FROM WUHAN to GM Mosquitoes in Florida! A Biowarfare Plague!

WUHAN BSL-4 Lab scientists were trained by French scientists in Lyon on bio-safety measures – that’s the media story.   The Chinese government had declared that because they have over a million people working in Africa, they needed to find vaccines for a number of African diseases including; Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola, Malaria, etc…  That’s the China CCP story.    How and why those experiments morphed into SARS experiments has not been identified.   But the leaks within the lab have been ongoing since it’s inception.

In 2003, members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences approached Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the Prime Minister of France, who was quite pro-China and wished to untangle France from US ties in favor of a China relationship.   He stated he wanted France to ‘gain independence from the US’.   Dr. Chen Zhu asked for France’s commitment to helping them add a BSL-4 lab at Wuhan.   President Chirac was quite impressed and agreed to provide the blueprints, know how, scientific safety measures, and construction of the lab.

As a part of the agreement, 50 French researchers would work at the lab for a period of five years beginning at its inauguration in 2017.

Despite warnings from their own intelligence and the US ambassador to Beijing, fearful of the consequences of the lab being used for biowarfare, Raffarin and Chirac were dazzled by the prospect of a ChinaFranco super-power.   While Raffarin resigned as PM due to his ineptitude and lack of support from the French people, he went on to head the France China Foundation.   And China decided to rape France of it’s basic knowledge while using their own CCP construction company to build the lab.

Given the renowned cheap quality of everything Chinese, the lab was no different.   Cutting corners.   France’s project chairman quit amid frustration that China was circumventing the initial agreement.   They knew that China would take this Level 4 Lab and turn it into a charade of security and safety.   The US knew as well under President Bush and ultimately under Obama.

Construction began in 2010, was completed in 2015 and the lab was operational as of 2017 – just 2 years before the release of CoVid.   The 50 French researchers who were slated to assist in a five year training program – were ditched by China.   And according to a report by La Figaro, Chinese media claimed lab was a joke, that researchers would sell lab ‘animals’ used in experiments for pocket money.   Those lab animals were Rhesus Macaques, not white mice.  And Bats?   Nowhere to be found.

In 2018, the American Embassy in Beijing sent science attaches to observe the lab.   Those science attaches, were likely part of NIH which had been providing funding for the lab via Anthony Fauci.   They reported that, “The new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.”   They specifically warned that the facility’s work on bat coronaviruses posed the risk of a new SARS-like pandemic.”

And Fauci – did – NOTHING.   Except, ask his good buddy Bill Gates for assistance.

And thus began the massive research into SARS so as to develop a vaccine should WUHAN fail.   That research was conducted at Winnipeg University in Canada and at Fort Detrick, US as of 2018.     But Fort Detrick was shut down by the CDC in 2019 after its own laboratory experienced two serious ‘safety violations’.   The commander at Fort Detrick was somewhat upset claiming no one at the lab had been exposed to anything ‘toxic’.   Interestingly, Fort Detrick ‘claimed’ their research was relegated to the same viruses WUHAN claimed to confine its studies to;   Ebola and other African born viruses. Obviously they share a common deception – honesty.

Fort Detrick doesn’t announce their more relevant experimentation;   studying how insects can be used as disease vectors – as in the Zika trial that caused encephalitis.

In 2016, Bill Gates promoted the use of ‘genetically modified’ mosquitoes to combat malaria.   Testing these GM insects in Brazil, the Cayman Islands, Malaysia and Panama, a Brazil study found them completely ineffective in reducing mosquitoes – their stated goal.

May, 2021:   Gates company, Oxitec, in conjunction with the Pentagon, was just given approval by the EPA to release up to 750 million of these GM mosquitoes in the US, specifically right now in the Florida Keys.

In time for summer!  

According to a report by NEO, New Eastern Outlet, “The CEO of Oxitec, Grey Frandsen, has a dark history with the US State Department in the Balkans, as an advisor to the US Navy, and as a Fellow of the George Soros’ International Crisis Group that played a key role in the destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. With no previous experience in biotechnology, Frandsen appears as CEO of Oxitec in 2017.   Oxitec, a UK company, is now owned by Third Security, a US venture capital firm in Radford, Virginia headed by Randal J. Kirk who also owns  the gene-edited salmon producer, AquaBounty.

The Coincidence comes on the heals of Obama smugly declaring that his people in the Biden White House are finishing what he started.    Are these mosquitoes a biowarfare weapon created by Fort Detrick in conjunction with Oxitec?   Insects as disease vectors.  If so, what disease are they going to release to Floridians?

Best to look what vaccine Gates has in the works.

