Biden’s Handler May Be Bloomberg –

Two of the world’s Largess polluters and wealthiest white men are working for Climate Change:   Michael Bloomberg as UN special envoy, and John Kerry as US WH envoy.   Both fly frequent flyer mileage – aka their private gas guzzling jets which produce a footprint 625x that of one car in any given year. Each.   In addition, each consumes a relevant housing footprint equal to roughly 30x the average homeowner in the US given multiple properties.   But when the true value is organized, the Climate Change Agenda in terms of stock valuations is considered to be worth – trillions.  

For two of the wealthiest across the globe the obvious question is why?   Why do you want MORE money?   What does it do for you?   Obviously you are bored.   Obviously your life is worthless unless you continue to rape and pillage.

But ultimately, one has to come to terms.   While neither of these pillagers are religious, and therefore do not answer to God, it is noticeable that pictures depict very ‘unhappy men’.   Why then would you continue a path that has no value – even to your own conscious life?

It is quite possible that it is Bloomberg, not Obama, pulling the Biden marionette strings.   Obama is the deflection or decoy.   But a picture unveiled by The Gateway Pundit in March 2021 would seem to be that of – Bloomberg, rallying Kamaltoes and Bidenhose as they completely derail the US economy.

Janet Yellen has declared that mobilizing the private sector on Climate Change is essential.   Why?   Because the private sector controls the money.   The governments do the bidding of the private sector.   And the money is generated by global corporate manipulation.

After the ‘virtual’ Climate Summit, that was so incredibly boring I turned it off after 5 minutes, John Kerry stated that although it is an impossibility, but if the US and China, the two largest global CO2 emitters, were to have zero emissions, it would not even dent Climate Change.   I’m not sure, but I imagine many cringed as he made the statement because it foretells a ‘lost cause’.   And a Lost Cause will not generate the illusion of saving the world!

But then Kerry, like Biden, is in his latter years of 70 and may have a bit of commonality in the reign of – dementia.   As in oops I didn’t mean to say that, where is the delete button…

Why is it that the supposed ‘powerhouses’ in our government are so ‘old’?     Soros is 90+.   He isn’t making policy!   He can barely brush his teeth!    But decades ago, he was pronounced, appointed, as the scapegoat of all things Cabal.   By contrast, Michael Bloomberg would seem to prefer anonymity.   Allowing him to be the puppet master behind Biden while the deflection is to attack Obama as the ‘race provocateur’…

Bloomberg’s abject failure of a presidential run had to be an ego killer.   The notion that a brain-dead person would win has to be even more of an ego denouncement – unless it was the only way for Bloomberg to RULE.   But in their world – ego – is everything, and ultimately Bloomberg will want to take a bow.

That would preserve Bloomberg’s ego.

Because as Jen Pissy put it when justifying government breaking the rules they institute as mandates among the peasants – there is a special status for government, governors, mayors, and the like that overrules that of the “ordinary people”…

The ever-boring virtual Climate Summit did reveal one grandiose sentiment;   They want more money!   Lots of more money!   While never really specifying why… Given none of the Paris Accord Green Fund actually funds anything Green, the Agenda is an illusion, however the concept of a formidable ‘event’ would seem more plausible.

It would make sense that the master puppeteer behind Biden was Bloomberg.   It would make sense that Obama was 3rd or 4th tier.   Obama obviously never made his own decisions but parlayed what was told to him.   Obama hasn’t the intellect nor the military acumen.   He is and always will be the Hollywood playboy.   He was created by McKinsey and Company.   A prop.   While the media repeatedly reveal Biden’s appointees were Obamas, one would have to assume Obama made ANY appointments.   Which I seriously doubt. Creation of a politician’s persona is their main protocol behind McKinsey.   Much like My Fair Lady.  Creation of their Cabinet – is a scripted patented production effort.

It would appear that most of those ‘picks’ were chosen for their lack of intellect – possibly making them clearly puppets as well, easily molded, silenced, and installed in a corner while the World Turns.

