Thee CIA Drug Cartel & The Zionist Smart Cities

The White House and Pentagon are oddly silent regarding who operated the drone that hit the US Base in Jordan.   The reference is consistently ‘Iran Backed Drone” without designating what terrorist group is behind the controls.  Normally, such an attack would be cause for a terrorist group to gloat a victory – yet they are silent, begging the question was the drone actually an errant Israeli drone – given the location? 

Tower 22, the base that was hit by the drone is located near the demilitarized zone on the border between Jordan and Syria, the Iraqi border is 6 miles away.  The US has over 16 bases lining the western coast of Iran – on the east side, the US has another 8+ bases bordering Iran.   Other high security bases litter the Middle East but are not disclosed for ‘security’.   How a drone could fly undetected and ‘follow a US drone’ to the base before detonating is not logical.

The Houthi’s have been operating in the Red Sea exclusively as of late – their focus on Israel.   Hezbollah has been operating out of Iraq, not Iran.   Hezbollah rose to prominence after the assassination of Saddam Hussein who, with American support, began a war with Iran that cost over a million lives.   After Saddam declared himself no longer aligned with the US in 2003, America invaded Iraq.

Using the pretext of the attack being Iranian simply bolsters Israel’s desire for the carpet bombing of Iran.   So why does Israel so despise Iran that it wants the country disintegrated?  The popular narrative is to blame Hamas and Hezbollah as being Iran backed and funded.   But that isn’t the actual truth.   A)   Hamas is Sunni – Iran is Shiite.  B)   Hamas believes that Zionists want to take over the world.   C)  Hamas is funded by Qatar, USAID, UN, Iran, and thru a plethora of NGO’s and investment earnings.

Hezbollah is funded primarily through Lebanese businessmen who trade in Africa’s diamond market.   Other funding comes from the European Union and Germany.  While the US has accused other governments of funding, none of these countries have authenticated the accusation.

Enter Colombia drug market and the pissed off CIA:

The CIA drug running activities have allegedly included Colombia, Venezuela, Korea, Afghanistan, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, etc…   According to Gary Webb, an American journalist who wrote scathing accounts of the CIA and was subsequently assassinated, the CIA had massive ongoing activities in Nicaragua via the contra affair – cocaine.   DEA Agent Enrique Camarena discovered the CIA operation in Mexico – he too was assassinated.  Alfred McCoy claimed the CIA was harvesting the heroin in Afghanistan and protected the Drug Lords.

Hezbollah is a Shiite militant organization based in Lebanon.  They also are heavily involved in the drug trade operating across Europe, Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico.   In other words, the drug trafficking Mafia CIA is fighting the drug trafficking Mafia Hezbollah for territory.   And Iran was thrown in as the enemy to appease Israel which then created ISIS.  The purpose of which was to take out Syrian and Iraqi Shiite Muslims.

What the Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas have in common is their support for Palestine and their desire for all foreign bases and interference in the Middle East to be quashed.  What the CIA wants is zero competition.

The illicit drug trade in the US alone is valued at over $150 billion.  Worldwide, the trade is worth over $650 billion.   The White House under Senator Sheldon Whitehouse would seem to be uninformed as to the magnitude of US CIA involvement as he declares the US should be the global police of the trafficking trade…

Or perhaps Mr. Sheldon is more than aware of the CIA involvement and wants to ensure that the US remains the #1 Cartel.  His focus is to curb China’s trafficking in order to facilitate the Department of Justice’s ability to confiscate money laundered funds from the other Cartels.  He makes no mention of Colombia, Afghanistan, Venezuela, etc…  because that would open questions.

Drugs are part of the agenda.   Drugs are not simply causing overdose deaths, they are turning humans into rapid animals.   The animals defecate on streets, beat up police officers, and commit heinous crimes in inner cities with the ultimate purpose of mass exodus of the sane.

Gaza could be a test case.   With the end result, or RESET, being a recreation.  Because – no one will care when only criminals and zombies are massacred….  or carpet bombed in US cities given their lapse into hell.

Enter the Smart Cities Council:

Servicing ‘stakeholders’, the Council envisions extravagant smart cities that are virtually playgrounds for the elite – such as Dubai .   In November 2023, the Council hosted a summit on ‘building tomorrow’s sustainable urban ecosystem in – Orlando Florida using Altamonte Springs as an example of their success.   The panel included Florida state government officials.  Most residents in Altamonte rent their homes.  Institutional investors are the primary owner.

Through its subsidiary, Home Partners, Blackstone is buying up homes and offering ‘lease to own’ options.  Blackstone CEO is Stephen Schwarzman, a Zionist republican who favored Hillary and Romney.   He was also a favorite of Trump who positioned him and JP Morgan’s Dimon in the White House as advisors.  Schwarzman also works closely with China’s CCP

Home Partners:  Example.  A house in Sorrento is offered for $375,490 with monthly rental of $2660 or $32,000 per year.   The ‘right to purchase’ value of the home is 10% over the current list price and continues to grow each year.   The owner would pay an upfront security deposit for the right to buy.   The lease amount does not apply toward the house and financing must be through a proven third party.

Essentially, this concept was derived from 1980’s communist ideology in Poland.  You prepay for the privilege of buying but don’t take actual ownership/possession until a future date at an inflated price.  The owner of the property is guaranteed profit no matter what the actual real estate climate is in the future.

This is how small communities become smart cities wherein you will own nothing and be happy… Urban smart cities require the removal of valued residents before they can be carpet bombed like Gaza.

Media Spins are rife with falsities.   But money would be central to nearly every spin.   The CIA operates as a Cartel.   Investment Institutions operate like communist power blocs.   And Home Ownership will become a pact among billionaires.

The Rules Based Order Crash Landed & No Plan B in Sight

In a detailed paper written by CSIS scholars unnamed, China is discussed from its initial rise to its current demise.   Central to the paper is their statements that China’s rise was completely under the thumb of America in order to combat an assertive Soviet Union.  Therefore, the US began to “selectively strengthen Chinese military capabilities, selling, among other things, advanced torpedoes, laser-guided artillery shells, and Black Hawk helicopters, while permitting increased commercial ties.”   In fact, the paper states that Washington hoped to be China’s mentor much like Britain mentors the US…

Apparently, the notion of a partnership with China dissolved – as it became a competitor.   According to the illustrious view of CSIS – they note an illicit aspect to China’s growth over the past 50 years is due to its massive espionage campaigns, its use of intellectual property theft (something that predates the 1949 revolution), and its predatory commercial practices.

Oddly, the US was apparently aware of all these aspects of China given they predate the 1949 revolution and still chose to make China their colony.  Just as America is a colony of Britain.  Unfortunately, this couldn’t happen because Bad China does not respect rules for trade and IP protections.  Still, optimistic Westerners hoped this would change as China matured and adopted global norms, such as the Rules Based Order.

But China didn’t actually steal IP, it was handed to them by our esteemed research centers R&D at prestigious universities like Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford via the Thousand Talents Program.  The program was elevated in 2010 through the cooperation and incentivizing of the Obama Regime.  We gave China US R&D for free, and then allowed them to manufacture the products that we then – imported.

The Talent Program operated with government approval in the US, Canada, Australia, and South Korea.

