Germany is NOT being forthright in divulging the true impact of the Inflation Creation Agenda on its citizens.   According to a report by Bloomberg, Germany stands to lose their  entire industrialization given electricity prices are up 500%  since 2021,  and natural gas is up 1000%.  Those unsustainable increases threaten every industrialized business from machinery to autos to aerospace to appliances.   And the Leadership of this nation is doing so ‘purposefully’.  But Media Censorship is the New Norm.

While slamming China as the world’s greatest evil, investment funds are continuing to ramp up their buying spree  – in Chinese companies.   Why?   Because a takeover regime is waiting in the elevator as the demon of China is manufactured to be – Xi Jinping.   A staged coup.   Wall Street Journal, “China – is paying for the Communist Party chief’s policy mistakes.

Given the leaders of the Anti-Cartel, Putin and Jinping, are unwilling to toe the line, the script calls for the populous implosion from within.  The same means used to takedown the EU and North America.   Once the Cleaners are given the greenlight, they will not hesitate to cripple and destroy these economies too.

Because the RESET, the International Order, requires a global re-creation and cannot be half-assed.

Using energy as the means to drive economies into a recession too deep to recover from is their primary focus – now.   The purpose is to create an Eden without Adam and Eve, populated by serpents.   The ‘critical timing’ remains an enigma.  Why 2030?

The answer lies somewhere in the LIES.   But the extent of lies has become a beach of sand and we are supposed to find a seashell beneath.  Possible.   Luck and God are on our Side.

When the US took out Saddam Hussein, it was justified given the Media and Pentagon push to declare Hussein was ‘evil’.  Assad too was despised because he was deemed evil by the Media.   We now are told Putin is evil and Soros declares Xi Jinping is evil.   In the US this dystopian novel declares Trump is evil and every single person associated within the MAGA circle is thus ‘Evil”!

So, if Trump is being thus labeled, and we know he is not, then were/are any of these other men actually, ‘evil’?   What deeds have been confirmed outside of propaganda media and what is simply a Lie?  What is proven?   Did Osama bin Laden die or was he surreptitiously transported to Argentina like Hitler?  Where is the DNA evidence of Zawahiri’s assassination?

The Ukraine-Russia conflict is clearly another US-EU propaganda ploy to incite a coup whilst providing ALL weapons to Ukraine.  We know this and still rely on various media outlets to tell us what to believe.

Often governments defend their lying declaring that the people are incompetent idiots who need to be deluded from the truth…   UFO’s.   Jabs.   Global Warming.   Popularity.   Statistics.   But what about history?   As we are more and more aware of the daily propaganda lies, it is apparent, this is NOT isolated and has likely occurred for centuries.

Different ‘variations’ of the truth have been accepted as simply ‘the eye of the beholder’.   But that would imply there is no truth, only interpretation.    One thing is certain, we have been told that the amount of truths withheld by our government for centuries is only a drop in the bucket!

JFK assassination emboldened conspiracies of coverups and a rogue government.   The murder of Danny Casolaro in 1991 as he was breaking a story about a Cabal working in conjunction with DC journalists was deemed a conspiracy.   The Octopus involved a case handled by the DOJ vs Inslaw – over proprietary ownership of software.  After winning the original case and the forthcoming appeal, the DOJ found a Circuit Judge who would drop all charges and repudiate Inslaw’s case.   Inslaw went bankrupt.   George Bush was president when this case began.  The software?   DOJ took ownership – it is a form of surveillance.

The number of suicided people is another ‘conspiracy theory’ that has found a renewed interest given the internet provides vast information portals.   Weather manipulation.  CERN.   Or even the theory that Shakespeare used students to write his plays.   And Michelangelo had a staff of 13 who did most of the painting…   DaVinci’s drawings reveal thousands of inventions that were not developed until over 300-400 years later.

Of course with the advent of greater access to information, reigning in any truth was forever dismantled by ownership of the Media.   Time and again, loops showing 100’s of media outlets all providing the same evaluation of an event has put a log in their eye that has yet to be removed.

But it also reveals that there has to be an ‘Entity’ that writes the script and delivers it across news outlets.   One entity.   An entity that has a stake in the event being propagandized.   Today China is at the forefront of propaganda.   While investing in Chinese companies, and expanding operations in China, the Entity tells the people that China is evil and investors need to – stay away.    Why?  TO Covet ALL The Wealth Therein!

Still these same outlets decry the insanity of ‘conspiracy theorists’ – per the script – from The Entity.   The Cabal.  The Cult.  The Cartel.   The Great RESET does not exist.   Utopia is on the horizon.   Follow everything we tell you to do, say, and act.   In Fact – the Entity has now denied the WEF statement,  ‘You will own nothing and be happy’.   It has been effectively deleted from their anals.

This Winter is lining up to be deadly.   Not because of a climate crisis, but because western governments have conspiratorially colluded  to create mass shortages of every essential commodity including heat and food.   The purpose of which is The Great RESET by the Cartel Cabalists. 

CoVid19 – Biowarfare or Virus Engineering; The New Normal

Before Bill Gates and Fauci came screaming on the Corona Virus scene, virologists were all claiming the virus was man-made, ie genetically engineered.   And in fact acknowledge that genetic engineering or viruses is common. In fact, it is believed the intent of the engineering was to make people immune to all corona viruses.

In 2018, China claims to have created genetically engineered babies immune to HIV, smallpox and cholera by mutating the CCR5 gene so as to protect them from infection.     In January 2020, A single injection of a new gene therapy protected mice from the effects of sarin and other deadly chemical warfare agents for months.  Genetically manipulated viruses is – age old, common, universal, and not without risks….

Researchers in India stated that they found 4 inserts in the Corona Virus which are unique and not in any other coronavirus.   Those inserts are spike proteins found in HIV-1-gp120. Such inserts are unlikely to be a natural event.   The suggestion is that the virus was being genetically engineered as a biowarfare weapon while simultaneously China had developed a gene mutation process that would render their people immune.

In a biowarfare situation the implications are to eradicate a portion of society while assuring certain populations are immune.

The concept is hardly new.   The Zika virus was also suspect to be the result of genetically engineered mosquitoes.   Genetically altered foods are injected with viruses to alter their chemistry.   The concept was created to create vaccines for animals so as to reduce the death rate and increase available food proteins.

But then Bill Gates decided that same concept could be used for alternate purposes on humans – and the vaccine world went literally – bananas.

Early on in the virology discussions of CoVid, it was evident that the proof is in the virus itself: The tools for genetic insertion are still present as remnants in the genetic code. Since these unique gene sequences don’t occur by random chance. The conclusion was that the release of CoVid was likely accidental – although the research may have been either vaccine related or biowarfare related.   In the event it was biowarfare, it should be acknowledged that within the defense industry this means of warfare is the future for ALL countries.

Within the genetic engineering sphere of science, a pShuttle sequence is a common vector used for analysis.   The pShuttle leaves behind a unique code or fingerprint of the ‘genetic modification’ that can not be attributed to anything else.   Thus the 4 inserts as established by virologists early on in the release of CoVid.

So why was it so important to deny the facts? The Truth? Why did media after media report that the virus was a bat derivative?

Enter – Bill Gates.

He saw an opportunity and he launched his agenda.

Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a Hong Kong defector who claims that she has proof the virus was genetically engineered.   And despite the fact that this was the scientific analysis early in the chaos, the media and a host of unqualified ‘top scientists’ are now claiming otherwise.   Why?   Because Bill Gates needs the money.

And what this uneducated, marketing guru says, suddenly becomes Science.

When the information was released that the virus originated in China, damage control went into full gear. That meant deflecting blame from China to ‘bats’.   Despite every major news outlet being directed to recreate the cause and origins, the battle failed. And instead of acknowledging that China was conducting lab work in virus immunity, as ias every country in the world, they game sought to recreate truth – when truth would have likely been an easier battle.

Trillions of dollars had been invested in China.   They had more people to indoctrinate and vaccinate than a dollars could dream.   Sparing China became the targeted mantra, and in effect, became their downfall.   What to do… what to do?

Fabricate.   Instill a global chaos.   To protect the investments of the elite who coveted their money and had little value compassion for anyone outside their circle.

Once Pandora’s Box was opened, putting the insects back inside was not possible – and thus the powers were forced to create lies upon lies upon lies to protect their financial interests.

It is not unlike the bizarre media display of Biden whose obvious mental failures preclude any honest depiction – and yet they are stuck.   The Democrat train has no alternative other than to support a severely lapsed dementia patient, because they have no Plan B!

All this begs – the entire global elite with all their resources, money and control, could do nothing better…   perhaps because their elitism does not define their intellect or their Art of War.

And instead defines how far they are predisposed to self annihilism.



As the Agenda for a RESET, a new and improved America unfolds, some who believed they were part of the dismantle team are suddenly waking up to find they are dismantled nonessentials.  

Universities created the ignorance of our youth, they fostered liberalism and Marxism, they embraced Communism while hoarding billions of capitalist dollars from our government and from – China.   They embraced CoVid lockdowns and closed schools and are now just beginning to realize they are complicit in their own demise… without students, without international $$$$, they are quickly facing a squeezed budget, shortfalls in pensions, and the New Green Deal call for the end to the burgeoning 5300 traditional colleges across the country in favor of specialty training centers.   Much like Germany.

Having decried the absolute necessity for a college education for decades, the US employers lost laborers, and instead were handed a stream of uneducated, unemployable college degrees – skimpy pieces of paper – and a whole lot of attitude.

You went to college – but what can you do?  

Value of government funding?   Roughly $170 billion – not including loans.

Universities are not the only unintended scrapping by Communism.   Under the New Green Deal Unions would no longer exist.   While some people believe that unions are communist – they are in stark contrast to the entire ideology.   Unions are formed to ‘benefit the worker’, but in a Communist society that would be considered undermining the government and such dissidents would likely ‘disappear’.

In China, a worker’s retirement meant moving in with grown children to support their meager social security subsistence.   When China initiated the one child tribunal, aging parents had little resources and the stress placed on a child resulted in the killing of female babies as they were considered financially less capable. Poverty was rampant.  In essence, the same catastrophic demise of Germany’s system is similar given a negative population growth and they now haven’t the laborer support of growing generations and are thus forced to usher in massive immigration for ‘survival’.

It is estimated that by 2050, 330 million people in China will be over the age of 65.   Social Security will be nonexistent, siphoned to scrap.   And the young people are well aware of this brutal future…       At least the young people who live the nightmare in China.

Hollywood!   They are truly the most nonessential as AI replaces them, their exorbitant fees, their tirades, wimpish cries, and emotional psycho-drama is barely tolerated by Communist China.  Little wisdom, less intelligence, they will be sacrificed.

And yet, they are oblivious to their extinction in this Agenda they adamantly support – their gas chamber.

Movies have been moving closer and closer to the extinction of actors in favor of robotics for decades – it was only a matter of time.   Not only eliminating actors, directors, producers, every pion beneath will no longer exist under the New Green Agenda the RESET will annihilate this industry.

Under Communist ideology, the vast increase in workers is attributable to exactly ONE industry – agriculture;   laborers – cotton pickers.   Somehow I can’t picture the pinktard millennials lining up for a job picking cotton. But that is what their protests produce for them.   Should someone tell them?


What else can we embrace under the totalitarian rule of 20-somethings who advocate Communism as the Flower Child solution to all the world ‘s problems?

Income Limitation.   There is an income level goal, however, if a person exceeds the goal as mandated by the government, ALL proceeds over the base amount remit to the government.

And maybe you think you should be an artist, a writer, a mathematician… Your desire has no validity – because the government will determine what you will do the rest of your life so as to ‘better the common good’.   And you WILL comply.

You get a burr under your skin because the government is prohibiting you from doing what you want?   Go to jail – never get out – and submit to torture.


So why does Communism appeal to such an extent to Young People?

