Google’s AI & CHINA: Not For The Faint of Heart

China’s Foreign Minister is busily trying to dissuade countries from having a relationship with the US because we are a ‘Bully’ and we are shutting down their means for stealing intellectual property.   After telling France, Germany, Russia, and Vietnam to stop trading with the US, the Foreign Minister declares that the US and China need to work together in order for the economy to recover…

In other words, without thieving China doesn’t have the expertise to compete.

These same countries currently provide China with a nice lucrative trade balance. Hong Kong placed third in China’s trade profit – and they’ve since been absorbed.   Canada’s stream of revenue for China is lower than the Philippines and represents about 3.5% of the US imbalance – pennies.

As Pompeo declares India as the suspected replacement for inexpensive goods, relations between China and India have sparked!   As one respondent declared, “But India is just as corrupt as China”.

Obviously that isn’t the point.  

As we have come to understand, finding a politician that is not corrupt is a difficult quest, they do exist, but they are rare.   So the reset with India would be based on other reasoning;   a new beginning, a non-communist agenda, a balanced trade, elimination of current corrupted officials and their handlers – like Bill Gates and Rothschild’s, and the tanking of China’s economy.

Good news for India is bad news for China.   Bad news for China means all the billions in investments held by the elite will become worthless.   And while the Cabal may revert to courting India’s political climate, they will be starting from Ground Zero.

And like China’s inability to create anything unique, they are now pushing the narrative that the US is meddling in China affairs.   How? By closing down the theft of our scientific and nuclear capabilities and knowledge from their Thousand Talent Program which has perpetuated their pharma, biotech, biowarfare, and medical device growth exponentially.

Meddling – means CHINA can no longer steal!

Texas University is now under investigation for colluding with that theft market joining the ranks of Harvard, Stanford, University of NC – Chapel Hill, Ohio State, Pennsylvania State, University of California…etc…etc…etc.   The US hosts upwards of 370,000 Chinese students annually.   Not Chinese Americans – Chinese who return to their country sometimes with stolen vials, papers, blueprints, and engineering diagrams…

That is what China is now referring to as “US Meddling”.

Today, Google, Facebook, Amazon and YouTube CEO’s are facing down questions about their collusion with China.   In 2019 Zuckerberg was quoted as stating, “We can’t sit here and assume that because America is today the leader that it will always get to be the leader if we don’t innovate.”

Whether these CEO’s support Communism or not – they have initiated and concluded deals with China in order to advance their product.   In so doing, every businessman knows that concessions would be required – tit-for-tat.   It is therefore the concession that are of interest. And in this realm it would appear Google stands to be the most treasonous of US companies doing business in China.

Google’s infiltration is not simply capitalist, it is military.   It is showing the means and ways in which China can deflect attack and manipulate cyber security, ways in which China can infiltrate electrical grids, AI manipulation, Propaganda manipulation, and the perpetuation of fake imagery. This goes beyond election manipulation and supersedes media censorship – it is clearly an act of terrorism and treason against the United States.

But AI is the common denominator shared by these execs facing charges today.   AI is used to bolster cyber security – breach that and you have full run of everything that runs our society – including electrical grids.   AI will drive our military – politicians as we know them will become redundant and nonessential.   Teachers will easily be replaced by AI and thus learning and education will no longer be subject to emotional or psychological ideas, and instead be a briefing of exactly what the programmers control.

Certainly there are positives in every Industrial Revolution.   And within each power brokers emerged to control the flow of money, but with AI the global seams change giving the potential for Communism to be the ruling defacto for people – while the elite enjoy their status of Wizard Behind The Curtain of OZ.

Which is why the elite do not fear Communism.

Physical universities and colleges, physicians, Hollywood, support staff, clerks, and sports will be unnecessary idioms leaving physical laborers as the only real necessary component to support each other as they serve the Masters.

Next time you think President Trump is doing nothing – wake up, get off the soapbox and look around…Everything the media parlays is simply a Deflection.

GATES Foundation: USAID & GAVI

Today a respondent to my blog attempted to derail my support for President Trump by claiming that Trump had personally contributed over $1 billion to the Bill Gates vaccine and depopulation organization – GAVI.   This man claimed a birdie told him and the bait was thus extended.

Of course the story has been circulating with the proficiency of a CNN fake/false news report was solidified by the evidence gathering of a ‘Tweet’.


February, as CoVid was heating up as the pandemic that would wipe out half the world population, USAID administrator, Mark Green, published a tweet in which he claimed that the US government had pledged $1.16 billion to USAID to be redistributed to GAVI as an investment in vaccine research.

Less than one month later Mark Green was forcibly retired and replaced with acting administrator, John Barsa.

Apparently, Mr. Green served as Director of an NGO, Malaria No More, which is an NGO founded and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Abbott Labs, Exxon, 21st Century Fox, Novartis, Time Warner and WHO amongst a plethora of partners.   Obviously Mr. Green was well entrenched in the Swampland beneath the tutelage of Bill Gates. And obviously, this partnership had to end.

USAID has been a front funder for depopulation under the guise of humanitarian vaccinations for decades.   IN conjunction with other NGO’s that play the two heads of Sybil, such as The Clinton Health Initiative, these organizations have been instrumental in siphoning US tax dollars for the purpose of gaining their global position in the power play for a New World Order RESET.

Gates involvement in eradicating malaria in Africa has been ongoing for over two decades and has accomplished little in that arena, but he has managed to sterilize large swathes of the population while earning himself and his cohort NGO’s vast sums of money.   And We The People paid for it all via our tax dollars. How decidedly disgusting.

In fact, with the ousting of Mark Green and the appointment of acting administrator, John Barsa, virtually the entire team at USAID has been wiped and replaced with those loyal to Trump which has caused a firestorm throughout the liberal maniacal plebes who decry fowl… or foul.