Rules Based Order.   Washington is King of the world via the milieu of agencies it concocted since 1945 ~ according to CSIS.   Those countries that do not join The Order are thereafter economically, or physically – destroyed.

According to the Lowy Institute, President Trump single-handedly forever altered The Order which created massive turmoil that hampers the power of the United States to be the central global power vacuum.   As such the Lowy Institute volleys different reactions to this ‘turmoil’ from forcible indoctrination of unfriendly nations to the abandonment of grandiose schemes and acceptance of The Order pertaining to just the US and its allies.  Globalization is dead.

According to Lowy, The Rules Based Order has prevented all wars and endured 70 years of peace…

Officially, they are acknowledging that the Rules Based Order – is dead on arrival.  It is worth noting that the Lowy Institute, based in Australia, was founded by Zionist Frank Lowy who has dual citizenship with Israel.  It is a fair conclusion that the Rules Based Order was a Zionist creation.

While president, both Barack and Michelle celebrated their disdain for America and white people.   Yet, they continue to live here.   None of the previous presidents have opted to live elsewhere despite pummeling America.   Barack and Michelle did not move to Africa as was speculated.   IF America was going to crumble any time soon, we could expect to see some hefty real estate pop up on the sales market.

The Clintons have estates in DC and New York.   Obama’s have estates in New York, Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard.   Bush has a couple homes in Texas.   Despite the gloomy outlook provided by CSIS and Lowy, it appears America is still ranked #1 by the wealthy.   So how and why do they stay if ‘der party ist over’?

While the BRICS continue to expand having topped the G-7 in cumulative GDP, CSIS claims that the D-10 alliance is the new G-7 and should become closer.   Launched by The Atlantic Council in 2014, D-10 refers to the ten leading democracies of the world comprising 60% of people living in democracies?   Anywho – EU Union, US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan and South Korea comprise the unit.   The fact that Italy, France and Germany are part of the EU Union and the total gang is 11 members seems to allude the logic of the Atlantic Council which is more likely to embrace Common Core Math.

The Atlantic Council writes:  “Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran,” writes Brands, “are the new ‘have not’ powers, struggling against the ‘haves’: Washington and its allies.”  What  Brand does claim is that the United States was unprepared for the current pivots away from its dominatrix role.  There is no Plan B.

Even more debilitating to The Order is the chaos Netanyahu interjected into the Middle East which has now become a nightmare for shipments in the Red Sea.   This transit route affects Europe quite negatively as their market continues to be Asia.   EU imports and exports were already falling in 2023, contributing to the recession that has now gripped Germany.   China leads in EU imports – which must traverse through the Red Sea to reach Europe.

So the US is picking up the slack, albeit at much heftier prices compared to China.   Which has contributed to the significant decline in European GDP’s and their flailing economies.   Losing oil imports from Russia seriously tanked the economies.  And Ukraine grifting off the EU and US has created a hole in trade.   In addition, Ukraine exports in 2023 dropped an additional 24% in grain and oilseed and a whopping 35% for corn.  Ukraine export partners include:  China, Poland and Turkey.   China exports require passage thru the Red Sea.

With Ukraine still sopping up Western weapons and money, and China trade reeling, Europe is losing ground.  As a D-10 Alliance this makes for Broke Back America.

Trade is the single Bulwark of prosperity.  Biden has declared that overseas jobs have been eradicated and the US is manufacturing more than ever.   But that wouldn’t be true.   Manufacturing is dominant for computer chips – which don’t make beds, furniture, food, or houses.  In addition, Manufacturing is not an indicator of prosperity because it includes unsold inventories.   Warehouses filled with stuff that consumers can’t afford to buy.   According to the Fed, manufacturing took a nosedive in 2008 remained flat, took a nosedive in 2020 and remains flat.

By comparison, manufacturing steadily rose 550% between 1960 and 2008.  Between 2000 and 2010, the US lost one third of its manufacturing jobs – particularly lower skilled labor.   Perhaps the illegal immigrants will fill vacancies…  Millions of jobs that simply disappeared.  The reasoning?  Globalization displacement – contributing to the trade deficit which now stands at roughly $1 trillion.   Instead, the focus became “Research & Development” – ie, money holes.

China became the manufacturer for ideas developed in US research.   The US spent $792 billion on R&D in 2021, 400% more than China and nearly double what it spent in 2010.   Does R&D increase revenue or GDP?  It is an expense, and thus reduces taxable revenue.  It is overused.   It is so filled with IRS loopholes that the Big Six, Amazon, META, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia now categorize absurd expenses under this loophole to qualify for the ‘tax credit’.   In other words – R&D is a flim-flam.

In order for a New Order to be initiated via the US and its D-10/11, a focus on production would necessitate lower wages to be competitive.   Americans won’t accept that price gap given the Feds artificially inflated the economy making everything unaffordable.   So no, they don’t have a viable Plan B.   They have a failed Plan A.  And 20 million unskilled illegal immigrants.   Organ anyone?

IRAN: Good Guy – Bad Guy – A PR Campaign

For over 100 years our government has told us who are the bad guys and who are the good guys.   And we dutifully believed because our government would never lie to us – it was unfathomable.   Today, our government is caught lying daily.   About everything.   No PR campaign can undo what has been revealed.    Everything we were told was fake – is real, and everything we were told is real has been found to be fake.   Therefore, we can assume this fakery will continue unabated because it is all they know.

IRAN.   Iran is the bad guy.  Why?   The Label began with the Iranian overthrow of the US inserted Shah of Iran – Shah meaning king – in 1979.   The UK had been given control over Iranian oil since the early 1900’s.  When that control was taken away in 1952 – the British declared war on Iran.   A coup by the US and UK followed with CIA intervention quite prominent via Alan Dulles – inserting the western backed Shah.

In 1963, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini emerged as the most powerful voice of opposition, denouncing the shah as a “wretched, miserable man” and a puppet of American and Israeli masters.   He was arrested at the behest of the CIA and Mossad.  In 1979 a Revolution of Iranian college students took US embassy workers prisoner.   Carter botched it.   The Shah was expelled and the Ayatollah took command.  Today, it is deemed to have been a religious war given the Shah was ‘secular’.  But the reality is Oil and Control.

ANY country that opposes US colonization is deemed a ‘terrorist’.  Iran had defied the western colonization and thereafter became Enemy Number 1.

Later, Bush branded Iran and its “terrorist allies” as part of “an axis of evil, aiming to threaten the peace of the world.”   The U.S., aka George Bush, charged Iran with sponsoring terrorism, pursuing weapons of mass destruction, exerting a destabilizing influence in western Afghanistan, and possibly harboring Al Qaeda fugitives…  Without evidence.  But the lie stuck.

Certainly, our government would never lie to us…

Like Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Yemen, etc…, the punishment for fighting colonization is death, destruction, and economic suppression.  Iran was simply another enemy to pile on the list that is now far greater than the list of our allies!!

Does Iran have laws that don’t align with our value structure?   You betcha!   But the West also embraces laws that don’t align with our value structure – as in illegal border invasion, bribery of politicians, illegal stock market gains, pedophilia, child molestation, etc…. Yet, Iran isn’t bombing the US because of our failures and abuses.  Neither is China.   Neither is Russia.   But all these countries are Enemy Number 1 because they will NOT allow US colonization.