They have little idea of how it works, what it is, and how it will impact them now and forevermore:

  1. Dissent and protests will result in detention, interrogation, possibly torture, and there are no attorneys to bail you out.   According to the Rothschild rag The Economist, in 2017 China was rounding up and torturing all their Civil Rights Attorneys.  
  2. Most employment areas are in agriculture.   Therefore this will be your chosen occupation and training per the government.   No entitlements.   No welfare.   No BLM.  Hard, back-breaking work.
  3. Want to own your own home?   In Shanghai, an 80 sq meter (860 sq foot) apartment sells for $900k to a million. Down payments for properties are most often provided by parents who anticipate moving in when they retire.   A person’s 1st house requires 30% down, 2nd purchase 60% and thereafter no loan is available. Ownership ends after 25 to 30 years and reverts to the government.
  4. While The Sanders Greens like to boast that China has pulled 300 million out of poverty… it should be noted that in China the measure of poverty is $328 per YEAR!  Considerably higher than it was 20 years ago.

Ultimately, unions, teachers, liberal mindsets will begin to understand that they are the victims of their own making given their entire financial means would no longer be remotely feasible.   Of course, by then, the graves will be dug and the dirt will be shoveled.

ChildCare – Or Communist Propaganda?

The Democrats are unveiling a platform with regard to the ‘childcare crisis in the US’. Modeled after the Communist German regime status, they advocate for a state run ‘daycare’ that will confiscate your child after six months.   The entire premise is fashioned after the notion that a mother can’t properly succeed in her career path when she is bothered by the nuisance of raising her child.  

To alleviate this atrocity, they advocate for a Federally run daycare system that is affordable and of high quality wherein parents can deposit their child and leave for the next twelve hours to pursue their own agenda.   Teachers will be trained by the government under a strict code of Liberalism, gender neutrality, gender anonymous, and racial equality.   Boys and girls will no longer exist, the terms mother and father will be subject to judicial review and possible fines, and the quality of education will thus be exponentially increased.

An opinion piece in the New York Times by an education expert, Shael Polakow-Suransky, advocates this sort of early childhood indoctrination. Mr. Suransky would appear to be unmarried and childless, but is nonetheless an expert on raising children. After exponentiating on the litany of justifications; cost, pay scale of teachers, lack of interaction, lack of an ‘early learning environment’, Suransky doubles down on the basic premise, moms want to work but can’t because they are burdened with a child.

All of which is basic fodder for the ‘Constitutional Right’ for Abortion. According to Cory Booker.

The thread would be that since you don’t really ‘want’ a child, but had one anyway, why not simply alleviate the burden and give the child to the “State”?     The state will then administer all the compulsory initiatives and educational evaluations, in order to determine exactly where your child belongs in the global system.

This is exactly what Germany instituted decades ago – and no one blinked.

No one blinked… but they also stopped having children. Now Merkel is hypo demanding immigration, she doesn’t care who, what, where or how, her only concern is there is no one to support the retirees.   Because no one had children. Because the state was raising them. So why bother…?

This agenda worked so well for Germany, that the very blinky eyed Liberals in the US think this is the solution for the US as well.   Don’t have children – unless you intend to release them to the state and support massive immigration wherein their rate of birthing is 6-10 times that of the nationals.

Except everyone is on welfare.

And thus – Germany’s economy flounders near recession levels despite Merkel and Juncker’s attempts to provide ‘fake news’ to absolve their guilt.

In essence, Germany has become the model of everything Communism.

Mr. Suransky, is currently the President of Bank Street College of Education.   Notable graduate school alumni include: Bill Ayers. The former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical activist who identifies as a communist, who conducted numerous bombings of Federal, State and public buildings.   After his stint bombing and killing people, Ayers began his career in primary education ultimately earning various Master’s degrees, at Federal Expense, and becoming a Professor at the University of Illinois.

He is – the Poster Child of Bank Street College of Education that supports state childcare for all as of six months of age, because those are the formative learning years…before entering public school – Kindergarten.

The Liberal agenda calls for 1) increased pay for childcare workers to match school ‘educators’,   2)   federal subsidy of all federal childcare,   3)   price controls   4)   Teacher education…   5)   Liberalism.

I remember well, when the Parent agenda with schools was about stupidity:   Remember the math 3 minute score?   My son was not doing well, so I taught him to answer all the scores he knew easily first, and down the line.   His scores immediately went into the 90th percentile and I was called before the School Board and radically denounced.

Another instance, another child, my middle school son left his homework assignment in his locker. He respectfully asked to retrieve it. He was denied and given a zero. When I sat before the council of seven to one, they informed me that they were teaching him real life principles that were specific to the world of business. My response: “I see, so if an executive leaves his presentation for a Board Meeting, in his office, and excuses himself to retrieve it, his manager will give him an “F”, fire him and never have the presentation…

Obviously, they didn’t understand because none of these middle school teachers had ever worked in the world of business.

That was then – this is now.

Today, the fight would be over the toilet, the gender usage, the political sway.   And I would be in court – weekly, at the very least.

But my argument then is the same as my argument now: I will raise him. You may teach him based on absolutes.   Hence; Math, English, History, and chocolate.  Now, go away.

The Fall of Germany Within a Maze of Corruption: A Road Map

The following was sent to me by a German woman who seems quite engaged in the activities surrounding Germany, including insight into various medical failings, rampant censorship, criminal injustice, fraud, corruption, treason, and child sexual assaults.  It is quite lengthy, however I chose to not shorten her dialogue given it is an appeal to TRUTH and Awareness: 

By:  Sonja Walter –

Dear Sirs,   I send you the following text for your information. The text was written by hospital employees and other persons who are very concerned about the increasing destruction of health care in Europe.   Financial elites want to make Europe a totalitarian central state.   In 2016, the British voted to leave the European Union because the membership has led to continued mass immigration, dumping wages, mass homelessness and underfunding of health care. 

The current German Federal Minister of Justice Katarina Barley recently lamented in several press releases the decision of the British to leave the European Union and demanded that the British government decide to hold a second referendum.

Alternatively, Barley called on the UK Government to agree to a withdrawal agreement that would result in the United Kingdom remaining bound by the laws of the European Union without the British having a say in the future.   Logically, the British MPs rejected this feeble-minded demand on 15.01.2018 by a large majority. For even an exit from the European Union without a contract would be more advantageous for the British than a contract, which downgrades the British into lawless slaves of the European Union for all eternity. Swiss newspapers write that the European Union wants to punish the British with the lousy withdrawal treaty because the British want to leave the European Union.

The unfavorable withdrawal contract is intended to prevent other EU countries from also leaving the European Union.   Therefore, the European Union demands that the British should agree to a clause in the withdrawal agreement (backstop), which is supposed to be useful for avoiding possible future border conflicts between Ireland (EU) and Northern Ireland (UK). The clause would mean that Great Britain would never be able to free itself from the foreign rule of the European Union.    For the clause would mean that Britain would remain in the European Customs Union after Brexit and that the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland remains open as long as Ireland and the European Union do not agree on customs clearance guidelines at the new European Union border, which will take place after Brexit between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Therefore, the treaty demanded by the European Union would mean that the British would continue to be bound by the laws of the European Union, but without the British being able to influence the laws of the European Union after the departure date of 29.03.2019 and without that the British could ever free themselves from the foreign rule of the European Union. For the treaty does not include a deadline by which the European Union and Ireland must pass the necessary customs clearance laws at the new EU border.   In addition, the withdrawal agreement required by the European Union does not permit a unilateral termination of the contract by the British. Therefore, the treaty would lead to it that the British must remain in the unfavorable customs union with the European Union forever.   The British would have to be crazy if they agreed to a treaty that would lead the UK directly into slavery.

The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the Jewish stock market guru George Soros are planning a totalitarian European central state   The European Union is an establishment of criminal international financial elites (Soros, Rothschild, etc.) whose goal is the maximum exploitation of the world’s population.   The future border disputes between Ireland and Northern Ireland alleged by the European Union are only a pretext by the European Union to prevent the British from liberating themselves from the destructive foreign rule of the European Union.

Significantly, the European Union’s chief negotiator, Michael Barnier, himself mentioned in the course of the exit negotiations that post-Brexit customs clearance checks do not necessarily have to be on the sensitive border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, but can be transferred to another region. Therefore, the so-called backstop is not required to secure peace between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Already on 29.03.2017, the British submitted the withdrawal request in Brussels in accordance with Art. 50 TEU, which set in motion a two-year period, after which the European treaties cease to apply to the United Kingdom. The Irish and the European Union therefore had sufficient time to develop a customs clearance concept in Ireland. These are completely unfounded allegations when the European Union accuses the British Government not to come up with a concept for the future settlement of customs controls in Ireland. Because logically, it is not the task of the British to develop such a concept, but the task of the Irish government and the European Union.

Due to the technical and electronic progress in the last decades, customs controls at present lead to no special problems. Ireland and the European Union could have already drafted a concept.   It is simply ridiculous that Ireland and the European Union demand that the British should sign the lousy treaty or postpone Brexit just because the Irish and the European Union are not doing their homework.

At the end of March, the new external border between the United Kingdom and Ireland will automatically enter into force. A no-deal Brexit would probably put more strain on the European Union than on the UK. The Irish and the European Union can therefore be grateful if the British will agree to a temporary backstop (for example until the end of 2020) so that Ireland and the European Union can make up the necessary laws and arrangements for border controls in Ireland.   Alternatively, the contract should at least offer the English the option of unilaterally terminating the contract.   Of course, the English have no interest in a no-deal Brexit.   However, in the event that the European Union continues to insist on a permanent backstop in the exit agreement and the English can not unilaterally terminate the treaty, a no-deal Brexit would be the only alternative to the subjugation of the British under the European Union.

The above-mentioned German Minister of Justice Katarina Barley is the daughter of a British father and a German mother. The 45-year-old Barley was born in Germany and lives in Germany. Katarina Barley is a decoy of the international financial elites (Soros, Rothschild, etc.), which along with their puppets in the European Union for years intentionally destroy the rule of law and health care in Europe.   The wealth of the Jewish billionaire George Soros (real name: György Schwarz) is based on the fact that Soros drives due to stock market speculation again and again national economies into ruin.   In 2006, Soros was convicted by a French court for insider trading.

György Schwarz alias George Soros and Katarina Barley on November 22, 2018 in Berlin   The goal of Soros and his accomplices is a totalitarian European central state, the extermination of millions of Europeans, the breeding of a new human race in Europe and the increasing enslavement of the population, for example by the abolition of cash, electronic surveillance, etc. For this purpose for years, Soros and Rothschild and their puppets in US and European governments have provoked one war after another in the Middle East to force the population to exodus to Europe. At the same time, they are killing millions of Europeans, for example by destroying the healthcare system, as in Greece, etc.

Apparently, Soros & Co. wants to downsize Europe in favor of the international financial elite to a low-wage market analogous to China   Proofs   1) The testimony of the American general Wesley Clark, English language with German subtitles   2) The books of the American military strategist Thomas Barnett “Blueprint for Action” and “The Pentagon’s New Map” .   “So yes, I do account for non-rational actors in my worldview. And when they threaten violence against global order, I say: Kill them”, Blueprint for Action, Page 282.   Thomas P. M. Barnett: The Pentagon’s New Map. Berkley Books New York, 2004 Thomas P. M. Barnett: Blueprint for Action. Berkley Books New York, 2005   3) A speech by the former Jewish French president Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008   quote   “It`s going to be controversial. The goal is to meet the challenge of racial interbreeding. The challenge of racial interbreeding that faces us in the 21st century it’s not a choice, it’s an obligation. It’s imperative. We cannot do otherwise. We risk finding ourselves confronted with major problems. We must change; therefore we will change. We are going to change all at the same time, in business, in administration, in education, in political parties. And we will obligate ourselves as to results. If this volunteerism does not work, then the state does move to still more coercive measures.”   The plans and actions of Soros and his accomplices fulfill the offense of genocide in the Middle East and in Europe. In Greece, three million people no longer have access to healthcare because the Soros puppets in the European government as Angela Merkel, Wolfgang Schäuble and so on have provoked a recession.   The Germans and the European Union accuse the Turks of genocide against the Armenians and at the same time Merkel and the German Bundestag and the European Union are murdering countless Greeks – children, pregnant women, women giving birth and sick people – who are been deprived of access to the health care system   The destruction of the health system is a particularly insidious and effective method of murdering people.

