DEI Dying on The Vine of The World Economic Forum

Looking at the websites of The World Economic Forum and the United Nations, one might think that earth was inhabited only by women.   Empowering women.  Women of the future.   The Gender Gap.   Women’s Healthcare.  Women inventors.   It is nauseating.   In Palestine these ‘women’ are murdered daily.  In America they are raped by illegals every day.   And McKenzie Scott’s ‘charitable donations’ are targeting baby deaths, ie abortions, and trans, ie men who want to be fake women.   While Bill Gates wants to sterilize all women.   YEAhhhh….

The women on these WEF and UN websites are all powerful.   Wonder Women who are going to save planet earth from humanity.  Pictures of smiling African women wearing brand new designer clothes working the fields in Africa…   Or board room styled executive women sitting in ivory towers wearing Hillaryesque pant suits.   YUCH!

But then I open a fashion magazine online and all I see are fat women.   I have absolutely no idea what that outfit would look like on me – so I simply shut it down.   Other retailers seem to be under the impression that blacks make up 75% of the US population.   Who are they appealing to?   Their base of maybe 4% blacks?   Europe remains the least diversified country – with roughly .5% to 3% black populations.   Are these stores forced to comply with black and fat mandates?

Victoria Secrets:  A thin black woman with a triple A bust is jump roping to prove the bra she’s wearing is ‘bounce proof’.   An obese black woman wants me to stretch with her while she ‘moves very slowly’ on video camera.  And plump toneless ‘runners’ video themselves errr ‘running’ to get me to buy their jogging tights.  And then there’s the ‘ask a black stylist’ what to wear… only she’s wearing a Captain Kangaroo jacket….

I’m not sure whether to be offended or to laugh!

Before I get the hate mail, I do understand the stigma of the Auschwitz skinny models that represent 1% of the total population.   But Retailers are losing.   People don’t go to the physical stores because their inventory is pitiful.   Their inventory is pitiful because volume is curbed due to the high cost of rent.   Commercial property is in a never ending spiral.  It is tanking and its debt is growing – estimated to be $2.2 trillion – coming due by 2027.

The yield on commercial bond debt is now 11% – which sounds great until you watch the bond value plummet by 20%.  It isn’t just the Pandemic Shutdown, it isn’t the Supply Chain, and it isn’t just the mortgage rates hiked into oblivion by our Jerome Powell – Bank of International Settlements – sponge, like homeowners, it is the property insurance, utilities and property taxes that are making commercial real estate worthless. The same ‘utility’ cost that will triple as more people buy the ridiculous EV’s.

While many are moving to red states like Florida and Texas to escape state income tax, the property tax rates and insurance costs are destroying ‘ownership’.   But the exposure is not just about the retail industry, it is about the banks sitting on dead loans.   The five banks with the highest exposures range from commercial portfolios representing 57% to 68% of outstanding loans.  The bank with the highest debt is New York Community Bancorp holding roughly $111 billion in commercial loans.

This is why Trump can’t get a Bond on his commercial real estate – the industry is about to implode.

The effect is NOT just on the US, four countries are poised to find themselves invested in sand:  Germany, South Korea, Canada and Singapore.   While housing bubbles have come and gone, they hit hard and strong, and recouped relatively nicely within a five to 10 year time frame.   But they had a market.   By contrast, the commercial market is dead as a whorehouse in Amish country.   What lives?  Warehouses.  Warehouses for Amazon, for retailers, for pot growers, and inventory.   The era of buying a beautiful skyscraper to house worker bees is dead.   It is just too expensive – and the cost is now devoted to employee wages and benefits instead.

FOR EXAMPLE;   In Colorado, survival income is now topping $100,000.   In one year, the average price of a new home went up $100,000 while wages rose 10%, food rose 98%, and energy rose 24.7%… at the same time the federal government reported inflation of 3.4%.

And anyone who disagrees that the economy is its most stellar in history is a damn liar… according to state democrats who seem to now speak for every person in America when asked to compare Brandon to Trump’s presidency.  No one simply speaks for themselves – including fashion stores – they speak for the DEI Police.

According to the ACLU, “anti-DEI efforts are the latest attack on racial equality and free speech”.   And – of course – it is all Donald Trump’s fault:

“First, Donald Trump and right-wing extremists attacked government trainings on racism and sexism. Then the far right tried to censor classroom instruction on racism and sexism. Next, they banned books about BIPOC and LGBTQ lives. Today, the extreme right’s latest attack is aimed at dismantling diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs.”   ~ it is difficult for me to print this without background music on my tiny violin…

In response, states are now eliminating the need for Law Exams because blacks can’t pass them – that kind of DEI.   Employees of the largest construction firms were required to take DEI classes before they could build buildings – because buildings are racist.   Retailers were required to have stipulated percentages of black and obese models.  To represent and embrace the volume of fat – like you are getting 30 sq ft of a woman for the price of a 5 sq ft woman…   VOLUME.

Suddenly, these far left CEO’s are realizing that DEI is costing them – not just in their competitive retail ability, but in their hiring cost of the DEI trenchant of VP’s and assigned plebes.   But the damage is done.   Fat women and blacks are NOT going to save America.  DEI has about as much impact as electric automobiles.   The economy/pollution is worse, the quality is worse, the value is worse, and the money spent is Blowin’ in The WIND…

RACISM – The Founding of The Americas By Russians and Asians

Education at the k-12 level has dropped precipitously over the last 3 years.   Much of the decline is led by a lack of degreed teachers who specialize in the three R’s; reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmatic.   Instead students are bombarded with race, gender, and victimhood.   But it isn’t just our public elementary and secondary education affected, universities have seen a precipitous drop in test scores.  

