Immigration Entitlement

Norway’s largest immigrant population demographics; Poland and Sweden.   Australia’s largest immigrant population;   England, New Zealand and mainland China.   Canada’s largest immigrant population; UK, China. Number of Syrians in Canada – 18,000 representing .1% of the population.   Switzerland largest immigrant population; Germany, Italy and Portugal.   Ireland immigrants: Poland and UK.   Japan? Foreign residents represent 1.22% of the entire population and are primarily from China and Korea. Portugal’s immigrants; Brazil and Cape Verde.

So why isn’t the media all in a tizzy over the demographics in other countries?

Recently, a number of refugees were relocated to an island in Scotland. They complained bitterly because they said the island wasn’t metropolitan enough and had an aging population with an average age of 55-59…

Of the 436,000 legal refugees brought into the US from 2011 through 2016, California took 36,000 representing .09% of the refugee population, roughly 2000 came from Syria.   Total Syrian “refugees” are estimated to number 6.3 million.   So California has given home to .03% of the Syrian refugees.   In other words, the numbers are so relatively small it’s like paying $20 on your $63,000 debt, it would take 3150 years to pay it off without interest…

In Australia immigrants must be ‘skilled workers’, must pass a comprehensive test, must have an employer lined up ready to employ you, and must remain squeaky clean for two years before you can even apply for residency. After 4 years of lawful residency, you will be considered for permanent residency which may take another year.

Canada:     According to the government, “For example: a 25 year-old female with excellent English ability, basic French knowledge, a Master’s degree with 2 years work experience in the country of origin, no prearranged employment in Canada and a spouse that has studied, lived and worked in Canada might score upwards of 80 points overall. This combined score of the six factors would make her eligible to apply for permanent residency.”

 The immigrant policies of nations around the world are strictly defined.   They have been defined in the US since 1790, revised and updated. Still, the illegal immigrants in the US are estimated to number about 12 million representing 3% of the total population.   Total immigrants in US amount to about 44 million or just over 13% of the population with most living in Texas, Florida, New York, Illinois and New Jersey.  Still – not good enough…

Gaining legal status is a difficult and costly process, however, abiding by the laws is required of every citizen. When laws no longer have effect, society collapses. Those immigrants who followed the rules through hard work and tenacity can feel bitter when a magic wand is waved and millions are simply granted a waiver.  But that is what the Liberals and Socialists are arguing.

Within this societal chaos, the rules of Order melt away and the entitlement schematic rises to the surface. I remember as my kids grew they would continually ask if something was ‘free’.   Amazement reined as they found that our house wasn’t free, my car, and ultimately even the water.   A generation has risen that was apparently not given this guidance and so they believe that everything entitled should be free…  Of course, it follows that everyone who has worked to gain wealth should then pick up the tab for all the freebies that youth can’t afford because they haven’t worked.   Somehow the switches that govern logic and rational seem to be turned – off.   Big Daddy is thus the godhead!  “You have the money, you pay, I don’t have the money so I won’t pay…”  What happened to the widow who gave her only penny?

Until this socialist generation is willing to foot the bill ‘themselves’ for the massive immigrant policies they support, they will never learn that entitlement means someone still has to pay and ultimately it will be ‘them’, should be – them.

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