Moscow Terrorist Attack – Orchestrated by Mossad, Executed By CIA

IF the Mossad orchestrated the terrorist attack on Moscow last night – and the CIA executed the plan – while mercenaries did the deed- what is the point?   It is a chess move – but it doesn’t seem to have a direction.   Perhaps the Brainiacs think that inflicting mass civilian death will make Russia surrender to Ukraine….?   Nah.   What’s the end game?

Purposefully targeting civilians.   Purposefully choosing a concert venue.   Who else has been engaged in this sort of aggressive psychotic activity for the past 5 ½ months?  Netanyahu and his minion generals.   They hold no value on LIFE.   Only they can focus their lizard brains to such an extent that death is not of this reality.   And so – they can murder without a shred of guilt or remorse.  It’s all part of the “Mind Training” the Nazi scientists had been perfecting 80 years ago that became the focus of the CIA and Mossad.

Of course the erudite Economist is in major damage control –  claiming that they know who orchestrated the attack in Moscow, ISIS, and anything Putin says is a lie.   Given that Putin has already arrested every single person allied in the terrorist assault, I’d say The Economist is running on fear.

Kyiv did NOT initiate the attack because Ukraine no longer exists.   It is now a vault for military personnel from every western country trained to kill as many as possible without regard.   And then go home and kiss their girls good night.

Kyiv no longer exists.   Zelenskyy is a gay dancer.  And the CIA is running the military. All the money blustering that the West has threatened cannot compare to the purposeful taking of so many lives.  And the only agency with the balls and blackened souls that could pull this off – Mossad.  For the singular purpose of – DEATH.

Imagine sitting in your control room in a bunker somewhere in Ukraine and watching your friends and fellow mates walk into a fully civilian venue and open fire for the singular purpose of – DEATH.  That would be the CIA and Mossad as the cameras roll and they watch with delight as the execution of their plan is achieved.   They watch people die.  They watch children die.   And they don’t blink.

This was retaliation for Russia backing Hamas with food.   There was no threat.  The only reason was vengeance.   The hatred that the Mossad has for every person that is beneath their dignity is a consuming psychosis.  But once again Netanyahu has laid bare the face of evil – for everyone to see.   For everyone to know.  Blaming ISIS?  Really?   How pathetic.

No one is safe.

Two months ago Turkey detained 34 people suspected of being Mossad agents.   One month ago Turkey arrested seven people who admitted to being Mossad agents.   The detained terrorists in Moscow claim to have been trained and armed while in Turkey.   ISIS has no $$$ in the game.   They are being used by the Mossad as a detraction – just as they were used as a distraction in 9-11 when the Mossad and CIA destroyed the evidence of the Pentagon’s $3 trillion in ‘lost funds’ stolen from American taxpayers.

Ultimately, this terrorist act on Russian soil takes it all to a new dimension.   The WESTERN Cartel has given the signal that civilian casualties are now on the plate.   How many are they willing to sacrifice for this Russian Coup?   Will they be sending white Americans – or Immigrants to sacrifice themselves …

I need to process this.

How Russia will process this?  Because this is a direct in your face assault.  A provocation.   The same exact provocation that resulted in WWI and WWII – possibly the Civil War… etc – before the creation of the CIA.

Before the Mossad, there was the Haganah.   A Jewish militia that was formed to execute Palestinians who got in their way.   Founded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, an atheist, who was born in Odessa Ukraine in 1880, this legion was a Jewish construct of the British Army.  Jabotinksy succeeded Theodor Herzl as the leader of the Zionists in Basel, Switzerland in 1906.  In various subsequent court cases for extremism and violence, the court deemed that Jabotinsky was ruled by Bolshevism which flowed in his inner heart.

His legacy as a hero in both Ukraine and Israel is testament to the Zion regime.

In 1949, the Haganah became The Mossad.  Despite Jabotinksy’s declaration that Arabs and Israeli Jews will live side by side with equal rights, the Mossad has openly assassinated Arabs for decades under the declaration that they are enemies of the state.  Same as the CIA.

This is how they infiltrate.   This is how they destroy.   This is why America had to fall.   In order for every country to be absorbed, it must first fall.  But they needed to maintain the anonymity – it was imperative that the semblance of blame be focused on a common enemy.   Al Qaeda, ISIS, creations for westerners to fear and hate within a united belief.   Netanyahu envisioned himself as King of the Jews.   The Chosen One.   And the Economist was more than happy to comply with the self anointment.   But they have LOST.  Their entire gamut was based on blame.  Netanyahu got cocky!   And thus destroyed the primary attribute that had always been their success – hiding.  Hiding like COWARDS.

The one person who was able to precipitate the downfall of the Zionists – was our ‘enemy’ – Russia, and by default, Putin.   He stood up to the Cult.   And Now We Know.   Dissecting the remainder of the Lies will be the final Accord.  The Nail in the Head of the Snake.