Harvard has once again led the communist movement to further dummy down our children by accepting low SAT scores in the name of DEI.   Asian students, a minority, are being shunned from the Harvard list despite typically having the highest scores.   WHY?   Because smart people are racist.

When reviewing the diversity statistics at Harvard, I think I may have found the problem Houston – the percentage of total enrolled student population add to 73.66%.   Harvard has an obvious math problem!   Then there is this doozy:   “The majority of students enrolled in undergraduate programs are white men (18.2 percent), followed by white women (15.9 percent), and then Asian women (4.1 percent) (11.9 percent ).”   What is the 11.9%?

Harvard’s faculty is equally devoid of the full spectrum of diversity – they have -0- Hispanic faculty members.

Apparently Diversity and equity only applies to blacks – and no one else.   Taking lower ACT and SAT scores is their equity.   Lowering the bar to accommodate blacks.   But lowering the bar isn’t just about education, it applies to our newly obese military, our firefighter written exams, pilot training air time, and generally all aspects within our federal government.

Biden declares that he has positioned whites behind nonwhites in the federal government – whites sitting at 44%. Not based on performance or education or merit – but based simply on color.   THAT FOLKS is – Racism.

In that light, a black woman on Twitter exposed her education with the statement, “I am witness to hundreds of generations of racism.”   A.   you can only witness what is alive in your singular lifetime.   B.   Best guess is there have been roughly 20 generations since 1776.

Racism is used as victimhood.   Blacks in inner cities are reigning down with crime that is now commonplace theft, burglary, and assault.   Streets are shuttered at night to accommodate 200-300 blacks taking over entire blocks – police are told to ‘stand down’.   ALL in the name of ‘victimhood’.

“My parents were oppressed therefore I am entitled to steal whatever I want.”   And blackman Obama grins.   This is what he wants for his people!   This is Obama’s vision.

Remember when the Obama/Fauci/Gates team demanded blacks be ‘prioritized’ for Vax Jab?   They wanted blacks to Die.   That is victimhood. Perpetrated by the Black man behind Biden – Obama.   Of course, Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett are also behind the Curtain in the White House demanding, 1) blacks be the dummy-down basis for all education,   2)   blacks be slaughtered first.

Or maybe Blacks received a different Jab…

Establishing victimhood as the key point is the basis of reparations.

Victimhood psychology is a reactive response to an injustice that person feels was directed specifically at their person by another.   Under normal circumstances, it unleashes a range of emotions and behaviors that can be destructive.   By Definition: Victim compensation is a direct financial reimbursement to a victim for an expense that resulted from a crime.

Historically, slavery was not a crime. Therefore there is no basis for reparations given there was no ‘crime’.

Newsom made a mockery of reparations by establishing a committee to determine the compensation they felt was deserving.   After much deliberation, the Committee produced their results – and Newsome basically told them to go sit quietly in a corner because he was ‘just kidding’!   Not a slap on the wrist – a punch in the face to those who believed he was serious.

In essence, by offering reparations and then subsequently denying them, Newsom was the perpetrator of a racist crime.

In reality, racism is inherent in every single soul on the globe.   It will never be eradicated.   Our contrarian government handlers seem to believe that the means to erasing racism is by making those who are the ice cream flavor of the month behave like criminals.   In Obama’s world – that would be Blacks.   As a direct result, the ideology scored is blacks hate everyone – including blacks.\

Education is key.

But Obama believes that a dummy education will foster a better world for his compatriot blacks.   And perhaps that ideology stems from Obama’s own challenged education achievement.   Was the Harvard degree bought?   How come no one remembers him at Columbia?   Why didn’t he practice law?

Buying a degree is now relatively commonplace.   Cheap. Easy.   And deceitful.

There are untold number of Congress’persons’ whose degrees are questionable, cough-cough.   Law degrees are the preferred purchase.   And the Ivy Leagues simply charge more than their ‘scoff’ underlings.

In this newly immortalized world, everything is for sale.   Twitter followers can be bought in bulk increments.   Smallest = 300-500 cost about $80.   Multiply that by 1000 and the wealthy suddenly declare themselves Host and Hostess with the Mostest at a mere dropping of $20 grand or so to ‘look good’ and fans lap it up like peasants (the cost is progressive).

The ONLY real purpose of promoting Racism is division.   And in that token, blacks are victimized because they are taught to hate – everyone.   American Indians are also tokens of victimization.   Claiming they founded America and were here first – does NOT align with science!

In fact, “science” has determined that the true first settlers to the Americas came from Russia & Asia.   White people.   Asians.   They became the Aztecs, the Cherokee, the Navajo, etc…   Does that mean all those of Russian and Asian ancestry deserve reparations?   Or does it mean that Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Russia are completely and irrevocably intertwined ancestrally?

IF you want to talk about ‘who was here first and was subjected to slavery’ lets go back to the Beginning and discuss the racism against the America founders – Asians and Russians.  Because I don’t feel sorry for blacks, or Asians, or whites, or Hispanics, or Indians, or any tribe per se – I feel sorry for those who live under the Blog Heading of and by Victimhood!

MAGA’s Reviled

Electrical Grids are collapsing. Nuclear Plants are aging, and hydroelectric plants don’t have enough water due to droughts.   What to do?   What to do?   According to ‘science’ there is an abundance of coal, oil and natural gas.   But these resources, which have been in use for about 100 Earth years, are evil.   Therefore, all people must suffer and die for the sins of fossil fuel.  

Wildfires are raging and the world according to Garp has pronounced these rapacious fires are a result of Climate Change Warming Change Global Warming Change – Conditions.   Which of course, according to “Science” have existed since the Earth was formed 10 trillion quadrillion years ago.   Ah.

Unfortunately for the Climate Gurus, the vast majority of wildfires are caused by – Arson.   Meaning they are ‘human caused’ just not within the realm of C02 – humans – or fossil fuels.