Interview with the Greek Clinic Doctor Giorgos Vichas, English translation:  “Hundreds of people are dying all over the country today. Hundreds of people every month, not in a year. They die, and this number is not recorded anywhere. But we doctors know that. Because a sick person who has no access to the public health system is doomed to die. The Troika told us it’s not our fault, that the Greek government was doing it wrong. Or any minister. If you read the memorandum from the first to the last sentence, you can see that everything, really everything – that happened in the healthcare sector, even the layoffs of doctors and nurses – is already enshrined in the memorandum. There were regulations of the troika. Why were these measures taken? Because we have economic problems? Because of incompetence? Because of stupidity? No, none of it. They have an ideology. Whoever has money, lives, who has no money, dies.”

The Interview was part of a documentary of Harald Schumann 2015   The statement of the Clinic doctor and the testimony of other persons in the documentary show, that the former Jewish head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominiqué Strauss-Kahn, the former European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and the other responsible persons in Brussels and in the German Federal Government, including the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Christian Democrats) and the German President of the Bundestag and former Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (Christian Democrats) planned and carried out the recession in Greece and the deaths of countless innocent Greeks for lesser motives. That’s murder. And it is a crime against the European Constitution. The beneficiaries were the German armaments company ThyssenKrupp, German, French and Greek banks and numerous bribe recipients, who have driven Greece into insolvency through excessive arms deals.

Similarly, Barroso and the other criminals drove Portugal into insolvency.   Schumann also reports in the documentary that due to the provoked recession in Greece, “unknown investors” were able to buy up the Greek state’s assets at throwaway prices: real estate, lands, islands, etc. The above-mentioned former chairman of the IMF Strauss-Kahn became internationally known because several women had accused Strauss-Kahn in 2012 for rape. The public prosecutor’s investigation showed that Strauss-Kahn had called the women in a text message as “material”. Strauss-Kahn, among other criminal Jewish billionaires, is part of the European Council of Foreign Relations in Brussels, which Soros founded in 2007 to prepare the planned mass immigration to Europe and the planned destruction of European civil society. The members of the ECFR include several media-known sex offenders, such as the Jewish billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who secretly filmed the guests of his sex slave island Little St. James in the Caribbean during their activities. After that Epstein was able to blackmail his guests. Among the guests of the sex slave island were the Clintons and members of the English royal family and Prince Andrew.

The ECFR includes many German politicians, including several politicians of the party Alliance 90 /Greens, such as the former German Vice Chancellor Joschka Fischer, etc. The former German racing cyclist Jochen Tiffe lived in Africa for several years, claiming in an interview in 2014 that Fischer and his companions on African trips would have ordered huge quantities of drugs and prostitutes to the German embassy in Cape Town and asked about children for sex when Fischer was German vice-chancellor (1998 – 2005).

Parallel to the founding of the ECFR, Soros, together with the German green Heinrich Böll Foundation, launched projects to prepare the planned mass immigration to Europe (“Cities in Migration”), which has been in full swing since 2015 and will eradicate European civilization in a few years’ time.   After the new US President Donald Trump ended the war in Syria, which led to the end of the refugee movements from the Middle East to Europe, Soros dictated to his puppets in the German Federal Government and in the United Nations the “Global Migration Pact”, which was decided on 10.12.2018 in Marrakech.

The pact was useful in that mass immigration to Europe can be continued in the usual travel routes since ratification on 2 January 2012 by the United Nations and is not directly perceived by the population in the host countries. In parallel, Soros and Rothschild have intensified the censorship of the Western media in recent weeks. Numerous media houses had to dismiss journalists and foreign correspondents. In the future, the media houses will only get their information from a few sources that Soros and Rothschild can easily manipulate and control. Therefore, Soros and Rothschild can easily veil the foreseeable problems of increasing mass immigration to Europe.

The US, Australia and several EU states have refused to sign the treaty because the treaty will result in billions of migrants gaining access to the reserves in the host countries’ social security funds in the coming years, which will predictably lead to mass misery in the European host countries.   In parallel the progressive mass immigration will destroy the European culture and the European civil society and put pressure on wages.   Several EU countries have agreed to the pact only with the proviso that national law takes precedence over the guidelines of the Global Migration Pact. The British Prime Minister Theresa May approved the pact. This shows that May serves the interests of Soros and Co. and does not represent the interests of the British people.

For the British 2016 especially had voted in favor of leaving the European Union especially due to the increasing problems of mass immigration.   With the approval of the Global Migration Pact, May undermined the British people’s decision in 2016.   At the same time, May wanted to induce the UK Parliament in December 2018 to accept the lousy exit treaty mentioned above, which also would sabotage the decision of the British people and would degrade the British to slaves of the European Union forever.

Naturally, the population in Africa and in the Middle East needs help of Europe. But it would be more effective to support people in their home countries than to resettle millions of people to Europe     Satanists rule Europe. During the first major wave of immigration to Europe 2015, more than 10,000 children disappeared, probably falling victim to traffickers

The easy sexual availability of migrant children can explain why the Greens have been actively engaged in mass migration to Germany for years. For the German Greens keep making headlines about child abuse and have been demanding for years that drug use and sex with children and incest should be legally allowed. The goal of provoked mass immigration to Europe is not the well-being of the world’s population, but enslavement (“New World Order”).

Among the friends and employees of Soros are many brutal sex offenders. A lawsuit is currently pending against the former right-hand manager of Soros, Howard Rubin. Several women accuse Rubin of having sadistically abused and raped the women in a dungeon in the basement of his penthouse. The women were so seriously injured that they subsequently had to be treated surgically.

In the year 2017 the former Dutch elite-banker Ronald Bernard reported in an interview that the financial elites kill children during satanic rituals. The career of Mr. Bernard finished, as he refused to kill children   Other people also report that they have witnessed such crimes.   The Dutch Anne Marie van Biljenburgh reports that royalty in Holland and senior government officials would kill children at parties. Biljenburgh claims that the participants would include George Soros and that the police would refuse to carry out an investigation.   George Soros has maintained relations with the Dutch royal family for years

In Germany too, children and women are maltreated and killed in black masses. The German SPD politician Renate Rennebach has established a contact point for surviving victims.   Surviving victims and other witnesses report that among the perpetrators would be politicians, lawyers, journalists and doctors. The perpetrators must fear no prosecution, because the perpetrators protect each other and because of their high professional positions they can control and bloc prosecutorial investigations.

The newspaper reported on the well-known Belgian murderer and pimp Marc Dutroux that the traces of the accomplices led to Germany and that the investigation in Germany were blocked by highest authority. The then German Chancellor was Gerhard Schröder (Social Democrats), his deputy was the above-mentioned Green politician Joschka Fischer, which belongs to the ECFR of Soros.   At that time, Angela Merkel was opposition leader in the German Bundestag and actively supported the planned illegal offensive war of the then US government against Iraq, with which the then American President George W. Bush initiated the then planned series of attacks and the planned mass murder and forced exodus of the population in the Middle East   For this purpose, Merkel had even published war propaganda in the Washington Post (20.02.2003).

Beneficiaries of the illegal war of aggression included the armament industry, the oil industry and stockbrokers, which made gains as a result of the stock market changes. The invasion of Iraq led to countless dead and injured and traumatized humans, widows, orphans and the emergence of the Islamic State. The war criminals in the European governments included Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, then British Prime Minister Tony Blair (Social Democrats) and Portuguese Prime Minister José Manuel Barroso (Social Democrats).   As a reward for helping with profitable mass murder of the Iraqis, Soros and Rothschild have invited Merkel to the Bilderberger meeting in 2005.

The parents of Merkel maintained relations with the communist GDR government, Angela Merkel was an official for agitation and propaganda. The Communists are a branch of the Illuminati, which were founded in 1776 by the Jesuit student Adam Weishaupt at the instigation of the then unknown Jewish Frankfurt banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The Illuminati joined other Jewish clubs and the Freemasons, their networks now cover the entire planet. For centuries, these individuals and their descendants have provoked one war after another because they are making billions of dollars in armaments and stock market changes. They operate human trafficking and drug trafficking and Satanic churches.

Democracy in the Western world is merely a sham democracy, and electoral candidates are nominated by the financial elites. These are the owners of the most media and can manipulate and control public opinion and election results at will. These people manipulate not only the media, but also the judiciary and education, including historiography. They influence governments, royalty, religious leaders and union leaders, etc., by corrupting them or luring them into sex traps and blackmailing them.   The Jewish writer and Freemason, Karl Marx, emerged from these circles. Among the most brutal desk murderers in the current German political scene are (former) Communists, such as the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), which in the hospitals and prisons in Baden-Württemberg in favor of the pharmaceutical industry and for other lower motives let mistreat people and kill them.   This will be explained later in the text.

After the above-mentioned Bilderberger meeting in May 2005, Merkel was elected German Chancellor with the support of the propaganda media in September 2005. Euthanasia and genocide as a government program Since then, Merkel and the other Soros puppets in European governments systematically dismantle the social structures and the rule of law in Europe. Compared to other EU countries, the Germans meanwhile have the lowest life expectancy, because Merkel and the other Soros puppets in the German government embezzle the payments of the health insurance companies and the taxes. In 2015, the German hospital union Verdi asked the federal government for help, because of the lack of resources and staff in many hospitals due to underfunding.

The training in the hospitals is also getting worse, because the hospital employees lack the time to properly train young colleagues. This is why deadly conditions prevail in many German hospitals   At that time, the press kept the Verdi petition secret, although nearly 200,000 (two hundred thousand) people signed the petition in only four weeks.   At the same time, Merkel claimed in September 2015 that the federal government allegedly economized well and that the Germans could easily finance the livelihood of millions of immigrants   That was a lie, of course.   In fact, every year thousands of patients in German hospitals and in rest homes die as a result of underfunding   As a result of under-funding, not only sick people die in German hospitals, but also children in maternity wards.

This situation has still worsened since then, because Merkel and the other criminals in the German government plunder the health fund and the other social funds to finance the livelihood of the immigrants instead of introducing a special tax.

Under German law, the health fund may not be used to finance the medical care of migrants, which would have to be financed by taxes. Therefore Barley and Barley’s predecessor Heiko Maas should have prosecuted Merkel for infidelity, constitutional treason and murder. Because the embezzlement of the deposits in the health fund has foreseeable led to the death of countless Germans, who subsequently died in the hospitals as a result of underfunding. Instead of putting an end to Merkel’s crime, the Soros puppets Maas and Barley support murderer Merkel to exploit and kill the German population. Barley is an insidiously and sadistic desk murderer who, like Merkel, tortures and kills children and pregnant women and other patients by failing to take the necessary measures to establish the rule of law and sufficient patient care.

According to Art. 2 para. 2 of the German Basic Law, Germans have a legal right to life and physical integrity. Therefore, Barley is obliged to take the necessary measures. Instead, Barley and Merkel and Vice Chancellor Andrea Nahles (Social Democrats) are intensifying the mass immigration and looting of social funds since the last federal election in 2017. Also mass homelessness in Germany is constantly increasing and has exceeded the million mark.

The German federal minister of justice Katarina Barley wants to kill British children Barley’s recent call on British MPs to work for Britain to remain in the European Union is a call on the British government to kill British children and pregnant women and other patients by continuing mass immigration and underfunding of health care.   For example, a newborn child in the Berlin Charité died of pneumonia on 07.12.2018, because the poorly trained employees did not treat the child. The shocked parents report that they implored the hospital staff to treat the child, who was obviously ill. However, the hospital staff did not examine and treat the child. That’s why the little boy died after two days   The shocked mother subsequently reported that she received numerous reports from other patients and survivors who had similar experiences in hospitals.   For example, family members report that their relatives in the hospital were dying of starvation because a lack of staff due to underfunding.

The media is mostly silent about the catastrophic conditions in many German hospitals. The death of the Berlin child was only known because the mother is a well-known blogger.   Even in the birth department of the University Women’s Hospital Freiburg children die because of underfunding. In Freiburg, the judicial authorities refuse to clarify the circumstances of death of children who die in the birth department. Here’s a quote from shocked parents in Freiburg:   “The whole team did not do anything for my poor baby. They let ihim die miserably and torturously, without even having at least tried something.”

