Special Ops – Jade Helm – The Sky is Falling…

The Sky is Falling….

Martial Law is imminent…

Jade Helm is the precursor…Not –

Obama is purging the military and that is a fact. In 2010, there were over 561,000 army personnel. Today that figure is well under 500,000, an 11% reduction. After WWII, 10% of the population was in the military. Given today’s figures that would calculate to about 31.9 million active personnel verses the actual number of about 1.3 million.

There is a cap on the number of ranking officers allowed per branch at any given time. The cap for Army generals is 231. Today there are 13 Brigadier Generals (one star), 14 Major Generals (two star), 15 Lieutenant Generals (three star), and 13 commanding Generals – that totals 55 or 24% of the allowable cap.

Granted we aren’t in a war…. oh, that’s right, actually we are, we’re fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq, the Ukrainian citizens in Ukraine, the Sudanese Islamic rebels, Yemen citizens in Yemen, immigration on our borders, Pakistan ‘insurgents, and Afghanistan Talibanies. The number of countries with Special Op forces stands at 134. But we’re not at war – technically.

While we operate with the tactics and intelligence of just 24% of our commanders, we have to wonder at the purge justifications. A lieutenant General with a spotless, amazing record is tanked because he accepted a Mont Blanc pen and a leather briefcase as gifts. How heinous! According to the Washington Post one might think the man was truly an evil corrupt unethical being. We have four star commanders tanked for an “alleged” grope, an alleged affair, and for making a statement referring to ten thousand injuns. Have we completely lost our senses and sensibility? We have a cocaine user/former-user for a president and a history of presidents freely dallying with mistresses and masters. The hypocrisy of rule has lost its mind.

Granted, our military must conform to rules of ethics. As should our citizenry. Including our Commander in Chief President. But it would appear that the military has to abide by a higher standing that few commoners heed. We have serial rapist priests who are ‘re-assigned’. We have politicians involved in sex trafficking (UK story 1433 suspects), but only in the US can a sparkling clean three star general be relieved of duty for accepting a Mont Blanc pen.

Within this tactic of diversion, we have a host of media frenzies claiming that Operation Jade Helm 15 is the precursor to Martial Law. The Sky Is Falling! What is necessary in order for Martial Law to be imposed?

Martial Law is imposed to contain popular protests, a coup, perceived or real insurrections, or in the event that the government has disappeared or fails to control civil disobedience. The then highest ranking military commander takes over. For example; Poroshenko, the coup president in Ukraine, has stated he will impose Martial Law so as to “demonstrate readiness for war’. In other words, he is instigating a cross that line and you are dead sort of playground game only the children don’t get back up after being ‘downed’. Martial Law is considered a dictatorship, communist approach to control civilian populations. And the Ukraine just went communist.

If 65% of the military personnel state that they would NOT draw arms against US citizens, then Martial Law would pit military against military. But it isn’t the military that Obama has strategized for potential combat. On July 2, 2008 at a campaign stop, Obama made the following unscripted statement: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

And he has achieved just that – The private organization known as The Federal Reserve.

Section 364 of the Act, “Uniform Protection Authority for Federal Reserve,” reads: “Law enforcement officers designated or authorized by the Board or a reserve bank under paragraph (1) or (2) are authorized while on duty to carry firearms and make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence…Such officers shall have access to law enforcement information that may be necessary for the protection of the property or personnel of the Board or a reserve bank.”

The Federal Reserve is a police force that is privatized and armed heavily.

According to the Social Security Administration, they have 295 special agents (non-military) who are armed and authorized to make arrests, act in the same capacity as a police officer and execute warrants. That would account for their request of lethal weapons on a massive scale.

We also have the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association amassing weapons. Who are they? First, they have 379 commissioned uniformed officers. They are tasked with protecting fisheries and wildlife, and provide stewardship of coastal and marine environments. Has this ever led to a gun battle? No. So why all the armory?

Move on to The Department of Homeland Security. “The DHS independent auditor is KPMG, one of the Big Four audit firms. Due to the level of material weaknesses identified, KPMG were unable to audit the DHS financial statements for FY 2010. In fact, KPMG were unable to express an audit opinion on the FY 2009, FY 2008, FY 2007, FY 2005, and FY 2003 financial statements. Attempts to access the reports for FY 2006 and FY 2004 within the ‘information for citizens’ portal met with a 404 error.” Not a good sign…

The private security detail for Obama is NOT the military. But it has been set in motion and heavily weaponized.

The commanding Lieutenant General for the US Army USASOC (special ops) is Lt. Gen. Charles Cleveland. ARSOF2022 is a manual that identifies their mission, their goals and their areas of special interest. A phrase commonly used, “multidimensional hybrid operating environments” is their primary focus. A productive read, the manual states:

Whenever possible, we will develop innovative, low-cost and small-footprint approaches to achieve security objectives, relying on exercises, rotational presence and advisory capabilities.”

It also states that the countries in which they will operate as ‘actors and non-actors’ are typically those with corrupt governments, high unemployment, exorbitant poverty levels, limited internal infrastructure, deep ethnic and religious divisions, and a history of humanitarian issues. In other words – their focus is Africa.

