Israel War Was A Deflection From CIA Betrayal of US

At a cost of $1.3 billion, the US, Israel, France, UK, and Jordan worked in conjunction to take out the missiles and drones launched by Iran.  This realizes two major schematics:  1.   Israel is incapable of defending itself alone, and  2.  The West is spiking War while scripting lies for the Media about peace thru sanctions.  Israel intends to retaliate.  The Ayatollah gave the US and neighboring countries advance notice of the intended strike (72 hours).   Erdogan is calling Qatar to realize the extent of deception and murder.   Jordan is too financially beholden to the West.   And Saudi Prince bin Salman is cursing Israel for its stupidity.

Testing.   1, 2, 3.   No one was killed.  Damage was minimal.   Iran was showcasing.  US claims VICTORY Speech amidst ‘Iranian humiliation’.   The real revelation is the sheer egocentricity and deception our western governments and their militaries promote instead of simply telling The Truth.   Iran was thus able to show the world these western nuances.  Damage control is not possible.

During this same time period of attack, Israel managed to murder over 100 additional Palestinians with no reprisal at all.

It is a certainty that Israel will not stop until all Palestinians are dead or moved to refugee camps – in Jordan – for which American Taxpayers foot the bill.   Israel does not pay for the refugees it creates – the US does.  Americans.  That bill will double when Israel has completed its mission.  At which point Israel will begin its reconstruction of Gaza – with more American Taxpayer monies.   Those repair costs have gone from an initial $150 million to $100 billion.  While the Ukraine rebuild for Soros is estimated at $500+ billion to be charged to American Taxpayers.

In line with the supremacy of ‘humiliation’, (as I stated in a previous blog) out of the bog comes Reza Pahlavi, Iran’s exiled son of the Shah, calling for regime change and his installation as King:

“I think it’s important for the world to realize that the only obstacle to peace and stability and a better future lies on putting an end to the regime. It’s time for the world to finally decide to endorse and back the Iranian people to topple this regime and put an end to all this madness,” 

Of course the purpose would be to colonize Iran.

Colonizing Iran would mean taking;  their oil, their superior weapon inventory, their alliance with Russia, their natural gas, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, chromium, manganese, sulphur, etc..

Last month, the Carnegie Endowment released a report detailing the scarcity of minerals and rare earth elements facing the US and Europe.   Supplied mainly by China, Mexico and Canada, they are essential to the War Machine.  They are also essential for green applications…  And the only way to assure their availability is through colonization of countries with vast supplies.   Mexico will be colonized as of the coming election this June –

While the PR machine is now focused on the “Evil Iran”, Israel is free to murder the remaining Palestinians without so much as a slap on the wrist.   The UN is essentially a worthless waste of real estate, and NATO is a buffoon of wasted funding.

When did Iran become “evil” or The Axis of Evil according to western media:

In 1953, the CIA and MI6 helped Iranian royalists depose Mosaddegh in a military coup codenamed Operation Ajax (Cleaner), allowing the Shah to extend his power. For the next two decades the Shah reigned as an absolute monarch. “Disloyal” elements within the state were purged”.  CIA verbiage for assassinated.

After the Iran revolution in February 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini was reinstalled.  The deposed Shah asked for medical assistance and asylum in the US which was granted.   The American Embassy hostages were taken as an exchange for the Shah.  The hostages were released within 3 hours.  A later student led revolt was waged to protest the coup and hostages were again taken.  52 hostages were held for 444 days.  The Carter regime sanctioned Iranian oil imports and America fell into an immediate recession.  The crisis created a unity within America – Iran was now officially Evil – and America was the victim.   American intel units attempted a rescue the hostages only to botch the operation and kill 8 US servicemen given US made helicopters couldn’t fly in the Iranian dust storms.

The Algiers government brokered a treaty and the release of the hostages with the signing of the Algiers Accords.  The number one provision stipulated that the US would never again interfere or intervene in Iran’s political or military internal affairs.   Like the Minsk Agreement between Russia and Ukraine – The Accord was routinely ignored by the US as Regime Change attempts and protests organized by the CIA and Soros sought a colonial Iran.  The first breech occurred literally months after the signing –

While regime change has been a prevailing mainstay of the CIA since its inception, the American public was not informed.   This apparatus has now been fully identified and countries across the globe are more than a bit peeved at the realization.   Americans are horrified.  The concept of betrayal central.  Processing the fact that our government has been the main creator of conflicts, regime change, murders, assassinations, and annihilation of entire countries, aka – Syria, when we were massively hypnotized into thinking we were the greatest peace maker, is a bitter pill indeed.

The fact that we are now the victim of a blatant regime change has aided our awakening.  Yet still, the realty exists that many if not all our government officials throughout the last 100 years have been installed.  And that power has become infinite in its levy.  The Israel War was likely created as a distraction from our CIA reality.   But instead of realigning America against the created evil – Palestine and Iran = the common enemy, a fatal flaw emerged.

Israel is The Deep State.  And the CIA works for Israel.  Israel recruits its benefactors, such as Soros and Fink and Bloomberg, etc… These benefactors agree to be the shield.  In return, they will be granted enormous wealth.  Netanyahu is not officially a member of the Club – but his ego sought this war as a means of demonstrating the extent to which his evil against Palestine and Muslims could earn him the right to belong.

The response is NOT what he anticipated.

ELECTION 2024: Will It Take Place?

The Economist is on the defensive after the CNN radical upset that left a nasty ‘journalist’ in shreds to such an extent the show was stopped cold 20 minutes before shutdown.   The Economist now declares that Trump is a formidable enemy and a dangerous man. Just in time for Robert Kennedy Jr to emphatically announce he will never under any circumstances consider an alliance with Trump.   Why? Because their policies only align 70%…

Bad moves galore! 