The university town of Freiburg is located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. It behaves in such a way that the Freiburg university rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer (Greens), the clinic director of the University hospital, the Minister of Science in Baden-Wuerttemberg Theresia Bauer (Greens) and the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) embezzle the payments of the legal health insurance funds for the financing of prestige objects.   For this reason, staff positions are missing in the university hospitals in Baden-Württemberg due to underfunding. Children and other patients die again and again when the congested hospital staff can not maintain the rules of medical art.

The future of Europe:   If the Europeans want to know in which direction Europe will develop, then the Europeans should look at Freiburg, where since 1999 the president of the German Federal Constitutional Court Andreas Vosskuhle maintains a chair for state philosophy. In Germany, the term of office of the judges of the Federal Constitutional Court ends after twelve years.   Since long years Vosskuhle maintains relationships with the EU Commission Presidents. Therefore, it is very likely that the European Union shall appoint Vosskuhle to judge in one of the European courts in 2020, which will lead to a far-reaching influence of Vosskuhle on the future development of Europe.

The president of the German Federal Constitutional Court of Justice Andreas Vosskuhle and the then president of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso in Brussels  The University of Freiburg has been making headlines for years because of doping, criminal offenses against patients and scientific fraud. Before being appointed to the German Federal Constitutional Court in 2008, Vosskuhle was a member of the University Council from 2006 to 2008 and, in 2008, Rector of the University of Freiburg and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the University Hospital Freiburg.   Vosskuhle is a cruel desk murderer who for years has been covering up and promoting crime against children, women and other patients in favor of research and profit. The above named reigning Rector of the University of Freiburg Hans-Jochen Schiewer is the Freiburg successor of Vosskuhle and continues the profitable crimes against the sick.

In 2007, the “New University Foundation Freiburg” was founded in Freiburg. Besides Vosskuhle, the board of trustees includes the former Portuguese head of state and former EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso (Social Democrats) and German Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. Schäuble was born in Freiburg and studied law in Freiburg.   In connection with the party donation affair of the CDU (Christian Democrats) Schäuble caused a scandal because Schäuble had received 100,000 DM in cash from arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber and had not documented the payment as a donation.

In 2008, Vosskuhle was appointed Federal Constitutional Court judge by Merkel and former German Federal Minister of Justice Brigitte Zypries (Social Democrats), because Schäuble and Barroso due to their relationship with Vosskuhle in Freiburg could trust that Vosskuhle would support their planned crimes against German and European populations, as was the case below.   For example, the 2nd Senate of the German Federal Constitutional Court, directed by Vosskuhle, dismissed several constitutional complaints on 30.06.2009 that had turned against the new EU Treaty (Treaty of Lisbon).

The puppet master of the European Union George Soros and the then president of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso in Brussels initiated in Europe the transition from democracy to financial dictatorship. Subsequently, Vosskuhle was promoted by Merkel and the other Soros Rothschild puppets in the German Federal Government in 2010 to President of the German Federal Constitutional Court.

Drunken Federal Constitutional Court President Andreas Vosskuhle brags in front of students with perversion of justice   Significantly the British law professor Gunnar Beck reports in a guest commentary of 15.04.2013 in the online newspaper “Handelsblatt”, that Vosskuhle boasted during a student reception in Oxford in an alcoholized state, that Vosskuhle would bend the law to support the illegal European finance policy of the German Federal Government, namely with dummy arguments and procedural carryover:   “At a student reception at the University of Oxford – possibly one of the reasons for the lack of time of the court – in a somewhat drunken state he commented decidedly more indiscreet towards German students, that he will postpone the judgment until the ECB has created facts or if the verdict can not be delayed any longer after about one year, he’ll elegantly avoid any ban on Draghi’s bond purchases as an obvious mandate violation by the ECB with any of the many sham arguments that the court can always resort to.”

The unlawful machinations of Vosskuhle are useful in promoting the destruction and exploitation of the European civil society by Soros and Rothschild such as the above-mentioned crimes against the Greek population, in which the above-named Freiburg board members Barroso and Schäuble were involved.   Therefore, it is very likely that the Soros Rothschild puppets in the European Union Vosskuhle in 2020 will appoint as judge to the European courts, so that they can continue their crimes against the European population unrestrained.

Wife of the German Federal Constitutional Court President Eva Vosskuhle protects sex offenders   The wife of Vosskuhle is a family judge at the civil senates of the Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe in Freiburg.   In the year 2018 it became known that Eva Vosskuhle protects sex offenders who offer children on the Internet for bondage and rape.   Eva Vosskuhle had dismissed the application of the youth welfare office, which should protect a child from the access of a well-known sex offender. Therefore, the brutal perpetrator and his clients could continue to abuse the child, one customer expressed a desire to kill the child.   Fortunately, police officers were able to save the child.  The police officers who exposed the crime reported, after watching videos, that they had never seen such horrific crimes against children.–Muenstertal-bei-Freiburg–Missbrauchsopfer–9–zu-Peiniger–zurueckgeschickt–44307866

The press conceals that Eva Vosskuhle was Vice President of the Freiburg Regional Court before being promoted to the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court. In this capacity, Eva Vosskuhle hushed up and promoted the crimes committed against patients by her husband and his Freiburg predecessor, Wolfgang Jäger, when Andreas Vosskuhle was still a member of the Freiburg University Council and Rector of the University of Freiburg and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of University Hospital Freiburg   In an interview in 2007 in the Baden newspaper Vosskuhle expressed that his wife would advise him. Andreas Vosskuhle is a sadistic desk offender, who for low motives torments and kills defenseless patients. Therefore, it is not surprising that Vosskuhle’s wife promotes sexual abuse and the killing of children.   The childless couple live in Freiburg-Merzhausen

The state government of Baden-Württemberg and the federal government have been staffing the judicial authorities for years with people who cover up and support offenses by politicians and government minions Legal opinion exposes crimes of the Freiburg prosecutors   Significantly, the Munich legal scholar Heinz Schöch stated in a legal opinion in 2016 that the Freiburg prosecutors have for years covered up crimes committed by doctors at the University Hospital of Freiburg to patients. Schöch was a member of a commission of external scientists, who examined the media-known Freiburg doping history.   The legal opinion shows that the Freiburg doctors treated the athletes with hormones without the consent of the athletes, that the doctors while performing blood doping violated the regulations of the transfusion law and that the medics treated adolescents with doping preparations and so on. The above-named German cyclist Jochen Tiffe reports in a video that the Freiburg doctors and the involved politicians have forced the athletes to take large amounts of drugs before the race. Taking drugs was the prerequisite for athletes to take part in the races.   Therefore, several athletes were injured or died, for example the media-known Birgit Dressel and so on.

The public prosecutor’s investigations in all cases had to lead to a charge of serious and dangerous bodily harm against the doctors, because there was no valid consent of the patients in the treatments. Nevertheless, the Freiburg prosecutors (Christoph Frank, Michael Mächtel, etc.) had discontinued all proceedings without comprehensible justification.   Schöch also reported that the Freiburg prosecutors hastily destroyed other files, which were useful in preventing investigation by the independent commission

The censored German press conceals the explosive findings of Schöch, but the legal opinion can be accessed on the Internet.   Due to constant attacks and censorship attempts by the University of Freiburg and the clinic management, the commission had to discontinue the evaluation of the Freiburg doping history before the completion of a final report in 2016.

Subsequently, several members of the Commission had published on the basis of the research already carried out individual reports, to which the legal opinion of Schöch counts.   The findings in Schöch’s report are only the tip of the iceberg.   For in Freiburg, patients are systematically tormented and murdered in favor of research and profit, as shown for example by the scandals in the department of Roland Mertelsmann (Medical Clinic) and in the department of Hans-Peter Friedl (Surgical Clinic).

In the department of Mertelsmann played the biggest forgery scandal in the history of German research.   Friedl, the chief physician of Trauma Surgery, had crippled countless patients as a result of “freestyle surgery”, cheated on patients and health insurance companies, and falsified medical records.   In all cases, the perpetrators were sponsored by the University of Freiburg, namely   Wolfgang Jäger Andreas Vosskuhle Hans-Jochen Schiewer.

They were rewarded with promotion and/or financial contributions.   Also in other departments of Freiburg University Hospital, the Freiburg University Management and the Freiburg clinic management let perform unlawful medical experiments on patients, which are degraded from prosecutors and judges to free game for the pharma-industry   This is a court-certified fact (Regional Court Freiburg, file number 14 O 281/10, lawyer’s letter to the court of 11.07.2011 and judgment of 30.11.2011, page 12 consecutive)   The censored German press conceals the court proceedings and the verdict   These crimes against the defenseless patients are continued by the above-mentioned Freiburg successor of Vosskuhle, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, and by the state government of Baden-Württemberg, in particular   Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg since 2011, Greens   Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science of Baden-Württemberg since 2011, Greens   Rainer Stickelberger, Minister of Justice of Baden Wuerttemberg from 2011 to 2016, Social Democrats   Guido Wolf, Minister of Justice of Baden-Württemberg since 2016, Christian Democrats   The German Federal Government (Maas, Merkel, Barley, etc.) hushes up and promotes the crimes.

Schiewer is a personal party friend of Bauer and Kretschmann and participates in the closed-door meetings of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg, for example in January 2014 in Freiburg-Munzingen.   It deserves thanks and respect that the external members of the Evaluation Committee refused to allow Schiewer to influence them and that they exposed the crimes committed by the physicians at the Freiburg University Hospital and the Freiburg prosecutors.

Among the employees of the University of Freiburg are also professional and honorable scientists. But the university management promotes the criminal persons. Patients and hospital employees who complain crimes in the area of ​​the Freiburg University Hospital are being destroyed by the Freiburg University management and the hospital management in cooperation with the criminal Freiburg prosecutors, existentially and socially. For example, a doctor in the Department of Traumatology could not finish her habilitation in Freiburg, after she had uncovered the crimes of Friedl to protect the patients.

At the beginning of her political activity, Theresia Bauer, the Minister of Science of Baden-Württemberg, was the managing director of the above-mentioned greene Heinrich Böll Foundation, which, together with the Open Society Foundation of Soros, prepared mass immigration to Europe. The department head of department 4 at the Ministry of Science of Baden-Württemberg Clemens Benz was at that time deputy managing director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.   All of these people are Soros Rothschild puppets whose aim is the destruction of European civil society and the maximum exploitation of the world’s population.

For this purpose, Benz and Bauer and Schiewer and Kretschmann torment and kill patients, such as the above-mentioned child in the maternity department of the University Women’s Hospital in Freiburg, as a result of provoked hospital underfunding.

In addition, Benz and Bauer and Kretschmann hush up science fraud at the universities in Baden-Württemberg and they let perform medical trials in favor of the pharmaceutical industry without risk information and without the patient’s legal consent.   If the experiments fail, the commissioned of the Freiburg University Hospital demands from the injured patients that patients must sign a retroactive exemption from liability. If patients do not sign a retrospective exemption, the University Hospital kick out the injured patients without the necessary medical follow-up.   These criminal activities (serious intentional bodily injury, predatory extortion, etc.) are been organized and operated since years by the lawyer of the University Hospital Freiburg Karina Otte in order of Jäger, Vosskuhle and Schiewer and Bauer and Kretschmann and in collaboration with criminal prosecutors and judges in Freiburg and Karlsruhe.

With the same criminal methods Otte extorts patients to unfounded payments.   This is proven by court documents which are concealed by the censored press.   To this end, Kretschmann and his ministers, and Merkel and Maas and Barley, staffs the judicial authorities with lecturers from the University of Freiburg such as Eva Vosskuhle and Andreas Vosskuhle and other criminal persons, who with unrestraint cover up and promote crimes against patients.   Moreover, Schiewer and Vosskuhle and Bauer and Kretschmann throw the violated patients into prison on the basis of constructed indictments for alleged defamation by the same prosecutors, which cover up and promote the crimes in the Freiburg University Hospital, when the patients turn to the public for help.