As a Bad Guy Campaign – Nikki Haley has declared Iran must be wiped off the face of the earth and American Taxpayers should be willing to spend every last dollar – to do so!!!

And the reasoning given is ‘Human Rights’.    Because that tugs on moral ethics and ‘victimhood’.

The West derives its power thru accusations without evidence.  Just like the E. Jean Carroll assassination of President Trump – no evidence.   It is a legal manipulation that has tripped our judicial system into the realm of ‘guilty until proven innocent’.   A communist doctrine born within dictatorships.   Like the US.

Some countries have come to understand how this manipulation of propaganda distorts reality.  But westerners have become so ingrained with the assumptions and belief that we are the “Good Guy” unraveling is a long and arduous task.   Just because a country’s culture is different, does not mean they are evil, nor does it mean they must become a western colony in order to be “good”.   But that is – the mantra that got us in this Twilight Zone time warp.

The Wall Street Journal has published an article declaring that UNRWA employees were complicit with Hamas.   The ‘dossier’ was compiled by the Mossad.   It makes broad allegations but fails to cite evidence.   This damning dossier was released just days after the UN found Israel guilty of genocide and asked them to pinky swear never-ever do it again.   Whereupon Israel killed another 300 Palestinians.   Ignored the vacant assertion and began compiling a nonevidence based file of allegations, assertions, and libel.

Like the Steele Dossier, this is a PR stunt and asserts the communist judicial law of – prove my allegations wrong…

Despite these being allegations and not investigated or proven facts, western allied nations all came to the same conclusion – guilty until proven innocent.  Like the January 6ers.   Communism in full display!

Interestingly, one country has come out calling for factual evidence of the claims and an investigation – Saudi Arabia.  Not a western backed, judicially democrat nation – not the EU Commission bent on reigning as a Leadership, and not Amnesty International which has seemingly completely disappeared from asserting itself in any conflict any longer.   Even the same UN that called Israel out for genocide is seemingly panicking given the flagrant Zion death wish, claiming they have already fired everyone Israel named BEFORE an investigation.

Allegations no longer need proof ~ according to the Western Bloc.   Why?  Because, Israel is a good guy and would never-ever lie…  Meanwhile, UNRWA has declared they won’t have any more money to give Palestinians as of February 1, because they spent it all?   According to the last audited FS by the United Nations 2022 – cash and cash equivalents were $233 million and growing each year.

In addition to stopping aid money via the UN, Israel has been confiscating $188 million of Palestinian money – every month since November.   The tax money is legally the property of the PLO per the Oslo Accords.  But like Ukraine – Israel never upheld the Oslo Accords.  Nor did it intend to do so – any more than Ukraine/Merkel intended for the Minsk Agreement to be upheld.   It is this inability to adhere to documented contracts that has ultimately led to the Western Fall from Grace.

And Netanyahu has given us the EVIDENCE.

While a disgraceful UN continues to thrive based on its “Peace Accomplishments”…   The US has been involved in 108 Wars since 1776.   There are roughly 10 wars ongoing across the globe.   This is what the United Nations declares to be ‘peacemaking’.   According to a Swedish report, there have been 285 war/conflicts since the UN was created in 1945.  Not exactly a stellar accomplishment…

Despite declaring that Israel is guilty of genocide, this Twilight Zone saga of UN corruption instead commits its website to the abhorrent October 7 terrorism while calling the annihilation of Palestinians and their land – a hostility.  And goes on to dedicate observation of the Holocaust.   The Holocaust is used up.  It’s over.   It has been over for 75 years!   Victimhood is an emotional disease.

It is disheartening – to say the least – to learn that the country you love is run by psychopaths and pathological liars, but at least, Now we Know.  

EMPIRES FALL – US Consumerism created in 1921

France Farmers set for face-off against police.   German farmers strike against German police.   US farmers and truckers stage protest at Mexico Border.   Trudeau looses fight supporting Emergency Act to quell trucker convoy.   Sweden defies WEF.   Hungary aligns with Russia.   Israel kills 130 UN workers and 88 journalists without consequences.   Protests against Zionism rise across the world!   Four more African countries leave US/West alliance for Russia.   Western coup candidate in Venezuela disqualified.

Colombia’s far left wing newly couped president is calling for ‘international aid’ amidst unprecedented wildfires – caused by ‘heat’?   In order for wood to catch fire – the heat must be a minimum of 700’F.   Heat alone does NOT cause wildfires.   Parched prairie ground is combustible only when that heat is ignited by a flame such as a cigarette, or an arsonist.  Wildfires too must be sparked by a source because heat and dryness alone only cause dryness, sparks are manmade.  Wildfires don’t ‘break-out’, they are contrived most often by climate ‘activists’ paid to create destruction. 

Why?  To support pollution – to support climate change – to deflect – and because evil is inherent in some humans – to transcend a failure into a New Era via Sustainable Parlance of Destruction.

During the riots that engulfed Chile, towns and forests were ‘set’ on fire – by arsonists.   Australia’s biggest fire ever was the product of over 200 teens paid to start the fires that killed over 2 billion Kuala bears – and destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares of land and homes.  Last summer, the Canadian wildfires were determined to have been caused by 13 individuals – arsonists.  Maui lays in waste – by manmade fire.  Palisade California = wasteland.

Because trees consume carbon dioxide, wildfires release that carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causing “Climate Change’.   Manmade.  To destroy the natural ecosystem on earth.

Countries across the globe are awakening.   Away from woke ideologies.   Away from a falling empire – small ‘e’.   The West.  Every empire that falls goes through a metamorphosis just prior to their collapse.   Before the British Empire, the Plategenet Dynasty was the European dominant with constant rivalry between France and Britain.  They Fell.

An Empire has as its goal, global domination.

When Rome fell, so did Jerusalem as Jerusalem was a vassel state of Rome under Herodian rule practicing Hellenistic culture.  A Greek colonization in the fourth century BC – Alexander’s Empire.   Hebrew peoples were subjects of the Empire.   While the term ‘Jew” had yet to be created for use, there were two separate factions of “Hebrews”;  Hellenistai and Hellenes. Hellenes were considered Greek pagans, barbarians who plundered and established tyrannies .   In AD 70, the orthodox Hellenistai were driven out of Jerusalem and Palestine to Syria.

Empires Fall.

By their very definition, Empires rule via fear, tyranny, torture and depopulation.   The Western Empire is no different.   Historically, every Empire faces a cycle of decline and recovery before being conquered and eliminated due to their ‘exhausted resources’ as a result of constant wars.   Not unlike what the Western Empire is facing today.

The difference TODAY?   The Fall is premeditated.  The purpose is to distract from ‘who’ caused the destruction of our financial, economic, judicial and industrial production due to their incompetence.   Ego.   The Ego that defined Cain and Abel.   The ego that defines every tyrannical leader.   Via greed and want – re-marketed as ‘consumerism’.

First coined by Sydney Reeve in 1921, consumerism is a bulwark of capitalism.   The ideology was that acquisition and consumption make for ‘happiness’.   The means toward this happiness was work.   Endless work.   Specifically, working for the large corporations and conglomerates that promoted work as a means toward consumption happiness while raping the ‘consumers’.