So while Operation Jade Helm is being conducted purely for training, an exercise necessary for honing talent, there is a threat, it just isn’t from the military. The threat is from far deeper within the shadows just as Senator Inouye warned in 1987. Focusing on the military is a diversion tactic. They are NOT the enemy. But instilling fear in them – therein lies the enemy.

DEBT vs GROWTH – which is better?

While America’s debt now stands at 105% of GDP, Europe is quickly catching up. The UK debt hovers over 96%, France is closing in on 95%, Greece is at 196%, Italy is 140%, and Germany is at 68.7%. But some of the largest and smallest numbers are not always talked about. For example; Japan tops out at 199.4% and Russia lingers at just 11.3%. Part of the problem is in the numbers – as in, who is reporting the numbers? The Japanese government is reporting debt at 199.4%, while Bloomberg and The Economist say it is 240%, but not to worry because public debt is really only 140%. Well that puts them over Italy and no one is saying that Italy has nothing to worry about. But then Italy’s ‘public’ debt is 114%, so while Japan is ‘really only’ – well, Italy is ‘really only’ – less.

The Scandinavian countries routinely come in low, although not the lowest with 20-50% ratios. Even Pakistan and South Africa come in under 40%. Low debt does not equate to a good standard of living, but it does equate to a theory of management. High debt certainly creates the aura of near implosion. So why does the mainstream news keep plugging the failing economy of a country that has the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the world and virtually ignore the country with the highest debt?

Because information molds views and more than anything the view that the media wants to extol is that – Russia is imploding. But it’s not.

Japan has a low inflation rate and low unemployment. But on a comparison basis, consumer prices for food and rent are 25-39% higher in Japan. In 2014, Japans growth rate went into negative territory. While the rate is back in the positive, it is a barely there number at .6%. Italy’s growth rate is currently at .3% whereas the US is lingering at .2%. The countries with the highest growth rates include Senegal at 22% and Kazakhstan at 8%. While the Ukraine’s growth rate had ranked in the positive at 3.3 before the coup, it now lingers in the toilet at -17.6%. In the wisdom of Dr. Phil – ‘How’s that coup workin’ for ya?’

So where do these statistics leave us? Correlations seem to be lacking.

Simply looking at one number obviously fails to tell anything of worth. So what can we learn from Italy and Japan?

While high debt is an indicator, in combination with stagnant to negative growth, a country is doomed. What stimulates growth? What lowers debt?

Growth is stimulated by competitiveness and private sector returns, public sector investments in education, infrastructure and technology are all drivers. So, how do you do that? Well, for one thing taxing out the public and private sectors is an obvious faux pas. What can hamper these natural stimulations? According to a Nobel Laureate Economist, quality government is the key. Governments that abuse their power, make decisions for the elite, and favor the special interest groups, will create the implosion no matter where the debt stands.

Within the government initiative there is the obvious – demand. Demand is high when wages are more indicative of a thriving economy. Low wages = low consumer spending = low consumer confidence = low overall growth rate.

How do we increase wages?

The Obama solution is – redistribution of income through taxation. It’s an economic absurdity to even consider this a solution. Taxing a corporation reduces their bottom line more which will effectively redistribute nothing to anyone but the government. Corporations are motivated by profit. They want a greater return if they are going to pay more wages. They want increased productivity to justify the wage increase. Right or wrong – that’s how their mind works. Resume writers want their clients to show how they created greater wealth for their previous employer because that’s what sells an employee’s worth.

Stagnant wages make for low morale and stagnant growth. Corporations don’t have the American morale any longer, they see cheap India labor as their driver. If the government spent more time and money ‘incentivizing’ corporations to pay better wages and keep them in the US, entitlement programs could begin to fall away thereby redirecting the entitlements to incentives. It might be a breakeven for the government, but that would be their ‘job’, and moral, confidence and earning power would be the end result for the citizens the government represents.

SOROS – The Master Puppeteer: Who will be his successors?

Most people in Europe are well aware of the name, George Soros. A good portion of the people elsewhere are somewhat familiar with his dealings. But it is only a fragment of the US population that would appear to have any idea of the magnitude of the Soros empire and it’s agenda.

There is a contingent of people who acknowledge that president Obama seems to be a ‘puppet’ waiting on any catastrophic event for guidance. Usually four days is the advance that Obama requires before speaking publicly about corruption, fraud, cover-ups, disasters, etc…

But even fewer seem to know the fringe circle of allies, Tom Steyer and Pierre Omidyar, whose power, political clout and money drive the decisions in Washington. Perhaps they are the a part of those who will succeed Soros as his legacy of Karl Popper, Communism, and Liberal Socialism continue to grow.

Pierre Omidyar: An Iranian American who founded Ebay, Pierre, like Soros, on the surface of edited bio’s appears to be a philanthropist who just wants to see good things happen. But as it happens, Omidyar was entrenched in financing the ‘regime change’ of Ukraine and helped organize the Maiden Revolution. He voluntarily hands over all available personal data on Ebay and PayPal subscribers to the government boasting that he has helped the police arrest thousands around the world. It is filtering process that helps to enforce the agenda.

