Macron – A Hero in France?

The German media is hailing Macron’s term as President of France as a grand success! He’s a hero! He’s a saint! He has accomplished what no man has done before and as a result his approval rating is at an all time high! Yeah!! Or not.

What has Macron accomplished that makes him worthy of such accolade? He has made a few tax reforms and a labour reform or two.   The tax reform is to reduce the corporate rate from 33.3% to 25%, to introduce a ‘progressive tax rate’, and abolish property tax rates. Some of these overhauls will phase in as of 2018, others will phase in over 5 years, including the corporate tax rate reduction.   Many of his tax reforms were simultaneously imposed by Trump, however the reception of the German media was quite hypocritical.  In fact, they were downright irate!  How dare Trump!

Labour reforms include making it easier to fire people, and lifting some regulations although the 35 hour work week and the retirement age of 62 remain in force. Yawn.

As a result of Macron’s massive reforms, France’s GDP rose to about 1.6%! WOW! The only problem, the GDP was estimated to rise to this level in 2014, three years before Macron was elected.   So how could he possibly be anointed with this accomplishment?

France holds an unemployment rate of 9.7%, and a youth unemployment rate of 24%.   It’s debt stands at about a third of the US, yet it’s GDP is only 11% of that of the US, and public debt is 20% higher.   Yet, somehow Macron is a genius and Trump an idiot? How does that work?

Macron’s proposal claims that the ‘source’ of revenue to cover these dramatic reforms will come from freezing government wages, a reduction of 120,000 public sector jobs, and a reduction in subsidies to French regions.   All of which will increase – unemployment.  Hmmm.

Merkel, Macron, Spain, Italy and Belgium all voiced major protests regarding Trump’s tax reform because they felt it would reflect in their own economic rosy development picture.   Which is true.   In addition, if Trump follows through with cuts to the UN and NATO, Europe will have to provide for their own military, increasing budgetary costs while already operating at a deficit.  The US has been subsidizing their militaries for decades, by the same taxpayers that the French consider unworthy and American racist, white, elite, Deplorables.

Macron’s approval rating is also subject to interpretation fluctuating Yugely depending on who is conducting the poll. Strange…  Some claim he sat at 60% when elected. Others report he tanked to 50% as of September only to rebound to 52% today…   That is according to the pollster, Ifop, a market research firm that sells polls to political parties.   But other pollsters claimed that Macron’s approval rating was 30% as of September, a far cry from the Ifop polls. How could that be?

Ifop is headed by Laurence Parisot, a woman, who also happens to be on the board of PNP Paribas. Paribas is infamously linked to the Rothschilds, the same Rothschilds who bought Macron and groomed him before planting him into the fray for election fodder.

Swaying public thought, the altered approval rating is simply another means of creating fake news.

France’s largest source of revenue is it’s chemical industry accounting for $73 billion in annual exports and which includes a cluster of US companies including; DOW Chemical, Exxon, DuPont, and LyondellBasell.   If those companies would decide to repatriate their stream back to the US per the revised tax reform instituted by Trump, the dent would be felt by France’s economy.  Hence the massive fear invoked in the EU for Trump and his reforms.

While the tax rates of both France (phased in over 5 years) and the US have been lowered, there does remain a giant thorn, the cost of labour, the work week, and unions. According to one company that was being asked to open shop in France, this was his impression:

Maurice Taylor Jr., head of the tyre company Titan International did not mince his words:

‘”I’ve visited this factory several times. The French workers are paid high wages but only work three hours. They have one hour for their lunch, they talk for three hours and they work for three hours. I said this directly to their union leaders; they replied that’s the way it is in France.”


Respect: A Virtue Lost to Arrogance and Daycare…

When my children were young, ‘nip it in the bud’ was a common phrase in my house. Every generation deals with a lot of the same difficulties, but I noticed that the coming generation, that of my children, were in fact different.   Two reasons come to mind.   1)   they were the first fulltime daycare generation, and 2) parents overwhelmingly allowed bad behaviors to go without consequence.  

