The Israeli Warlords & The CIA – Election 2024

Nikki Haley is popping up on Tweeter as a ‘presidential candidate’- Vivek Ramaswamy claims that The GOP is going to take down Trump and insert the war hawk – Haley.  That’s The Game.  A woman from Ukraine is on video explaining the BOT room in Kyiv that is used to infiltrate social media – TikTok and Instagram primarily – with CIA propaganda feeds.  Zionists claim that ALL of Palestine is their land and has been for 2000 years.  And the ICC has put out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu resulting in Zionists ‘threatening’ terrorism against the ICC.

Monday – Monday, can’t trust that day…

Congress is completely rogue.  There is no People Representation.  Their actions are driven by the wizards hiding behind the curtain.  Americans are left with a 5D chess game to determine who is the winner when the players are AI.

  1. A Nikki Haley presidency is a WWIII guarantee – doesn’t even matter who America picks the fight with – as long as it results in a wiped slate.
  2. The CIA is a parallel organization with the Mossad. That’s the reason every politician supports Israel.
  3. IF every country on earth must now defer to its roots of 8000 BC, in compliance with Israel’s justification, no country on earth would exist…
  4. Threatening a court – any court – reveals the extent of the psychological mental aberration that now infects en-masse.

The lack of logic is frightening.  The degree to which Tweeter Americans are willing to sellout their country is frightening.  And a Congress that is patently self-serving rogue – is frightening.

We are no longer fighting the World Economic Forum, or WHO, or Fauci, we are fighting each other based on ideologies and principles and psychosis.

And suddenly, Ramaswamy is standing out = front and center as the internal battles are fought off screen.  Until – he invokes his great respect for Israel’s ‘right’ to genocide.   The idiocy of the 2000 year claim seems comical until one realizes that the vast majority of hawks and democrats support this as a reality.  The US would thus have to relinquish all its land to the Indian nations under the same premise.  Europe would become Russian and every country south is China.

Israel claims the ICC has no jurisdiction over its human rights violations and genocide because Israel never signed on as a member.  But Palestine is a member and therefore the ICC has technical authority to support its member state.   In addition, the United Nations Security Council can make an exception regarding states which are not members – for prosecution.  In the case of Israel – the UN Security Council supported the investigation and warrant.  Only those under the age of 18 are immune from prosecution.

The ICC has jurisdiction over specific crimes including;  genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  It specifically does not have the authority over – terrorism.   Following within this track, Israel fits every single jurisdiction.  And Congress has absolutely no power – as a nonmember – to intervene.

No matter who is elected President 2024, unless America can cut the colonial ties with the Zion apparatus, nothing will change.  Our agencies will continue their rogue mafia rule, our economy will move into Venezuela zombie zone, and our freedoms will be usurped.   The People will not be represented and we will remain the cattle that we have become.

Congress is ruled by blackmail.   Blackmail is an interesting deployment of CIA strategy as exercised via the Mossad.   It doesn’t necessarily have to be real – to compromise a person’s reputation.  It only needs an apparatus that can guarantee a fake trial of conviction.  That apparatus is tied to – Zion.  Zion controls the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

When the protests against the Palestine genocide first began they were peaceful.  When Israel demanded their immediate cessation, they sent in the goons to incite radicalism for justification of arrests.   Jan 6th reincarnation.  Which means Israel hates Trump.  Yet Trump and every Trump affiliate is pro-Zion.  An interesting battle.

The Kabbalah Cartel has blatantly shown us what they are capable of doing to America and Americans as a purposeful indictment of anyone who fails to relinquish their religion, their liberty, and their mind.   A decoupling would need the formation of different alliances.  Israel is not likely to go away peacefully.

If in fact the game plan is to insert a substitute for both Biden and Trump, the Democrat would have to be fully entrenched in their agenda – playing both sides has been their mantra of success.  Nikki is 100% onboard.  A Biden replacement could be Kennedy or Big Mike.  It has to be a well known name – well entrenched in the political scene, and someone that could be a good rival to Haley.  But either way, it is a guaranteed win-win scenario.

Politics is about appeasing your enemies, not just your friends.  And Zions have money.  Money they will readily give and take away in a split second before destroying your career, livelihood, and soul.  Art of War;  keep you enemies closer… Trump has another trump card – Jared, his son-in-law.

Behind the scenes, while we are focused on politics, Coup Plots have emerged in South Africa, Congo, Slovakia, Turkey, Georgia, and Iran – simultaneously.   Why?  Desperation.  While all of them have been foiled, the stench remains – wafting.  Catholic Mexico is slated to have a new Zionist President, in what could only be a ‘coup’ given the religious affiliation of Sheinbaum.  It is likely a deal was made with The Mexican Cartel.

When Soros declared in 2015 that his two main obstacles to global power were Russia and America, he also declared that the means of destruction would come from within.   America Lost.  Russia Won.  Now it is in the hands of The People.

MAGA Republicans Threaten ICC on Behalf of Netanyahu

The ICC is an international body established by The Hague in 2002 via the Rome Statute.  While only member states are under its jurisdiction, there is an exception:  the ICC may have jurisdiction over crimes if the UN Security Council says = Yes.  Russia, Israel and the US are not current parties to the court.  In its Rulebook, Genocide is front and center as a crime against humanity.  Most of their cases were against various African militia units until 2023 when the US and Ukraine demanded Russia’s President Putin be charge for ‘abducting Ukrainian children’ and taking them into Russia for safe keeping during the war. 

When Putin was charged, despite Russia not being a member, the West jeered and applauded at the Great and Mighty ICC!   Cheers amongst the coke-heads were splashed across every major media headlines – SEE – Putin is a Criminal!   And then the unexpected happened – the ICC charged various Israeli military and government personnel, including Netanyahu.   Genocide.

A number of US republican politicians were told in no uncertain terms by Netanyahu to challenge the ruling.  Instead of challenging it, these stellar US guys decided to ‘threaten’ the ICC.  It wasn’t enough to allow Israel to literally murder UNRWA aid workers, these republican politicians are threatening the very organization the US and Europe created – the UN – the body that oversees the ICC.

Tom Cotton, the signatory creator, Mitch McConnell (minority leader), Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, and 6 others, put their names on the threat letter if the ICC did not bow to their Zionist Handlers.  The Threat?  It didn’t just extend to the ICC – they actually threatened their families with reprisal if the body issues arrest warrants against Israeli officials:

“If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States,” the letter states. “You have been warned.”