It is said that he has buried several months worth of food supplies in Nevada, Hawaii, France, and Montana in anticipation of a pandemic. He invested in a company, Maui Land and Pineapple, which was busted by the US feds for being the largest human trafficking organization ever. He was investigated and sued by Congress for ‘spinning stocks’ and investing illegally in IPO’s with Goldman Sachs.

And he is an avid guest of the Obama’s at the White House.

In 2013 he started a new online journalistic front, First Look Media, which he claimed was going to be the front runner in independent and unbiased reporting. Glenn Greenwald and Ken Silverstein were his front team, Silverstein and a number of other team members have since quit citing a complete absence of management. But it is the lust for power and more money that would seem to drive the persona of Mr. Pierre. From microfinancing schemes in India in which profit was the sole motive, to land grabs for development and agriculture gains, to wielding a big stick in the US education system, to advocating First Amendment Rights when it comes to perhaps furthering ‘his’ personal agenda, the man is obsessed with power.

While his news agency, Intercept, is guided by principle, whose principle would seem to be the grinding wedge that has many questioning reality verses motive. In August 2014, the FBI stated it would be investigating the leaked, classified documents cited in one of Intercept’s article/blogs. Shortly thereafter, Intercept announced that all US military personnel were banned from reading its blog. A rather bold statement of censorship. Apparently, the target for much of the Intercept would seem to be the US military intelligence.

When probed, Glenn Greenwald declared that the personal donations, political views, etc… are no concern to him when writing for the man’s paper. In other words, ethics is of no concern. He has partnered with the Clinton’s in their foundation work, and established a $200 million fund to partner with the USAID, a US government organization. Omidyar’s foundation, Humanity United, shares a donor list similar to that of George Soros, including; Amnesty International, Center for American Progress, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, and more.

Tom Steyer: Hedge fund manager and green advocate whose battles against the Keystone pipeline and the coal industry have earned him honors as a hypocrite. While advocating heavily against Keystone, Steyer’s hedge fund invested in the Kinder Morgan competitive pipeline, which links Alberta with Vancouver, BC, as well as the Cochin natural gas pipeline between Western Canada and the US Midwest.

Steyer made his fortune as the founder of Farallon Capital Management, a fund that invested heavily in fossil fuels and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. Although these investments were sold sometime between 2012 and 2014 when he retired to pursue ‘politics’. However, the fact remains that this is where his billions began and where he accumulated his power.

He is a political activist who has petitioned the White House to ramp up the Global Warming Initiative and advocate for green energy. He too is involved in the Soros organization, Democracy Alliance which requires an annual membership fee of $200,000. Their candidate of choice would appear to be Elizabeth Warren whose politics and policies support greater funding of groups fighting issues on a state level – such as freedom of speech, ie blasting religious institutes and their causes. Their aim is to boost liberal ideals on a state level including their launching of The Center for American Progress and Media Matters. The purpose – to squash the founding Constitution and replace it with a new and improved Constitution.

Where do these individuals and organizations go? Why is it important?

George Soros is old. He needs to hand over the baton. Both Steyer and Omidyar are relatively young – in their 40’s and 50’s. He needs minds that are similar, money that is engorged, and youth that can carry the One World Order to the next level. Regime Change is a part of that agenda. Civil chaos is a part of that agenda. And while both Steyer and Omidyar appear to be proponents of charity and philanthropy on the surface, so did Soros before the unraveling began.

Imagine such a world. John Lennon did.

Preying on Children – Sexual Scandals

There is little more heinous in this world than the forced sexual assault on children. For decades children have been victimized not just by their perpetrator but by a justice system that again victimizes the child by doing nothing. Money speaks. Money buys silence. But at some point the shear magnitude of the crime becomes so vast, we have to listen no matter how difficult.

The Franklin Scandal of the 1980’s was notorious as it was said to involve politicians and uber wealthy individuals in authority. It was ultimately tabled, the evidence shunned and the entire horrific scenario pushed under a rug.

There rose another scandal in the UK in 2013 as upwards of 1400 children came forth from Rotherham and made claim to massive gang rape charges. The case has languished.

The Bethcar state run orphanage in Australia was the house of horrors for children systematically abused, raped, beaten and tortured during the 1970’s and 1980’s. It took thirty years before the state responded to any of the allegations. The Gordon’s. who ran the institution, were never charged.

In 2012, Jimmy Savile, a UK DJ, was found to have engaged in over 450 acts of sexual molestation over a period of some forty years. He was dead when the allegations surfaced. It is said the rapes occurred in state run hospitals, schools and at the BBC where he worked.

During the 1980’s another UK songwriter was imprisoned for sexually abusing young boys. Jonathan King was sentenced to seven years in the first of three trials. Upon his release, he went on to produce a number of films and write various books that would appear to have a rather macabre bent.

There were reports from Canada’s military of sexual abuse against young boys at bases in the Middle East. Despite the allegations surfacing two years ago, they have been more or less tabled.

