The Global SIEGE For The Great RESET

IRAN is under siege!   The latest country to be infiltrated by National Endowment For Democracy.   The global coup maker has set its sight on Iran given a Ukraine Fall.  Soros has already moved on from his favorite child and let her burn.   Nothing like a good challenge before he dies…   The US has controlled Iran before, but allowed that control to slip slide – much like Syria.  In fact, NED’s success track record would seem to be following a negative Growth Rate.   Unfortunately, that doesn’t deter them from instigating chaos via ‘funding of activists’.

Two entities funded by NED to topple Iran include:  CIPE, Center for International Private Enterprise, and NDI, National Democratic Institute.  

CIPE:   According to CIPE’s website, their overall thematic is to propel private industry into closed countries.   Stakeholders.   These private companies are better suited to create a unifying force against authoritarianism – according to their website.

Globally, a forceful project CIPE is tackling is the censorship of certain ‘undesirable thinkers’ in order to promote an ‘open and accessible internet devoted to group think democrat values’.   To achieve this, CIPE has created the Internet Governance Institute.

The National Democrat Institute:   is the face of Madeleine Albright.  NDI works across the globe to ‘safeguard elections and promote a more open and accountable government’.   Big Brother Speak for Regime Changes, Coups and the installation of leaders Like Brandon.  One of their prominent areas of concern is eastern Asia including;   former soviet countries and Russia.

According to CISS;   “Before the war the U.S. was sending $300 million per year to Ukraine,” he said. “Now, we’re providing $100 million a day.”   But that isn’t even accurate…   $54billion over a period of 4 months would equate to $200 million per day.   All while US soldiers aboard navy carriers face food rations of 2 meals per day…

Ukraine may be the most explosive information war right now, but it is hardly the only country being targeted for the global RESET.   Columbia is facing a windfall election.   Iran is the defacto target of Israel and the US NGO’s given they have not properly acquiesced to the WEF determination of the elimination of sovereignty.   Taiwan is being teased into a global war.   Ethiopia, Nigeria, Niger, Somalia, Yemen, and Eritrea remain volatile.   While climbing food and oil shortages spike across the globe amidst growing protests.

Who is benefiting?  

The US democrats are calling for an overhaul of private weapon ownership while weapon’s industries across the board are profiting handsomely on the Western instigated Ukraine war;

Northrup Gruman, Lockheed, Raytheon, BAE, and Rheinmetall.   The US stockpiles have been ‘depleted’ according to the Pentagon.   Javelins were sent to Ukraine at such a rate that stockpiles diminished by 2/3rds.

One month BEFORE the insertion of Russia into Ukraine, Gregory Hayes, CEO of Raytheon stated, “I fully expect we are going to see some benefit from it (Ukraine war).”

“Weapons companies were already receiving a massive amount of money from the U.S. government – some $768 billion in 2021 – before the war in Ukraine began. In the last week, the U.S. Congress approved a $40 billion spending package for the Ukraine war with a big chunk going to arms companies.”

Some of the biggest stock gainers 2022 have been oil and gas.   The defense industry is a close second.  With techs virtually collapsing.   As Ukraine refuses to clear its ports of mines allowing clear transport of wheat and fertilizer, those markets continue to outperform making the wealth gap even greater as poverty spills into a preconceived global famine.    Still, despite the economy flailing specific markets are wholly manipulated via the ‘last hurrah’ before the WEF attempts to crash ALL retail given we will no longer be consumers.   Instead, Klaus has decreed that we will become a society of ‘service workers’ without the need to enjoy material things like homes, clothing, or cars.   Meaning manufacturing will come to a screeching halt!   Those countries most impacted will include China, Japan, the EU & the US.

Ukraine will be the bane eating up US weapon stockpiles.   Defense will resort to the one stockpile that has yet to be eliminated – nukes.   Iran will continue to be stoked by western led ‘activist violence’ destabilizing the region – including Israel.   Columbia will likely fall to the militant presidential candidate wreaking havoc on its stability.   Pulling the country into a stylized version of Venezuela.

THE ENTIRE stage is based on creating a global peasant class defined by hunger and the elimination of any class between poverty and massive wealth.   Accumulation of viable assets is the gamet – real estate, agriculture, farms, toys, and fuel depots.   Of course, the game once achieved will necessitate another RESET as boredom sets in and the wealth pyramid does what it has done throughout history – fight each other.