These are not rogue neoconservative rhinos – they are pro-Trump Magats -with the exception of McConnell who is just empty headed these days. Many are lawyers who have just threatened hostile punishment of a body that operates under the UN Security Council.   “You have been warned”?   This is Mafia Cartel – and their Master would appear to be Israel – a secular atheist state.  Should we be concerned?  YOU BETCHA!

Not only are the actions illegal on a global standard, they are out of the jurisdiction of the US Constitution in representing the America People.  These politicians are our “Agents”.  Therefore, WE are supporting this Threat and responsible for its consequences.  By contrast, these same Agents have NOT spoken out against 800 Americans be tortured and confined in solitary at the hands of democrat politicians.  In other words – ISRAEL FIRST.

We effectively have three Presidential Candidates who are all owned by the Zion Cartel.  All reiterating the same exact bullet point:  Israel is our greatest ally.  The same ally that has gone rogue and is committing genocide.  And it isn’t the first time.

This is why Hakeem Jeffries has declared that the Democrats are running Congress even though they are a minority.

Shortly after signing on as a member state of the ICC, George Bush unsigned it.  He replaced it with the Hague Invasion Act.  The Act was created to intimidate countries that ratify the treaty for the International Criminal Court (ICC).  The US law authorizes the use of military force to liberate any American or citizen of a U.S.-allied country being held by the court, which is located in The Hague.

The US Law is not really a Law at all – it is not endorsed by any other country or the UN created by the US that allows the US to militarily invade The Hague.   It is a statement threat and apparently does not rule out using a military brigade to take control of the ICC in order to rescue Netanyahu from their clutches – more like a mercenary militia construct.  And this nonlaw is the weapon being used against the ICC on behalf of Netanyahu – by Maga politicians.

We have 1000 abandoned soldiers in Niger.  No rescue.  We abandoned soldiers in Afghanistan.  13 soldiers murdered.  Why are these Israeli Republicans unconcerned and inactive when it comes to Americans but will dance a jig for Atheist Israel!?  Are Christians poised to be genocided?  Because the Christian Palestinians were also murdered by the IDF.

According to the State Department there are 50,000 Christians living in Palestine – the majority in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem.   70 years ago, 86% of the population of Bethlehem was Christian.  Pushed out by Israel, that population now stands at 12%.  A study conducted by an Israeli University concluded that:  ‘the pressure of Israeli occupation, ongoing constraints, discriminatory policies, arbitrary arrests, confiscation of lands added to the general sense of hopelessness among Palestinian Christians’, who are finding themselves in ‘a despairing situation where they can no longer perceive a future for their offspring or for themselves’.

Where was Tom Cotton?  Ted Cruz?  Marco Rubio?   SILENT AS LAMBS

In its bombing raids – Israel is killing Christians and the hostages it declares as a prize of the Peace Deal.  The reason they are silent?  These Christians support the Palestinians and grieve for the children.  Therefore, the false Christian politicians in America are willing to sacrifice these people in the genocide – without a whimper.   And instead support the atheist secular Zionists.

Some of these Christians left Palestine to appeal for peace in Washington.  Afraid for their children.  Not from Palestinians – but from Israelis.  They were suddenly labeled ‘Pro-Hamas’ – they were/are simply anti-war.  Just like the vast majority of people across the world – including the students – anti-war.  It is only due to the Zionists Soros and Rothschild inciting the protests to turn support away – that agitators are inserted.  To divide anti-war efforts and spin them into anarchist pro-Hamas terrorists. 

But these Open Letter Senators know this.   They are fully aware that they are complicit in the murder of Christians.  They choose to ignore this fact.  They choose to pretend ignorance.  They sell their souls – all for an atheist regime.  And the SILENCE is deafening. 

US Taxpayers Paying For Israel & MAGA’s Have Been Trumped

Trump’s newest tease of potential VP’s is a hodge podge of Zionists and anti-Russia militants.  And people are getting jittery.   Is this a double switch?  Why else would he allow the same regime that rules Biden to continue their legacy under a Trump presidency?

Kennedy Jr. wants to jail anyone who is deemed a climate change denier.   And hope is slowly divested.   Regurgitating the mantra that China wants to take over the world, we are listening to Biden’s Handlers controlling Trump’s mouth.  NUKES on Taiwan!   What the fark?  Has Trump trumped The People?  Tim Scott is funded by AIPAC.   JD Vance was a 2016 ‘Never Trumper’ who has been a politician for one year while writing for CNN and WAPO.  Rubio is a neoconservative funded by Soros.   Kirsti Noem voted for antisemitism speech to be illegal and subject to criminal prosecution.  Elsie Stefanik is funded by Israel and Big Pharma.

And Israel/ZION wins.

CIA Director Burns has proposed a blackmail with Saudi Arabia – support Israel and we will guarantee your security.  Al Jazeera has been censored completely from Israel for its reporting on Gaza.  Netanyahu says he will start carpet bombing civilians in Rafah next week. As France’s election looms, Macron has put boots on the ground in Ukraine – the French Foreign Legion.  Politico reveals that the campus agitators are paid shills of Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, and Pritzker.  And a Trump win is looking like an extension of Biden.

Not Good.

The insertion of ‘agitators’ at protests has always been the ‘calling card’ of the Soros Zionists.  The purpose is to demonize anyone who is anti-war by association.  It is an old tactic.  And yet, it seems to work every time.   It was used in Charlotte, in Hong Kong, in France, etc… etc…   Tried and True.  Given the police order against the protestors came directly from Israel, we can assume Netanyahu is Cartel material.  Given that the extension of the Ben Gurion Canal is a profit motivation for Israel, it is likely a percentage was offered to Bin Salman.  Interestingly, the Ben Gurion Canal would go through the NEGEV Desert – where the ‘festival’ took place, and where the US recently installed two military bases.

Of course if the depopulation agenda were to go thru, there would be no money in tourism, no need to steal the oil and gas from Palestine, and the audience that the elite crave would no longer exist.   Are they that ignorant or is something else happening behind the scenes?

The $14.3 billion ‘additional’ aid to Israel is the US’s additional share of the cost of the Ben Gurion Canal extension – from the Sea to TelAviv!