Their issue stems from the fact that the siphoning of billions of taxpayer dollars to front NGO’s has come to a screeching halt.   And that – simply is not fair!   With a $40 billion budget, USAID has managed to spend every dime with absolutely no benefit to US taxpayers.   And Mark Green, a Republican, was just another Swamper who needed pickin’.

But the maze of NGO’s that have been paid for by US tax dollars is vast, and although USAID was the benefactor of the bulk of funding, they are simply one Wiley Coyote in a den of thousands.

As a result of the vast reorganization within USAID, a dozen employees are claiming that the move is racist and undermining of ‘diversity’ and inclusion.   Pelosi and Schumer have of course attempted to criminalize the re-organization to no avail.

The dozen or so employees who are crying the blues are part of an accountability group formed in 2009, Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network.   MFAN claims that they are better able to determine where USAID funding should be spent based on what they deem humanitarian areas of concern.  In other words USAID is incapable of divesting it’s funding so a new government organization was formed with the task of determining where those $40 billion will go.   MFAN works alongside two government organizations; USAID and OPIC. OPIC, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, merged with the Development Credit Authority, and focused primarily on business funding of environmental concerns – in Africa.   They were dissolved in 2019.

So far in 2020 the Gates Foundation has made 831 grants to various organizations. The most notable include: Clinton Health Initiative, Catholic Relief Org., Center For American Progress, Georgia Tech, China CDC, African Field Network for Polio, SAGA, the US Global Leadership Program, a host of education and analytics organizations, Kleo Pharmaceuticals and Tanager.

The US Global Leadership Program ‘educates’ potential political candidates on what to support, how to think, and what is important. Center for American Progress is a Podesta/Clinton boondoggle. SAGA was formed by Gates in 2014 to provide virtual education tutoring however reviews by employees are pitiful at best.   Kleo Pharmaceuticals was awarded a $5 million grant to develop a therapeutic Hyperimmune Globular Mimic to treat CoVid 19. New America – a liberal policy think tank which helps to create New Thinkers along with Google. The Clinton Initiative, which continues to dispose of its nearly $200 million in annual income via salaries distributed over a plethora of subsidiaries. It is worth noting that the Clinton Health Initiative receives funding from USAID.

In essence, the Gates Foundation is wholly encased in re-education of students K-12, health indoctrination in Africa and India, and manipulation of public views, news, and information.

All these agendas are funded by Gates Foundation through its various stock portfolio.   One of his latest investments was in Schrodinger, a US drug company based in Portland Oregon that develops chemical simulation software for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and materials research.   The market value of Schrodinger has risen from $17 to $76 since its initial public offering in February 2020.   That represents a gain of 347% in 5 months.

And That’s How It is Done.

CHINA Colonization of US: Clinton Initiates US Communism

China seems to be regurgitating the same narrative dystopia as US liberal media outlets.   Claiming that all China’s woes are the result of the US and specifically President Trump, China is facing off against Indonesia, The Philippines, and India as it pushes for greater and greater territorial sovereignty.   Of course, it could be that recognizing that the agenda for colonizing the US may fail and their need for land and fresh water supplies grows infinitely more paramount for survival – could be provocation and thus the fault of Trump as he fights for America!

Despite the obvious corruption and massive deception of infiltration, theft, and communist agenda within the US, Russia continues to support the capital a China alliance might offer.   Short sighted at best, Russia would seem to be favoring ignorance while putting their country at risk for a return to Soviet failure and poverty.

Still courting the EU, China theft of intellectual property still not addressed and leaves a wall of distrust that is not likely to be breached in the immediate timeline. But the EU, Germany in particular, was quick to turn to stone when President Trump called for equality in trade tariffs, so finding a common ground amidst a China that has proven to be devastating to the American economy could be the EU’s final disastrous Fall and Fail.

Trade between the EU and China has now resulted in a 185 billion Euro ($217.5 billion) deficit and rises each year as imports/exports reflect a 10% imbalance.   Given this pattern has continued for two decades, Europe faces a declining economy and a lack of leadership worthy of making the necessary corrections.

According to The Peterson Institute there are three main ways in which the US deficit could be reduced:   1.   Tax imports,   2.   Devalue the dollar, and  3.   Encourage greater savings and less consumption by citizens.

While many ‘non-partisan organizations’ claim that the trade deficit is nothing too concerning given it will automatically correct itself, the reality is much more detrimental. The deficit has NOT corrected in over 40 years of sustained and growing debt.   And China’s world dominance has grown significantly to the detriment of US household income while aggressively pushing consumption.

What triggered unsustainable American consumption?


Access to markets and resources is in direct conflict with control of resources and markets.   Advertising, media, and pundits slay the American people daily with a brutal allay of goods that we must have, products we must have, and events that create new demand for ‘gifts’ that we must have.   Retailers typically earn 75% of their annual revenue during holiday gift consumption – particularly Christmas.   But each year a new event is created to encourage even more consumption practices.

Reversing this trend means making goods more expensive.   Unattainable.   But that could expand the gap between the 1%ers and divide the people further.

In 2009, Peter Schiff stated that the US deficit in China could only be reversed by diluting the US dollar which would increase inflation.   Leaning toward gold as the means, today Schiff is capitalizing on just that statement despite it being 11 years ago…

While gold has gone up about 50% during the last 11 years, it hit a peak in 1980 at roughly $2200 per ounce, and tanked to a low of $380 in 2000.   The lift of gold again in 2001 directly corresponds to the rising China Trade Deficit.     At the same time, China’s GDP in 1980 was $.3 trillion.   Today their GDP has catapulted to $14.2 trillion. Coincidence?   Hardly.

