Black Reparations? Heroes vs Slaves?

Watching a feel good movie. Happy ending!   Love triumphs!   My favorite.   Joni Mitchell is the theme song. Donald Trump makes a cameo appearance.   And the X, Y or G generation that we were makes the right decision.  

And then I see where we are and wonder how the heck did we screw it up so badly! Because in the end, it is our fault.   No one else’s.   We – are to blame.

Idealists.   We were going to make everything perfect.   We were going to conquer judgment and injustice.   And yet, everything we believed was a lie and instead we brought in – fascism.   The most heinous ideology imaginable.

How does one go from Joni Mitchell to Fascism?

The best man at my wedding, the jock, the extreme skier, golfer, jock, is now a transgendered woman.   My ex-husband is afraid of his own shadow for fear he will contract CoVid and die.   Pictures abound of young people who have mutilated their appearance as though this self mutilation will somehow purge them of their self hatred and dark dreams.

Our president is an Alzheimer patient, his wife props him up like a demon puppet, and our government delights in death and pedophilia.

How does one go from Joni Mitchell to Satanism?  

And the fault? It is ours.   We are to blame.   Perhaps they played us, but we allowed the play. Afraid.  We are – to Blame.

It is said that John Lennon was coerced into making the song “Imagine”.   And it was afterward that he tried to extricate himself from the Cabal that owned him.   He sought to re-establish himself in his faith.   But he knew too much.   And thus this is what happens when a person attempts to distance oneself from the Cult.  They are annihilated.

I treasure these movies. Happy endings. Love wins.   Ideology reigns.

But they are twenty years old now.   And none of the ‘actors’ are real.   They are simply figments of imagination. Illusions.

The loves that I embrace, Debussy, Hemingway, Twain, the joys have been deluded into reams of self deprication.   I am called to denigrate myself for no reason other than the sins of others who have offended the 6%.   And the argument is so incredibly absurdly alien…   The notion that I, the you, that we, have perpetrated anything devastating on a people of color is not even worthy of discussion.

I am – a child of God.   I hope you are too. But if you are not. That is your devil to tend to.   Not mine.

There is only ONE outcome of this black ME-ME Movement.  If ‘you’ choose to prostrate yourself, do so without demanding that anyone else follow your self deprecation.   If your choose to destroy your self person, do so alone, and stop demanding that everyone else follow blindly in your depth of Hell.

Personally, I will turn up the volume on Debussy.   I will advocate for ALL.   I will not be your slave of ideology.   My faith, my tower, my God does not honor your deprived human Will.

If you choose to pay reparations – so be your finances.

If you choose to bow and scrape – so be your honor and integrity.

If you choose to judge and demean – so be your self.

But sirs and madams, do not for a second believe that your self deprecation is mine.   Do not impose your disgust, your lack of respect, your self hatred, on anyone other than your self.   And I will accept your self disgust, just as I will hail my own honor in repeal.

I find great healing in music.   Particularly classical – although I have a special place for Enya.   She brought me great healing in a time of immeasurable strife.   And I know we each have our stories. Each are amazingly impactful.   What lies behind closed doors.

I used this phrase with my boys when they felt slighted by a friend.   “Who knows what horrors they endure that they could never tell you…”  

MY middle son’s friend was whipped brutally.   He remembers the screams that reverberated the house when once he was privy.

My neighbor who found her son dead on the street from a horrific car accident at age 16.

A boy I grew up with who fell from a high ladder at his dad’s factory and became a quadriplegic.

A friend whose son was blown up in Jordan. Body parts.

My nephew riddled with cancer.

And you – you want to argue slavery and reparations from 200 years ago and that’s your focus?

What about the 5 -13 year old girls trafficked for politicians?

What about the high school boy who commit suicide or the 14 year old girl who OD’d?   Yesterday…

But you want to focus on slave reparations for slaves you can’t identify, or slave owners you can’t name, because they suffered along with countless white men, women and children that you don’t want to acknowledge???

Stories.   Brutality.    

Why should we take what has no color and focus securely on a color code?   A fake story?   Convoluted.

I think I will choose Chad Lawson – whose piano music opens the vagrancies of all without a color code or a 200 year, 5000 year punitive.

What about the man who has a stroke and loses everything?

The woman whose life is upended in a contentious narcissistic divorce?

The Veteran who needs new prosthetics because some imbecilic vagrant stole his?

The café Owner whose business was torched because it was located in the wrong city?   His life, his family left with nothing.

What about Jake Gardner!   A man who gave everything for his country in the military but commit suicide when the preposterous DA in Nevada sought to make a vagrant example of him for attempting to protect his BUSINESS?   He did NOTHING wrong.   He was a good person.   He DESERVED so much more.

Don’t EVER Forget!  Jake Gardner Is and Should Be the Hero we Honor.

The 18 year old boy put into solitary confinement for participating in the DC protests.   His life is ruined. His family devastated.   His fate still inconclusive while illegal rapists, pedophiles, and thieves are allowed to have rampant range of our country!


HOW DARE YOU challenge me for slave reparations from 200 years ago.

You can’t even muster an ounce of compassion for the hideous heinous crimes perpetrated today. Why would I even consider anything you can’t even prove or distinguish from 200 years ago?

Jake Gardner holds a special place in my heart.   To be sure.   I never knew him, but I listened to him, I paid attention to who he was, what he did for our country, his sacrifices, his desires that were without an ounce of selfish ideal.   He epitomized the boy, the man, who I would and will always value, respect, honor and wish we could replicate a hundred thousand fold.