Just as the Rockefeller Institute first created the mass production of Pharma and vaccines, the United Fruit Company exemplified the power that mass consumption could contribute to – elite wealth.  Buy – Lavishly.   In 1927, Edward Cowdrick began advising corporations on how to ‘create demand’ where it didn’t exist – ‘The New Economic Gospel of Consumption’.   Creating an insatiable appetite.   All – to feed the Cartels of greed.

Edward Cowdrick worked for the Rockefeller establishment.  

The Western Empire was built on these false epithets of Zionism – wherein the means to rule globally must be derived from the backs of indebted peasants.  Like ‘microloans’ in Africa.   Unfortunately, the pillars that were created to rule via this ideology failed.   The peasants woke up.   And the elite couldn’t hide their $40 trillion indebtedness accumulated on the backs of the Peasant Class – you and I.

And as history delineates, Empires Fall after economic disparity and poorly designed warfare absorb the universe into a deficit of Bankruptcy.   The US – is Bankrupt.   Europe is – Bankrupt.   And the World Economic Forum’s attempt to reverse the damage of its own elite by suddenly stating that consumerism and capitalism, the same ideologies they created, are failures.  “You will be happy with nothing” ~ Klaus Schwab.  Is Their Last Ditch Effort – to reverse the damage to the masses while preserving their own wealth of greed.

History would also reveal that attempting to reverse the trajectory – does not work.  Specifically, if done by the Creators.

IF Trump is truly educated in these historical maelstroms, he can, as an outsider, take it down.  But the takedown means a re-creation.   From scratch.   With the tyrannical dissolution of the previous Empire built on Zion.   While there have been reversals in history, they were predated by a complete Darkness or – a war absorption –

As in – Another Regime.  As in the BRICS.   

BORDER INVASION – A Legal Unraveling of Treason

The Border Invasion brings with it a plethora of issues that the democrats seemingly embrace, including;   diseases, gang violence, child trafficking, chaos, murder, and a proposed Civil or Revolutionary War.   It appears the FBI and Military intend to use these men to fight and kill Americans – providing them with the means, guns – while decrying gun violence and calling for confiscation.   And Texas is taking a stand.

Like the US Military, FBI recruitment necessitates a relaxation of requirements for enlistment due to large shortages in personnel.  In particular, those lax requirements include; weight, education (high school not required), drug use, mental acuity, IQ development, physical fitness, and experience – opening the door to the illegal immigrant young men invading our border.   Would this be “Legal”?

The potential Election of Nikki Haley is looking rather lame.   Biden requires more and more drugs just to exist on stage for five minute intervals.  The protests across France and Germany are fueling and reinvigorating a power struggle that has been brewing for 3 years.   And unrest is growing stronger – but is that what they want?   Are we falling into their designed plan?

Does Texas have The Constitutional right?

Article IV Relationships Between the States

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”

What constitutes an invasion per legal review:   “gangs operating within the territory of a U.S. state, may fall under the category of invaders, provided their criminal activity reaches a scale or degree of organization that deliberately overthrows or curtails the lawful sovereignty of the state.”   The basic point is ‘entry and enmity’.  They must show active hostility.   Given the vast majority of the ‘invaders’ are nonwhite and the Biden White House is adamantly inciting antiwhite ideology, that alone could qualify the definition.

What is a Republican government?   A government which is elected.   Nonelected officials have no power over The People according to the US Constitution.   These nonelected officials would include the Federal Reserve, NIH, CDC, EPA, SEC, SSA, CIA, IRS, FTC, USAID, etc…  They are independent of the government and thus have no authority over The People according to The Constitution.  We have zero obligation to do as they say….

Over the span of three years, between 6 million and 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border.   The vast majority are flown into Mexico via the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Carter NGO – Welcome.US which utilizes donated and prebought airline tickets – buses – trains – and ships to offload.

In 2021, Biden passed a widespread law that outlines how illegals can be exempt from the normal processes for naturalization.  The law says that “any alien who… at the time of application for a visa, or… for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.”

However, the plethora of exemptions has made the ‘public charge’ rule baseless.  Included in those exemptions is “EXEMPTIONS ALSO INCLUDE – every single one of the inadmissible aliens that the Biden administration has let into the country since January 2021.” ~ The Heritage Foundation.

The fact that half the States are now backing Texas creates a blue/red civil war as the split between those who support the invasion and those who oppose.   A convoy of truckers are making their way to Texas to aid in the ‘oppose’.   The timing is interesting in that Canada’s Supreme Court just ruled that Trudeau’s application of the Emergency Act to quell the truckers protesting last year – was unconstitutional.   Setting the precedent against Biden.

Of course, the border crisis is a backpack on the Ukraine Funding Crisis wherein Biden is asking for $60 BILLION to buy new weapons from Lockheed, Raytheon, and Northrup after depleting our inventory thru donations to Ukraine.   The Trump wall that was denied was a request for $5 billion – for reference purposes.

Biden’s lawyers are claiming that an ‘invasion’ must be defined as coming from a ‘foreign army’. 

Are cartels facilitating the border crossings considered a foreign army?  Yes.  Because they bring in drugs, arms, and illegal substances in order to murder American citizens.   Fentanyl deaths are the direct result of these cartels crossing into the US illegally.

James Madison, the father of the US Constitution, labeled an invasion as ‘foreign hostility’.   Given he was an author of the document, I imagine his definition would take precedence over WH lawyers and media pundit’s definition who had no parlay in the drafting of either The Constitution or Bill of Rights.

“Section 4 of Article IV includes any unwanted unlawful entry that harms or threatens to harm the interests of the state or states invaded and the citizens therein. “  Articles of Confederation, the states sought to provide “for their common defense … against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of … any … pretense whatever.”

The term ‘invasion’ is hugely impactful given hundreds of NGO’s and Catholic churches are facilitating and funding this border crisis.   In addition 3 living  previous presidents of the US are facilitating this foreign hostile invasion making them complicit in treason.   They desperately need the term quashed!

Among the invaders are criminals of other nations – Venezuela, known terrorists, cartels selling illegal drugs, and migrants carrying diseases without quarantine.  A Health Invasion.

Had the Biden Handlers processed the illegal invasion via the proper protocols of medical tests, drug tests, and criminal affiliations, Biden Handlers might have a case.   Had the NGO’s provided a process for properly ensuring that the migrants were not a threat to Americans – If Mayorkas had made any attempt to quell the sheer numbers instead of inflaming them – the White House might have a case.

But they specifically chose not to.  They specifically failed to attempt to secure the border.  THUS, they are fundamentally complicit in purposefully violating the US Constitution and should be subject to all criminal consequences therein.

US Government Debt & Spending Run By Lawyers; SCRAPE

Media Pundits are calling for an audit of the Federal Government.   As a former CPA, I can assure you that at this point, such a brainstorm is laughable.  By the time an audit was finished in 2035 It would have no value.   The government isn’t even sure how many agencies and subagencies it operates and funds – much less how much is spent.   The Pentagon lost $3 trillion before 9-11.   USAID gives away money like Skittles.   And the flow of government NGO funding is thru a maize of offshore entities, foreign entities, and more anonymous middlemen than a New York Times article!