The handwritten notes of a Freiburg judge in a court file show that the green child murderer, Theresia Bauer, takes telephone influence on prosecutors and judges to incapacitate injured patients or put them in jail.   In addition, a written invitation from the University of Freiburg on 23.01.2014 to the Chief Prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Freiburg for lunch proves that the University of Freiburg together with the prosecutors has been covering up and planning on crimes against patients for years.

In the prisons Kretschmann and his ministers sexually maltreat the prisoners by law enforcement officials and  imprison them in solitary confinement and let them starve to death.–93988075.html

Moreover, Kretschmann and his ministers lock away prisoners in overheated cells, which is useful for harming and killing prisoners as a result of circulatory failure.   This is proven by court documents which are concealed by the censored press.   This is a very effective way to kill people inconspicuously.   All these crimes are hushed up and promoted by Maas and Merkel and Barley, who let complaints in violation of their official duties without an answer and which instead appoint alcoholics and criminals such as Andreas Vosskuhle to judges on the federal courts.

Attachment:   Letter to the Federal Ministry of Justice dated 12.03.2016, German language.

According to German law, Maas had the duty to instruct immediately the Attorny General to take up investigations in Baden-Württemberg in order to put an end to the crimes of the Kretschmann regime. For according to Art. 84 Para. 3 to Para. 5 of the Basic Law, the German Federal Government is obliged to ensure the implementation of the basic laws in the individual federal states.   Nevertheless, Maas and Barley and Merkel did not answer the complaints for years and did nothing to restore the rule of law in Baden-Württemberg.   Several other oversight complaints to the Federal Government, in which the fatal and fascist circumstances in the hospitals and in the judiciary were carried forward, only led to it, that Maas and Merkel the former head of the Ministry of Justice in Baden-Württemberg Bettina Limperg, which has covered up and promoted the crimes in hospitals and prisons in Baden-Württemberg since 2011.   In 2014 they have appointed as the new President of the German Federal Court of Justice.

Bettina Limperg sexually torment and kill detainees as she was head of the Ministry of Justice in Baden-Württemberg The omission of the necessary measures of the supervision over the judicial authorities in Freiburg and Karlsruhe and the appointment of criminal persons to the top of the judicial authorities by the state government of Baden-Württemberg and the German government led to it, that Freiburg physicians and Freiburg companies being able to overflood profitably the worldwide population with deadly medical devices.   Because nobody hinders the desk murderers from their crimes against the population Freiburg physicians poison patients worldwide   The above-mentioned Freiburg cancer doctor Roland Mertelsmann and his team had falsified numerous studies, which were useful to promote the sale of new drugs. The crimes became known because the physicians had so clumsily falsified the studies that the German Research Foundation had initiated an investigation in Freiburg due to the abnormalities.

It turned out that under the supervision of Mertelsmann several hundred studies were falsified. The studies gave the wrong impression that a new chemical substance would improve patients’ health, which was not true.   The falsification of the studies led to it, that the toxic substances in favor of the manufacturer were injected to countless patients worldwide, because the doctors in the other hospitals based on the Freiburg study results assumed that the new substances would improve the patients’ health, which was not the case.   The investigations of the DFG also showed that the medical experiments were carried out without the written risk informations prescribed by the German Medicines Act and without the legal consent of the Freiburg patients in the medical experiments.   At the time of the investigation by the DFG, the patients had already died.

These crimes are also hushed up and promoted by the Freiburg prosecutors and the state government in Baden-Württemberg. Mertelsmann and the other perpetrators only had to withdraw the falsified studies. As a reward for his profitable crimes against countless patients, the Freiburg university management and the state government of Baden-Württemberg subsequently had promoted Mertelsmann to Medical Director of the Medical Clinic.

According to the same perverse principle, Soros and his puppets in the European governments staff the judicial authorities.   They do not staff the judges’ posts with qualified persons, but with criminal characters, who unrestrainedly bend the law in favor of the international financial elite and hush up and promote offenses against the population, such as the aforementioned President of the Federal Constitutional Court Andreas Vosskuhle.   These desk killers include the above-named former head of the Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg Bettina Limperg and the Chairman Judge of the 6th Civil Senate of the German Federal Court Gregor Galke, which is responsible for the field of medical law and together with the other judges of the 6th Civil Senate and together with Vosskuhle and Limperg hushes up and promote criminal offenses in hospitals in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. This is proved by court documents and a letter from Limperg in 2012, when Limperg was still the head of the Ministry of Justice in Baden-Württemberg.  Because of her predilection for torturing and killing defenseless people, Limperg was promoted to president of the German Federal Court of Justice by the Soros puppet and the then German Federal Miniser of Justice Heiko Maas in the year 2014. .

Significantly, Merkel and Maas have also appointed persons to the Federal Constitutional Court who directly belong to the Soros empire, such as Susanne Bär, who was a lecturer at the Soros-funded Central European University in Budapest before being appointed Federal Constitutional Court Judge in the year 2011. And logically, Maas and Merkel also staff the German General Prosecutor’s Office with persons who cover up and promote criminal offenses in favor of the international financial elite.

The current Attorney General Peter Frank is the former Office Manager of the former Bavarian Justice Minister Beate Merk (Christian Social Union). Merk let remand complainant, who reported offenses by politicians (money laundering), declare insane by prosecutors and judges and psychiatric assessors and postpone them to psychiatry (Causa Gustl Mollath). After Merk’s crimes became public knowledge, Merk was promoted to Bavarian Minister of European Affairs by the then Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer (Christian Social Union). Seehofer has been German Federal Minister of the Interior since 2018. Since long years Seehofer supports Merkel and the crimes of Merkel against the German and the European population. Freiburg company poisons population in order of Kretschmann In pharmacy, it has apparently been known for years that the German government and prosecutors and judges in Freiburg and Karlsruhe have downgraded the population as free-game in favor of the pharmaceutical industry and cover up and promote crimes against patients.

That is why American medical device companies set up branches in Freiburg, which from Freiburg inundate the world’s population profitably with health-damaging and deadly medical devices, even if the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (Bfarm) demands that the Freiburg regional council prohibit the sale of medical devices due to the health risk to the population. For example Zimmer / Biomet implants lead to heavy metal poisoning, deafness, blindness and organ failure. Therefore, the Bfarm had demanded on 06.07.2010 that the regional council of Freiburg should prohibit the sale of implants. The regional councils have the duty to comply with the Bfarm’s demands. Nevertheless, the Freiburg regional council has not stopped the sale.

Therefore, in the following years countless people were poisoned throughout Germany even after 2010 and suffered serious damage or died. This is proven by reports in medical journals and other documents.   The implants of the Freiburg company are joint prostheses, which are implanted after accidents or due to degenerative diseases. Due to material defects they released toxic substances in the organism. The damage to health and the deaths of countless people in the entire federal territory were caused by the Freiburg prosecutors intentionally too, which have raised in violation of their duties no charges against the company and the regional council for assault and murder, but idly watched for years as nationwide countless people were poisoned by the Freiburg company.

The Freiburg prosecutors already in 2010 would must had raise charges against the company and against the regional council, when the company with the approval of the regional council continued the deadly sale even after the findings of the Bfarm.   The regional council justified its inaction in 2012 by claiming that there was insufficient evidence of causation–57325156.html   This claim was wrong. Even before the start of sales in 2003, medical experts knew that the implants could lead to health problems. This is shown by current court decisions in damages cases File number Landgericht Freiburg 6 O 359/10, Judgment of 24.02.2017   Therefore, the company should never have brought the implants on the market. This is shown by current court decisions dating from 2017.   After numerous damage cases became known in the period from 2003 to 2010, the Bfarm had demanded the above-mentioned sales ban. For this reason, the Freiburg regional council should have immediately prohibited the sale in 2010 to protect the population. If the regional council had any doubts that the implants had led to the damage to health, then the regional council itself would have had to initiate further scientific appraisals, which did not happen. If the Regional Council had initiated a further investigation in 2010, then the Regional Council would have been able to easily determine that the company should never have placed the implants on the market. Also the Freiburg prosecutors have conducted no factual investigations, which was useful for the company continuing the profitable sale of the deadly implants.   Only then, as the fatal consequences of the implants in the medical community became increasingly known, the company has allegedly ceased sales years later, “because the demand would have declined.”

Whether the company has really stopped selling is not known.   The company claims that though. But apparently nobody checks these allegations.   The Freiburg city councillors and the above-named green Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann support the profitable crimes of the Freiburg companies.

Complaints about the criminal conditions in the health care and about the criminal machinations of the prosecutors, who cover up and promote the crimes against the patients only lead to it, that Kretschmann personally commissions the Freiburg prosecutors and judges to close the complainants for alleged defamation into prison, so that the perpetrators can continue their profitable crimes on the population.   Instead of arranging the necessary charges against the responsible Freiburg government president Julian Würtenberger and the other perpetrators, Kretschmann promoted Würtenberger to Deputy Minister of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg in 2016

Kretschmann and Stickelberger poison patients nationwide in favor of the pharma industry    During this time the above named head of the ministry of justice in Baden-Württemberg Bettina Limperg and the minister of justice in Baden-Württemberg Rainer Stickelberger (Social Democrats) were the superiors of the prosecutors in Freiburg.   In the US, the company discontinued its sale of lethal medical devices back in 2010 after the Bfarm scientists found that the implants had an acute health risk. The continuation of sales in Germany was only possible, because the company could rest assured that the prime minister and the ministry of justice of Baden-Württemberg and the criminal Freiburg prosecutors cover up and promote the crimes against the population.

Also the Medical Association in South Baden and the State Medical Association of Baden-Württemberg cover up and promote the crimes.   The lawyers of the district medical association South Baden in Freiburg have a dual function, because the lawyers are also judges of the district court Freiburg (Wolfgang Oswald) and prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office Freiburg (Franziska Scheuble). Both persons are lawbreakers and cruel desk killers, who cover up and promote the above-mentioned crimes against patients in order of Kretschmann and the other perpetrators in the federal state government of Baden-Württemberg. Prove: court records, file number district court Freiburg 25 Cs 450 JS 34011/13 For example, Oswald intentionally has caused the above mentioned painful death of the child in the gynecological clinic of the University of Freiburg and numerous other crimes against defenseless patients. Because Oswald is known since 2011 that in the Freiburg University Women’s Hospital prevail criminal and deadly conditions. This fact was explicated in a civil proceeding before the district court Freiburg in the attorney’s letter of 11.07.2011 in paragraph 3 in detail and with evidence and was undisputed in the proceedings. For the University of Freiburg has not disproved the expositions in the proceedings (file number district court Freiburg: 14 O 281/10)

The civil procedure was based on the fact that the reigning rector of the University of Freiburg, Hans-Jochen Schiewer, wanted to have public statements about the crimes committed by himself and his predecessors Andreas Vosskuhle and Wolfgang Jäger in the Freiburg University Hospital judicially prohibited.   The crimes was proven during the trial.   Nevertheless, Oswald has not initiated investigations by the public prosecutor in the Freiburg University Hospital, to which Oswald was required by law because of the continuously criminal offenses in the Freiburg University Hospital and the obvious danger to the population.

The inaction of Oswald was useful in that the University of Freiburg and the other perpetrators can continue their profitable crimes against the defenseless patients until to this day. Also other lawsuits show that Oswald systematically covers up and promotes crimes against patients. The press (Badische newspaper etc.) conceals these proceedings completely or deliberately informs the population incorrectly about the content and course of the legal proceedings Franziska Scheuble also covers up and promotes the abovementioned crimes in the Freiburg hospitals and, in collaboration with criminal Freiburg judges, Scheuble lets injured patients locked away in prison in order of Kretschmann for alleged defamation, if the patients seek help by the public.

Moreover, handwritten records of a Freiburg judge in the court documents prove that the Green Minister of Science Bauer for this purpose by their judicial officers influence judges and prosecutors by phone. In addition, a written invitation from the University of Freiburg on 23.01.2014 to the Chief Prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Freiburg for lunch proves that the University of Freiburg together with the prosecutors has been covering up and planning on crimes against patients for years.

