Macrame Macron Is Full Of Holes

France’s Macron wants to send troops to Ukraine because Russia needs to be defeated militarily given the sanctions have done nothing.  France’s entire military including desk-clerks is 198,000 strong…  It’s military spending as a percent of GDP remains at 1.94%.   Due to excessive spending, France just announced budget cuts of $10 billion to rein in a growing deficit which now stands at 4.4% of economic output.  As of last September, France’s deficit stood at $3.69 trillion.   YET, Macron wants a head-on war with Russia.  

“War cannot be won fighting behind Ukraine! – we must Fight Within!”  ~Macron

In the midst of this absurd economic farce, Macron has declared two main objectives:  1.  EU abortion rights up until birth,   and  2.   A military coup/takeover of Russia.  Following in Biden’s footsteps, Macron has zero solution for France, the people, or peace.  Sending troops to  die in Ukraine will obviously escalate the war and extend Europe into trench of target practice.

Macrame Macron has drawn a line in his desert – if Russia attacks Kyiv – then France will initiate WWIII.   With what?   Of the one million rounds of ammunition France pledged to deliver to Ukraine this March – they sent 3,000 rounds.  Macron is deflecting.  Because France’s economy is in the proverbial twalette with a GDP growth rate in 2023 of .9%… and spiraling debt.

France has a shortage of high and mid level employees given they were euthanized during CoVid.   Macron’s belief that African immigrants will fill the void is dense headed.   The migrants are gulping up economic reserves while producing nothing.   France is now teetering on a Recession and Macron has no solution –

As these warrior desk-jockeys sit in their lavish castles paid for on the backs of citizens who scrimp for table food, they will retreat into their underground bunkers when the bombs explode and the screams of pain and agony are shuttered behind sound-proof walls.  Picking up a novel, they will eat caviar and drink champagne – toasting their lavish survival while their country becomes a desolate wasteland.

Depopulated.   Abortion won’t be an issue….

But then, Germany’s Scholz has already declared that the UK and France have troops on the ground in Ukraine.   Albeit ‘noncombatant’…  they quickly justify.  Somehow ‘noncombatant’ is okay, if one believes this rationalization.   By definition, noncombatant troops are classified as medical personnel or religious affiliates.   But, France and the UK have deployed ‘training and militant advisors’ to assist with targeting of Russian civilians – that would be not simply combatant – but special forces!

The reality is that weapons have been donated to Ukraine that they are incapable of operating – therefore active military personnel are sent into Ukraine to operate the missiles, target the civilians inside Russia, and destroy the Crimea Bridge.   And lie about it.   At some point, Putin will be forced to defend Russia from the aggressors –

As a result of Scholz ‘accidentally’ revealing their plan to blow up the Crimea Bridge, France and the UK have decided Germany is no longer a member of their destroy Russia alliance.   A spat has ensued.   Muscles are flexed where none exist, and Ursula is screaming for a new NATO without the US.   The  purpose?   To build a weapon stash, a missile stash, and an armament worthy of defeating any country in the world…  which would likely take a decade or more given the EU is BROKE!

“The era of Peace is over”!   The UK and France declare boldly!  

Somehow, the peaceful wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Ivory Coast, Ukraine, Palestine, etc… don’t count as wars – and we had better prepare for what they deem an era of globular War given those peaceful ones killed millions.

Where does Trudeau stand in this melee?   He wants to jail Canadians for life if they think ‘wrong thoughts’.   Because thinking is akin to treason and monitoring thinking means Big Brother is in your car, your house, and your yard – 24/7.    Just ask Trudeau’s daughter who recently had a melt down at an airport and drunkenly accused her father of wanting to kill every Canadian citizen…

Lying to their citizens, to the world at large, France, the UK and US have already deployed troops to Ukraine.   This is how Ukraine accidentally destroyed a helicopter filled with 60 of its own prisoners in a failed swap – no one told the CIA.   This is how Ukraine bombarded civilian targets inside Russia – to push Putin into retaliation.   This is how the Spin Doctors attempt to revive wins in order to solve their crisis of defeat.   And the DoD/media propaganda continues to justify the war as ‘holding back the Bad Bear from taking over the EU’ – when no one believes a word, the farcce is over – their facade has been shred – and their faces are revealed.

The EU would lose in a war with Russia.  They haven’t the funds, the weapons, or the manpower.   The three major economies, France, Germany and UK, are on the brink of a recession.   The UK’s foreign suppliers for military purchases are all defunct of weapons including;  US, Israel, Germany and France.  Allies are no longer allies.  And faking it – has become the Napoleon Normal of Macrame Macron.