Florida has no malaria, single digit Dengue and Zika.   Yet despite residents and environmental groups loudly complaining – the Pentagon overrided their objections. That would be Lloyd Austin.  The Biden imposed EPA Director;  Michael S. Regan.   His specialty is Environmental Racism.  His initial career began in the Clinton administration.  Pawns and Puppets.

Florida – the residence of President Trump.

Given the timing, given previous collaboration between Gates, Fauci and Fort Detrick using human subjects to trial disease riddled mosquitoes as vectors of biowarfare, is not wholly impossible – it is –  very very plausible.  And therein will be the next Pandemic…this summer coming to a theatre near you!

ALL The Kings Horses: Couldn’t Put Back the Illusion of Science

The UK Independent has revealed that a new and improved study has determined that elderly people are more inclined to die from climate crisis conditions, specifically heat.   Floods too are traumatic!   PTSD is severe!   AH!  I wonder how much that Scientific study cost.

Elderly people are more inclined to die of CoVid, of flu, of heart disease, of pneumonia, of vaccines, of ‘everything’. However, a scientific report was necessary to make that determination.   But let’s look at the study.

The report was created by the Climate Coalition of the UK to re-emphasize the needs for a new pandemic given the old pandemic is winding down.  The Climate Coalition as ‘done’ literally – nothing.   But like all good scientific organizations, they enjoy espousing their opinion garbled as ‘fact’.

“Data reveals impact of CoVid19 on Livelihoods”.   The UN collected ‘statistics’ to make that determination, revealing drastic falls in employment and income….   Really?  Perhaps they missed the headlines, the stories, the anger, that has fueled protest after protest as lockdowns decimate industries, people are left homeless, depressed and suicide rates spike.

“Southwest reports first loss in 48 years, record losses”.

“American Airlines lost nearly $9 billion”.

“400,000 airline workers displaced”.

“Boeing reports record losses…”

Planes are parked.   Stewardesses are gone.   No inflight service.   No lines.   Nobody home at the airports – because everyone is locked down despite 1000 studies revealing that lockdowns ‘don’t work’!  

The UK wants to institute CoVid passports – no vaccine, no travel.   But the UK doesn’t have enough vaccines and likely won’t until the end of this year – or next.   Ho-Hum.   No travel for you.  That’s logical. So who is on the priority list for the first vaccines?   The people that don’t fly!

Germany says Canada is hording vaccines that could be sent to Africa where the rate of CoVid is less than .01%. Canada says they don’t have enough vaccines for their own population – and hopefully will be able to acquire ‘some’ by next fall.   In the meantime – continued lockdowns.   But then, Trudeau likely has the intellectual IQ comparable to miss Greta who now faces a criminal probe for inciting violence in India.

India has passed on the German Pfizer vaccine because Pfizer cannot provide the necessary data to support its trials. Germany apparently forgot to order their vaccines, so they are now looking to Russia and China for supplies. What the heck?     Meanwhile, Johnson & Johnson periodically seems to enter the market, back out of the market, and enter again given defective trials and low efficacy.   This in&out is not a burger, it is a chemical dose produced by ‘Science’.

If the insanity couldn’t be worse, the Catholic Church was given $1.5 billion in US Covid-19 money. CHA CHING!     What happened to separation of church and state?   Why are my tax dollars going to the Catholic Church despite their having a liquid net worth of over $10 billion?    Did the money pay for charity – or did it fund the sexual assault lawsuits that have plagued the church?

Typically the Catholic Church spends 40% of its budget on salaries and benefits, 26% on overhead, 13% on religious education and youth groups, 12% on mission and charity and 9% on – other.   While this is somewhat better than the Clinton Foundation’s 6-9% on charity, it isn’t stellar.   In addition, a Church should have an effective $-0- balance on net assets given they are a charity and by description, they should not have a PROFIT at all.

And then we have the veritable ‘Fauci’.

The Science of Fauci would seem to fluctuate on any given day depending on what Gates tells him to say.   From the initial ‘masks are worthless for citizens’, to wearing 3-4 masks simultaneously will be best, to lockdowns are useless, to the virus will kill 3million Americans, to only 6% of all CoVid deaths are CoVid specific – the rest are due to the elderly… given they are more inclined to die from everything.

Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, just happens to be Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center.   This agency and appointment was created by Obama in 2009.

The Bioethics Commission Educational Materials per Mz Grady includes:

“Case studies explore ethical issues including communication and use of liberty-restricting public health interventions in public health emergencies.”

A full 11 years before CoVid lockdowns , aka denial of liberty, was implemented. How terribly convenient.  What an amazing coincidence.