Under German law, the behavior of Bauer and Kretschmann and the above mentioned behavior of prosecutors and judges in Freiburg and Karlsruhe is of course unlawful. But supervision does not exist because Kretschmann staff the Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg also with persons who hush up and promote the crimes against the sick. And, of course, also the above mentioned German Federal Justice Ministers Maas and Barley conceal and promote the crimes in the hospitals because they, like Bauer and Kretschmann etc., count among the circle of Soros puppets. Scheuble also covers up and promotes criminal acts by pimps and forced prostitution. This is shown in a report in the Baden newspaper from 08.08.2017. Press report,    “That the defendants had taken the right passports from them, put them into apartments, or had them live in the 31-year-old’s home in Villingen-Schwenningen, described prosecutor Franziska Scheuble as a “well-intentioned care with close monitoring”.–140352304.html

Also the above-mentioned German Attorney General Peter Frank refuses to investigate, although the nationwide dimension of the crimes of the Kretschmann regime would necessarily require a review by the Federal Attorney General and by the Federal Minister of Justice Katharina Barley. But both persons were appointed by Soros and Co. only to cover up and promote crime against the population for the benefit of the financial elites, including the pharmaceutical industry.

Therefore, the torturing and killing continues in German hospitals.   Social Democrats murder thousands of patients in Mannheim   Due to the laziness of Maas, Merkel and Barley, the patients in the university hospitals in Baden-Württemberg die like flies. For example, it became known in 2014 that tens of thousands of patients were infected with germs in the operating theater of the University Hospital Mannheim over the last few years. The scandal became known after the hospital employees themselves filed a criminal complaint because the hospital management refused to purchase functional surgical kits and to hire qualified personnel for sterilization.   Therefore, the doctors had to operate for years with dirty scrap-cutlery.

In this year, the infection rate in Mannheim after operations was higher than in Third World countries.

Also in this context, the public prosecutor’s office violated their official duties and did not indict the responsible persons of the hospital management and the supervisory board and in the Ministry of Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg because of intentional serious and dangerous assault and murder.   The responsible persons include the member of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg Helen Heberer (Social Democrats) and the mayor of Mannheim Peter Kurz (Social Democrats).   In this period, Rainer Stickelberger (Social Democrats) was Minister of Justice in Baden-Württemberg, the above named Bettina Limperg was head of the Ministry of Justice in Baden-Württemberg and Heiko Maas (Social Democrats) was Federal Minister of Justice. Also, Limperg and Maas are likely to be promoted to European courts by Soros and Co. in the coming years because they are unscrupulous desk killers and obviously enjoy tormenting and killing defenseless humans. For that is the ideal condition for making a career in the European Union.   Also the successor of Stickelberger in the ministry of justice in Baden-Württemberg since 2016 Guido Wolf (Christian Democrats) covers up and promotes the crimes in Mannheim and Freiburg etc.

All these lucrative crimes against the population are hushed up and promoted by Kretschmann and all members of the parliament in Baden-Württemberg, including the AfD.   Also in other hospitals in Baden-Württemberg hospital employees complain of underfunding and lack of human resources.   The underfunding of health care is based on killing intentions of Kretschmann and the ministers appointed by Kretschmann and is part of the above mentioned agenda of international financial elites (Soros, Rothschild, etc.), who want to replace the peoples of Europe by a mixed race and simultaneously reduce the European population.   The killing intent of Merkel, Nahles, Barley, Kretschmann and the other German politicians serving the interests of the international financial elite is obvious.

For the budget funds of the Federation and the countries are overflowing due to tax revenue. The underfunding of hospitals could be stopped immediately.     The tricks of the green press spokeswoman Franziska Brantner   Kretschmann is the only green prime minister in Germany.   Kretschmann was brought into office by the international financial elites in 2011 with the support of propaganda media. Because of his long-standing relations with Joschka Fischer and other German Greens Soros could trust that the German Greens would support the already then planned mass immigration to Germany

Baden-Württemberg is one of the largest federal states in Germany along with Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. Until 2011, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals ruled in Baden-Württemberg. These would not have simply accepted mass immigration, unlike the Greens. That’s why the censored media supported 2011 the Greens during the election campaign.   The alleged love of nature of the Greens is just a trick to win votes.

For example, Kretschmann is one of the proponents of the free-trade agreement Ceta, which will allow the international financial elite to intensify the plundering of the European population and also to dismantle the environmental standards in Europe   In addition, Kretschmann and his ministers try to destroy the social, cultural and constitutional structures in society with a package of destructive measures.

For example, the educational achievements of pupils in Baden-Württemberg have deteriorated significantly since 2011 compared to previous years and in comparison with other German federal states due to the destructive education policy of the Greens. A closure of two renowned music colleges in Mannheim and Trossingen demanded by Bauer and Kretschmann in 2013 the population could only prevent by lasting months protests. The conservatoires are the center of numerous choirs and music societies. Bauer and Kretschmann wanted to close the music colleges in order to weaken or erase German culture and civil society in preparation for the mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East planned by Soros at that time

Instead of promoting student achievement, the Greens promote pedophilia and incest.   In 2013, Kretschmann caused a scandal because Kretschmann had honored his Jewish party colleague Daniel Cohn-Bendit with the Theodor Heuss Prize.   Numerous citizens’ initiatives had demonstrated against the award ceremony, because Cohn-Bendit supported the former headmaster of the media-known Odenwald school Gerold Becker, who had raped and driven into suicide numerous pupils. In addition, Cohn-Bendit in talk-shows made advertisement for drug use and the alleged “fantastic sexuality of toddlers”.

With the award ceremony to Cohn-Bendit Kretschmann wanted to promote sexual abuse of children. Other German Green politicians also publicly promote drug use and incest, for example Cem Özdemir, Hans Ströbele, Volker Beck etc. Among the Greens in Baden-Württemberg is the European political press spokeswoman of the Greens in the German Bundestag Franziska Brantner, which rejects a renegotiation of the lousy exit agreement, which the European Union wants to impose to the British. To this end, Brantner supports the European Union’s demand that the remaining EU states should not conclude agreements with England, which would lead to benefits for the English.   With this strategy, the European Union wants to force the British government either to accept the above-mentioned bad exit contract or to decide on a second referendum on leaving the European Union.

The lousy strategy of Brantner and the European Union shows that Brantner and the European Union think the British are idiots who can command them at will.   There is no doubt that a no-deal Brexit would be more advantageous to the British than the slavish subjugation of the British to the European Union. The very fact that the European Union rejects a legally binding deadline for the Backstop shows that the European Union wants to lure the British into a trap. The same purpose had a “friendship letter” by Brantner, the SPD chairman Andrea Nahles and the CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer to the British, in which the hypocrites have assured the British their alleged friendship.   If the letter writers were indeed to regard the British as friends, then Brantner and Nahles and Kramp-Karrenbauer would demand of the European Union a legally binding time-limit for the Backstop, and they would not attempt to sabotage relations between England and the EU states.

The press spokeswoman of the German Greens, Franziska Brantner, is on the payroll of George Soros   Brantner studied political science at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in New York, which is funded by George Soros. Moreover, Brantner is one of the members of the European Council of Foreign Relations of Soros together next to the above-mentioned criminals Jeffrey Epstein and Dominique Strauss-Kahn. In addition, Brantner has written studies in order of the ECFR respectively of Soros The University of Freiburg trains students as criminals

Recently, the founder of the World Economic Forum in Davos Kurt Schwab expressed the opinion that Merkel should follow the current President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.   This also shows that the European Union’s string-pullers want to continue the exploitation and genocide of the European population.   Significantly, Schwab also studied in Freiburg.   In Freiburg, students are systematically trained as criminals. The physicians learn during training that it is “normal” to abuse and kill patients in favor of the pharmaceutical industry.   In addition, the Freiburg University Management hushes up and promotes science fraud since years, as the scandal surrounding Mertelsmann already showed.

Nothing has changed in this criminal practice of the University of Freiburg until this day.

For example, the scientists of the above mentioned evaluation commission discovered a large number of forged doctoral theses and habilitation dissertations at the University Medical Center Freiburg.   The explosive findings of the commission were concealed by the censored German media, but a Swiss newspaper reported on 08.01.2016:    “In clarifying the doping past of the University of Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany, the expert commission has encountered a research scandal. It has been discovered numerous sports medical work with some significant scientific deficiencies”, the chair of the Commission, Letizia Paoli, cited in a media release. “This is a new dimension of scientific misconduct with potentially serious consequences for sports medicine”, Paoli continued. The Commission does not name concrete names. / Bei der Aufklärung der Doping-Vergangenheit der Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland, ist die eingesetzte Expertenkommission auf einen Forschungsskandal gestossen. Es seien zahlreiche sportmedizinische Arbeiten mit zum Teil erheblichen wissenschaftlichen Mängeln entdeckt worden, wird die Vorsitzende der Kommission, Letizia Paoli, in einer Medienmitteilung zitiert. Dies sei eine neue Dimension wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens mit möglicherweise gravierenden Folgen für die Sportmedizin, so Paoli weiter. Konkrete Namen nennt die Kommission nicht”.

Among the suspicious scientific writings was the habilitation thesis of the medical director of the Freiburg University Hospital, Jörg Siewert.   For the habilitation thesis of Siewert and the doctoral thesis of Siewert’s former doctoral candidate Hans-Fred Weiser contain identical passages. Weiser had stated on inquiry of media representatives that he had not written off his doctoral thesis from Siewert. Therefore, it must be assumed that Siewert has copied these passages from Weiser.   Due to the obvious plagiarism Siewert would have to lose the professors title under German law. In addition, the University of Freiburg and the Ministry of Science Siewert would have had to cancel the post as clinic director.   Schiewer and Bauer did not dismiss Siewert, because they needed Siewert to cover up and continue the profitable crimes in the Freiburg University hospital.

In scientific journals there were complaints that the Freiburg University Rector Schiewer did not have the necessary factual clarification of the plagiarism in the habilitation thesis of Siewert.   The science journal complained that Schiewer had initiated an alibi examination of the (obvious) plagiarism by persons who had been financially and existentially dependent on Siewert or who had no knowledge of the medical specialty

These had declared the suspicious Habilitation schrift of Siewert without comprehensible reason as harmless.    “If the Freiburg Rector Schiewer really would give even a chanterelle on correct science with impeccable reputation, and he really believed in the innocence of his medical director, he would not have arranged an alibi examination with a predetermined outcome. Instead, he would quickly ordered a truly independent and expert panel.”   / Würde der Freiburger Unirektor Schiewer wirklich auch nur einen Pfifferling auf korrekte Wissenschaft mit tadellosem Leumund geben, und würde er wirklich an die Unschuld seines Ärztlichen Direktors glauben, so hätte er keine Alibi-Untersuchung mit vorbestimmtem Ausgang veranlasst. Er würde stattdessen schleunigst ein wirklich unabhängiges und zudem sachverständiges Gremium beauftragen”

Apparently Schiewer and his party friends Bauer and Kretschmann also have swept the numerous other forged scientific work, discovered by the evaluation commission, under the rug   Although the University of Freiburg is a criminal shit heap, the Rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer is currently applying in a competition for the title of “Excellence University”.

The crimes in the Freiburg hospitals are hushed up and promoted not only by the prosecutors, but also by the Freiburg city councillors.   For example, in 2010 the Freiburg city council would have had to request the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Ministry of Justice to stop the sale of Zimmer’s dangerous medical devices and to indict the Freiburg prosecutors and the responsible persons in the regional council and in the state government of Baden-Württemberg.   Instead, the Freiburg city councillors watched idly as the company Zimmer countless unsuspecting people across the country poisoned with their products.

Also the above-mentioned and very well-documented crimes of the University of Freiburg have been covered up and promoted for years by the Jewish mayor of Freiburg Dieter Salomon (Greens) and the Freiburg City Councillors in cooperation with the Freiburg prosecutors.

