The Global SIEGE For The Great RESET

IRAN is under siege!   The latest country to be infiltrated by National Endowment For Democracy.   The global coup maker has set its sight on Iran given a Ukraine Fall.  Soros has already moved on from his favorite child and let her burn.   Nothing like a good challenge before he dies…   The US has controlled Iran before, but allowed that control to slip slide – much like Syria.  In fact, NED’s success track record would seem to be following a negative Growth Rate.   Unfortunately, that doesn’t deter them from instigating chaos via ‘funding of activists’.

Two entities funded by NED to topple Iran include:  CIPE, Center for International Private Enterprise, and NDI, National Democratic Institute.  

CIPE:   According to CIPE’s website, their overall thematic is to propel private industry into closed countries.   Stakeholders.   These private companies are better suited to create a unifying force against authoritarianism – according to their website.

Globally, a forceful project CIPE is tackling is the censorship of certain ‘undesirable thinkers’ in order to promote an ‘open and accessible internet devoted to group think democrat values’.   To achieve this, CIPE has created the Internet Governance Institute.

The National Democrat Institute:   is the face of Madeleine Albright.  NDI works across the globe to ‘safeguard elections and promote a more open and accountable government’.   Big Brother Speak for Regime Changes, Coups and the installation of leaders Like Brandon.  One of their prominent areas of concern is eastern Asia including;   former soviet countries and Russia.

According to CISS;   “Before the war the U.S. was sending $300 million per year to Ukraine,” he said. “Now, we’re providing $100 million a day.”   But that isn’t even accurate…   $54billion over a period of 4 months would equate to $200 million per day.   All while US soldiers aboard navy carriers face food rations of 2 meals per day…

Ukraine may be the most explosive information war right now, but it is hardly the only country being targeted for the global RESET.   Columbia is facing a windfall election.   Iran is the defacto target of Israel and the US NGO’s given they have not properly acquiesced to the WEF determination of the elimination of sovereignty.   Taiwan is being teased into a global war.   Ethiopia, Nigeria, Niger, Somalia, Yemen, and Eritrea remain volatile.   While climbing food and oil shortages spike across the globe amidst growing protests.

Who is benefiting?  

The US democrats are calling for an overhaul of private weapon ownership while weapon’s industries across the board are profiting handsomely on the Western instigated Ukraine war;

Northrup Gruman, Lockheed, Raytheon, BAE, and Rheinmetall.   The US stockpiles have been ‘depleted’ according to the Pentagon.   Javelins were sent to Ukraine at such a rate that stockpiles diminished by 2/3rds.

One month BEFORE the insertion of Russia into Ukraine, Gregory Hayes, CEO of Raytheon stated, “I fully expect we are going to see some benefit from it (Ukraine war).”

“Weapons companies were already receiving a massive amount of money from the U.S. government – some $768 billion in 2021 – before the war in Ukraine began. In the last week, the U.S. Congress approved a $40 billion spending package for the Ukraine war with a big chunk going to arms companies.”

Some of the biggest stock gainers 2022 have been oil and gas.   The defense industry is a close second.  With techs virtually collapsing.   As Ukraine refuses to clear its ports of mines allowing clear transport of wheat and fertilizer, those markets continue to outperform making the wealth gap even greater as poverty spills into a preconceived global famine.    Still, despite the economy flailing specific markets are wholly manipulated via the ‘last hurrah’ before the WEF attempts to crash ALL retail given we will no longer be consumers.   Instead, Klaus has decreed that we will become a society of ‘service workers’ without the need to enjoy material things like homes, clothing, or cars.   Meaning manufacturing will come to a screeching halt!   Those countries most impacted will include China, Japan, the EU & the US.

Ukraine will be the bane eating up US weapon stockpiles.   Defense will resort to the one stockpile that has yet to be eliminated – nukes.   Iran will continue to be stoked by western led ‘activist violence’ destabilizing the region – including Israel.   Columbia will likely fall to the militant presidential candidate wreaking havoc on its stability.   Pulling the country into a stylized version of Venezuela.

THE ENTIRE stage is based on creating a global peasant class defined by hunger and the elimination of any class between poverty and massive wealth.   Accumulation of viable assets is the gamet – real estate, agriculture, farms, toys, and fuel depots.   Of course, the game once achieved will necessitate another RESET as boredom sets in and the wealth pyramid does what it has done throughout history – fight each other.

As in There Is No Honor Among Thieves…

Mass School Shooting: A Mental Health Common Denominator

Liberal anger has reached a pinnacle of insanity wherein a gun is now the cause of children being shot.   Ban all assault guns!   They demand.   But the AR15 is NOT an assault weapon.   Ban the AR15 anyway!   RAISE the age a person can legally buy a gun from 18 to 21!   But the vast majority of ALL school shootings are perpetrated by children under 18 or adults over 21.   Change the age anyway!     So let’s take a look at School Shootings:

While school shootings have been recorded since the mid 1800’s, causal factors have morphed from petty arguments to severe mental health issues.   Since 2000 there have been 369 school shootings.   Of those, 55 have occurred during Biden’s presidency.   Of the 369 shootings 14 classify as mass shooting in which 4 or more people died:

1) October 2002, Tucson Az – 40 year old failing college student killed 3 professors and himself. He was a Gulf war veteran suffering PTSD.

2)   March 2005, Minnesota – 16 year old Jeff Weise killed 10 including his grandfather with whom he was living after his father’s suicide. He was taking Prozac and was severely depressed having attempted suicide.

3)   October 2006, Pennsylvania – 32 year old truck driver killed 5 Amish girls and himself, wounding five additional girls.   His suicide note claimed he had raped two girls when he was 12 and wanted to rape again.

4)   April 2007, Virginia – Seung Hui-Cho was 23 when he killed 33 Virginia Tech students and wounded 23 more.   In middle school he had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder, severe depression disorder and mutism. He was diagnosed Autistic and Aspergers.