While Biden continues to rule by Executive Order, aka Dictatorship, Congress remains infatuated with Trump, Deplorables, and Cwy Babies.   I wonder how many Congressional Members volunteered a pay cut during this pandemic given most, if not all, are millionaires sitting on piles and stacks of green dollars waiting to die.   How many scientists took a pay cut?   Who are the TRUE Deplorables?

Wealth inequality, vaccine inequality, white privilege in a country that is 74% white, seems the only worthy reporting for journalists who are likely to find themselves on the street as their sugar daddies at the MSM tank in revenues.  Uh-oh.   Acosta has already been cut and relegated to half time in the cellar.  Lachlan Murdoch, a devout Hillary fan, of Fox News, is now learning a similar lesson in honesty, integrity, and MONEY.

Knowing that AOC’s degree is likely a farce, Obama’s degrees are likely a farce, it is curious to watch ignorance amongst Congressional members focus on impeachment instead of a flailing economy.   And suddenly one might begin to wonder how many degrees were bought?   One dozen?   1000?   Were they all trained at the acting school of McKinsey & Co.?   Groomed.  Dressed. And handed note cards written by Handlers.

Certainly, those who were given a ‘book deal’ to not write a book, but to purportedly collect a fee in order to submit to a Handler Contract – do or death – bears a sigh.   It is fair knowledge that those NYT bestseller book deals are a money laundering scheme to own another politician.   And apparently Carlos Slim is more than happy to comply as his net worth continues to climb – $57.5 billion estimated.

This illustrates just a fragment of the illusion that was perpetrated for decades.   In addition to all the accomplishments of President Trump as delineated by, he did draw back the curtain of OZ for ALL to see.  

And that is why the Democrats ran so scared.

China and US Trade Alliance – Powerhouse!

The World Socialists are teetering precariously as their internal bastion of corruption leaks through Holland’s Dyke. 

France’s Macron is being splashed across European headlines as he touts a ‘European Renaissance’ amidst the crumbling infrastructure and political chaos that is devouring his own country.  The Deutsche Welle media outlet is spouting terminology such as ‘revival’ and ‘visionary’ to emphasize the greatness of what is essentially Macron’s EU Nationalism. The dirty word.   The core of Macron’s vision which isapparently ‘on everyone’s lips’ is …. drum roll… ‘Climate Change’.   The initiative?  A Climate investment bank.   Problem? There already is a Climate Investment Bank, it is called The Green Climate Fund which is administered by the UN.

Macron’s speech goes on to demand that the EU protect itself from US and Chinese competition through a Nationalized trade agreement, Aachen, between Germany and France.

Somehow the rest of the EU countries weren’t included in this EU vision.  Odd.

Canada’s Social darling Trudeau is embroiled in his own seascape of flooding waters as implications of bribery and corruption in a case between Trudeau, his government, and a company, SNC-Lavalin, unfolds.  Treasury cabinet Minister, Jane Philpott, has resigned her position stating the ‘current circumstances’ make her ability to defend the Cabinet ‘untenable’.

SNC-Lavalin paid bribes to the Canadian government in the form of illegal contributions in order to assure that the Canadian government wouldn’t prosecute them for paying bribes to obtain contracts in Canada and Libya.

This is how Socialism works in reality.

In the meantime, the US Socialist plant, Ocasio-Cortez, and her campaign manager, Chakrabarti, are being investigated for transferring $885,000 worth of campaign contributions to various self-controlled LLC’s through their PAC Justice Democrats.  Basically, it is a Ponzi scheme of moving money between various companies in order to evade FEC regulations concerning finance reporting requirements.  Oops.

Not only could this ‘arrangement’ result in significant fines, but jail time is also a possibility.

Socialism.  It is an art form.

Amidst the surge of socialist flooding, Trump continues to hold the helm toward Making America Great Again despite the media rhetoric and constant defamation.

Trump is doing what he does best – negotiating.  While the political purities who have no business acumen deride and find fault, they reveal their utter lack of understanding anything outside political bribery.

Trump is negotiating the deal of the century with China’s Xi Jinping.  This deal is revolutionary given China has never entered into a government modeled trade agreement with any nation ever.   It is considered one of the most legally complex negotiations in history and marks a true Champion of an alliance.  Aligning the world’s two largest powerhouses would in effect completely redefine the world.

The naysayers are squeezing through the thumbhole of the Dyke giving all sorts of explanations why the China-US trade deal is no big deal.   Shearing claims such a deal will not ‘jolt the global economy’.  And perhaps the key point is the term ‘global’.  True, it won’t benefit the EU.  It won’t benefit Canada.  But isn’t that the point?  Trump isn’t working to benefit the globalization globe, he’s working to benefit the US.  Period.