Having owned a daycare, I saw firsthand the abuse.   Not by the workers, but by the parents.   Daycare was used as a Socialist tool to raise children because many parents didn’t want to.  Often leaving their children for 12 hours a day, parent’s asked if we would open overnight care so they could – party…   Certainly in its infancy daycare had a valuable place as more and more single parents, mostly moms, needed to make a living to support their child(ren).

Soon, daycare became the middle class nanny.   And with the advent of classier titles, Montessori, and a media firestorm that saw all children as lost souls unless they were attending Preschool, Pre-K, K and 10 different studies and athletic endeavors in-between, daycare became the norm.   In fact, if your child wasn’t in daycare something was terribly wrong with you.   Mine did not attend.  And so the wealthy stepped in to create an even larger largess of ‘schools’ where rates matched those charged by the uber colleges and universities.

While generations of demise can be tracked back to Socrates and his lamenting of the lost generation, the value of ‘respect’ would seem to be at the core of the millennials’ lost souls.

Children grew up without discipline, without a mother/father guide, without the core and stability a true home atmosphere provides. Instead, they grew up in institutions always surrounded by 10 to 25 other children vying for attention.   They grew up screaming at their parents, back-talking, and defiant. They became entitlement seekers whose role models included most of the Hollywood cabal. And without a value structure learned at home, they adopted the one they saw the most – the Hollywood Fantasy.

It is interesting because the blog of Austrialia’s missiologist, Mike Frost, routinely denigrates America and all Americans, most specifically evangelical Christians as though we are the root of all that is bad.  However, it is in my church that I see the least of the millennial disease – disrespect.  The youth rooted in God are also rooted in virtues and values devoid in the secular world.  And sadly, I read it in the soapbox grandstanding of Facebook youth who tell everyone what they need to do while living off the earnings of their parents…

We see it in the screaming secular world of Hollywood, arrogantly decrying in media conversations, and rampantly entitled in feminist propaganda that loves to use history as their platform for maligning and belittling all the peoples of today because they don’t have a heart – like they do – damn it!  Whew!

They don’t know how to listen because no one taught them the art. And like each generation before they think they are heads smarter than their elders.   Only, each generation before evolved and came to understand the value and wisdom of their elders, this one – not so much.

There is a difference, a sharp contrast.

While some scholars shrug it off as a ‘stage of life’, in so doing they fail to acknowledge that this ‘stage’ is manifested in a particular group and would seem to not exist quite so much in another group, the group that did not grow up in daycare.   In addition, this “stage” would seem to have become one that has no evolution.  Stagnant.  Daycare as it is used today has never existed. There have been nanny’s and household nursemaids, but those were mostly reserved for the wealthy and elite. It is different.  Because their upbringing was different.  Socialist countries attempt to mandate daycare institutions – Germany, Australia, etc…

When a child is raised by parents, they adopt the values and virtues of their parents, when they are raised by a daycare, they adopt the values and virtues of those teachers in the daycare, and then the teachers in school. Parent’s wonder how they lost their children…

Just like in filing your taxes with the IRS, ignorance is not a defense.   I watched my boy’s friends scream at their parents, and even slap them on occasion. Boundaries were nonexistent then – and now. Their only lifeline? Arrogance.   Without the humble self-esteem that a parent embodies and teaches, a child creates their own in arrogance, pride and self obsessive attitudes.

Contrary to the pedestal that Mr. Mike Frost preaches from in which America and Americans are the fault and blame for everything universal, this phenomena of disrespect is prevalent the world wide.   And would ironically seem to include Mr. Frost… Inviting discourse, but then demeaning anyone who disagrees with the content, is not an open discourse, it is a demeaning one built on Arrogance.  His blog demonstrates this.

And while Frost seems bent on dissing America, he would be better advised to take note of Australia’s growing apostasy; 1901 – 92% of population identified as Christian, 2016 – 52% of population identified as Christian with only 25% of those attending church weekly.   And as of 2007, it would appear that only half of the Australian government believed in the Bible as only half agreed to use it in their swearing in ceremony.

The virtue of respect is most commonly lost in the sin of Arrogance, and while we are all guilty, some practice humility and repentance while others practice pride.