Democrats: The War Mongers Demand War

When did the Democrats become the War Mongers?   The short answer might be – they always were.

Woodrow Wilson was President when we entered WWI.   Franklin Roosevelt was President when we entered WWII.   Kennedy and Johnson engaged us in the Vietnam War. Obama sent us into the Syrian conflict.   And it was initially Jimmy Carter that engaged the US in the Middle East. Today we are witness to a Republican President literally ‘fighting’ to keep us out of war while hawks from both parties rally around the bomb cry! Remember the ‘red button’ propaganda being wrestled by the Democrats when Trump was elected?

How is it that the Democrat Party, the party of peace, has been the progenitor of War?

Money.  Follow The Money.  Or more aptly, follow where the money flows.

The bets were on defense stocks when it was thought Hillary was the sure win in the 2016 Presidential race.   Not so much to defend our country as to ravage war.

Syria:   Listening to hawks from both sides of the party planks, the grand call to arms is about how the US provides stability to the region – and any withdrawal will only cause an escalation of ISIS.

The US has been actively engaged in the Middle East for roughly 40 years. During that time we have witnessed: The Gulf War involving Iraq and Kuwait, the ongoing war in Yemen, Syria’s destruction, wars in Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Iran-Iraq war, Jordan, Cyprus, and Afghanistan-Taliban.

How’s that stability working for ya?

This is why President Trump rightly states that the US has no place in the Middle East – period.   The Middle East has been rife with war for thousands of years. Nothing the US does will ever temper that reality. It is a consequence of ideology. Regime changes, coups, have done little except to redistribute assets.

Money: Since 2001, the US has spent nearly $6trillion on wars in the Middle East.   There are 141million taxpayers in the US – that means each taxpayer forked over $42,500 – so far.   The top five companies in the world profiting from war are predominantly US: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, and Northrup Grumman.

The value of Saudi Arabia’s arms purchases from the US is nearly double Australia which is ranked 2nd in the last ten years.   Value of the top ten importers of US arms over the last ten years is roughly $57 billion.

Where did the money go?   Are we better off?  

The entire Syrian escalation was created during the Obama administration to oust President Assad and bomb the country into oblivion thus allowing the infiltration of ISIS.   It was the US assassination of Iraq’s Hussein that allowed ISIS to infiltrate throughout Iraq – also under Obama’s reign of terror.

Troops throughout the US, Canada, and Australia have attempted to bring to light what these choices have truly cost, lives; death, casualties, unmentionable horrors, the destruction of valuable artifacts, refugees, lost civilizations…

Today, the same Democrats and war monger hawks, including Mattis, demand that the US counter attack Turkey for the affront on the Kurds on the Syrian border.   Assad demands all US troops withdraw.   Erdogan threatens to release 3.5 million refugees into Europe.   Europe is divided.  Our allies are not our allies.   And war has erupted in Lebanon. Again.  This is The Middle East.

The liberal propaganda machine known as the New York Times ran an article, “Trump invokes War’s Human Toll to Defend His Policies”.   “Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria Prompts Rare Criticism From Military Officials”, Washington Post.   And CNN, “The Largest US Troop Withdrawal From Syria Underway”.

In 2013, at the direction of Obama, the CIA was put in charge of arming anti-Syrian government forces, although intelligence revealed the CIA had begun arming rebels as early as 2012. Later, it was shown that many of the rebel groups facilitated by the CIA were in fact affiliated with ISIS and/or al Qaeda. In 2012, David Patraeus was head of the CIA.   Disgraced, he was replaced by John Brennan, who has been a central figure in the treasonous document, “The Trump Dossier”. Brennan was also accused of financial gain through the use of his security clearance.

These are the provocateurs that engaged us in the Syrian conflict, the Liberal war mongers who allowed the rise of ISIS and Al Nusra throughout the region.   These are the peacemakers who criticize Trump as he withdraws our troops to safe passage. All 1000.

IN 1980 the price per share of Lockheed Martin was about $13, today it is worth nearly $400 per share.   In 1980 the price per share of Raytheon was about $8, today is is worth roughly $200 per share.

Turkey Bombs Syria – while the MSM world blames Trump

Trump is pulling US troops out of northern Syria and according to Germany’s Deutsche Welle, the US is guilty of abandoning its friends the Kurds and allowing ISIS to re-infiltrate Syria.   What DW does not say is that friendly relations with Turkey extend throughout most of Europe including Denmark, Ireland, Hungary, Italy, France, the Holy See, etc…   So it would appear the Kurds have no allies in Europe.  But it is all Trump’s fault…

In fact, Germany’s Kurdish population is estimated at 1.5 million, whereas the US population hovers closer to 20,000. So why isn’t the EU defending the Kurds? The EU Commissioner has ‘affirmed their commitment’… The same EU that bombed Syria.

What is the real story?  