5)   February 2008, Illinois – Steven Kazmierczak, age 27 was treated for mental illness and sent to a psychiatric center while in high school. He regularly took Prozac, Xanax and Ambien.   He killed 6 and injured 21.

6)   April 2012, California – 43 year old One Goh killed 7 and wounded 3 at a Christian College. He was expelled from University for disciplinary issues and later diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza – brain development disorder, Schizophrenia, Asperger… taking Celexa. It is speculated that the Texas shooter, Ramos, was taking transition drugs.

Studying the factors of each mass shooting is essential to find the common denominators.   Then, a solution can be implemented. In this, it becomes evident that the common attributes have nothing to do with age or guns, and everything to do with mental disorders and prescription drugs!   Anti-depressants are associated with suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, insomnia, confusion, irritation, as well as a myriad of health problems.

If the liberals took a few minutes to actually research the issue, their rage and indignation might be redirected…   assuming they wanted to know the Truth. However, despite the prevalence of mental health issues, the US is slow to respond and more inclined to have individuals self diagnose and self medicate.   Insurance covers a handful of diagnoses ‘only after a two year waiting period’.

The CDC estimates that 75% of people with mental health issues do NOT seek treatment.   The vast majority of patients are given a prescription drug without treatment.   The side effects are so debilitating that being able to work can become unmanageable.   And the cycle of depression is actually enhanced. 33% of those taking medication report that it does nothing to improve their issues.

There are numerous alternative remedies that don’t have the side effects. Even Harvard has come full circle to recommend these safe and effective treatments.   But without a more hands-on approach, most people who suffer have been given absolutely no information to this regard.   As such they are left to search for themselves.

Alternative treatments used to be squelched because of the belief that the FDA is scrupulous in its trials and studies of pharma whereas herbs and remedies are not evaluated.   Given the vaccine fiasco that derailment is obviously without merit.   The FDA is lax and negligent.

In that light, schools, doctors, doctor offices, and companies could simply provide a free pamphlet that discusses various types of mental health issues and various over-the-counter herbs and roots that could benefit the person.   Certainly, this won’t eliminate the problem, but it would be far more productive than eliminating or sanctioning guns, knives, cars, hammers, axes, and other weapons.

Because as we are well aware – sanctions against people, countries, objects, and weapons has absolutely ZERO actionable consequences.

The two most relevant evidentiary factors of this today include:   Mass School Shootings, and Russia!

The Economist: Interdependence Fosters Democracy. Or Psychopaths…

According to The Economist:   ‘interdependence fosters alliance and democracy’.   According to psychology, interdependent behavior can foster psychosis.  According to Freud interdependence must be countered with independence in order to prosper.  Thus, democracy and alliance must ALSO evolve within nationalist ideals and actions.   In order for the ‘interdependence’ to foster anything – it must be balanced.   Trade must be balanced.   Sanctions that destroy that balance destroy democracy.   As such, once again The Economist chooses propaganda as a means of recreating Fact.

Communes were the new socialist utopia of the 1960’s.   Everyone was equal.  Everyone lived together in harmony.  Everyone commit equally to the sustainment of the commune.   That lasted for a year or two before everyone said ‘effing THAT!”.   And Socialist/Marxism was proven a complete failure.   Most of those same 60’s generation flower children found a love of money and began the capitalist venture of garnering as much of the greenbacks as they possibly could.

Their Independence thus lit a bonfire under interdependence and a generation of narcissists rose to power.

By definition every entertainer is a narcissist.   By poll every politician is a narcissist.   Ignoring the trial of the commune generation and the reasons for their failure has given rise to the pretense that it was a success and suppressed by capitalism.

However, the closest literal success of a society rule was the Minoans.   They succeeded not under socialism or totalitarianism, they thrived under the concept of a  ‘benevolent ruler’.   For thousands of years!

By contrast, our ‘leaders’ are fools and frauds, narcissists and psychopaths, whose focus is self.  They will literally kill and maim to provide for their own power and wealth.   It is no different than charging the gun or the person with the crime.   The alcohol or the person with a DUI.   If we followed the same logic as the cry for gun control – we should have car control, alcohol control, knife control, control of what people eat, control over a person’s genetics, control.   A very ignorant and infantile conclusion.

How did the Minoans flourish?

Archeologists and historians have guestimated for centuries as to how the Minoan society was able to flourish and prosper to such heights.   Unfortunately, despite having little actual factual knowledge to support varying perceptions – Minoans remain an enigma.   Even their emergence is disputed with some dating them from 9000 BC and others from 5500 BC and others 4500 BC.   In other words, like climate change – and flu cases – and CoVid deaths…  Science just doesn’t know!  So they ‘theorize’ – which is a scientific way of saying ‘GUESS’.

What we DO know is that the Minoans did have a hierarchy but they did not have poverty.   The mindset was that of embrace amidst an understanding that without a form of benevolent government their entire society would collapse.   In fact it did NOT collapse, ultimately the evil Mycenaeans killed everyone.  Why?   Just because.

We are battling the Mycenaeans.

When The Economist declares that our present society must operate as interdependent because they say so – it is simply another guess and opinion without historical evidence or fact.  “I think – therefore I know”.

A few useful FACTS given our current situation:

  • Well Regulated Militia:  when the US Constitution was drafted a militia was defined as a group of men who organized to protect their cities, colonies and states.  The purpose was to rise against a totalitarian Federal Government.
  • According to US Department of Justice: 53% of firearms used in a crime were ‘stolen’, only 7% were purchased from a dealer…!
  • According to Beto and his Democrats, Governor Abbott of Texas is responsible for the school shooting deaths.  That would mean every criminal act committed in every state is the direct responsibility of that governor, that state’s senators and that city’s mayor.   And they should all be charged personally for every crime.
  • That would also mean every pharma executive, stakeholder, and employee are personally liable for any and all adverse reactions to every drug – including deaths.
  • Every doctor and associated nurse and PA are personally responsible for the death of a patient – no matter the circumstances…

You get my point.   We need to eliminate cars, matches, knives, medicine, food, and we will still have crime.  It is as old as Cain and Abel.  