The Palestine Corruption

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas just shot himself in the foot. Apparently, John Kerry was of the belief that by now Trump would be history, either thru impeachment – or other means unclear.   As such, he would appear to have been butting his head into foreign affairs including telling Abbas not to attempt to find a peace agreement with Israel!   Caught, Trump is holding his own and threatening to cut off funding which is estimated to be worth over $600 million per year. Shucks!

Abbas gave him the proverbial finger telling Trump he can take his money and shove it. Sounds like a plan to me!   $600 million here and there, no more UN, hey, savings are mounting exponentially!

Abbas isn’t exactly a squeaky clean good guy that got a bad rap…   Elected President in 2005, he quickly did some Constitutional finagling which allowed him to remain President without elections – indefinitely.   In 1972, Abbas was instrumental in raising the funds necessary to implement the Munich massacre in which 11 Olympic team member Israeli’s were kidnapped and murdered.   But Abbas claimed he had no idea what the money was being used for so he was given a slap on the back, although I can’t imagine what he did think the funds were for…

IN 1985, it was revealed that Abbas was a KGB agent for Moscow.   He is considered one of the founders of Fatah,along with Yasser Arafat. Fatah is considered a militant revolutionary stronghold whose name means to conquer and expand Islam through victory over the Levant.

Fatah has membership within the Socialist International organization and the Party of European Socialists.

In 2009, Reuters published a series of articles in which Abbas corruption was laid bare along with the collusion of his sons. In 2012, US Congress demanded accounting for what was perceived to be rampant corruption including stealing USAID funding.

So why would Kerry support Abbas?

Well it isn’t just Kerry and the US pledging millions.   Apparently, Palestine operates as a donor fund collecting over $1 billion annually as of 2013 from US, EU, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, Australia, The Netherlands, Denmark, Kuwait, France, Italy, Belgium and others…   This would not include private funds diverted to Palestine.

Not a bad charitable take!   So where has all that money gone? Obviously not into Palestinian schools, healthcare, retail development, and resource development. Where could it be?

According to Israeli Intelligence, Yasser Arafat’s net worth was well over $1.3 billion, earning his wife a monthly budget of $200,000. According to various sources within Palestine, it is reported that Abbas net worth is well over $100 million cash, in addition he lays claim to multi- millions in castles and property throughout the Middle East. He pays well too! Apparently Mustafa, who is Chairman of the Palestine Investment Fund, is given an annual ‘salary of $400,000’.   Oh, and he went to George Washington University in DC.   And Mustafa’s claim to fame? He worked at The World Bank Group in DC where he ‘leveraged loans to developing countries’.   Like Abbas son, he was a named person in the Panama Papers Caper.

Obviously, the ‘charitable contributions’ conveyed upon Palestine have been used for one purpose only – to promote the ridiculous wealth of government to the absolute destitution of the people.   For the US to drop out is but a drop in the bucket given the massive moneys laid upon layer for Palestine.

In the end, the massive corruption would seem to be a part and parcel of The Swamp that has defamed our globe with over-reaching tentacles and absorbed entire countries… with a few notable exceptions; Russia and China.

Again, as my Turkish friend stated, your friends are US, UK, Turkey, Russia, China, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Australia… etc… and your enemies are US, UK, Turkey, Russia, China, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada, Australia… etc…

It is a sickening waste of US taxpayers $$$$.

Turkey vs Kurds: A Lost Revolution

While the War Against Trump continues unabated, another War would seem to be raising the bar in it’s militaristic martial law style of genocide. This one is promoted by Turkey’s Erdogan and is aimed at obliterating the Kurds from Turkey, Syria, Iraq and anywhere Erdogan has a sword.   So, who are the Kurds? Who supports them? Who denies them?

It’s complicated. Like Syria’s Assad, the US has a history of fighting the Kurds, aligning with the Kurds, and ignoring the Kurds.   Dating back to the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWl, various land masses confiscated from the Ottomans were apportioned and became independent states, including ‘Kurdistan’. However, in 1925 the Treaty was renegotiated between Turkey and the European allies and the Turkish borders extended to disclude any Kurdish land.