So, given Bloomberg is the voice and arm behind Biden, it is worth a moment to observe what Michael advocated when running for President:

Certainly he was all things pro-China, and all things anti-Russia.   Obvious.   But when reviewing his plans as set forth during his brief tenure as a Presidential candidate, they would seem to be lock-step with what Biden is implementing vis-a-vis Executive Order:   increase taxes, surtax on millionaires, free college education, student loan forgiveness, increase minimum wage to $15, Universal Healthcare, and a $1 trillion expenditure on ‘infrastructure’.   Electric vehicles for all, reinstalling the Climate Paris Accord agreement, etc…  THESE were ALL Bloomberg’s platforms!

Does all of this begin to sound familiar?

IF Agenda 2030 is not about Climate Change…   IF it is not about a Cabal Power Grab…  What would be the impetus for reiterating this illusion?   Could the New World Order be about the introduction of technological advancements beyond our comprehension?   Containment of human population in localized cities?   Extermination of the weak, old and immune compromised?

Biden has stated that the UFO report commissioned by President Trump will be released to the public this June.   Perhaps this report will provide more answers to the illusion we have been fed for centuries.   The extermination of past societies, the placebo’s of Big Pharmaceuticals, and a powerless government that is controlled by forces we have yet to meet.

It would appear that Bloomberg and Kerry’s mission has nothing to do with Climate Change, and everything to do with ‘preparations’.

The first recorded UFO sighting was actually 1440 BC.


The Illusion of the Deep State Matrix: An Elite Parlor Game

Whether writing history or rewriting history, as we watch and listen to the perceptions being parlayed today and yesteryear the very truth of history begins to form a colossal doubt.

Our overly lauded science community residing in the House of WHO and CDC have long labeled every number – an estimate.   Yet, they present these guesstimates as fact.   Every statistic is created as a ‘best guess’ and always has been.   Census takers dating from 300 BC supposedly physically counted populations in the millions – which would have been physically impossible. But our history records it as so.

And the matrix opens to much more broader revelations as historians arbitrarily fill in blanks to ‘create’ a whole story.   Science creates entire dioramas of ancient life and with time, the verbiage is altered by one word – believe.

“Scientists ‘believe’ this is how the earth looked 1 million years ago.”

“Scientists ‘believe’ dinosaurs roamed the earth 450 million years ago.”

And suddenly with the elimination over time of this one word, Science and History evolve into an absolute instead of a philosophy of thought.

Much of our understanding of ancient history is attributed to accounts of storytelling attributable to a single person over a span of time which became the only written account.

Today there is no absolute count of the population of Africa.   There is no ability to determine the number of CoVid ‘cases or deaths’.   Yet the House of WHO will make a magical determination – and the non-critical thinkers will blindly accept.

The media created Bill Gates.   They have claimed he is brilliant, a scientist, a virologist, a philanthropist.   Yet, listening to countless speeches, ads, and videos, the man speaks on an 8th grade level.   Video’s from his testimony during the 1990’s reveals a man unable to comprehend simplistic questions.

The illusion – for critical thinkers – begins to fray.

Zuckerberg was brought before Harvard administrators for violating copyright and privacy security.   Meaning he hacked someone else’s work and claimed it was his construct.   Unlike 3 of the Facebook co-founders, Zuckerberg never graduated from college. When reviewing historical accounts of attribution of Facebook to Zuckerberg, the present written account has been altered to support Zuckerberg as the founder and his friends as joining him later. The original account did not make that representation.

Zuckerberg claims to be a co-founder of Breakthrough Starshot despite having no university degree, and no science background. In reality Starshot was founded by Steven Hawking and physicist Yuri Milner.   Zuckerberg apparently sits on the board.

And history is altered.

In testifying before congress in 2018, Zuckerberg used the magical word ‘believe’ to circumvent a question of breaching privacy.   He also stated that he and he alone created Facebook.

