The FIVE Events That Will Destroy Earth & Humanity

UK scientists have declared that based on insurance data the US is losing an excess of 500,000 to 600,000 citizens each year due to the Vax.   After the elderly were the initial targets, the vast majority are now the healthy workers between 18 and 50.    Small businesses continue to need more employees while Big Woke Corporations are firing en-masse.   JP Morgan, one such Corporation, is actually hiring while simultaneously firing…  to the tune of 13,000 new listed job openings.    Simultaneously the Biden regime is importing hundreds of thousands of illegals,,, for maids and for agriculture work.   While the US and EU bemoan the lack of next generations as the population ages – the WEF demands depopulation…

The world is now unsustainable.   Not enough food, not enough water, not enough oil & gas, not enough housing, not enough enough…   Immigrants are supposed to fill the void of excess deaths in developed countries as we transition to AI.   Once achieved, the migrants won’t be needed any longer. So what happens?

The US unemployment rate is low because workers died.   In California, the vast majority were Hispanic.   In NY the vast majority were elderly.   Now across the US and UK the vast majority of deaths are among the working age group 18-45.   The only industry showing an increase in employment per ADP Payroll for May was Hospitality.  

Hospitality employs over 15.11 million.   This industry was hit the hardest by Pandemic lockdowns.  The BLM claims hospitality had lost 8 million jobs as of December 2022 and still had 1.3 million job openings for those remaining businesses.   Those openings are now being filled – albeit slowly.  Skewing the jobs report.  

The vast majority of laid off workers did not sit idly – they retrained into a different job.   As a result shortages of teachers, nurses, doctors, and hospitality workers were rampant.   What to do?   Bring in immigrants to cull the gap of employment numbers giving the Biden Admin leverage to keep raising the interest rates so as to celebrate the killing of the economy.

Employment numbers CAN NOT catch up with pre-pandemic levels;  half a million excess deaths every year of working age citizens and millions permanently disabled is not sustainable. Catch Up – simply isn’t viable.   At least not if the numbers were truthful. Unfortunately, like everything else, government analysis shows the government lies about everything.   They create algorithms and call it science.   But algorithms are like polls – worthless manufactured data.

We are now being warned of five separate threats that could annihilate earth:

  1. A new, deadly pandemic created in NIH labs across Africa that will have a death rate of 40%
  2. Earth will be hit by solar winds wiping out satellites and the global electric grids causing widespread famine, disease, crime and death.
  3. The aliens are here and ready to make themselves visible for the general public.
  4. AI will turn on humans and destroy them
  5. CERN will create a black hole that swallows earth.

So what do our esteemed governments suggest we do to mitigate against these catastrophes?   Eat fake meat, drive electric cars, and be 100% carbon free.   Not too sure but I doubt CERN, the aliens, the biolabs and AI give a rats dang about these ‘nonsolution solutions’.

The fact is – solar winds have been a phenomena forever, aliens have been buzzing us for decades, and the pandemics are all man made viruses to boost Big Pharma Profit margins. So what are our Leaders actually doing to mitigate catastrophes? NOTHING.

Talk is cheap.

Somehow constant war would be their focus.   It benefits both Big Pharma while simultaneously boosting the military industrial complex – two of the three largess Mafia Cartels.

The Third Cartel is Banks.   How will banks survive when we eliminate money in favor of social credit?   Because technically social credit is not sustainable given credit is not a currency – it is an emotion. The value of credit is profits which are built on time.   Time is built on interest.   Interest on credit is the mainstay of Credit card companies.

Let’s say you go to the grocery store for meat and potatoes – but the AI scorecard at checkout says you don’t have enough points in your social credit for these purchases – even if you have the cash.   The store makes no sale.   When stores don’t make sales they lose money, they order less products, their inventory tanks, and food shortages develop.

Let’s say you find a house to buy, you have the cash on hand and go to closing.   But the banker looks at your social credit score and refuses to make the loan.   The bank loses because it needs to make loans to survive. You can’t buy a house because you haven’t earned enough emotional points.

The system is flawed.   It requires the creation of a scoring system that is in real time. What qualifies for points has about as much merit as the Nazi Soup Kitchen on Seinfeld.

In the meantime, actual solutions to potential environmental harm are ignored.

Earths core is a magnetic field of charged particles that are released into space and protect us from solar winds and the collapse of the ozone layer.

The magnetic field of earth can become unstable as it moves into reverse polarity.   That reversal causes extreme changes in weather.   Scientists don’t know much about this event, don’t understand this event, and yet make astoundingly ignorant theories of this event based on rock rings… claiming the reversal happens every hundred thousand years – give or take a million.

Rock Rings.   Since the mid 1800’s the magnetic north has moved from Canada to the North Pole and is now heading toward Siberia in Russia.   Its pace varies and is propelled by liquids beneath the core.  As it moves, weather patterns are gyrated.  Patterns become existential.   And weather goes awry through various knock ’em down bruises!   Winds turn from SW to NE on a dime – to West on a nickel to WNW on a quarter.  Predictability is nonexistent.