Placed under Martial Law, in the 1970’s the Kurds organized the PKK Party under the ideology of Marx in an effort to reclaim their sovereignty. The US supported the guerrilla PKK, utilizing them to aid in an attempt to overthrow the Iraqi Ba’ath Party.   Then oil became the new gold and everything changed. The Kurds needed to be ousted from the oil rich land, the US abandoned them, and Iran and Iraq joined forces to eliminate them.  The US and Europe huddled out of the mess.

It is estimated that there are approximately 12 million Palestinians living across the globe, including roughly 5 million in The State of Palestine. By contrast, there are over 45 million Kurds who have systematically been forced to abandon their homes, their statehood, and their status as citizens in virtually all Middle Eastern countries.  Yet their plight is rarely discussed.  Instead, the media tends to highlight the ‘Christian Kurds’.

Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have the largest Kurd populations. While most Kurds follow Islam, there are smaller factions that support Shia, Yarsan, Yazidi, Zoroastrianism and Christianity, of which their numbers are estimated to be 25,000 total. That’s 25,000 out of a population of 45 million, .05%.

In 1990, the US again tapped the support of Kurds in their offensive against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.   And then again the US tapped the help of the Kurds in fighting ISIS in Syria.   We use them when it serves a purpose, but in the end, we cannot become involved in a war wherein Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq and all the rebels therein would be our target to stand beside our Kurdish allies.   The US is not alone in this standoff.   Despite an overwhelming 800,000 Kurdish population in Germany, there seems to be little to no response by them to intervene in the assault leveled on the Kurds by Turkey. Like the UN, which models the Wizard of Oz, their power is smoke and noise from a megaphone.

In and out – of favor.

Why are the US and Europe ignoring the genocide despite claiming to embrace the Kurds?

It is complicated.

Part of the reason lies in the fact that it is Turkey and Erdogan at the front of the assault. Erdogan made a deal with Merkel to quell the flow of refugees to Germany – for a price.   That contract could be ripped to shreds should the EU interfere in Turkey’s aggressions. The result would be a free fall of refugees and a complete degradation of the entire EU. The bluff is not without a hand of Aces.

The other part is that there is no solution:   Like the Palestinians, the Kurds have no place to go. The Arab nations don’t want them for they are simply another threat to their sovereignty of wealth, ie: land and oil.   As such the Kurd’s solution is to fight for a corner, a speck of land, and hope that their own brothers will ultimately abide by the Sharia doctrine of sharing…  Hundreds of years have passed.

A young Turkish man offered me this piece of wisdom when I asked, “So, who are the good guys and who are the bad?”:

The good guys include the US, Russia, China, Japan, Turkey, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.

The bad guys include the US, Russia, China, Japan, Turkey, Germany, France, Canada and Australia…

FBI – A Secret Society Within a Swamp

Emails have emerged between the disgraced FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were having an affair, that references a “Secret Society” within the FBI. Simultaneously, it is revealed that 5 months of text messages out of 50,000 between them have ‘vanished’.   Hardly coincidental.

Current FBI Director, Christopher Wray was asked to fire Andrew McCabe, and to date he has refused claiming that if McCabe goes – so goes he. Wray worked under Comey until 2005 while heading the Enron investigation. He unexpectedly quit and joined the law firm of King and Spalding.

As a litigation partner at the law firm of King and Spalding, Wray was tasked with representing unnamed Fortune 100 companies, including healthcare, energy, pharma, and transportation, being investigated by the SEC, IRS or OCC. His allegiances would seem to have undergone a dramatic shift from his prior service during the Bush administration.

King and Spalding have offices sprawling throughout the US, London, Moscow, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and more. One of their more notable clients includes – Monsanto.   Hillary was an avid backer of Monsanto, openly supporting their GMO initiatives. In turn, they donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation.

In addition, King and Spalding represented Muhammed Al Adahi, who was held at Guantanamo Bay for terrorist charges as an Al Qaeda affiliate. They lost the case, however in August 2016, Obama released Adahi and 14 other detainees sending them to the United Arab Emirates. Adahi was originally from Yemen. In 2014, Human Rights Watch, a Soros organization, sent a letter to Obama urging him to repatriate all Guantanamo Yemeni’s.