Elimination of government is the force dejure being manipulated by the Shadow Cabalists today.   Having taken over the viable S&P 500, recreating these corporations as a solution to our defunct governments is the essential decree as ordered by Klaus Schwab.

The difference?

Constitutions no longer exist – VOID.   Corporations can thus create their own laws, terms, judicial reviews, precedents, and means of execution.  They will not be held to archaic rules of justice, law and order.   With AI, if a corporate head deems you too controversial, you can be eliminated via your implant.  POOF!

YET – the conundrum exists that without  government or Leadership viability  is incomprehensible.   We watch in agony as our greatest cities fall into the anarchial order of lawlessness.  Anarchy:   No Leader.   An impossible form of society.   The Dark Ages revisited.  Every man, woman and child for themselves – NO interdependence!   Only survival.   An Animal Kingdom.

So.   Breaking down society into smaller PODS, giving each Pod their statehood, gives citizens the mobility of choice.   For Example:  NYC is a House of MadMax existence.   Everyone has the ability to move, it may not be easy, but that freedom exists.  If you stay, you suffer the consequences of anarchy.   If you leave, you exhibit choice.

Our Federal Government today is in need of erasing.   They envision their purpose as bribery, coercion, war, murder, and annihilation of rights. Every agency, every elected and unelected official – with very rare exception should be forever repealed.  They do NOT act with benevolence.   They do NOT act within the concept of flourishing for all.   And they are most certainly bereft of working toward equity.   They are the Mycenaeans.

This would also apply to a globalized central government.   Federal governments, centralized globalist governments, are the basis of crime.   They were created to be corrupt.   TO own Power.   And they have not done ANYTHING since the birth of America to support We The People.   They are simply another variation of the British Monarchy – or Royal Society …

DAVOS: The Midst of A Global WAR

While DAVOS and the Greens demand the 100% elimination of fossil fuels – DAVOS has selected Ukraine to be the new exporter of oil and gas to the EU.   YEAH… everyone is happy given this solution.   Oops Problem #1 –   Ukraine is currently a net importer of oil & gas.   Problem #2 – how does this translate to EU Green?   Problem #3 – what martyr oil and gas company would risk being blown to smithereens by Russia?   Problem #4 – why aren’t they/DAVOS suggesting windmills and solar instead?

Sometimes stupidity just can’t be ignored.   DAVOS obviously royally messed up in announcing this new proclamation.   I suppose they thought it would scare Russia.   Instead, Russia has already moved on to ‘greener pastures’ where green is – oil & gas! And DAVOS members would seem to be stuck in the declining IQ acumen…

This idiocy reminds me of a recent ad put out by Blackrock to disway the negative PR surrounding their massive housing buyouts.   Apparently, their very scrupulous ad team put out a dissemination of what type of housing Blackrock is really buying vs what the truth might reveal.   In the revelation, Blackrock is NOT buying individual single family homes – they are buying entire communities, apartment communities, condo buildings, and pre-construction subdivisions.

I would fire my PR team if I were Blackrock.   But then I would fire my DAVOS PR team as well.   Idiots…

In Europe, the oil and gas reserves of Ukraine are marked as #2.   SO what.   In this equation of statistics, Russia is counted as an EU nation and is number 1.   Technically, 40% of Russia is considered a country within Europe with 60% attributable to Asia. Making the continent definition virtually historical legend.   Given the EU repudiation of all things and persons Russian – One would think the demarcations of continents would be redrawn.

I’m sure, Russia would heartedly agree.

At their all time height, Ukraine exported a total  of $52 billion in oil, while imports totaled $56 billion ranking them 46 out of 226 countries – and 61st out of global oil export nations.    Making them – irrelevant!  

Their TOP imports are petroleum and cars.   Top sources were Russia, China, Poland, Belarus and Germany.   They have LOST three of their TOP sources.   TO make them a net exporter would take decades!

Meaning the DAVOS/EU determination that Ukraine will supply the EU with its necessary fossil fuels might come to fruition sometime in 2060… or beyond.

The strangest diaspora within the pro-Zelenskyy crowd is the fact that he claims to be Jewish. Therefore Ukraine is Jewish. Therefore anyone who denounces Ukraine is anti-Jew.   But Zelenskyy has repeatedly claimed he is an atheist by religion and a Jew by some unknown heritage.   Dispelling any legacy.   A Jew would never murder a Jew or anyone!     Neither would a Christian, a Muslim, a Mormon, a Baptist, a Hindu, etc… they are all excused. Right?

Zelenskyy murdered his own citizens. Zelenskyy is a Soros creation – according to Soros.   Zelenskyy profited immensely as a result of the Ukraine war.   While nearly half of the citizens of Ukraine have emigrated over the last 8 years.   While the UN and Amnesty International declared that Ukraine was beyond repair due to the vast corruption, fraud, and inhumanity – as of 2019. The last available report date.

In essence, Zelenskyy’s Ukraine is the defacto largess island of Epstein.  

Ukraine is the core sustenance of the Global Mafia that operates under the guise of the global shadow government.   And the ONLY reason the US is supporting the country is because Soros’ monetary feed is wholly dependent on their mafia viability!   Their illegal trafficking has been disrupted and they require a stream of revenue to sustain the losses – hence the continued US and EU FUNDS that are completely untraceable – according to the Pentagon and British intelligensia.

How do these vermon’s of human evolution justify their depopulation murder?   Austin?    Blinken?   Myorkas?   Bloomberg?   Schwab?   Gates?   Etc…?     The only answer I can suggest – they are not human.   Not in a Godly sense.