Kennedy has/had the opportunity to form a truly revolutionary party that would be feared and loathed by the Cabalist Cartel.   But he’s stuck on a morality equation that the Kennedy’s have no business judging.   Hopefully, he will come to his senses and join forces to annihilate the Cartel’s power vacuum.

DeSantis handlers released a scathing rebuke to Trump igniting claims of rhinoism.   These pawns of a deeply corrupt contemptuous faction have no following other than Magats.   The Rhino base is likely 3-4% or less.   But the handlers took the bait from a democrat playbook thereby probably derailing DeSantis entire campaign.

Enter the repugnant Chris Christy whose name is synonymous with greed and corruption.   Christy, an outed Rhino, went on a Twitter tirade attempting to deflect the CNN upset by spewing criticisms that have no bearing in fact. But then, Christy’s relevance is twalette water since his disappearing act from 2018.

Magats will not suddenly change their spots.   So who are these Cartel aligned political junkies speaking to?   Mostly themselves, but otherwise these licks are simply picked up by liberal democrats to use against all republican conservatives.   And therein is the SHOT.

Matt Taibbi released an expose of the ‘disinformation’ campaign being waged against America by the groomers.   The tax-free, get out of jail free – groomers who have realized they can’t win as long as TRUTH is available.   The battle is being waged to scour social media for Truthers and antithetical posts to label and attack.

While most of the companies and their funding is well known – other assertions are incredibly revealing – which of course was his point!   Educate.   You can’t fight what you don’t know! You can’t WIN if you don’t get in the Battle.

These NGO’s typically market themselves as anti-censorship, pro-free speech.   But those ideologies only pertain to group think gob-talkers. Everyone else must be censored permanently for Democracy – for The Common Good!   Atlantic Council.   National Endowment for Democracy. DFR Lab. Poynter Institute.   Taibbi unlocks them all with perfection. All working in conjunction for the same goal – ALL funded in part by US Taxpayers via our government Charity.

With the Biden crime Family revealed in documented evidence, the elimination of a Biden 2024 is highly plausible assuming – we get to November 2024.   IF Kennedy were to be the last man standing going into the election, it could be a wild ride for all.   But we have to get there first – and that nuance is not lost on the Cartel Cabal.

Avenues are being considered:   War with Russia. War with China.   Civil War in US. Complete spiral into poverty – reminiscent of 1930.

FDR is the only president to serve 3 terms. He used WWII Germany as the basis and means for this extension beyond The Constitution. In his esteemed mind, only he had the ability to navigate such a war. No one was qualified but FDR>   It was liberal New Deal FDR that put America on the line for Two Wars simultaneously, much like the rhetoric surrounding Biden Handlers desire to war with China and Russia simultaneously.

Had he not died while in office it is unknown if he would have commissioned a fourth term.   That being said, there are circumstances that could be used and are being established now to create a revised US Constitution:

The Electoral College governs the outcome of a Presidential election as stated in the US Constitution.   However, Obama, Bloomberg, and Handlers et al have been working diligently to abolish the Electoral College and upend the Constitution.

According to Bloomberg 2 days ago, “Bill Clinton says the electoral college system should be abolished, but cautioned that a system for directly electing the president would need safeguards to prevent fringe candidates from taking office.”

Without the Electoral College, voter fraud would have zero opposition.   Elections could easily turn into a revision of a form of monarchial rule.   And The US Constitution would begin to disintegrate.   States with the greatest population could rule the roost, ie California and New York. Rural America would hold little to no power.   Sovereignty could be challenged. The Uniparty Control would prevail.

Bloomberg is not alone in his Deep State ideology, Brookings, USA Today, American Bar Association, Purdue, Stanford, etc… argue that one person-one vote should be the only means of election.   The irony of course is that states have enacted laws that contradict the Federal Constitution in allowing illegal immigrants and felons to vote.

A Gallup Poll alluded to 61% of Americans wanting to abolish the Electoral College. Then they revealed that translated to 89% of liberals and just 23% of Republicans. Polls are bought and paid for by the one wanting to create a result.

In the 2020 Gallup poll, they had 16 year olds ‘randomly dial numbers for 1019 people total as representative of 335 million Americans.   The answers skewed for the abolishing of the Electoral College; women, nonwhite, 18-34, liberal.

That would be the entirety of the Poll. One question – little demographics.

Trump will prevail as the Republican candidate.   What happens to Kennedy and Biden is up for grabs assuming Biden can last another year and a half – which is doubtful – which is why the question remains VASTLY IMPORTANT.

Capitol Protest Detainees: Guilty Until Earth Freezes Over…

The federal criminal court system would seem to operate on the premise – guilty.   Not even addressing the second lopsided clause, ‘until proven innocent’.   While the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the presumption of innocent until proven guilty, an obscure Obama era proclamation muddied that right.

The National Defense Act of 2012 expressly gives the president the exclusive right to capture and detain indefinitely anyone considered an enemy combatant.   As such they can be imprisoned indefinitely without a trial or even proof of guilt.

Over 612 detainees are being held under this guise as a result of January 6th.   Only a handful have even had a trial.   And most of those who have were declared a threat and re-imprisoned.

Others have charges labeled as ‘entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct’.  

According to US Code 1752, a Restricted Building references ‘entering a premise without lawful authority’. Given the plethora of photo and video evidence showing Capitol police officers removing gates and opening doors while milling with the Protesters inside the Capitol – this particular charge is a corrupt manifestation of fraudulent justice.

Given the US Capitol is a ‘public building’ it is not restricted per se. However, there do exist rules regarding prohibitive items; guns, knives, aerosol cans, explosive devices, mace, liquids, food, and sealed envelopes.

According to 18 US CODE 1752, a restricted building is specifically defined as:


of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds; NOT applicable.


of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting;   NOT applicable given President Trump was not in the Capitol.   The Secret Service is NOT tasked with protecting members of Congress. Members and the Capitol Complex are protected by the Capitol Police. When they readily allowed entry onto grounds and inside the Capitol, they effectively negated ANY potential restricted Building status.


of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance; such events are defined to include inaugurations, state of the union addresses, democrat and republican conventions, or the presence of a particular dignitary.   Electoral count is not among those definitions.