Wray’s term at the law firm included a major controversy in which the firm contracted with the US House of Representatives to argue the Defense of Marriage Act. They subsequently withdrew from the case amidst pressure from their other client Coca Cola, and the Human Rights Campaign.

In 2014, Politico and Forbes revealed hacked email correspondence between Coca-Cola and Hillary which purportedly gave way to a ‘cozy relationship’ between the two in which each asserted a back-scratching tit-for-tat rapport.   In addition, Coca-Cola’s donations tot the Clinton Foundation ranged between $9 and $15 million.

Human Rights Campaign, Christopher Wray, Andrew McCabe, Monsanto and Coca-Cola were all heavily weighted in the Hillary camp.  

The idea that there is NOT a ‘secret society’ within the FBI is naïve at best.   The notion that all of this is a coincidence – is equally naïve and fundamentally foolish.

King and Spalding notably work in the Middle East in compliance with all aspects of Sharia Principles and Law in the fields of Finance and Investment.   These principles involve the ideology that all wealth belongs to Allah and no Muslim is expected to seek moderation in materialistic wealth, and refrain from the accumulation of too much wealth given his responsibility to all others.   The fact that the Emir of UAE is sitting atop a wealth pile valued at over $150 billion while 85% of the country is populated by ‘expatriates’, (a novel way of defining slaves), would hardly seem to match this Sharia concept.   The UAE ranks a third place tie with Canada for the number of high wealth individuals.   First, on a per capita basis.

It would seem that Sharia Principles of finance simply means accumulation in this instance.

Bottom line:  Wray was tagged from a nearly $10 million per year salary to be FBI Director wherein a Swamp of “Secret Society” intrigue ruled.   The fact that the New York Times, Diane Feinstein, John McCain and nearly every Democrat rallied behind Wray would seem a bit too convenient…

Trump WINS!

When Trump took office:

1)   The DOW had plunged to 17,400. It now stands at 26,071. A gain of 54% in one year!

2)   The unemployment rate dipped from 4.6% to 4.1%. A drop of about 10%.

3)   The GDP Growth Rate for the year 2016 was 1.6%.   For the first year of Trump’s office, it doubled to 3.2%.

4)   A massive tax overhaul was instituted in which repatriated $$$$$ are already beginning to be pledged back into the US economy – Apple is leading the pack.

5)   The 3% Investment Tax on rental property implemented within Obamacare was repealed!

6)   The mandate for requirement that everyone be insured – repealed.

7)   Offshore drilling is opened allowing US dependency on the Middle East to ease and give the US a bump in independence.

8)   In 2017 housing starts surged 13.7% year over year.

9)   The Swamp continues to be “Purged”.

10) States are given more sovereign power

11) Federal Agencies are eliminated and/or downsized.

12) Trump takes no salary!

13) Jerusalem is identified as the capital of Israel

14) Trump derailed 1500 new regulations as a result of his 2-to-1 slash enactment

15) ISIS is floundering

16) Syria is ever closer to repatriating and rebuilding

17) The Paris Climate Summit which is a Fake Agenda that has accomplished nothing is no longer a US mandate.

18) Illegal immigration is down nearly 24%, and arrests increased by 40%

19) Signed legislation to revive NASA

20) Went after MS-13 gang members for an 83% increase in arrests

21) Increased grant funding to cops

22) Launched massive reformations to benefit Veterans

And the LIST keeps growing exponentially. This is Only ONE YEAR! And despite all the successes reaped by Trump, the Democrats continue their whines and whinneys as they try and try to blow the House Down.  The Wolf huffing and puffing…

I doubt ANYONE, any man, any woman, could have succeeded to such an extent despite the barrage of missiles and nuclear warheads lodged against Trump this past year. He has shown that he is a man of immeasurable strength and will, integrity and honor. He ain’t perfect, but then no one is, and we are quickly climbing from the gutters of global bereft communism to a country with a core and root system that is centered and built on a foundation of rock and fertile soil.

Now if we could just get all those heavy weight Hollywooders and wealthy Californians to actually pay a fair tax rate as they so robustly support – all would be well … and the deficit would melt away.

Anyone?  Anyone?