Real GDP growth for China hit a peak of 15.2% in 1984 and then fell dramatically 1989 and 1990 before rising double digits again most years.   By comparison, the US has marked growth rates of 2% and 3% which are considered good markers…

In 1992 the US signed a bilateral trade agreement with China that was hinged on human rights.   In 1993, Clinton signed an Executive Order that altered the way trade could be executed.   Without Clinton’s EO trade tariffs could be imposed upwards of 40% if China did not live up to human rights conventions. Clinton removed this condition by bypassing Congressional review and reverting this power exclusively to the Secretary of State.   Warren Christopher, Madeleine Albright, Collin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were successive Secretary’s tasked with auditing China’s trade stance.

Jiang Zemin was the President of China during a relatively fast-tracked transition in 1993.   Zemin and Clinton considered themselves allies despite the Marxist doctrine and the affinity upheld for Mao. And thus began the decline and Fall of the US.   By 2000, Clinton solidified the fall of the US by signing a normalized trade agreement with China which allowed China permanent status as a normal trade ally and gave them access to engage/buy WHO just in time for Bill Gates to move in.

It was around the mid 1990’s that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett became infatuated with all things China having made numerous trips and treks through the country.   By 2000, their influence was well entrenched as they promised vast wealth, power, and colonization of America.

Of course, as with all elites, money was never the sole motive, power and control also served their aspirations. And China handed them the baton. Xi Jinping solidified that power conquest for the Rothschild Agenda and the rest is “History”.

Bill Gates: Passing the Baton of Epstein Island?

Where oh where are all of the former friends of Epstein?

Steve Bing was considered part of the rat-cracks having pooled his inheritance of $600 million with his closest and dearest friends including; Clinton, Epstein, Prince Andrew, Warren Beatty, and Mick Jaggar.   Apparently that friendship came to an abrupt end when in June 2020 Steve Bing reportedly jumped out of a 27 story window and commit ‘suicide’ at the age of 55.   Funny thing – the story was virtually buried.

But he is not the only sacrifice.

Six months ago another Lolita log name surfaced when Supermarket mogul Ron Burkle’s son, Andrew, was found to have died by suicide. Andrew was 27.   Ron was a longtime gad-about-town Clinton friend, traveled frequently with Epstein, and was a devout Democrat fundraiser.   He had attempted to buy out Weinstein’s company and had an enormous obsession to be a Hollywood and NYC icon dating the youngest and most beautiful to fulfill his perverse fantasies.

A handful of Lolita participants include various Harvard notables – Harvard was the recipient of millions in donations from Epstein – tit-for-tat.  Others include Naomi Campbell, Mort Zukerman and Casey Wasserman who remain active in their pursuits, but it is the Clinton and Obama records that are infinitely more interesting.

Hollywood would seem to be entrenched in the A-list of names including many who are quite vocally Liberal castrators of anything Trump:   Chrissy Teigen, Meryl Streep, Kathy Griffin, Alec Baldwin, Anderson Cooper, David Koch, Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Demi Moore, Jim Carey, Tom Hanks, Woody Allen, etc… etc… etc…

Knowing most of these people on the Lolita log have their own private jet at their disposal, it is interesting that they allowed themselves to be set up for blackmail, but then the Lolita had quite a reputation of its own that likely catapulted the ‘experience’ to new heights of pedophilia vacating rationale.   A number of the people on the log have since been accused of various sexual crimes including rape and assault – their lives uprooted, their careers in the twalette.  But hey – that’s Hollywood!

While we are led to believe that with the death of Epstein and the burning of his island the entire business was destroyed, to think that the entire mafia type industry established and run by Epstein would simply disappear with his murder is naïve at best, and ignorant at the very least.   This perversion is dedicated and has likely simply found a new home, a new host, and a more secure gate.

Enter Bill Gates.   Despite Gate’s claim that he knew nothing, had no relationship with Epstein, and never socialized with the man, pictures and evidence would tell a different tale.   Even the liberal NYT stated that Epstein was involved with Gates personally as well as with Gates Foundation. There are conflicting reports as to whether Gates flew on the Lolita Express – but it becomes obvious that Gates was much more intertwined than even he can extract from the internet.

While the log trail would in other times be described as stupidity at it’s height, although Gates is not any form of intellectual, he is a savvy businessman and  would not likely leave such an obvious trail.   Travel is a bit more covert in the Kingdom of Gates given he owns 2 Gulfstream G650ER’s, 2 Bombardier Challenger 350s, a Cessna Seaplane and a collection of helicopters.

In 2009 Bill Gates bought a 492 acre ranch in Wyoming, Irma Lake, that was originally owned by Buffalo Bill.   Outfitted with a 3000 sq ft guest house that boasts 5 bedrooms in addition to the main house’s roughly 18,000 square feet, and a seven mile dirt road for entry to the property, the property is entirely remote.  A prerequisite much like Epstein Island.

But this is all conjecture – sort of:

History:   In the 1980’s, many prominent officials and wealthy businessmen were implicated in the Franklin Scandal – another pedophile travesty in which children were flown from their orphanages, particularly Boys Town, to remote ranches for ‘parties’.  Like the Epstein Island saga, there were claims of CIA involvement, satanic rituals, abuse and murder.   While the investigations lagged into the late 1990’s when Clinton was President, ultimately all the child victims, the lead investigator on behalf of the children, and witnesses, were deemed to have falsified the entire account.   No one within the echelon of the Cabal was charged and the story faded into obscurity.

Epstein merely carried on the tradition, picking up where Larry King left off.

Passing the baton – it seems plausible that Gates would be the one who has the funding and the connections to continue feeding the gluttony of the sexual predators.   A lucrative business to be sure.  One in which Billy Clinton participated in feverishly logging in a minimum of 26 flights on Lolita…

While the media, and the same liberals who frequented Epstein Island have attempted to implicate President Trump in the scheme, the entire evidence is based on the fact that Trump hosted a Mar A Lago party in which Epstein attended, and Trumps phone number was in Epstein’s black book.   What the same media moguls don’t mention is that their numbers were likely in the book as well.   The Black Book is NOT the basis of evidence – the Lolita Express – is.   No logs.