Scandals continue to surface from the Roman Catholic Church. There was the Delaware pediatrician charged with sexual assaulting 103 children.

Now we have the UK unveiling another massive ring of 1400 child molesters whose ranks range from politicians, actors, musicians, and the sporting industry. Of the more than 1400 being investigated, over 200 are already dead. The claims state that the sexual abuse occurred at hospitals, sporting venues, schools, children’s homes, institutions, military establishments, religious institutions and prisons. The case is still in its early stages and anticipates the number of victims to reach into the hundreds of thousands.

While names have not been released, I imagine damage control is a frenzied agenda for all involved as they assert their power to quash any allegations. It is a massively inhumane revelation of our moral decline. The absolute lack of remorse is unimaginable. The idea that a person can act on this perverse sexual addiction for decades is beyond comprehension. Friends had to know – or be complicit. It is the tale of Michael Jackson that continues to shadow his legacy.

It is this absolute lack of compassion for a human life that seems so twisted. Will most of these 1433 perpetrators be convicted? Of will they arrest a few non-distinguishable offenders and wipe the slate clean? It is the problem of the system that is given the responsibility of vanquishing this injustice that seems to allow it’s continuation to go exponential. In the UK, despite child sex abuse having risen 60%, arrests have declined 9%. The exact sensibility that perps often use, ‘no one will believe you’, is held up by the powers that be. And children become property as opposed to human beings.

In the case of Robert Smith of the UK, allegations first arose in 1987. But it wasn’t until 2006 that he was actually charged and convicted, some twenty years later. The McMartin daycare case in the US produced little justice with no convictions made at all.

What does this teach our society? That the voices of children are filled with fantasy and tall tales that have no truth. That children don’t have rights, they are the property of adults. That adults will manipulate the system and the children will only be victimized – again.

Do I have faith that this new investigation in the UK will actually result in the conviction of heavy weight politicians, sports figures and celebrities? Scoff, no. They will buy their escape. And the children will only become more abused, more tortured, more fearful. And these ‘people’ will feel avenged in their smug entitlement.

Obama’s Putin Game Plan

I always find it amazing when a person or a country acts so righteously incensed when a person or country they have regularly maligned and slandered isn’t nice back. It is one of those self consumed moments of narcissism that alludes their sense of ethics. Personally, I have both witnessed and been the brunt of such bizarre attacks. It is as though some sense and sensibility mechanism in the brain has shut down or simply doesn’t exist.

Enter Putin. He is continually characterized by the western media as a heinous monster. These mediaites typically cite as justification the atrocities committed by Lenin and Stalin. This same thought pattern should then be imposed on Merkel and Hitler? Of course not! But for some reason, the media can not seem to make this differentiation logic.

So why is Obama suddenly doing an about-face and claiming that the US needs to be buddy-buddy with Putin’s Russia?

Personally, I don’t trust the agenda. And I doubt Putin does either.

Russia got smacked by Europe, Australia, the US and Canada. We wiped out people’s income, their jobs, their economy, their livelihood. And now we are incensed that the Russians don’t so much like us any more. Instead of bowing at the knees, and begging for forgiveness, Putin acted like, well, a president. He immediately went into restoration mode, putting his finger in the dyke of sanctions. Since the sanctions began, he affirmed economic trades with China, India, and South America, shifting the agenda and putting the stability of the dollar in a precarious position. He loaded up on gold in anticipation of future ramifications. He ramped up the military and began the process of economic diversification. He did not – back down or crawl into a corner.

And now, Obama wants to reignite friendship.

The new and improved US/Ukraine government is posturing toward communism as it flagrantly murders its own citizens, considers martial law and has announced a moratorium on the repayment of debt. And these are the ‘folks’ we prefer to be in power and control? It is for this power government that we jeopardized world relations and set in motion a panic of world war.

So why would Obama shift?

What is behind the olive leaf? Perhaps it is the knowledge that the BRICS have the potential to bring about a currency change that UN nations aren’t ready for. The fall of the US dollar as the national monetary would forever change the face of this world. Countries never ‘come back’. Once imposed, the deed is done. Look no further than the Roman Empire, The Ottoman Empire, The UK, and we can see that the baton once passed, cannot be erased, edited, rewritten or returned.

The fear, that over-riding emotion that can make mice of men, is beginning to extend into the roots of power in the US. Too many enemies. And the BRICS, whether through propaganda or not, are rising above the colossal regime change and civil warring. The media is ‘sort-of’ catching on, but the reporting is still silent.

Reading articles from 3-5 years ago, the idea that the BRICS would extend their power and rise to the forefront was considered ludicrous. It is said that 80 countries have now joined the BRICS, and growing. The idea that the US was the penal system of the world has isolated these countries who seem more inclined to spend their time advocating working together rather than punishing.

China, the largest holder of US debt, has dumped about 10% since 2013. Their alliance with Russia and India against the US, is not without consequences. Does Obama want to remedy this, or was this his agenda in derailing the US? We can speculate, but given the incredible level of corruption, lies, and fraud that have defined this administration, it is generating – fear. He, is generating fear. He is instigating racism and violence. And we must take note of the source.