California Wealthy Taxpayers Paying 3% Effective Tax Rate?

California Governor, Jerry Brown, is having a hissy fit because Trump’s new tax law limiting some itemized deductions, most notably interest expense, will cause all the wealthy residents to form a line of mass exodus.   California has some of the highest priced real estate in the country, and a significant number of residents negotiate interest-only mortgage loans in order to cut their monthly out-of-pocket costs.   The rationale in the past was the fact that the interest was 100% deductible and therefore their actual cash cost was further lowered.   In addition, this lowered cost allowed more people to buy homes as they could squeak in the debt to income ratio margins.

The Bay Area currently has a median home price of $770,000 which is considered – middle class.   Oddly, it also has some of the lowest property tax rates in the country, lending more speculation that the wealthy vastly under-support the economy. The fact that the highest tax bracket for state income taxes is 13.3% with a 1% mental health surcharge for those earning over $1 million, certainly contributes to California’s cost of living as one of the most incredibly expensive.   And it has nothing to do with Trump – and everything to do with price demand – a capitalistic market.  

Of course, despite the fact that California has an annual budget of $265 billion or roughly $6700 per capita, twice that of Florida, they still can’t make ends meet.   Jerry Brown is convinced that the tax limitation was a Republican conspiracy to hurt California as well as his esteemed reputation.

Not to be out done, the California State Legislature is busily proposing ways to circumvent the new tax law by allowing the reclassification of interest as a ‘charitable contribution’.   Unfortunately, the feds make up the federal laws, so attempting to reclassify a Federal Law would be a slippery slope legality.

According to the Democrats within the Senate, California’s wealthiest 1% pay 48% of the income tax revenue… remember when Romney tried to make the same statement and was ripped apart?   Anyway, income tax revenue represents roughly 35% of the California Budget, 26% is Federal Assistance.   I imagine that if the California Assembly were to try to insert a new law circumventing the interest deduction, Trump could simply offset the dollars against Federal Assistance.  Given the Sanctuary City status, given constant natural disasters, California could easily find themselves stripped of all funding.

It’s much like a game of chess.   Only Jerry Brown doesn’t have his Queen to save him. FYI:  That would have been Hillary.  

But it isn’t just the income taxes California would lose. Their second highest source of revenue is from sales taxes which currently stand at 7.5% with a max State and Local of 10%.   A VAT Tax could generate significantly more revenue from a tourist standpoint, but the wealthy spend – the non-wealthy don’t, so revenue is primarily generated by the wealthy.

If the initiative to divide California and splinter off the rural portions to New California as proposed, Jerry Brown will be left with an even smaller base of income to support their massive welfare programs and prison systems.

As of 2015, California ranks number 1 for total gross federal collections, however, on a per capita basis it falls far short at 16th, below Missouri, which would indicate they are not paying their – “Fair Share”.   Given 38% of Californians earn more than $877,560 per year, compared to the national average of about $48,642, the math would support that they aren’t even close to paying their – Fair Share.  

With roughly 40 million residents, 38% would equate to 15.2 million earning $878,000 at a flat tax rate of 15% would mean they would generate over $2 trillion Federal tax revenue per year… not including remaining taxpayers who contribute 52% to the total take.   In actuality the total revenue collected in 2015 was a mere $405 billion.  A YUGE difference!  This would equate to an effective Federal rate of just – 3%.

Looks like a lot of someone’s in California just aren’t anteing up!!

Interesting…who could it possibly be?

Ozone Hole is Shrinking? Because…

The Ozone Hole is shrinking – according to Scientific reports released in 2016! In fact, it appears that the main reason it is shrinking is because of the natural global temperature changes, ie, warmer temperatures in the polar regions cause the hole to shrink and rising temperatures in the stratosphere also play a significant role. This would indicate that over thousands of years as the earth’s temperatures rise and cool, holes develop and disappear as a common reaction. According to NASA.

Of course, the MSM would liken the decrease to the Montreal Protocol which called for the decreased use of CFC gases such as those coming from spray bottles…   However, there is absolutely no evidence to support this theory, instead scientists are pointing to the natural occurrences of global weather shifts as the most significant contributing factor.