Whether Bill Gates is in fact the defacto holder of the infamous baton is speculative, however, just as deceased Epstein held this information – so now does Ghislaine Maxwell.   What she has or has not revealed is unknown.   Unfortunately, given the enormous implications, whether she spews or not, she will be presumed guilty by the Cabal handlers – so her only alternative to secure her life is to seek a new identity within the sanctions of the Federal government…errr, although that would preclude Congress from any knowledge given their own information tongues wag like crazy when offered a decent sum of money – and their possible implications are still shadows on the wind.

Blow me down….


As the Agenda for a RESET, a new and improved America unfolds, some who believed they were part of the dismantle team are suddenly waking up to find they are dismantled nonessentials.  

Universities created the ignorance of our youth, they fostered liberalism and Marxism, they embraced Communism while hoarding billions of capitalist dollars from our government and from – China.   They embraced CoVid lockdowns and closed schools and are now just beginning to realize they are complicit in their own demise… without students, without international $$$$, they are quickly facing a squeezed budget, shortfalls in pensions, and the New Green Deal call for the end to the burgeoning 5300 traditional colleges across the country in favor of specialty training centers.   Much like Germany.

Having decried the absolute necessity for a college education for decades, the US employers lost laborers, and instead were handed a stream of uneducated, unemployable college degrees – skimpy pieces of paper – and a whole lot of attitude.

You went to college – but what can you do?  

Value of government funding?   Roughly $170 billion – not including loans.

Universities are not the only unintended scrapping by Communism.   Under the New Green Deal Unions would no longer exist.   While some people believe that unions are communist – they are in stark contrast to the entire ideology.   Unions are formed to ‘benefit the worker’, but in a Communist society that would be considered undermining the government and such dissidents would likely ‘disappear’.

In China, a worker’s retirement meant moving in with grown children to support their meager social security subsistence.   When China initiated the one child tribunal, aging parents had little resources and the stress placed on a child resulted in the killing of female babies as they were considered financially less capable. Poverty was rampant.  In essence, the same catastrophic demise of Germany’s system is similar given a negative population growth and they now haven’t the laborer support of growing generations and are thus forced to usher in massive immigration for ‘survival’.

It is estimated that by 2050, 330 million people in China will be over the age of 65.   Social Security will be nonexistent, siphoned to scrap.   And the young people are well aware of this brutal future…       At least the young people who live the nightmare in China.

Hollywood!   They are truly the most nonessential as AI replaces them, their exorbitant fees, their tirades, wimpish cries, and emotional psycho-drama is barely tolerated by Communist China.  Little wisdom, less intelligence, they will be sacrificed.

And yet, they are oblivious to their extinction in this Agenda they adamantly support – their gas chamber.

Movies have been moving closer and closer to the extinction of actors in favor of robotics for decades – it was only a matter of time.   Not only eliminating actors, directors, producers, every pion beneath will no longer exist under the New Green Agenda the RESET will annihilate this industry.

Under Communist ideology, the vast increase in workers is attributable to exactly ONE industry – agriculture;   laborers – cotton pickers.   Somehow I can’t picture the pinktard millennials lining up for a job picking cotton. But that is what their protests produce for them.   Should someone tell them?


What else can we embrace under the totalitarian rule of 20-somethings who advocate Communism as the Flower Child solution to all the world ‘s problems?

Income Limitation.   There is an income level goal, however, if a person exceeds the goal as mandated by the government, ALL proceeds over the base amount remit to the government.

And maybe you think you should be an artist, a writer, a mathematician… Your desire has no validity – because the government will determine what you will do the rest of your life so as to ‘better the common good’.   And you WILL comply.

You get a burr under your skin because the government is prohibiting you from doing what you want?   Go to jail – never get out – and submit to torture.


So why does Communism appeal to such an extent to Young People?

They have little idea of how it works, what it is, and how it will impact them now and forevermore:

  1. Dissent and protests will result in detention, interrogation, possibly torture, and there are no attorneys to bail you out.   According to the Rothschild rag The Economist, in 2017 China was rounding up and torturing all their Civil Rights Attorneys.  
  2. Most employment areas are in agriculture.   Therefore this will be your chosen occupation and training per the government.   No entitlements.   No welfare.   No BLM.  Hard, back-breaking work.
  3. Want to own your own home?   In Shanghai, an 80 sq meter (860 sq foot) apartment sells for $900k to a million. Down payments for properties are most often provided by parents who anticipate moving in when they retire.   A person’s 1st house requires 30% down, 2nd purchase 60% and thereafter no loan is available. Ownership ends after 25 to 30 years and reverts to the government.
  4. While The Sanders Greens like to boast that China has pulled 300 million out of poverty… it should be noted that in China the measure of poverty is $328 per YEAR!  Considerably higher than it was 20 years ago.

Ultimately, unions, teachers, liberal mindsets will begin to understand that they are the victims of their own making given their entire financial means would no longer be remotely feasible.   Of course, by then, the graves will be dug and the dirt will be shoveled.

DEEP STATE: King David to President Trump – History Repeats Itself – Endlessly.

If we look hard enough we can find that history is repeating itself over and over – again… or perhaps those in the Deep State are so bereft of anything creative, they continually hijack history in order to recreate it as present… which leaves us wondering if they really are as intelligent as they claim – or simply borrowing the intelligence of others before them. The digression of idiots.

Case in point.