As in There Is No Honor Among Thieves…

President Trump Polls A Distraction – The EU Economy Was Tanking in 2019

Germany, under the thumb of communist/socialist Merkel is lamenting the achievements of Trump’s presidency because he has upended everything they held so dearly!   Specifically:   UNESCO, the Iran Deal, Paris Accord, Trans-Pacific Partnership, UN Relief for Palestine, UN Human Rights Council, Treaty on Open Skies, Intermediate Range Nuke Forces Treaty and WHO.

All of these alliances were core to the advancement of the New World Order Agenda, and all are floundering without US Money! Shucks!

Merkel is peeved because the US is refusing to continue propping up Germany & NATO members – and as a result Merkel is aligning further with Communist China.   Does she think China will foot their bill?

POLLS & STUDIES:   According to Deutsche Welle News, a survey was conducted by Pew Research of 13 countries, mostly in Europe.   According to Pew, their methodology was conducted via random calling or face-to-face, the only demographic was to always ask the youngest member of the household to respond.   And always using a sampling size of roughly 1500 per country with a margin of error of 3-4%. In each country, Pew utilized Langar Research Associates and Kantar UK.

Langar is so popular that they don’t appear in any Google search with the exception of their website.  Of Langar’s team of six, one worked for Bloomberg, one is connected to a past Obama affiliate, one leads projects for the Washington Post, one worked in the liberal Washington State ‘legislature’, and Gary Langar would appear to be a Democrat.

Obviously just another walk in the park of nonpartisan, unbiased, and unaffiliated bunch of rag tags…

Apparently, also according to PEW, all these same 13 allies view Xi Jinping more favorably than Trump.   Meaning, if we even accept the sampling methodology, which offers NO demographics at all, the EU prefers Communism.   At least that is what they want us to believe!

The study was technically commissioned by Germany and oddly found that Merkel was ranked #1 for favorability!   Ta-da!   Second was Macron, and third was Johnson.   Of course the fact that these three countries have reached negative growth nearing 2times that of the US seems to be a nonissue.

Polls and poll ‘studies’ have become so tainted that their reliability has to be purchased in order to achieve the outcome desired by the client.   As such, the use of demographics and fairness are viewed as too expensive and the numbers are simply ‘created’.

It truly is the data manipulation catastrophe of the 21st Century.   The assumption is that all data is true.   And thus the illusion lives.   It is the same mantra espoused as “Science” – although;   a) science is a philosophy,   b) scientists vary over the entire spectrum as to their conclusions, and c) peer review determines legitimacy – which is like having the wolf review other wolves as to who ate the chicken…  Okay, I digress.

The alternate Research company used by PEW was Kantar UK.   Their Partner list includes: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, and Snapchat. The only organization missing from these research company partners would be – Gates Foundation.

According to Open Secrets, PEW Trust donations include: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, John Hickenlooper, etc…   ALL democrats.   And yet – they are ‘nonpartisan’. Thereby making the term ‘nonpartisan’ an abject – absolute LIE.   This word needs to be eliminated from the english language.  Everyone is Partisan!   And therein is the world of DATA!

Somewhere in all this hogwashery, we are supposed to believe that no one would dare do anything to pillage our fair elections, because, everyone is just another Honest Abe – even in communist Germany. Really. Really?

Of course this would also explain the bizarre claim that EU citizens adore Communist China – as do Canadians and Australians.

The question is always – WHY? Why would the Shadow Government create this downward spiral called Economic Pandemic?

The Partial Answer:   Deflection. Distraction.

You see, prior to President Trump, the very basis that these ‘allies’ garnered in maintaining their economies was the influx of US taxpayer $$$$$$. When Trump sharply reigned in that spending through trade agreements their economies began to tank – well before CoVid!   Negative growth ruled for these supposed allies in 2019!

Except in the US.

A scapegoat was needed. That alternate reality needed a common demon. Just like 9-11, a common enemy is a powerful tool in rallying the American People.   Normally, inherently we are aligned in our support for each other.   Until that same tool is used to divide us.   And therein they implemented CoVid.

Utilizing CoVid as the enemy, the economies of the entire world were targeted for collapse.   You cannot rebuild a thriving economy – you can only ride in on a white horse to save the world when people are dying, when people are destitute.