Therefore, this was NOT a Restricted Building as defined by the US Code.

January 6th was a Wednesday.   The US Capitol is open to the public Monday thru Saturday from 8:30 to 4:30.   Those persons who destroyed property within the Capitol must be shown to have specifically done so with evidence proving the destruction.   Disorderly conduct is considered a minor offense – in order for it to be classified as a felony, the person must have mishandled and discharged a deadly weapon.

The ONLY person to do so was the ‘officer’ who killed Ashli Babbitt!

By contrast, liberal states are releasing convicted rapists and murderers from jails due to CoVid case rates.   Some of whom repeat their offenses.   The illogic is extraordinarily insane.   Yet the motive operandi is still to delete all those who defy the George Orwell 1984 Institutionalization of ALL.   Which is defined as any-and-all pro-Trump.

The National Defense Act of 2012 is 566 pages and buried in its wordy plethora of Progressivism is a provision that even brought the ire of the very liberal Huffington Post when it found:

“…buried in this law are two provisions (Sections 1021 and 1022) that authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person labeled a “belligerent”―including an American citizen.”

Belligerent:   As a noun, belligerent refers to anyone engaged in war or conflict or anyone who engages in a hostile manner as defined by International Law.   Thus the law is governed within the UN.  And Obama’s insertion of this law into the American Constitution allows the UN to supercede the US Constitution as a globalized government.

Meaning the UN is holding the keys to the incarceration of the 612+ detainees from the January 6th Capitol ‘trespass’.

The UN body that would be instilled with this power is the International Court of Justice with 13 presiding judges.

Judge Joan E. Donoghue is the presiding president. She was first elected to the court in 2010, re-elected in 2014, and elected by the ICJ judges to be President of the ICJ in 2021.   Oddly coincidental?   An American who previously worked in the US State Department and US Treasury, she was elected president February 8, 2021, 3 weeks after Biden’s inauguration.

During Donoghue’s tenure in the Department of State, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton presided as Secretaries. In the early 1980’s she worked for Covington & Burling.   Covington & Burling were hired by the State of California under Gruesome Newsom along with Eric Holder to fight President Trump. They were also instrumental in calling for the release of all Guantanamo detainees under the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution – before the Obama WH instituted the Amendment in 2012.

Donoghue’s impartiality is obviously compromised.

In July 2021, Pelosi announced that she intended to send Capitol Police to Florida and California to establish satellite offices so as to mitigate threats against the Capitol.   Such a move would in essence Federalize the Capitol Police giving them power of sovereign states.  Ultimately deriving their authority from – THE UN.

Each chess move may appear to be the sacrifice of a pawn, but pawns are expendable when taking down the King in the final move for checkmate.   And globalization is the end Agenda within the guise of Agenda 2030 – the 4th Industrial Revolution.

While prisoners held in Guantanamo number just 39 now, the Capitol Protesters are essentially under the same CIA system of confinement without charges, torture, and no due process.   The cost of the Guantanamo detainees is $13 million per prisoner – per YEAR!   Supermax prisons on US soil run roughly $70,000 per prisoner per year.  This would be where the Capitol detainees are likely held.   As taxpayers who control the government, we have the right to protest unconstitutional actions and actions wherein Congress exploits the law and undertakes unjudicial and unsubstantiated charges.

As of January 6th, Steven Sund was the Chief of Capitol Police. He was forced to retire at the request of Pelosi as did Sergeant at Arms Michael Stinger and Paul Irving.   On July 23rd, Tom Manger, age 66, came out of retirement and applied for the job as Chief of Capitol Police.   He has been a ferocious critic of every Capitol protester!   Manger has been a radical vocal critic of all things President Trump.   He supported Blasey Ford’s subsequent false assertions against Kavanaugh, has worked in conjunction with Schumer and Reid, and is associated with a number of liberal organizations affiliated with the FBI bent on reconstructing police via public sanctioning and defunding.

This chess move was a Pelosi manipulation.  The purpose is obvious.  The corruption is obvious.   The fraud is obvious.   Capitol Police are given gag orders.   Four have taken their lives as a direct result.   But blackmail is heinous indeed – not only involving the blackmailee but all other family members, friends and associates.   It is The code of The Mafia.   And it would appear – the Code of Congress…


AFGHANISTAN: Falls To Taliban – WH Befuddled?

Most people have long ago forgotten why the US started a war in Afghanistan 20 years ago.   Most people have no idea how many have died. Most people have no idea how much the war cost taxpayers.   But pulling out and allowing everything to revert to pre-2001 is quite orchestrated.   The Pentagon knew exactly what would happen – albeit they might not have known how quickly, unless the Taliban was ‘informed’ in advance…

The supposed purpose was to root out Al Qaeda.   Roughly 4100 Americans killed and over 20,000 wounded.   It is estimated over 30,000 commit suicide.   The war cost over $740billion.   Abruptly pulling out without proper apparatus in place to mitigate was designed specifically to shove veterans a big finger.

And with the Taliban back in power, Al Qaeda will reorganize and begin again their rampage across the globe.   With best wishes from the Pentagon and White House.

There were many unprecedented ambushes the most controversial occurring on August 6, 2011.   Twenty five Navy Seals, 5 National Guard Troops, and 8 Afghan nationals died.   Packed into one Chinook Helicopter, after 7 Afghan military that were on the manifesto – were switched out just before takeoff.   The Chinook was given no escort.   The ambush was pre-arranged.   And the controversy remains that these soldiers were sacrifices parlayed by Obama and Biden in exchange for the death of Osama bin Laden.

Such is the game of War.