The Deep State has been outed numerous times throughout history – and yet each time the media, politicians and those brought to speak, claim that conspiracies don’t exist, that whoever states a theory against the thems is clearly clinically insane, thereby suckering them to continue to utilize the exact same model for their world domination.   Of course, the question remains – then what?   Obviously once you have obtained world domination – there isn’t much else to do to quell your dervish delight.   In a James Bond movie, fighting evil is nearly always about world domination or annihilation.   And good always wins!  But if evil wins – then there is nothing else left for them to pursue…

History has a way of providing us with the means to not repeat it’s errors, and yet, when history is manipulated, so are it’s errors.

Recent:   Wayne Dupree unveiled W. Cleon Skousen. Born in 1913, a Mormon lawyer who wrote numerous articles and books most notably, The Naked Communist, Skousen’s name has been essentially buried in the annals of history.   Working briefly for the FBI, they claimed he was merely a clerk although they kept a 2000 page file on him – by contrast Bill Ayers of the radical Weather Underground was worthy of a file 420 pages long. But then the FBI is not our most trustworthy ally.

So why did the FBI consider Skousen, a feeble clerk, so worthy of 2000 pages?

Skousen was a Constitutionalist who believed in freedom, less government control, less taxation, and the existence of a communist cult that wanted a New World Order  – The Round Table.   Avidly anti-communist, Skousen claimed that the Round Table, albeit: Rockefeller, Ford, JP Morgan, and Wall Street were designated as instrumental in creating what would become a communist United States. While the FBI diligently attempted to scourge Skousen’s name, he continued relentlessly pursuing The Truth as the FBI, a puppet of the Deep State, continued their decimation of all things – America.

In Skousen’s most famous book, The Naked Communist, he lists the goals of the ‘Deep State’ which reads much like a Manifesto graphed by Bernie Sanders, Ocasio, Pelosi, and BLM.   It outlines infiltrating the press, embracing communist China and Russia, controlling schools, student riots, degradation of art and replacement with ugly and repulsive, the infiltration of churches, etc…etc…etc…

In other words, Skousen was demonized as a conspiracy theorist – whose conspiracies came to be fact.   And yet, this bit of history is buried.

In 1970 Skousen wrote, The Naked Capitalist, in which he exposed as the conspirators: top Western merchant bankers, industrialists and related institutions, he claimed that the ‘liberal – Council on Foreign Relations’ was the enforcement of a world-wide collectivist society.    1970.

His works date from 1930 to 1985, culminating in, The Making of America, in which Skousen declares that the US has systematically drifted far away from our Founding Fathers, The Constitution, and everything fought for as we fought and abandoned our Monarchial, totalitarian European roots.

Skousen claims he wrote The Naked Capitalist book as a rebuttal of Carroll Quigley’s, Tragedy and Hope. Quigley confirmed that there was a Deep State and that he was friends of a number of the Round Table Group that Skousen referenced as a conspiracy group, but that they were actually great friends and good people.   Just a bunch of men having a bit of – fun…according to Quigley.

Bill Clinton was an avid supporter of Quigley.

Sir Ivison Macadam, who served on the senior advisory board of The Round Table as well as for Chatham House, and the National Union of Students, roundly declared Skousen to be a quack bent on psychotic conspiracy theories.   Macadam received his gifted endowments from Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller…   all well known Deep State affiliates and funders.

And again, the $25 billion question is – why? Why would these aged bankers want a Communist America?

These industrialists and bankers have no affinity for Communism per se, what they do envision is what the ideology could garner for their enrichment – in terms of money and power, which makes China an unwitting, egocentric – pawn. Once that fact is dangled in the face of Xi Jinping, he will be so incredibly shamed he will disappear.

China is completely, utterly – nonessential in the final draw.   They are not even the knights or castles – they are simple pawns – expendable.

It is the boredom of life.   A point is reached where everything has been experienced, had, eaten, devoured.   And if there is nothing more, it is necessary to make something out of nothing.   They have done everything – so it has no more pleasure.   As such – manufacturing chaos is simply a means of quelling their boredom for the time being and giving them ‘something to do’.   Until they have succeeded and boredom once again brings with it more misery, rage and chaos.   The Game has no real end – they haven’t quite figured it all out.   Like a writer stuck on the ending of his novel, the theys and thems are always – The Deep Global State.

President Trump has proven a valiant adversary for whom they were quite unprepared in their sloppy ‘if it worked in 1863, it will work now…’ philosophy of military intelligentsia.  Please Note: they always get caught… Schiff, Mueller, Bolton, Schumer, Pelosi, Clinton, Biden, Obama – they all are revealed.   How smart can this enemy really be?  Is that part of the delusion?

Their sensors piqued, they vie for the chance to destroy Trump – each claiming he has utilized the brightest and best to create the 3-D chess game of Trump’s downfall – only to fail miserably. Imagine their agony!   Imagine the absolute rage that consumes them.

Next time you think President Trump isn’t working hard enough for you, hasn’t accomplished your particular election demand, next time you think President Trump isn’t a Saint – remember King David.   I doubt King David would have passed the Christian morality police.

And next time you think a conspiracy theory is a funny comic strip psychotic, take a moment to consider which theories came to be fact – and in Science – which facts came to be – theories.   And suddenly it all makes sense.

Black Lives Matter: The New Black Panthers


  1. We Want Freedom. We Want Power To Determine The Destiny Of Our Black Community.
  2. We Want Full Employment For Our People.
  3. We Want An End To The Robbery By The Capitalists Of Our Black Community.
  4. We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings.
  5. We Want Education For Our People That Exposes The True Nature Of This Decadent American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History And Our Role In The Present-Day Society.
  6. We Want All Black Men To Be Exempt From Military Service.
  7. We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And Murder Of Black People.
  8. We Want Freedom For All Black Men Held In Federal, State, County And City Prisons And Jails.
  9. We Want All Black People When Brought To Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their Peer Group Or People From Their Black Communities, As Defined By The Constitution Of The United States.
  10. We Want Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace.

The problem is it isn’t Black Lives Matter – this was the Ten Point Platform issued by The Black Panthers 50 years ago!