Portland Oregon and Washington are the newest victims of such Arson – causing massive damage to land, wildlife, and homes.   Oddly, few media outlets ever acknowledge the wildlife decimation of these Arson Attacks –   the carcasses.   The stench.   Of Death/.

Australia’s largest mass fire – 2-3 years ago was caused by premeditated arson initiated by teens – numbering over 100 who were brought to trial.   Over 6 billion animals were said to have died as a result.   Absorb those numbers.

Unless we acknowledge the true cause of such catastrophic events they will consume us – and we too will die.

The mass murders in the US are overwhelmingly committed by persons under the age of 25.   The Chicago spree of weekend murders are predominantly among blacks.   But the White Men responsible for creating this drug induced chaos do so to eliminate Blacks.

While the Media would portray the protagonists as white supremacists the perpetrators are predominantly – black.   Why?   Because the elimination of blacks is the Liberal far left agenda.   A Hitler schematic.   It is why Bill Gates concentrates on Africa and India in his vaccine proliferation.   He hates people of color.   He deems them inferior.

Now, as a direct result of the chaotic proliferation of crime and murder in major US cities, people of various races are afraid of blacks. Myself included.   A fear that did not exist just 8 years ago.   A fear that I imagine is shared.

When I was 18-19 years old, The Hells Angels rescued me from a potentially deadly situation.   Media perception creates Propaganda.   The US Media is owned and operated by our esteemed nefarious government institutions including the rogue CIA.

Today, the propaganda of fear has been deployed by these same protagonists to envelope anyone and everyone who identifies or remotely aligns with MAGA.   Maga’s are now reviled as treasonous terrorists.   Social Media calls for their execution.   Politicians call for all to be jailed and tortured.   While the Left continues to label themselves as the proponents of peace and tolerance.

Some resort to Biblical doctrines wherein End Times are revealed.   Others simply hide and hope it all resolves or goes away like a nightmare.   And still others believe some obscure force will rise and save them as they wallow in their fear and hide.   GOD told the one who buried his talents that he was the least worthy.   WHY?   Because he was a coward.

God’s message was that we must gather our swords and our might.   We will not prevail with fear and basement dwellers.   King David should be our source of strength.   He was a warrior.   He was punished by God.   But he was also, a Chosen One.   And we need to remember that fact when evaluating and condemning those among us today –

In my opinion, John Piper failed in this realm.   Piper assumed that only perfection of spirit and life would be God’s chosen today.   Yet, Piper obviously forgot his Biblical heritage of King David, of Abraham, and of Christ.   It isn’t about ‘perfection’ – it isn’t about ‘church authority’ it is about HEART.

Having lived the repudiation of Church Authority, I relate.

What do these participles of God declare today as we face our potential annihilation?   NOTHING>   They vie for themselves.   I Choose – King David over the self ascribers of authority – John MacArthur and John Piper who profess themselves as the Authorities of Todays Christians.   You are mere mortals.   And Authority was NEVER ascribed to you.

I am a Child of GOD – NOT a child of Religious Authoritarian Doctrine!   

Pornography In Public Schools – Legally Exempt From Obscenity Laws!

pornography. n. pictures and/or writings of sexual activity intended solely to excite lascivious feelings of a particularly blatant and aberrational kind, such as acts involving children, animals, orgies, and all types of sexual intercourse.

When conservatives try and ban ‘pornography’ from elementary and middle and high schools – the ever liberal German Deutsche Welle refers to it as Hitleresque book banning.  When History is rewritten to be all about racism – it is ‘necessary ideological education’.   And when mathematics questions are written with a political bias of liberalism in which former President Trump is ridiculed and described in an inflammatory and verbose manner – it is defended as Truth.

Banning any of the above books from being used in mainstream curriculum is thus on par with Mao and Hitler originally manifested by Catholic Popes to keep The People uneducated.   To make peasants submissive.   To control in a totalitarian fashion…

The fact that many of the banned books involve pornography presented to underage children with the intent to normalize prostitution, pedophilia, and essentially groom children for sexual pleasure is defended.   To present a wholly biased, unintelligent view of history – math – and English would seem a near impossible task!

Of course, were the bias Christian, ethical and upholding Biblical values – the argument would be fomented thru protests, riots, and the burning of cities…   And not a debatable discussion.

The vast majority of parents have zero desire to have anyone outside of the home teaching their children anything other than the basics of Math, Reading, History, and Science.  Preferably, in a manner that provides a competitive edge – globally.    Instead, children are being raised to become uneducated, angry sexual slaves in charge of ‘their body’.   Without skills.  Without employable talent.

“In charge” does come with caveats – as in when a medical vaccine expert or pretend expert demands that subject body submit to the pharma trial of injection mandates!    And the peasants are trained to obey.

“Section 1470 of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits any individual from knowingly transferring or attempting to transfer obscene matter using the U.S. mail or any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce to a minor under 16 years of age.  Convicted offenders face fines and imprisonment for up to 10 years.”

However, in the1970’s exemptions were made for school teachers and librarians giving them immunity from obscenity distribution laws.     While the original purpose of the exemption was to allow Art books to be show nudes, the progressives found the loophole served a much more devious purpose for their agenda.

Child sex trafficking.   The Disposable Children.  

And the solution became an inevitable – make pedophilia and prostitution a natural sexual  conduit.   The means – schools.   Reading became normalizing sex for those ages 5+.   Math word problems utilized sex and race as examples of conduct.   Science became exploring the human anatomy live!   And History – cull examples of 8-12 year old brides and normalize their sexual activity.

A secondary aspect was raised to give teachers authority – states own your children.   Teachers have begun calling children in their grades ‘their children’ – as in belonging to them!    State control of your children ensures that teachers have the right to skirt parental objections to curriculum.   To ‘withhold’ information from their parents!    To the point that teachers tell students to keep secrets.