Al Qaeda in and of itself is a relatively small organization, however there are over 35 affiliates, many of which were funded by the US under Obama. These Al Qaeda affiliates aligned with the US and Israeli Mossad to destroy Syria. While Assad was a US ally for decades, the US and Israel flipped and considered Assad an enemy.   In essence we used our enemy, Al Qaeda, to destroy our new enemy, former ally, Assad.

The Afghan War wasn’t about Afghanistan any more than the Syrian demolition was about Assad, it was simply a ruse to establish and cement Middle East relationships while eliminating others.  Ruling powers consolidated so that the Great RESET could be more easily implemented.

Today, our State Department would seem to be befuddled by the fact that the Taliban has centered itself back in control within only 2 months. Despite non-MSM outlets decrying the situation for a month, Antony Blinken is doing his best Porky Pig impersonation as he tries to understand what happened…  Apparently, he had no idea and can’t seem to throttle a response other than ‘huh’.

It is alleged that the Taliban is currently aligned with China, Iran, and Qatar.   Their ideology is strict Sharia. But most importantly, the Taliban is an ally of Al Qaeda and it’s multiple affiliates.   Which means that the pre-arranged rise of the Taliban under our current White House Handlers is also a rise in every Mujahideen Warlord affiliate.

Disrupting the entire Middle East means cutting oil supply lines to the US, EU and Canada.   The distraction is a befuddled, dementia riddled, braindead Biden suddenly calling for OPEC to amp up production – AFTER shuttering US internal supplies.   Simultaneously initiating a potential Mid-East War that would significantly impair oil and gas exports.   That is the Agenda.

What would a severe oil shortage look like?

Without oil – gas powered vehicles grind to a halt. Trucking and trains can’t transport food. Electricity, heating and cooling systems would spiral to a substantial shortfall.   Paint, plastic, medicine and toys would be scarce items.   Without electricity – water shortages would ensue.

Of course, the flipside is windmills?   Wind turbines are connected to an electrical generator that is typically powered by batteries.   But batteries consume tons of electricity in the manufacturing process… making their alternate use ‘unsustainable’.   Of course solar and wind stocks have declined substantially since Biden took office, but that may simply be a repricing scheme to buy for greater profit.   Wall Street is hardly without manipulation and corruption.

Biden’s response to the Taliban authoritarian takeover of Afghanistan is to ask the Taliban to just be nicey-nice so we can be ‘friends’ – all while evacuating ‘some’ American citizens from the embassy – and leaving others…  Our great and glorious military institution, the Pentagon, appears completely stunned, ‘How did that happen?’.   These befuddler military leaders query the media while writing the script.

Of course all of this is conjecture and the Biden White House could simply have all our best interests at heart for a healthy, prosperous, and happy future…  


Stock UP!


The Cabal: Venezuela & Haiti in the Crosshairs – India and Hungary NEXT!

VENEZUELA is back in headline news as Maduro fights off gangs and mercenaries.   Oddly, the Koki Gang ruled by Carlos Luis Revete, was sympathetic to Maduro and in exchange was not targeted by police, and yet they seem to have been ‘turned’.  

Who oh Who would do such a dastardly thing?

Caracas is submerged in violent uprisings, fires, and gun battles as the military defends Maduro.   Dozens killed and more dozens injured as the violence escalates.   The Koki Gang, declared to be central to the violence,  is armed with US, Russian, Columbian and an unending stash of military grade armaments.

Of course this uprising comes on the heels of the assassination of the Haitian President by militias with similar descriptions…   An upturn in bombings on Syria.   And massive attacks on Russia whether cyber or literal.

After demonstrative interference for decades to topple Madura and insert a Cabal affiliate President, aka, Capriles, and then Guaido, Venezuela has been resilient in it’s self defense.   While Maduro is a socialist dictator, the alternative would be a death spiral of The Master Cabalists – The Medievalists.   And like Russia, Maduro is not yet willing to concede his country.

National Endowment For Democracy must be FUMING!

Patience for these holdout countries is waning.

Moise, Former President of Haiti, was considered a threat because he supported Trump and was labeled an ally with similar beliefs and ideologies.   His assassination is a clear pronouncement that any world leader left who does not submit to the Masters will be annihilated and their country destroyed.

While Biden, his family, and a majority of Congress have been more than willing to sellout America to whomever will pay them the most money, the Haitian President was not – and thus became a threat to the Cabal.  America – caved, conceded, and denied freedom – by comparison.

Ramping up attacks on the fringe holdouts has become the focus:   Russia.   Syria.   Venezuela.   Haiti.   It bears witness that Hungary is likely the next victim given Viktor Orban has also levied a largess heavy hand against Soros and his Cabalists.

India may not be far behind as China has ramped up military interventionists along the border.   And China is pro-Cabal.   It would appear the timeline for globalist control has pierced their patience level and must be instituted relatively quickly. As in – this year.

Natural catastrophe’s typically are part of the attack process.   As are the age old riots and infiltrated protests, and cataclysmic deaths.   Note: India just incurred such a catastrophe with the factory fire that killed hundreds.   Florida – the condo collapse in a Trump state – killed hundreds.

When inserting a new aligned government in a rogue country fails, the Cabal’s footprint is to wreak chaos and havoc internally.   The Middle East was a prime target for two decades.   Now the shift is obvious as their patience wanes.   Coups take time, planning, bribing, planning, mercenaries, militias, etc…   Simply destroying is much quicker.

And thus, the Cabal is in rage mode.

Too many failures have left them looking weak, inept, pansy operatives who need to take their balls in their own hands. With the conquering of the US, their game is no longer necessary to be a hidden agenda.   There will be – no repercussions.

The world at large is thus a board game.

While the condo collapse in Florida had viable and engineering plausibility, in reality, such an event would trickle throughout the entire Florida landscape should it be truly viable.   In fact, it would actually apply to every apartment building, condo, housing facility, and entertainment facility along the entire east coast – including the gambling concerto – Atlantic City.

But it didn’t.

The warning was to De Santis in particular. – A Trump supporter.