It would benefit Americans to focus on America.   An election that is supposedly a slam dunk Red State in November is being undermined by the Gates – DAVOS agenda.   We are given a window.   DON’T let it PASS.  Don’t become slack and assume anything whilst the shadows encompass our towns, cities, states, and countries.  

THIS is a War.   For NOW – we have power… USE IT!      

MonkeyPox: The Russian’s Did IT!

Germany’s Deutsche Welle attempting to establish a provocative precedent by requiring Russia to rebuild Ukraine and confiscating any and all Russian assets literally anywhere in the world to do so! That could have repercussions in favor of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Sudan, etc… as these countries have been bombed to smithereens by various unauthorized belligerents – including Germany, UK, and US.  

The legal ramifications could be extended indefinitely!   Africa must pay Ireland for trafficking Irish slaves.   Rome must pay – everyone for demolishing Galatia, and all other Greek territories.   The Ottoman Empire!   Britain must pay Australia for depositing food criminals on a deserted island without any means for survival.   Canada must pay Russia – for destroying its economy.   Britain must pay India!

A Legal Field Day!

Why wouldn’t Germany be libel for the 2014 to 2022 executions in Donbas?   Stupidity knows no bounds!  Truly.   Or maybe it is simply another rile up the anger propaganda tool to divert from the DAVOS Summit wherein corporate entities are deciding the fate of 7 billion earthlings…

Watching a 30 second DAVOS spiel was revolting enough – but then according to conservative pundits, Klaus Schwab and the Doomsayers are all partying in some swanky town 20 miles away from the Summit.   Bored.   Detached.   And Drunk.   Is Pelosi bartending?   Or would that be AOC?

Klaus Schwab, the epitome of German Nazism is feverishly against the continuation of various people and races including;   Blacks from any nation,   Muslims from any nation, Chinese, Asian – unless they agree to be his personal slave ommmm, homosexuals, gypsies, freedom fighters, and anyone who holds a position contrary to his contrarianism of despot RULE.

It is notable that Schwab, Soros, Clinton, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, and the barons of totalitarianism are near or in – their age of deathbed.   Their offspring are about as relative as Hunter Biden comparably.   And their acumen is on par with Swallow-well.   Certainly he rates on the lower side of the recently published average US IQ – 98.

A worthless measurement – unless you are a child of Swallow-Well.

As such, Germany would have us revisit WWI and WWII in which Germany was the ANTAGONIST!   Hello?   Isn’t it interesting that a number of most decisive wars were actually initiated by – Germany.   The same Germany that demands Russia reparations for Ukraine?   The same Germany that has paid exactly $-0- in reparations and to this day greedily succors the paintings confiscated by Hitler..

Perhaps, Klaus Schwab would like to enlighten us on this perversity of War.

You see, Germany instigated both WWI and WWII and instead of ‘paying reparations’ was granted reparations paid for by US taxpayers.   If you don’t find that odd, you are living in a shell game.

No other country has succeeded in gaining that shellgame –

I mean, think about it:  Germany instigated WWI and WII, became a shadow defacto to determine how to divvy the spoils of war, and then gained monetarily from their decision…   While the Ottoman Empire vanished.   And today – there is No Empire.   Leaving the field – Wide Open.

The reason for the contrarianism?   The sanctions that the Cabalists demanded be initiated to destroy Russia – backfired.   Russia’s economy while teetering, is better than the US and EU.   Oil is Gold.   And Russia has no scarcity of buyers!   The economies that flounder are those that bolster the fake wind and solar propaganda.

As in – what happens when there is no sun or wind- Germany?   Answer:   We fire up the COAL.   Because it is plentiful – it is natural – and it is earth.   Ommmmm.

Oh.   But it is also evil.

Fuel is a tool.   Vaxes are a tool.   Fear is a tool.   When I read the daily tools, I am left adrift.   But when I walk the walk, I am aware of a different reality.   One that is not even closely aligned with the propaganda machinizations!   And taking a breath I am ‘retooled’.   And realize I too can be manipulated. And in That – I realize I can identify the manipulation and scoff at it’s inane childish reconstruction of reality.  It is soooo easy to get caught in their net!

We ALL need to find this Place of reality:

  1. Climate Change – is a natural phenomena that has existed and has been documented since the beginning of time.   It is NOT a construct of any Industrial Revolution.
  2. Food Shortages – the only food shortage conflaguration is one that is contrived and manipulated by the elitists   for one purpose – death.
  3. Environment – the concept was initiated in the 1960’s among a group of anarchists who believed we were entering another ‘ice-age’.
  4. Stewardship – a concept derived from Biblical writings in which each and every one of us are tasked with the preservation of earth.    Although there is NEVER any mention of man causing the annihilation of Earth.

IN other words… Pay Attention.

Apparently, the world economies are still recovering after the Marxist lockdowns of the dastardly CoVid Lizard fest.   And the negative impacts are ignored in favor of the number of reported cases and medically induced deaths. Personally, I mourn the deaths of those intubated and sacrificed as products rather than humans… and I  know more than a few…

Their children, aunts, uncles, moms and dads, who are not given the media prolapse of propaganda to mourn and give to the earth those who were so valuable! Their numbers are in the millions…   Those living an ‘adverse event or ten’.     Those for whom – life is now a fraction of what it was.   Those who believed!

Now watching their child die.   Their daughter in high school.   Their son at soccer.

I can’t even imagine!

But the mantra is we should accept this as the New Normal Because Then we won’t cry over the death of Earth.  But we should. We should imagine. We should envision. We should view the devastation and intense sadness and tears!   NOT because of a virus – but because of an agenda to kill our children, our husbands, our friends!   For One Singular Purpose – TO support an annihilation of specific populations so as to further the peasant class and Monarchial Totalitarian Rule of our Entire GLOBE.

Please allow that to sink in.   We are NOT fighting a southern warrior, or a Greek Soldier.   We are fightingBill Gates Bio Terrorist

Pandemic MOnkeypox

something much more evil and dense.   

