca and Alexion, none of those trials have ever been successful.

Moderna moved to lower class vaccine development in 2014 and analysts predicted their demise.   As a result, Rossi, the founding biologist, left the company.

Shifting platforms, Moderna altered their focus and the technology platform instituted was a focus on mRNA Vaccines wherein synthetic mRNA would be inserted into living cells that would reprogram the cells to develop immune responses.  It is a novel technique abandoned by several large pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies due to their inability to overcome the severe side effects associated with the procedure methodology.

As of May 2020, no mRNA drug has been approved for human use. However this is the technique being employed in Moderna’s ‘supposed’ trials for a CoVid vaccine.   The likelihood of fast tracking a methodology that has failed for the past 40 years in trials is seemingly ludicrous – at best.

So what is Moderna really doing?

In 2010, Rossi, the initial creator of Moderna brought in Flagship Pioneering as a co-investor. Flagships CEO, Noubar Afeyan brought in a new Moderna CEO, Stephane Bancel who is known as a well-groomed stock manipulation player.

Moderna claimed to begin making its CoVid vaccine in January 2020 well before the virus was determined to be of pandemic proportions.  Setting the stage as the pre-emptive player, Bancel parlayed some very special sales pitch skills into a lucrative contract with NIAID despite a track record of – nothing but failures.

Since March 2020, key executives have been selling off their shares massively while reaping incredible profits from the CoVid hype according to SEC documents.   In February the stock was selling for around $18 per share, by July it had reached $87 despite having no assets other than cash.

Bancel and key executives have become billionaires in six months.  And yet, their key product fast tracked for delivery is a method that has proven unsuccessful due to severe reactions.

So far, Moderna claims to have conducted successful trials on monkeys and 45 humans – although serious side effects did occur such as delirium, high fever, chills, muscle pain, headaches and nausea – some causing hospitalization, Dr. Lisa Jackson of Kaiser’s Health Research Institute in Seattle (also connected with CDC and NIH), claims that is considered success!

The vaccine deposits the virus directly into a person’s cells with a 3-prong needle which supposedly causes the cells to fight the virus and produce antibodies.   Of the 45 human trials all were young, fit, and healthy – 20% reported ‘severe side effects typical for previous attempts to create an mRNA vaccine for SARS, 80% reported side effects.

Since March, key executives have sold off massive shares of their holdings while the general public is hyped by a delirious trial.

As such the FDA gave permission for Bancel to conduct testing on 30,000 humans in conjunction with NIH. What?

Various lawyers are calling for a criminal investigation.

In a clinical study conducted by NIH in February 2020, mRNA responses could include:

  1. Medically adverse effects that could occur after the original singular vaccine for up to a year.
  2. New onset chronic diseases that could occur after the vaccine up to a year post.
  3. Serious adverse effects that could take a year to show
  4. In the event that the virus mutates, mRNA could cause serious events that would be more dangerous than the original virus.

Other pharma companies enlisted in the CoVid vaccine marathon include Astra Zeneca which has also gone on to phase 3 of Trials despite 60% or more of subjects experiencing severe side effects sometimes not until 1 month after the vaccination. While Astra-Zeneca’s vaccine also includes T-cell responses, new studies have shown that antibodies can disappear within 3 weeks and T-cell responses within a few years thus requiring a constant load of boosters.

That means a vaccine will only protect a person for a few weeks… thus Bill Gates has stated that multiple vaccinations will be required per person. Based on the antibody approach that would mean a vaccine once per month? I doubt any trial will utilize this massive regimen in evaluating side effects. Brazil, South Africa, UK and the US are the point target for subject volunteers…

Most of the Pharma companies producing a vaccine will require a no liability clause in the event anyone contracts any debilitating side effects.

Recently, articles abound claiming a Fauci/Gates collaboration thru patents. In 2018 Fauci was granted a patent for a method of contacting a cell, specifically a T-cell, with an effective amount of an agent to reduce infection – specifically HIV. While Fauci and others are deemed the inventors, the assignee is the US Department of Health.  In fact, NIH or the Department of Health hold all the patents invented by their employees.

In 2015, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet was ‘suicided’ for his own discovery of an injectable protein binding substance that occurs naturally in every human – albeit those with immune deficiencies lack this protein – McGAF. He had success in treating cancer, HIV, and other diseases with this protein agent.   The fact that it occurs naturally in the human body made it ‘unpatentable’.   All his work and vials were confiscated by the FDA…

Could Fauci’s patent be a regurgitation of work confiscated from Bradstreet?

According to RFK, Jr., NIAID, of which Fauci is head, will receive 50% royalty rights to any vaccine given the cell factor per the patents.  However, again it should be noted that this methodology has NEVER been used on humans due to it failing clinical trials since 1980!

While Bill Gates does not personally hold any pharma shares, buying and selling thru a vast menagerie of holding companies is more typical and certainly opaque.   It is likely any shares he sold would have been short-term like the Moderna executives.   A fast buck.

However, instead he is busily building the facilities that will produce the vaccines – nine in total. No matter who wins the race, Gates will own the means.

And That’s How It Is Done.