Funding for the Black Panthers came through college speaking fees, shake-downs of business owners, and some individuals including John Lennon.   Labeled a Communist organization by the FBI in 1969, it became fueled with internal disputes that resulted in two deaths of their own members.  They subsequently disbanded. The New Black Panthers rose in 1983 as an offshoot of The Nation of Islam and CAIR.   They are emphatically ‘anti-white’ and antiSemetic and have called for the extermination of whites in South Africa.

While the former members of the original Black Panther Party condemn this new organization, the main split would be Marxism vs Islam, Islam being the ideology and make-up of the current members. MUCH of what they demand and pledge is today mimicked by Ocasio, Sanders, Omar, and the Marxist/Socialist/Communists that see ‘white supremacy’ and Jew Capitalism as the cause of black oppression.

The original demands included a guaranteed income, reparations for slave ancestors, and reparations for the 50 million blacks slaughtered by Americans (They don’t provide any statistical information for these numbers.).

Recently the self designated head of the BLM Movement declared they want the state of Texas as ownership rights for blacks who are ancestors of slaves. With a black population of 10%, an Hispanic population of 38%, and 50% white, that demand might hit a bit of resistance in Texas.   But it reveals the intention is not equality at all but instead it is more akin to annexation and nationalized statehood and succession from the US funded by – white US taxpayers.

One of the original founders of the Black Panthers, Bobby Hutton, was killed by Oakland police after Hutton and his comrades ambushed the police in an attempt to kill 13 officers.  They claimed the reason for the police ambush was because an escaped convict, James Earl Ray, assassinated Martin Luther King Jr…. and somehow the Oakland police were to blame. This is the logic employed.

The other founder, Bobby Seale has journeyed from a dishonorable discharge from the military to a convicted criminal spending a few stints in jail, to being shredded by his partner Hutton resulting in a lengthy hospitalization and the dissolution of the Black Panther Party. Since 2002, Seale has been diligently lecturing at more than 500 colleges across the country advocating for a return to Black Power and the rise of a New Revolution.

While the media focus is on crime statistics and disparities among blacks and whites, a complete statistical analysis has yet to be truthful and comprehensive. For example a recent ‘expose’ has claimed that blacks in the Bay Area are disproportionally targeted by the police!   Statistically, the Bay Area has had a mass exodus of blacks for about two decades resulting in less than 6% demographic representation.   High rent, high cost of living brought on by local mayors, Congressional Reps, and Governors have helped to create this migration status… all led by Democrats. Those blacks left in the Bay Area are living in poverty, homeless and/or gang related which accounts for the crime rates being disproportional.

Overall violent crime rates peaked in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s and have steadily declined since.   The dominant reason?

In 1996 Clinton, a Democrat, signed the AntiTerrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act.   The Act made deportation of immigrants – both illegal and legal – a fast track initiative. Although 7% of blacks made up these immigrants, 20% of those deported were black.   In addition, the Act increased the number of police across the nation.  The Act was seen as a purge of blacks – instituted by Democrats.

By 1980, homicide rates as a percentage of population revealed blacks were 8 times more likely to be the offender than whites.   By 2012, that ratio had dropped to 2.5 times, and has remained relatively steady since revealing that the drop in crime could be more related to unchartered immigration as opposed to color.

Still, BLM thinks that the solution is for Militant blacks to patrol neighborhoods in the police defunding movement – as though somehow they will be much better at curbing crime and criminal death rates.

Of course, the logic can be a bit comical as recently it was revealed that a BLM protest demanded Police Security – while they protested Police Brutality and advocated for the elimination of Police.

But no one said there was logic or rational behind ANY of this massively destructive Revolution that has been responsible for financial devastation in Democrat controlled cities:   Minneapolis – over $500 million.   140 cities across the US were targeted.   High value of destruction could be $70 billion.   With cities and states already facing massive deficits due to the CoVid shutdown – regaining a balanced or positive budget is slim to -0-.

Exodus has already begun with Florida seeing quite a few business and individual influx – the resultant effect will be impoverished major cities falling into the Mad Max realm of self preservation…

Epstein, Ghislaine, Trump: The Media Piranhas…

While the obtuse media parlays a picture of a party held by Donald Trump 22+ years ago in which Epstein attended, the Ghislaine truth might unravel a far more sinister reality!  And that will not ‘parlay’ well with the media!

JonBenet Ramsey was six years old when she was murdered. The file has been sealed under claims of ‘National Security’.   Odd.  What could possibly dictate such a motion for a six year old child?

Rape?   MK-Ultra?   Montagraph?   Child Sex Abuse?   1996.   Bill Clinton had just been elected as President and his penchant for alternative sex was only beginning to unfold within the media.

The Franklin Scandal, a pedophile ring that erupted in the 1980’s, that implicated Bush senior, was in the midst of being disrupted so as to determine the victim evidence was wholly unfounded and the only persons convicted were ultimately the children who claimed abuse.  The perps = including Bush – were never charged.

IN 1998, Epstein bought the island that was used for his pedophile ‘episodes’. Oddly, the media and uninformed nonintellectuals would have us believe that Bill Clinton’s 23 recorded flights to the island are comparable to a single photograph of a Trump party in which Epstein attended – in 1998. The only such photo – and with absolutely no other ‘evidence’.

More importantly, we are now being showed a photo that purportedly shows Ghislaine Maxwell with JonBenet Ramsey.   Should we thus conclude that JonBenet is a pedophile?   Given she was in the company of Ghislaine, as Trump was in the company of Ghislaine and Epstein – the logical conclusion would be they – Trump and JonBenet – must be pedophiles by association.

Of course the 23 recorded flights by Clinton, and the suicide-death of Epstein are somehow non-events of disassociation.