While Saudi Arabia mulls an offer of a security guarantee similar to Israel’s, Bin Salman immediately raised its oil prices on Asia – affecting most prominently, China and India.

Moving on from Saudi Arabia, the CIA Director is in Qatar.  It will be interesting to see Qatar’s reaction tomorrow.  Will the entire Palestinian population be thrown under the bus by the Middle East?  For now Qatar has stated that it will not be blackmailed by either side.  Burns called for Hamas expulsion from Qatar – which is equivalent to suicide.

Saudi Arabia’s NEOM City is the source of Israeli blackmail.   The city would be allowed to use the Ben Gurion Canal, a much shorter route than the current Suez for the transport of tourists.  The Gaza Strip aid pier built by American troops at a US cost of $310 million is the beginning of the Canal expansion paid for by American Taxpayers.  It will be able to port cargo ships and cruise ships. But they need land transportation!

Not to worry, Israel is already busily building railways according to the Jewish Chronicle.  There are 11 tracks. The central line runs parallel to the route connecting Jenin, Nablus, Jerusalem’s outskirts, Hebron and Be’er Sheva.

“Another line connects to Jordan and Syria. There will also be … a line connecting the Allenby Bridge to Jerusalem and Ramallah; a line from Ramallah to Lod and Tel Aviv; a line connecting Kiryat Gat to Hebron; and another line in Gaza that will make it possible to connect Ramallah with the Gaza Strip using Israeli trains.  The valley line would serve tourists traveling to the Dead Sea, Eilat and the Sea of Galilee. We estimate that by 2035 we will see 30 million train rides.”

A major source of funding will be the confiscation of Palestine oil and gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, estimated to be worth roughly $550 billion.   And the Palestinians?   Whoever is left will be transferred to a tent city – for LIFE.

Trump will applaud.  Maybe he was offered land to build a world class golf course along the new international tourist zone.

Over the last 3+years, various ships have become stranded in the Suez Canal negatively affecting ‘supply chains’.   The purpose was to give the illusion that the Suez is no longer viable and an alternative Canal should solve all the problems.  The Suez Canal claims roughly 15% of all traffic between Asia and the Middle East.  It is a vital source of their economy and revenue with transit fees topping $10 billion annually.  While the Ben Gurion Canal would splinter Egypt’s economy,  And no one cares but Egypt.

It was never about Hamas.  It was never about climate change.  It was never about saving Americans from disease.   It was, is, and always will be about MONEY.

Do you think US Taxpayers will be given a share of the tourist rewards in Israel given we paid for it?  Maybe we’ll get a discount price on the Trump golf course?   Or maybe we will get what we always get – The Shaft!  And that is why Trump’s VP picks are all onboard the Israel MONEY.

US National Plan on “Responsible Business Conduct”

US National Plan on ‘Responsible Business Conduct’.   CSIS is once again rising to the position of Parent over all the children it is tasked with leading.  The purpose of this relationship is to diminish the capacity of businesses which operate outside of the Control Center.  This applies to public and private businesses.  The Control Center wants to assure that all businesses are unified in their ‘good governance’ according to rules and protocols established by the few.  

The few being the expert experts.  All businesses must operate in conformity with the UN  Guiding Principles on business and human rights.   Apparently, Germany is raised as the best example of submitting to the control center when its government discovered that only 25% of businesses complied with the Protocols.  Dastardly!   To punish thru these Protocols mandatory compliance was adopted in 2021 and CSIS declared Hallelujah!

The result of this Parent governance system is effectively overwhelming – no business, private or public, mom and pop or conglomerate, is free, they must all bow to the nonlaw protocols as established by the UN and codified in NGO’s ruling America.  It is no different than Mafia Rule – ‘pay me to not destroy your business’  – think of it as a Tithe.  According to these UN Protocols, individuals and competition are encouraged to snitch on businesses not in compliance with these nonlaws.

It is similar to the politicization of the Department of Education with regard to ‘antisemitism’.  Public and Private Universities must comply with the mandates or be defunded.  Blackmail.  Supported by Republican and Democrat and MAGA politicians.

  1. There is absolutely zero reason for the government to give money to colleges that are not open freely to ALL Taxpayers – that is anti-Constitutional. All Federal Funding must benefit the people of the United States equally.   Harvard, Stanford, Yale…etc, are unequal.
  2. Private Education Institutions should NOT be funded by public monies. Again – anti-Constitution.

With a Congress that is overwhelmingly made up of lawyers, they are either wholly inept, or they are all bought and the US Constitution is effectively worthless.

Making a law that favors ONE religion over all other religions is illegal – it is discriminatory.   Yet our House of Representatives – made up of legal ‘experts’, decided to ignore that detail.  Tim Scott is so proud of himself for writing the law…  Mike Johnson is so proud of himself for taking a knee to the Zionists…  Yet the Zionists have made it clear that every race is inferior and not to be tolerated.

ALL businesses now work for Israel.  The CEO and/or Board Chair are inserted.   He will make all the money and everyone else will be required to work 80 hour work weeks to support the CEO.  The CEO pays a tithe to Israel.

Today, it was released that the Columbia student raid was an Israeli operation:   The NYPD crackdown on Columbia University students was led by a member of the school’s faculty Rebecca Weiner who is a Columbia prof.  Weiner doubles as a Spook for NYPD intel division that maintains an office in Tel Aviv.  Weiner said student “rhetoric” necessitated the violent raid.

The NYPD’s Counterterrorism Bureau currently maintains an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, where it coordinates with Israel’s security apparatus and maintains a department liaison.  This unit is affiliated with the CIA.  Proudly = she led to the arrest of 300+ students.

Could Israel do to an American city/state what it is doing in Palestine?

Jan Koum, Ukrainian born founder of Whatsapp is the largest donor to AIPAC, and a backer of failed Nikki Haley’s campaign.   Nikki Haley went on to take a position at The Hudson Institute, whose Board Chair is Sarah Stern, a Jewish woman who is also a trustee of the Washington Institute For Near East Policy.  The Institute is a core Israeli lobbyist in DC under the wing of AIPAC.  Notable scholars of The Institute have served in the administrations of;  both Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Trump.  Its Board consists entirely of White House officials including Bill Barr, and Mike Pompeo and is dominated by Jewish Fellows.  It focuses on ‘Human Rights’ – in China, North Korea, and Russia and addresses the rise of antisemitism making comparisons to Nazi Germany.

