General Milley’s Last Words Confirm His Sedition and Likely Treason

General Milley formally exited ‘stage left’ by evoking Hate Speech’:   “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.   And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,”   he spat.   “We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”   

Not only does this crude statement reveal a man enshrined in hate, it reveals a General who has no idea what the oath of office is for officers!   A) he takes an oath to the Constitution of the United States our COUNTRY – not to China – not to Ukraine – not to Taiwan!   B) he takes an oath to ‘obey the President of the United States’.  

He did neither of these things and has now gone on record digging his grave for the world to hear and absorb.   His last words are words of sedition.   Sedition:   Speech or organization that includes subversion of The US Constitution.

The Oath states:

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed …

The media has an interesting take on defining ‘hate speech’ – and instead references this ‘Generals’ choice of outgoing statements as a simple Trump ‘jab’.   Of course the media has zero understanding of the Military, its vows of discretion and honor and respect!   They only know Hollywood Che Guevara Sean Penn deviance of how military officials are supposed to be conduct themselves, and the hierarchy that entails.   The President is Milley’s Commander in Chief.   Not the other way around.  And if he cannot abide that Commander – he has the option to RESIGN.   Effective immediately.

Worse yet, Private First Class Milley, made his statements in front of cadets, other servicemen, and media, thereby enhancing his choice of words within the colossal potential for Treason by admitting he failed to uphold his Oath of Office under Trump, did not uphold The Constitution, and instead colluded with China – and made secret phone calls with CCP officials while still under Oath to President Trump.   An allegiance deviance.

In addition to Hate Speech, sedition, and treason – Milley revealed rampant ‘stupidity’ in his public display which he can not now deny happened.

In a similar vein of idiocy, Twitter influencer, Mehdi Hasan, made the unproven declaration that Hate Speech on Twitter has increased 1000x since Musk bought the company.   Without anyone asking, he decided to take upon himself to hold his own Challenge and thus prove he is right.   But in classic liberal scream fashion, he failed to edit his own tweets, which are rife with “Hate Speech”!   Stupidity has taken the reins of the liberals.   They cannot undo.

Now that we are globally witness to Gen. Milley’s seditious outgoing ‘hate speech’ he should be stripped of his rank and pension.    Milley’s illustrious career ended with Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Afghanistan Freedom.   Which liberated Iraq and Afghanistan of roughly 350,000 lives and Taxpayers of $4-$6 TRILLION.   Afghanistan is now controlled by the Taliban and Iraq is an ally of Russia.  WELL DONE!

Who did win these wars?   The Military Industrial Complex whose 2000 budget was $320 billion compared to today – $1 trillion annually – $1,000,000,000,000.   Not including the Ponzi Funds given to USAID, US State Department and NGO’s. By comparison, the next highest amount spent on Military is the UK at $68 billion.   A differential of nearly 1500%.

In my esteemed opinion, Milley should be more concerned with his deviance from supporting the American Citizens to inserting endless coups, wars, and depopulation.   He should be apologizing to The American People for losing every war since Vietnam.   For raping every one of us of our slave labor to this end.   And for NOT utilizing BASIC strategic and détente means to assure America is a nation of literal democracy instead of playing a Tactics II game board of destruction!

In my esteemed opinion, Milley and many other Generals should be relinquished of their pensions and their stripes. They have NOT protected Americans – and as such have degraded their entire OATH of office. They have lost the wars they initiated – including Ukraine, and have no honor to Honor. They operate on a spear of MONEY.  

As the Real General‘s Daughter – this military of today truly disgusts me.  

PHARMA Incites Death & Disease While The MILITARY Incites War & Death

Germany’s Chancellor Scholz has announced that Germany will spend an additional $100 billion so as to become the “Best Equipped Military in Europe”.   A)   Germany is in a recession – where will they find an extra $100 billion?   B)   Having given Ukraine large swathes of its inventory, they have depleted their resources.   C)   Germany has also declared that they will fight Russia until the end of time.   Meaning Scholz has simply made an abject fool of himself by pledging $100 billion for Ukraine

Germany has already given Ukraine 700 million euros of military equipment and pledged another 500 million.   Their entire defense budget is $50 billion which still leaves them under the EU requirement of 2% of GDP.   A farce in and of itself.   Few if any EU countries spend the stipulated EU Commission requirement.