Monkeypox.   Contrived in 2021 amidst a depopulation summit.   Initiation Date – May 15 2022.   Global Takeover – December 1, 2023.    But hey, Bill Gates is a health expert given his vast experience while at – …no college – and thieving his partner’s data notes.  How can he possibly have ANY ‘ego’.?

World Economic Forum DAVOS MANIFESTO – Unraveled…

DAVOS MANIFESTO – 2019:   Three models to choose from;  1)  The first is “shareholder capitalism,” embraced by most Western corporations, which holds that a corporation’s primary goal should be to maximize its profits. 2)   The second model is “state capitalism,” which entrusts the government with setting the direction of the economy.   3)   Third is “stakeholder capitalism,” a model which positions private corporations as trustees of society, per WEF (is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges).

In order to institute the WEF full transition, citizens must become so disillusioned with their government’s corruption, fraud and heavy hand that they welcome an ‘alternative’ – a HERO.   The corporate savior will thus step into position.

As Planned.

The Davos Manifesto, written via dictation by Klaus Schwab, outlines how businesses must adhere to a set of rules of order as a precedent for admission of the fourth industrial revolution.   Manifesto – “a shared commitment to policies and decisions that strengthen the long-term prosperity of a company.”

You might notice that the ‘prosperity of a company’ is basically shareholder capitalism and has little to do with society and its ‘stakeholders’.   And then there is this tidbit;  “Executive remuneration should reflect stakeholder responsibility.”   Given executives are now thus tasked with running cities, states and countries – that responsibility would be considered quite vast – and the ‘reflection’ of wage determination could be quite higher than is already remunerated as it will encompass governing a sector of society.

Today Davos is in the midst of their 2022 meeting in which Ukraine, Climate and Energy Security and Fairer Economies are the forefront topics.   The supply chain crisis will be hailed as a great success as will the clean oceans wherein the WEF will take all credit.

Fairer Economies is the most relevant topic for the US given a contrived RESET of our economy is in the midst of a recession pushing closer to a depression.   The Reason?   To make America on par with economies in Africa and South America.   Thus ‘fairer’.  Once the US is on par with Africa, an ‘equitable reboot’ for global citizens will supposedly be configured by the Executives of the stakeholder companies.

Voting on the passage of the World Health Organization being the head-honcho of rules, order and mandates is on the table.   The use of Gate’s algorithm derived CoVid deaths will be compared by country in order to show the inequality of governmental initiatives.   China, having artificially shown to have a total of some 6,000 deaths will be used as a positive example compared to the US 600,000.  Thus the more restrictive mandates of China will be pushed as a great success.

China will become the beacon.   The US will be the ‘failure’ model without interpreting the numbers to the 6% factor as ‘from’ vs ‘with’ CoVid.   However, given the pushback is still quite largess, it may be it is a trial and implementation won’t take effect until December 2023.

In 2021, Nuclear Threat Initiative released a Design scenario of the next pandemic – Monkeypox.   Three stages were stipulated with the first being the discovery of global cases as of May 15, 2022.   RIGHT ON TARGET!

Stage 2 is designed for January 2023.  At this point 83 countries will report outbreaks.   They will ‘count’ 73 million cases with 1.5 million deaths – 2% rate of death.   Nations will still implement their own measures against the disease amid severe supply chain shortages.

Stage 3 deaths and cases will mount significantly;   27 million deaths among 430 million cases – 6% death rate surpassing CoVid.   Science experts will find that a civilian biosafety lab has been infiltrated by a terrorist group and this terrorist Group is to blame for the release.  Russia likely.

Stage 4 will count 3.2 billion cases with 271 million deaths counted – 8.5% death rate.   At this point WHO will become the global Pandemic Tzar given the media, aka Bill Gates, will note great differences in how various nations mediate this disease.

  1. Monkeypox is a rare disease that saw exactly 450 cases in Africa between 2017 and present.   It necessitates a warm/humid climate to thrive.
  2. Monkeypox has a number of close cousins including herpes and ‘Shingles’.   In fact, the pictures presented as Monkeypox for the public today were either dated from 1970 – or they were pilfered from sites showing – images of Shingles.
  3. Numerical stats, like CoVid, flu, measles, and every other disease, are wholly contrived via an algorithm and do NOT represent an actuality.  However the death rate is estimated at 1%.
  4. There is currently no available demographic data on the ‘persons’ infected today according to the CDC – the only commonality is these persons ‘engage in sexual activity’.   Prior to the Gates/NTI pronouncement, there have been only 8 cases that have crossed from Africa into other countries.

Everyone at this point will be screaming for a ‘savior’, and the WHO along with Stakeholder companies will emerge to interject 100% control.   Governments will be caved.   Congress will disappear.   No elections will be held in 2024.   And the New Pyramid will RISE!

FOOD SHORTAGE CRISIS – Ushering in Social Credit System

A food crisis is not a conspiracy theory – it is very real and very contrived.   Blaming Russia for not giving away free wheat and free oil is the Democrat mantra, and the media is ordered to read the script per The Economist.   Anyone caught having a different opinion is flagged, persecuted and will inevitably be given a social credit score compatible with ‘starvation’.   While a social credit system has yet to be implemented in the US, in 2015 communist China began its creation with full rollout as of 2020.  

In China the Social Credit System manages rewards vs punishments of citizens on the basis of their economic and personal behavior.   Punishments include:   flight ban, exclusion from private schools, slow internet connection, exclusion from high prestige work, exclusion from hotels, public shaming, and registration on a public blacklist. While Rewards include:  discounts on energy bills, ability to rent a bike, better interest rates at banks, tax breaks, free use of Gyms, and Preference at Hospitals.  

For Example:   Citizens who voluntarily humbled themselves in CoVid quarantine without voicing objection gained points in their social credit score.   Praising the CCP is also considered a positive score.   And in a recent poll, all Chinese citizens who were asked whether they favor the system resoundingly responded ‘ABSOLUTELY’ – because of course if they didn’t they would be punished.