China, the second largest economy needed the US trade deficit.   Without it, China had nothing.   After China, Japan and Germany rank 3rd and 4th respectively for US Trade Deficits.   The US is Germany’s Number 1 trade Partner. Germany’s defense budget is roughly $50 billion or 9% of total budget.   The US spends roughly 15% of its budget on the military – not including NATO.   Thus, the reason that Germany and other EU countries thrived with stellar growth figures was because they were propped up by US Taxpayer Funding!  You and I – supported the EU.  Nice Game.

When Trump began to scale back that funding the EU and China began to collapse. And those deficits won’t reverse, until/when the US returns to its provisional welfare attitude toward EU countries. Which means attempting to create a new common enemy – President Trump.

In other words, the economies of these 13 nations and China are completely illusionary and cannot be sustained without US dollars.   And that is what the Shadow Government does not want us to know.

We Pay so they can Play.

Back to Polls.

Polls are essential to the Game in order to sway and propagandize.   Sheep follow sheep.   Say a lie enough times and pretty soon everyone believes it.   Mark Twian bastardization of his quote.   Anywho, Polls and studies are being manipulated in order to deflect from the economic travesties – and attempt to focus instead on demonizing our sitting President.   Which numbers are truth? Which one’s lies?

It used to be that numbers were the go to in order to make a point, to prove an analytical response.   “Numbers don’t lie” –

With that mantra in mind, they sought the obvious most perverse manipulation possible – numbers.   If numbers don’t lie, no one will dispute them, and we can slowly begin to say anything we want – and no one will check the numbers.   It is like Common Core Math:   1+3 doesn’t necessarily = 4 if you can show a different result…  And parent’s still teach this crap.

For the first time in history, since NATO was formed and the 2% of GDP spending was stipulated – nine countries are slated to meet that mandate goal.   Nine out of 29 – 30%.   A mandate that few ever met without any consequence or repercussion.   Just like the Paris Accord.   NATO was formed in 1949.   71 years ago.   And the US has propped up every single member country via US Taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ every single year for 71 years.

You would think they’d love us…. but noooooooo.

Polls, numbers, stats, data, it’s like photoshopping a picture to erase the wrinkles and the chin, and whatever is your jollies.   Data, is manipulated.   But logic can still reign:   So tell me how much the EU likes the US vs China….   The EU likes the US for one reason and one reason only – to indebt our taxpayers in favor of raising theirs! Polls are a dead tool.   Data is only as good as its source.   Our Allies are NOT our friends.  Or perhaps it is just the government game and the people of our Allies are be defrauded…

Germany: A Welfare State Subsidized by the US

Germany has pledged to spend $40 billion on climate change initiatives claiming the goals established under the Paris Accord might now be reached by 2030 (although Germany failed to meet goals in 2015, 2018, and 2020).   The plan is to stimulate the purchase of electric vehicles, provide more electric power stations, tax polluting vehicles, improve heating systems and charge a green tax on airfare.  

As of 2016, 84 coal plants provide 42% of electric power.   While Germany has tried to reach sustainable renewable power through wind, solar, and biofuel, with emphasis on wind, a huge snag put a dent in that scheme. Wind farms that were supposed to have a useful life of 20-25 years are dying after 15 years, five years before their financial breakeven. Dismantling the worthless windmills is costly, includes transportation to a windmill ‘dump’ and has created a windmill graveyard.

But hey, Germany has a balanced budget, and a great economy! Right?

That is particularly true however, it is due to the fact that Germany initiated unfair trade tariffs with the US and has consistently refused to meet their 2% of GDP obligation on defense spending.   In 2017, Germany spent just over $45 billion representing 1.2% of GDP. Why the shortfall if they have the money within the budget ‘surplus’?

Because they don’t want to pay, its FREE socialist money extracted from US citizens.

Out of 26 EU countries comprising NATO, 3 contribute their fair share or more: Greece, Poland and Estonia.

The US has 35,000 troops and 13,000 civilians stationed in Germany for defense. When the US asked Germany to ante in some troops to aid in the Syrian conflict – Germany declined stating ‘they couldn’t move hastily’.

Rules of engagement – they decried!

We defend Germany. US taxpayers pay for the shortfall of 23 EU countries including Germany so that Germany can have a balanced budget. In fact, in 2014 Germany’s surplus budget was .6%. If they had held to their contractual obligation for defense, they would have had a budget deficit. Each and every year.  And instead of their debt shrinking – their debt would have been growing – just like the US.

In fact, including Germany 9 EU countries had a surplus budget, and eight of the nine contributed 25%-80% less than the required 2%: Netherlands, Sweden, Czech Republic, Denmark, Luxembourg, Bulgaria and Austria.