United Democracy Project is AIPAC’s Super PAC and has allocated $100 million to be spent in the upcoming months heading into the Election.   Only those who forcefully advocate for Israel will receive funding.   Those that don’t will be pummeled with negative ads.   AIPAC’s CEO, Howard Kohr, is stepping down.  Kohr ranked #4 in Fortunes list of 25 most influential leaders.   As an advisor within the WH he was responsible for determining who and how much foreign aid would divvied by America as well as who should be sanctioned.  He was also a managing fellow for the Department of Defense – a civilian.

In other words, Kohr was key in the Deep State shadow Cartel operating within the White House for 27 years.   There is no word yet who will replace him.

The Control Center is operated jointly between Tel Aviv and Washington.  Islam was the distraction evil created by the Control Center.  Bolsheviks have always hated Russia.   Ukraine was their laundering capitol.  It was always the job of America to keep the Israeli Council in the shadows.  To protect against backlash and to heighten the Illusion of government.  But it fits the narrative that ‘Responsible Business Conduct’ would include a Pro-Israel stance – given only Jews can be expert experts…..

It is a bit disconcerting that Trump is ‘Pro-Israel’…

MIDDLE EAST: Bin Salman Meets With Blinken

Was The World Economic Forum Great RESET established to cover the fraud, corruption and failure of the present Western economic and banking failures?  Technically, the only way we can get out of the mess these Zionists created is to Reset – just not via the means presented by the WEF stage.   Although many countries were onboard some of the aspects presented by the WEF Protocols – like Saudi Arabia – they have grown to understand the depth of the evil behind the project.   Just as we all have.   Many of these countries just want a FUTURE.  Not Dystopia.

After covering his tracks in China, Blinken moved on to Saudi Arabia where he spoke to bin Salman about ‘security guarantees for Israel’.  None for Palestine.  Neither of them are smiling in the photo-op.   A ‘special meeting’ was called in Riyadh to discuss the worst crisis since 1948 wherein middle eastern heads of state said Israel was guilty of ‘collective punishment’.

After the IDF carpet bombed the aid and food relief center in Rafah this weekend, Blinken told Israel it must do more on Gaza aid…  What The Fark?  I doubt any of the leaders at the Saudi summit were impressed with Blinken, America, Europe or any of its Chaos Sanction orchestra conductors.

IF you think Americans are weary – the Global governments with any credibility want to ‘prosper’.   This dystopia promulgated by Zion Beasts is no longer tolerated.

A new report was released via Jon Rapaport in which a study conducted by Dr. Peter Gotzsche reveals that the leading cause of death in America is medical prescriptions – 882,000 per year.  While borders are open to a relentless supply of immigrants.  The Great Replacement Theory.   It isn’t just the Palestinians being wiped off earth, it is the Ukrainians, Africans, Asians, and it is Americans.  The illegals will ultimately become the necessary peasants.

The inventor of The Great Replacement Theory is Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus.  Not to be confused with Albert Camus’ son.   Renaud Camus is from France, he is gay, and he is considered a white nationalist conspiracy theorist for his views.  Once a member of the Green Party, once a socialist, with a stellar education including numerous advanced masters in political science, history of law, and philosophy – his fame was bludgeoned.  Before he embraced this Replacement Theory – he was beloved by the media for his gayness and writings.

When Camus revealed his belief in the Theory he was suddenly persona non grati and labeled an antisemite, right wing, racist.   His claim“Replacist elites” are colluding against the White French and Europeans in order to replace them with non-European peoples—specifically Muslim populations from Africa and the Middle East  through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the European birth rate.”

He labeled this process – Genocide By Substitution”.

Literally, every war being fought would be a part of this mass genocide.  Every disease.  Every prescription.  Every Vaccine.  Unfilled jobs across America are not just the MacDonald’s food staffers, but high end jobs across a broad spectrum of industries.  To Fill The Great Genocide.  Leaving us wondering if population figures presented by guesstimates and estimates and ‘science’ have any grip in reality.  Despite a futile birth rate, despite excess deaths, turbo cancer, and a death statistic not revealed by our lovely CDC – our population continues to grow…tripling since 1930.

The Census Bureau Director appointed by Trump in 2017 was Steven Dillingham.  In 2021, he forced to step down by Democrats alleging impropriety.  His departure from the office was marked by accusations that he supported a partisan effort to try to use potentially inaccurate data on undocumented immigrants to exclude them from congressional apportionment.

In other words, the total population of America is based on the number of illegals currently in our midst – and likely other ‘improprieties’ given that the data on the census determines the number of House seats and Electoral College votes.  Skewing votes.

So yes, we need a Reset of our entire government system.  How?

DAY 1:  Creation of a militia.  Martial Law.  The suspension of the Justice Department.  EO to temporarily suspend departmental funding for nonessential services.

DAY 2:  Join the BRICS.  Withdraw NATO and UN funding.  Hold meetings with every BRICS member President.  Initiate an ‘independent’ audit of every federal department.  Day 3:   Any subsequent funding based on audited results given many departments are sitting on billions in Net Assets.  EO – no department may draw additional funding until Net Assets have been used within their assigned purpose.  EO to redefine Pension qualification based on Net Assets.

Day 4:   Suspend government insider trading – reclassify as grounds for immediate suspension.

Day 5:   Watch the resignations coming through

Day 6:   RESET

Day 7:  REST

ISRAEL Owns our Military and Congress via NGO’s FDD & JINSA

A commenter on my blog was questioning my antisemitism and in support of Israel sent me a link to an article from the Gatestone Institute wherein they claimed Qatar was funding US Universities.  Therefore, the barbarian Muslims were Bad and Israel Good. The point was to prove to me that Muslims are interfering in our colleges which should be a violation.  The President of Gatestone, Nina Rosenwald, is Jewish and a self-described, ‘ardent Zionist’.  She was on the Board of Directors for AIPAC and the Jewish Institute for National Security in America (JINSA).

And there my research did backflips.

JINSA was founded in 1976, 3 years after the Yom Kippur War in Israel.  Its original stated purpose was to make sure that America could produce adequate military supplies for Israel.   In the 1980’s JINSA widened its focus to “general U.S. defense and foreign policy, with missions and meetings with national leaders and officials in:    Ethiopia, Belgium, South Korea, India, Bulgaria, Italy, China, Hungary, UK, Germany, Costa Rica, Spain, Eritrea, Jordan, and Ukbekistan.  