Syria has released a statement asking the EU, UN and other human rights agencies to take action against Turkey – no mention of the US.   In the event that Turkey continues its offensive, Syria has announced its intentions to defend itself. That could indicate a brutal uprising, and securing US troops from a central position in this front would be a responsible action. The number of troops affected is estimated to be between 50 and 100, not a battalion.   The US was not positioned to withstand a new offensive war.

Saudi Arabia has stepped up to the plate to take over the defense of the northern Syria Kurds. Given the relationship between Trump and Prince Muhammad bin Salman, it is likely an agreement was instituted wherein the Middle East would take care of their own.   The majority of Kurds are Sunni.  And the US needs to concentrate its resources on the US – for a change.

In an interesting twist, Russia, one of Turkey’s most vocal allies, has condemned Turkey for violating Syria’s sovereignty and called their attacks ‘criminal’.  Iran opposes Turkey’s aggression.   Greece and Cyprus have condemned the belligerence. Turkey has found itself with NO ally, instigating violence, and will likely find itself at the center of retaliation.

In the midst of this bizarre implosion, Erdogan has stated that 3.6 million Syrian refugees currently in various camps across the country, will be replenished. With Germany warning of a massive influx of new refugees, it would appear the true equation is more clear.   Turkey is going to unleash a new swathe of immigrants descending on the EU and they are miffed because the US isn’t stopping the invasion by declaring war on Turkey.

The EU has no army. And Germany is already spending over $10 billion Euro’s annually to support its current influx of refugee population.   There is no money left. And so, our once upon a time ‘ally’, that never really was, is further alienating the US by attempting to vilify Trump. That would be Merkel’s version of asking for help before another 3 million refugees descend.

Still, the Liberal war mongers in DC and the media are using this ‘reassignment of troops’ as a point argument of Trump’s incompetency.   We The People, both liberal and conservative have long demanded the US get out of the Middle East conflicts. Yet, the politicians are not listening. Trump is!

While the MSM is busily derailing Trump, the real story surrounds the absolute idiocy of Erdogan in pursuing this assault. Without an ally, Turkey is subjecting itself to severe consequences the likes of which could erupt in mass exodus, civil riots, and human rights violations that could easily spiral the country into chaos.

The US is not responsible to act in the capacity of global police on behalf of the inept EU, but that message seems gray when the liberal peacemakers choose to decry Bomb em ALL!

Saudis Framed By Liberals?

Update:   Apple has stated that there is no functioning between Apple Watch and I-phone for video/file sharing or recording.  Also, there is no fingerprint access on an Apple watch as the media is stating.  No one in Khashoggi’s family, including his son who was with him in Turkey, have ever heard of the ‘fiancee Hatch Cengiz’.   Al Jazeera, based out of Qatar is responsible for most of the stories being picked up by MSM.


It’s odd that the MSM is suddenly so ‘shocked’ by the supposed Saudi assassination of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, in Turkey.  The Saudi’s have been executing people for centuries, celebrating the beheadings in local squares, and not once has it earned them a rebuke – by anyone. The first four months of 2018, they beheaded 48 people!   No one blinked.  They average over 160 per year.  Every single year.  No one peeps. No one turns away their money. 

In this case, is Jamal Khashoggi worth $110 billion?

Certainly the Clintons are not about to denounce the Saudis.  They supported the Foundation that supported Hillary’s campaign slush fund for a decade!  Right?  Not so fast.   The Clinton’s are notorious for wreaking vengeance on those who do not support their regime of Hillarydom and the Saudis are now well entrenched with Trump.

According to the Washington Post, the Turkish government claims to have audio and visual proof of the execution which occurred in the embassy.  However, Turkey doesn’t want to release it because it will prove that they have spy technology throughout the embassy and likely all embassies.  Which is a no-no.  And of course, no one could have possibly guessed…  What?

But this is just a single strand of hay in the haystack that is Saudi Arabia and Human Rights.  Lest we forget, the UN’s Human Rights Council which judges other countries abuses…and thus initiates penalizing those other countries, is burgeoning with a host of abusive countries. Obviously the UN doesn’t really care, nor do they see the obvious hypocrisy. The new and improved UN board to police Human Rights includes such notable countries as;  Somalia, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Cuba, Bangladesh, China etc…

But don’t tell anyone…

Has the UN lost its mind – or did it ever have one?

The UN Human Rights Council has compiled a report of 38 countries whose violations have been considered atrocious, including a number of the countries whose governments reside on the Council.   This isn’t a new phenomena, the UN seems to arbitrarily appoint councils knowing full well they are violators – like a bully pulpit.   What’s the point?  Apparently, none at all.   And the atrocity of Human Rights remains thus – an atrocity.

Enter a Human Rights atrocity – a missing man who was anti-Trump, anti-Saudi Arabia, who is pictured entering an embassy in Turkey and supposedly – never exiting.  Another Muslim Brotherhood woman appears, claims to be his fiancee, and appeals directly to Trump to help avenge.