According to ‘climate predictions’, the hole was slated to return to its 1980’s size sometime between 2050 and 2070.   However, as of 2017 it is already its 1988 size, once again proving that science is at best – a theory.   The Montreal Protocol which was signed in 1987 and initiated in 1989, was only sporadically implemented across the globe, had multiple phase out time frames, and did not include HCFC’s until 2015 when the Ozone Hole had already dwarfed in size.   In addition, not all countries banned the use of CFC’s; China, India and South Korea still proliferate their use.

Du Pont began producing hydrofluorocarbons as an alternative to the phasing out of CFC’s. However, it was later discovered that these HFC’s contribute to Global Warming and they became the target of the Kyoto Protocol which sought to ban their use worldwide  Unfortunately, they had already become mass produced and were a market source around the globe. So, a lean period was initiated in which phase outs were established to be in full force as of 2020 for developed countries and 2030 for developing countries…

But the phaseout hasn’t happened. In fact, the largest producers include; Coca-Cola, DuPont, Honeywell, ThermoKing and Carrier Transicold. Problem? Of course, the alternatives that have been put in service to phaseout the HFC’s are also now considered unsafe… But they haven’t been banned because there really isn’t an alternative that has been created that is considered ‘safe’ although everything is delisted via a Climate Protocol so as to create a phaseout sometime in the future – maybe in 3 or 4 decades… but in the meantime we’ve already discovered that the natural variation in climate is fixing the problem without Scientists involvement.

Gee Whilakers!  Bottom line?

We have replaced the CFC’s that were thought to have ‘caused’ the Ozone Hole with a number of alternate compounds including HFC’s and HCFC’s and R’s and Q’s galore, only to discover that all the alternates are also causing Global Warming and the depletion of the Ozone layer, only to find that everything is super-naturally fixing itself – anyway!


I’m sure glad Science fixed all those problems for us!   Cause I sure don’t know w hat we would do otherwise…


In the meantime, not to be left out of the loop of god status, the EPA announced in 2015 that they were going to call for a phaseout of all HFC’s as a part of Obama’s Climate Change Plan of Action. I guess they didn’t get the memo that the Ozone Hole was already fixing itself.   In the meantime, a report issued by the UN in 2016 stated that HFC use in ALL countries across the globe is expected to rise significantly over the coming decades averaging about 16% per country.


I guess NO ONE got the memo. But hey, the Ozone Hole continues to contract. FYI: the UN has an Ozone branch whose purpose is to study Ozone and to ask pretty please will everyone voluntarily reduce useage…

Immigration Entitlement

Norway’s largest immigrant population demographics; Poland and Sweden.   Australia’s largest immigrant population;   England, New Zealand and mainland China.   Canada’s largest immigrant population; UK, China. Number of Syrians in Canada – 18,000 representing .1% of the population.   Switzerland largest immigrant population; Germany, Italy and Portugal.   Ireland immigrants: Poland and UK.   Japan? Foreign residents represent 1.22% of the entire population and are primarily from China and Korea. Portugal’s immigrants; Brazil and Cape Verde.

So why isn’t the media all in a tizzy over the demographics in other countries?

Recently, a number of refugees were relocated to an island in Scotland. They complained bitterly because they said the island wasn’t metropolitan enough and had an aging population with an average age of 55-59…

Of the 436,000 legal refugees brought into the US from 2011 through 2016, California took 36,000 representing .09% of the refugee population, roughly 2000 came from Syria.   Total Syrian “refugees” are estimated to number 6.3 million.   So California has given home to .03% of the Syrian refugees.   In other words, the numbers are so relatively small it’s like paying $20 on your $63,000 debt, it would take 3150 years to pay it off without interest…

In Australia immigrants must be ‘skilled workers’, must pass a comprehensive test, must have an employer lined up ready to employ you, and must remain squeaky clean for two years before you can even apply for residency. After 4 years of lawful residency, you will be considered for permanent residency which may take another year.

Canada:     According to the government, “For example: a 25 year-old female with excellent English ability, basic French knowledge, a Master’s degree with 2 years work experience in the country of origin, no prearranged employment in Canada and a spouse that has studied, lived and worked in Canada might score upwards of 80 points overall. This combined score of the six factors would make her eligible to apply for permanent residency.”