Known for its very Hawkish military views, JINSA works directly with US military officers and the Department of State – aka Blinken.   Facilitating the media propaganda, JINSA writes the op-eds and ads to promote Zion ideologies.  In 2002, JINSA created LEEP, wherein US police and Sheriffs are taken to Israel to teach them ‘techniques for countering domestic terrorism in the US’.  As in the IDF style tactics, training, and strategies are then utilized by US police and security in tactical defense, interrogation and abuse.

Each fall, a member of congress is given the LEEP Award which has a fair number of neoconservatives, including;   Cheney, McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Robert Gates – Secretary of Defense 2007 – among others.

In other words, JINSA is running the US military and Congress.   JINSA works alongside the NGO, Foundation For Defense of Democracies (FDD).  FDD is an Israeli lobby group working in the US to direct the US government’s Affairs.  Funding sources have included;  Bernard Marcus, Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, The United Arab Emirates, Roland Arnall, and William Rosenwald Family Fund (Gatestone Institute Nina’s Daddy) – among others.

In 2023, FDD, along with other US-based think tanks, was alleged of running a defamation campaign against the regional rivals of the UAE and creating false terrorists, including Iran, Qatar and Turkey.  The organization has been criticized for spreading Islamophobia rhetoric.  They tell Netanyahu what to do.   They initiate Middle East wars and use US weapons to do their bidding in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, and now Russia.

FDD convinced Mike Johnson to pass the Ukraine funding bill ~according to their website.   I withdraw my apology.

In the latest transcript issued by FDD on April 22 – Ukraine and Russia were the topic.  Rear Admiral Retired, Mark Montgomery:  “I’d also like to point out that in the Ukraine provision there is a nice little nugget, in addition to the $3 billion-plus in Foreign Military Financing for Ukraine, there’s $1.6 billion for Eastern European countries, and this acknowledges that Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania particularly have jacked up their spending well above 2%, each of them closing in or exceeding 3%, recognizing the Russian threat right there.”

Translation:  American Taxpayers funded Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania’s military budgets for NATO via the Ukraine/Israel/Taiwan Funding Supplement.

While discussing the Israel War, Saudi Arabia is considered a potential ally to the West to counter Iran and Palestine.  Having watched the US, UK, France, Israel and Jordan’s combined efforts to take out Iran’s 300 missiles/drones, the thought is that Bin Salman was so impressed he would like to gain access to that weaponry, an alliance, and gain the iron dome system which can repel incoming attacks ~ per FDD.

While Qatar was once an ally of the US and Israeli governments, most recently the FDD has proposed clipping ‘Qatar’s media wing’, al Jazeera, because they are peddling propaganda and interfering with the Israeli/US agenda.  As such, the FDD anticipates wholly censoring the outlet.   As in banned.  Like Tik Tok.   Like any media that doesn’t tow the line of Feed.  In an act of monumental hypocrisy, the Department of Justice is trying to force al Jazeera to register as a foreign agent – something the Zionist AIPAC or any other lobbying group, media organization or NGO run by Israel – has failed to do.

The US Arsenal For Democracy.  A phrase coined by FDR wherein military funding was bumped from $24 million to $700 million an increase of 2916% over night wherein peaceful manufacturing was suddenly converted into the Military Industrial Complex.  And has bludgeoned into a trillion+ – and incited nearly every war to justify the spending.

The FDD transcript details that the current funding for Ukraine was definitely Mike Johnson – they have no intention of letting Ukraine lose and have already set up the ammunition and weaponry that will defeat Russia after Russia depletes its weaponry in 2024 via an offensive campaign.   Ukraine to play the Tortoise.  Anticipating a ‘long war’ discussions included using Mike Johnson in 2025 to push thru another package while encouraging more ‘stiff republicans’ to travel to Kyiv so as to experience Kyiv’s generosity and sway their vote to HAWK.  Trump is mentioned as an outlier who has little effect or control.  Defending Israel against its five neighbors and defending Taiwan against Xi Jinping are considered doable concurrently if necessary.  The hope is that Jinping will be pushed into a corner whereby Taiwan in exchange for not helping Russia is a critical stipulation/blackmail.

Blinken just returned from his China visit an embarrassment of attempted blackmail.  Either drop Russia or we will tell the world we have proof of election interference.  It appears Xi kicked out Blinken.

There is already an apportioned amount in the 2025 US Funding bill for Ukraine with the ability to add more via supplemental funding bills approved by – Mike Johnson.  In addition, there are other resources that are siphoned from different departments:

Mark Montgomery:  “So I think you could see some US AI money and even some of the State Department I&L money. That’s the International Narcotics Bureau over at State, which does the border patrol support to Ukraine.”  US border patrol is in Ukraine.

Full Circle.

The Israeli complex of Control over US Military, US Congress, US policy, US debt, US allies and enemies is in full spectrum hegemony.   Has been for decades – at least.  They drive what America does militarily, societally, within the media landscape of propaganda, censorship, and Congressional action and opinion – Governed by – the Israeli COMPLEX.  And this information is available should any person stumble upon its source – as did I.  Via a relatively innocent commenter referring me to the Gatestone Institute…

ANTI-WAR Protests Ignite across University Campuses!

WILD and WOOLY!    Campus anti-War protesters are erupting – and Biden just lost another demographic big time!   State governors getting into the fray was a YUGE mistake – and will cost a loss of voting demographics.  Strategic ERROR in an election year.   Word is that Netanyahu gave the orders for the police and National Guard to go full fascist on university protests a ross the globe as the youth market demands an END to Israel’s Genocide. Bibi’s PR Campaign has been a complete bungled blunder since he took office – again – and this is more evidence of a Cartel pushed to the edge.

As a youngster during the Vietnam War, it seems many of the same people who were out protesting then – are horrified that college kids would protest today…  How dare they!   Apparently, I am an ‘antiSemite’ and the police and Governors ordering the arrests are fascists.  Not certain how I can be an antisemite when I am anti-War.  Maybe being a Jewish Semite means you support unlimited war forever?   Not a good argument.

But I am certain the Zionists will soon start to label me a – fascist.

I’m not too old to remember the same establishment Fray did nothing to deter or mitigate or arrest the Antifa and BLM protestors who literally burned city blocks to the ground and destroyed thousands of businesses while assaulting – everyone.   Apparently, those protestors were just displaying disorderly tantrums.