Immediately, members of Congress, predominantly Democrats, are calling for the cancelation of military contracts, and sanctions, Trump is a bit more pragmatic noting that those military contracts are significant and economically important which is why despite infinite infractions no President has ever had the guts to impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia which has embraced every US President. Too much money involved.

Khashoggi was not a US citizen.   He wrote some articles for the Washington Post, but he also wrote for the BBC, Al Jazeera, MBC, Dubai, and Al Arabiya.   So maybe those host countries should be doing the sanctioning?  And in fact, December 2016, he was banned by Saudi Arabian authorities from publishing or appearing on television “for criticizing US President-elect Donald Trump“.  He was appointed head of the Muslim Brotherhood and in his writings inferred a need to realign the Saudi world thru the elimination of the Monarchial rule.

There would seem to be more to this shift than meets the eye.

A number of ultra liberal companies and media outlets are already suspending projects with the Saudis in response to Khashoggi’s ‘disappearance/assassination’.   Without a formal charge or investigation.  Those outlets include:   New York Times, The Economist, CNN, Bloomberg, Financial Times, and numerous others led by the very liberal, Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group.

So far, all the ‘evidence’ is based on anonymous sources.  All the focus is on how Trump will respond – and that begs a deeper look into the possibility this is a setup.   Everything that the Washington Post has stated comes from anonymous police sources, anonymous Turkish authorities – and suddenly begins to sound a lot like the Liberal political entrapment of anonymous for which the MSM and Washington Post are most famous – Trump Dossier.

Media outlets in Turkey site the Washington Post for the story…  while blaming the US for creating instability throughout the Middle East, and citing the Gulf-Iran rivalry.  Which goes back to the Liberal agenda of Iran… and the revoking of the Iran Deal invoked by Obama – by Trump.

Thus, it begins to look even more like a setup to frame Trump.

The Hurriyet Daily News out of Turkey claims that Turkish authorities have possession of Khashoggi’s Apple watch which they claim synched with his cell phone which he gave to his fiancée who was waiting outside the embassy.  None of which makes sense.  A)  why would he give his cellphone to his fiancee?   B)  if in fact his body was dismembered and disposed of by the Saudis as claimed, how could the Turkish authorities have his watch?   C)  If the Apple watch was linked to his cellphone which his fiancée was holding, why did she subsequently ask Trump to demand the Saudis produce the security camera footage from inside the embassy if the evidentiary footage was on the cellphone she was holding?

Trying to fill the holes in the entire anonymous argument, Turkish authorities now claim that the Saudi’s unlocked the watch, deleted ‘some of the damaging files’, leaving undeleted files on his cellphone that incriminated the Saudis.  Which means the Turkish authorities have his cellphone…

Al Arabiya, a Saudi media, claims that the entire story has been concocted, that the fiancé, Hatice Cengiz, who is Turkish, is also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood working in conjunction with Qatar to destabilize Saudi relationships, and that there was no marriage or relationship between Cengiz and Khashoggi (he is 60 and she is 36).    The Khashoggi family has a long history of dealings with MI6 and the CIA, fraud, arms sales, and lavish lifestyles.  Dodi Fayad, Princess Di’s lover, is also a relative.

Cengiz has been vocal about pleading for both Donald and Melania Trump to do something…  Why isn’t she asking Erdogan? Why does she only talk to WAPO and CNN?  Why does the ‘one’ picture of her with Khashoggi look decidedly photoshopped?  Why is the information so discombobulated and anonymous?

Sometimes digging a deeper hole to hide in – only means there is more dirt to dispose of.

Turkey vs Kurds: A Lost Revolution

While the War Against Trump continues unabated, another War would seem to be raising the bar in it’s militaristic martial law style of genocide. This one is promoted by Turkey’s Erdogan and is aimed at obliterating the Kurds from Turkey, Syria, Iraq and anywhere Erdogan has a sword.   So, who are the Kurds? Who supports them? Who denies them?

It’s complicated. Like Syria’s Assad, the US has a history of fighting the Kurds, aligning with the Kurds, and ignoring the Kurds.   Dating back to the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWl, various land masses confiscated from the Ottomans were apportioned and became independent states, including ‘Kurdistan’. However, in 1925 the Treaty was renegotiated between Turkey and the European allies and the Turkish borders extended to disclude any Kurdish land.

Placed under Martial Law, in the 1970’s the Kurds organized the PKK Party under the ideology of Marx in an effort to reclaim their sovereignty. The US supported the guerrilla PKK, utilizing them to aid in an attempt to overthrow the Iraqi Ba’ath Party.   Then oil became the new gold and everything changed. The Kurds needed to be ousted from the oil rich land, the US abandoned them, and Iran and Iraq joined forces to eliminate them.  The US and Europe huddled out of the mess.

It is estimated that there are approximately 12 million Palestinians living across the globe, including roughly 5 million in The State of Palestine. By contrast, there are over 45 million Kurds who have systematically been forced to abandon their homes, their statehood, and their status as citizens in virtually all Middle Eastern countries.  Yet their plight is rarely discussed.  Instead, the media tends to highlight the ‘Christian Kurds’.

Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria have the largest Kurd populations. While most Kurds follow Islam, there are smaller factions that support Shia, Yarsan, Yazidi, Zoroastrianism and Christianity, of which their numbers are estimated to be 25,000 total. That’s 25,000 out of a population of 45 million, .05%.

In 1990, the US again tapped the support of Kurds in their offensive against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein.   And then again the US tapped the help of the Kurds in fighting ISIS in Syria.   We use them when it serves a purpose, but in the end, we cannot become involved in a war wherein Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq and all the rebels therein would be our target to stand beside our Kurdish allies.   The US is not alone in this standoff.   Despite an overwhelming 800,000 Kurdish population in Germany, there seems to be little to no response by them to intervene in the assault leveled on the Kurds by Turkey. Like the UN, which models the Wizard of Oz, their power is smoke and noise from a megaphone.

In and out – of favor.

Why are the US and Europe ignoring the genocide despite claiming to embrace the Kurds?

It is complicated.

Part of the reason lies in the fact that it is Turkey and Erdogan at the front of the assault. Erdogan made a deal with Merkel to quell the flow of refugees to Germany – for a price.   That contract could be ripped to shreds should the EU interfere in Turkey’s aggressions. The result would be a free fall of refugees and a complete degradation of the entire EU. The bluff is not without a hand of Aces.

The other part is that there is no solution:   Like the Palestinians, the Kurds have no place to go. The Arab nations don’t want them for they are simply another threat to their sovereignty of wealth, ie: land and oil.   As such the Kurd’s solution is to fight for a corner, a speck of land, and hope that their own brothers will ultimately abide by the Sharia doctrine of sharing…  Hundreds of years have passed.

A young Turkish man offered me this piece of wisdom when I asked, “So, who are the good guys and who are the bad?”:

The good guys include the US, Russia, China, Japan, Turkey, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.

The bad guys include the US, Russia, China, Japan, Turkey, Germany, France, Canada and Australia…

One World Order Party

So the Saudis are mad because despite their demand for a cease fire by the Syrian rebels (aka al Nusra, al Qaeda) and the Syrian government, and Russia – there are still reports of bombs… As in no one told ISIS and the US to give it a rest and stop bombing and beheading and raping for a while why negotiations are underway.  Oops.  Apparently, the Saudis, who openly hate Assad, are the ones negotiating who shall rule Syria next.

It’s a similar topsy-turvy message when we cry Hallelujah we have liberated the Syrians from the brutality of Assad who has ‘allegedly’ been tallied with killing 11,000 – while our freedom fighters war is fully funded and responsible for the massacre of over 250,000 and the devastation of an entire country…

And we wonder why these people don’t particularly like us…

We liberated the Ukrainians of their elected President on charges of corruption… and replaced the government with a chocolate king who is more of a chess pawn than king. Corruption in the Ukraine government has now gone from a ranking of 118th in 2007 to 142nd! WOW, we really fixed that issue. Literal brawls break out during parliamentary sessions, grown men have to be carried out, glasses thrown, fists flying! Much better.

And if that didn’t scare you – the Ukraine government is in discussions with our Secretary of Defense whose resume lists him as a “Theoretical Physicist”, to help bomb Syria. Really? I feel like I’m in some sort of farcical Leslie Nielson movie in which disasters are comedy.

The US keeps sending destroyer ships to prowl the waters of China – asking for a confrontation, begging for reprisal. The US claims the seas are free – which begs the question ‘does that mean China can send its destroyers to the Florida Keys’? All the while the US claims that it is not taking sides in the dispute between China and Japan territorial rights. Spurred by McCain, an all out global war seems to be the agenda. But hey, we continue to buzz Russian airspace as well, only to get miffed when their pilots buzz our pilots back while flying over the Black Sea…6,049 miles away…

Despite the fact that the Saudis continue war crimes against rebels and civilians in Yemen, with the assistance of the UK and the US, the only admonition is a UN voice, “Please don’t do that bad stuff anymore.” But then the same UN is busily trying to figure out all the child sex abuse claims being invoked against it’s own ‘peacekeepers’ and how best to stifle the news.

Meanwhile a little boy in a refugee camp in Sweden is being repeatedly raped despite the workers asking the refugees nicely not to do it any more. For some reason they wouldn’t stop so the police were called to extricate the boy. But when the police arrived the refugees ganged up on them and scared the police so much they all ran out the back door – leaving the boy.

And the head of the EU Commission has stated that the thousands of sexual assaults committed against women by refugees during the NYE attacks involving some nine separate countries – were just boys being boys, and not terrorist related. Germany and Sweden have specifically given instructions to their police to stand down prosecuting any refugees for crimes. They don’t want to alarm their citizens or hurt the feelings of the refugees.

Hillary seems to think that all those top, top secret emails were no big deal despite the fact that they reveal extremely sensitive information regarding undercover agents. I’m beginning to wonder if she has Alzheimer’s and that’s why her debates are fully vetted for a no-audience time slot.