And the Warning States – The Cabal has NO boundaries, no lines, no ethics, no guilt, no remorse.   NEXT!

Biden and US Congress caved.   Their loyalty is to themselves.   Their cowardess is complete.   And their greed is not unexpected.   But there are rumblings within the church circles that support this Communist Infiltration Agenda.   And that is even more egregious than anything political.

Meaning – even in this most sacrilegious vein we most be wary of the wolves.   Those who sell their souls and their country for money are wolves. Wolves are cunning,   Wolves hunt in packs.   Maintain eye contact.   Never turn your back. Be vigilante. Look large.   And never – ever – run.

Wolves Thrive On FEAR>

New World Order or World Medievalism… The White House Competition Council Emerges

Biden, ruling via Executive Order, has declared in his latest action that government needs more control and power over corporations.   In fact, his order sets a rather bizarre legal precedent by claiming that ‘past mergers and acquisitions’ can be challenged.   In order to micro-manage these corporations a White House Competition Council has been created.   This Council shall be made up of the secretaries for Treasury, HHS, Commerce, Labour and Agriculture as well as the US Attorney General.  

Figureheads for The Masters.

China has a similar system in place, it is called the CCP.  

The US version will be implemented by:   Janet Yellen, Secretary of Treasury, Martin Walsh, Secretary of Labor, Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture, Merrick Garland, Gina Raymondo, Secretary of Commerce, Xavier Becerra, Secretary of HHS. and Pete Buttegieg, Secretary of Transportation.   Merrick Garland, US Attorney General, and Daniel Hornung, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy who shall serve as Chair.

Section 4 (d) of the EO states: “The Council shall not discuss any current or anticipated enforcement actions.”   In other words, transparency is nonexistent.

While these ‘secretaries’ have relatively lame and uneventful political careers, elected to offices as the sole candidate, winning with 6,000 votes, they are empty vessels, with the exception of Yellen. Biden’s EO explains who will be ‘effectively’ in charge:   Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell along with Jena McWilliams as Chair of FDIC, and the Comptroller of Currency will be the oversight committee for all financial institutions.   They will work in concert with FTC Chair, Lena Kahn.

Lena Kahn was previously a director at the Open Markets Institute.   Formed in 2017, the OMI team trained at New America. New America is funded by first Tier: Gates, Ford Foundation, Soros Open Society, Walton family, JP Morgan and Bloomberg, among others.   Second Tier would include Google, Spielberg, Jacobs Foundation (Zurich) and Omidyar.

They are The Masters.

The CEO of New America is Anne-Marie Slaughter who worked directly with Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. In addition, Slaughter has served on the board of National Endowment for Democracy, the initiator of global coups. In 2004, she wrote a book, New World Order in which she states that realistically a New World Medievalism is more appropriate.   Her forward states:

“Global governance is here–but not where most people think. This book presents the far-reaching argument that not only should we have a new world order but that we already do. Anne-Marie Slaughter asks us to completely rethink how we view the political world. It’s not a collection of nation states that communicate through presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, and the United Nations. Nor is it a clique of NGOs. It is governance through a complex global web of “government networks.”

The medievalism concept is likened to a Roundtable of global heads of power & money prevailing through foundations and old money propriety, who are the Puppet Masters.   Meaning politicians, per se, are obsolete and have no impact whatsoever other than figureheads.

What Slaughter defines is the fact that these Roundtable Masters have been the power source for many decades and politicians are only a necessary distraction to keep Citizens embedded in the illusion.   Bringing dementia Joe into the mix was actually more of a show of power – proving their control is so absolute that they can convince a country that a man absent of all mental faculties can become a figurehead.   Biden was/is a statement to ALL politicians that their power is negligible and that if they want to remain in power, they must obey the Master’s rules in complete loyalty.

Biden has no thought process, he has no power, he has no mental acuity.   He was and is promoted by a media that literally reads propaganda written by the Roundtable.   Proving the media also has no mental acuity, and will ultimately be wholly replaced with AI.

But Biden certainly is not alone in his defiled and defunct capabilities. Kamala Harris joins the other low level picks as least effective, least liked, and least plausible winner. All to prove and push through to the American public at large the notion that these bedraggled politicians have little to no usefulness other than to accumulate swathes of money in return for their idiocy.

And that Agenda will pave the way for the Masters to leave their proverbial closets and take their respective seats at King Arthurs Table of warriors.   While stories vary as to the number of seats at the round table – from 12 to 24, to 50 to 1600, with one seat always vacant, it accurately defines Slaughter’s statement that Medievalism is rooted in totalitarian rule..   Whether World Medievalism is reincarnated… or perhaps it never died, and just went underground temporarily, it bears an eerie resemblance to globalization.


BLACK Nationalism: Blacks Want A Separate Nation Called the US

Remember when the term ‘nationalism’ was considered a dirty word under President Trump?   Remember when it was considered akin to a dictatorship and totalitarian regime?   Remember when the Democrats went ballistic at the term?   I do.   But did you know that Black Nationalism is thoroughly embraced in the US as part of Critical Race Theory because … because… it is about fighting racism?

Black Nationalism:   advocacy of or support for unity and political self-determination for black people, especially in the form of a separate black nation.

That ‘nation’ already exists and has for thousands of years. That nation is called – Africa.   So why must white nations convert to black?   Is Africa willing to convert to white?   Or will ‘colonialism’ be police baton unless it is deemed – ‘black colonialism’?

Why are blacks exempt from law?   Blacks continue to commit a highly disproportionate number of crimes – in the US and the EU, particularly in the UK.   Whites aren’t racist, they are responding to black criminality.

Even according to the ever liberal Time Magazine which in 2001 reported:   “In the townships of South Africa, militant black youths first capture a victim. Next they chop off his hands or tie them behind his back with barbed wire. Finally they place a gasoline-filled tire over the terrified victim’s head and shoulders and set it ablaze. The melting rubber clings like tar to the victim’s flesh, while flames and searing fumes enshroud him. Within minutes the execution is over. By the time the police arrive, the charred body is usually burned past recognition. Horrified family members, who may be forced to watch the killing, are often too intimidated to identify the murderers.”

