UN Migration Pact: Global Order By UN

On December 10 and 11 the world governments will come together to sign the UN Migration Pact. So far the US, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Israel, Australia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Switzerland and Italy have withdrawn approval.  Why?

The Pact is an ongoing attempt to globalize governments into the rule of International Law whereby decisions are arbitrated on behalf of a country given “no state can address migration alone”.   Further, the Pact states that data collection will become a strategized goal whereby a global programme will determine a countries national capacity. This data will be reviewed by the UN Statistical Commission annually in cooperation with the World Bank Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development.  Migration will no longer be classified as having a refugee status, all migrants will be created equal.  And all arms will point back to the global powerhead – the UN!

Within this Migration Pact, the 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development will be forefront.  Migration as a result of Climate Change will ensure the human rights of those affected taking in recommendations from ‘state-led’ consultants.  In so doing all immigrants will receive a work permit, a certificate of nationality, counseling, legal guidance on their rights according to International Law, gender responsive support, training, and a job.  As their Human Right.

As Africa sees mass exodus as a direct result of these freebies, African states will likely be more vulnerable and subject to takeover.  Land grabs will be more prolific and Green Climate Funds derived from the Paris Accord will suddenly make sense in their diversion.  Full circle to a Continent untapped and in need of vast infrastructure improvement in order to adequately cultivate those resources.  Ta-Da – Africa Couped!

In the meantime, the UN will extend their arm of Global Leader.  The division of Africa will come under the control and mandate of the UN, and those with insider rule will WIN.

As of 2015, the countries whose ODA (Official Development Assistance) was concentrated in Africa include: Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, and Iceland. The US contributed the greatest dollar amount covering 30% of all contributions to Africa.

The 2030 Agenda, which is lovingly referred to as the New Agenda, states that the means of implementation of a Utopian world will only be able to be accomplished via a ‘Global Partnership’ whereby global solidarity is paramount.  The New Agenda lays out The Addis Ababa Action Agenda as the means to finance the litany of Agendas:    “…a commitment to a new ‘social compact’ in which countries commit to set up social protection systems, with national spending targets for essential services like health and education. If countries cannot funds these through domestic resources, the international community pledges to provide international assistance.

Countries also agreed to work together to fund infrastructure for energy, transport, and water and sanitation, as well as step-up investments in agriculture and nutrition. There was also a commitment to establish a ‘facilitation mechanism’ to promote innovation and scientific cooperation, identify technology needs and gaps, and support capacity building on technology.” 

Countries will fund these Agendas by committing a percentage of Gross National Income.

Of course, the biggest issue in implementing Addis Ababa was Tax.  Therefore, the UN created a new programme entitled, Tax Inspectors Without Borders.   They will help countries to collect and audit the implemented tax that will fund the fund that funds that funds the fund within the ODA fund that gives the money to recreate Africa after all the mass exodus of natives and their relocation with freebies across the EU, North and South America.

As of 2018, these Tax Inspectors managed to raise $414 million.

Given that by simple Geographics the EU is the closest land mass for the African exodus, a quota that includes all countries across the globe is necessary in order to disperse according to the UN’s determination of  ‘capacity’.   Guidelines will map global sites of entry and the UN will determine the welfare administration of these displaced migrants.

Currently, war and conflicts have been the primary means of achieving exodus.  But this was based on refugee status and excluded simple immigrants. These UN provisions would alter that censorship of migration and Open Borders to all.   It extends the global power hold that the UN has been ramping up for decades within a body that grossly mismanages its own funds according to their latest audit, is mired in sex trafficking, rape and sexual assaults in Africa, and seems to in reality have ‘accomplished’ nothing other than to hold countless discussions and make empty meaningless promises.

The New World Order is under the gun and fighting a ravage brawl in its home base of Germany.   You just can’t make this stuff up!

All of this is being done in the name of “Mother Earth”, according to the UN.  Scottie beam me aboard the Mother Ship – NOW!

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