UN World Order Will Save EARTH

Word is out – ALL Global leaders are corrupt, useless, tyrannical, and driven by imperialism.   And that’s just what the liberal media is declaring!   Australia’s Prime Minister is ruling like a communist dictator while peasants are assaulted as unhinged protestors per the draconian measures.   The media is calling on Morrison to be held accountable for the brutality and the country subjected to sanctions!  

This – just one week after the AUKUS deal was signed between the US, UK and Australia.   Odd timing…

Merkel is exiting stage left but not with shine and glitter, instead the same MSM is denouncing her as the causal factor for Germany’s decline, massive illegal immigration, inflation, and a flailing economy.

Trudeau is getting pelted with rocks by the people who ‘love him’ and yet wins the election.   Biden is routinely portrayed as a dufus who has triggered the collapse of America.   And EU President Ursula von der Lyon is under scrutiny for her Hillarygate style text messages with Big Pharma, which she seemingly ‘lost’ and can not reproduce.

France’s Macron is feigning riff -ruff because Australia poofed their sub deal and has recalled France’s ambassadors as they purse their lips and grouch in defiance.   Two Dutch Ministers resigned over the Afghanistan debacle.   And Poland is being held to an EU fine of 500,000 euro per DAY, because they refused to shut down a coal mine!   Sounds like the unraveling of Europe is well under way!

On the other side, China is teetering toward a recession, and India/Pakistan relations remain tenuous.   Russia has called the US Ambassador with proof that 20 US NGO’s were interfering in the ongoing election.

All The King’s Men are now being fed to the hyena’s simultaneously – just in time for corporate CULT/Cabalists to enter the fray to save Earth and ‘some’ of its inhabitants from the same politicians interred by the Cabal.   Of course Bezos, the cheap, unliked authoritarian of Amazon has announced what all this ‘saving’ will look like – “Factory Towns”  ruled by corporate conglomerates.

The Emmy’s housed the riff-raff of Hollywood CCP’s who are given a mask mandate exemption according to LA County officials – because they are ‘performers’.   So now we know how to have a maskless party – everyone must claim to be an actor.

And suddenly Hunger Games appears much more than a jaunt into imagining the future.

Who can fit on the Bill Gates Ark?   Certainly, Bloomberg et al.

Bloomberg was at the side of Bush jr throughout his presidency, he was on Air Force One dictating Obama’s strategy, and in the Oval Office Bloomberg is the mini man holding up Biden.   Bloomberg has frequently been seen with Hillary, Gates, and in 2015, Michaelovich Bloomberg was knighted by Queen Elizabeth…   further defining his British colonial imperialistic ideals.   The Order of Cabal he was finally granted his seat in the pyramid.

And within this corporate sustainable goal, the UN emerges as the one government above the fray.   Stating that climate and the pandemic must be resolved immediately, they are quick to call upon their previous ‘success’ stories:

Our functioning ozone layer will prevent an estimated 280 million cases of skin cancer, approximately 1.6 million skin cancer deaths, and more than 45 million cases of cataract in the United States alone; without it, even fiveIl minutes outdoors would cause sunburn. Absent the Montreal Protocol, the ozone layer would have collapsed by 2050.

The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 for the purpose of eliminating CFC’s in refrigeration and air conditioning units.  Two scientists in the 1970’s believed that these CFC’s were causing ozone depletion.   None of the phaseCorrupt Politicians

outs delineated in the Protocol have actually been achieved, and the deadline continues to be pushed.  Today the new deadline is between 2050 and 2075.    However, the Ozone has only been studied since 1982 – so comparisons are based on convoluted short term data with little to no true scientific values.

And for this clear success, the UN has declared itself a Kings gamit.

But then, it is notable that is how the UN determines achievement.   And under such tutelage, we would be led down the literacy of Alice’s Wonderland in meeting with the Cheshire Cat.   The Cabal created the illusionary world – and continue to define what is real for the peasants at large.   At some point that illusion will vaporize and we will be left with a bounty of disbelief;   is the sky blue because we have been told it is so?   How much of weather is completely manipulated?   Is satan in control?    How many dimensions are stacked onto each other living simultaneously?   Are the British Imperialists running the global show?   Have we ever been free?

Ozone Hole is Shrinking? Because…

The Ozone Hole is shrinking – according to Scientific reports released in 2016! In fact, it appears that the main reason it is shrinking is because of the natural global temperature changes, ie, warmer temperatures in the polar regions cause the hole to shrink and rising temperatures in the stratosphere also play a significant role. This would indicate that over thousands of years as the earth’s temperatures rise and cool, holes develop and disappear as a common reaction. According to NASA.

Of course, the MSM would liken the decrease to the Montreal Protocol which called for the decreased use of CFC gases such as those coming from spray bottles…   However, there is absolutely no evidence to support this theory, instead scientists are pointing to the natural occurrences of global weather shifts as the most significant contributing factor.

According to ‘climate predictions’, the hole was slated to return to its 1980’s size sometime between 2050 and 2070.   However, as of 2017 it is already its 1988 size, once again proving that science is at best – a theory.   The Montreal Protocol which was signed in 1987 and initiated in 1989, was only sporadically implemented across the globe, had multiple phase out time frames, and did not include HCFC’s until 2015 when the Ozone Hole had already dwarfed in size.   In addition, not all countries banned the use of CFC’s; China, India and South Korea still proliferate their use.

Du Pont began producing hydrofluorocarbons as an alternative to the phasing out of CFC’s. However, it was later discovered that these HFC’s contribute to Global Warming and they became the target of the Kyoto Protocol which sought to ban their use worldwide  Unfortunately, they had already become mass produced and were a market source around the globe. So, a lean period was initiated in which phase outs were established to be in full force as of 2020 for developed countries and 2030 for developing countries…

But the phaseout hasn’t happened. In fact, the largest producers include; Coca-Cola, DuPont, Honeywell, ThermoKing and Carrier Transicold. Problem? Of course, the alternatives that have been put in service to phaseout the HFC’s are also now considered unsafe… But they haven’t been banned because there really isn’t an alternative that has been created that is considered ‘safe’ although everything is delisted via a Climate Protocol so as to create a phaseout sometime in the future – maybe in 3 or 4 decades… but in the meantime we’ve already discovered that the natural variation in climate is fixing the problem without Scientists involvement.

Gee Whilakers!  Bottom line?

We have replaced the CFC’s that were thought to have ‘caused’ the Ozone Hole with a number of alternate compounds including HFC’s and HCFC’s and R’s and Q’s galore, only to discover that all the alternates are also causing Global Warming and the depletion of the Ozone layer, only to find that everything is super-naturally fixing itself – anyway!


I’m sure glad Science fixed all those problems for us!   Cause I sure don’t know w hat we would do otherwise…


In the meantime, not to be left out of the loop of god status, the EPA announced in 2015 that they were going to call for a phaseout of all HFC’s as a part of Obama’s Climate Change Plan of Action. I guess they didn’t get the memo that the Ozone Hole was already fixing itself.   In the meantime, a report issued by the UN in 2016 stated that HFC use in ALL countries across the globe is expected to rise significantly over the coming decades averaging about 16% per country.


I guess NO ONE got the memo. But hey, the Ozone Hole continues to contract. FYI: the UN has an Ozone branch whose purpose is to study Ozone and to ask pretty please will everyone voluntarily reduce useage…