Did Obama and his shadows miscalculate their enemy? The Art of War clearly states that underestimating one’s enemy is the equivalent of death. Whether Russia was ever the enemy is certainly subjective. Creating an enemy where an alley once existed is a dangerous game. I seriously doubt ‘regime change’ can be had in either Russia or China. A bloated ego concept at best. So, if you can’t change the regime, can you befriend it and manipulate it from afar?

Like Nero who fiddled while Rome burned, Obama may have fiddled away our country, but there are many who still hold to morality, ethics and charity. The many just don’t need late night television to applaud them.

The War of The Atheists

The Supreme Court refuses to define what is ‘religion’. If there is no legal definition, then how can Atheists assert they are not a religious organization. And how can an atheist organization obtain charitable foundation status? According to the IRS, “private foundations generally support other public charities or other foundations with grants.” However, there is status within the context of ‘educational’. This would only be available if it is to ‘make the public aware’, the moment the actions become politically motivated then the status has been breeched.

Murky is as murky does: “Rev. Rul. 68–263, 1968–1 C.B. 256, holds that the publication of material which discredits particular institutions and individuals on the basis of unsupported opinions and incomplete information about their affiliations is not educational.”

A foundation’s attempts to discredit Christians, Christian beliefs and churches would seem to be a – breech.

A quick overview of some of the form 990’s filed by these organizations shows some discrepancies or oddities. For example, one organization had one employee whose annual compensation was roughly 40% of donations, their cost for accounting services was exceedingly high, and their ‘consultants’ cost was also worrisome. The statement of time spent per week working for the organization was 105 hours – that would equate to 15 hours per day 7 days per week.

Another foundation whose contributions totalled $3.88million in 2013 holds a “Cash Balance” in their asset section of well over $11million. I’d say they were not spending their charitable contributions very well if they have accumulated such a ‘profit’. Their revenue for 2013 was $3,878,938 and their spending was $2,163,375 leaving an annual profit margin of 44%! That’s a lot of profit for a non-profit!

Could these foundations be construed to be ‘educating’ for the purpose of lobbying for a particular political outcome? “Exemption under IRC 501(c)(3) is precluded for those organizations which are substantially engaged in attempting to influence legislation…”

Is ‘educating’ people to convert to atheism – proselytizing?

Proselytize: to recruit or convert to a new faith, belief or cause… When these foundations use the media to denounce religion and the church and provide the option to convert to atheism, they are now the proselytizer.

At what point does proselytizing become harassment? When is freedom of speech breeched? The legal definition of freedom of speech is: “to express beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restriction.” So if a person wants to announce their belief, it is an expression. But when does this concern the separation of church and state? It doesn’t because it is superceded by the Constitution which declares,Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.”

Therefore, making a law that abridges this freedom of speech, such as invoking separation of church and state, is unlawful, and the First Amendment shall take priority.

And ad in a newspaper harshly condemns Catholicism. So does ‘expressing or sharing’ your faith qualify as proselytizing? Legally, no. Because then it would make every atheist potentially criminal for even stating they are atheist – which is their ’cause’ or ‘faith’.

This has become such an explosive issue of late that it bears discussion. The legal definition states: atheism is the belief that gods do not or can not exist. The problem is the use of the word ‘belief’. The definition of ‘belief’ is; confidence in the truth or existence of something that is not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. Given that an atheist can not ‘prove’ the belief that there is no God, their faith is a belief.

For a time atheists were actively seeking status as a religion, however, when the ramifications of this became apparent, they backed off. As a religion, no material in school could refer to the non-existence of God, no theory of evolution could be taught, discrimination cases would be launched, and science would have to be revealed as a ‘theory’ of faith. The concept was dropped immediately.

Why do people become atheists? The resounding answer is because they feel that God is not keeping the world safe and pure, and therefore He must not exist. Of course, this statement defers to ‘free will’. God created Adam and Eve with free will. Within this freedom, they sinned. We still have free will, we are free to sin or not to. Our sins create an unsafe and impure world. God wants us to be pure, but He can’t force us, he cries when we sin, it brings great grief. Grief is born of Love.

When did atheism become so far flung in your face antagonistic, arrogant and smug? Because it didn’t used to be so. I had a friend who said she objected to reciting in school, “…one nation under God…”. Okay, then don’t say it. At issue is the notion that we cater to the one instead of to the eight. At issue is the fact that 12% of the US population identify themselves as ‘atheists’.

Personally, I take no issue in people who desire to identify as Atheist, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or whatever they prefer. I take issue with the constant harassment and unethical attacks perpetrated against Christians so as to make us follow the doctrine of your nothingness. I take issue with the ridiculous idea that suing is the answer to all your problems. I take issue with the notion that you are so self consumed that it is all about you. It is hypocritical and bullying. Every blank, empty wall space that is not covered with religious identity is virtually the identity of Atheism.

At issue is the notion of tolerance and the absolute intolerance of atheists in their pursuit of emptiness for all.

Palestinians Shunned – a reason?