In addition, Salomon had founded together with the Freiburg predecessor of Vosskuhle (Wolfgang Jäger) in 2009, a private university in Freiburg (IUCE GmbH Freiburg) and has claimed in the advertising leaflets and in the contracts that the university would had a state recognition which was not true..   The fraud became known because in 2012 the German Science Council had rejected a request of the school management, which wanted belated achieve a state recognition of the university

In the further course numerous students had left the university, because a school graduation without state recognition in the German job market does not have a high value. The acts of fraud committed by Salomon and Jäger, which were carried out under the supervision of Theresia Bauer, the Green Minister of Science of Baden-Württemberg, led to it, that several hundred students have had suffering considerable temporal and financial damage.   Also these offenses, which are not time-barred yet, are hushed up and promoted by the public prosecutor of Freiburg, the Freiburg city councils and the state government of Baden-Württemberg.

In May 2018, the Freiburg population have voted out Salomon   The criminal networks in the judiciary, in the Freiburg city council and in the state government of Baden-Württemberg continue to exist.   Also these crimes are hushed up and promoted by all parties in the parliament of Baden-Württemberg and in the German Bundestag, including the AfD.   Responsibility for continuing and covering up the crimes is primarily Barley, who hushes up and promotes the crimes by omitting the necessary measurers against the offenders

In particular, Barley would have the duty to initiate the necessary criminal prosecution of Merkel because Merkel had supported the illegal war of aggression against Iraq in the US in 2003 and for betrayal, infidelity and other crimes related to illegal mass immigration to Germany,

These crimes led to the destruction of the rule of law in Germany.   For example, in the year 2017 the Koblenz Higher Regional Court justified its decision in an asylum procedure as follows:     “The rule of law in the Federal Republic has been suspended in this area for about one and a half years,” the judges found, “and the illegal entry into the Federal territory is currently de facto no longer prosecuted.”   (File number: 13 UF 32/17).

Instead of restoring the rule of law in Germany, Barley has been raving about an “open society” since her meeting with George Soros in November 2018.   The term is pure word cosmetics, with which Soros wants to gloss over the progressive genocide in Europe.

Also in England social democrats are influenced by Soros.   For weeks, British MP Yvette Cooper (Social Democrats) has been attempting to sabotage Brexit with virulent applications.

Cooper was a member of Bill Clinton’s campaign team in the 1990s (Social Democrats). In the US, Soros supported Hillary Clinton’s election campaign against Donald Trump in. In addition, Soros financed professional demonstrators who protested against Donald Trump   Also, it is a well-known fact that Soros financially supports political activists who want to prevent Brexit, for example, Gina Miller.

The goal of these women is to continue the criminal agenda of Soros and Rothschild (globalization, centralization, genocide) including the killing of children and women and other patients in the hospitals.   Many Germans would also like to leave the European Union. Unfortunately, the Germans are denied a referendum by the Soros puppets in the German federal government.   The Swiss did not join the European Union, which was very reasonable.

BREXIT – Sharia Law and Facebook

Under Sharia Law, morality police are tasked with enforcing religious obeyance, dress code enforcement, and the promotion of virtue.   Punishment varies by country and can range from public admonishment to jail time and torture.  

Facebook’s Zuckerberg is prowling the globe demanding morality policing of all social media platforms.  Under the UK government Department of Digital Culture of Media and Sport, the UK is the newest country to adopt censorship propaganda on behalf of the Cabal media.   The new White Paper outlines specific ‘codes of practice’ including child sex, revenge porn, sale of illegal goods and terrorist content.  But it is the ambiguous territory that is alarming:  harassment, hate crimes, trolling, fake news and disinformation.

And then there is this: “blocking harmful websites”.

What is Disinformation?  “False information spread to deliberately deceive”.   It originated in Russia and was coined by Joseph Stalin to reference – “manipulation of a nation’s intelligence system through the injection of credible, but misleading data”.

Interestingly, this campaign of ‘disinformation’ that was initially levied against Trump and Russia has now massively backfired putting a healthy number of Democrats and intelligence officials at risk of prosecution, according to Attorney General Barr.   While some pundits within the media consider the betrayal to have been perpetrated by a relatively small group of people, that statement is misleading and likely quite false.   In fact, it had to involve key intelligence agencies within the US government.

How quickly we forget:  In 2016 and 2017, a coordinated report put out by the major news outlets stated that 17 intelligence agencies confirmed the Russia collusion was real.   This statement was later corrected by two media outlets who stated that in fact it was only the FBI, NSA and CIA.   But if they confirmed as fact something that has since been proven to be wrong – the media and intelligence offices were spreading “Disinformation” and Propaganda.  Which should be censored according to Zuckerberg.  And the UK.

The total budget for these three agencies is roughly $33 billion, and the number of employees is around 65,000.  The Obamas and Clintons also quoted the false 17 number.  But the fact remains, these three agencies are the most prominent within the government and thus should be held to a higher accounting for their statements and spreading propaganda.

While Facebook has hired it’s own media morality police, the UK is considering two possibilities; some unknown unbiased watchdog, or Oxfam.  While finding an unbiased watchdog likely means a neoliberal Soros protégé, Oxfam is hardly above reproach.

Oxfam is a multinational NGO with a hefty log of criticisms with regard to its operations, political activity, charitable transparency, engorged executive salaries, and sexual misconduct allegations.   In 2011, Oxfam was accused of “being unduly influenced by the priorities of the media, of providing inaccurate information to the press (“stories featuring aid projects which often rely on dubious numbers provided by the organizations”) and of perpetuating negative stereotypes which “have the potential to influence policy”.

In January 2013, Oxfam was nominated for the Charity of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards. They didn’t win.  The British Muslim Awards is an annual award ceremony that honours the success and achievements of Britain’s Muslim individuals, groups and businesses, as in – Oxfam.

As usual, the Oxfam morality police considered by the UK are immoral, unethical, biased, prejudiced and have been accused of fulfilling one singular charitable need – its own existence.

Whether compared to the Sharia morality police or to Communist style censorship, the UK decision has been made as the news is flogged with BREXIT and other topics find no headline.  Perhaps I should qualify and rephrase, FAKEBREXIT.

The BREXIT that is and was and shall never be.

In a bold shift, Theresa May has pushed the delay until the end of the year while publically stating she will not resign until a deal is in place.    The announcement is in complete contradiction to her previous calls for a June deadline and her summer resignation.   The shift comes on the heels of meetings with both Merkel and Macron who are defacto spokespeople for the Socialist/Marxist Jean Claude Juncker and the UN.

The obvious collusion is likely further pressure from a Germany whose economic prosperity has taken a significant hit in the last two years.   The same Germany that has held the reins and implemented extensive Socialist/Marxist policies.   The same Germany that will be required to pick up the significant $$$$ slack that the UK exit would entail.   The same Germany that has systematically denied every single deal presented.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is demanding an EU Union that is essentially a non-BREXIT and the Tories seem to think that keeping May alive in Parliament through the year will jeopardize their upcoming re-elections.  No one seems intent on making BREXIT – instead it has degraded to a political fist fight worthy of the Poroshenko government in Ukraine with brawls, screaming, fist fights, and aggressively foul language.

The alignment of the delay to coincide with the 2020 elections in the US is likely not coincidental.   Whether the UK structures shift further right or further left is the real stall point.  Given Theresa May’s rather left leaning conservatism, her resignation would open the door to more staunchly right aligned politicians and their ideologies, not to mention a clean BREXIT that could erode Labour and Socialism.

Whether it is BREXIT or morality police, the UK has crawled ever further into the black web of the cabal who are desperately trying to revive a failing cult club.  Censorship via Oxfam is so incredibly perverse, it highlights the degradation that the left, May, Merkel, Maurice le-Macaroon, and Juncker feverishly drool for as they exit left holding their Panama Paper tax haven certificates.

FYI:  Oxfam is one of the NGO’s aiding the migrant caravans targeting the US/Mexican border.   They have been vocal in demanding human rights protection for all migrants.  They have provided financial assistance to the migrants.  They have designated funds to support migrant rights organizations.  Oxfam is just one, albeit vastly powerful and highly funded, organization that partners with the Soros Open Society Foundation to create chaos in the US through massive “ILLEGAL”  immigration.

UK Prison Nightmare!

The UK prisons offer Halal meals for their Muslim inmates.   And because the 5% ratio of Muslims in the UK is overbearing in their prisons, sometimes accounting for upwards of 20% to even 50% of the incarcerated, a fear factor, a gangland has developed reminiscent of the days of Muhammed; “convert or be killed”.   In order to be guaranteed ‘protection’ inmates are converting feverishly.

In fact, the fertile ground for conversion is so great that Muslims will purposefully get themselves arrested on a nominal charge just to indoctrinate more terrorists while behind bars.

Overcrowding, violence and attacks have become so commonplace in the UK prisons, the union of Prison Officers Association held a walkout to protest the conditions.  Their demand?  Not greater pay, not more time off – they wanted “protection equipment” to help them stay alive!

Inspector Clouseau was obviously on the loose when British Inspectors declared foul because inamtes in a Bedford prison were not abiding by the rules and were doing drugs!  How dare they not abide by the rules!  Shame!

So the UK Government has acknowledged that reducing staff is actually not a good method of securing their existing/remaining staff.   And so they have vowed to increase pay, provide body camera’s, and to double the sentence for an inmate’s assault on a guard.   Lastly, they are investing $52 million to tackle the drug problem and proudly proclaim they have added 3500 new guards – although they fail to add when – as in over the last decade?

A blogger from inside the UK prison system had a more enlightening insight into the Truth. Apparently, the media is censored from writing negative stories, so this one is free:

“The incident yesterday was horrific. The wing has been brewing for a while. The worst, most difficult wing is being run by new officers. We are 30 staff down and now will be even more. 
The wing is over run with problems of gangs and gang violence. There has been a big rise in weapons and drugs in the jail. The governors were warned. The wing in question houses most gangs in the jail on one wing.
A mass brawl broke out yesterday morning, calling on all officers available lots of times. We didn’t have the staff. Prisoners were attacking each other with weapons – and staff.
Staff were trying to save their lives and got battered. Some were seriously injured. Another officer was on the landing unconscious. We had ambulances and fire service in trying to help alongside our healthcare department. If anything had happened elsewhere in the jail we wouldn’t have been able to cope.
Aylesbury is at breaking point. Eleven officers had to go to hospital and others are injured.”

“…jails in England and Wales are awash with drugs and mobile phones. And the vast bulk of this contraband is not being flown in on flimsy little drones that cost less than £100 in Argos.”   In other words, while the media ploy is to downplay the extent and the Mafia intercession, the reality is far beyond the scope of police – and MI6, obviously doesn’t give a rat’s arse.

In 2016, there were 2580 arson ‘incidents within the UK prisons.   Given that many of the prisons don’t ban smoking and lighters are an available commodity, errr, surprise!

Prisoners are routinely asked to sign over access to all their previous medical records which then become the fodder for making parole decisions regarding one particular incident.  Certainly this can be beneficial, but it can also be used to create an agenda.  That’s why we have HIPPA.

The blogger, who himself spent time in jail, offers an interesting perspective of rioters that could also cross the psyche of the riots we are experiencing in the US and EU.  He claims that there are two distinct types and purposes.  The one that seeks to right a humanitarian wrong, and the second whose purpose is purely provocation, destruction, and a divisive narrative.   In other words, this person, blogger, tells us that riots most assuredly fall into two very distinct categories – even within the walls of prison.   There is a hierarchy.   There is an instigator.   And there is a benefit – whether it be contraband, money, a favor outside of prison, or even a reduced sentence.

There is always a reward.

Riots across the US are marked by Craigslist ads offering money and training.

Investigative videos have shown how easy the marks are.

This is an inside look into the prisons in the UK.  If you think it is any different in any other country, if you think the corruption and fraud aren’t rampant, you are naïve.   In the UK – the prisons are overflowing with Muslims and they protest. In the US the prisons are overflowing with blacks – and they protest.   The percentages are similar.   The statistics revealing.  And still – it ain’t politically correct to say so…

Because, somebodies feelings might get hurt…  And can’t have the truth get out in the media because then – the Truth Would Be Out!