In addition, these naysayers are quick to point out that a deal hasn’t actually materialized yet.  Details are scarce.  And North Korea didn’t succumb to Trump’s demands.  Yet.

But if one reads inside the China landscape and the markets that have just now become significantly more positive, the wall would seem to have been razed.  It is a complicated lengthy process, but one that would see both sides working toward a new future.  And unlike the Iran deal, in which Obama gave Iran $150 billion without Congressional approval, China is a cutting edge economy rivaling the US for first place.    The Iran deal was basically a bidding war by European and US businesses to grow their economy while reaping profits.  It had no relative benefit to the US or the US citizens.  I wonder if Obama bought shares in some of those bidding companies?

China’s economy is worth $12,237.7 billion.  Iran’s economy is worth $430.7 billion, or 3.5% of China’s.

Figure it out.

Macron Announces US is Major Enemy…

To start, I am not a big fan of Emmanuel Macron of France.  I find him a bit effeminate, and wimpish, personally.   And today, after months of Trump chastising Europe for not meeting their own instituted directive to contribute 2% of GDP toward their military, after years of mooching off the US picking up everyone’s slack, after years of the French denigrating Americans for being crass and stupid, Macron has announced that NO MORE!  France is demanding that Europe build their own army to defend against the enemies; America, Russia and China!

Hysterical laughter please.

Over the last ten years, France’s Budget deficit has varied from a -7.2% to a -2.6%.  In fact they haven’t even managed to have a -0- Budget deficit, much less a positive one, since sometime in the 1970’s!  So exactly how does France, aka Macron, envision spending the necessary billions to create an army from scratch when they operate at a loss every single day, month, year for the last 50+ years?

Of course this is the same poo-poo France and Europe that continually chastises Trump for not understanding Globalism and economics and trade and business, and…   The US represents France’s 4thlargest export trading country, China is 7th, and Russia is 14th.   These are the countries Macron deems his enemies – three of his major trading partners.

Not only does Macron set himself up as being wholly uninformed, but a blithering boff when it comes to money and business.  If he follows through on his derision, he would eliminate roughly 13% of France’s export business, $67 billion, while demanding a $51.65 billion investment in military spending within an already 2.6% shortfall of revenues.

Hysterical laughter – please.

Standing a head shorter than Trump, I doubt Trump is even moderately amused.  It is akin to Indiana Jones being thrashed with a nail file only to pull out his AK15, and we know the rest.

Worse, who does the research and script writing, and press releases for Macron?  Obviously they should be fired.  After humiliating himself by claiming that France should honor a WWII famous Marshall for his valor, did Macron find himself eating crow as it was whispered ‘the man collaborated with the Nazi’s’.

“Oh.  Oops.”

And while Erdogan is attempting to capitalize on the death of the Muslim Brotherhood head and Washington Post contributor, Khashoggi, during the EU summit, he fails to realize – no one cares.  Including Macron.  Including Trump.  Including Merkel who likely feels she was snookered by the whole bamboozle in which no one really cares.  For all we know he is in Cyprus sipping Mai tai’s and laughing hysterically.

Given that neither France or Germany have contributed their ‘allowance, fair share’ per an agreement they initiated regarding military spending for NATO, how do they expect to find the budget surplus to create an army today?

France’s active military personnel is roughly 200,000, Germany’s is roughly 186,000.  China’s is over 2 million.   Russia is 1 million.   And US is roughly 1.3 million.   Is he daft?

While the media focus’s on Trump, the true idiocy can be found in Europe and Canada. Canada’s Trudeau is apparently following the Obama apologetics tour in saying, oops, sorry, we should have accepted the Jews fleeing from WWII, but we didn’t.  Instead we refused because they would have been aliens, immigrants, despots, and such.   All 900 of them.  Not thousands or millions, but a mere 900.   Darn.

The point is to represent a grain of Truth.  The point is to not point a finger when the log in your eye is the size of Manhattan. The point is that the entire EU global’s active military strength without excluding those countries no longer aligned with EU policies, is less than the entire US alone.

For Macron to point a finger at Russia, China and the US, he is a piss in the ocean.  Pardon my French.

UPDATE:   If Macron and Merkel decide to build a new European Army:

  1.   Will all the cache of weapons revert to US assets given we paid for them!?
  2.   Will NATO thus be dissolved – saving US billions?
  3.   Will Russia build the new weapons necessary to create a European military?
  4.   Does Macron understand how many years this will take?