This is NOT black violence against whites – it is blacks against blacks.

Nico Smith, a white Dutch Reformed minister compared the situation to that of laboratory animals that begin to devour one another when conditions become unbearable.

But then life for blacks would appear to be unbearable – everywhere! Justifying their anger.

Of course this is a controversial topic. Of course, it will be met with anger.   But, just as we are called to ‘follow the science’, the science of statistics would also prevail in showing that blacks disproportionately commit violent crimes in a far greater proportion to their percentage throughout countries across the globe – including their own Nation. Africa.

Recently, police captured Othal Wallace in a treehouse near Atlanta belonging to a black nationalist paramilitary organization. Wallace had SHOT a police officer in the head. In the ‘treehouse’. Police found grenades and an arsenal of guns.   But hey, let’s arrest the ‘visitors’ who were ushered into the Capitol BY Police…   That is much more threatening!

IN Chicago, blacks account for 80% of the violent crimes.   IN Saint Louis blacks account for 90% of homicides.

In a world where accountability, reality, truth and fact are the fundamental realities, a true solution would address the core systemic cause. Instead, the belligerence of racism is the means to create an ever sharper division amongst every race vs blacks.   Blacks have NO friends.   They are fueled and incited to target everyone.   And as such face the very real probability that they will become the annihilated class.   Not by whites, but by everyone else they have vilified, maimed and murdered.   The agenda is – RAGE>

While cops, while whites, while Asians, while Hispanics, while every other identifiable race watch.

Don’t put the judgment on the race, put the judgment on the few who instigate. That is the mantra that the evangelicals continue to advocate.   But that truthism is beginning to fray as more innocent police, bystanders, business owners, and neighbors are dead.   Dead.   And the grace is ever more.

The media may justify burnt cities, destroyed businesses, dead civilians, maimed casualties, and completely obliterated livelihoods, but The People are NOT in line with liberal media pundits.   At All.   The People, are no different in the US, than they are in the UK, the EU, or even Africa.   These actions are delivered with evil intent.   And ultimately that is – the agenda.

TO so create an evil that is beyond any comprehension the black race in white continents will be obliterated – at the behest of Progressive democrats still angry that the Civil War took their slaves.

Ultimately, the race will thus be blamed instead of the individual as justice denounces justice.   And the militia becomes the only sane means of law.


Real Estate prices continue to surge as institutional investors have been gorging on the market exponentially since 2019 led to CoVid. Why?   They are not buying commercial, they are buying housing, suburban and rural, because inner city is in a death spiral.

Major cities across the globe have been the target of riots and destruction leaving in their wake fires, devastation, and scourged blackened streets.   Blackstone Group is the world’s largest investor, but other institutions such as Allianz, AXA, Enel, Generali, and others have been silently buying out large swathes of housing.   Germany is in the midst of a housing crisis and has been for a decade.   But corporate ownership is the agenda.

Rebuilding is big business.  And Money means – Money.

But the rebuilding by smaller developers is stalled as lumber prices skyrocket and appliances which were bought from China are now on a slow boat from India.   NOTHING is arbitrary. Everything is pre-planned and duplicitously executed with one goal – $$$$$$$.   Enel is Bloomberg’s brainchild which on it’s face claims to be all about Green Energy, while investing in anything but.

With solar and wind company shares down 35% – 45% just this year, all while MSM declares these are the best investments for the peons – institutions obviously – disagree.   On the face, they want readers to believe this is where the money is for the future, but in reality it’s a dead market.

Looking at BlackRock Group’s primary holdings as of 3/31/21, the only supposed Green stock they hold of any worth is Nexterra – which they are divesting rapidly!   Their largest holdings are in the stalwarts that every institution investor holds: Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Tesla, JP Morgan, Berkshire, etc…  blah-blah-blah.   Green is literally not of value.   Thus, the push is a diversion.   And housing would seem to be their ultimate goal.  It is written into the Code.

Controlling apartment rents and raising suburban pricing beyond affordability is the means.   The Sustainability Goal would be to rule by corporate Committees.   Fixing pricing across the residential arena, is likely the last page in the book of control. Having gained full ownership of healthcare, education, and food, housing is the last bastion.

Recently, the Brazilian meat packing company was hit with cyber attacks that oddly seem to have only affected mostly their US facilities.   But JBS is ‘less than’ clean in their illegal, environmental, and business dealings.   Including being investigated for fraud in their employee pension funds, bribery, insider trading, criminal charges on the foreign corrupt practices act, health conditions.  That means they have deep dark secrets that would possibly expose their Deep State connections, Mafia alliance, whatever.  So now a convenient cyber-attack which was immediately attributed to Russia …without any proof, any investigation, or any evidence is announced.   Is it real?   Or is it a press release?   Personally, I vote for the media feed sheet.

Like the pipeline cyber attack, there is absolutely no explanation of what a cyber attack is doing that causes a shutdown.   If they are reading your emails how does that equate to shutdown of all facilities?   As such, because there is no explanation, no theory, no rationale, no logic, conspiracy reigns largess.   All we are told is a cyber attack took place, and operations have been suspended. Did they shut down conveyor belts?   Did they threaten to blow up plants?   Did they access a second or third book of accounts?   Did they find financial or business corruption? And threaten to expose it…

In January the NSA and FBI claimed that a computer hack had hit various government agencies and private organizations – inserting malware. The absolute immediate declaration was – Russia did it.   No evidence, no investigation, no supporting documentation.   The apparent hack involved the access of ‘emails’.   Given all our emails are routinely ‘hacked’ by NSA, I’m not sure how this qualifies on the one hand as cyber warfare, and on the other hand as government monitoring….