What is possible/probable – is this singular reverse polarization event recreates weather – altering animal, plant and humanity.   And no amount of Bill Gates weather seeding can alter the earth’s core!   But then Gates is neither a scientist or IT computer nerd or medical biologist. He just has the world’s largest ego and a death wish. So stop using those aerosol sprays and stop cows from farting and stop driving cars –  because the reality of weather is built into the universe NOT PEOPLE.

CARTELS: A Model For Western Government Authority

CARTEL:   “a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market. Cartels are usually associations in the same sphere of business, and thus an alliance of rivals. Most jurisdictions consider it anti-competitive behavior and have outlawed such practices. Cartel behavior includes price fixing, bid rigging, and reductions in output. The doctrine in economics that analyzes cartels is Cartel theory.   Cartels are distinguished from other forms of collusion or anti-competitive organization such as corporate mergers.”

In other words, cartels are simply another “business model” like the governments and corporations running the US, UK, Canada, Australia and EU.

When Cartels fight each other for territory, like Tijuana, it is no different than Ukraine/US fighting Russia, or US/Taiwan fighting China.   When someone gets in their way, they simply remove him.   In the government world it is called a coup.  In the Cartel world it is a snuff.

Then there is “Cartel Theory”.   Cartel Theory was developed by the Hungarian, Friedrich Kleinwachter, and adopted by German economists in 1883.    It became the economic model of the Third Reich, and later in the US under economists Stigler and Stocking.

Today it is the model of western governments in controlling all aspects of finance and commodities.   Prices are no longer subject to demand and supply, they are created and manipulated to leverage profits.   Before moving to the next commodity.

In Mexico, Asia and South America, the Cartels are associated with drugs and crime.   In America it is called politics and lobbying.   It is theory that Hungarian George Soros gained his financial foothold trading in drugs which he laundered thru the financial industry.   His subsequent success in the financial world was simply another Cartel leveraging system of money laundering.

When the Mexican Cartels light a few cars on fire, it is called ‘violence’.   When sweetie pies like Antifa and BLM light cities on fire – it is called peaceful protesting.

They have rival cartels called democrats, republicans and independents.   And they each vie for absolute control.   Because control means more MONEY.  

I listened to the ‘media’ describe the violence on display in Tijuana and Ensenada this past weekend and became fearful for a friend of mine living down there.   But the information relayed from within was far different than the media portrayal.  Surprise!   In fact, my friend said most Mexicans are not nearly as fearful of the Cartels as Americans are fearful of the Politicians…

With Cartels you know exactly what you are dealing with, politicians – not so much.

Cartels employ different means of governing.   Some prefer to actually vertically control the businesses, while others levy a ‘tax’ on existing businesses.   In the US it is called the IRS.  While corporate mergers simultaneously own the majority of output in order to price fix commodities.   Recently, Ford and GM simultaneously increased the price of their cars at the same rate in order to combat the new IRS tax imposed by the Biden Regime Handler Cartel.   And now we will be subject to the IRS guerilla’s if we don’t comply with common core math wherein agents with one month training in taxation determine their fair share…

Comply or Die.

As the US Regime Cartel assassinates and jails those citizens who are least likely to comply, they need fresh clients to replace the dead.   Thus, bringing thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants into the country who are uneducated and willing to work for minimum wage is a means of mitigating the disaster.

Given these corporate cartels are buying farmland and haven’t a clue how to farm, they need the immigrants to run their estates and ranches.  As American and Canadian doctors continue to ‘bite the dust’, Cuban doctors are plentiful.  In the EU it is no different.   With birth rates declinging for decades, immigrants from Africa are needed to fill the void of the jabberwhackey deaths.

This is the New Economic ideology to replace Capitalism.   It has been in place since the end of the Civil War.   They are effectively a totalitarian authority of ‘masters’ and everyone else.   In 1945, they were considered a natural evolution of society.    Since then, their ‘territory’ has expanded on a global level.   And the henchmen are the only visible puppets conducting their Orders.   Which they call the New International Order.

FDA CoVid Tests: Scrapped For Science

According to the CDC there are two genders of CoVid testing:   Viral and Antibody.   They state viral will determine if you are currently infected while antibody will determine if you have been ‘previously’ infected.   Of the 300+ “Authorized” tests by the FDA, 63 are antibody, 235 are molecular, and 11 are antigen.   The molecular test is the PCR Test which has thus been trashed and burned by the CDC as of 12/31/2021.   The PCR test looked for genetic material from the virus.  

According to NIH, even though the antigen tests have reduced sensitivity, they work great on the Cold Virus called Omicron. However, the antibody tests are not popular amongst the Science of Science because they are based on years of previous antibodies in the human genome.   Which houses some 13 trillion viruses – per person – forever.