Yet somehow, our esteemed liberal loonies have claimed to track down $5.6 million that was paid to Trump hotels for conventions, parties, and vacations that is deemed ‘foreign interference’’.   The deflection from Joe and Hunter Biden’s escapades and their mélange of friends, family and associate Big Guy partnerships – is lame duck.   None of which will make it to a DOJ court before the 2024 election.

  1. Hunter did not declare the ‘income’, the investments, or Joey’s involvement. He filed false tax returns, lied in alimony court, and funneled untaxable money to family members illegally.  By contrast, Trump’s legitimate hotel businesses simply made money and reported it correctly.
  2. The Biden’s were taking money for pay-for-play bribes, as opposed to legitimate business dealings. The SPIN is Trump’s ‘greed’.

Yet, still the focus is on a few million while the Pentagon manufactures fake books, maintains black books, upholds cash bribes, and funds mercenaries while trying to claim it is all miscellaneous expenses in order to balance the Balance Sheet.   Which is NOT within the limits of Accounting regulations.  It would take another 10 years for an Economic Major DOJ to figure out what the audit meant and another 10 years to figure out what to do!!!

The only way to Balance The Pentagon budget would be to wipe it clean and start from scratch.   Fire 70% of the administrative employees and hire some brainiacs to monitor expenditures.   Not just of The Pentagon but of every agency.   Financials would be due by February 28th and subject to penalties, interest and possible jail for deviations.  No funding until the books are uncooked.

The fact that government has been allowed to skate the same requirements imposed on those taxpayers funding them, is beginning to find sure footing by The People.  

As Haley’s popularity fails among anyone other than democrats and rhino’s, Obama is looking to call it a fold for Biden sometime in May so as to insert Big Mike.   Such a move would solidify the anti-white genocide and ramp it into hypersonic mode.  It would also drive the US significantly closer to a civil war.   All of which is designed to RESET the $40 trillion in debt that the US can never reduce or pay!  But would ALSO destroy the accumulated wealth of the elite as their properties would be targeted.

Just in time, the GDP rate has been released by the White House which claims the US rose at a level 3.3% rate for 2023.   Yeahhhhh.    Apparently, GDP rose 5% in Q1, 3.7% in Q2, and 2% in Q3 & Q4.   There are two drivers affecting GDP;   government spending and government spending.   Personal ‘spending’ was hiked by price increases and inflation.  Exports were virtually flat.   Employment continues to be inflated by BLS to the tune of 30% to 60% compared to Automatic Data Processing.   But no one seems to notice or care – because the government would never ever lie – pinky swear.

Listening to media entertainer pundits crying for a federal audit would be like giving a bunch of lawyers the power to run Congress.  Oh wait.  And Nikki Haley’s degree in Accounting ain’t gonna cut it, anymore than 3 semesters of Law makes me a lawyer.  I digress.

The Budget Deficit for 2023 was anywhere between $1.5 trillion and $2.6 trillion – according to who is doing the common core math.   They Are NOT SURE!    Receipts for 2023 were $4.4 trillion.  In a corporate world that would mean the Net Loss was between 34% and 59% of revenue.   Would you invest in that company?   Japan and China continue to hold the largest percentage of US Debt at 25%, However, China has been steadily selling off US Treasuries due to their increasing insecurity.

The value of US Dollars fluctuates with trade.   Thus Treasuries somewhat parallel the value status.   All are pegged to the perception of an Empire.   As sanctions and wars and instability continue to reign, countries decouple from the US dollar based on economic uncertainty. and sell off Treasuries.

In 1944, the same FDR Reign of economic destruction called The New Deal initiated the Bretton Woods Agreement No Agreement wherein the US dollar was pegged as the world’s reserve currency – by the US government.  As a direct result, the amount of US dollars in circulation rose from roughly $5 billion in 1940 to roughly $30 billion in 1950 – an increase of 600%.  How?  Printing Money.  Today, that printed money amounts to $2.34 trillion.

Raising interest rates does not reduce the amount of currency in circulation – it simply slows the increase of NEW currency.   A stagflation.

The 2023 Federal Reserve Financial Statements (unaudited) show unrealized losses of $800 billion Treasury Securities, and $510 billion in commercial and residential properties.   The entire Balance Sheet of the Federal Reserve is based primarily on issued securities, ie T-Bills, bonds, Mortgage backed securities, etc.   If the market tanks, if the dollar falls, the Federal Reserve valuations and solvency tank.    Yet the debt remains.

To deflect from the absolute gross mismanagement of US Taxpayer’s money, the only respite is a do-over via a digital currency.   An allusion of valueless money.   But this solution is the only way they know to bury the $40 trillion debt.   Because US Taxpayers are on the hook for a whopping 75%  – only 25% of US debt is now foreign owned.

But somehow, an audit will solve this in the minion minds of ‘lawyers’.  Or a Flat Tax, another non-solution that has been attempted and tabled for at least 60 years.  The Pentagon’s solution was to blow up the evidence via the Twin Towers.  And POOF – $3.4 trillion was never discussed again.

This is what happens when lawyers with zero business acumen think they can run a country store – much less a state or country.   These are the stalwarts of the WEF and WH shadows that want to run the GLOBE –  They can’t even run a farking candy machine of skittles and make a profit.

SCRRRAAPPPEEE.   Congress, the system, and start over.   The ONLY way means – they all get ‘fired’.   It means ramping up TRADE by eliminating sanctions and ending all wars tomorrow.   It means confiscating the wealth earned to create the debt.   It means no more lawyers in Congress.   It means scrapping pensions in government with the exception of the Military.  It means Generals have to earn MBA’s.  And of course, it means no aid, grants, or charity to anyone.   SCRAPE!    

THE FDR Equation Gave US Zionist Communist Control

Calling for a ceasefire in Palestine is pointless.   Netanyahu is operating on the highest Zion level to eradicate the population forever.   The UN is stumbling over itself against the allegations of Genocide initially brought by South Africa, with more loading on the dumpster that is what Israel has become.   The takeaway?   The UN is obsolete and worthless.  It’s demise would domino into other worthless money laundering schematics, including;  NATO, WHO, IMF, World Bank, every institution that self-proclaims they are the Global Order.

All the globalist institutions were created between 1944 – 1948.  The same people created ALL of these institutions with one purpose – Global Control.

The World Bank is run by 29 Vice Presidents and 25 Executive Directors and overseen by The World Bank Group which established the IMF.   It was created at the behest of Henry Morgenthau jr., a German Jew who never graduated from college but did find favor with Eleanor Roosevelt and thus was inducted into the FDR New Deal agenda.

The UN was formed in 1945 and created the World Health Organization.  The UN was established to end ALL future wars.   It’s predecessor, The League of Nations, proved worthless so FDR proposed a new and improved League – the United Nations.  The UN Charter was drafted by FDR, Churchill and Stalin…  The Charter was signed by the US, UK, Soviet Russia (Bolsheviks) and China.  Their mission was to ‘fight the Axis Powers of Japan, Germany and Italy’.

The alliance was communism.

During the fifties, communism began to run out of favor as it was exposed by McCarthy.   Instead of disappearing, communism simply moved underground.  The sixties Revolution was created to renew communism favor with young people pushing communes, drugs, open sex, etc…   But favor still did not spill over into government.