Deutsche Welle’s article presents a very obtuse version of the entire agenda as censorship and book banning.   Labeling such as Fascism.   Thus, further indoctrinating children to believe that their parents are evil…   Public daycares take your children at age 1 month thru 5 years old before transferring them to public schools for Kindergarten.   Many children sit in these ‘daycare’ settings 8-12 hours each day.   Public schools have a hold of your children 6-10 hours each day.   How much time do you get?

There are only a spattering of solutions:   1)   homeschool,   2)   don’t work outside of the home,  and 3)   take an active number of daily hours to detox the indoctrination,  4)  play!

Weekends with your small children does NOT mean they accompany you to the ‘bar’.   It means participation in oldtime FUN:  sledding, hunting crawdads, skipping rocks, going for bike rides, flying a kite, making a kite, planting in the garden, camping, roasting marshmellows over an open fire, teaching cooking, teaching shop skills, going for walks to the park, the beach, rollerblade hockey in the cul-de-sac, fishing, water world, etc…!!!!!!

In Germany, homeschooling is illegal, punishable with prison and the temporary or permanent confiscation of your children by the state.   But Germany is not a solitary totalitarian regime, other countries include:   Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, San Marino, Sweden and Turkey.

Germany instituted the legal ruling in 1919.   They cited the fact that elite students would be tutored outside of public institutions and given an ‘unfair advantage’.   Public school was supposed to equalize this disparity.

All this did was create the pricey ‘private school’ system that now encompasses 14% of all schools in Germany.   While public schools have continued their downward spiral in terms of proficiency.

In the US, private schools account for 25% of education choices.   If you have the $50,000+ per year per child to shell out for Kndergarten thru 12th grade – before a Harvard college degree…  Re-emphasizing the fact that public schools are a disintegrating model of squalor when it comes to actually providing a good education!

While homeschooling is NOT an easy decision – the availability for groups, art, science, music, and even sports – makes the $500 per year – per student cost for the curriculum a fraction of the public school fees for toilet paper, sneeze rags, and ditto sheets!

RACISM Drives Inequality In America… Really?

RACISM drives inequality in America.   That is the new tag line promoted by every liberal media and company across the US with the prodding of Politicians.   A detailed account of median income per household based on ancestry race reveals 93 categories.   Of those 93, Indian Americans rank #1 with Taiwanese 2nd and Australian Americans coming in third place.     English Americans rank 36th. The bottom of the totem pole would be Somali Americans.   The medium white household income is $66,000 compared to Indian Americans earning $135,000 or more than double.

So explain how that fits in with ‘white supremacy’?     Unless Indians, Tai’s, Filipino, South African, Indonesian, Pakistani, Iranian, etc… qualify as ‘white’, the entire racist propaganda is BULWARKY! Because whites actually rank in the 59th percentile out of 93 categories of race.   Ghanaians and Nigerians rank above ‘whites’ on a median basis.   Should we then conclude that in America, Indian, Asian, and Middle Easterners should be disabled because they rank higher in household income than blacks?   And whites?

Logically, that would be the fomented rage of the agenda created and stipulated by the liberal mainstream.   If racism was the culprit and whites are the propagandized cult, why do we rank in the 59th percentile?   Perhaps reparations should be based on household income generation within this median.

As such, South Africans, Ghanaians, and Nigerians would be the ones paying reparations! To Whites.

The black population in the US remains at roughly 12-13% of the population.   Yet, they are depicted as the target by whites because of income disparity.  Composing slanted statistics using convoluted data is the algorithmic chaos of the decade.  And no one can disprove the algorithm until it disproves itself.

INSTEAD, the spray of disinformation focuses on the ‘disparity of wealth’.    Yet even that statistic is laughable:  70% of all wealth in the US is held by the 1% – millionaires and billionaires.   45% is billionaires exclusively.  Of the 614 billionaires in the US – 7 are black.   Of those 7 their total accumulated wealth amounts to roughly $16+ billion.   Those 7 don’t even dent the Wealth Club which begins at $10 billion per person. The Club conveniently ‘allows’ Oprah inside their pantry of mafia goods, otherwise blacks just aren’t wealthy enough.

Hence the absolute SKEW in Median or Average when taking in the 1%.

In other words, wealth has absolutely NOTHING to do with the general population and everything to do with the white uber wealthy.   The JOKE is so far beyond statistics as to be – criminal in its audacity when statistical income of blacks vs whites is the forced topic.

Despite all the rhetoric, the crime statistics do remain off the charts with blacks committing over 50% of homicides while representing just 12-13% of the US population.   Those statistics have not been updated for 2020 when the riots engulfed much of the US during which homicides and violent crimes spiked between a 35% and 97% increase.

Is it racism that Indian Americans represent 2x the median income of white Americans yet comprise 1.5% of the population?   Or is the true rage among Blacks the fact that despite their presence in America for hundreds of years, they have still failed to gain the same foothold as Indians, Asians, Filipino’s, and Middle Easterners?   Most of whom came to the US as poor…   Refugees.   With nothing.

Despite these statistics completely annihilating the entire narrative of ‘racism being caused by white supremacy’ the facts will likely get buried in the same trough that upholds ‘Vaccines Are Completely Safe’, or ‘There Was NO Election Fraud’, or ‘ UFO’s Are A Conspiracy Theory…’   Spewing false narratives in a brew of verbiage right out of Alice’s Wonderland, everything is topsy-turvy!

Of course the all time favorite is that racism never applies if it is black vs anything or anyone else.   They have created their own parallel universe. And the demons of liberal nihilism continue unabated truly believing they are gods within the universe.