France Digital Tariff…er Tax Blunder

France has stated that it will begin charging a 3% digital tax which will be implemented within 21 days and apply retroactively to January 1, 2019.  While Trump has issued a statement calling for a retaliatory tax on French wine, the tech industry seems eerily quiet. Why?

The tax is designed to specifically target online advertising, online intermediary activities, and the sale of user data.   A study conducted by Deloitte reveals that the reason the techs don’t care is because they will absorb just 5% of the 3%, consumers will pick up 55% and businesses will bear 40%.

So once again, the income redistribution will target consumers and small businesses, not billion dollar tech companies. They yawn.

For France alone they expect to rake in roughly $550 million annually which will be deposited into the government coffers along with their VAT tax, income tax, corporate tax, gas tax, wealth tax, stamp tax, professional tax, residence tax, local tax, payroll tax, gift tax, and land tax.

Interestingly, the amount of tariff/tax imposed on tech companies will likely equal the lost increase in gas tax that caused rioting in the streets for months.

Trump’s response is to tax French wine. The US imports roughly $2.1 billion annually and exports about $435 million.   Of course, Macron and his finance minister are completely incensed that we would even consider such a measure claiming they are imposing a tax, and Trump would be imposing a tariff. It would seem, they don’t understand a tariff by definition is a ‘Tax’.   Vive la France.

So what is really going on?

France’s budget deficit is slated to reach 3.4% of GDP next year, which overshoots the EU limit of 3%. But then France has not had a balanced budget since 1974. The reason for the deficit – France is considered a welfare state, thus Health care, pensions, assistance programs, and education account for the repeated inability to balance.

According to the EU rules that nobody abides by, a country’s debt ratio should not exceed 60%. France’s is 99%.   The consequence? Nothing. The EU notoriously establishes rules but few countries take them seriously and haven’t for decades. It is no different than the Paris Climate Accord wherein the convenient wording is stipulated as “guidelines”. Thus everyone can sign it, but no one is obligated to actually adhere to anything – including Germany.

These inconsistencies are part of the reasoning for BREXIT.   The European Union created a standard that all member countries are to abide by, and yet most simply don’t and haven’t since it’s formation. The Commission is thus another useless government authority collecting wages, accumulating pensions, and doing – nothing.

The companies that will be hit by this newly imposed 3% tariff include: Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. Amazon has stated they applaud the Trump administration for defending fair trade.   The others have given no comment.

While the EU Commission had recently ruled down such a tax, Macron defends his stance stating that France is a sovereign nation and can do whatever it wants.   In addition he stated that between ‘allies’, “we can and we must resolve our disputes without resorting to threats”.


China and US Trade Alliance – Powerhouse!

The World Socialists are teetering precariously as their internal bastion of corruption leaks through Holland’s Dyke. 

France’s Macron is being splashed across European headlines as he touts a ‘European Renaissance’ amidst the crumbling infrastructure and political chaos that is devouring his own country.  The Deutsche Welle media outlet is spouting terminology such as ‘revival’ and ‘visionary’ to emphasize the greatness of what is essentially Macron’s EU Nationalism. The dirty word.   The core of Macron’s vision which isapparently ‘on everyone’s lips’ is …. drum roll… ‘Climate Change’.   The initiative?  A Climate investment bank.   Problem? There already is a Climate Investment Bank, it is called The Green Climate Fund which is administered by the UN.

Macron’s speech goes on to demand that the EU protect itself from US and Chinese competition through a Nationalized trade agreement, Aachen, between Germany and France.

Somehow the rest of the EU countries weren’t included in this EU vision.  Odd.

Canada’s Social darling Trudeau is embroiled in his own seascape of flooding waters as implications of bribery and corruption in a case between Trudeau, his government, and a company, SNC-Lavalin, unfolds.  Treasury cabinet Minister, Jane Philpott, has resigned her position stating the ‘current circumstances’ make her ability to defend the Cabinet ‘untenable’.

SNC-Lavalin paid bribes to the Canadian government in the form of illegal contributions in order to assure that the Canadian government wouldn’t prosecute them for paying bribes to obtain contracts in Canada and Libya.

This is how Socialism works in reality.

In the meantime, the US Socialist plant, Ocasio-Cortez, and her campaign manager, Chakrabarti, are being investigated for transferring $885,000 worth of campaign contributions to various self-controlled LLC’s through their PAC Justice Democrats.  Basically, it is a Ponzi scheme of moving money between various companies in order to evade FEC regulations concerning finance reporting requirements.  Oops.