In essence, this means US taxpayers have been subsidizing the EU’s wealth to the detriment of our own trade and budget.

Germany’s response?

They have determined that by 2024, they ‘hope’ to reach a 1.5% defense spending level… Obviously contractual obligations between the EU and the US are meaningless to Germans. Nationalist pride – for Germans, disdain for the evil Americans.

Back to wind energy.

Wind turbines cost about $4million each.   There are roughly 30,000 wind turbines in Germany today.   That would require an investment of $120billion. Given the legal ramifications, Germany now has a two year wait for a wind turbine permit.  Issues have arisen that have hit the industry, including; distance from residential neighborhoods, legal disputes, a shorter lifespan than estimated, conservation, noise and endangered species killed by the blades.   And by 2021, thousands of the existing turbines will be demolished as they have outlived their lifespan, lifeless monuments.

So how will Germany supply the electricity for the mandated electric cars?   Coal.  That dirty, nasty coal that makes Germans sneer at the US.

$40 billion for electric cars to run on coal fired electricity generating plants – while demanding the US continue subsidizing the EU’s defense spending on NATO.

NATO has obviously outlived itself and become ‘nonessential’.

But Germany and France in particular need NATO as long as the US pays for it. Germany’s military is a disaster.   Their equipment is obsolete.  Jets and helicopters useless junk.  Merkel’s own military plane – defective.  A total of 3300 deployed military personnel.  Dysfunctional weapons.   Unfit naval vessels.   If Germany were attacked today, they would be obliterated without the US.   The US pays 14times what Germany and France each contribute to defense despite the US economy being just 5 times that of Germany and 6 times that of France.

So while the German economy looks inspiring from a simplistic view, the truth is it has thrived on the back of US taxpayers for decades while defending unfair tariffs and providing -0- military strength. Of course the Germans don’t like Trump. Trump has vowed to make Germany, France and the EU responsible for their defense obligations while normalizing tariffs. That will eliminate any surplus while creating a truth, a real Germany, economically accountable, reliant on its own defense.

Germany is essentially a welfare state of the US.  And Germans have come to believe they are entitled to US taxpayer income ‘redistribution’ to prop up their wealth.


Defense Contractors Fund “Charities” that Propagate War

The Forces behind the Forces includes the heavy weights who prop up, support, and fund an endless anti-Russia campaign.   Coincidentally, it would appear a few of the notables also profit from a war agenda and military destabilization; Raytheon, General Dynamics, DynCorp, Lockheed Martin, Saab, NATO, BAE Systems, Department of State, and George Soros. Conflict of interest? You BET!

Defense contractors funding organizations that promote the idea that a particular country is an ‘axis of evil’ seems a propaganda tool at best, and a conspiracy at worst.   Given these Defense contractors garner most of the revenue from government contracts, stoking tensions, possible wars, is in their best interest.

After WWII when defense spending climbed to it’s peak of 40% of GDP, a steady decline languished spending to a low of 3% of GDP until 2001 and the War on Terror was introduced. There were a few surges, Korean War, War on Iraq, the Cold War and of course, Vietnam.

Are the incursions we create simply props for these defense contractors to remain profitable?

The war on Russia seems to have taken a shift with the advent of newly formed lobbyist organizations whose sole purpose, it would seem, is to stoke a fire from ebbing embers. A number of these so-called “Charities” receive funding from governments…  It would seem the definition of a Charity has been morphed considerably!     The most dominant of these organizations include: The Atlantic Council, German Marshall Fund of the US, The Center For European Policy Analysis, and The Institute For The Study of War,

The Institute For The Study of War gained a rather notably shameful reputation when it was revealed that their expert on Syria, Elizabeth O’Bagy, was a fraud.   O’Bagy was an adamant proponent of bombing the regime while failing to reveal that she was part of a pro-Syrian rebel lobbying group. In addition, she lied about having obtained her PhD. McCain immediately hired her as a part of his staff upon her disgrace and firing.

Headed by Dr. Kagan, the bio’s of its analysts would indicate that they have an instrumental role in making final determinations regarding US strategy in the Middle East, specifically Syria, Iran and Iraq, as well as Russia, and Ukraine.   These senior analysts provide plans and exercises for the US military in implementing defeat.

The US takeover of Damascus has been a recent focus.