Already, Germany is the top supplier of military equipment to Turkey.   When Turkey and Greece began to fan flames of belligerence, Germany and France sent weapons to BOTH countries.   Inciting war.   Germany is now inciting war with Russia by openly decrying their undying love for Zelenskyy while Ukraine is destroyed.

Germany started WWI and WWII – now they have been instructed to incite WWIII.   But beefing up their military stockpiles would take – until the WEF Target Doomsday – 2030.   Everything revolves around this one doomsday including:  Fossil Fuels, Climate Change, Cows, Chickens, agriculture, immigration and death.   Without ANY explanation why.

Except the weaponry will all be exported to Ukraine.   And by 2030, Russia will likely have taken over Ukraine, Turkey will align with Russia, and Germany will be in twalette water.

It becomes seriously obvious that the western inserted leaders in the EU are seriously lacking in intelligence, intellect or logic. Is stupidity a prerequisite?

Naming Russia as the primary adversary is Germany’s means of mending bridges so as to institute the utopian New World Order.   It reveals a fact many countries are beginning to acknowledge, the EU is being manipulated into its own internal implosion and death spiral.

Having expended a large percentage of Germany’s military equipment inventory to Turkey, Turkey has now shifted allegiances and may join the BRICS.   Germany certainly isn’t the only country whose weapon inventory was supplied by western nations. In 2009, Obama sold Turkey $7.8 billion of weapons.  Coincidence?   Never.

And despite the known fact that Iran is an ally of Russia, the ineptitudinal Biden Handlers want to help Iran build nukes. The only reason for western nations to make these sales is the promotion of war.

Just as the Pharma Industry was created to promote sickness and death, the Cult saw the monetary value in promoting war.   Creating an enemy where none existed helps the propaganda mechanization push full throttle. Creating a disease through chemically induced viruses, infections and illnesses has made Pharma the stalwart industry it is in JUST one century.

Pharma Industry Value now stands at $1.42 trillion. Tripling in 20 years.   But it still pales in comparison to the global arms industry which has reached a phenomenal value of $7.5 trillion.

Neither of these industries has the beneficial purposes of “prevention”.

For example:   the medical community defines mammograms as ‘preventative medicine’.   In reality, the near mandated use of highly expensive machinery that takes pictures to determine if your genes have created a tumor are – NOT preventing a disease – they are diagnosing the disease.

The Pharma Industry is then called in to prescribe hellish ‘treatments’ that may or may not work but are guaranteed to create an additional quandary of side effects for more Pharma… etc… etc… etc…!

Oddly, when the Media doles out its compulsory batch of nonsensical propaganda, many have become woke to the Snake Oil Salesmanship.   Yet normally highly intelligent individuals have been hypnotized to believe that ‘doctors’ are demi-gods in disguise.

As a direct result of the Ukraine/Russia conflict, our governments are likely to push the necessity for MORE weapons. Bigger weapons.   More deadly weapons.   And the perpetuation of lies shifts – slightly.   Utilizing fear as the impetus. As a result, wars now last decades instead of months.

The war in Afghanistan was initiated by – the US and UK.   AKA, the NGO’S and the Royals.   The war against Iraq was initiated by – the US and UK to counter the ‘weapons of mass destruction’ sold to Iraq by the US and EU.   AKA, the NGO’s and the Royals.   King Charles is slated to be an even greater largess of war than the Queen.

As evidence has betrayed – the Twin Tower in NYC was rigged with dynamite from within – and the weapons of mass destruction – didn’t exist. But the ideal of a ‘common enemy’ was the impetus to justify the massive amount of weapons made and lives that were sacrificed.   At the whim of persons who had never fought in a war.

Persons who had never experienced the battle field. Persons whose sole agenda was – MONEY.

And yet – despite lessons learned – here we are once again sacrificing our livelihoods, our children, our economy, and our peace for the same propaganda.   While the Lizards reap the spoils.

LET US PRAY.Pharma Incites Death Whil;e

AFGHANISTAN: Falls To Taliban – WH Befuddled?