And NO genome sequencing can touch – 13 trillion.  SORRY.

The antibody test is shelved, the antigen test is shelved and we are looking at PCR molecular test which has been shelved permanently for its massive inconsistencies and false positives.

Wait.   So what exactly are they testing?

It would appear that they are testing nothing.   Despite authorization of 300 tests that they now declare have absolutely no relevance to CoVid.

Yet, cases, tests, defunct tests, PCR tests, are the point of lockdowns, masks, vaccinations, and hospitalizations.   ALL of which point to the absurdity of fact that cases are predominantly among the vaccinated.

Even MORE Bizarre.

ALL cases are uploaded thru an app which ‘tabulates’ the numbers not based on individual, but based on test.   So according to CDC Director Walensky if you test positive with a PCR Test it will continue to show positivity for 3-4 months – and each time you test, it is logged as a positive case.   CDC then recommends testing every 24 hours!

Therefore, a single person can thus test as a positive case 90-120 times. Before it finally drops off.   And each of those tests will be counted in the case statistics as a positive TEST!   Ta-Da!

Which means that realistically, we could reduce the case counts by 12000%?   Imagine that?


Knowing this failed Science, despite the growing Case Count of Omicron, a variant never isolated or genomed, the CDC, NIH and FDA have revealed their blubbering incompetence.   And The Powers That Be – are laughing hysterically as these imbeciles continue to destroy their reputation and their legacy at their behest because they forfeit their life for – $$$$.

One might feel sad for them – except we don’t.   These Science propagandists sold their voice for money.   Thus realizing that Science is a worthless trivial apologetic.


While the Education institution has realized its end which will result in homeschooling and a huge disparity in intellectual gain, the medical institution will be replaced by natural and homeopathic cures – without the deadly side effects …   And maybe this is a good thing.   To reveal the idiocy of institutions that were once considered worthy, and have only destroyed themselves.

Pharma Will fall.  Public Education Will Fall.

Guess who wins?

NOT the Blacks.   Because The Agenda dear is to eradicate the uneducated, the educated deficient who can’t even count change for a sale.   Guess what, single mums living in the Bronx don’t homeschool – because they can’t!

You really think Democrats are supporting your rise?   Critical Thinking says they are creating your annihilation as ever becoming a worthy advocate in society.   Critical Thinking would suggest that bringing in planeloads of criminal refugees at our border who have hatred for blacks and whites is NOT going to help the Black cause.   Critical Thinking would suggest that allowing Blacks to decimate entire cities, businesses, homes, and land will make them suddenly ‘popular’ and integrated is backing into the Rabbit Hole of Alice In Wonderland.  Grow some…real balls.

Push comes to shove, the 2nd Amendment will likely decide.   And the majority – that is America will prevail.   We just don’t live in the scummy cities.   But our voices are quiet. For now.

President Trump vs. Reagan: More Similar Than You Think

I keep reading and hearing people defend that they are Reagan conservatives, as though that clarifies the divide between President Trump and the good guy, Reagan.   So I thought it would be fun to create a comparison of their policies as President to see just how they rank.   It should be noted that Reagan was a Democrat before he became a Republican… just like Trump, so let’s start by putting that one to rest:

REAGAN Policies:

  1. Reagan:   “Send the welfare bums back to work”…
  2. Reagan:   Student anti-establishment protests – Reagan brought in the National Guard – his commentary, “If it takes a bloodbath, let’s get it over with”.
  3. Reagan:   In 1967 he signed the Therapeutic Abortion Bill as governor of California. He claimed later it was one of his biggest regrets.
  4. Reagan: Repealed a law allowing public carry of a loaded weapon
  5. Reagan: As President his platform was; lower taxes, les government, increase state’s rights, and a strong national defense. That year, the Republicans had a Senate majority and the Democrats had a House majority.
  6. Reagan’s first speech as President he stated, “…government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.”
  7. Reagan advocated ‘peace thru strength’.
  8. Reagan lowered both the corporate and individual tax rates, created the Job Training Program, cut the budgets of Medicaid, food stamps, the EPA and many other non-defense government agencies.   He repealed the Windfall Profit Tax which curbed the US ability to become oil independent.

His term was mired in the Iran hostage crisis, the Savings & Loan crisis, and a rising national debt.   During Reagan’s era, Russia was the Soviet Union under the thumb of Marxist/Leninist rule.   Abolishing all forms of communism and Marxism became a fixation.

Reagan deployed the CIA in Afghanistan to derail the Soviet occupation.   The CIA covertly began an alliance with the Iranian government. Reagan invaded Lebanon, Libya and Grenada. He was instrumental in the fall of the Cold War and the Marxist regime that controlled East Berlin and the Soviet Union.