Not only could this ‘arrangement’ result in significant fines, but jail time is also a possibility.

Socialism.  It is an art form.

Amidst the surge of socialist flooding, Trump continues to hold the helm toward Making America Great Again despite the media rhetoric and constant defamation.

Trump is doing what he does best – negotiating.  While the political purities who have no business acumen deride and find fault, they reveal their utter lack of understanding anything outside political bribery.

Trump is negotiating the deal of the century with China’s Xi Jinping.  This deal is revolutionary given China has never entered into a government modeled trade agreement with any nation ever.   It is considered one of the most legally complex negotiations in history and marks a true Champion of an alliance.  Aligning the world’s two largest powerhouses would in effect completely redefine the world.

The naysayers are squeezing through the thumbhole of the Dyke giving all sorts of explanations why the China-US trade deal is no big deal.   Shearing claims such a deal will not ‘jolt the global economy’.  And perhaps the key point is the term ‘global’.  True, it won’t benefit the EU.  It won’t benefit Canada.  But isn’t that the point?  Trump isn’t working to benefit the globalization globe, he’s working to benefit the US.  Period.

In addition, these naysayers are quick to point out that a deal hasn’t actually materialized yet.  Details are scarce.  And North Korea didn’t succumb to Trump’s demands.  Yet.

But if one reads inside the China landscape and the markets that have just now become significantly more positive, the wall would seem to have been razed.  It is a complicated lengthy process, but one that would see both sides working toward a new future.  And unlike the Iran deal, in which Obama gave Iran $150 billion without Congressional approval, China is a cutting edge economy rivaling the US for first place.    The Iran deal was basically a bidding war by European and US businesses to grow their economy while reaping profits.  It had no relative benefit to the US or the US citizens.  I wonder if Obama bought shares in some of those bidding companies?

China’s economy is worth $12,237.7 billion.  Iran’s economy is worth $430.7 billion, or 3.5% of China’s.

Figure it out.

France’s Macron- Yellow Vests Inciting Anti-Semitism…

Deutsche Welle front page news is the dastardly anti-Semitic insults hurled by the Yellow Vests on the streets of Paris against a Parisian resident Jew, Alain Finkielkraut.  A)  It would appear that the photo of Finkielkraut used by DW does not exist – or has been photoshopped to add him into the image,  and B)  the dastardly language that is insulting to all Jews includes:  “we are the people”, and “France is ours”.  These horrific anti-Jewish insults were reported by ‘someone who heard them’.   And for this, a government investigation will ensue to determine who to prosecute for making racist statements…while Macron stands at the ‘Helm” making dastardly anti-France hurlizations…

The NEW France.

Of course, the fact that Finkelkraut is mired in his own slew of racist slurs, colonial views, and his adamant assertion that the 13 year old ‘girl’ who was raped by Polanski was really a teen-ager and thus it was consensual… don’t make the mainstream version of events.

While the official line is that a police investigation is in action, citing an online video that was published which indicts the Yellow Vests as radical racists, and Finkelkraut whining much like the Academy Award winner, Ford, during the Kavanaugh hearings, it appears the episode is somewhat unverified, other than a political stunt to perhaps garner attention and sympathy for a man mired in his own racial prejudice and quite ‘colorful background’.

What it did provide is a propaganda tool to demonize the Yellow Vest Movement which has not lessened its protests despite Macron imprisoning over 8400, and aggressive actions by the police causing one person to lose an eye and another to lose his hand as live grenades are launched into crowds for dispersion purposes. Let’s just sit back and imagine the press if Trump allowed the use of live grenades to disperse a protest…

This poor man…

IN the 1990’s Finkelkraut founded an Institute on Levinassian Studies at Jerusalem with Benny and Bernard Levy.  Mr. Benny’s principle interests included Marxism and Moaism.  Mr. Bernard has been criticized for his ‘neo-fascism’ views and ideologies.  All three are/were atheist Jews, Benny is dead.   Lesser infractions include, insider trading, plagiarism, citing spoof as fact, and, of course, radical ‘leftist’ views, including – Communism.

A ‘Tale of Two Cities’ has become a Despot for every fake news outlet in the EU with completely fabricated accounts making the circuit on a routine basis, picked up without verification, without evidence, the most recent being a six year old beheaded for being Shia which made the rounds in the UK bludgeon, only to fade into obscurity as it became hideously obvious it was – FAKE.

Where is the outrage?   Absent.   Because the propaganda, the promotion, was likely MI6.