That would be the mantra.

I was a tween during the Vietnam War protests – my father, the Army General, took me to a protest in Washington.   It was an interesting experience that hasn’t left me since then.

This time it is – different.   Why?   Because it comes within the tornado strength spiral that is taking out The Cartel.   We were still naïve then.  Today it is GLOBAL and Tik Tok IS the bane of the Cartel.

Protests in Paris.   An Irish politician whose mic was censored when she revealed the heinous complacency of parliament in doing nothing while knowing everything.   Professors arrested for their opinion.  Macron declaring the EU is dying.  And the media trying to uphold the Party delineation that does not EXIST!   It is NOT a party war.

Anyone who does NOT give Trump the credit deserved doesn’t understand the Big Picture.   You can’t get a majority to see what is happening unless you force their eyes wide open.  It isn’t enough to give eyes to MAGA, because this is a global takedown.   And from the fruits we all shall see – across the land and to the sea.  It has to be – a Global Awakening.

I don’t align with Trump on many things – but then I accept – you can please some of the people some of the time but you can’t please all the people all of the time…

The Youth market was the brain child of the Zion Protocols.   It is now being used against their agenda and everyone wants their country back!   From Pakistan to Russia, to Palestine, to Niger, to Mali, to America, to France – etc…  The appendage of the Zionists, America, is falling.

My internet was turned off yesterday.  I still had full wifi – but within 2 seconds of my posting my AIPAC blog – my internet was cut.  As Snowden warned – NSA now has the IT capability to target disruption.   The next agenda is likely to start hacking accounts so as to spew false and fake information under a person’s name with AI technology –  Buyer Beware.

The videos online of the police and National Guard assaults are quite damaging:   one police officer is seen with a taser gun on a man’s leg for minutes despite the man lying on his stomach, hands cuffed behind his back, and 3 other officers on his head.  He is motionless.  A journalist with an obvious badge and camera is taken out by police – his camera flies while he is wrestled to the ground.

This won’t go over well and lawsuits will have documented evidence of the abuse.   But this is what it takes to understand and begin the journey of awakening for those still confused.   Israel is Wrong.  Israel in its current frame is NOT Biblical.  And the barbarians?  Created by Israel – their attitudes matching quite distinctly;  ISIS and IDF.

It is rather refreshing to see our college youth protesting War – instead of victimhood or trans rights, or climate change or oil.   The arrests will only spur more focus.   And The Cartel loses  again.  The parties blackmailed can breathe.  And hope is reinstituted.

Blackmail.   I took a step back after I ran my shrew against Mike Johnson.  Blackmail.   It is likely that Johnson was blackmailed.   It is likely that he shared this with Trump – which is why Trump gave the go ahead for Johnson to submit.  Johnson doesn’t have the ability or the funds to fight the Cartel like Trump.   And Trump understood.   In retrospect, I think Johnson may have been given a pass because Trump, like no one else, fully understands the repercussions of Blackmail.  And he gave Johnson a pass – ‘we’ll fix it when I’m in office’.

I apologize.

In the end, I view these university protests as a positive – knowing they are infiltrated – instigated by Soros plebes – but still represent a return to the basic fundamentals of peace over war that seems to ultimately reinvigorate generations from the boomers to the Millennials to the Gen Z.   Remember, the antithesis to AntiWar – is Pro War and Genocide.  A fundamental ideology that the Cartel Zionists cannot comprehend.   Their downfall.

AIPAC: Ashkenazi Jews Are The Global Superior Race

The history and clout of AIPAC is quite interesting as it acts as an umbrella organization for all Zionist NGO’s.

Formed in 1953, AIPAC was introduced by Isaiah Kenen, as the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs within the lobbying division of American Zionist Council.  Because the Council was Israeli, in 1962 JFK and Bobby Kennedy forced them to register as a foreign agent – baring them from making US political contributions.  In 1966, The American Zionist Council was dissolved after regulatory changes revoked tax exemption for foreign agents. Its former subsidiary AIPAC continued to operate, albeit illegally having never registered as a foreign agent…

Kenen came from a Russian Bolshevik family that moved to Canada where Kenen worked before establishing himself in the US.  During the 1940’s, Kenen worked for the Jewish Agency of Palestine formed in 1929, the largest Jewish nonprofit in the world.  This Agency was founded by Arthur Ruppin, a proponent of pseudoscience race theory – ie, Zions are the superior race.  He was called to Palestine in 1908 – when Edmond Rothschild was busily transforming Palestine into Israel.  Ruppin believed that Jews were nonSemitic and intermarriage with Semitic Arabs weakened their racial superiority.  It was Ruppin whose fascination with the concept of a superior race, decided the Ashkenazis had the largest skulls and were thus – the most racially pure nonSemitics.  Jews that were not Ashkenazi were thus assured the role of manual laborers.

After the Yom Kippur War of 1973, AIPAC’s power exponentiated and they began to control ‘political opinion’ – ie, US Congress.   Still operating outside of the US Laws regarding registration of a Foreign Agent.   During the 1980’s AIPAC members were given similar free rein authority to act outside the Laws and member wealth escalated rapidly.  An Elite Class of Jews were born to expand the Banking Jew domination.

One such member became AIPAC’s president, Larry Weinberg, who infiltrated Reagan’s cabinet. Weinberg’s stated goal was to sculpt Washington into an Israeli controlled foundation.  As in corporate America.

In AIPAC’s world, if you do our bidding in supporting Israel no matter what, your reward will be money.   IF you are ‘critical’ of Israel, you will suffer the consequences.

Having raised $49 million so far out of a planned $100 million to skew the American election, AIPAC’s largest funder is the conservative Ukrainian American billionaire who co-founded WhatsApp, Jan Koum, $5m. Koum also donated to the Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s Super Pac.  Another major AIPAC donor is John Jacobsen, Democrat Rep in New York whose first win in 2018 was available as he ran unopposed due to the death of his democrat primary challenger – who also attained office due to the death of his challenger…

In other words, AIPAC is not affiliated with a party, it is affiliated with Zionism and promoting anyone and everyone who aligns with Zionist ideologies – as in do NOT ever be critical of Israel or we will destroy your career – and more.