  1. Reagan signed the Immigration Reform Act, which made it illegal for businesses to knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
  2. Lastly, during Reagan’s tenure he appointed 83 judges to the court of appeals and 290 judges to US district courts. He appointed the first African-American, Clarence Pendleton Jr. to chair the US Commission on Civil Rights who claimed the comparable worth proposal (individuals in the same workplace be given equal pay) was “Looney Tunes”.

TRUMP Policies:

  1. Send the bums back to work welfare reform
  2. Lower taxes for both individuals and corporations.
  3. Increase Defense, but remain peaceful.
  4. Reduce federal government oversight and control
  5. Defund federal moneys for abortion
  6. Cut the budgets of non-defense programs such as food stamps, welfare, EPA, and duplicate Medicaid programs.
  7. Defend against the rise of Marxist and Socialist attitudes in the US.
  8. Bring offshore corporations back to the US.
  9. Reduce the trade deficit run by China since 1975.
  10. Reduce the trade deficit with our European ‘allies’.
  11. Advance detente with North Korea to stem the threat of nuclear war.
  12. Overhaul the CIA and FBI as they grew rogue.
  13. Stem the illegal invasion of our borders
  14. Fund Autism CARES Act
  15. Advance veteran care and hospital facilities
  16. etc…etc…etc…


In fact, Trump’s policies are more similar to Reagan’s than most realize.   Policies and Actions are why we have a President.   People on the right who oppose Trump generally cite his ‘moral character’.   In order to have a religious leader dictate our presidency we would essentially return our country to monarchial rule. We established the US as a means of relinquishing that British power module.

We have church leaders to lead our churches and congregations in a moral line of law.   But our churches are mired in their own disintegrating protocols wherein pornography and sexual abuse are rampant.

There is no such thing as human perfection. And yet it would seem to be the cry of the naysayers who demand President Trump be someone else.   Instead of focusing on accomplishments – which are vast – they focus on a negative, something, anything to support an ideology of failure which is really a reflection on the person’s character – and not on President Trump.   They are the people who don’t see a glass half full – in fact, they don’t even see the glass.

Google, Hollywood, and High School Dropouts Descend on Italy to Solve Climate Change…

The UK’s Independent media is highlighting a story on Honduras. The point of the story is a lament because all the able bodied men have left the country while women, young children, and old men are all that are left to manage the towns and eek a living.   They discuss how the migration has increased dramatically over the last two years and the impact this has left as entire townships are deserted unable to survive.

Of course, these statements would verify all things Trump.

The vast majority of migrants storming the US border are men, not the poor women and children that the media would like us to believe.   Villages without men will ultimately die.   The reasoning given for the mass exodus? Climate Change. Of course.

The added spice? It’s all Trump’s fault. Of course.

But Honduras’ ails have been on-going for decades and can be attributed to an arena of causal factors:

Honduras has been a tourist destination for decades despite the rise in crime and internal poverty.   With some of the world’s best beaches, fabulous snorkeling, rain forests, a barrier reef, Mayan ruins, and flora, it has been a tourist haven for Canadians, Mexicans, Americans, and Europeans.  However, as the gang warfare escalated, eliminating those elements became a challenge.

Although Honduras has abundant natural resources including; minerals, coffee, tropical fruit, sugar cane and textiles, those industries were not properly managed by the government resulting in land degradation, soil erosion, deforestation, loss of rain forests, and mining that has resulted in heavy metal pollution in freshwater and rivers.

Giving the government more money, handing out free meals, and aiding and abetting the constant flow of immigration of the working age male population to the US will NOT solve their vast problems. Nor will blaming Climate Change, ICE, or Trump eradicate the devastation.

Nor will talking about it endlessly.

And yet, Google is hosting a Climate Event in Sicily wherein hundreds of private jets, exquisite yachts and helicopters transport the pretty people, many of whom are endowed with the intellectual education of their GED, to solve the global Climate Change agenda. While Google reports the camp is to be a “meeting of the minds” between technology giants, powerful business owners, and others who are known to be global thought leaders, one conspicuous absence would be, Jeffrey Epstein.  He was typically the party favor man providing the entertainment…

In essence, the ‘camp’ would seem to be nothing more than a frivolous Hollywood tete a tete to see who can look the prettiest.

The who’s-who list of billionaires attending the posh event at an opulent hotel include; Obama, Prince Harry, Katy Perry, Zuckerberg, Bradley Cooper, Tom Cruise, etc…etc…etc.. ad nauseum.  Oddly, the list would seem vacuous with regard to actual scientific brainiacs.

Literally, none of these attendees have any scientific knowledge, bioscience knowledge, or any education whatsoever in a field remotely connected with Climate Shifts. But they do share a common Liberal hatred of all things Trump and the Trump Effect in the US, UK, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Austria.

Of course, the sheer magnitude of all these highly notable GED billionaires requires massive security likely equipped with Glocks, SIG Sauers, P90 Submachine guns, Remingtons, etc… to protect their prettiness while spewing kilo’s of carbon footprints.