The German Marshall Fund is most notably – not German, but another DC ‘think-tank’ whose function would be to promote global inclusion and a liberal democracy wherein immigrants from the world over are embraced.   It also would appear to support globalization, and a rule of law and ‘authority’ promulgated by experts who make the military and government decisions – for them. With revenue over $28 million and assets over $200 million, their wealth accumulation is noteworthy…

The GMF undertakes round table discussions, some of which are considered by ‘invitation only’ and Chatham House Rules. Taking placer in London, strict rules are instituted which allow for open discussions that are completely and entirely forbidden from media or any other person that might compromise the secrecy.   In the past, this system has breeched economic ethics and order through market manipulation.

Currently, the relationship between Turkey and Russia are forefront topics.

The Center For European Research is headed by Daniel Gros, a German who co-authored the study for the design of the EU. He writes commentaries for Project Syndicate whose other authors include Bill Gates and George Soros and whose funding is derived from the Open Society Foundation, Die Zeit, a German publication utilizing the MacMillan name in the US, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

And finally, The Atlantic Council.   Initially formed to align European policy with US policy following WWII – a form of globalization.   By far the most powerful of all the aforementioned groups, they are intertwined in governments and militaries across the globe, receiving over $23 million in revenue nearly half of which is spent on ‘compensation’.   Their current CEO is Frederick Kempe, a journalist, and the Chairman of the Board is Jon Huntsman a Republican who has worked in the Obama administration and is now Ambassador to Russia under Trump.

The power that these organizations wield over our economic and political policies here in the US and across every region of the world, is enormous and can not be over-stated. But more importantly is who they represent, because it has nothing to do with The People and everything to do with maintaining discord.

Obama – Unemployment Down – Spending Up

Obama says he has single handedly put the economy back on track and brought unemployment down to under 5%!! WOW!

Of course, that self lauding can be means tested easily enough through a simple look at Federal Spending on the government website:

2008 vs 2015

  1. Healthcare is the largest budget item on the board with the Federal share topping out at $1.0186 trillion. In 2008 before Obama took office, that number was $671.4 billion. An increase of 51.7%.
  2. Pensions, the second largest Federal budget item were $668.7 billion in 2008 and have grown to $959.1 billion in 2015 – an increase of 44.3%.
  3. The third largest expense is Defense spending. In 2008 $729.6 billion compared to 2015 $799.7 billion – an increase of just 9.6%. Within that figure the largest increase in spending was in ‘foreign aide’ which increased by 68%. Actual Defense spending was down and spending for Veterans was up.
  4. The fourth largest budget item is Welfare. And this is what makes Obama’s statement about everyone back to work a bit odd. Welfare spending is up. If in fact everyone was back to work, if in fact unemployment was slashed, wouldn’t Welfare handouts also decrease? They didn’t. For some odd reason Welfare benefits (not including healthcare) went up 17% during the same time that unemployment was ‘slashed’.
  5. If we compare Welfare to the 2007 Budget which Obama references as the height of the crisis, it is even more disturbing. Welfare is up 44%. Unemployment in 2007 was roughly the same as what Obama claims it is now – just under 5%, yet Welfare spending went from $254 billion to $366.5.
  6. One other Budgeted expense that should be noted. Payments for police services – went down between 2008 and 2015.
  7. In 2009 when Obama first took office, the unemployment rate was the same that he states it is now – just under 5%.

While 2016 is obviously still a budgeted item with no real numbers available, Healthcare Expenses are expected to continue to rise by about $100 billion, Pensions will rise by about $40 billion, spending on Education will drop, Foreign Aid will increase by 18%, and Welfare, a projection of employment vs unemployment, that’s expected to increase by another $30 billion or roughly 8%.

If we factor in the Welfare Benefits paid for Healthcare on a Federal, State and Local level with standard Welfare, the 2016 Budget Estimate is $1.0564 trillion. In 2008 the payments were $731.3, a rise of 44.45% despite the fact that unemployment is supposedly equal.

What that says?

It explains why Obama tooting his own horn at how better off everyone is now that he’s fixed everything, doesn’t add up mathematically. It shows that the actual cost of Healthcare continues to rise despite the notion that Obamacare will make it ‘more affordable’. It shows that there is either some monkeying around with the unemployment numbers, or being on Welfare is much more profitable that working. It shows that spending on Foreign Aid is another type of Welfare – just that it is for other countries. And that the budget might be well below actual Truth given it makes no reference to Syria, Yemen, Ukraine or Iraq where we are well aware that $$$$$$$$ will fly.