Reputable journalists continue to publish blatantly photo-shopped and completely fraudulent photos of events in the Middle East, without repercussions.

Erdogan is all but declaring war on Russia and despite the fact that Turkey continues it’s heinous human rights violations of ethnic cleansing of Kurds, they are not even – sanctioned… The problem? We’ve sold billions in weapons to the Saudis and their allies – including Turkey – which means we need to tread lightly and not hurt their feelings or they might blow us up.

Merkel has announced that when Iraq and Syria are back to normal, all the refugees from these countries have to go home… That’s about as logical as telling the Ottoman Turks to all go home after the Fall of the Ottoman Empire, at the end of WWI – as in – where might that be?

If our world hasn’t edged over the line into a Soros befuddled topsy-turvy chaos then the alternative perception is this is normal.

Turkey – Ethnic Cleansing of Kurds

Ethnic Cleansing in the Middle East…

What is really going on in the fight against ISIS in – Iraq. Because despite the fact that most US bombing has been concentrated in Iraq and not Syria, Syria continues to get all the news. Why?

Part of it is the topsy-turviness of who is on what side. And while Turkey is supposedly on our side, they are bombing our allies fighting ISIS in Iraq. Hello? Yes, Turkey is targeting the Kurds and even Iraq’s military and bombing them routinely. The Kurds are our allies fighting ISIS. So why in the heck are we allowing this?

We’re sending in Special Ops ground troops to Syria, but we refuse to give Russia coordinates of where they and our allies are stationed… This doesn’t bode very well. Not good…   Sounds like a suicide mission to me.

And then we have Saudi Arabia killing all the Shi’a Yemeni’s under the guise of fighting Sunni al-Qaeda, and Turkey killing all the Kurds under the guise of ISIS. At the same time the US and it’s allies are militarily supporting these Kurds that our allies the Iraqi’s are killing…while bombing the Shi’a in Syria so that we can ultimately elect our new and improved president because the Saudis, Qatari and Turkish governments said so.   Sound like a great military strategy?

Only now we’re asking everyone to pause while we reload… that is, we’ve sold all our ammo and weapons to the Middle East and don’t have any left…

Who are the Kurds?  They are a religious mutt – Sunni, Shi’a, Jews and Christian. The Kurds claim that the Turkish government is colluding with ISIS. The same claim Russia has recently voiced and allegedly proven.  The same claim Kerry put forth just one year ago that has somehow alluded ‘memory’.  Uh-oh…they forgot to erase that Google clip.

But, as usual, it gets better. The Free Syrian Army which was the supposedly ‘moderate rebel group’ supported by the US and Saudi Arabia, was created and rooted in Turkey. This was Turkey’s role in cleansing Syria of Kurds. Riad al-Assad was the former leader of the FSA group after he defected from the Syrian Air Force in 2011.  As a traitor to Syria, he was a hero to Turkey and quickly indoctrinated.  Turkey embraced him and helped him establish his faction – the FSA. However, just one year later, our finnicky militia commando’s replaced Riad with Salim Idris, and made him a Brigadier General (one star).   Ta-Da!  Idris, educated in East Germany, received a Phd in electronic radars. He had numerous meetings with Obama and Kerry demanding weapon support as well as food and medical supplies.  Unfortunately, in 2013, apparently Idris seems to have disappeared, as in poof, his whereabouts contentious. His replacement, Abdul-Ilah Al-Bashir, was also a Syrian army defector and was chosen to replace Idris. He lasted a few months before the powers decided they didn’t like him any more and his replacement was Albay Ahmed Berri who was captured by ISIS – and released…?  Interesting.   He was replaced by Abdelkarim al-Ahmed December 2014.  Apparently, the US decided at some point in these transitions that these guys were all losers and stopped support, shifting to the Kurds instead.

Today, the Free Syrian Army has joined the ranks of al-Nusra and al-Qaeda in the fight against Assad and ISIS.  And the ‘moderate’ have become – the militia.  But we can’t say this – in mainstream agenda, because it doesn’t further the cause as in the US was first supporting al-Nusra until the media explained to the military that al-Nusra was al-Qaeda, then they backed off and supported FSA until they fell apart.

So what we have is a bunch of traitors from the Syrian Army taking sides with Turkey thinking that Turkey, the EU, Saudis and US will potentially prop each of them up as the new and improved President of Syria when Assad is – eliminated. Only to have them lose out to the next propped up in command of the Free Syrian Army!  And then become less than enchanted…

In fact, it would appear that all commanders of the Free Syrian Army initially ‘defect’ to Turkey before being anointed into the FSA. Weirder is as weirder does – it is the Free Syrian Army that is apparently now providing Russia with the proof that Turkey has been aiding ISIS…I guess they weren’t happy.