When CoVid first hit China, if a citizen videoed the reality on the streets, their phone would be disabled and their credit score would be delisted completely.   Organ harvesting?   A marketing strategy to make the delisted person of viable use for monetary speculation. ..

The means for maintaining accurate data for the social credit system is via surveillance and AI.   China’s population is  4 1/2 times the US, so the creation of such a system is wholly viable. here and in the EU

Various organizations and media outlets favor such a system in the US claiming the unpopularity is simply because we misunderstand its value;  The Diplomat, Washington Post, Leiden University, Foreign Policy, MIT, etc…  ALl claim that the system will actually improve ‘food security’ and poverty…   How?   By weeding out the ‘anarchists’ or those who prefer freedom to Dystopian Control.

Given that a rollout would be on the heels of ‘starvation’ compliance would be guaranteed.   CoVid was based on fear – but compliance was sporadic because the ‘fear’ quotient was not real.   As the manufactured crisis gained social media attention, they lost their control.   Starvation, by contrast, is a different gamet.   Turning off someone’s power in the midst of winter, a military tactic.  REAL and absolute.

China uses the military to uphold its punishments.  It would be hard pressed to think US military or police would be willing to exert that civilian control.   However, recruiting from far left bullies, BLM and Antifa, while dangling the proverbial ‘carrot’ could be their agenda.  NATO could also be sequestered.  The Federal Reserve is also said to have its own covert military.

The number of mass shootings for 2022 is currently tallied at 206.   In 2019, there were 417 mass shootings, more than any other year.   We are on track to break the record.   The House just passed the Domestic Terrorist Act which gives HHS, the FBI and the Domestic Terrorism Counsel, the ability to investigate and prosecute!   The targets?   White supremacists (according to the Act) and Hate Crimes (which is defined as whites against any other race).

The January 6er’s are simply the vaccine trial…   to see how simplistically it can be enforced.   Of course DC Police are more than happy to comply on a local level – although Pelosi wants to give them National status.  This Agenda has been thought out like a mathematical equation.

Once this phase of the Plan is initiated via an EO should it not pass the Senate, Gun Control, aka confiscation, will be a necessary component.   Given our Republican base in Congress and the Senate are comprised of rhino’s and whiners, an EO would likely not be necessary.

All these components of the Plan must be instituted before the Social Credit System can be fully implemented.  And that – gives us a window – and that window gives us opportunity!

The first opportunity is the forecasted food shortage:  Shortages will escalate this summer as diesel prices kill the trucking business and food prices are unsustainable.   The elderly and poor will be the first victims – the same target for CoVid.   Eliminate the weak.

Farmers, Ranchers, Cowboys, who are sitting on the sidelines have the opportunity to become our Heroes!   Truckers for the most part are conservative.   A collaboration of these essential commodities of humans could help calm the storm.   Farmers & Ranchers establish connections with Truckers who could transport the meat and veggies to rerouting points where cowboys and their pickups act as food bank transport to their town locals.

The second opportunity is Gun Confiscation:   I shouldn’t have to put this in writing.

The third opportunity is the Domestic Terrorist Act:   Which requires heroes – of all ages men and women.   It requires safeguarding our assets – humans.

Culling opposition is the means of the Cult Agenda.   Whether by murder or gulag.   Why?  Because the opposition is likely far larger than we even know given the media has warped our view.   We are NOT China.   We are Wallace.  We are BraveHeart!   FREEDOM is in our genetics!  

Surround yourself with Freedom Lovers! 

UKRAINE FUNDS: Where Does The Money Come From and Where Does it Go?

The $1.598 question that no one, including the White House and Pentagon, can NOT answer is where oh where is all the money ‘allocated to Ukraine’ going?   According to Zelenskyy, he claims it is not going to Ukraine…   instead it is allocated among US and UK NGO’s.   Who might these NGO’s be?   An interesting circle but one that would seem to have all the same boring players:

National Endowment for Democracy (one of my favorite organizations to rip apart) has announced it is awarding four Ukrainian NGO’s for their courage and resilience in protecting human rights and transparency – with US taxpayer funds.   Yeah……

They list four such companies all of which claim to have been created to tackle rampant corruption in the Ukrainian government which is considered akin to Mafia 1920.  Despite the fact that the UN, EU, and US all gave reports as of 2021, that the corruption, fraud, and murderous assassinations were a rampant ordinary aspect of Ukraine – before Russia launched their cleansing.    Not that Zelenskyy or any of his officials are implicated, except of course, but they are central!

When reviewing the boards of these organizations pinpricked with Ukraine funding, their member organizations and funders, bear a strikingly boring pithy of names which are highlighted over and over again:   Soros Human Rights Watch.   McKinsey & Company.   Rand.   DLA Piper. UN. Amnesty International. And a plethora of organizations operating in Russia as anti-Russia NGO’s for the purpose of destabilization. Front and center Universities would include Harvard and the London School of Economics – known for their Soros/Marxist affiliations.

No NGO corruption is complete without mentioning USAID.   According to their calculations more than 1.4 million Ukrainians were displaced during the 8 years that the Kyiv government continued their genocide on Donbas.    But their ‘peacekeepers’ did absolutely nothing to help this genocide.   Nothing at all.   And instead, issued proclamations and a severe finger disjoint when discussing these issues before the media.

Prior to the $40 billion in aid just pledged by the US government rhino’s, the previous aid package to Ukraine amounted to $13.6 billion of which $6.5 billion was allocated to the US Department of Defense.   Why?   That would mean – the previous weapons sent to Ukraine from inventory paid for by US taxpayers as ‘donations;’ would be lost and an additional $6.5 billion would be given to the Pentagon out of US taxpayer funding for … as in double dipping.

