France’s Macron- Yellow Vests Inciting Anti-Semitism…

Deutsche Welle front page news is the dastardly anti-Semitic insults hurled by the Yellow Vests on the streets of Paris against a Parisian resident Jew, Alain Finkielkraut.  A)  It would appear that the photo of Finkielkraut used by DW does not exist – or has been photoshopped to add him into the image,  and B)  the dastardly language that is insulting to all Jews includes:  “we are the people”, and “France is ours”.  These horrific anti-Jewish insults were reported by ‘someone who heard them’.   And for this, a government investigation will ensue to determine who to prosecute for making racist statements…while Macron stands at the ‘Helm” making dastardly anti-France hurlizations…

The NEW France.

Of course, the fact that Finkelkraut is mired in his own slew of racist slurs, colonial views, and his adamant assertion that the 13 year old ‘girl’ who was raped by Polanski was really a teen-ager and thus it was consensual… don’t make the mainstream version of events.

While the official line is that a police investigation is in action, citing an online video that was published which indicts the Yellow Vests as radical racists, and Finkelkraut whining much like the Academy Award winner, Ford, during the Kavanaugh hearings, it appears the episode is somewhat unverified, other than a political stunt to perhaps garner attention and sympathy for a man mired in his own racial prejudice and quite ‘colorful background’.

What it did provide is a propaganda tool to demonize the Yellow Vest Movement which has not lessened its protests despite Macron imprisoning over 8400, and aggressive actions by the police causing one person to lose an eye and another to lose his hand as live grenades are launched into crowds for dispersion purposes. Let’s just sit back and imagine the press if Trump allowed the use of live grenades to disperse a protest…

This poor man…

IN the 1990’s Finkelkraut founded an Institute on Levinassian Studies at Jerusalem with Benny and Bernard Levy.  Mr. Benny’s principle interests included Marxism and Moaism.  Mr. Bernard has been criticized for his ‘neo-fascism’ views and ideologies.  All three are/were atheist Jews, Benny is dead.   Lesser infractions include, insider trading, plagiarism, citing spoof as fact, and, of course, radical ‘leftist’ views, including – Communism.

A ‘Tale of Two Cities’ has become a Despot for every fake news outlet in the EU with completely fabricated accounts making the circuit on a routine basis, picked up without verification, without evidence, the most recent being a six year old beheaded for being Shia which made the rounds in the UK bludgeon, only to fade into obscurity as it became hideously obvious it was – FAKE.

Where is the outrage?   Absent.   Because the propaganda, the promotion, was likely MI6.

The French media is portraying this Marxist, Moaist, Communist, Racist, Finkelkraut as a ‘Philosopher’, a victim, a Jewish man just out for a stroll who is suddenly in the midst of the Yellow Vest protests, who, without any provocation, was suddenly identified for who he is, and threatened.   “I have never felt such hate…”  He Exclaims!

But who would even know who he was?  Who would recognize this old man sauntering amidst the protestors?   He is not terribly recognizable.   How would they identify him as Jewish?  He has done nothing noteworthy for over a decade.  To assume he was identified as a Jew and threatened for his Jewness when he is a devout Atheist who advocates Communist ideals is a bizarre concept?

On the other hand, it might make sense that if someone did actually recognize who he was, they were recognizing a man who asserted Communist, Fascist, Moaist ideals that maybe didn’t align with France…and they were peeved.

Good Grief France – is this the best you can conjure???

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