Most people have long ago forgotten why the US started a war in Afghanistan 20 years ago.   Most people have no idea how many have died. Most people have no idea how much the war cost taxpayers.   But pulling out and allowing everything to revert to pre-2001 is quite orchestrated.   The Pentagon knew exactly what would happen – albeit they might not have known how quickly, unless the Taliban was ‘informed’ in advance…

The supposed purpose was to root out Al Qaeda.   Roughly 4100 Americans killed and over 20,000 wounded.   It is estimated over 30,000 commit suicide.   The war cost over $740billion.   Abruptly pulling out without proper apparatus in place to mitigate was designed specifically to shove veterans a big finger.

And with the Taliban back in power, Al Qaeda will reorganize and begin again their rampage across the globe.   With best wishes from the Pentagon and White House.

There were many unprecedented ambushes the most controversial occurring on August 6, 2011.   Twenty five Navy Seals, 5 National Guard Troops, and 8 Afghan nationals died.   Packed into one Chinook Helicopter, after 7 Afghan military that were on the manifesto – were switched out just before takeoff.   The Chinook was given no escort.   The ambush was pre-arranged.   And the controversy remains that these soldiers were sacrifices parlayed by Obama and Biden in exchange for the death of Osama bin Laden.

Such is the game of War.

Al Qaeda in and of itself is a relatively small organization, however there are over 35 affiliates, many of which were funded by the US under Obama. These Al Qaeda affiliates aligned with the US and Israeli Mossad to destroy Syria. While Assad was a US ally for decades, the US and Israel flipped and considered Assad an enemy.   In essence we used our enemy, Al Qaeda, to destroy our new enemy, former ally, Assad.

The Afghan War wasn’t about Afghanistan any more than the Syrian demolition was about Assad, it was simply a ruse to establish and cement Middle East relationships while eliminating others.  Ruling powers consolidated so that the Great RESET could be more easily implemented.

Today, our State Department would seem to be befuddled by the fact that the Taliban has centered itself back in control within only 2 months. Despite non-MSM outlets decrying the situation for a month, Antony Blinken is doing his best Porky Pig impersonation as he tries to understand what happened…  Apparently, he had no idea and can’t seem to throttle a response other than ‘huh’.

It is alleged that the Taliban is currently aligned with China, Iran, and Qatar.   Their ideology is strict Sharia. But most importantly, the Taliban is an ally of Al Qaeda and it’s multiple affiliates.   Which means that the pre-arranged rise of the Taliban under our current White House Handlers is also a rise in every Mujahideen Warlord affiliate.

Disrupting the entire Middle East means cutting oil supply lines to the US, EU and Canada.   The distraction is a befuddled, dementia riddled, braindead Biden suddenly calling for OPEC to amp up production – AFTER shuttering US internal supplies.   Simultaneously initiating a potential Mid-East War that would significantly impair oil and gas exports.   That is the Agenda.

What would a severe oil shortage look like?

Without oil – gas powered vehicles grind to a halt. Trucking and trains can’t transport food. Electricity, heating and cooling systems would spiral to a substantial shortfall.   Paint, plastic, medicine and toys would be scarce items.   Without electricity – water shortages would ensue.

Of course, the flipside is windmills?   Wind turbines are connected to an electrical generator that is typically powered by batteries.   But batteries consume tons of electricity in the manufacturing process… making their alternate use ‘unsustainable’.   Of course solar and wind stocks have declined substantially since Biden took office, but that may simply be a repricing scheme to buy for greater profit.   Wall Street is hardly without manipulation and corruption.

Biden’s response to the Taliban authoritarian takeover of Afghanistan is to ask the Taliban to just be nicey-nice so we can be ‘friends’ – all while evacuating ‘some’ American citizens from the embassy – and leaving others…  Our great and glorious military institution, the Pentagon, appears completely stunned, ‘How did that happen?’.   These befuddler military leaders query the media while writing the script.

Of course all of this is conjecture and the Biden White House could simply have all our best interests at heart for a healthy, prosperous, and happy future…  


Stock UP!