I’m sure we will also be privy to their assorted designer cloches, Milan shoes, and champagne, caviar and lobster tastebuds. The cost?   Likely could support every Honduran citizen for the next five years.

Some ‘scientists’ estimate that 100,000 kilograms of CO2 will be vaped into the air and atmosphere as a result of this singular meeting.

I imagine Honduras will be on the list of topics given that a reinstatement of its pristine vacationland could be fast tracked as the pouring of male gang members equipped with debit cards, cell phones, new clothing, and cash, hijack US borders, leaving the women and children to work the resorts.

It is estimated that over a million Hondurans live in the US. Unfortunately, it is an estimate because most of them are without Visa’s living in the US illegally.   While no one denies the poverty and crime in Honduras, the solutions should never include leaving your wife and children to save yourself.  Imagine if these same million strong able bodied men sought to instead reconstruct their country?

What a novel idea.

Syria is an interesting example of such nationalism as they rebuild with fierce conviction and amazing craftsmanship from nothing but rubble.  And while many hundreds of thousands of Syrians have requested to return to their country from Germany, Merkel has denied that levy, because, well, that would devastate her agenda  of destroying Germany before she resigns and moves to – Honduras…

Close The Mexican Border?

While many are laughing, hardiharhar, about the loss of avocado’s in the US should we close the US/Mexican border, the much larger component is actually “Auto Parts”.

Mexico is the largest source and recipient of US auto parts, accounting for roughly 1/3 of all US import parts, and export parts.   Should the US choose to close the border, those parts would then need to be contracted through Canada and China.  While it is possible, the downtime until the new contracts could be filled could be devastating to the auto industry.   The value of the trade parts?   $83 billion!    By comparison, the combined total value of China and Canada’s share is roughly $67.5 billion.

And therein lies the real rub.

While the US is negligent to report on the Mexican business opinion regarding the exploitation of our border, estimates reveal that businesses are losing upwards of $800 million per day due to border crossing delays.

And those businesses are fervently pressuring the Mexican President to cut a deal with Trump.

But Mexico’ woes are not only relegated to a failing agreement over illegal crossings, they are overwhelmed by cartels, drug lords, a failing/falling tourism industry, blockades, caravan costs, unemployment, and rising crime.   And yet, amidst all this decline, in order to attract police who fear hourly for their assassination, the government is providing them with Mustangs, Corvettes and Cadillacs.


Refurbished cartel confiscations, instead of putting the vehicles up for auction as they do in the US, Mexico simply repaints them and uses them for police.  Brilliant!

It is not unlike the notion thrown about in the blogosphere that the US use el Chapo’s money to fund the wall.

According to the UK’s Independent, Trump just doesn’t understand ‘Trade’.   But of course the writer, Carli Pierson, does.   A NY lawyer who resides in Mexico, and self professed adherent of Islamic Studies, Ms Pierson writes that Trump’s policies highlight his lack of humanitarianism and declares that most of the migrants are attempting to cross legally…   What????

When did Trump take office? How many migrants were turned away before Trump?

Here is an interesting statistic:  The number of migrants apprehended by border patrol agents per year peaked during – the Clinton Administration.   Based on current numbers the apprehensions were 19times greater during Clinton’s regime, and 58% higher during Obama’s.   This coincides with the incredible hike in deportations that began in the early 1990’s and has peaked each year since.  It is a crisis that has been perpetuated and is now being supplanted by NGO’s, Catholic churches, and corrupt governments.

While the heartstrings would have us believe that children are the mainstay of illegals, it should be noted that a)  children are the source of the sex trade hosted by the worst of the worst,  b)   as with the EU, a 47 year old ‘child refugee’ was recently identified via medical examination,   c)  the immigrants are no longer from Central America, they are from a host of Middle eastern and Asian countries. Meaning someone has to sponsor their travel…

Who could possibly be providing them with plane fare, boat fare, food, clothing, prepaid cellphones, and housing?   Of course it is a rhetorical question.   And the Red Cross, Oxfam, Catholic Diocese, the Vatican, and Open Society Foundation are the largess proponents of this design.

The very non-independent Independent UK discusses how Trump demonizes asylum seekers amid claims of racism….  But the claims somehow ignore the fact that Obama’s stats were far greater…  a black man.   It also fails to address the numerous presidents who made lavish claims against immigration for the last 50+ years.   So how is it that Trump is suddenly the causal factor after two years?

Because he is a threat to the Cabal and Swamp.  And he is winning.

End of discussion.

The final pronouncement of the Mueller Investigation has derailed what was seen as a fait accompli!  And The Art Of War has obviously been ignored and/or renounced:   “Never underestimate your opponent”.

Trump is working diligently For The People.   The Cabal is working diligently For The Cabal.  Those within the Cabal are wealthy elite, who desire a radical depopulation agenda, so as to gird the population into a workable corral wherein the sheep can be herded by Llama’s, wolves, and camels.  