 The immigrant policies of nations around the world are strictly defined.   They have been defined in the US since 1790, revised and updated. Still, the illegal immigrants in the US are estimated to number about 12 million representing 3% of the total population.   Total immigrants in US amount to about 44 million or just over 13% of the population with most living in Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois and New Jersey.  Still – not good enough…

Gaining legal status is a difficult and costly process, however, abiding by the laws is required of every citizen. When laws no longer have effect, society collapses. Those immigrants who followed the rules through hard work and tenacity can feel bitter when a magic wand is waved and millions are simply granted a waiver.  But that is what the Liberals and Socialists are arguing.

Within this societal chaos, the rules of Order melt away and the entitlement schematic rises to the surface. I remember as my kids grew they would continually ask if something was ‘free’.   Amazement reined as they found that our house wasn’t free, my car, and ultimately even the water.   A generation has risen that was apparently not given this guidance and so they believe that everything entitled should be free…  Of course, it follows that everyone who has worked to gain wealth should then pick up the tab for all the freebies that youth can’t afford because they haven’t worked.   Somehow the switches that govern logic and rational seem to be turned – off.   Big Daddy is thus the godhead!  “You have the money, you pay, I don’t have the money so I won’t pay…”  What happened to the widow who gave her only penny?

Until this socialist generation is willing to foot the bill ‘themselves’ for the massive immigrant policies they support, they will never learn that entitlement means someone still has to pay and ultimately it will be ‘them’, should be – them.

Apple Infusing $350 billion into US

…Apple has announced that as a result o Trump’s new tax law they will repatriate $350 billion into the US economy over the next 5 years, $38 billion in repatriated taxes! In addition, their move will create 20,000 new jobs in the US!


Shouldn’t this be headline news?   Trump’s tax plan is already saving billions! But then Trump would have to be credited – and the media just can’t seem to work up the courage to say anything ‘nice’.

This is the first of many more to come given the most assertive tax reform in decades. This could be the beginning of a wave as others see the advantages. Those with the highest amount of cash overseas include; GE, Microsoft, Pfizer, Merck, Google Medtronic and Abbott Labs. It is estimated that $1.4 trillion in corporate cash is being held in various overseas accounts subject to a one time offer of 15.5% tax rate. That would amount to a cash infusion of $217 billion not including the associated jobs, and payroll tax revenue, not does it take into account the additional profits subject on an annual basis to the new corporate rate of 21%.

It is proof positive that Trump’s plan is a success and could have a ‘Yuge’ positive impact on the US economy while simultaneously negatively effecting those economies where the havens currently exist; Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Ireland, Puerto Rico, and The Netherlands.

Another possible loophole that could trickle down and up again would include all the individuals, as in the Panama Paper Caper, who may decide to capitalize on the windfall and incorporate in order to bring their money back as well via the 15.5% rate.

Within this revolution of cash infusion there is a hidden danger. As the money flows and the economy is bumped, the Federal Reserve is likely to start increasing the interest rate which will ultimately put a bit of a squeeze on equity stocks given their profits have not kept pace with their market prices. However, in the short term, profits will feel the pace of business through lower tax rates and greater infusion of money in the economy.

A balance could shift toward larger cap stocks as they will see the greatest benefit and feel the least pain.

There is also the trigger of interest rates on federal debt which were cut in half during the Obama term. If those rates go back t normal, the government’s interest spending could easily double unless debt is paid down.   Trump’s fault? Hardly. Simply a mechanism he inherited.

But playing the swings could be a bit dicey if you don’t understand all the inherent dominoes being deployed.

In the meantime, the Liberal media will have to do some double talking, fast talking, hype in order to somehow convey how all this money infusion isn’t really a result of Trump’s Tax Reform, but something completely anti-Trump.

Add to the Liberal negative news that the economy is roaring, unemployment is low, black employment is at an all time high, and the Ozone hole is actually shrinking all by it’s lonely self, and the world seems to have gone from doomsday Revelation to a Halleluiah scenario.

Just sayin’…