The French media is portraying this Marxist, Moaist, Communist, Racist, Finkelkraut as a ‘Philosopher’, a victim, a Jewish man just out for a stroll who is suddenly in the midst of the Yellow Vest protests, who, without any provocation, was suddenly identified for who he is, and threatened.   “I have never felt such hate…”  He Exclaims!

But who would even know who he was?  Who would recognize this old man sauntering amidst the protestors?   He is not terribly recognizable.   How would they identify him as Jewish?  He has done nothing noteworthy for over a decade.  To assume he was identified as a Jew and threatened for his Jewness when he is a devout Atheist who advocates Communist ideals is a bizarre concept?

On the other hand, it might make sense that if someone did actually recognize who he was, they were recognizing a man who asserted Communist, Fascist, Moaist ideals that maybe didn’t align with France…and they were peeved.

Good Grief France – is this the best you can conjure???

EU Parliament Communists Feuding with – everyone…

Verbal fists are a-flying in the EU!   Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, apparently thinks that through bully tactics and personal assaults, he will win over the populist Italian government and reform them to be just like him – a Socialist Federalist with neoliberal leanings.

His outbursts are somewhat reminiscent of Boris Johnson of the UK;  flaming, boorish, and uncivilized.  He would appear to lack a ‘filter’.

But then he always was more than a bit brash:   In 1991, he was ousted from his position in the Belgium government, he disappeared completely until 1997 having remolded himself and softened his radicalism somewhat.   In 1999 he was elected PM and spiraled his country into rising unemployment and debt.  Despite his quite lackluster achievements, he was elected into the European Parliament in 2009 and proceeded to offend Greece, Italy, the UK, US, Turkey and Russia.

Verhofstadt founded the Spinelli Group as a Federalist Movement to squelch nationalism and sovereignty.  Spinelli was a Communist who co-wrote with Ernesto Rossi the Ventotene Manifesto while imprisoned during WWII.  The Manifesto not only advocates for a Federalist Europe, but a Federalist World – wherein a one world government would rule.  Hmmmm.

He writes for a publication, Project Syndicate, which has been hailed as the smartest op-ed and one of five top news sites in the world!   It is funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Die Zeit, and the Politiken Foundation – a Social Liberal political medium that aligned with the Nazi’s during WWII and claimed Winston Churchill was a ‘dangerous man’.

AHHHH, but it gets better:   He is on the Board of Trustees for Friends Of Europe – whose funders include:  Open Society Foundation, BP, Cargill, European Commission, and Croplife International which is the global crop protector of Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Bayer, BASF, Sumitomo, FMC and DOW pushing for weakening pesticide regulations throughout the globe.  Croplife supports the Science Media Center which is embroiled in controversy for its human genetics modification research utilizing embryo’s obtained through assisted reproduction.

A member of the Honorary Council for the European Movement International, Verhofstadt further distinguishes himself as fully integrated in a Swamp deeply embedded in rather conspiratorial links dating from the post WWII era.  The American Committee on United Europe had as it’s first Vice Chairman, Allen Dulles of the US CIA, and was established so as to funnel money to the European Movement International.    The rationale was to support a Federalist Europe and thus sidestep Communism.  Allen Dulles was at the forefront of Operation Mockingbird and MKUltra.

These Communist operations of post WWII have lived and thrived quite well, and are the foundation of the Swamp.

Recently, Verhofstadt’s attacks have been directed against Italy’s populist party and specifically PM Guiseppe Conte who he is calling a ‘puppet’ within the degeneration of Italy.  In addition, Verhofstadt blames the Populism within Italy as a Russian- Putin plot similar to the Mueller investigation in the US.   Apparently the EU Communists believe the core instigator in the fall of the EU, and the instability of Federalist ideologies lies with Putin…

The detante would appear to be Verhofstadt’s means of vilifying PM Conte into submission to the EU Socialist agenda.  Of course it isn’t the only confrontational chaos being flayed at Italy.  France’s Macron recently had a hissy fit when the Yellow Vests sat down and talked with Italy’s Deputy PM, Salvini.  Apparently, trying to bridge the discourse was seen by Macron as a challenge to his ability to lead given calls for his resignation have gained traction.

But France is claiming that the verbal abuse stems from Italy, not the other way around, claiming that Italy’s di Maio has sited France as a causal factor in the increased poverty within Africa, exploiting Libya, and pushing for a Macron loss in the coming elections.

From the perspective of the abuse endured by Trump during his first two years, France is most definitely acting like a whinny.  But then, that would define the difference between Macron and Trump, or Macron and Putin.

In the end, the EU battle has disintegrated into a play for communism vs. nationalism, with Germany leading the Communist agenda in cooperation with the EU Parliament, the EU Commission, and Belgium.