Why are Palestinians shunned?  It is not just Israel, it is everywhere in the Middle East, their brothers and sisters.  Palestinians were originally defined as people that lived along the coastline of the Mediterranean on the land that is now Israel.  They were Arab, Jewish and Christian.  Most of the Christians fled to South America.  As the Jewish people were pushed from their lands in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, etc… they fled to ‘Israel’.  Albeit the population grew because they had nowhere else to go.  But the Palestinians have nowhere else to go now either.  No one wants them.  They are refugees everywhere.

So, why does the media concentrate only on Palestinians within Israel? There are approximately 1.3 million Palestinians in Israel, 3.3 million in Jordan, 500,000 in Chile, 430,000 in Syria, 400,000 in Lebanon, 330,000 in Saudi Arabia, 225,000 in North and South America, 44,000 in Egypt, 40,000 in Kuwait, 310,000 in ‘other Arab states, and 308,000 in ‘other countries’.

Exactly how do they fair when in their Arab brother countries?

In Jordan and Syria, most Palestinian refugees have been integrated into society; however, in Jordan, only Palestinian refugees displaced by the 1948 War have Jordanian citizenship and enjoy largely favorable treatment on par with Jordanian nationals. Refugees from the Gaza Strip who did not hold Jordanian passports at the time of their flight in 1967 have been denied citizenship and are mostly confined to the “Jerash” camp. In Syria, Palestinian refugees have not been granted citizenship but have been accorded equal treatment with Syrian nationals in almost all respects. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have fared considerably worse; sectarian tensions and the activities of the PLO have prevented their integration into Lebanese society. The majority of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon live in UNRWA refugee camps or other unofficial camps and shelters, often in conditions of abject poverty. They face restrictions on their right to work, access to education and healthcare, and ownership of property. Only those displaced in 1948 have residency rights in Lebanon whereas all other Palestinian refugees are deemed illegal immigrants.

Outside of the Operation Areas, Palestinian refugees face even more of a precarious existence.

In Egypt, Palestinian refugees are treated as foreigners and face significant restrictions on their ability to access education, government services, and employment. Renewal of residency permits is difficult and there are reports of frequent detention of Palestinian refugees by the authorities in Egypt. Iraq, once a refuge for Palestinian refugees, has now become a country of persecution; many Palestinians were targeted in, and fled from, Iraq following the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime.

In the Gulf States, particularly Kuwait, Palestinians are treated as foreign migrant workers with no permanent residency rights.

Approximately 59% of the population reside in refugee camps:

In Gaza there are approximately 1.2 million ‘registered’ refugees.

West Bank – 740,000

Syria – 500,000

Lebanon – 450,000

Jordan – 2 million

The discrepancy in populations verses registered refugees is huge. But foreign aid is based on refugee count, not population. Which opens another topic – how much money is funnelled to the Palestinians annually? By whom? And where is it spent? Have they built schools and hospitals and industry? Have they built roads and water systems and farmed crops? Do they make clothes and build homes and temples?  Or are they a welfare state wherein they do – nothing?

We constantly talk of their ‘plight’, their losses, their poverty, their poor conditions, but what has changed since they became refugees?  Those that lived in Palestine lost their homes in 1948, they were evicted by the UK.  Nearly 60 years of ‘aid’ has absolutely nothing to show for it.  Once again, welfare produces nothing.  It doesn’t ‘lift’ people out of poverty, instead it creates even greater poverty.   There is one notable exception to Palestinian refugees.  Those that fled to Chile worked the fields, made goods, sold products – and prospered.   It was hard, damn hard, but they had no choice and so they lifted themselves up.  These Palestinians were all Christian. They took no handouts, no UNRWA funding, no governmental aid. They didn’t live in refugee camps, they are well educated and have risen above their plight.

In 1950 when aid began pouring in to the Middle East, it supported about 750,000 ‘refugees’. Today the number is 5 million and growing without restriction. All children, grandchildren down the line of eternity – are grandfathered in. It is a shambles. The one example of UNRWA schools and medical facilities for the Palestinians is in a town outside of Damascus. But we obliterated Damascus, it lies in rubble. So much for that. Syrian refugees from Palestine became refugees once again after the country was bombed and Al Nusra and ISIS took over. Most fled to Jordan where they idle in camps in dire need of attention.

No one in the camps work. They are not required to and have little to no supportive education to enable them to work. It is the supreme example of pouring money down the drain of entitlement without creating a self sufficiency of production. Sixty years worth of nothing.

But why do the Arabs hate them so much? One theory is that the Palestinians have a knack for ingratiating themselves in their host country. Perhaps out of boredom, perhaps out of a need to feel a cause, or a purpose, whatever it is, Palestinians typically find themselves on the losing side of a civil uprising whether in Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait or wherever.