Somehow, despite their attacking Whites, other Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and now Jews, we should bow to the WOKERS whims of Glory and Money.   The Democrat feed is full fledged now.   They have managed to isolate blacks against everyone else.  Corporations reveal they have no loyalty to shareholders and will tank profits in order to pretend some sympathetic false spirit of equality while raking in $billions in compensation.

And I don’t think that any of this was accidental. How it plays out is NOT favorable for the Black community at large.   The implosion is likely to be fast and furious when livelihoods are ruptured and rage seeks vengeance.


The Biden Administration is looking for means to initiate specific laws to be levied against white supremacist.   Apparently the current laws are not prevalent enough to target white people.   Citing the Anti Defamation League as a source of data, they attribute 45 murders to white supremacy in 2019 alone.   The most prominent being the El Paso shooter who killed 23 Hispanic people at a WalMart.   Unfortunately they don’t provide the data on the remaining 22…

In 2020 the ADL states that 17 murders were committed by white supremacists in 15 separate instances. Apparently, the number is low because there were no mass shootings…

While it is true that Patrick Crusius, a 21 year old white boy, did open fire with an AK 47 and murder 23 Hispanics, he was NOT a white supremacist. He was diagnosed as psychotic with significant neurological diseases necessitating his placement in special Ed his entire school life.   He was considered severely mentally handicapped.   Much like 20 year old Adam Lanza in the Sandy Hook shooting who was also diagnosed with Asperger’s disease and was in special Ed classes.

The Anti Defamation League does not provide evidence to support their statement that 45 murders were conducted by white supremacist, instead they argue that 79 murders occurred in prison by white supremacist gangs over a period of 10 years… which would account for 8 murders per year… Really?  This would account for .06%!!!

Somehow they seem to have missed one very critical point!   Mental Illness.

Highlighting the US Capitol incident as a dominant example of white supremacist killings they fail to note that the one murder death at the Capitol was committed by a plain clothes black cop against an unarmed white woman, Ashli Babbitt.

Mikie Sherrill, a New Jersey Representative, is advocating for increased laws against white supremacists.   Her career included a stint at Kirkland & Ellis whose notable client list includes – Jeffrey Epstein. She is working in conjunction with Jonathon Greenblatt who worked on Bill Clinton’s campaign as well as Special Assistant to Obama. He is currently the CEO of the ADL and serves as an ‘independent’ monitor for – Facebook censorship.   Together these white gurus of extremism are self appointed warriors targeting white supremacist militants…and domestic terrorism.

They Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!

The culling of MAGA’s.

Except for one thing – they completely ignore BLM and ANTIFA.   Both extremist groups which have been responsible for billions in property damage and uncounted deaths and assaults.

Of course their problem is in how to create a law that specifically targets White Supremacists.   The NEW and improved definition of White Supremacy is: a person who believes the white race is inherently superior to other races and that whites should have control over all other races.   A secondary definition describes white supremacists as those who follow President Trump.

In 2017, Picciolini, white male and self-proclaimed former skinhead aligned with Obama, gave an interview in which he stated that the “average American” is a white supremacist. All while discussing Trump rallies.   Picciolini’s Free Radicals Project was given $400,000 by the Obama administration.   Their website is virtually empty of ANY information.

Despite their website stating they are a 501©(3) charitable organization, oddly they have yet to file any 990 forms with the IRS or provided any financial statements, nor do they have an address or any employees.

It would appear the $400,000 was a pocketed payoff for another slick willie.

ADL has a special arrangement with Tony Blair to facilitate Global Affairs (former PM of the UK under the Labour Party and devout globalist under the Cabal Party). Their Board consists of one black woman, no Asians and no Hispanics.   Odd.   Their staff consists of no blacks, Asians, or Hispanics…   Yet they proclaim white supremacism is an extremist for which they PROTECT against.

They do claim to work against anti-semitism given that Jews are part of America’s marginalized communities.

In 2019, their form 990 revealed:   over $91 million in revenue of which $24,000 was distributed as grants., over $40 million was consumed by salaries, rent was roughly $7 million, Travel & Conventions $4.4 million, and $9 million in ‘other’ which is not defined. Their secondary office is in Israel.  They have absolutely NO relationship with ASIAN, HISPANIC OR BLACKS.

By comparison:

*Roughly 10,000 to 12,000 Blacks are killed by Blacks each year. Accounting for 90% of black deaths.

*According to the Office of Research and Public Affairs, 33% of all mass killings in the US are conducted by the mentally ill.

*Drug related homicides account for 4-5% of all homicides.

*According to FBI statistics, less than 2% of all homicides are white on black.

IS this a white supremacist problem?   Not even remotely. But then, facts are not important…

ANTI-FASCISTS Use Mussolini Playbook

In 2020 when the riots ramped up across the country as well as the globe, the ten demands were relatively simplistic: make police impotent and let all prisoners out of jails who are over the age of 65 no matter their crime.   As a result many officers simply quit rather than subject themselves to the retribution that would likely result.   Crime escalated rapidly, officers were shot, and officers were punished for doing their duty. Of course they will become “trigger happy” they are freakin’ scared!   And rightfully so.   If they aren’t killed or wounded, then they face the delightful consequence of having their families threatened and possibly being sent to jail.  

Their crime? Attempting to keep us safe.

Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this kind of abject disrespect?

The country is devolving into chaos. And no person or persons of authority seem to have the desire or ability to change that trajectory.   Certainly can’t blame Trump any longer.

Watching these rioters act without any sense of wrong and with the solitary desire to inflict as much destruction and PAIN as possible is beyond the scoop of sanity.   In Africa, Boko Haram has apparently taken this insanity to a whole other level.   They are skinning humans, severing limbs, and beheading – their victims.     What does Boko Haram want?