Immigration: A History Lesson

There are Seven major conflicts going on in Africa right now – and the media is silent.   All involve some form of ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Boko Haram. The death toll is well over 400,000 – in Sudan alone – and the media hasn’t uttered a peep.  The war in Myanmar has been ongoing since 1948, Somali since 1991, Nigeria since 1998 and Mali since 2002.   The war in Afghanistan remains as the largest number of casualties cumulatively at over 2,000,000 and for 2018 – 36,000.  And not a peep out of the media.  Instead they focus on Trump’s Tweets and Melania’s Christmas decorations and a faded prostitute who can’t pay her bills.

In Myanmar, like Syria, the number of small fragmented opposition armies are disjointed and their affiliation a veritable guessing game, however China would appear to be the largest outside player which is likely why no one else wants to become involved.

In 1992, the UN attempted to integrate into the Somalia conflict only to run home a beleaguered failure after suffering significant casualties by 1995.  Never returning.  In 2006, Islam entered the territory and became the defacto Rebel Group in the form of Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda and ISIL.  The UN attempted to integrate Muslims into the government in 2009 as a means of peace, but the people revolted and war re-erupted.

Most of the wars have a similar core – Islam.

And still, the UN decries – integration as the answer.

The immigrant invasions precipitated by the Huns and other barbarians ended with the conquest of Rome and ultimately led to The Fall Of The Roman Empire sometime between 450 and 500 AD.   Mismanagement allowed the invasions.  Ultimately, The Fall ushered in The Dark Ages of chaos, death, famine and disease.

The Turkic people of Asia, Europe and North Africa were forced into migration during the rise of Islam under Muhammad between the 6thand 11thcenturies.  Chaos ensued.

In the 19thcentury over 50 million people fled the horrors of Europe and settled in the US as a result of migrant chaos.

Migration has seen the collapse of entire societies.  When migrants from Europe began to descend on the US, they came through Ellis Island where they were required to submit to a health examination, legal checks to assure they were not criminals, and a head tax.  The Immigration Act of 1891 stated that persons likely to become public charges, persons suffering from certain contagious disease, felons, persons convicted of other crimes or misdemeanors, polygamists, aliens assisted by others by payment of passage would not be admitted.  Those who did not comply with these rules were deported.

In 1870 Chinese immigrants were specifically not allowed, only white and blacks were allowed per the Naturalization Act.  In 1901 the Anarchist Exclusion Act allowed for the prohibition of an immigrant based on their political beliefs.  And in 1907 American women were prohibited from bringing foreign men nto the US as citizens based on marriage.

The Italian Mafia immigrated to the US from Sicily during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Settling in New York and other major cities on the east coast, they immediately banded to create controlled territories where racketeering, smuggling, fraud, money laundering, robbery, etc… were their mainstay.  They were – immigrants.

Migration caused the riff that is Islamic Pakistani’s vs. Buddhist and Hindu Indians.  It has NOT resolved.

The Bolsheviks, revolutionized under Lenin, were factioned in Switzerland and Germany while Lenin lived there, and founded the Marxist media outlet, “Forward”.  They followed him back to Russia wherein the Bloody Revolution was instituted and Russia fell to communist rule for decades.   Many if not most Bolsheviks – were immigrants.

For the media to continue to hail the fact that the US was built on immigration is censoring the entire story and virtually rewriting history.

Immigration has led to the fall of Empires since the beginning of history.  It has created massive wars, the death of millions, the destruction of homelands, and the loss of societal rule.

The UN and European governments are well aware of this fact and yet it would appear that despite history they embrace the absolute collapse of all of Europe in the coming future as cultures clash, crime spirals out of control, and the military and police are told by their governments to – stand down.  Rape is now considered a ‘cultural norm’ and dismissed.  Sharia Law is upheld.   Europe is facing a catastrophic fall parallel to The Great Fall of Rome.

And like every great historical collapse, it is not about The People – it is about a Revolution built on Communism/Socialism/Power and Evil.

Each successive US President has advocated for the same thing;  border wall, illegal stagnation, and retribution for those who attempt to circumvent US Law.  And somehow, Trump is the ‘demon’.   The reality is that Merkel, Macron and May have sold Europe to chaos.   I would venture, this is not the will of The People.  It is however, the will of the Government, and as such is being actioned.  To what gain?  TO the absolute fall of Europe as was historically The Fall Of Rome which ushered in a dark age, and the ultimate auto rule of The Vatican as Lord over Kings, Queens, and People.