Of course, the Deep State affiliate, NPR, somehow found Trump to blame for this Hack…   The hack included NIH – as in possibly the Fauci emails that were then given to the very liberal CIA affiliate, The Washington Post, thru the Freedom of Information Act?   None of which would be in the best interests of the Liberal Left.    Which begs the question – why is the left now taking down their prime CoVid liar?

Fauci is a weak link.   He became arrogant, hawty, arrogant, did I mention arrogant!   Anywho – his weaknesses were becoming too largess to be able to deny – so they made him die faster.   I would not doubt criminal charges – certainly not by Biden’s admin, but outside.

Firefly was one of the agencies tasked with securing cyber attacks.   In 2021, Firefly stated that the cyber attacks originated from inside the US – typically at locations close to the facilities – further giving rise to the notion that the CIA and/or NSA are likely the perpetrator.

Oddly, no media picked up on this tidbit!

SolarWinds was the other security cyber company hit by attacks in the same period.   Again – Russia was immediately called out as the culprit by treasonous Bill Barr.   However, it was later determined that SolarWind was actually simply negligent and corrupt sparking a class action lawsuit.

But the media allowed in both instances for the Russia claim to – linger. Deflection.

Picking up the deflection pieces and sorting them like a 20,000 piece JigSaw Puzzle, is not an easy task.  BUt it is important.

In the land of Real Estate – Green target dates are for 30+ years in the future.   Or in the case of China – 40 years in the future when all people pledging are long dead. Obviously they will not invest for death – they will invest for wealth NOW.   And ‘pledging’ is simply a foregone word that really has no meaning or value whatsoever.   “I pledge to have zero carbon footprint when I am 110…hopefully sooner…” But no one will remember or care about the ‘pledge’, and nor will I.

The question I hear today is will these Titans of Doom crash the real estate market to make all loans come due or foreclose thereby advancing their portfolio 110 fold or more. THis would equate to more people on government funding.   People will be in over their heads with mortgages and a spiraling downward trend on value will wipe them out.

OR:   A stabilizing is being created – those who can afford a house will buy now because houses will be completely unaffordable in just 1-2 years leading to a major influx into the rental market which had softened as a result of everyone buying!  Meaning that market is being staged now – for tomorrow…

You see how it is a GAME? Personally, I think it would all be rather boring. And perhaps that’s the final scene – they are so bored they will gamble everything for the thrill and adrenaline of the last hand.

FROM WUHAN to GM Mosquitoes in Florida! A Biowarfare Plague!

WUHAN BSL-4 Lab scientists were trained by French scientists in Lyon on bio-safety measures – that’s the media story.   The Chinese government had declared that because they have over a million people working in Africa, they needed to find vaccines for a number of African diseases including; Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola, Malaria, etc…  That’s the China CCP story.    How and why those experiments morphed into SARS experiments has not been identified.   But the leaks within the lab have been ongoing since it’s inception.

In 2003, members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences approached Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the Prime Minister of France, who was quite pro-China and wished to untangle France from US ties in favor of a China relationship.   He stated he wanted France to ‘gain independence from the US’.   Dr. Chen Zhu asked for France’s commitment to helping them add a BSL-4 lab at Wuhan.   President Chirac was quite impressed and agreed to provide the blueprints, know how, scientific safety measures, and construction of the lab.

As a part of the agreement, 50 French researchers would work at the lab for a period of five years beginning at its inauguration in 2017.

Despite warnings from their own intelligence and the US ambassador to Beijing, fearful of the consequences of the lab being used for biowarfare, Raffarin and Chirac were dazzled by the prospect of a ChinaFranco super-power.   While Raffarin resigned as PM due to his ineptitude and lack of support from the French people, he went on to head the France China Foundation.   And China decided to rape France of it’s basic knowledge while using their own CCP construction company to build the lab.

Given the renowned cheap quality of everything Chinese, the lab was no different.   Cutting corners.   France’s project chairman quit amid frustration that China was circumventing the initial agreement.   They knew that China would take this Level 4 Lab and turn it into a charade of security and safety.   The US knew as well under President Bush and ultimately under Obama.

Construction began in 2010, was completed in 2015 and the lab was operational as of 2017 – just 2 years before the release of CoVid.   The 50 French researchers who were slated to assist in a five year training program – were ditched by China.   And according to a report by La Figaro, Chinese media claimed lab was a joke, that researchers would sell lab ‘animals’ used in experiments for pocket money.   Those lab animals were Rhesus Macaques, not white mice.  And Bats?   Nowhere to be found.

In 2018, the American Embassy in Beijing sent science attaches to observe the lab.   Those science attaches, were likely part of NIH which had been providing funding for the lab via Anthony Fauci.   They reported that, “The new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.”   They specifically warned that the facility’s work on bat coronaviruses posed the risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.”

And Fauci – did – NOTHING.   Except, ask his good buddy Bill Gates for assistance.

And thus began the massive research into SARS so as to develop a vaccine should WUHAN fail.   That research was conducted at Winnipeg University in Canada and at Fort Detrick, US as of 2018.     But Fort Detrick was shut down by the CDC in 2019 after its own laboratory experienced two serious ‘safety violations’.   The commander at Fort Detrick was somewhat upset claiming no one at the lab had been exposed to anything ‘toxic’.   Interestingly, Fort Detrick ‘claimed’ their research was relegated to the same viruses WUHAN claimed to confine its studies to;   Ebola and other African born viruses. Obviously they share a common deception – honesty.

Fort Detrick doesn’t announce their more relevant experimentation;   studying how insects can be used as disease vectors – as in the Zika trial that caused encephalitis.

In 2016, Bill Gates promoted the use of ‘genetically modified’ mosquitoes to combat malaria.   Testing these GM insects in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Malaysia and Panama, a Brazil study found them completely ineffective in reducing mosquitoes – their stated goal.

