Christian Easter: The Resurrection A Holy Day To Be Revered

As we approach Easter and the Resurrection of Christ, the media is filled with bizarre propaganda claiming the day was hijacked from pagan rituals..   There are three schools of thought:   1.  The Christian designation was formed via the Latin world albis, the plural form of alba meaning ‘dawn’ which became eostarum in Old German.  2.  Another theory is that Easter came from the goddess of spring and fertility, Eostrae.   3.  Ishtar was the goddess of fertility and sex during the times of Babylonia and Assyria.

Eostrae and Ishtar are essentially the same legend created by atheists to usurp Christianity.

The basis for the pagan derivative is found in the writings of an 8th century monk known as Venerable Bede, who reported that pagan Anglo-Saxons in medieval Northumbria held festivals in her honor during the month of April. Other than this text, there is little to no knowledge of how she was honored by the Pagans, or whether Eostre was really worshipped as a goddess or not.  In fact, Historians have debated whether she ever actually existed or was simply a myth that arose centuries later.

But the controversy has created a chasm.

The origins of the myth itself became muddled in modern pagan/atheist declarations proclaiming Eostre was an evil corrupter who was bespoiled in all realms of orgy and death and tortuous incantations.  Whereas the original myth was simple German folklore wherein fertility was symbolic of bunnies and eggs were symbolic of life.  The Equinox as the advent of Spring was also symbolic for its renewal as winter recedes and blossoms begin their bloom.   There really is no point in attempting to explain the evolution of colored eggs any more than there is of Christmas trees.   Stay focused.

Some Christians have chosen to believe the myth and refuse to celebrate Easter at all because of this schism.   But there is absolutely no written evidence of the Goddess story, it is born of atheists.

Choosing a date to celebrate Easter, was finalized in the 8th century via the Pascal Controversies.  The purpose was to allow the Jewish Passover to remain a singular religious holiday instead of an overlap with the Christian Easter.   There was no discussion of pagan mythology.

Embracing this pagan lore, President Biden, a stated Catholic, has declared that Easter is no longer Christian and has been renamed “Transgender Day of Visibility” embracing pagan rituals.  Obviously, Zionist Jews do not celebrate Easter given they shun Christ’s existence.  Therefore, it is quite possible that the White House Handlers manipulating Biden have Zionist blood.

When choosing which history to believe, the exact date of Christs ascension is really not the point – we have free will to believe and support what belongs to the Christian religion.   The point is not a day marked on a calendar, the point is Christ ascended into Heaven and a unified date for all Christians to celebrate was proclaimed.

According to the Jewish Talmud, Mary was a prostitute, Jesus was a bastard, and anyone who believes otherwise is a heretic.   Jewish eschatology, holds that the coming of the true Messiah will be associated with events that have not yet occurred, such as the rebuilding of The Temple, a Messianic Age of peace, and the ingathering of Jews to their homeland.  Secular Netanyahu believes that Israel is the homeland of paganism – and thus he needs to eradicate the Palestinians who embrace Jesus.

While Jews don’t believe in Christ, The New Testament, or anything in that context, it is important for Christians to recognize that their Christ is shared by the AntiSemites called Muslims.

Which explains why the Jews hate with such a fervor – both Muslims and Christians.

Division and hate is the power of satan.   The Satan who creates The Common Enemy as espoused by Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden – none of whom are Christian but have their seeds in the Dark World.

Despite the attempt at global chaos, Easter will proceed.   FAITH will be unified.   And compassion will prevail in the hearts and souls of those who are aligned in Christ.   This cannot be severed.   Not by any evil dictum.   And this then becomes their focus for destruction.   Unity, love, and Christ.

I always find it quite enlightening and entertainment when some obscure person lectures me on religion.   They presuppose that I am an idiot in their maniacal verbose self idolatry of narcissism.  While I most often attempt to convey my knowledge, I would say that the vast majority are not concerned with knowledge or wisdom – but self imposed – Rightism.

Enjoy the celebration!   Enjoy the Resurrection and what it means for humanity!   Enjoy your family and friends and remember that Faith is inside you – not inside secular media pundits who want to attack all things Christian.