It’s old news, but it continues – we give money and weapons to the Kurds while Turkey bombs them in Syria and Iraq, and yawn, we say nothing.  In the meantime we continue to give weapons to Turkey…to kill the Kurds with who we arm to fight – ISIS.  And as the Turks annihilate the Kurds and ISIS grows, the US is like – what???  How’d that happen?

Exactly why do we, the US and UK, Canada, and Australia, turn a blind eye? Because Turkey, which stands directly north of Israel… is used as a stepping ground for Middle East airbases. The illusion is that Turkey is on our side, when in fact they never were.  Read.  The Bible.

They are using the US to give them ‘cover’ so as to complete their own agenda – eliminate the Kurds. It’s the same ethnic cleansing that the Saudis employ while shielded by the US and NATO in Yemen.

Turkey was created at the end of WWI when the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the Middle East was virtually parceled out, lines drawn, boundaries defined. However, the powers forgot to give the Kurds their own state and instead they were left to try and assimilate into ‘other’ Middle East countries including; Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. This didn’t go over too well. These countries held to a nationalistic view in which they did not believe in multi cultural communities as did the Ottomans.

The Kurds were ostracized and denigrated, their culture squashed and even their language squelched. Miffed, they formed their own militia in the 1980’s and began demanding rights. The EU and NATO decided they didn’t have ‘rights’ and declared them a terrorist group.

Ethnic Cleansing.

In WWII, Turkey was considered neutral, but actively traded with ‘both sides’ until 1944 when they agreed that Germany and the Nazi’s were bad guys and decided not to help them any more. Besides, at this point the Nazi’s were clearly on the losing team.

Today, the Turks are supporting both sides again – the west fighting ISIS and ISIS fighting the Kurds. I suppose they thought it worked during WWII without any reprisals, it should work again. The collusion in supporting Turkey seems eerily similar to the US and EU support of chocolate king, Poroshenko, in Ukraine. Ethnic cleansing has left that country in rubble, their economy in the toilet, and a dictatorship in power.

Given Turkey’s absolute hatred of Assad and demand that Assad and his government be ‘ marginalized’, who could be in the backroom waiting to rule the new Syria?  Will he be a chocolate king or an indian chief?  Maybe we’ll find a postal worker… or the son of a government employee?  While ousting Assad has been the agenda, his replacement has been the subject of heated debates with no clear puppet available.


Middle East One World Order – Blackmail

Erdogan. Turkey. How a country rose to blackmail and won.

The EU has agreed to pay Erdogan $3.2 billion – to start – a deal brokered by Germany. What is their stake? Refugees. Turkey has agreed it will close the dyke that caused the influx of over a million migrants to flood into Europe – for a price.   But that price will be subject to re-negotiation each year as Turkey now has levelled the upper hand and the EU rolls over.  Germany is Turkey’s second largest import partner at 9% and ranks first as an export partner at 8.6%.   It isn’t just refugees, its economics.  Germany has a large financial stake as well as a human one. Blackmail.

The US provides ‘aide’ to Turkey to the tune of $30 billion on an annual basis despite the fact that Turkey’s GDP rank is 17th in the world! Why? So that the US can station bases in Turkey from which we launch attacks on Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Erdogan demanded that Assad be removed completely before he would allow US airbases. Hence the US is bound to Turkey and their ideals. Blackmail.

Turkey has been cited nearly 2000 times for Human Rights abuses. Fines were instituted, pledges made, and life, or non-life, went on as usual. Torture, disappearances, death, executions, are all a part of the day to day life in Turkey, especially if you are Kurdish. There is consensus that Erdogan continues to grant himself more exclusive power which could result in a dictatorship type of rule. In particular, the style and methodology of his rule has taken on the appearance of former Ottoman Sultan ideologies.

Last year the White House and Kerry accused Erdogan of funding ISIS. This past week Russia has made the same claim providing evidence to support the allegation. The US and the EU have remained silent. Why? Blackmail.

Voter fraud, manipulation and corruption have been an ongoing issue under Erdogan which apparently was heightened when the SECSIS counting system was installed and its authenticity was challenged because it was ‘developed in the US’. The voting system in the US is seen as inherently fraudulent by foreign countries. In 2011, a minivan was impounded by Turkish police. It contained voting ballots which were pre-stamped with the AKP vote. Erdogan is a part of the AKP party. During the 2014 elections, ballots were burned and stolen. Electrical outages prevented ballots from being counted, and officials counting the votes were routinely intimidated by Erdogan’s government. Still, the process was approved and Erdogan was elected President.

Erdogan wants more than anything to become a member of the EU. Blackmail will most likely play a part in that approval as corruption and human rights are shelved.  With close ties to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey sees itself as a rising star within the Middle East coalition of world order.

The Army of Conquest is a Syrian rebel group created in 2015 and propped up militarily and financially by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. The group is affiliated with al-Nusra, al-Qaeda and includes factions such as; Muslim Brotherhood of Syria, Knights of Justice Brigade, Free Syrian Army, Soldiers of the Levant, and Sham Legion. It’s primary objective is to take out Assad and every member of his government.