Basically the same thing protesters across the US want – death and destruction.

Is this what the Cabal wants? To have the US descend into a cycle of death, starvation and poverty.

I wonder if they are vaccinated….?

Opioids is the drug of choice among Boko Haram, Tramadol is cheap and available.   Other drugs supplied to the terrorist organization include heroin and cocaine.   Three men have recently been arrested as suppliers, 2 are Muslim and the third is from Chad which is a mish-mash of 200 ethnic groups – predominantly Muslims. Chad is ranked as the 7th poorest nation in the world with 80% of the population living in poverty. Poverty in Chad is much like China and is measured as earning less than $1.90 per day.   Meaning, statistically, a person is not in poverty in these countries if they earn $2 per day.

In 2017 doctors in the US wrote 200 million prescriptions for Opioids.   Obviously, for those who suffer chronic pain this is their only escape.   But the abuse of opioids can lead to bizarre behavior and the complete obliteration of sanity…   Doctors urge people who have psychotic episodes to contact their physician.

Somehow I don’t see Boko Haram and the protesters as rational people who seek medical attention for anything.

Doctors also suggest that roughly 2% of the population have a genetic disposition that makes opioids more powerful on them.

In the US the riot busses deposit the ‘actors’ and the playbook is always the same – hate cops.   Like a mantra recording that has infiltrated the minds of youth. Police claim the rioters wear all black – the chosen uniform of Antifa.  Remember that conspiracy theory group of nice people who just want a piece of bread…   FYI: still redirects to the Biden White House…creepy!

Bringing us back to the Movement of anti-Fascism Antifa, it would seem they are somewhat ‘confused’.

Fascism:   anti-democracy. A society wherein anyone who does not conform to the belief system of the leader should be violently disabled. A belief that destruction and violence are the best means of enforcement. Dictatorial power. Idolizing the leader.

“Squadrists — terrorists who would descend upon towns in trucks, uniformed in black shirts — had knives and they killed thousands of people in the years 1919 to 1922. The killing went on after Mussolini became prime minister.”

In other words, Anti-Fascists – ANTIFA are following the exact playbook of Fascist Mussolini.  And they are too stupid to even look up the history.

One of the earlier ‘Movements’ promoted by the collective ‘anti-fascists’ is People For The American Way founded in 1980 by Norman Lear – of Hollywood fame.   Co-founders included Barbara Jordon, black democrat congresswoman from Texas who advocated for cutting legal immigration by a third, and Andrew Heiskell, CEO of Time. The organization, PFAW, was the brainchild of the Tides Foundation and included such esteemed presidents as Tony Podesta!  Yum.   Norman Lear was the Hollywood connection since 1980!   He is the real Weinstein evryone was afraid of.

PFAW is supported by Soros. But its Board of Directors is even more enlightening:

Alec Baldwin – vocal anger activist.

Seth McFarlane – another Hollywooder

Bertis Downs IV – legal counsel and advisor to R.E.M.

Dolores Huerta – labor activist who worked with Chavez

Josh Sapan – CEO of AMC Theatres which is wholly owned by China

Dennis Van Roekel – former president of the National Education Association, largest labor union in US.

Reg Weaver – also former president of the National Education Association – meaning Soros owns our the labor union that runs our education…

Ben Jealous – was anointed president in 2020, and was formerly president of NAACP – despite the fact that his father is white and his mother biracial/white.  Shouldn’t he be called a White Male Supremacist?

Two former activists at PFAW started their own organization UltraViolet which is affiliated with the Soros,, and Hillary Clinton.

Basically, fascism has been rebranded as ‘anti-fascism’, and where there is chaos the ultimate lineage will lead to Clinton and Soros advocating all things Green and the New Green Deal.  

Interestingly, under Mussolini’s fascism, socialists were assassinated on sight given they were disruptive to the Order.   So we are NOT facing socialism by any stretch – we are facing a full-blown Fascist Coup.      

Black Lives Matter: ActBlue For Whites Only – tch tch

While racist language against blacks is at an all time low, there seems to now exist what blacks ‘perceive as coded’.     It isn’t about what a person actually says, but how black people assume the words are meant to be denigrating.   Including phrases like

  1. Thug – means n—–
  2. Sassy – means one dimensional finger snapping depiction
  3. Ghetto – means black working class
  4. Sketchy Neighborhood – means black working class
  5. Well Mannered – means you are surprised to find that value in a black person
  6. Urban Style – is a negative connotation for working class black

Never mind the intent.   Never mind the facts.   It is all about emotional perception based on negativity. A compliment of any kind means the person is amazed to find this value or trait in a black person.,

It’s a lose-lose situation.

Other terms used that are now forbidden include: master bedroom, blacklist, masters tournament, peanut gallery, grandfather clause, cakewalk, lynch mob, uppity…   ad nauseum.

And then there was the fact that a white quarterback won the SuperBowl once again.   It doesn’t seem to register that in the NFL 75% of players are black despite a 12% race representation in the US – it is ‘unfair’.     Instead, white quarterbacks should retire after one win. Oddly, the absurdity seems to fall short of reality.

And now we have a ‘black national anthem’ despite the fact that our Nations National Anthem was about America vs the British and had nothing to do with color or race and everything to do with Freedom! Further, it wasn’t made until 1916, well after the Civil War, and the emancipation of slaves!

It is ironic that the black national anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” was actually written as a poem for Abraham Lincoln, a white man. It actually has nothing to do with Black Lives Matter, it was a tribute to a white man, Lincoln’s efforts to free slaves, slaves that have no longer existed for over 150 years.

According to the BLM website it reads more like a liberal white Congressional list of ‘demands’:

  1. Convict Trump
  2. Expel Republicans
  3. Investigate white supremacy in all police, military and law enforcement.
  4. Permanently ban Trump from all social media
  5. defund the police
  6. Pass the BREATHE Act because police are all white supremacists – (even if they are black) – racial equity screens and environmental justice.