If that is your desire and life for your children – hey that’s your opinion.  It just isn’t mine.

UN Migration Pact: Ponzi Scam

While speaking before the UN General Assembly, Germany’s Merkel made an interesting announcement:  If 2/3rds of the UN member states, totaling 193, vote for the Migration Pact, then The Pact will be adopted for ALL member states and will become legally binding.   To date, there are not nearly enough countries that have opted out.  Therefore, the only way to not be subject to the law of the Pact, would be to completely drop out of the UN.  There are only three countries that are non-members:  Vatican City, Kosovo, and Palestine.

On December 19th, the final vote will determine whether this Migration rule of law will proceed.

The legal issue is inserted because of the new definition of migration – Human Right.  Therefore, while the pact loosely states it is non-binding, in fact the rule of law would pursue a violation of Human Rights against a country that does not comply.   Brought before the International Criminal Court, the UN and its court can recommend sanctions, and demand reparations for ‘victims’.  Acting as a mega-NGO, the UN could create a class-action of migrants that were disallowed into states that refused, and order those UN member states to pay off the migrant for violating his/her Human Right to migrate.

In addition, anyone, including the media, who thereafter references ‘illegal migration’ can be charged with criminal hate speech and subject to jail and fines.

A few days ago, the Leader of the latest Mexican Caravan demanded $50,000 for every migrant that came to Tijuana and was not permitted into the US.  Currently, that would be considered extortion.  Under ICC law, the UN could impose those fees and redefine them as reparation once the Migration Pact becomes law.

The members this UN/NGO would likely target first would be those who refused to sign;  US, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Israel, Switzerland, and Slovakia.

While the Pact claims to be non-binding, the UN gives itself the power to ‘collectively manage’ migration for all countries so as to protect human rights whereby ‘illegal’ immigration no longer exists as borders are open to anyone and everyone.  While the UN claims that member states must still ‘manage borders in an integrated, secure and coordinated manner,” and to ‘increase legal certainty and predictability of migration procedures,’ they are assuring that they, the UN, have no monetary responsibility to assure that borders are orderly.  Nor will they have any financial responsibility to send immigrants to their designated country, those costs would be born by the country’s taxpayers.

Both the Pope and the UN Special Rapporteur, Felipe Morales, have stated that the US needs to buck up and take in anyone and everyone or face charges… given security should not over-shadow Human Rights.

Bottom Line:  this is classic legal double-speak which means that a country is not bound to accept immigrants, however, if they don’t, they may be subject to Criminal Human Rights Violation Charges by the ICC and subject to whatever monetary and other outcomes this court determines.

UN Migration Pact: Global Order By UN

On December 10 and 11 the world governments will come together to sign the UN Migration Pact. So far the US, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Israel, Australia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Italy have withdrawn approval.  Why?

The Pact is an ongoing attempt to globalize governments into the rule of International Law whereby decisions are arbitrated on behalf of a country given “no state can address migration alone”.   Further, the Pact states that data collection will become a strategized goal whereby a global programme will determine a countries national capacity. This data will be reviewed by the UN Statistical Commission annually in cooperation with the World Bank Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development.  Migration will no longer be classified as having a refugee status, all migrants will be created equal.  And all arms will point back to the global powerhead – the UN!

Within this Migration Pact, the 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development will be forefront.  Migration as a result of Climate Change will ensure the human rights of those affected taking in recommendations from ‘state-led’ consultants.  In so doing all immigrants will receive a work permit, a certificate of nationality, counseling, legal guidance on their rights according to International Law, gender responsive support, training, and a job.  As their Human Right.

As Africa sees mass exodus as a direct result of these freebies, African states will likely be more vulnerable and subject to takeover.  Land grabs will be more prolific and Green Climate Funds derived from the Paris Accord will suddenly make sense in their diversion.  Full circle to a Continent untapped and in need of vast infrastructure improvement in order to adequately cultivate those resources.  Ta-Da – Africa Couped!

In the meantime, the UN will extend their arm of Global Leader.  The division of Africa will come under the control and mandate of the UN, and those with insider rule will WIN.

As of 2015, the countries whose ODA (Official Development Assistance) was concentrated in Africa include: Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, and Iceland. The US contributed the greatest dollar amount covering 30% of all contributions to Africa.

The 2030 Agenda, which is lovingly referred to as the New Agenda, states that the means of implementation of a Utopian world will only be able to be accomplished via a ‘Global Partnership’ whereby global solidarity is paramount.  The New Agenda lays out The Addis Ababa Action Agenda as the means to finance the litany of Agendas:    “…a commitment to a new ‘social compact’ in which countries commit to set up social protection systems, with national spending targets for essential services like health and education. If countries cannot funds these through domestic resources, the international community pledges to provide international assistance.