It truly is a sad state of affairs, but I am sure that somehow, someone will lead the fray by deciding it is all Trump’s fault and thus alleviate the row and redirect and distract the chaos from whence it came – Germany.

France: Budget Chaos = Tax Chaos = Civil Chaos

The Socialist block of the EU is descending into complete chaos, London, France, Germany are seeing unprecedented riots and the respective governments have no idea what to do!   Macron did nothing, then he gave, in, now he thinks that in order to show ‘strength’ he must fight the yellow vest movement.   And stupidity reigns as he has lost complete control of his country.

In a speech to the French people, Macron offered no solutions, and merely framed a slew of empty words:   “We can do better, and must do better”, “I believe in us”, “Truth, dignity and hope”…  But as he spoke the rhetoric glanced with the impact of a spitball, protests continued unabated, and 150,000 police and security were deployed to try and quell the immense volume of discontent.   MERDE!  Police have been caught on video punching demonstrators, clubbing them, and kicking them on the ground.

Polls indicate Macron now has a disapproval ranking of 80%, and calls for him to step down have gone viral.   In the midst of the onslaught, France’s economy will likely suffer incredible economic hardships as tourism is at a standstill and businesses scurry to defend their wares.   Looting is rampant, and vandalism is spiking fears that a civil unrest could devolve the country into chaos and bankruptcy.

France’s government has not recorded a positive spending budget since 1970.   Since 2002, government health spending has doubled.  Government spending is roughly 1.29 trillion Euros per year – $1.5 trillion.   The US has five times as many people as France and spends four times as much per person for government expenditures.   As a percentage of GDP, France’s military spending is a full percentage point below the US at 2.3.  As a percentage of total world spending, France’s military spending is 1/10ththat of the US.  The discrepancies are enormous.  If the US were to stop footing the bill for the EU countries through NATO, the budget deficit of France would be crippled.

Germany is even worse.  Their military spending is a mere 7% of what the US pays.   Yet Germany’s population is 24% that of the US.   The US picks up 35% of the total world expenditure for military, basically supporting 28 EU member states, Australia, Canada and Japan.

If the US relegated NATO spending to the countries it defends, and simply quashed our share completely, the redistribution to our military would be roughly $310million.   Total economic and military assistance to other countries is roughly $45 billion with Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and The West Bank receiving the bulk of the shares.

If the US became sovereign in its truest sense, we would have at our disposal $45.3 billion additional funds that could be allocated toward military personal salaries, housing, and medical care.   If all the funds went to active military personnel, that would provide each one with an additional $35,000 per year.

When European governments cry foul on Trump, when they ridicule and malign him, they stand to create an irreversible economic spiral for themselves should Trump decide to revoke their subsidies.   Our allies are not necessarily – our friends.

But then, what we are witnessing is that these governments are not representing their people, they are fake, they are props, likely put in office with the help of voter fraud.

The gender pay gap in France remains unchanged since 2000.  Wealth inequality in France shows an constant increase for the top 1% and 10%, despite media notions that France is a country of equality.   While their education spending is a large portion of the government budget, the disparity rises as the proportion spent on University education far exceeds formative education, and thus the top tier benefit from those expenditures.

The youth unemployment rate in France is 21.5%.   By comparison, the youth unemployment rate in the US is roughly 8%.

Perspective:   The minimum wage is France is degraded by age.  Standing at roughly $11.5 per hour, for those between the ages of 15 and 16 it is 20% less, and for those 17 to 18 it is 10% less.   An average workweek is 35 hours – on a monthly basis their earning power is 12.5% less.   The average monthly take-home salary in the US is 42.67% higher than in France.  The price of buying real estate is 400% higher – in France.

Taxes in France are exceptionally high.  A self employed person can expect to fork over 70% of their income in taxes at the base level.   Employees pay 22% into Social Security, deductions and exemptions are significantly less available, the top tier tax rate is 45% and applies to anyone making over 152,260euro.   They have local taxes, residence taxes, land tax, professional tax, gift tax, inheritance tax, income tax surcharges, wealth tax, VAT tax (20%), capital gains tax, property tax, and the infamous petroleum tax.

And still – despite paying little for their military, which consumes over15% of the US budget, France operates on a budget deficit and has for the last 50 years.  I think Ocasio-Cortez would fit right in.

This is why the Yellow Vests are protesting!

