Democrats: The War Mongers Demand War

When did the Democrats become the War Mongers?   The short answer might be – they always were.

Woodrow Wilson was President when we entered WWI.   Franklin Roosevelt was President when we entered WWII.   Kennedy and Johnson engaged us in the Vietnam War. Obama sent us into the Syrian conflict.   And it was initially Jimmy Carter that engaged the US in the Middle East. Today we are witness to a Republican President literally ‘fighting’ to keep us out of war while hawks from both parties rally around the bomb cry! Remember the ‘red button’ propaganda being wrestled by the Democrats when Trump was elected?

How is it that the Democrat Party, the party of peace, has been the progenitor of War?

Money.  Follow The Money.  Or more aptly, follow where the money flows.

The bets were on defense stocks when it was thought Hillary was the sure win in the 2016 Presidential race.   Not so much to defend our country as to ravage war.

Syria:   Listening to hawks from both sides of the party planks, the grand call to arms is about how the US provides stability to the region – and any withdrawal will only cause an escalation of ISIS.

The US has been actively engaged in the Middle East for roughly 40 years. During that time we have witnessed: The Gulf War involving Iraq and Kuwait, the ongoing war in Yemen, Syria’s destruction, wars in Lebanon, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Iran-Iraq war, Jordan, Cyprus, and Afghanistan-Taliban.

How’s that stability working for ya?

This is why President Trump rightly states that the US has no place in the Middle East – period.   The Middle East has been rife with war for thousands of years. Nothing the US does will ever temper that reality. It is a consequence of ideology. Regime changes, coups, have done little except to redistribute assets.

Money: Since 2001, the US has spent nearly $6trillion on wars in the Middle East.   There are 141million taxpayers in the US – that means each taxpayer forked over $42,500 – so far.   The top five companies in the world profiting from war are predominantly US: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, and Northrup Grumman.

The value of Saudi Arabia’s arms purchases from the US is nearly double Australia which is ranked 2nd in the last ten years.   Value of the top ten importers of US arms over the last ten years is roughly $57 billion.

Where did the money go?   Are we better off?  

The entire Syrian escalation was created during the Obama administration to oust President Assad and bomb the country into oblivion thus allowing the infiltration of ISIS.   It was the US assassination of Iraq’s Hussein that allowed ISIS to infiltrate throughout Iraq – also under Obama’s reign of terror.

Troops throughout the US, Canada, and Australia have attempted to bring to light what these choices have truly cost, lives; death, casualties, unmentionable horrors, the destruction of valuable artifacts, refugees, lost civilizations…

Today, the same Democrats and war monger hawks, including Mattis, demand that the US counter attack Turkey for the affront on the Kurds on the Syrian border.   Assad demands all US troops withdraw.   Erdogan threatens to release 3.5 million refugees into Europe.   Europe is divided.  Our allies are not our allies.   And war has erupted in Lebanon. Again.  This is The Middle East.

The liberal propaganda machine known as the New York Times ran an article, “Trump invokes War’s Human Toll to Defend His Policies”.   “Trump’s Withdrawal From Syria Prompts Rare Criticism From Military Officials”, Washington Post.   And CNN, “The Largest US Troop Withdrawal From Syria Underway”.

In 2013, at the direction of Obama, the CIA was put in charge of arming anti-Syrian government forces, although intelligence revealed the CIA had begun arming rebels as early as 2012. Later, it was shown that many of the rebel groups facilitated by the CIA were in fact affiliated with ISIS and/or al Qaeda. In 2012, David Patraeus was head of the CIA.   Disgraced, he was replaced by John Brennan, who has been a central figure in the treasonous document, “The Trump Dossier”. Brennan was also accused of financial gain through the use of his security clearance.

These are the provocateurs that engaged us in the Syrian conflict, the Liberal war mongers who allowed the rise of ISIS and Al Nusra throughout the region.   These are the peacemakers who criticize Trump as he withdraws our troops to safe passage. All 1000.

IN 1980 the price per share of Lockheed Martin was about $13, today it is worth nearly $400 per share.   In 1980 the price per share of Raytheon was about $8, today is is worth roughly $200 per share.