Imagine a court that convicted solely on – Association…

Oh that’s right – the Democrats have used that tactic for the last 3 years!  Including Kavanaugh!

And somehow – the circumstances – the event – the subsequent actions – and the Truth – are all obliterated based on a vindictive agenda.   Should we apply that same agenda to JonBenet because she is seen in the company of Ghislaine?

Why would JonBenet’s death be considered a National Security Issue?

Her death coincided with Bill Clinton’s election – and it was also in the midst of a very tumultuous court trial involving a host of political, media, entertainment and sports figures who purportedly were implicated in the Franklin Pedophile Ring!

Bad timing. Timing that could completely derail Clinton’s bid for Presidency.   A Presidency that his sex drive could not control as he became mired in yet another predatory scandal – Monica Lewinsky.

Taking place between 1995 and 1997, the Lewinsky revelations became public in 1998. The same year Epstein attempted to befriend Trump, and the same year Clinton’s proclivities for illegal drugs were ‘somewhat addressed’.

  1. We now have a rampant pedophile and his Madam pedophile sultress, who have jointly partied on Pedophile Island with President Bill Clinton on at least 23 occasions, connected to the JonBenet Ramsey death through a CIA op MK-Ultra in which mind control was used to manipulate a person’s actions – and yet somehow – the focus is a picture of President Trump hosting a party in which Epstein attended … and no further interactions are ever founded.

The Distraction Network is hard at work to evade all things – Ghislaine!

Why? Because she knows stuff – which has likely caused multiple emergency meetings to vent, fume, curse, and punch walls and faces.

It has now been revealed that Ghislaine groomed Epstein’s subjects by having sex with them.   That the pedophile proclivity was rampant among women and men of power.   And that Epstein’s demise via self strangulation while screaming for help was a figment of the imagination of everyone outside of MSM.

The entire concept of MK-Ultra has been diffused.   But its history has been well documented through the years of CIA Director Allen Dulles government term in 1953 – the namesake of Dulles Airport through his older brother, John Foster.   If one wanted to derail a statue – his should be on the list.

Allen Dulles first claim to fame was his exposing the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” as fake.  But his career was a bullet point of coup after coup after coup to create some perfect world order of leaders according to the Protocols of Dulles.

Kennedy was NOT fond of Dulles.

And yet, his legacy is immortalized as an ‘airport’.

JonBenet. A child.   Was she actually sold within the pedophilia chain of the Epstein and Ghislaine yoke?  Is this why her story was censored as a National Security issue that must be sealed in 1996?   The same year Bill Clinton was elected?   Although it is unknown whether Ghislaine had any interaction with JonBenet, with the exception of a single photograph, the pieces of the puzzle become much more brilliant.

Can you REALLY ignore the Biden pedophile advances without a conscious at all?   What if this were your daughter?   Grand-daughter?   Being touched, stroked, fondled – all over – by an aged old man… who doesn’t even know what day, week, month it is, or what he is running ‘for’ – much less who he is, his wife, or his son who is sometimes his daughter…Because we need to Defund The Police…

Pedophilia is rape of a child.   This is not Playboy Magazine.

And they are – everywhere.

US EDUCATION: Dumbing of America for Control

The Department of Education has a federal taxpayer funded budget of $71.5 billion, which represents about 8-9% of funding.   State and local property taxes comprise about 31.5% of collections of which roughly 40-50% is spent on schools.   Last year state and local tax collections totaled about $1.1 trillion.   Each public school pupil costs between $11,000 and $25,000 per year with a total budgetary expense for 2017 at $694 billion covering 50.8 million public school students.   That would represent an average of $13,661 per child or about $2500 higher than the average public state college. In addition, school fees and supplies can add upwards of $1200 per student per year – not including a computer and backpacks. By contrast, the cost to homeschool a child averages about $450 per child – or 3% of the average public cost.

Does throwing more money at schools make for a better education?

NY Buffalo District schools ranked an ELA proficiency rating of about 24%. In Wisconsin ACT scores dropped to 20 out of 36 exam questions – basically an “F”.   Tulsa Oklahoma stated that proficiency rates ‘plummeted’ in 2017.

The curriculum utilized over the last few decades has continued to morph into a vague image of its self once upon a time.   Today, according to Bruce Deitrik, this dumbing down was purposeful and deliberate.


To create sheeple incapable of accomplishing anything of value thereby subjecting them to the progressive globalization and New World Order of peasantry.

The riots and protests that we have been made witness to over the last decade is confirmation that our public education system is dysfunctional and completely worthless.  Students haven’t the ability to make change, state the name of five Presidents, or debate common philosophy, history, art, literature – or much of anything of value.

But it doesn’t stop there. Supposedly 72% of high school graduates ‘enroll in college’ compared to just 9% in 1940.   Why?  Colleges used to be for the elite, those with money and brains.   But savvy marketing over the course of decades changed the entire frontier from 160,000 students in 1000 colleges to 20 million annually in 5300+ colleges and universities.

It all changed in 1964 when Lyndon Johnson set up the Great Society programs that gave federal funding to colleges, scholarships, low interest loans, and subsidized the creation of 30 new community colleges per year.   Those subsidized student loans now aggregate $1.5 trillion spread out among 34 million students.

And within the Socialist Agenda we should absorb that debt.

Why?   Because the students can’t repay, they can’t afford it, they don’t want to pay it, they feel it should be free…   And in their pee-brains, no other country charges for college…

Today the US has about 20 million enrolled in college, which equates to 6% of the population.   The entire EU had 4.8 million who graduated tertiary education in 2017 out of a population of 513 million, which equates to .9%, an 85% discrepancy ratio.

Why? Because in the EU only those students who have tested intellectually superior – are allowed to go to college. And the determination is made during the formative years by the someones who make such determinations.

