Close The Mexican Border?

While many are laughing, hardiharhar, about the loss of avocado’s in the US should we close the US/Mexican border, the much larger component is actually “Auto Parts”.

Mexico is the largest source and recipient of US auto parts, accounting for roughly 1/3 of all US import parts, and export parts.   Should the US choose to close the border, those parts would then need to be contracted through Canada and China.  While it is possible, the downtime until the new contracts could be filled could be devastating to the auto industry.   The value of the trade parts?   $83 billion!    By comparison, the combined total value of China and Canada’s share is roughly $67.5 billion.

And therein lies the real rub.

While the US is negligent to report on the Mexican business opinion regarding the exploitation of our border, estimates reveal that businesses are losing upwards of $800 million per day due to border crossing delays.

And those businesses are fervently pressuring the Mexican President to cut a deal with Trump.

But Mexico’ woes are not only relegated to a failing agreement over illegal crossings, they are overwhelmed by cartels, drug lords, a failing/falling tourism industry, blockades, caravan costs, unemployment, and rising crime.   And yet, amidst all this decline, in order to attract police who fear hourly for their assassination, the government is providing them with Mustangs, Corvettes and Cadillacs.


Refurbished cartel confiscations, instead of putting the vehicles up for auction as they do in the US, Mexico simply repaints them and uses them for police.  Brilliant!

It is not unlike the notion thrown about in the blogosphere that the US use el Chapo’s money to fund the wall.

According to the UK’s Independent, Trump just doesn’t understand ‘Trade’.   But of course the writer, Carli Pierson, does.   A NY lawyer who resides in Mexico, and self professed adherent of Islamic Studies, Ms Pierson writes that Trump’s policies highlight his lack of humanitarianism and declares that most of the migrants are attempting to cross legally…   What????

When did Trump take office? How many migrants were turned away before Trump?

Here is an interesting statistic:  The number of migrants apprehended by border patrol agents per year peaked during – the Clinton Administration.   Based on current numbers the apprehensions were 19times greater during Clinton’s regime, and 58% higher during Obama’s.   This coincides with the incredible hike in deportations that began in the early 1990’s and has peaked each year since.  It is a crisis that has been perpetuated and is now being supplanted by NGO’s, Catholic churches, and corrupt governments.

While the heartstrings would have us believe that children are the mainstay of illegals, it should be noted that a)  children are the source of the sex trade hosted by the worst of the worst,  b)   as with the EU, a 47 year old ‘child refugee’ was recently identified via medical examination,   c)  the immigrants are no longer from Central America, they are from a host of Middle eastern and Asian countries. Meaning someone has to sponsor their travel…

Who could possibly be providing them with plane fare, boat fare, food, clothing, prepaid cellphones, and housing?   Of course it is a rhetorical question.   And the Red Cross, Oxfam, Catholic Diocese, the Vatican, and Open Society Foundation are the largess proponents of this design.

The very non-independent Independent UK discusses how Trump demonizes asylum seekers amid claims of racism….  But the claims somehow ignore the fact that Obama’s stats were far greater…  a black man.   It also fails to address the numerous presidents who made lavish claims against immigration for the last 50+ years.   So how is it that Trump is suddenly the causal factor after two years?

Because he is a threat to the Cabal and Swamp.  And he is winning.

End of discussion.

The final pronouncement of the Mueller Investigation has derailed what was seen as a fait accompli!  And The Art Of War has obviously been ignored and/or renounced:   “Never underestimate your opponent”.

Trump is working diligently For The People.   The Cabal is working diligently For The Cabal.  Those within the Cabal are wealthy elite, who desire a radical depopulation agenda, so as to gird the population into a workable corral wherein the sheep can be herded by Llama’s, wolves, and camels.  

If that is your desire and life for your children – hey that’s your opinion.  It just isn’t mine.

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