So the CIA was commandeered to operate as the communist underbelly.   Coups became commonplace, assassinations were ripe, and the infiltration of the media was an easy game of mass hypnosis – “America is the Greatest Nation.   The American government is the only government worthy of monitoring the corrupt nation’s ‘elections’.”

Reagan was easy to manipulate by this ‘goodness factor’.   Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama were all aboard the communist train and China was our best friend.   Then the Big Four began to splinter.   Reagan freed Russia of its communist oppressors.  China was still far behind the US making it a quasi ‘follower’ of US hegemony.   Therefore, the Zionists palled with China while demonizing Russia.

Secularism was the new majority.  And the Big Four believed they had captured the globe and could implement their reign of terror so as to create fear which translated into oppression.   But Putin’s Russia was clear that a coup would not be tolerated and their nationalism would thrive, survive, and grow stronger.   The Powers attempted to overthrow Xi Jinping – and lost.

And the Big Four became Two – the US and UK. 

During the era of 2,000’s the Middle East needed to be quashed given their oil profits were creating a new bloc that was not wholly aligned with the Big Two.   Enter the Big Lie – 9-11.   Created by the Big Two plus small one – Israel.   The purpose?  To squash the Middle East through wars sanctioned by the UN in their failed quest for global peace that never existed.

Now with Netanyahu’s unrelenting bombing of Palestine, the UN whines, but does nothing in terms of consequences.   Because the UN is the war monger.   And the World Bank profits on the war industry.

So.  Here we are.   The Middle East is slowly beginning to realize that they could easily be the next China or Russia.   South America is realizing that their economies were purposefully destroyed in order to make them noncompetitive in the Global Game of Four and now Two.   And the US now has more enemies – than allies.   While the Zionists proclaim they are winning.

In 2020, the WEF in Davos hosted over 117 governments.  In 2024, just 60 ‘governments & dignitaries’ showed.  Nearly half.   This is not a winning stage.   Yet – these elite don’t have a solution other than – censorship.

They are losing – and the question is – where will they go to regroup?  Zionists are unwelcome just about everywhere.  Not out of ‘anti-Semitism’, but out of their destructive, Godless, Greed and Power vacuum that believes they are The Chosen Ones.  By a God they don’t believe in.

This is why Ukraine is so important.   It is why the CIA has ordered Zelenskyy to continue killing as many Ukrainians as possible while vacating his entire government – so that the Zionist Controlled CIA can take over the country.   Zelenskyy will be eliminated.  Not by Russia – but by the CIA which will blame Russia.  His usefulness has been relinquished.   Blinken knows this.   And the country will become the playground for the Zionists to rebuild in the likeness of Dubai – the city they covet.  Ruled as a monarchial statehood.  Stakeholders will pay for the privilege to be included.   The money will be confiscated from frozen Russian assets, soon to be frozen Chinese assets, and the Climate Fund held by The World Bank.

The World Bank as controlled by the Zionists.   Kerry knows this.   This is why he stepped down as Climate Tzar.  Money.

What will become of Europe in this Zion transformation?

The biggest resource of the EU is manufacturing, ie, people.  But they killed the viable people off with the vax, so now The People will be the uneducated, immigrants pouring across the borders.   Training is slow given it requires language assimilation first.   The rate of success in this program is below 10%.   And more death vaxes are coming.   Their economies have been destroyed by Zionist agendas.   IF they recover it will take time – perhaps 70 years or more.

What will become of Israel?   The Boogeyman in the closet…

Israel’s Palestine agenda was to build a canal and cities along the canal – a continuation of Ben Gurion Canal – while putting the Suez out of business.   But in so doing, the Zionist Israel has now made enemies of every Middle Eastern country.   The cost to build the canal was being shared by the US in the form of war aid.   The beneficiaries are Europe and Asia.   But Asia has been cancelled.  The Middle East now despises Israel, and Europe is on the decline meaning trade will dramatically dissipate leaving Netanyahu and the US holding an empty purse.

IF – the US reverses its Zionist Control and trajectory, a trade alliance with the BRICS is the only means for recovery.

While a Haley election would most certainly lead America into the twalette – a Trump vote can put us on the path to recovery.  A Journey that will be long and arduous given the extent to which the Zionist agendas have raped the wealth from The People.   A journey, nonetheless, worth the making.

NATO – Deal No Deal Stoltenberg Threatens War in EU

Jens Stoltenberg of NATO has openly declared that previous peace and expansion agreements with Russia don’t exist.   Archived documents – disagree and contradict the statements being made by Stoltenberg.  

“In early February 1990, U.S. leaders made the Soviets an offer. According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9, then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation on Germany, U.S. could make “iron-clad guarantees” that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” Less than a week later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks. No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion.

Nevertheless, great powers rarely tie their own hands. In internal memorandums and notes, U.S. policymakers soon realized that ruling out NATO’s expansion might not be in the best interests of the United States. By late February, Bush and his advisers had decided to leave the door open.

After discussing the issue with West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on February 24-25, the U.S. gave the former East Germany “special military status,” limiting what NATO forces could be stationed there in deference to the Soviet Union. Beyond that, however, talk of proscribing NATO’s reach dropped out of the diplomatic conversation. Indeed, by March 1990, State Department officials were advising Baker that NATO could help organize Eastern Europe in the U.S. orbit; by October, U.S. policymakers were contemplating whether and when (as a National Security Council memo put it) to “signal to the new democracies of Eastern Europe NATO’s readiness to contemplate their future membership.

Boris Yeltsin, Dmitry Medvedev and Gorbachev himself protested through both public and private channels that U.S. leaders had violated the non-expansion arrangement. As NATO began looking even further eastward.” ~

“Deal or No Deal? The End of the Cold War and the U.S. Offer to Limit NATO Expansion” ~ Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson.

Angela Merkel made the same Deal No Deal when the Minsk Agreement was signed between Ukraine and Russia.  In 2022, she admitted that the Minsk deal was a joke and they never intended to actually uphold it.   The Russians relied on a gentleman’s handshake deal and a legal written deal – both of which the West now claims never existed despite national archival details to the contrary.

In 2015, Russia declared that the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe signed by 22 countries was no longer valid given that NATO had continually violated the Convention.   When Deals and Agreements have zero value –  party’s learn the consequences.  When Merkel and Soros ruled the Minsk Agreement was a joke, and allowed Ukraine Nazi’s to murder thousands of Russian speaking east Ukrainians, Putin defended The People.

NATO, in a meeting with Ukraine’s Chief Defense Minister, has declared that the largest ever NATO military exercises will take place utilizing 90,000 of its 300,000 troops on Russia’s Border from now until May.  The decision was based on Ukraine’s Ministry statement that Russia was losing the war.

General Cavoli of US Command stated in the NATO meeting on January 18 that last summer Allied heads of state and governments gave the green light for the US to offload its military equipment on Ukraine in order to modernize US inventories.   Cyber and Space are considered the newest means of destroying an enemy and have been implemented with the land, sea, and air protocols.  Collective strength is necessary because of the nature of distance.   North America needs Europe for its proximity to Russia and Europe needs the US for its military might – which will be expanding with the new illegal immigrant recruits.