The remaining allocation fraudulently states that $4 billion was to support the ‘refugees’ who have received $-0- according to independent EU countries, and $25 million was allocated to the Disinformation Agency for Global Media…   whose Executive Officer is – Chinese!   Her bio indicates she came from Voice of America – a Marxist organization created as a communist collaboration post WWII.   VOA was expanded exponentially under Billy Clinton as a propaganda source within the CIA.

And the money keeps flowing with democrat and republican support as they assess their own financial status amidst the rising inflation that will literally double by August!   All for One and All For Me! Is the new motto embraced by our US and EU governments. All while coups continue across the globe so as to absorb opposition.

In that – Ukraine is a Deflection.   With assets that give it a status symbol.

And the entire point of the extended US/UK occupation of Ukraine is to take over the assets including wheat, oil & natural gas – the sustenance of life!   Don’t see anyone building windfarms and solar in this western occupied nation…

What is evident is the fact that there is massive blackmail of hundreds if not thousands of political pundits who are willing to sacrifice millions of citizens to preserve their tenuous reputation!   Belying party affiliation.  Certainly NO Heroes in the entire Lot.

Following the Money of these Ukraine funds is a Swamp.   Oddly, it supports the WEF Sustainability Agenda wherein politicians should be eliminated as a government institute and replaced with ‘corporate managers’ more capable of running a well oiled machine.   Revealing the abject depravity of our governments would thus be purposeful.   And the end result would be exactly what the New World Order designs – a global entity of corporate status to rule with totalitarian pronouncement.

Because Government by definition will always be – corrupt.

Thus corporate saviors would need to rise to prominence.   But even this agenda has failures – such as Elon Musk.   A contrarian to the likes of Zuckerberg, Bezos, Omidyar, and others bent solely on self and without much rock to support the sand – yet exclusively aligned with the Deep State.

It would thus appear that the Ukraine state is in a voluntary coup stage wherein all resources are being confiscated, including their diminished wheat supply, oil and natural gas.   Black soil – their most precious asset is temporarily on hold given the population responsible for its output of crops has exited stage left – leaving a footprint for future slaves to cultivate.   That would translate to African labor.

A similar formula being created in the US and EU via immigrant populations who have absolutely no viable means of sustenance other than slavery.

This is their vision of utopia.   Their self.

So when the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, Omidyar et al, attempt to fray the democrat deconstruction of our globe – what they are really complaining about is the fact that they will have difficulty supporting their lifestyle…and that is their only concern.

I mean – Where oh Where will they recruit all the peasants?  And WHAT does the deflection Hide?

EU Set to Ration Energy and Food – Ursula von der Leyen…

The EU strategy to fight energy shortages and food shortages is to institute ‘rationing’.   While there is plenty of oil available in Russia and a bumper crop of wheat, the EU is employing the same insane ostrich approach as Ukraine when confronted with ‘dialogue’.   No dialogue – no upholding legal commitments – no compromise – simply use the scenario to cause massive hardships and potential death sentences to citizens!

On the heels of this announcement, von der Leyen has pledged on behalf of ALL EU members a monthly budget handout to Ukraine as well as hefty funding to go towards rebuilding which Zelenskyy has stated will cost the globe $1 trillion …in the beginning.

According to von der Leyen, EU commercial buildings will be required to install solar panels…   The top Three Solar companies are ALL based in China.   SURPRISE!   Meaning the EU is fine propping up China’s economy, but Russia is off limits!   An interesting enigma unless you realize that the communist model of China is a preferred alliance to the anti-Nazi model of Russia.

The economics of the plan are wholly ‘unsustainable’ given that a recession means less people working and less taxes from which to thieve as a money laundering payment to Ukraine is deemed more important than one’s own citizen’s welfare.

The monthly investment to support Ukraine is valued by ‘Zelenskyy’ at $9.5 billion.   In addition, the EU has ‘pledged’ $316 billion to support windfarms and solar as they wean off coal and oil.   Neither of these green energy vacuums have the ability to store energy – thus days without wind or sun mean -0- energy output.   Winding down oil will mean a shortage of all plastic parts and products, which are used in just about every aspect of our daily lives!   That would include;   clothes, shoes, cutlery, gas fireplaces, asphalt roads, auto interiors, medicines, furniture, appliance handles, window casings, toys, basic computer parts, tires, eyeglasses, building materials, siding, etc… etc… etc… Our World Is Plastic!   And we did so to Save The Planet!

YES!   I remember it well, – Gigi.

There is NO plan in place, no direction, and no discussion of how these aspects of our every day life will be addressed when oil is eliminated.

Plastic substitutes include, glass, trees, steel, bamboo and hemp.   NONE of these would be viable and production is limited. In fact there is a shortage of sand which is used in the production of concrete and glass.   Only certain types of sand are available in limited quantities that can be used in production processes.   The ever dwindling supply will exacerbate the supply side of production!     But it get’s worse:   sand is used in the production of silica which is necessary to build ‘solar panels’. The price per ton of sand has tripled since Covid – 2 years.

Suddenly, these Green Weenies of politics begin to look more and more vacant in the brain hemisphere of critical thinking production…   Ommmmmmm

Von der Leyen would thus be leading the pack as her cellular brain function production dwindles to Neanderthal prototypes of science, logic and rationale.   And thus the game plan or The Agenda is a doomsday proposition.   And they know it.

And the reason for this doomsday would be a blame game that “Russia Did It”.   Russia caused Zelenskyy to Not-negotiate.   Russia caused the western nations to sanction the death of Russia.   Russia caused the supply shortages – the food shortages – because No Other country was self sufficient in anything.   And given Russia ousted Soros and the Rothschilds….  RUSSIA DID IT!

Case in Point:   Biden’s baby formula plan is to import formula from – CHINA!@   The baby’s who will die?   Those of the poor, uneducated, and likely black families. Hospitals are already reporting a spike in baby malnutrition emergencies.   Despite a plentiful supply in Mexico and Canada…

But the ‘speed charging’ of the Green Deal in Europe and the Western nations is the modus while some of the late bloomers of enlightenment are suddenly realizing their billionaire lifestyle will be severely curtailed when 1/3 of the global population is eliminated.   Bezos… OH OOPS.  Dang – who will build his next yacht!?