Countries also agreed to work together to fund infrastructure for energy, transport, and water and sanitation, as well as step-up investments in agriculture and nutrition. There was also a commitment to establish a ‘facilitation mechanism’ to promote innovation and scientific cooperation, identify technology needs and gaps, and support capacity building on technology.” 

Countries will fund these Agendas by committing a percentage of Gross National Income.

Of course, the biggest issue in implementing Addis Ababa was Tax.  Therefore, the UN created a new programme entitled, Tax Inspectors Without Borders.   They will help countries to collect and audit the implemented tax that will fund the fund that funds that funds the fund within the ODA fund that gives the money to recreate Africa after all the mass exodus of natives and their relocation with freebies across the EU, North and South America.

As of 2018, these Tax Inspectors managed to raise $414 million.

Given that by simple Geographics the EU is the closest land mass for the African exodus, a quota that includes all countries across the globe is necessary in order to disperse according to the UN’s determination of  ‘capacity’.   Guidelines will map global sites of entry and the UN will determine the welfare administration of these displaced migrants.

Currently, war and conflicts have been the primary means of achieving exodus.  But this was based on refugee status and excluded simple immigrants. These UN provisions would alter that censorship of migration and Open Borders to all.   It extends the global power hold that the UN has been ramping up for decades within a body that grossly mismanages its own funds according to their latest audit, is mired in sex trafficking, rape and sexual assaults in Africa, and seems to in reality have ‘accomplished’ nothing other than to hold countless discussions and make empty meaningless promises.

The New World Order is under the gun and fighting a ravage brawl in its home base of Germany.   You just can’t make this stuff up!

All of this is being done in the name of “Mother Earth”, according to the UN.  Scottie beam me aboard the Mother Ship – NOW!

Immigration: A History Lesson

There are Seven major conflicts going on in Africa right now – and the media is silent.   All involve some form of ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Boko Haram. The death toll is well over 400,000 – in Sudan alone – and the media hasn’t uttered a peep.  The war in Myanmar has been ongoing since 1948, Somali since 1991, Nigeria since 1998 and Mali since 2002.   The war in Afghanistan remains as the largest number of casualties cumulatively at over 2,000,000 and for 2018 – 36,000.  And not a peep out of the media.  Instead they focus on Trump’s Tweets and Melania’s Christmas decorations and a faded prostitute who can’t pay her bills.

In Myanmar, like Syria, the number of small fragmented opposition armies are disjointed and their affiliation a veritable guessing game, however China would appear to be the largest outside player which is likely why no one else wants to become involved.

In 1992, the UN attempted to integrate into the Somalia conflict only to run home a beleaguered failure after suffering significant casualties by 1995.  Never returning.  In 2006, Islam entered the territory and became the defacto Rebel Group in the form of Al-Shabaab, Al-Qaeda and ISIL.  The UN attempted to integrate Muslims into the government in 2009 as a means of peace, but the people revolted and war re-erupted.

Most of the wars have a similar core – Islam.

And still, the UN decries – integration as the answer.

The immigrant invasions precipitated by the Huns and other barbarians ended with the conquest of Rome and ultimately led to The Fall Of The Roman Empire sometime between 450 and 500 AD.   Mismanagement allowed the invasions.  Ultimately, The Fall ushered in The Dark Ages of chaos, death, famine and disease.

The Turkic people of Asia, Europe and North Africa were forced into migration during the rise of Islam under Muhammad between the 6thand 11thcenturies.  Chaos ensued.

In the 19thcentury over 50 million people fled the horrors of Europe and settled in the US as a result of migrant chaos.

Migration has seen the collapse of entire societies.  When migrants from Europe began to descend on the US, they came through Ellis Island where they were required to submit to a health examination, legal checks to assure they were not criminals, and a head tax.  The Immigration Act of 1891 stated that persons likely to become public charges, persons suffering from certain contagious disease, felons, persons convicted of other crimes or misdemeanors, polygamists, aliens assisted by others by payment of passage would not be admitted.  Those who did not comply with these rules were deported.

In 1870 Chinese immigrants were specifically not allowed, only white and blacks were allowed per the Naturalization Act.  In 1901 the Anarchist Exclusion Act allowed for the prohibition of an immigrant based on their political beliefs.  And in 1907 American women were prohibited from bringing foreign men nto the US as citizens based on marriage.

The Italian Mafia immigrated to the US from Sicily during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Settling in New York and other major cities on the east coast, they immediately banded to create controlled territories where racketeering, smuggling, fraud, money laundering, robbery, etc… were their mainstay.  They were – immigrants.

Migration caused the riff that is Islamic Pakistani’s vs. Buddhist and Hindu Indians.  It has NOT resolved.

The Bolsheviks, revolutionized under Lenin, were factioned in Switzerland and Germany while Lenin lived there, and founded the Marxist media outlet, “Forward”.  They followed him back to Russia wherein the Bloody Revolution was instituted and Russia fell to communist rule for decades.   Many if not most Bolsheviks – were immigrants.