Lesson: no one likes an ingratiating bully…

Jewish by Name Only

There are two broad categories within the class of Jewish people; the culture Jew and the religious Jew. It is an important point to distinguish because we tend to lump both in one basket and refer to them from one broad based  religious standpoint. In fact, it is estimated that between 65% and 70% of Israeli Jews identify as either atheist or secular. Leaders in Israel have tended toward the secular side, including:

Benjamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister – secular, non-religious

Golda Meir – Former Prime Minister – born in Kiev – secular atheist

Yitzhak Rabin – Former Prime Minister – atheist

David Ben Gurion – First Prime Minister – born in Poland – atheist

Ariel Sharon – Prime Minister – agnostic

Moshe Sharett – Prime Minister – born in Ukraine – agnostic

Levi Eshkol – Prime Minister – born in Ukraine – atheist

Yitzhak Shamir – Prime Minister – born in Russia – secular

Shimon Peres – Prime Minister and President – born in Belarus – secular

Ehud Barak – Prime Minister – secular

Ehud Olmert – Prime Minister – secular

Ezer Weizman – President – secular

Reuven Rivlin – Current President – secular

Other prominent Secular/atheist Jewish people include:

George Soros

Karl Marx

Vladimir Lenin

Leo Trotsky

Why is this relevant?

For one, it identifies a false thought that if you are Jewish, you are religious.  It makes the Muslim-Jewish battle more odd because it is not a battle of religion after all.  It alters the Palestinian land grab conflict and redefines the core of it.  It opens up the debate over refugee camps, including the mass exodus from African nations to Europe.

From the Orthodox standpoint, Israel was given to the Israeli Jews by God.  This would not apply then to the secularists, atheists and agnostics who are not part of that plan.  But Israel is a land where Jews will forever be safe from persecution for their ‘culture’ after being expelled from every other mid-east country.  The land was annexed by the UK as they sought to divvy up land under their control.  They made a mess of it and never were able to reverse the harm.  Annexing land is relatively common in history, most recently in Ukraine. Borders continuously change. Yugoslavia has changed, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, Russia, Georgia, Prussia, Iran, Poland, Czech Republic, Syria, the list goes on. How quickly we forget the Ottoman Empire.

Annexing a portion of Israel and giving it to the Palestinians is not a religious battle, it is a battle of land control. From the Jewish standpoint, it is a battle rooted in the belief that this annexation would provide a gateway for the Middle East to ultimately eradicate the Jewish people. From the Palestinian perspective, it is persecution. They have no place to go.

Ironically, the same people who want to annex Israel cry foul at the annexation of Crimea despite the fact that the Crimean’s wanted to return their roots to Russia. Of the 810,000 internally displaced Ukrainians, 790,000 were from Donetsk, the region where pro-Russian Ukrainians fought the coup government of Kiev. Coincidentally, it is also the region where Biden’s son Hunter and Burisma Holding Company have interest in drilling.

But Israel continues to dig in their heels as does all the other Arab countries that don’t want the Palestinian refugees.  So why do we focus on Israel alone – and not the multitude of Middle East nations that shun and enslave their refugees?

I’ll answer that in my next blog – The Palestinian Pox.

Operation Jade Helm – ISIS Connection, Part II

CUT the crap. When the CIA and FBI decide they want to conduct a covert operation there are two things they DO NOT do.

  1. announce the name of the operation to the world before it has taken place, and
  2. give the dates they will conduct the operation

Operations are uncovered after the fact and when most people associated with them are – dead. It helps the medicine go down…medicine go down…just a spoonful of sugar.

That being said, Operation Jade Helm 15 continues to garner fear. Two words used to describe the operation are routinely used; infiltration and subversion.


  1. If the operation’s intent were to enforce martial law, why would they pick just a few states, wouldn’t it be more logical they would be infiltrating every state?
  2. If the mainstream media states that Jade Helm is a good thing – the hairs on my neck rise because the mainstream media is completely coerced regarding their reporting of ‘facts’.
  3. If martial law were to be imposed it would take a lot more than a spattering of special ops troops.
  4. If we know that ISIS has been infiltrating our soil through Mexico, could the purpose of Jade Helm be to vet out those insurgents?
  5. If we note that all states picked have a similarities in heat and terrain, we have to acknowledge that there is a good reason for this. It would rule out Russia, and rule in the possibility of South America where recent attempted coups have failed. It also begs the Cuba question and why the sudden turnaround.
  6. ‘Blending in’ has been used continually. Certainly that would eliminate some countries where blending in just isn’t possible.
  7. Psychological warfare incites people with fear to act in a way contrary to their norm.
  8. The military is rife with past ‘operations’ in which they studied reactions using psych tactics. Could this simply be another?
  9. Typically, these sort of operations are done in conjunction with CIA regime change bids.
  10. Given the CIA just loves infusing disinformation campaigns, distruth and distrust are the agendas.
  11. Martial law has been passed in the US historically. In 1863 President Lincoln passed martial law. It was the only time in US history in which martial law was passed universally as opposed to select cities. Other instances were related to specific events; the San Francisco fire in 1906, the War of 1812 and martial law in New Orleans, the Colorado Coalfield War in 1914, West Virginia Coal Wars of 1920, Tulsa Race Riots in 1921, Great Chicago Fire 1871, Coeur D’Alene Idaho striking miners, Hawaii after Pearl Harbor, and Alabama as a result of ‘outside agitators’ in 1961.