Today, facing off the bizarre CoVid appellate court, teachers unions and governors are holding court and digging in their heels to prevent students from returning to school after a 6+ month hiatus.   The ‘online’ mandate has resulted in some rather interesting failures including Michigan declaring that online instruction will not count toward the required annual instruction hours, Virginia’s Fairfax County parent’s filing complaints, and a plethora of failed online tech, poor outcomes and a high dropout ratio.   Thousands of schools didn’t even have an online availability, and the scramble for those that did to initiate 6 months of course curriculum in weeks – was an obvious mud bath.

While Pearson was the Bill Gates go-to, another rather obscure online forum has been quickly rising in the ranks – BYJU’s.   Funded by Zuckerberg, the very liberal – General Atlantic, The IFC whose parent is World Bank, Tencent Holdings out of China, and various venture capitalists connected with Google and prominent supporters of – Obama, provide the composite history of BYJU.  Making it much worse, Disney has collaborated in the ‘learning is fun’ module where basic concepts in Marxism and white supremacy are employed to devalue children.

I suppose we can count on them to provide unbiased, intellectual modes of online learning….

Unfortunately, like Amazon, BYJU is mired in disgruntled employee shrew where videos reveal a toxic environment of verbal abuse, nonpayment of wages, mindless firings, and an overall work-life balance of -1.

Apparently in collaboration with Twitter and You-Tube, BYJU management threaten employees if their social media accounts are not in compliance with corporate standards of liberal ‘tolerance and inclusion’, of those they deem tolerable and worthy of inclusion

While the article concludes that ‘investors should not be concerned’ regarding the complaints and controversies, the main user – students – likely should be concerned given they are being fed a ‘feed’ of information that is controlled by the Liberal Deep State.

In the end, education in the US has now become a choice of indoctrination or intellectual stimulus.   One is provided by the Deep State – the other must be provided by Parents.   One costs upwards of $15,000+ per year – the other costs $450 per year.   One requires students to submit to 12-14 years of primary education – the other shows typical graduation data as of 16.   One is controlled by parents – the other is controlled by The Nazi State.

Ultimately – the choice is yours.

CHINA vs INDIA: The Shadow Battle Between President Trump and the Deep State

MADE IN JAPAN.   Cars, industrial equipment, glassware, clothes; after WWII Japan became the ‘inexpensive’ manufacturer that the US turned to for imports.   Mexico had a brief stint, and then in the mid to late1980’s China opened its market to the US and ultimately took over as our largest source of imports given price and quality standards. Reaching it’s peaks right after the Trump election in 2016, it has been sliding precipitously since.   And waiting in the wings to be the next trade partner is – India.

Tooling up their manufacturing could be the next big shift in the solar eclipse of trade.

While China and India have flexed muscles in the past, the latest skirmish would seem to have resulted from a different tension – trade.   China’s economy has tanked since CoVid.   China’s largest trading partners have historically been: US, EU, Japan, Hong Kong. And South Korea.  The virus shuttered the US, EU and Japan, the protests shuttered Hong Kong, and North Korean rooster fights have put a damper on South Korea trade.

Knowledge that India might become the new China would destroy China – completely.   And if China goes – so does much of The Deep State.

Biden is fringe compared to Bill Gates and his clansmen.   Sold on Chinese scientists, Gates is not as well liked in India where he has conducted illegal vaccine trials that have resulted in maiming, disease, infertility, deformities and – death.   The Swamp has yet to make its 666 mark well defined.

As Prime Minister Modi continues his own crack-down on all things Chinese including apps – Weibo and Tik-Tok, he is ramping up infrastructure spending which is a common drive when trade and economic growth are anticipated.   And President Trump has been adamantly clear that “America loves India”.

As the fifth largest economy by GDP in 2019, overtaking France and the UK, India’s major exports include;   mineral fuels, precious metals and gems, machinery and equipment, organic chemicals, vehicles, pharma, electrical machinery and steel.

To date, China’s largest exports have evolved to literally everything surveillance; computers, phones, telecommunications, apps, and all relative equipment.

The riff between the two countries, India and China, would seem to follow the same issues that have plagued China for decades – land.   China has run out of useable land and land grabs along the border with India are the source of all animosity.   The grabs have been primarily focused on fertile and grazing land – some of which was private land, and some state owned.  Not wishing to escalate relations, previous Prime Ministers have done little to dissuade the grabs.

The most notable of attempted grabbing has been area along the shores of Pangong Tso Lake. While the lake itself is brackish and saline, the shores are a vital infrastructure roadway that India continues to expand and puts China on the defensive.   Any progress India makes is a threat to China’s monopoly.   And given the relationships that China courted are now well aware of the more sinister motive, China could very well face its final demise and implosion.

Counting on the US Deep State, China managed to infiltrate vast industries and businesses across the US – including Big Pharma supply chains.   The extent of the rise and the quickness with which it instituted itself as a dominant power could not have been possible without the assistance of the Deep State.   The same Deep State that has managed to stifle Russia’s role in world dominance.   And lest we forget, it was Soros who declared that the People of the United States were the largest obstruction to global governance, globalization, and a New World Order within the guise of the UN.   Russia was considered the second largest stigma.   And so, China became the defacto partner although as the Wild Wild West will reiterate – ‘there is no honor among thieves’ – and thus the two powers, China and The Deep State, kept a type of swords drawn but not raised alliance.

It would now be well advised for India to be careful who it allows to woo its evolutionary new phase of trade.   And the Deep State is known to come in many shades of Wolfe.

The RESET is in a precarious position – if President Trump is re-elected, the consensus is a promising Economic bounce for India.   If Trump is not re-elected, the China infiltration will likely become much more pronounced with lightening speed adoption as fear of a nationalist civil war could prolong the colonization.

Timing is everything – and President Trump has proven to be – a Master of Timing!   Ghislaine Maxwell has likely shifted offensive to defensive heartbeats….