Of course all donations to the BLM Movement are funneled to ActBlue.   Its founders include Benjamin Rahn, a white man, and Matt DeBurgalis, another white man.   Their LinkedIn profiles make no mention of any desire or intent to assist blacks, instead, ActBlue was formed as a PAC to support all things, liberal or socialist, including Bernie Sanders, a white man, Hillary Clinton, a white woman, and Joe Biden, a white man.

In essence this 501©(4) makes a mockery of black people.

Between January 2019 and December 2020, ActBlue raised $4.319 billion. Of that amount, $42 million was spent on overhead expenses, and the remainder was distributed to other PACS – $4.1 billion, including support for Schiff, Stop Republicans, Progressive Turnout Project, and Stop 45 PAC.    These are PAC’s.   They have absolutely nothing to do with black lives and everything to do with white liberal candidates.

In fact, one of the biggest recipients of the Stop Republicans PAC was Facebook.   Others included Google, Yahoo, Stop Republicans PAC, and Mothership Strategies.   There is ZERO mention of anything that would purport to help or assist black lives.   All of these PAC’s are run by – whites.

Mothership Strategies is about saving animals from extinction run by the same people who created Stop Republicans…   In other words, it is a shell game of money with Harry Pascal at the forefront – a white man.

This is where the BLM money goes. Supporting the exact same initiatives espoused by the uber whites of Congress who desperately hold on to their positions of power for 30-40 years unabated.

Wouldn’t that – be considered racism?   Because all the money donated to BLM Movement goes to white folk.   All the BLM ‘Demand’ points are simply a regurgitation of white liberal agendas.   And the bearers of the most funding are – white folks as in Facebook’s Zuckerberg who already sits on massive wealth in the arena of $100 billion.

NONE of that $100 billion is redistributed to blacks.  

Mark Zuckerberg’s executive team who also serve as the Board of Directors and Management, is wholly absent, as in VOID of blacks.

Sucker Punched!

But then Google is no different in their BLM…support.   Their executive/Board team is whites and Indians.   How oh how could that possibly be?   Especially given that ActBlue donates contributions to this devoid racist organization?

The illusion reigns and it would seem Blacks across the US are prey to the deception.   Changing a term, creating a fake perception, feeling targeted – these concepts are all manifested by white liberals.   When in fact, President Trump was the only reality who advocated truly for The People, ALL The People, regardless of race, gender, ideology, color, or identity.

And Blacks – well, you have been scammed, shammed, and slammed – by liberal/socialist whites.

Black Lives Matter: Fantasy Fascists.

I realize that in writing the following Blog, I will not make a lot of friends. But it is something that needs to be aired, needs to be said, because it is what everyone is thinking but – afraid to say.   Can’t offend.   Can’t offend.   But the TRUTH is important – lest we become cowards of our tongue: 

A frank look at Black Lives Matter “movement” that might result in my lynching but needs to be voiced!

Prior to the “Movement” which was created during the Obama administration as a means of division, I had no opinion whatsoever about racism.   I recognized that there is inherent racism to an extent in every individual, black, white, yellow, red, or green.   I recognized that degree’s are the issue.   The KKK was most certainly a cross the line – degree of racism.   But so is the Black Panther – “Movement”.   Because the essence of all these radical infiltrations is = Divide and Conquer.

So now we debate philosophy.

Racism is a truism.   But that truism exists in all cultures.   African blacks are hugely racist.   Muslim extremists are extremely racist.   Japanese hate Chinese, and Indian’s hate Dalits.   Racism Does exist – just not in the format that the MSM attempts to portray!

Instead of making “racism” RACISM, blacks in America have agitated and usurped what is reality and claimed it only exists to enslave – blacks. And in so doing, blacks are the new racists.

I am sure I held some racist tendencies before, but those tendencies are now peaked to fear.   I fear blacks because the media shows that they systematically attack anyone for no apparent reason whatsoever.   A black man hits a white man on the head with a brick. A black man punches a 75 year old woman in Walmart.   Blacks loot and destroy stores throughout our BLM/Antifa hit cities!   All of this is videoed.   All supported by ‘evidence’.

And yet, racism continues to be a disease of White People.  How is that reality hijacked?

Despite the violence, the assaults, the deaths, the murders, the destruction – the rioters are being  excused because as blacks they are expressing their outrage….  And destruction is their means.   Do you see how the media portrays blacks?   Do you see that they have created your character?   And it is NOT a positive view…

The media portrays “All Blacks” as anarchists who set fire, destroy and loot.   That is the MSM.   Your hero’s.  The ones you worship.  They Portray You As – Scum!

Somehow, murder and arson and destruction is normalized as a means of expressing dissatisfaction …At least that would be what the MSM proclaim.    But as they have done in the last decades, what is a platform, what is a belief, will simply vanish should it be deemed appropriate.   And in that moment, everyone collectively associated with that movement will no longer a be relevant.  But suddenly the People began to object as the sweethearts moved into their neighborhoods.   And the thems became me and me objected.   Shifting positions, priorities, and opinions, meant re-programming.   Time.

If someone is so heinous as to align those actions and mindset with a “Black Movement” then that person, not the movement or its actions are considered – reprehensible.

Do Black Lives Matter?   Yes.   Blue Lives Matter. Red Lives Matter.   Yellow lives matter… But that’s not good enough – it must read ONLY Black Lives Matter.


Does it make people less racist?   Does it alter racism in general? Or does it foment a chaotic reaction that is based solely on emotions when business and livelihoods are – decimated… completely.

If someone, anyone, destroyed your entire life, you house, your home, your business, your car, you credit – would you suddenly become their best friend? Not likely.