Within the vein of expansion, NATO announced the creation of the Allied Reaction Force (ARF) temporarily based in Italy which is a new multi domain military force in training capable of responding quickly to threats in Alliance territory.  It is anticipated this ARF military will be ready to deploy in July 2024.

Suggesting that NATO intends to go to war with Russia over its Alliance – Ukraine.  And Europeans are being warned to prepare.

Of course, all of this comes with a price tag.   And Stoltenberg is attempting to whip up support by declaring Russia persona non-grati – forever.  As in; either Putin gives up Russia to the Zionists or war is the inevitable outcome. 

China remains the uninvited guest at the party given that a China/Russian alliance would make taking Russia in a war much more difficult.   That means ensuring China refrains from providing lethal aid to Russia and pressing China to deny inaccurate narratives pushed by Russia.  Taking the doubt out of the scenario, The Wilson Center & Stoltenberg declared that, “An increase in China’s material support for Russia could dramatically tip the scales of the conflict.”    It is anticipated that the next Summit to be held in DC in 2024 will determine that China is now a systemic threat…

And 2024 will determine if ARF can be NATO’s default army against Russia and China.

Problem:   The US and EU depleted their weapons significantly for Ukraine and now Israel.

Stoltenberg is demanding that member countries get off their arse and push for greater than the 2% mark for defense spending.   To date only 7 of the 31 NATO member countries even meet the basic 2% requirement.   While the US picks up the tab.  Germany is currently in a recession.  France is on the brink of economic deterioration.  The UK and Italy are also in crisis financially.   According to Reuters, the decline in Europe is likely to continue thru 2027.   Making Stoltenberg’s war seem like either a pathetic propaganda scheme, or an incapacitated intelligence daydream, or a means for ‘election interference 2024’.

Print money.

While shares of Lockheed, Northrop, General Dynamics and Boeing rose on the exact same day in October 2023 based on news of new contracts, shares have been relatively flat since.   Perhaps economic numbers and a budget deficit of $2.6 Trillion for FY 2023, contributed to the pause.

The West is ill-prepared for a war against Russia and China.   The military intelligence for all commands failed miserably in Ukraine, the PR campaign is laughable, and the propaganda is rife with ignorance.   But The Order is desperate and desperate people act with folly and futility hoping to recapture past Control.   That gamut has passed them by via Social Media – and censorship will not deter the New Wave.

WEF Discuss’s Artificial Intelligence Amidst Disinformation

At the World Economic Forum, Ukraine is adamant that they will be a leader in the conversion to “Renewable Energy”.   In a bombshell revelation, The World Trade Organization declared that ‘trade drives growth’…   But given all the wars, that might not be a feasible outcome…  Antonio Guterres and Klaus Schwab, aged 72 and 85 respectively said the current global system is an aging grandparent and a ‘networked multilateralism of the 2030 Agenda must be implemented wherein ‘all relevant players’ across all sectors should be mobilized for inclusivity…   What the fark does that mean?

Networked Multilateralism:   is gob speak for globalization via coups.

Relevant Players:  is gob speak for those western coup countries and their minion governments who can serve the West.

All while Israel obliterates Palestinians, Syrians, & Yemeni’s, and Ukraine targets civilians and children.  Without impunity.  And the Western  relevant players decry that “Trust” must be reaffirmed, in social, economic and political spectrums in an equitable transition.  While being responsible for all the bombing and wars.

What are they really pursuing?

Re-creation of countries into a globalized colony.   As populations age the economic security of the future becomes unstable.   Twofold measures became the solution:  1.  death of the elderly via Big Pharma,  2.  immigration of the young male populations of third world countries.   Death was used to eliminate large swathes of those considered nonproductive weights on society.   Due to Big Pharma infertility rates of the educated population, uneducated young males are needed to ‘pick crops’ work in fast food restaurants and fill the void in our militaries.

The women and children of these immigrant males are left behind to serve the masters who have taken over their countries;  Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras.   All these countries boast vast resources, unparalleled beauty, rainforests, beaches and poverty.   Making them the perfect enclave for the western elite ‘relevant players’.

Although Germany’s means and outcome for training their immigrants failed miserably, it would appear the elite have no Plan B.

Despite the millions of immigrants pouring unfettered into the US, Biden still maintains his Delaware enclave, Soros still lives in his New York compound and Obama enjoys his oceanfront walled estate.   They are not moving.   In fact, North Salem, New York, continues to attract the uber wealthy including;  Larry Fink, Bill Gates daughter, Bloomberg, Gere, Letterman, Jamie Dinan of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner, and Glenn Dubin.   All billionaires.   All living in an inequitable, non-diverse, non-inclusive town where 96% of the residents are white, and with properties valued over $35 million+.  All members of the World Economic Forum –

Which would indicate that communities that are rural and high-end suburban are insulated from the chaos that is destined to plague the cities.  Whether Trump wins or loses, inner city riots are a high likelihood.  The cities will be the cesspools of plague, diseases, and violence as in a Mad Max scenario wherein the police will simply vacate.

Many billionaires have already bought their ‘get-out-of-jail-free Bunker card’.  Some of these massive structures are large enough to house horses and pools.  Other bunkers are connected by tunnels and advertise facilities for congregation, bars, movie theatres and wine vaults.   How safe they are and who will be responsible for ‘repairs and maintenance’  are seemingly benign questions with no real answers.   Given billionaires don’t even know how to dress themselves, cook, or launder are also subjects not discussed.  Where Bezos plans to dock his 400’ ocean voyaging sailboat is also not discussed…

As such, the same billionaires devoted to DEI for the peasants are not overly concerned about paying $100 million for an unprotected house or a bunker that could rival Epstein Island.  Instead, like Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, they continue to double their wealth – which would have zero value in a world of bunkers…  ODD.

Within this maze of lies, hype, and hyperbole, the most pressing issue the WEF declares to be at stake is Truth.   As such, they want to further close the disinformation campaign through further censorship and punishment.  And that is what we can expect to unravel in 2024 via AI.  Because the first disinformation the media will parlay is that AI cannot lie and therefore anything AI says is Factual.

“According to McKinsey & Company, AI applications have the potential to contribute between USD 2.6 trillion and 4.4 trillion annually to the global economy through various business scenarios.”   But if AI is replacing jobs – that $4.4 trillion will NOT trickle down anywhere – it will remain within the grasp of the few – and only the few.  Extending vast poverty and suffering.

To placate the peasants, AI has created AI safety wherein AI will program safety protocols into itself, to promote ‘diversity & inclusivity’.    Of course at that point, diversity means that the uneducated, untrained immigrants coming into the US will be the unpaid labourors for AI.  Programmed for punishment should the worker bee’s productivity fall below an AI determined level.   ZAP!

All it takes is for a few hackers to get into the mix to reprogram AI into militaristic mode for the elites to completely lose control and be subject to the same protocols as the peasants.  An outcome their ego’s cannot embrace.