May, 2021:   Gates company, Oxitec, in conjunction with the Pentagon, was just given approval by the EPA to release up to 750 million of these GM mosquitoes in the US, specifically right now in the Florida Keys.

In time for summer!  

According to a report by NEO, New Eastern Outlet, “The CEO of Oxitec, Grey Frandsen, has a dark history with the US State Department in the Balkans, as an advisor to the US Navy, and as a Fellow of the George Soros’ International Crisis Group that played a key role in the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. With no previous experience in biotechnology, Frandsen appears as CEO of Oxitec in 2017.   Oxitec, a UK company, is now owned by Third Security, a US venture capital firm in Radford, Virginia headed by Randal J. Kirk who also owns  the gene-edited salmon producer, AquaBounty.

The Coincidence comes on the heals of Obama smugly declaring that his people in the Biden White House are finishing what he started.    Are these mosquitoes a biowarfare weapon created by Fort Detrick in conjunction with Oxitec?   Insects as disease vectors.  If so, what disease are they going to release to Floridians?

Best to look what vaccine Gates has in the works.

Florida has no malaria, single digit Dengue and Zika.   Yet despite residents and environmental groups loudly complaining – the Pentagon overrided their objections. That would be Lloyd Austin.  The Biden imposed EPA Director;  Michael S. Regan.   His specialty is Environmental Racism.  His initial career began in the Clinton administration.  Pawns and Puppets.

Florida – the residence of President Trump.

Given the timing, given previous collaboration between Gates, Fauci and Fort Detrick using human subjects to trial disease riddled mosquitoes as vectors of biowarfare, is not wholly impossible – it is –  very very plausible.  And therein will be the next Pandemic…this summer coming to a theatre near you!

Memorial Day Montage of Egocentrics

The Regime Behind Biden is ostensibly going after Belarus because their government cracked down on anarchists planning a coup.   According to the Regime of Biden, neo-Nazi’s get to topple Belarus because National Endowment of Democracy – says so.   And these sweat-hearts were justifiably simply voicing their opinions.   WHILE 200 American Patriots are languishing in isolation and subjected to torture in – America.   While Israel is defending itself against Palestine, Palestine is defending itself against Israel and business as usual doesn’t fit the glass slipper!

Syria is also on the blacklist because they held elections and Assad was voted in again!   Impossible they say!   Dictator, they say!   But apparently, Netanyahu serving 12+ years is ok, and Abbas has been in office 16 years.   Somehow facts have been removed from our planetary system, scrubbed from a white board… Or am I supposed to call it a Black Board?   A Yellow Board?   Who the HECK knows.

Meanwhile, Hillarygate is crying, “I wanna be QUEEN!”

Paul Ryan thinks all us MAGAhats need to just dump Trump because he was a nobody and Pence is the true Patriot.   Liz Cheney is hyperventilating at the thought of her presidency.   And the GOP just needs to divest Trump in order to pander uninhibited with the Democrats…  Really – this is what they pander.

But which Democrats?   The Greens?   The Capitalist Mafia?   Or the old white Alzheimer group?

Of course the point is to destroy BOTH parties so as to usher in the New and Improved Corporate Coup.

Meanwhile, Bezos has moved to Hollywood and is buying Hollywood MGM for a cool $9 billion so he can simply demand his insertion in whatever movie he pleases.   Why?   Same reason Obama was always so tickled Pink and Lavendar whenever he saw his face on a Hollywood show.   It is called Egomania.

Meanwhile, Zuckerberg is seen ‘surfing’ on a non surfboard wearing full wetsuit regalia while his security detail, aka houseboy, is seen wearing all black wet suit, face mask, head mask, eye mask and gloves. Guess he does NOT want to be identified. Later, Zuckerberg is seen riding shotgun on a Zodiac, likely because he doesn’t know how to drive.  Girls just want to have FUN!

Pelosi demands mask mandates even though the CDC and nearly every state have lifted the requirements.   Perhaps she has acne like every other bloody person wearing face diapers.

Meanwhile, with little fanfare, Regime of Biden signed an extension of the Pandemic Emergency for another 90 days, despite no Pandemic.   But of course that would be necessary in order for Executive Orders to remain the mainstay of the Federal government and states – it would also secure the unapproved vaccines and unapproved medications that were authorized by the wasteland called the FDA.   An imperative measure to assure Gates continues to drown in MONEY$$$!

Fauci has become a basement fixture as his name and reputation are violently nuked.   Poor Baby.   We all feel so sorry for hypermillionaires who murder hundreds of thousands of people without any consequence.   Likely his basement is well equipped with ample supplies of alcohol, drugs, and his ‘fancies’.

Meanwhile.   If Hollywood is Jewish and Israel is Jewish, why don’t they like each other?   Of course, technically, neither are Jewish – they are simply anarchists following the atheist stipulations of Lenin and Stalin while bowing and scraping to Jin-‘Ping’!   Because everything Chinese is CCP.   Or else – you are dead.

Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is vehemently apologizing for interring Italians, Germans and Japanese during WWII – a factoid not much discussed.   I wonder if he looks like his father when he takes off his wig?

Meanwhile – Prince Harry, who is no longer a true Prince, is on a lengthy soap opera with himself playing the lead.   Tiny violin please!   We all feel such pity and grief for this poor poor person who married an actress of bi-racial descent muddied with her own hatreds and family disfunctions.

Does anybody wonder why the media continues to tell the world at large about the deaths of some 90+ actor/actress that just – died.   I mean does anyone really care?   Eulogizing Hollywood is so annoying.   And such a waste of time, space, and writing material.

PERHAPS, instead, we should recognize our Memorial DAY for exactly what it is, why it is, and how it came to be!   True Hero’s died.   My dad and his dad included.   This has been the core of our Republic, For Which It Stands, One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All.  

And when we look at Arlington Cemetery – at Presidio where my father, his father and family reside, we should take a moment to remember what life was when men were men and women were women and Freedom was the Greatest Anarchical CALL!