Macron Announces US is Major Enemy…

To start, I am not a big fan of Emmanuel Macron of France.  I find him a bit effeminate, and wimpish, personally.   And today, after months of Trump chastising Europe for not meeting their own instituted directive to contribute 2% of GDP toward their military, after years of mooching off the US picking up everyone’s slack, after years of the French denigrating Americans for being crass and stupid, Macron has announced that NO MORE!  France is demanding that Europe build their own army to defend against the enemies; America, Russia and China!

Hysterical laughter please.

Over the last ten years, France’s Budget deficit has varied from a -7.2% to a -2.6%.  In fact they haven’t even managed to have a -0- Budget deficit, much less a positive one, since sometime in the 1970’s!  So exactly how does France, aka Macron, envision spending the necessary billions to create an army from scratch when they operate at a loss every single day, month, year for the last 50+ years?

Of course this is the same poo-poo France and Europe that continually chastises Trump for not understanding Globalism and economics and trade and business, and…   The US represents France’s 4thlargest export trading country, China is 7th, and Russia is 14th.   These are the countries Macron deems his enemies – three of his major trading partners.

Not only does Macron set himself up as being wholly uninformed, but a blithering boff when it comes to money and business.  If he follows through on his derision, he would eliminate roughly 13% of France’s export business, $67 billion, while demanding a $51.65 billion investment in military spending within an already 2.6% shortfall of revenues.

Hysterical laughter – please.

Standing a head shorter than Trump, I doubt Trump is even moderately amused.  It is akin to Indiana Jones being thrashed with a nail file only to pull out his AK15, and we know the rest.

Worse, who does the research and script writing, and press releases for Macron?  Obviously they should be fired.  After humiliating himself by claiming that France should honor a WWII famous Marshall for his valor, did Macron find himself eating crow as it was whispered ‘the man collaborated with the Nazi’s’.

“Oh.  Oops.”

And while Erdogan is attempting to capitalize on the death of the Muslim Brotherhood head and Washington Post contributor, Khashoggi, during the EU summit, he fails to realize – no one cares.  Including Macron.  Including Trump.  Including Merkel who likely feels she was snookered by the whole bamboozle in which no one really cares.  For all we know he is in Cyprus sipping Mai tai’s and laughing hysterically.

Given that neither France or Germany have contributed their ‘allowance, fair share’ per an agreement they initiated regarding military spending for NATO, how do they expect to find the budget surplus to create an army today?

France’s active military personnel is roughly 200,000, Germany’s is roughly 186,000.  China’s is over 2 million.   Russia is 1 million.   And US is roughly 1.3 million.   Is he daft?

While the media focus’s on Trump, the true idiocy can be found in Europe and Canada. Canada’s Trudeau is apparently following the Obama apologetics tour in saying, oops, sorry, we should have accepted the Jews fleeing from WWII, but we didn’t.  Instead we refused because they would have been aliens, immigrants, despots, and such.   All 900 of them.  Not thousands or millions, but a mere 900.   Darn.

The point is to represent a grain of Truth.  The point is to not point a finger when the log in your eye is the size of Manhattan. The point is that the entire EU global’s active military strength without excluding those countries no longer aligned with EU policies, is less than the entire US alone.

For Macron to point a finger at Russia, China and the US, he is a piss in the ocean.  Pardon my French.

UPDATE:   If Macron and Merkel decide to build a new European Army:

  1.   Will all the cache of weapons revert to US assets given we paid for them!?
  2.   Will NATO thus be dissolved – saving US billions?
  3.   Will Russia build the new weapons necessary to create a European military?
  4.   Does Macron understand how many years this will take?