But blacks want to demand reparations for ‘themselves’ not because they did anything worthwhile, not because they exhibited honor and integrity and sacrifice, but because ‘whites’ were to blame.   Never mind that their African “Brothers’ Sold them. Never mind that’ their African Brother’s Owned Them.   Never Mind that their African Brothers sold White men, Women and Children.   Somehow that is obliterated.


I think I’ll honor Jake Gardner.

I think I’ll honor Ashli Babbitt.

I think I’ll honor the men and women of whatever color who sacrificed for the cowards.   Who gave their lives for the ungrateful.   Who died for the self-entitled.

RIP Jake Gardner!!!  You were truly a good person…

Black Lives Matter: The New Black Panthers


  1. We Want Freedom. We Want Power To Determine The Destiny Of Our Black Community.
  2. We Want Full Employment For Our People.
  3. We Want An End To The Robbery By The Capitalists Of Our Black Community.
  4. We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings.
  5. We Want Education For Our People That Exposes The True Nature Of This Decadent American Society. We Want Education That Teaches Us Our True History And Our Role In The Present-Day Society.
  6. We Want All Black Men To Be Exempt From Military Service.
  7. We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And Murder Of Black People.
  8. We Want Freedom For All Black Men Held In Federal, State, County And City Prisons And Jails.
  9. We Want All Black People When Brought To Trial To Be Tried In Court By A Jury Of Their Peer Group Or People From Their Black Communities, As Defined By The Constitution Of The United States.
  10. We Want Land, Bread, Housing, Education, Clothing, Justice And Peace.

The problem is it isn’t Black Lives Matter – this was the Ten Point Platform issued by The Black Panthers 50 years ago!

Funding for the Black Panthers came through college speaking fees, shake-downs of business owners, and some individuals including John Lennon.   Labeled a Communist organization by the FBI in 1969, it became fueled with internal disputes that resulted in two deaths of their own members.  They subsequently disbanded. The New Black Panthers rose in 1983 as an offshoot of The Nation of Islam and CAIR.   They are emphatically ‘anti-white’ and antiSemetic and have called for the extermination of whites in South Africa.

While the former members of the original Black Panther Party condemn this new organization, the main split would be Marxism vs Islam, Islam being the ideology and make-up of the current members. MUCH of what they demand and pledge is today mimicked by Ocasio, Sanders, Omar, and the Marxist/Socialist/Communists that see ‘white supremacy’ and Jew Capitalism as the cause of black oppression.

The original demands included a guaranteed income, reparations for slave ancestors, and reparations for the 50 million blacks slaughtered by Americans (They don’t provide any statistical information for these numbers.).

Recently the self designated head of the BLM Movement declared they want the state of Texas as ownership rights for blacks who are ancestors of slaves. With a black population of 10%, an Hispanic population of 38%, and 50% white, that demand might hit a bit of resistance in Texas.   But it reveals the intention is not equality at all but instead it is more akin to annexation and nationalized statehood and succession from the US funded by – white US taxpayers.

One of the original founders of the Black Panthers, Bobby Hutton, was killed by Oakland police after Hutton and his comrades ambushed the police in an attempt to kill 13 officers.  They claimed the reason for the police ambush was because an escaped convict, James Earl Ray, assassinated Martin Luther King Jr…. and somehow the Oakland police were to blame. This is the logic employed.

The other founder, Bobby Seale has journeyed from a dishonorable discharge from the military to a convicted criminal spending a few stints in jail, to being shredded by his partner Hutton resulting in a lengthy hospitalization and the dissolution of the Black Panther Party. Since 2002, Seale has been diligently lecturing at more than 500 colleges across the country advocating for a return to Black Power and the rise of a New Revolution.

While the media focus is on crime statistics and disparities among blacks and whites, a complete statistical analysis has yet to be truthful and comprehensive. For example a recent ‘expose’ has claimed that blacks in the Bay Area are disproportionally targeted by the police!   Statistically, the Bay Area has had a mass exodus of blacks for about two decades resulting in less than 6% demographic representation.   High rent, high cost of living brought on by local mayors, Congressional Reps, and Governors have helped to create this migration status… all led by Democrats. Those blacks left in the Bay Area are living in poverty, homeless and/or gang related which accounts for the crime rates being disproportional.

Overall violent crime rates peaked in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s and have steadily declined since.   The dominant reason?

In 1996 Clinton, a Democrat, signed the AntiTerrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act.   The Act made deportation of immigrants – both illegal and legal – a fast track initiative. Although 7% of blacks made up these immigrants, 20% of those deported were black.   In addition, the Act increased the number of police across the nation.  The Act was seen as a purge of blacks – instituted by Democrats.

By 1980, homicide rates as a percentage of population revealed blacks were 8 times more likely to be the offender than whites.   By 2012, that ratio had dropped to 2.5 times, and has remained relatively steady since revealing that the drop in crime could be more related to unchartered immigration as opposed to color.

Still, BLM thinks that the solution is for Militant blacks to patrol neighborhoods in the police defunding movement – as though somehow they will be much better at curbing crime and criminal death rates.

Of course, the logic can be a bit comical as recently it was revealed that a BLM protest demanded Police Security – while they protested Police Brutality and advocated for the elimination of Police.

But no one said there was logic or rational behind ANY of this massively destructive Revolution that has been responsible for financial devastation in Democrat controlled cities:   Minneapolis – over $500 million.   140 cities across the US were targeted.   High value of destruction could be $70 billion.   With cities and states already facing massive deficits due to the CoVid shutdown – regaining a balanced or positive budget is slim to -0-.

Exodus has already begun with Florida seeing quite a few business and individual influx – the resultant effect will be impoverished major cities falling into the Mad Max realm of self preservation…