Is Zuckerberg a scientist or engineer?   No.   He did what Gates did, he capitalized on the knowledge of others much more capable and then eliminated them.   But the illusion remains that Zuckerberg has some indefinable Steven Hawking IQ.

Maxine Waters:   Her original biography has been extensively ‘rewritten’.   In 2005, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) declared Waters to be one the 13 most corrupt members of Congress.   Her original bio further states that she ‘attended’ LA State College and then between 1973 and 1990 – her bio was devoid of anything.

Her rewritten bio declares she received a Bachelors degree in Sociology before working as chief deputy for Councilman David Cunningham in 1973.  Subsequently,  she was elected to the California State Assembly in 1976.   Cunningham’s bio makes no mention of Maxine – and one would think that earlier bio’s would hail her election to State Assembly.

The altered version claims Waters represented California’s 48th District from 1976 to 1990, but the District wasn’t created until 1993 and is predominantly white Republican.

And the illusion is staged.  Albeit in this case rather messily.

Waters likely has no college degree, did not work for Councilman Cunningham, and was never an elected official of the California Assembly.

Ocasio Cortez:   Her bio states:  “In high school, she took part in the National Hispanic Institute‘s Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session. She later became the LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University. “

According to LDZ’s website – her school has never participated as a partner school and there is no secretary of state dedicated position. Nor is there any mention of her ‘involvement’ on their website.

A small planet/asteroid was awarded Ocasio in 2007 as a “finalist” in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. She claims she won second place.   According to the IAU, political leader’s names are considered ‘unsuitable’ unless the person has been dead for over 100 years. It appears that 2007 was the only year ALL finalists of that dedication were awarded.  Odd.

If her forte was science and engineering, why would she get “degrees” in ‘international relations and economics’?   She has tweeted that she started as a science major and subsequently switched – which would obviously mean she would need additional time to complete not just one degree, but two degrees as she claims.  Unless she was Steven Hawking.   In addition to the requirement in International Studies that the student study abroad, which she didn’t, a research paper is also required to be submitted to qualify as honors – none exists.

Ocasio claims she interned for Ted Kennedy while in college.  But Kennedy was rather busy having seizures, brain surgery, relocating to Florida, and dying during that same time.   Obviously the script writers were more than a bit negligent when creating Ocasio’s bio.

And then of course there is the oddity of her 7 years post 2 honorable degrees working as a bartender.

An illusion.

Obama refused to provide his Harvard or Columbia transcripts.   Were they an illusion as well?  Trudeau, Macron, their intellect seems devoid of – intellect.

Buying degrees, restating history, the world within the matrix of the liberal deep state leaves one in doubt of accepting any reality presented. But we know that the lies and deception are quite real as though this profound lack of truth is part of their training.   And little slips suddenly emerge as expansive canyons. The relevance is massively important given the extent to which truth can thus be obliterated.   And all of history, all of science, are suddenly falling off the precipice into the fiery pit of deception and illusion.

For all we know, our Congressional members and elites have little to no education, have rewritten their bio’s, and operate on completely faked, false and deceptive information.

What if Bill Gate’s IQ is actually 100?   And WHY would the shadows want such idiots in charge of wealth and power?

NIH and CDC: Funding Science Fiction via Globalization

NIH has an annual budget of $41.7 billion.   What exactly do American taxpayers get for their money?   Research.   Endless research with little results or changes.   “Science Driven HIV Research”.   Appropriating money for research over the next 7 years – because prior research wasn’t ‘science driven’.   “Experimental Vaccine For Tick Illness Effective in Macaques”.   Crimean Congo Tick Fever infects -0- people in the US annually.   “Commonly Used Antibiotic Shows Promise For Zika”.   There are -0- cases of Zika in the US.   “Decades of NIH Research Lead To Promising Treatment for Progeria”.   Progeria has affected 100 people worldwide since 1886.  