It does not define the Catholic People, it defines a corrupt Vatican.   It does not define a Political People, it defines a corrupt government.  A corrupt power block.  And it is time, to take back our world.  It is time to shift the axis from the imbalance of evil and embrace – good.

Because in a universe that thrives on good and evil, sometimes, the balance skews.  Don’t give up.  It is more important than ever to fight!   Faith!  Hope!  We will Overcome!


Troops in Iraq and Syria? Suicide Mission.

When facing ideas on how to fight the war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, it would be prudent to learn from the successes and failures of Afghanistan.

The war began in 2001 with the withdrawal of most troops by 2014, we have about 6300 still there. While the list of allied nations fighting numbers 58, most offered support that was necessary but rather superficial; logistal support, access to airspace, refueling hub, overflight permission, etc… The number who actually got their feet wet and their boots dirty was much fewer. At its height, the number of US ground troops in Afghanistan reached 100,000. The biggest support came from the UK with over 5000, then France, Italy and Poland. So, while we had help, it was actually quite minimal.

The US military claims that over 2300 soldiers died and another 20,000 were wounded. Two thirds of these occurred under President Obama. Over 1.2 million civilians died. And now we are sending more ground troops to Iraq and Syria. While the US claims no troops are in Iraq or Syria presently, Iraq, for one would beg to disagree. In addition, despite Ash Carter claiming we are sending troops into Iraq with full cooperation, the Iraqi government says, ‘NO WAY’. We do NOT have their permission, and without it, our troops are violating international law. The Iraqi military says they will fight US soldiers in Iraq.

But Ash Carter says the Iraqi government wants the troops. Apparently, he is not telling the truth. That is akin to a suicide mission in which our special ops are subject to assassination not just by ISIS but by the Iraqi military. So why would Carter lie?

And while Obama announced in December that he would deploy 30-50 special ops ground troops to Syria, according to the Kurds they’ve been there since October. It is unclear exactly how many troops are in Syria or Iraq at this point given they are routinely demoted to ‘advisor’ status per the media.

A number of members of Congress have demanded that the US send troops into Iraq and Syria. Interestingly, only 20% of Congress has members that have actively served in the military, 38% of the House and 57% of the Senate have law degrees and 22 members have a high school degree.

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin is demanding 100,000 US troops on the ground in Syria. He has no military background whatsoever. Others, such as McCain, are known war hawks and have called for troops in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and anywhere in-between.

But what did Afghanistan teach us?

First, the rules of engagement in the Middle East are not the same. Second, the rules of engagement in the Middle East…are not the same. And third….the rules of engagement don’t exist.  We did not win the Afghan war and some believe it led to the rise of ISIS. We underestimated the ethic of our Middle East allies and were continually sold out by the highest bidder. Right now we are seeing a repeat of this with Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

IN Afghanistan, the Saudis funded the Sunni Taliban while the Pakistani’s gave them arms and supplies. Bill Clinton’s policies were considered useless and without direction. Not unlike the accusations made against Obama today in fighting the Sunni aligned ISIS. Training forces, Special ops, guerilla warfare, these tactics were all part of the insurgency against the Taliban. Twenty years later, gains were made and lost. We still have 10,000 troops in Afghanistan fighting alongside the government, despite the fact that in 2010 we lifted the sanctions against the Taliban and declared they were not terrorists… What?

What did we learn? That if the bad guys are Sunni, we need to back off because we are sending our own forces on suicide missions given the Sunni countries will be backing them militarily, including; Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Albania, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Ukbekistan, Niger, Somalia, Mali, Libya, Kuwait, UAE, Djibouti – etc…  

The bad guys? ISIS = Sunni, al-Qaeda = Sunni, al-Nusra = Sunni, Taliban = Sunni, Boko-Haram = Sunni, Al-Shabab = Sunni, Hezbollah, Al-Badar, Harakat, etc… – Sunni.  What the heck do we think we are doing cause it sure as heck isn’t fighting the bad guys, it wasn’t during the Clinton administration and it sure as heck isn’t now?