For the immediate future, we are being warned that AI has already reached the point where it can not be distinguished from reality.  In other words, videos, people, scenes, audio, events and wars  generated by AI could create a major false flag that could disrupt global reality and frame an allusion – such as a catastrophic event – war, earthquake, nuke, etc…

Yet the WEF is more concerned with Twitter Disinformation…  Because the vast majority of WEF Leaders are still learning how to use laptops and word docs much less understand the remote complexities of AI.  In their end-stage formative years.   60 world leaders attended the 2024 Davos ~ they boast.   However, the vast majority are corporate CEO’s, aka stakeholders,  as governments secede from pretending they have any power, while the Bidens of the world stayed home and watched Daffy Duck and The Road Runner.

The grift and graft that has caused so many CEO’s and government officials to be caught in a lie, to pretend to be knowledgeable, has reached a pinnacle as social media users are able to disseminate the crystal ball theories within minutes instead of days, has left elite humans in the dumpster.   The Zuckerberg who ‘created Facebook’, the Altman who created AI Chat, the Gates who created home computers, and the Musk who is creating space travel – have no expertise in these fields.   They are Deep Fakes.

They were chosen to host the 4th Industrial Revolution as faces. 

From 500 BC to 1,000 AD = people lived the same without relative innovation across the globe.   From 1,000 to 1800 = people lived without innovation across the globe.   From 1890 to 2020, a span of 130 years, innovation exploded.   As though suddenly – a few became inductees into technology to create a false human interface.  

And The Greatest Lie Was BORN.

The US Monarchial Republic Redefined as Democracy

DEMOCRACY:   a system of government in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of a state.  SOCIALISM:  The elimination of private ownership in favor of the state.   REPUBLIC:   a form of government whereby a state is ruled by its ‘representatives’ of The People, wherein The People loan their voice to their elected officials.  The allusion would have us believe America is a Republic ruled by our elected officials via a majority.   BY that definition, there are 131 Republics across the globe.   However, even the socialist WEF has decried the fact that elections are defacto corrupted and defunct.   Acknowledging that there are NO Republics.  

The term Republic has been utilized since the 16th century.  In its antiquity, Republic could encompass not only democratic states but also oligarchies, aristocracies, and monarchies.  But as the French Revolution escalated against the monarchial republics, the Powers sought to change the definition, instead of the factualities.   And thus the oligarchies became subject to the concept of ‘elections’ of and by The People.  In the UK this is called The Parliament.   The job of The Parliament is to pretend to be in power while subverting all authority to the Republic Monarchy.

POWER remained unchanged.   And the allusion was created for centuries to refer to a propaganda tool while still subjecting countries to the Cabalist monarchists, oligarchs, and monarchies.   This would be why most of Congress must submit to re-education camps designed by McKinsey & Company in order to recreate their persona, their intellect, their education, their walk, their talk – much like a Hollywood coach….  Which is likely why President’s tend to gravitate toward Hollywood as their home and comfort zone.

Big Mike is being touted on social media as the shoe-in for Biden when he falls down for good.   A last minute Obama, Mike will be handed the destroyed economy – and thus his job and legacy would then be built on repairing the stopped up and clogged twallette.  Obviously, Big Mike doesn’t have the wherewithal to achieve much of anything, given his failed diet-plan for children, the only job he ever attempted, was an abject, complete flop failure within a year despite a bottomless pit budget.

So far, Joe Biden has signed 128 executive orders, 166 presidential memoranda, 552 proclamations, and 109 notices.   The first course of action for any president entering office in November 2024, would be to rescind every one of these actions.   The second would be to pardon every January 6er and create a provision making it illegal to ever reinstate the communist dictums and actions.   Third would be to lift ALL sanctions and make sanctioning a criminal offense of Power and Authority.  Fourth would be to relieve every agency of its commanders.   Fifth would be to detain all those who have illegally operated America behind the red curtain – for sedition &/or treason.  DAY ONE.

THAT would be Trump’s pre-prepared Day One wherein he will act as all President’s do – via Dictatorial Executive Orders.

Riots will be called by the Mafia Cartels.   The National Guard will be called to deploy.   Militia’s will be allowed to enlist as a recruitment booster!   Power struggles will ensue.  More arrests.   The state judicial systems would have to revert to the federal government under the riots bypassing the Soros installed corrupt DA and AG’s.   And there is only one man who has the GUTS to do this to save America.   Only One man who now understands the depth to which America is no longer a viable country.   Donald Trump.

The House Of Cards Will Fall…. like a global domino field.

The People need to stop whining.  They need to stop claiming there is no chance.  They have to reaffirm hope and faith!   They need to get off their proverbial douches and tooches and show some man guts!  The Farmers in Europe are braving the Cartel.   Bring them to America!   Because you NEVER win a WAR by sitting on your arse!

FREEDOM Is NOT FREE.  Working for Trump is the last hurrah.

Nikki Haley has not only joined the heavyweight Democrat donors in their fundraising scams, but is also supporting the use of election fraud to win states with bussed in democrats voting republican illegally.   She hasn’t just ‘crossed’ the line of anti-Magat, she has aligned herself 100% with the Cartel via Israeli Zionists and liberal Hillaryites.    A Haley win would relieve Big Mike of the office given they are both of the exact same Clan.

AS ROME BURNED:   Yet another ‘major upset’ of Elections, this time in Guatemala wherein the US was able to defraud the outcome in support of Bernardo Arevaldo, a socialist Marxist student of Israel and The Netherlands – a monarchy.  The election was considered ’corrupted’ and challenged in courts.   The US Congress called on Biden to issue sanctions against anyone opposed to the results…   Money changed hands and the opposition disappeared.  And that is how the Cartel operates.

Arevaldo’s platform mimics that of Argentina’s Milei in its pretenses, and in its lean toward ‘private property’ – wherein it is likely that Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street are lined up as the incoming ‘private property’ buyers – en masse.

Guatemala – 2% of the population run the government and own 98% of the land.  So the farm labourers left this beautiful abundant country for – America, while more and more elite Americans moved to Guatemala and established high-end neighborhoods and 15 minute cities.  The concept is to find a country that is resource rich, clean out their riff-raff by sending them to America, and reimagining the country as an elite playground.

The White House was so tickled with their latest coup in Guatemala, they announced a delegation led by Samantha Powers who is the Director if USAID would attending the inauguration bearing  ‘gifts to assure compliance to the US Cartel’ (OK, I made that last part up – ):

“I look forward to continuing the strong partnership between our nations as we advance human rights, strengthen civilian security, combat corruption, address the root causes of migration, and expand economic opportunity for people across our hemisphere and around the world,”

All while advancing US version of Democracy wrapped up in Communist-Marxism.

The Hunter Biden laptop showed how this tit-for-tat democracy works when a series of photos were released showing what appeared to be a naked Latin American young girl (perhaps 9 years old) tied up – being prodded by a naked Joe Biden.   The decor was Latin America Hacienda.   The encounter has never been probed by the CIA, FBI, DOJ, or any other Agency tasked with Justice, human rights, child trafficking, or rank pedophilia.

This is what a redefined US Monarchial Zionist Republic adheres to politically, morally, and judicially.   A Republic ruled by monarchs and their Lords and Ladies.  

And if We The People lose Hope and Faith, if we sit idly and say it is already over – then, well – It Will Be.   But you still have a choice.   For your daughters, granddaughters, sons and grandsons.   You Still Have A Choice.