When discussing Zionists the conversation is rarely allowed to venture into the Bolshevik Revolution wherein Lenin and Stalin murdered millions;  Lenin – 14-27 million.  Stalin – 9-20 million.  Why are these Holocausts not Holocausts?  Because they were a direct result of secular Ashkenazi Jews violently over-throwing King Nicholas II of Soviet Russia.  Some records estimate the number murdered is closer to 60 million.

The country these Bolsheviks created was called a communist party statehood.   The same communists that Hitler wrote about in Mein Kampf wherein Germany was next on the list after the USSR.  Hitler was convinced that unless he expelled all communists from Germany, they would rise and do to Germany what they did to Soviet Russia.  ‘That is what Hitler believed’.

These Holocausts are rarely allowed to be discussed in the censorship of media – owned by the Zionists.   Because creating history voids a crippling reality.

All of this supports Ashkenazi Soros in his quest with Rothschild to control the last remaining visages of anti-communist nations;  Russia and America.  The means?   Controlling the governments.  America’s politicians fell like elephants being chased by Mickey Mouse.  Russia nearly fell into the sweet talking ideology – but in 2015, Putin subsequently expelled Soros and Rothschild as the MkUltra brain hypnosis was broken.

AIPAC is ratcheting up its 2024 election picking – to expand Israeli control over America for they feel they are losing the battle as Netanyahu has brought desolation upon them.   Ashkenazis have many shared attributes that distinguish them from all other Jews – they are secular, they actively promote their superiority, and they are racist to extreme.  This zeal is embedded in the Military Industrial Complex in their ridding the world of the evils of inferiority so as to create a homogenous elite class.

Ben Shapiro is an example of this conscious awareness of purity.  Blindly, Secularly, advocating for Israel as a supreme power over the world.

But we ignore the real Jews, the ones who Ruppin declares are the real Jews of antiquity – representing 33% to 45% –  comprised of Sephardic and Mizrahi (Eastern, or oriental Jews) who follow Old Testament Biblical writings and protest against the genocide of Palestinians.   The ones who do not blackmail or demand world control.  The ones who align with Christianity, albeit not Jesus.

The largest Christian populations across the globe include:  US, Brazil, Mexico, RUSSIA, and the Philippines.  It is the secular Zionists that desire to destroy Russia and America – Milei has been installed in Argentina, Lula in Brazil and in June Mexico’s election will likely install – Claudia Sheinbaum – a Soros positioned Ashkenazi Jewess.

One country at a time – politicians are installed that meet the approval of AIPAC.  Even millennials understand that we are not fighting republicans or democrats – we are fighting the Zionist colonization of America as their puppet to do the barbaric on their behalf within 45 active battles across the globe.  PR is NOT working.

Israel War Was A Deflection From CIA Betrayal of US

At a cost of $1.3 billion, the US, Israel, France, UK, and Jordan worked in conjunction to take out the missiles and drones launched by Iran.  This realizes two major schematics:  1.   Israel is incapable of defending itself alone, and  2.  The West is spiking War while scripting lies for the Media about peace thru sanctions.  Israel intends to retaliate.  The Ayatollah gave the US and neighboring countries advance notice of the intended strike (72 hours).   Erdogan is calling Qatar to realize the extent of deception and murder.   Jordan is too financially beholden to the West.   And Saudi Prince bin Salman is cursing Israel for its stupidity.

Testing.   1, 2, 3.   No one was killed.  Damage was minimal.   Iran was showcasing.  US claims VICTORY Speech amidst ‘Iranian humiliation’.   The real revelation is the sheer egocentricity and deception our western governments and their militaries promote instead of simply telling The Truth.   Iran was thus able to show the world these western nuances.  Damage control is not possible.

During this same time period of attack, Israel managed to murder over 100 additional Palestinians with no reprisal at all.

It is a certainty that Israel will not stop until all Palestinians are dead or moved to refugee camps – in Jordan – for which American Taxpayers foot the bill.   Israel does not pay for the refugees it creates – the US does.  Americans.  That bill will double when Israel has completed its mission.  At which point Israel will begin its reconstruction of Gaza – with more American Taxpayer monies.   Those repair costs have gone from an initial $150 million to $100 billion.  While the Ukraine rebuild for Soros is estimated at $500+ billion to be charged to American Taxpayers.

In line with the supremacy of ‘humiliation’, (as I stated in a previous blog) out of the bog comes Reza Pahlavi, Iran’s exiled son of the Shah, calling for regime change and his installation as King:

“I think it’s important for the world to realize that the only obstacle to peace and stability and a better future lies on putting an end to the regime. It’s time for the world to finally decide to endorse and back the Iranian people to topple this regime and put an end to all this madness,” 

Of course the purpose would be to colonize Iran.

Colonizing Iran would mean taking;  their oil, their superior weapon inventory, their alliance with Russia, their natural gas, copper, iron ore, lead, zinc, chromium, manganese, sulphur, etc..

Last month, the Carnegie Endowment released a report detailing the scarcity of minerals and rare earth elements facing the US and Europe.   Supplied mainly by China, Mexico and Canada, they are essential to the War Machine.  They are also essential for green applications…  And the only way to assure their availability is through colonization of countries with vast supplies.   Mexico will be colonized as of the coming election this June –

While the PR machine is now focused on the “Evil Iran”, Israel is free to murder the remaining Palestinians without so much as a slap on the wrist.   The UN is essentially a worthless waste of real estate, and NATO is a buffoon of wasted funding.

When did Iran become “evil” or The Axis of Evil according to western media:

In 1953, the CIA and MI6 helped Iranian royalists depose Mosaddegh in a military coup codenamed Operation Ajax (Cleaner), allowing the Shah to extend his power. For the next two decades the Shah reigned as an absolute monarch. “Disloyal” elements within the state were purged”.  CIA verbiage for assassinated.

After the Iran revolution in February 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini was reinstalled.  The deposed Shah asked for medical assistance and asylum in the US which was granted.   The American Embassy hostages were taken as an exchange for the Shah.  The hostages were released within 3 hours.  A later student led revolt was waged to protest the coup and hostages were again taken.  52 hostages were held for 444 days.  The Carter regime sanctioned Iranian oil imports and America fell into an immediate recession.  The crisis created a unity within America – Iran was now officially Evil – and America was the victim.   American intel units attempted a rescue the hostages only to botch the operation and kill 8 US servicemen given US made helicopters couldn’t fly in the Iranian dust storms.