If the dissemination of facts was not fake enough, Deutsche Welle has positioned a piece on Australia captioning an intense fire as the product of its oil and gas usage.   But their biggest fires have been the product of  ‘Arson’.   In fact, the last largess fire that killed billions of animals was purposefully started by a gang of over 100 teens.   Teens who laughed in court when confronted with their actions…  JUST Disgusting!

A sickening display of mental illness directly caused by the affront of teachers committing pedophilia, CRT, BLM, Marxism, and Communist ideologies.   While moms are quickly realigning their children within home-school education parameters, replacing our medical doctors et al will be a bit more of a challenge.   Albeit – not impossible.

Perhaps our level of lifestyle will be hit like a global tsunami…   but we do have access to history to help us survive and overcome these insidious lizard peoples.

AKA – You Can’t Be TOO Prepared!

UKRAINE – SOMALIA: Harvesting Resources!

Deutsch Welle  “Ukrainian soldiers have reached the border after pushing back Russian forces in Kharkiv. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned of more attacks in Donbas.”

Ukraine seems to be heedless of the fact that Russia sent their tanks into Kharkiv the beginning of March and that subsequently Kyiv reported the entire city had been destroyed by March 21.  Two Months Ago!   Now we are told to believe a video of four guys setting up a lodge pole in the grass somewhere in the middle of nowhere is evidence that Ukrainian soldiers are at the Russian border…  And Russians are fleeing…??

The day after a handful of Rhino’s visited Ukraine, including Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, John Barrasso, and John Coryn, Zelenskyy ‘writes’ a new law outlawing any opposition to his Regime – punishable by death for treason.   Obviously, the US rhino party gave the order given the only writing Zelenskyy can accomplish is a trans-comedy porn show skit.

Solidifying the US and EU collaboration in running the show in Ukraine.

McConnell made sure to let Zelenskyy know that the US would continue its massive monetary support by US Taxpayers ‘until Ukraine wins’.   Wins WHAT?   Complete annihilation?   Nice of Rhino McConnell  to pledge our money for a country embedded in the Nazi establishment.   While Klaus pledges the funds of every EU taxpayer.   YAY!

According to Forbes, Mitch McConnell’s net worth is over $150 million.   Of course, the ever transparent, Klaus Schwab, has a net worth of – I Don’t Know.   And Zelenskyy is well over the $1.5 billion mark – also not transparent.  But given the Pentagon can affirmatively state they have no idea where the hundreds of billions funneled to Ukraine have been spent… it is likely a shell game of divvy-UP!   And every politician that visits the country is guaranteed a bonus!

Given the pantry is not completely devoid of weapons and money, Klaus Austin, our Pentagon Chief airhead has sent US troops to Somalia.   Why?   To create another money tunnel.    And when they are done – by the next election cycle, there won’t be an inventory of oil, weapons, food, or baby wipes…left in the US!

All these octogenarians will die smiling given their grand accomplishment of global destruction.  

Of course Canada can’t get left out of the matrix.   Trudeau has declared that Canadians will foot the bill for the euthanasia of all poor people who have no self worth…   I believe that is called genocide.   But it does alleviate the problem of funding retirements and nationalized hospital bills.

And if you believe it is all a voluntary dictate, welcome to Oz.

Speaking of Oz, Trump is determined to elevate this shaman whose entire career was funded by Oprah – a devout Clintonite communist who lied about her past to succor compassion – fame – and MONEY.   Oz has declared he is a Sufi Muslim.   Oz believes the 2020 election was completely on the up-and-up, he wavers significantly on abortion, and seems to have little acumen of anything relative to running a business much less a populace.  The fact that Oz is desperate to gain the approval of Mitch McConnell –  the Ukraine Rhino – should be a Blue Flag!

Trump is blinded or worse…

Somalia happens to have plentiful ‘undeveloped’ resources including oil, natural gas, iron ore, bauxite, copper, etc…   Ukraine 2014.   It has a new President who is pro-west.   As in couped.   As in leases will likely be granted to western businesses drooling for production with a hefty percentage pledged to ‘The Big Guy’ and ‘Associates’.   Maybe they’ll even move the biolabs to Somalia given Ukraine’s 30+ are no longer operational.

Just in time for Bill Gates to go on international news declaring Pandemic  2 is just around the corner and they have perfected its death rate by 1000%!   Not to worry, because all developed countries will vote next week toWestern Marxism

Somalia Coup

make the World Health Organization a global Tzar for all Pandemic Protocols in the future – with the help of China and Bill Gates…

The fact that China is STILL in lockdown should not be of concern to anyone because well, they are communist and we aren’t…   Right?   We are Free!   We aren’t censored like China!   We can own Guns!   We can go to work unvaccinated!   Unless, Biden issues another Executive Order.

I wonder how much MONEY the World Health Organization will demand from EVERY country to support their agenda?    How much will be siphoned to The Big Guys Gates/Klaus/Soros?     The Rhino’s will stand in line with the Dems – hands extended – declaring they did their part in global genocide.

Of course, they still haven’t figured out that the industries they crash actually are essential to their livelihood – but then no one mentions their 90- IQ.    Suddenly the greedy slumlord Tzar Bezos is crying inflation foul…?   He understands that killing all the underlings means there is no one left to service his yachts and homes!   Dastardly!  But then – he is NOT an octogenarian and has wet-dreams of being a transhuman capable of sex every ten minutes.

On the brighter side of life – the Midwest still has cowboys, chuck wagon bbq’s, and a whole lot of GUNS and AMMO!   And as the meme goes – when the other 50% who just want to be left alone are pushed too far – the pansies ice cream and paper money won’t be worth the runoff from a twallette!