So what is the true purpose of this devastation?

Will Black lives be better as a result of the carnage?   Will Black businesses flourish?   Will people see blacks as sympathetic, kind and wholesome?   Will property owners hand over their deeds to Black Lives?  Will black businesses be the focus of market?

Or, will this feed the division, the racism, the fear, the hatred, and ultimately the Great Divide?  Will anything BLACK be anointed and reviled?   Is it any different than the boycott of certain stores because their CEO makes a political alignment?    Does this really result in anything remotely positive or good?   Or does this bring sighs and nods as we ask, ‘What the EFF?’   How dare you destroy my relationships!

I realize I am not making friends within the ‘movement’ by stating these truisms.   I realize that the friends I have who are black mourn how this movement has set them back multiple decades.

Have we taken great leaps forward? Or have we taken a thousand steps backward?

For me – the steps are significantly backward.   Having been the victim of multiple physical attacks in my lifetime – by blacks – I do not now feel a great affinity. I do feel fear.   So if that is your agenda – BRAVO! Mission accomplished.

To those blacks and whites who are my friends and recognize the radical propaganda that has perpetuated such a grave injustice, we are one.   But to those who advocate insurrection, destruction, arson, murder, and hate, I pray for your soul.   For you are truly depraved.   And I don’t give a freakin’ shitake what color your skin is, but I do care what you do – what actions you perpetrate – and the arson and murder you advocate.

Black Lives Matter – you have created a chaos, a division, for which you must be held responsible and accountable.   Your hate is felt among all races, and your ‘movement’ is a sham that will ultimately destroy you – from within – which is their agenda.   Because, you do realize, the Democrats have voted against you every – single – time. And now – you are being played like a violin.   When the strings break, the concerto ends.

And you have no one left to blame… but you.

CRITICAL RACE THEORY: A Bolshevik Playbook

WHO is minding your children?  

Public schools have become the central voice for your children’s minds.   Children leave home and spend 8-10 hours of their day under the thumb of liberal propaganda exploitation.   It is the most aggressive ploy of the Communist manifesto agenda.   A child’s mind – programmed.

Ever notice how submissive and cowed the people of China tend to act. They live in fear.   Their life could be extinguished if they so much as look at a person wrong.   Say something wrong and in China the police will sweep you off the street never to be seen again.

Public schools have adopted this strategy and we are only now fully WOKE.

The plan was executed decades ago when women were told that unless they worked their lives were empty, useless.   Advertisers then decimated television with more and more products that we all had to have otherwise we were ignorant of value.   Debt was a marker of wealth.

In 1946 household debt represented 15% of gross domestic product, by 2008 it was 100%.   Saving to buy something was no longer required as credit demolished our economy.   The more debt, the more women worked, a cycle without an end.   “Keeping up with the Jones” was the meme, people laughed, and then they bought. They bought more and more.   Children were relegated to Child Care institutions as young as 3 months.   Mom needed to work to help pay for more debt.

It was a Playbook.

Ultimately, parents lost control of their children and the indoctrination was perfected.

Today, children are being taught utilizing a methodology reminiscent of communist doctrine.   China calls them ‘re-education camps’.   We call them – schools.

Teachers teach that being white is racist.   Whites should be eliminated.   Whites need to be re-educated. Because blacks in America are the true majority and have been systemically hurt by all whites.   Whites children take this mantra as reality and revolt.

Never mind the actual statistics. History will be burned.   Children will be led to believe that blacks represent 60% of America – and they will believe because there is no one to tell them differently.   Mommy and daddy are over their head in debt and think if they just make more money somehow that burden will be relinquished.   They vow to spend more time with their children – next year, and then next year.   Until suddenly they find their children being told parents should be killed because they represent white supremacy.

One of the new class requirements is Critical Race Theory.   What does it mean?

Critical Race Theory is the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of colour.

This is the core of divide and conquer. If you are white and don’t subscribe then you are a supremacist. If you are black and don’t subscribe, then you are an Uncle Tom.   While the concept is not a new ploy, it has been successful historically.   The Bolshevik Revolution used this sort of tear down mentality to persecute and ultimately control the population of Russia in 1917.   Youth, peasants, the workers were targeted.   They were told their lives and livelihoods were oppressed and the only way to achieve equality was through annihilation, destruction and murder.    Lenin, Stalin, and their mercenaries convinced the poorer populace to arm and fight in order to assert their victimhood.   It is estimated that this Communist revolt led to the deaths of 61 million in Russia, and 200 million worldwide.   At the time estimates put the world population at 1.7billion meaning 11% of the global population died under Communist rule.   That would equate to 860million dying today.

The New Green Deal mimics the ideals established in the Bolshevik rule including: elimination of private property, slavery, violence, mass murder, starvation, and economic collapse.   The next sixty years was terror.

And these are the same ideals espoused by Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and Antifa.   The Bolsheviks were anti-fascist too.   They were sheep led to slaughter under the guise of a utopian world. Instead they got Hell.

With Africa mostly communist, much of South America, China, and Canada, EU and Australia closing in as their socialist regimes sway further into Marxist rule, the US is alone in our fight!

This is not something that simply happens of its own volition, this was planned, orchestrated, and fulfilled.   We are now literally one small step away from losing our country, our livelihoods, our freedom and our lives just as the Bolsheviks did. Just as the Chinese did under Mao.

Why? Why do they want this devastation?

Because to them it will heighten their control, their power, and infuse their desire to be above values, ethics, morality and law.   Their freedom is ruled by satanic will.   A world of peasants, slaves and puppets whose only purpose to to serve them.   Not God.   But them.

This is truly our LAST and only chance to not succumb.   Don’t let this moment go to waste. Don’t give up ! FIGHT!