The Algiers government brokered a treaty and the release of the hostages with the signing of the Algiers Accords.  The number one provision stipulated that the US would never again interfere or intervene in Iran’s political or military internal affairs.   Like the Minsk Agreement between Russia and Ukraine – The Accord was routinely ignored by the US as Regime Change attempts and protests organized by the CIA and Soros sought a colonial Iran.  The first breech occurred literally months after the signing –

While regime change has been a prevailing mainstay of the CIA since its inception, the American public was not informed.   This apparatus has now been fully identified and countries across the globe are more than a bit peeved at the realization.   Americans are horrified.  The concept of betrayal central.  Processing the fact that our government has been the main creator of conflicts, regime change, murders, assassinations, and annihilation of entire countries, aka – Syria, when we were massively hypnotized into thinking we were the greatest peace maker, is a bitter pill indeed.

The fact that we are now the victim of a blatant regime change has aided our awakening.  Yet still, the realty exists that many if not all our government officials throughout the last 100 years have been installed.  And that power has become infinite in its levy.  The Israel War was likely created as a distraction from our CIA reality.   But instead of realigning America against the created evil – Palestine and Iran = the common enemy, a fatal flaw emerged.

Israel is The Deep State.  And the CIA works for Israel.  Israel recruits its benefactors, such as Soros and Fink and Bloomberg, etc… These benefactors agree to be the shield.  In return, they will be granted enormous wealth.  Netanyahu is not officially a member of the Club – but his ego sought this war as a means of demonstrating the extent to which his evil against Palestine and Muslims could earn him the right to belong.

The response is NOT what he anticipated.

Zion Globalists Waiting For Iran to Usher in WWIII

Want to know how effective and engaged government is on a daily basis?   Farage, of the UK parliament, publicly fired one of its election candidates claiming inappropriate social media posts and inactivity, only to be torched after it was revealed the person had died two months prior.   Of the 365 Congressional members in the US – how many are actually working?  Their staff?   What do they do every day?   While Americans are screaming because they need to work ten hour days to NOT make ends meet – Congress is giving itself another ‘cost of living raise’…

Outside of media appearances and Twitter, it appears that there is not a lot of actual work related business.   Politicians are paid to do absolutely nothing.  Instead The Handlers, the cowardly minions, do the bidding of The Masters who hold the Money.   Up until now, such a statement would be considered a Conspiracy Theory and every media outlet would perform a diligent ‘fact-check’ denying Truth.

Klaus Schwab is 86 years old.  He continues to make public declarations of his Kingship over the globe.   And Westerners react.   Fearful.  The fact is that Schwab is an illusion – his power is gone.   He’s just an old man hyped on drugs making absurd commentary.  Not one country has any interest in an old man self imposed l GKingship.   But it does provide temporary cover and a distraction while the Cartel tries to muddy thru its failures.

The Fact remains that any attempt to jiggle Pandora back in her box and re-establish a Zionist control board can not happen.   The damage control Cleaners were ill-prepared and thought arresting everyone could somehow solve their crisis.   The BRICS are making greater impact – and Russia is winning.   They are winning the propaganda game as well as the trade game. What to do?

Start a War of course!   Israel bombing Damascus was meant to incite a global war.   Israel prepared itself.  America prepared.   “Any Day Now”.  “Tomorrow for sure”!   It has been nearly two weeks – Iran is watching as Israeli and American intels make fools of themselves – and their World War is further postponed.  But the threat lingers.   Chinese torture –  Iran’s Khamenei has promised retaliation, he just didn’t reveal the means – which in all likelihood would preserve ALL Middle East parties.

Janet Yellen just returned from a trip to China wherein she claimed to have made great strides in ‘encouraging China to refrain from making cheaper goods and flooding the markets’ and threatening China should it provide any material support to Russia.  Yet, US intel continues to spout the China bad rhetoric and declare China to be the biggest threat to Western hegemony.  I doubt that Xi Jinping would bow and scrape to King Schwab.   The media ‘feed’ is another distraction.

The Federal Reserve Chair, Powell, has declared that inflation rose .5% to a whopping 3.8% thereby revealing that lowering ‘monetary policy of high interest rates’ has not destroyed the American economy – yet.   Simultaneously, the inflation data as released by the White House Bureau shows unweighted inflation at 22.5% – which is far lower than reality because food and energy are excluded.

A more realistic rationale for The Cartel would be to destroy the stock market and revalue inflation while Trump is President – to blame.  Seven months to go.  There is speculation that once the market is destroyed and businesses fall like dominoes – the Cartel will order banks to freeze cash and investment assets, as security for a fake bailout.  Again, a peasant class America does NOT equate to global domination – Herr King Schwab.

The Bank For International Settlements has issued their propaganda premise;  Stablecoins.  Stablecoins are much more secure than crypto because they will be based on the pledge of a referenced asset.  A novel concept – that is simply an expansion of ‘gold backed’ money eliminated by the same Cartel decades ago.   The last time an audit of America’s gold took place was in the mid 1980’s – 40 years ago.   It is doubtful that it hasn’t been stolen by our regime at this point.  Which furthers the need for a war to cover the theft –

However, if The Cartel were to economically destroy America, it eliminates the ability for the dollar to remain as the global standard.   IF America and Europe, the only countries on board,   it is an exercise in futility.   Yet, BIS continues to portray the use of Stablecoins as having garnered a huge portion of the global market.  Why?  Distraction.

The entire globalization format has not only stalled, it is dying.   Desperation makes the Cartel continue to provoke fear.  Desperation has caused them to focus on idiotic means of punishment:   AntiSemitism being key.   Americans are not ‘allowed’ to make any disparaging remark that could be construed as anti-Zion.   Therefore, everyone is a target for reprisal.   As the Cartel expends all its energy on this propaganda cleanup, the global Zionist colonies are cutting ties.

Iraq is currently at play amidst a threat:   Blinken to PM al Sudani on their forthcoming meeting next week,  “…just about everybody in Iraq understands the importance of strong ties with Washington”.   Lest they become the next bomb subject like Syria, or the next earthquake recipient like Turkey.   That is the means of understanding.  Iraq and the vast majority of The Middle East do NOT want America’s 40,000 military forces stationed there to launch attacks on Iran.   Should they fail to heed the warning – America becomes a proxy of retaliation by every single Middle East country – armed to the teeth – by America.

And That’s The news.