Macron Announces US is Major Enemy…

To start, I am not a big fan of Emmanuel Macron of France.  I find him a bit effeminate, and wimpish, personally.   And today, after months of Trump chastising Europe for not meeting their own instituted directive to contribute 2% of GDP toward their military, after years of mooching off the US picking up everyone’s slack, after years of the French denigrating Americans for being crass and stupid, Macron has announced that NO MORE!  France is demanding that Europe build their own army to defend against the enemies; America, Russia and China!

Hysterical laughter please.

Over the last ten years, France’s Budget deficit has varied from a -7.2% to a -2.6%.  In fact they haven’t even managed to have a -0- Budget deficit, much less a positive one, since sometime in the 1970’s!  So exactly how does France, aka Macron, envision spending the necessary billions to create an army from scratch when they operate at a loss every single day, month, year for the last 50+ years?

Of course this is the same poo-poo France and Europe that continually chastises Trump for not understanding Globalism and economics and trade and business, and…   The US represents France’s 4thlargest export trading country, China is 7th, and Russia is 14th.   These are the countries Macron deems his enemies – three of his major trading partners.

Not only does Macron set himself up as being wholly uninformed, but a blithering boff when it comes to money and business.  If he follows through on his derision, he would eliminate roughly 13% of France’s export business, $67 billion, while demanding a $51.65 billion investment in military spending within an already 2.6% shortfall of revenues.

Hysterical laughter – please.

Standing a head shorter than Trump, I doubt Trump is even moderately amused.  It is akin to Indiana Jones being thrashed with a nail file only to pull out his AK15, and we know the rest.

Worse, who does the research and script writing, and press releases for Macron?  Obviously they should be fired.  After humiliating himself by claiming that France should honor a WWII famous Marshall for his valor, did Macron find himself eating crow as it was whispered ‘the man collaborated with the Nazi’s’.

“Oh.  Oops.”

And while Erdogan is attempting to capitalize on the death of the Muslim Brotherhood head and Washington Post contributor, Khashoggi, during the EU summit, he fails to realize – no one cares.  Including Macron.  Including Trump.  Including Merkel who likely feels she was snookered by the whole bamboozle in which no one really cares.  For all we know he is in Cyprus sipping Mai tai’s and laughing hysterically.

Given that neither France or Germany have contributed their ‘allowance, fair share’ per an agreement they initiated regarding military spending for NATO, how do they expect to find the budget surplus to create an army today?

France’s active military personnel is roughly 200,000, Germany’s is roughly 186,000.  China’s is over 2 million.   Russia is 1 million.   And US is roughly 1.3 million.   Is he daft?

While the media focus’s on Trump, the true idiocy can be found in Europe and Canada. Canada’s Trudeau is apparently following the Obama apologetics tour in saying, oops, sorry, we should have accepted the Jews fleeing from WWII, but we didn’t.  Instead we refused because they would have been aliens, immigrants, despots, and such.   All 900 of them.  Not thousands or millions, but a mere 900.   Darn.

The point is to represent a grain of Truth.  The point is to not point a finger when the log in your eye is the size of Manhattan. The point is that the entire EU global’s active military strength without excluding those countries no longer aligned with EU policies, is less than the entire US alone.

For Macron to point a finger at Russia, China and the US, he is a piss in the ocean.  Pardon my French.

UPDATE:   If Macron and Merkel decide to build a new European Army:

  1.   Will all the cache of weapons revert to US assets given we paid for them!?
  2.   Will NATO thus be dissolved – saving US billions?
  3.   Will Russia build the new weapons necessary to create a European military?
  4.   Does Macron understand how many years this will take?

Europe Pick A Side – A Tectonic Shift

Europe is now being faced with a diehard question – pick a side.  Which side?

The media are quick to proclaim that Trump has shunned Europe, but is that really true?  Was Europe ever a true ally? 

While Merkel is staunchly standing her ground even if it means her country dissolves into oblivion, it would appear Macron is nervously trying to ascertain whether now would be a good time to jump the Rothschild ship and plunge into the mania that Trump is powering.

With the shadows of Norway and Sweden ever closer to evolving into third world countries, and the conservative eastern blocs swiftly gaining traction, a monumental tectonic shift threatens the mainstay, the mainstream, and the global Swamp.  Plan, A, B, and even C seem to have fallen flat, and the Rothschild cabal are seeing their stronghold ripped apart.

The Mueller shill is outed. Comey is finding his backside whipped by his good ole buddies, and the winners are – losing.   The Swamp tactic for global control was to bomb the smithereens out of any country they wanted to take control over.  The systematic ideal was to claim the bomb campaign was for the greater good, and would ultimately prove a profitable greater good as rebuilding what they destroyed became the elite agenda.