The groups that the US supported directly, and indirectly have included; al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army, Knights of Justice Brigade, Soldiers of the Levant, Sham Legion and the Kurds. Turkey hates the Kurds, so this affiliation presents a problem.  The US has claimed that our ‘rebels’ are moderate and therefore trustworthy… thus we provide anti-tank missiles, pallets of ammunition,  TUK missiles and other advanced weaponry. Unfortunately, the moderates joined the hardcore and all weapons and financing is now shared. The logic is that we continue to provide weapons to the moderates without disclosing the moderates are now within the umbrella of al-Qaeda.  If we keep it to a whisper, maybe no one will know…

Bottom line? We are arming and financing al-Qaeda to fight ISIS. And while we are supposedly bombing ISIS in Iraq, Iraq is fighting al-Qaeda in Syria. And we are supposedly fighting al-Qaeda in Yemen. Or are we?  Because we are supporting the killing of mostly civilians.  And the Kurds we support in Syria are being bombed by Turkey in Iraq. That’s the narrative, but how can we arm al-Qaeda in one country while fighting them in another?


This time it’s the Saudis. And the entire de-facto is oil and trade. Initiated by Kissinger in an attempt to make the Saudis staked in the success of the US through business and real estate ownership, he set the stage for the one thing he thought he was avoiding – blackmail. And in so doing, he assured our demise as the Saudis decided to up the ante and take over the Middle East, one ruler, one empire to invest in the future of the One World Order.

The global economy concept is seriously flawed. The Open Society concept and One World Order cannot exist. Why? Because respect and integrity and honor don’t exist. As such, blackmail and corruption will rise to the surface and become the thorn of rule within a constant flow of distrust. The US and the EU have so seriously devalued their integrity that scrambling is the day-to-day norm. Turning a blind eye on Turkey. Paying bribes. Siding with al-Qaeda. Unraveling the web is not possible.

And within this stage of Middle East blackmail, we have no friends, we have no allies, what we have is a coalition of Sunni’s who laugh at our stupidity for allowing ourselves to become the puppets in the larger scheme.

AIRSPACE Violations – A World Wide Phenomena

So Obama says that violating another territories airspace means whatever happens you deserve it and the offended country has the right to deploy bombs or whatever means necessary…


`According to Sweden, the US violated it’s airspace 7 times over the past five years, as did Germany, Russia, Norway, Monaco, The Netherlands, Poland and Qatar.

`In August, Finland claimed two US jets violated its airspace – the violation lasted 15 minutes.

`A US Navy pilot breached Indonesian airspace this November.

`Venezuela has stated that the US violated its airspace twice in November including a heavy military transport plane and a DASH-8 reconnaissance plane. In addition they claimed an aircraft carrier positioned itself off their coast during elections. Violations also occurred in 2008, 2010, 2013.

`Turkey has violated Greece airspace over 2200 times.

`In October, Turkish military jets violated Armenian airspace.

`Israel has been reprimanded by the UN on multiple occasions for violating Lebanon’s airspace.

`In 2013, Pakistan warned of two planes from India violating its airspace

`In 2014, Chinese military planes violated Taiwanese airspace

`1997, Turkey invades Cyprus airspace.

`During the 1980’s the US violated Russian airspace approximately 40 times.

The point? The list is exhaustive. The above are just a sampling. And while Russia may be complicit, the actions are universal. This happens routinely, and to date, not one jet was shot down. Are we, is NATO, condoning this approach? Because this could have incredibly far reaching consequences as each violation is met with the same punitive response.

According to a report issued through NASA in 2005, between June 2002 and June 2004, there were over 2900 airspace violations within the US alone involving Camp David, DC, Newport Chemical Depot, Disney, Presidential – and others.

Imagine if the feds had shot them down…

Ter Horst, a spokesperson for the Dutch military, claims that incursions into their airspace occur 4-5 times annually, from a multitude of countries. If every time a plane inadvertently or even blatantly crossed airspace, the retaliation, Mr. Obama, was to shoot it down, we would have blown up our entire world years ago. Telling a country that it has the ‘right’ to do this is tantamount to inviting an all out bloody war in which every nation would be guilty of creating.

And NATO’s response in condemning Russia is incredibly irresponsible if not exhaustively provocative – but then NATO is the US, is Obama, so what else could we expect for such an agency?

Exactly what is NATO proposing to do about the 2200 times Turkey has violated Greece airspace? Why… nothing. And therein lies the hypocrisy and the acknowledgement of who NATO is. According to Colin Powell when confronted with a US airspace violation in China territory in 2001, China had every right to observe the offending flight, however, China did NOT have the right to risk anyone’s lives.

What have been the typical responses to airspace breaches?  The deployment of the offended countries own fighter jets to ‘escort’ the offending aircraft back to its own territorial airspace. Turkey chose NOT to do this. And therein is the real condemnation.