For the media to continue to hail the fact that the US was built on immigration is censoring the entire story and virtually rewriting history.

Immigration has led to the fall of Empires since the beginning of history.  It has created massive wars, the death of millions, the destruction of homelands, and the loss of societal rule.

The UN and European governments are well aware of this fact and yet it would appear that despite history they embrace the absolute collapse of all of Europe in the coming future as cultures clash, crime spirals out of control, and the military and police are told by their governments to – stand down.  Rape is now considered a ‘cultural norm’ and dismissed.  Sharia Law is upheld.   Europe is facing a catastrophic fall parallel to The Great Fall of Rome.

And like every great historical collapse, it is not about The People – it is about a Revolution built on Communism/Socialism/Power and Evil.

Each successive US President has advocated for the same thing;  border wall, illegal stagnation, and retribution for those who attempt to circumvent US Law.  And somehow, Trump is the ‘demon’.   The reality is that Merkel, Macron and May have sold Europe to chaos.   I would venture, this is not the will of The People.  It is however, the will of the Government, and as such is being actioned.  To what gain?  TO the absolute fall of Europe as was historically The Fall Of Rome which ushered in a dark age, and the ultimate auto rule of The Vatican as Lord over Kings, Queens, and People.

It does not define the Catholic People, it defines a corrupt Vatican.   It does not define a Political People, it defines a corrupt government.  A corrupt power block.  And it is time, to take back our world.  It is time to shift the axis from the imbalance of evil and embrace – good.

Because in a universe that thrives on good and evil, sometimes, the balance skews.  Don’t give up.  It is more important than ever to fight!   Faith!  Hope!  We will Overcome!


Syrian Refugees Supported By Faith Based Organizations?

Eighty one religious groups including 11 Jewish organizations are all lobbying to have the Syrian refugees come ashore to the US. They say that 10,000 is nothing and they can easily be absorbed. Who are these faith based organizations the press keeps referring to?   World Relief, US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and The Church World Service.

The Church World Service: 64.4% of its funding comes from the US government. The CEO, Rev. John McCullough, served under President Obama on the White House Task Force on Global Poverty and Development. He is a leading advocate for giving amnesty to the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US. Why the ‘church’ would involve itself in politics at the White House level seems a conflict of interest.

World Relief: 76% of its funding came from the US government according to its 2014 990 tax return. It’s CEO, Stephan Bauman, has no other previous experience having come aboard in 2005 according to his Linkin profile. There agenda is immigration.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops: An NGO – 60.7% of its funding is from the US government. Another 17% is from investments on its assets.  This organization is not run by any member of the clergy, they are businessmen and women.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: Current CEO, Linda Hartke, is formerly a Director from – Church World Service. They beat out all the above with 96.7% of funding coming from the US government aka, the White House, aka, Obama.

Obviously these organizations are not truly churches supporting the influx of Syrian refugees, they are non-profit NGO’s with an agenda and all have these common characteristics:

  1. They state that their primary objective is to bring in more immigrants and grant immunity to the illegal ones currently in the US.
  2. They receive more than 60% of their funding from the US government.
  3. They manage multi million dollar funds – $57 to $130 million annually.
  4. They have a conflict of interest by claiming they support the White House agenda for immigration.
  5. These organizations do not represent people, they represent the White House.

While the House voted to ‘suspend’ the refugee relocation, the key word is suspend, not eradicate. Timing is everything. Prudence is everything. If in fact these refugees are vetted through a two year process as the White House has stated on numerous occasions, they can wait a bit longer given the circumstances. To provide some perspective, the Hispanic and Asian immigrants never sought to behead or annihilate all ‘westerners’. And with ISIS continuing to assert it will infiltrate the US, ISIS coming from the Middle East and Africa, it would serve to preserve lives to put a ‘stay’ and observe caution.

In addition, while Canada and the US make the claim that only women and children will be allowed, previous reports have all stated that the influx was predominantly men who claimed to leave their wives, sisters and mothers in their home country where they would be ‘safer’. So if their home country is safer for the women and children, who is coming here? And what are they fleeing if safety is not an issue?

And let’s not forget! The 10,000 number that is being tossed about so easily is in addition to the already 75,000 annually. Over 1.5 million potential terrorists are already being tracked in the US. Should we just arbitrarily add to that number? Is that a prudent measure of maintaining US safety and security? Is that what a Commander in Chief thinks of this country? Despite claims there are no ‘credible’ threats in the US, we brace. We wait.

And to say that we are not different, we are not changed – is ridiculously pathetic. We ARE changed – forever. I remember what flying used to be like. I remember what airports used to look like. I remember when the news was about the economy, not the annihilation of a country. I remember when beheadings were something of the sixteenth century. I remember when I wasn’t warning my children about being in malls, civic centers, sporting arenas, etc…

YES, we are changed and it is ridiculously irresponsible to say we are not.