MEDIA SPIES: Murder By Suicide

Remember the Sergei Skripal poisoning in the UK that was determined to be a Russian plot without evidence?

A few interesting timeline statistics have surfaced rather quietly, the most interesting being that it took one hourbetween the time the Skripals were found slumped on the bench and the police to call for airlifts.   Why?

When the scientist who created Novichok inadvertently poisoned himself, he was given food which he immediately threw up.  When inhaled, the effects of Novichok poison are said to take 30 seconds.   If, as the latest MI6 press release claims, they were poisoned via the house doorknob, they would have become infected within minutes –

After an incredibly thorough investigation that involved over 300 British police and intelligence agents, three months later Matthew Rowley and his ‘partner’, Dawn Sturgess were apparently on a lark in the same park whereby they found a bottle of perfume lying on the ground.  According to Rowley, he decided to pick it up, take it home to his girlfriend/partner and tell her it was a gift.  Although he also accounts that they both found it.  His stories change intermittently.   At some point, she sprayed the contents on ‘her wrists’.  Rowley claims he got some on his hands but immediately washed it off.  Why?  The contents included – Novichok.  She died eight days later!  Rowley spent 10 days in the hospital and was released and ‘cured’.


  1. How is it that a random bottle of perfume is riddled with the poison Novichok?
  2. How is it that said random bottle turns up 3 months later discarded on the ground of a park near where the Skripal poisoning occurred?
  3. Who would ever pick up a discarded bottle of perfume – take it home – and spray oneself?
  4. How is it that Dawn died in 8 days and yet the Skripals both survived?
  5. Rowley claims that he found the bottle in a park near where the Skripal’s were poisoned.So how come the 300+ UK intelligence and police agents managed to never find this – clue?


If it looks funky – it is because it is!

The “Russian Nerve Agent”, as it is affectionately now called, is actually Russian in its origin dating to the 1990’s but has since expanded its diplomaticties to the UK, US, Czech Republic, Romania, Canada, Iran, and just about any nation in the world – take your pick.

While the media claimed that upwards of 38-48 people were exposed to the Skripal nerve agent, oddly, despite all of them being tested, none showed any signs of the agent in their system.  And they were all sent home.  That would indicate their particular poisoning was not air-born, but ingested – after their meal.  If in fact it was Novichok…

Of course, this isn’t the first time an odd coincidence occurred in the UK involving MI6 and their agents.

In 2010, Garrett Williams, an MI6 code intelligence breaker hacked into the Clinton account.  Two days later he was zipped into a duffle bag, the bag was padlocked from the outside, and placed in a bath-tub in his apartment.   Despite the fact that he was an MI6 agent, they apparently made no investigation into his disappearance,and ultimately found him much later – decomposing.   The cause of death was ruled – Suicide, according to MI6.  Initially, it was ruled a Russian hit because, one of the many issues he was ‘working on’ involved Russia…and the Clinton hack was certainly not politicized although it was later revealed that his superiors were livid over this apparent infraction.

In 1994 an ex-MI6 man, James Rusbridger, was found hanged at his house in Cornwall.
Rusbridger had discovered that a group within MI6 appeared to have helped Hitler both before and during the war.   He was found wearing a green chemical protection suit, rubber gloves, gas mask, and black plastic mackintosh.  His death was ruled – Suicide.

Most often, MI6 claims that the suicide is the result of a sexual theme gone afoul.   The media is told what to print and the investigation is closed and sealed.

Why is this so relevant?

As we observe the Swamp, the corruption, the fraud employed within the US CIA, NSA, and FBI, it would surely be quite short-sighted to believe it ends here.   And while the US and UK are given special attention, Germany, France, Canada, and Australia would seem to fly under the radar…


The German Intelligence equivalent of NSA is the BND.

While the BND Gesetz Act regulates the authority of Germany intelligence and protects citizens of Germany, any communication that crosses borders is fair game and is no longer subject to any law or regulation.  However, assuming that NSA works in conjunction with MI6, BND,the French, Canadian, etc…  in order to maintain the law within the regulations an agency simply needs to pass the buck to a colluded intelligence agency.   Have MI6 do the dirty work inside Germany, and the BND inside the UK.

So while the CIA, NSA and FBI are all undergoing massive swamp cooling effects, the BND, MI6, and others worldwide are picking up the slack without any deterrence…

According to Ben Scott who was a former advisor to Hillary while she was Secretary of State, and is currently an advisor at the Open Technology Institute, the BND power is on par with MI6 and NSA.

It is interesting to note that the Open Technology Institute is a program of the New America Foundation – which is funded by Google, Facebook, and other media conglomerates all focusing on censorship!  In fact, in 2013 during Hillary’s tenure, one of New America’s top funders was – The Department Of State.

Google’s Eric Schmidt is the Executive Chairman at New America (an odd source of media freedom and a censor of media freedom in favor of Hillary’s lost campaign).  New America was founded by the liberal global climate change advocate, Ted Halstead.

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Snapchat, and other liberal social media institutions collaborate with New America in their censorship of ‘fake news’.   They all promote the Russia responsibility for all demonizing.  And they are ALL scheduled for a ‘secret meeting’ today in San Francisco to discuss “election protection challenges”!!

Their defined tag line is: committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age. Well sourced information with minimal bias.

Were the Skripal’s poisoned by Russia or MI6?  Were they poisoned at all?   How did a perfume bottle go undetected by 300+ special intelligence forces for three months in the same park?  

Media Censorship: Follow The Money$$$

It is sometimes so obvious, and yet it alludes time and again – Follow The Money!

In 2016, two Senators, Rob Portman and Chris Murphy introduced a bill that was signed into law by Obama buried within the National Defense Authorization Act, which gave the US government the authority to regulate the Media and Social Information through a newly formed agency called, The Center For Information Analysis and Response.  They were given a budget and tasked with distributing that money through grants to NGO’s, think tanks and other experts outside the government who are engaged in propaganda related work!

OUCH!  Gee, who might those outside agents be, I wonder?

One of the NGO’s specifically stated in the Bill that will work directly with the Center is the European Endowment For Democracy.   According to their website they fund youth programs, new media platforms, and political debate in Serbia, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, and Macedonia.  The EED works in conjunction with various ‘social democrat’ EU organizations to promote a cohesive ideology of liberalism.

One alternative media outlet that the US is funding through this bill and through the support of EED is Coda Story.  Billed as a ‘non-news’ media platform and headed by Andy Pryce of the UK’s Foreign Office, this ‘independent Russian media organization’, promotes stories in which Trump is villainized as misleading the public and as being in collusion with Putin via the Trump Dossier.  It discusses the plight of immigrants, and claims to analyze the disinformation Campaign promulgated by the US.  Andy Pryce is currently a permanent representative of the OECD.

In other words, a US agency funded by the taxpayers for the US government, is funding Disinformation Media Organizations in the EU that promote anti-Trump and anti-US dialogue. 

According to Section 3 paragraph (b) item (3):  “Developing and disseminating fact-based narratives and analysis to counter propaganda and disinformation directed at United States allies and partners.”  is one of the functions of the Center For Information Analysis and Response…   The truth would appear to be quite different!

In addition, this Bill gave the US Broadcasting Board of Governors more power to “expose and counter foreign information operations directed at the United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests.”

That’s legal mumbo for – power to completely print US media propaganda.  It is also worthy to note that the Broadcasting Board was previously overseen by a Board of nine Governors until 2015 when Obama eliminated the Board and gave full power one man, the Obama nominated CEO, John F. Lansing, who presides today.

Another organization funded by the Center is the European External Action Service which is a collaborative effort between the EU and NATO for infrastructure rebuilding, blocking power against US sanctions against Iran, and EU Nationalism. The US is funding this EU tool.

The Center shall work within conjunction of a Steering Committee comprised of one member from;  Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Di- rector of National Intelligence, the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, the Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, as well as the Secretary of State – Mike Pompeo.

I imagine, those agency members could be considered a part of The Swamp.

Compensation and Pay for the Director and other employees will be fixed by the Chairman without restrictions as related to Chapter 51 and Subchapter III of Chapter 53 of Title 5 of the US Code relating to pay rates…  In other words, normal pay channels are bypassed and enlarged payments can be instituted at will.

The Bill stipulates that all NGO’s and organizations seeking grants and funding from The Center must undergo a thorough vetting process to assure their organization promotes the interests and objectives of the US!   As in – anti-Trump!

Funding for The Center was initially stipulated at $160million over a two year period with a ten year point of time when the Steering Committee would functionally close.  That would indicate that at minimum, $80million per year is being pumped into anti-Trump, anti-conservative, propaganda outlets across the world annually.

It is also worthy to note that through the Bill’s organization of The Center, Facebook, Google, Twitter and liberal social media platforms were thus able to legally quash conservative blogs and censor information that was not in line with the propaganda of the Hillary/Obama/Rothschild/Soros cabal of Media Control.  And it still is a functioning source today paid for by you and I.

Exactly how is this possible…

FACEBOOK Censorship

It has now been announced that the Federal Trade Commission will be investigating Facebook and their shared use of data with Cambridge Analytica, a conservative leaning and financed offshoot of SCL Group.   Terrell McSweeny is an acting Commissioner of the FTC appointed under Obama and tasked with advising both Obama and Biden. Her previous resume states that she worked at O’Melveny & Myers LLP, a law firm whose client list boasts both Facebook and Google. Odd.

Many of the current ‘notable partners’ at the firm served under Clinton or Obama in such capacities as:   National Security Advisor, the ‘most powerful’ senior advisor to Obama, Director of the White House Military Office, US Secretary of State, and Solicitor General of the US. One of their more ‘notable cases’ involved the Second Amendment right to bear arms – in defending the ban, they lost.

Bringing Facebook to the table is ‘complicated’ due to the fact that Zuckerberg is being made a possible patsy in his bid to be a good ole boy in line with the Democrat agenda of Soros. He is young, vulnerable, wealthy, and easily manipulated. But he also has sights of grandeur that made him a Democrat target. And so, a plan was initiated in which Soros and Zuckerberg would collaborate in regulating Facebook so as to eliminate ‘hate speech’, i.e., conservative opinion voices.   Because it is Soros who is going after Facebook, and thus by default the conservative voice, Cambridge Analytica became the real target.

Whether Zuckerberg actually lost billions, is of no consequence when one considers the percentage. Zuckerberg lost roughly 10%, but still retains a Facebook wealth of about $63 billion (the numbers vary by source but end at $63 billion). Without knowing his true portfolio, estimations are really meaningless.

If Soros can impose the restrictive conditions on Facebook in the US similar to what Merkel has already imposed on Germany, the voice of conservatives will be squelched.   The censorship will be complete, and the propaganda will impale what is left.

Because ‘NOT’ hearing a voice outside of the propaganda media is an old tool, and Soros is well aware of its power as defined by his youth as a Nazi protégé.

I recently came upon a blog by an American living in Russia, who gave credence to other bloggers who have great experience with the Russian culture, pre-Putin, and today, and the voices are considerably different than the presentation demonizing we hear in the US.   These people aren’t alt-right, Nazi’s, right wingers, or any other disglorified label, they are simply people who have a perspective that is not tainted with a boss, an agenda, and a paycheck. They are – you and I.

The point?   Real people tend to have quite different opinions than those of their supposed representative government.  Which is also why Ukraine is a freakin’ mess!   The People rose. Bloggers offer that voice, when the governments attempt to speak for us.

In psychology it is known as the herd mentality in which people believe what they are told because it is as though the thought is beat into them and they must follow. Cast sheep is another analogy when the herd leave the sheep to die because he can not rise up without help.

What we do know is that Soros called for the deep regulation of Facebook and Google, both adamant supporters of Clinton and Obama.   Dissecting the agenda, I imagine Analytica will go down, Facebook will rise, albeit with heavy restrictions on conservative speech, and the VOICE will go underground.

It isn’t really about data protection, otherwise they would target banks, retail outlets, insurance agencies, credit card agencies, Yahoo, Credit rating agencies, and government Voter Registration…   but they don’t.   Because data protection isn’t the real target – CENSORSHIP – is.

Look no further than Merkel, Germany WWII and WWI.