The ‘sky is falling’ Libertarians and Liberals are convinced that Boeing lost a $20 billion contract, 100,000 jobs, and a peaceful partner in Iran.   But Boeing shares didn’t respond, they never were 100% committed to the contract knowing the iffiness, and have several years of backlogged contracts to fill.

The more conservative EU and Eastern Bloc countries now include:  Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Belarus, and the Czech Republic.   But Italy is also joining the ranks with a coalition of the Five Star Movement and the anti EU Lega Party taking power.

That being said, when the media refers to the European partners, the European concerns, the reference includes exactly two:  Merkel and Macron.  If Macron jumps ship and decides he wants join the winning bandwagon, Merkel’s power will be nonexistent given her soon to be third world buddies will be devoured into – well poverty and Germany will be left holding the bag for the remaining EU member states.

In the midst of the tectonic rift, the EU Commission is blustering as it continues to lose precious ground – and by default $$$$ – that it desperately needs to fill their burgeoning pockets as they do virtually – nothing.

While Germany’s Soros funded, government funded media, Deutsch Weil,, would have us believe that Merkel and Putin are collaborating, the hoax is replete as they attempt to find an alliance where none will ever exist as long as the Soros cabal continue to manipulate Merkel’s strings.  In fact, with Merkel begging Putin for help in the Iran Deal she opens the door for the lifting of Russian sanctions by the EU.  Once she convinces the EU Commission that this is the only way to maintain her credibility with Iran, Trump merely has to revive an Iran pact with a new Nuke deal.  Thus Merkel will have opened the door for the US to follow her lead in releasing Russia from sanctions, and Trump will have won both the Iran and Russian debacle at the behest of the EU.

Putin will be back on track, North Korea is salvaged, Germany will become the new Muslim nation, and Iran will be business as usual, albeit most likely with a new and improved democratic government…  a gift from Bibi.

Ahhh, and The World Turns.  Checkmate.

Macron vs US Congress

Macron is taking self-adulating bows and smiling quite broadly after his ‘campaign speech’ before US Congress regarding the Paris Climate Accord and Iran.   So what exactly has France, under the Macron regime, done to curb pollution?  What is the basis of his support for Iran?

According to Numbeo;  the Pollution Index for France in 2018 ranges between 44 and 40, whereas the US averages around 31.  Canada rates itself at 27.   France is not the winner…   But the methodology used to rate and rank the index is apparently different for just about every country.   The US is much more comprehensive in its calculations and varied measurement of pollutants, so it isn’t really an apples to apples comparison…because the US is much more strict….   Oh, wait, that means in an apples to apples comparison, the differential could be even far greater?


How has the Paris Accord performed in its goals of reaching a 2’ reduction in global warming, Macron?  According to the International Energy Agency, in 2017 emissions grew by 1.7% and not a single country was on track toward reduction – including France.  Oops.

How much has everyone contributed to this supreme cause that Macron is being hailed for as though he were a hero?

Well the US is actually leading the pack in terms of France vs the US.  While Sweden and Norway are much more actionable, however, iin terms of actual dollars invested,  Japan is by far the leader leaving France in tehe ‘proverbial twalette”.   So shouldn’t France be ‘leading the pack’ if they are to lauding the Paris Accord as their ‘state child’?   The adage, ‘put your money where your mouth is’ certainly comes to mind!

So why is France talking to the US?   Why aren’t they talking to Belgium and Canada, who are far short, Germany who is behind Hungary, or maybe the other twenty plus countries that contribute virtually – nothing?   Why isn’t Macron, and by default the MSMS, speaking the truth of the numbers?  Because the agenda is to elevate a vacant Macron, to create a fictitious persona, and to further the idea that Macron has anything at all in line with Trump when in fact, he is – A Cabal Puppet.  Or more importantly, the agenda is the fearful loss of the US dollars that have propped up every single NGO, every single anti-America agenda, every single war… so that France and Germany can spend their dollars on nationalist agendas… remember that bad word – nationalist?

And in all his self deprecating ego, he Macron, truly believes the applause.   And has no idea he is the cattle.

Sadly, we are left with a ‘stage performance’ by Macron depicting a super comic hero, and gaining the applause of grown men in Congress who are so defamed and corrupted, we are – embarrassed they exist, and in private, laugh, because there is no other reaction we can muster.

The media prostitutes themselves in lauding Macron’s over-whelming success and personality – while the People are cringing and wondering – who is this nerd?  What happened to ‘Earth’?   “can you hear me?”