And it explains why we just no longer trust ANY politicians, they fudge the Truth to the point of absolute Betrayal.

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” JK Rowling.

Ashton Carter – Theoretical Physics Does Not Win Wars

So Ashton Carter is ruffled. His bristles are suddenly directed at Russia and China. Russia because they are showing a better tactical gain in Syria and that makes Obama look bad, and China because Xi Jinping doesn’t give a hoot what Obama thinks about the South China Sea, and that makes Obama look like a weakling.

Who is Carter and where does he hail from? Harvard of course, not unlike a good many of the World Order eminences. What did he do before being Secretary of Defense? He was head of all procurements overseeing over $600 billion per year. WOW! Uh-oh wait,  you mean the guy who lost billions in funds, the guy who allowed billions of waste and mismanagement, the same guy who built fortresses of sand that later melted and returned to dust, the guy who built a $43 million gas station, the exact same guy who was responsible for the corruption and fraudulent waste in our government defense spending? And today, we find that DHS, whose budget is the foreshadow of Ashton Carter has spent a bedazzling $1billion to digitize one document.

Yeh, that guy.

That’s the same guy who is now putting Russia and China on an alert pedestal as being more evil than ISIS. Of course we need to understand that this man has never actually served in the military – ever. He has no military background at all, but he does have a prestigious degree in Theoretical Physics. What is that? Well, it’s a branch of physics in which theorems are used to predict outcomes. So, if I spend $1 billion to digitize a document, the theory would state that I get in trouble, but the mathematical chances of getting caught are …whatever.

Still, his dire warning with respect to Russia and China is in their refusal to voluntarily join in the New World Order. That’s what makes these countries targets.   And he’s so miffed, Carter is going to tell the world they are bad, and we need to make sure every tabloid in the country says so.  In fact, that’s exactly what makes them fearsome, they will not cave.

Where did Carter come from? He previously worked for the Aspen Strategy Group, a subsidiary of the Aspen Institute which is a Soros funded and operated institution. Their stated purpose is to direct what policy makers in DC decide to do…er, that’s code for they tell all the idiots how to vote and what to say because they haven’t a brain to work on their own. In addition, Carter is/was on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations, a liberal membership organization, ‘think tank’, whose distinguished members include Hillary, Bill and Soros. Ta-Da!   Other interesting members include the Carlyle Group, and odd names like Warren Beatty, Priscilla Presley, George Clooney and Katie Couric??? I imagine these are the press arms that report what they are told to report, think like they are told to think, and maneuver like robots when told to act so. A motley crew that like to think they are going to be included in the New World Order to be sure and grovel under the wings of Soros.

Carter also formerly served as a consultant to Goldman Sachs advising them in technology and defense, and served as a consultant for MitreTek Systems, advising them on international affairs… Seems a bit odd to me. Like providing insider information to an investment firm? Let’s not forget this guy is a physics major, non-military, advising on military tactics to a company that makes market selections for clients like – maybe Carter and Clinton? And we wonder why we’re losing against ISIS?

It also speaks to why more and more we find the ideals ingrained in Putin and Xi Jinping quite powerful, not because we necessarily agree with them, but because in their hearts they are nationalists. They believe in their country. They believe in their people. And that belief is a powerful fragrance that seems lost in the US, Canada, UK and most of Europe where leadership is about hob-nobbing, porn, lying, cheating, and throwing your country to the wolves. We can respect integrity.

History: In WWI, the allies included Russia, Britain, France, Italy, US, and most of Europe. The bad guys were Germany and the Ottoman Empire. The country that lost the most lives and suffered the greatest casualties was Russia. France came in second.

In WWII the allies were again Russia, US, UK and China! The bad guys were Germany, Austria, and Italy. The country that lost the most lives was Russia, then China, then Poland! We won these wars because of our allies! And now we demonize those allies and hail great laudings upon our former foes.

It truly is a topsy-turvy world in which we no longer know who is good, who is bad, who we should fear.

And I imagine that is why the propaganda the media blathers hourly is so filled with disinformation even they don’t have a clue what is up and what is down any longer. They operate like marionettes and don’t seem to mind much as long as the promised land is pledged to them…

We are a powerful force when we choose to be. But when led by mutant generals and commanders who lack fundamental ethics and integrity, well, we lose.  The outcomes of Vietnam and Korea would serve as evidence of their blundering intelligence and their allegiance to politics and politicians instead of to man and to country. Their core is rooted in ego, and is rotting in political power dung.

Just saying’…