In order to impose Martial Law on the US or even a state or city, massive organization would require a lot more than a few thousand special ops troops spattered over a few states. The ISIS infiltration may be the most logical explanation. The exercise is somewhat timed to ISIS threatening more retaliations like the one recently in Texas. ISIS named five of the fifteen states it will purportedly strike; Virginia, Illinois, California, Maryland and Michigan.

The states that have the highest Muslim population per capita are, in order: Illinois, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Michigan, Florida, Delaware, California, DC, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, Connecticut and Nebraska. All of the named states by ISIS are included.

Obama is a narcissist. More than anything else he wants to leave a legacy of his greatness. He wants to be lauded as the best president in history, and possibly install himself in an even higher position of global commander. In order to accomplish this, he would need a lot more military on his side. Look no further than the Ukraine. It took local militias impregnated with hundreds of US special ops to take down this relatively small country. By comparison, the population of Ukraine is about 42million vs the US at 319million – 7 1/2x.

If we put even half as much effort into our own borders as do in the borders of every other country, we might have actually mitigated ISIS and Al Qaeda in the US. ISIS recruits in our colleges and across riot stricken communities like Ferguson and Baltimore. It’s easy when the anger and hatred are stoked to extremes.

Obama’s Alliance Foundation – A Blunder of Racism

A new, old organization is being tauted by Obama and his contingent of keepers; Bloomberg and Soros. It’s called the new and improved My Brother’s Keeper Alliance. Because the old one didn’t take. Backed by $80 million – to start – it can’t lose… or can it?

What happened to the Foundation he started in 2014?

Obama is focused on the; ‘tragic history in the US which makes it tougher for some to succeed…” History? I am a woman. We were property in history. White men were persecuted in the UK for their faith and banished. White men were ostracized for their debt and imprisoned, only to be shipped to Australia. History? I’m sorry, but history is over. The reason certain minorities succeed and other’s fail has been proven over and over again – family.

His new and improved foundation uses the acronym – MBK. But when I looked it up, MBK already exists and has since 1999. It too is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). It’s logo and site are copyrighted. It’s purpose is to help minorities who have health issues they need to overcome. Initially, HIV was the focus.

There would appear to be a copyright infringement here…

Obama’s site was uploaded in 2015. It’s aim focus’s exclusively on men and boys – no women allowed club. It is exclusive to boys of color, so whites are specifically excluded. I went through the website and still could not find exactly what they do. They have ‘documents’ posted online that encourage businesses to hire ‘men of color’. And they ask for donations. I just don’t see what they do with the money except maybe write more PR documents.

I have a background in business and generally when one launches a new business there is a past, a track record, and a business plan of ‘action’. But this Alliance has none of this – no history, no proven track record, and no plan of action. They just want – money because the $80 million has vanished?

Playing with the statistics: In 2013, about 40 percent of whites between the ages of 25 and 29 had a bachelor’s degree or more, compared to about 20 percent of blacks, 15 percent of Hispanics and 58 percent of Asians, according to data from the Current Population Survey. Blacks make up 12% of the US population. Given these stats, 20% of the 12% should be represented in businesses – 2.4%.

So let’s take a look at the NFL: Of the 175 cornerbacks in the league, 170 are black. At running back, 107 of the 120 players are African-American. White players account for 27.7 percent of the NFL rosters.

In the NBA, 35.7% of all professional employees are people of color. But wait – only 12% of the US population is black, therefore whites are unjustly discriminated against in this venue. And 47% of head coaches are people of color. In the category of players, the discrimination gets even greater – 76% of all NBA players are African-American.

Does this mean we must require the NBA and NFL to alter their drafts so as to be less discriminatory?

No. Forcing coaches to hire more whites from a pool of applicants knowing that it could cost them the championship, is absurd. Forcing businesses to hire blacks from a pool of applicants when the qualifications are non-existent, is absurd. Every time we make ‘race’ the problem, we are creating the problem. It is not about race, it is about poverty and education. It is about family and values.

You can’t lift people out of poverty without education. You can’t lift people out of anger and crime when the value system of the family does not exist.

Statistics also don’t measure a person’s heart. For example, my ex-husband’s sister was a verifiable brainiac. She got a very prestigious degree from Stanford. She ‘chose’ to use that degree to teach high school. Income, for her, was not a measure of success. For her, teaching was the success.

Look no further for an example of minority success than to Asians in the US. They have a divorce rate of about 8-10% compared to African-Americans who have a significantly higher divorce rate as well as a significantly higher rate of children born out of wedlock. (And before you go there – no, the solution is not more condoms.) Asians have a lower unemployment rate – even compared to whites. They have the highest rate of income and education of any racial group in the US. Their value structure is about family, provision, and education. It works.

The solution is education. Education in school, but also education about values, morality, marriage, parenting and ethics. It is not about forcing businesses to hire a person based on race. It is about bringing everyone to the line of ability.

So what is the focus of this new and improved Foundation? Division. Race. Gender. Hardly a promotion of anything of value.