In reality, the Paris Climate Accord has done absolutely nothing, while raising billions of dollars to combat global warming caused by the excessive bombing of countries throughout the world by all the allies of the world, which has thus resulted in the complete devastation of all wild life, all forestation, all greenery, and the inherent toxic pollution of all waterways, oceanographic pools, lakes and streams.  And yet, while the finger points to France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the US, Australia, etc.… as the major complicit progenitors of – Global Warming through Bombs, a blind eye is feigned and a Gilbert and Sullivan musical shows everyone high.   All the while pretending they have no knowledge of their innate hypocrisy which feigns stupidity in not realizing the extent to which their own actions deplete the Ozone layer causing massive changes in our polar ice pacts.   Or maybe – it’s all just part of the stage play…

“All the World’s A Stage and Every Man and Woman Merely players…”

Que cera.

But it would seem obvious that the Paris Climate Accord is nothing more than a diversion to shadow what is truly important and give fodder where there is no feed.

Something monumental is going on with North Korea, and the media is fearfully silent.   Jung went to China and everything suddenly changed.   He became complacent.  He became agreeable.  And he became a compromiser.  Obviously, the blackmail was sound. But it may also be a precursor to a major global shift.

More news is slated to scoff from the mouth in coming weeks with regard to sexual exploitations and illegal acts.   As those who were targeted are cleared, and those who were cleared are now targeted, a shift, a topsy-turveybdom of events could split open the very core of The Swamp.

Imagine, All The People…Imagine Everyone…






Macron Trade Deal Bust?

Macron is trying to eek out a new trade relationship with India claiming that the exodus of the UK means France will be the winner of the EU. But apparently he forgot to ask Merkel, because behind the UK at $8.6 billion, Germany ranks second at $7.2 billion in 2016 for the EU.   In addition, the UK provides a huge surplus of trade to India which I imagine they will not want to put at risk.   By contrast, China represents their biggest deficit at $51.6 billion.   The largest export items from China to India include: electronic equipment, machinery, furniture, and apparel.  

Problem? Is France even competitive?

India has been ramping up its nuclear program recently, including a push to build 10 new reactors with its inked partner – Russia. Macron is beeming after a handshake to expedite the construction of one nuclear facility in Jaitpur, which is situated on a seismic zone… Oops!  Villagers are not too happy about being forced to hand over their land to the Indian government for this project especially after the catastrophic meltdown at the Japanese facility in 2011.

France has also asked India to support them militarily given India currently has the largest military manpower in the world, and France is more than happy to continue to provide more fighter jets to counter the threat from China in the Indian Ocean. At the center of the India/China dispute is an area that borders Bhouton, India and China, Doklam. China and Bhouton each claim the area belongs to them and historically, like everything else, it is complicated and unclear/muddy. India claims they are acting on behalf of Bhouton in fighting China. And Bhouton recently declared they no longer were giving India the right to negotiate on their behalf.

But India isn’t quite willing to let it go.

Doklam is a notable trade route that was exploited by the British when they occupied parts of India in the 19th century.

France is gearing itself up for a trade war, but can it compete with China? Easy answer – No.   Instead, what they are doing is ramping up tensions between the two with a military antagonist.

January, Macron was in China wooing president Jinping with promises of ramping up trade between the two and putting on the table French wine, cheese, meats, and the Airbus for which sales have been less than robust.

Economists have conjectured that Macron’s China visit was about deriding Trump and the US as benign and lost trading partners for which he, Macron, was ready, willing and able to fill. But Macron was always a big fan of Xi Jinping, in fact last August, he was adamantly anti-China trade due to the significant deficit France incurred.

The EU trade deficit with China was $200 billion last year. The power that China wields in trade is the weapon of choice.   In 2016, China’s military spending was roughly $146 billion.   Despite increases in spending since 1980, the budget as a percentage of GNP has declined sharply to a mere 1% or about 1/3 of the US although China’s has significantly larger active personnel.

While the US has plundered its funds for the purpose of warring other countries, China has behaved liked a tortoise slowly enriching itself via trade.

If Macron was serious before, or serious now, it is unknown.   Given the derision between the EU and the US, the EU and Russia, and the EU and China, they are left to pick.   And for now, the pickings seem to be slim.

As for the US: The fastest growing import is pharmaceuticals. The main suppliers include: Ireland, India, Germany and France.   But the top $$$ import is electronic equipment from: China, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea leading the market. If our trading ‘allies’ really wanted to inch out China, they would be offering discounts to curb those deficits.   If the US really wanted to hit China, they would put tariffs on Electronic Equipment and Machinery.

FYI:   The value of Mexico’s imports of electronic equipment and machinery to the US is roughly half of that of China – yet Mexico remains rife in poverty…