MonkeyPox: The Russian’s Did IT!

Germany’s Deutsche Welle attempting to establish a provocative precedent by requiring Russia to rebuild Ukraine and confiscating any and all Russian assets literally anywhere in the world to do so! That could have repercussions in favor of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Sudan, etc… as these countries have been bombed to smithereens by various unauthorized belligerents – including Germany, UK, and US.  

The legal ramifications could be extended indefinitely!   Africa must pay Ireland for trafficking Irish slaves.   Rome must pay – everyone for demolishing Galatia, and all other Greek territories.   The Ottoman Empire!   Britain must pay Australia for depositing food criminals on a deserted island without any means for survival.   Canada must pay Russia – for destroying its economy.   Britain must pay India!

A Legal Field Day!

Why wouldn’t Germany be libel for the 2014 to 2022 executions in Donbas?   Stupidity knows no bounds!  Truly.   Or maybe it is simply another rile up the anger propaganda tool to divert from the DAVOS Summit wherein corporate entities are deciding the fate of 7 billion earthlings…

Watching a 30 second DAVOS spiel was revolting enough – but then according to conservative pundits, Klaus Schwab and the Doomsayers are all partying in some swanky town 20 miles away from the Summit.   Bored.   Detached.   And Drunk.   Is Pelosi bartending?   Or would that be AOC?

Klaus Schwab, the epitome of German Nazism is feverishly against the continuation of various people and races including;   Blacks from any nation,   Muslims from any nation, Chinese, Asian – unless they agree to be his personal slave ommmm, homosexuals, gypsies, freedom fighters, and anyone who holds a position contrary to his contrarianism of despot RULE.

It is notable that Schwab, Soros, Clinton, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, and the barons of totalitarianism are near or in – their age of deathbed.   Their offspring are about as relative as Hunter Biden comparably.   And their acumen is on par with Swallow-well.   Certainly he rates on the lower side of the recently published average US IQ – 98.

A worthless measurement – unless you are a child of Swallow-Well.

As such, Germany would have us revisit WWI and WWII in which Germany was the ANTAGONIST!   Hello?   Isn’t it interesting that a number of most decisive wars were actually initiated by – Germany.   The same Germany that demands Russia reparations for Ukraine?   The same Germany that has paid exactly $-0- in reparations and to this day greedily succors the paintings confiscated by Hitler..

Perhaps, Klaus Schwab would like to enlighten us on this perversity of War.

You see, Germany instigated both WWI and WWII and instead of ‘paying reparations’ was granted reparations paid for by US taxpayers.   If you don’t find that odd, you are living in a shell game.

No other country has succeeded in gaining that shellgame –

I mean, think about it:  Germany instigated WWI and WII, became a shadow defacto to determine how to divvy the spoils of war, and then gained monetarily from their decision…   While the Ottoman Empire vanished.   And today – there is No Empire.   Leaving the field – Wide Open.

The reason for the contrarianism?   The sanctions that the Cabalists demanded be initiated to destroy Russia – backfired.   Russia’s economy while teetering, is better than the US and EU.   Oil is Gold.   And Russia has no scarcity of buyers!   The economies that flounder are those that bolster the fake wind and solar propaganda.

As in – what happens when there is no sun or wind- Germany?   Answer:   We fire up the COAL.   Because it is plentiful – it is natural – and it is earth.   Ommmmm.

Oh.   But it is also evil.

Fuel is a tool.   Vaxes are a tool.   Fear is a tool.   When I read the daily tools, I am left adrift.   But when I walk the walk, I am aware of a different reality.   One that is not even closely aligned with the propaganda machinizations!   And taking a breath I am ‘retooled’.   And realize I too can be manipulated. And in That – I realize I can identify the manipulation and scoff at it’s inane childish reconstruction of reality.  It is soooo easy to get caught in their net!

We ALL need to find this Place of reality:

  1. Climate Change – is a natural phenomena that has existed and has been documented since the beginning of time.   It is NOT a construct of any Industrial Revolution.
  2. Food Shortages – the only food shortage conflaguration is one that is contrived and manipulated by the elitists   for one purpose – death.
  3. Environment – the concept was initiated in the 1960’s among a group of anarchists who believed we were entering another ‘ice-age’.
  4. Stewardship – a concept derived from Biblical writings in which each and every one of us are tasked with the preservation of earth.    Although there is NEVER any mention of man causing the annihilation of Earth.

IN other words… Pay Attention.

Apparently, the world economies are still recovering after the Marxist lockdowns of the dastardly CoVid Lizard fest.   And the negative impacts are ignored in favor of the number of reported cases and medically induced deaths. Personally, I mourn the deaths of those intubated and sacrificed as products rather than humans… and I  know more than a few…

Their children, aunts, uncles, moms and dads, who are not given the media prolapse of propaganda to mourn and give to the earth those who were so valuable! Their numbers are in the millions…   Those living an ‘adverse event or ten’.     Those for whom – life is now a fraction of what it was.   Those who believed!

Now watching their child die.   Their daughter in high school.   Their son at soccer.

I can’t even imagine!

But the mantra is we should accept this as the New Normal Because Then we won’t cry over the death of Earth.  But we should. We should imagine. We should envision. We should view the devastation and intense sadness and tears!   NOT because of a virus – but because of an agenda to kill our children, our husbands, our friends!   For One Singular Purpose – TO support an annihilation of specific populations so as to further the peasant class and Monarchial Totalitarian Rule of our Entire GLOBE.

Please allow that to sink in.   We are NOT fighting a southern warrior, or a Greek Soldier.   We are fightingBill Gates Bio Terrorist

Pandemic MOnkeypox

something much more evil and dense.   

Monkeypox.   Contrived in 2021 amidst a depopulation summit.   Initiation Date – May 15 2022.   Global Takeover – December 1, 2023.    But hey, Bill Gates is a health expert given his vast experience while at – …no college – and thieving his partner’s data notes.  How can he possibly have ANY ‘ego’.?