What The Heck?????

The 2020 budget included:   $291 million to support ending the HIV epidemic.   In 2018 the CDC claimed roughly 38,000 people were ‘diagnosed with HIV’ and that roughly 15,000 died from ANY CAUSE and also had an HIV diagnosis.  In other words it could be that -0- people died of HIV – the CDC just doesn’t know for sure.   The CDC can only ‘estimate’ their published numbers because they really don’t have any ‘science driven’ data – only guesses.   For that, we give the CDC $11.1 billion every year.

Despite their Budget labeling HIV as an ‘epidemic’, a paper released by NIH calls the HIV epidemic a pandemic and allocated $375.3 million for the first year to be divided among US and International institutions to conduct research over the next 7 years.

In essence, US taxpayers are paying for the vast majority of ALL global research.

Why?  Because ‘Science’ is part and parcel of the Great RESET.   Science, the theoretical philosophy, has been elevated to god-like proportions of fact and necessity.   The reality is far more devious.   Science is the global money pit.   Through the mazes of NGO’s, our money funds further ‘research’ that produces next to nothing.

Sierra Carter is an assistant psychology professor at Georgia State University. She was given grant money by NIH to study 800 black Americans over a period of 25 years beginning in 1998 – 12 years before she got her BA.   The purpose was to show that black Americans are sicker and die younger than white Americans because of racism.   Self reported questionnaires were utilized to determine stress and racist targeting.   She determined stree from racism was the primary cause of depression that resulted in health issues.

That is the entire extent of the study.   How much did that cost US taxpayers?

According to the very Propagandist Rothschildish outlet, The Economist, the life expectancy for blacks and whites is virtually the same.  Which would negate the entire study.

Within the CDC Budget, $40 million is allocated annually: “To enhance the ability of state, local, and territorial grantee capacity for detecting and responding to infectious diseases and other public health threats.”    I wonder what the states have been doing with this funding?

An additional $51 million is allocated “To improve linkages between the health care system and minority communities with unique social, economic, and cultural circumstances; and change the chronic disease conditions and risk factors in local communities.”

$324 million is spent to improve vaccination infrastructure.   $126 million is used to promote ‘tobacco awareness’ while only $73 million is spent on heart disease prevention efforts. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the US among all races.

NIH funding under the insulting title: A Plan For America – allocates $770 million to ‘combat Malaria in Africa’, $310 million for TB programs, and $102.5 million to combat neglected tropical diseases.   For a grand total just under $1.2 billion.   This is not a total number, it is an annual outlay!   Brilliant!

Annual Malaria deaths in the US are estimated by the CDC to be – 5.   TB deaths in the US have remained at a constant of just over 500 since 2007 – of course this is an estimate.  And last I checked, the US has no tropics from which to incur a tropical disease.

It is well past time to negate NIH and CDC federal funding completely and allow all funding to be private.   NGO’s should lose charitable status and be completely taxable entities.   And all the accumulated savings can be remit to the Social Security Fund!

As the US plays down its military presence across the globe having effectively subsidized Germany, and most of the EU for decades, so can our Health Agencies relinquish funding every other countries disease research.

Science has lost ALL incentive to cure anything. Research, endless research is the only means of guaranteeing an income.   And the outcome of the research is likely determined before the research begins – much like election polls.   And within that vein, science is not science at all it is the money pit that absorbs bounties of tax dollars while producing nothing.  

Post CoVid: The New Normal. Science Is The Illusion

Governors keep referencing “The New Normal” without expressly divulging what that means. I am reminded of the time when Hillary Clinton stated she was a ‘Progressive’ Democrat, but when asked to define what that meant – she actually didn’t know.

Obviously the phrase was coached – as is this one.

What could it mean?

Foremost, it would be the death of globalization as was being literally stuffed down our throats for decades.   In essence globalization was really meant to re-distribute wealth from middle-class to the poor while sustaining and growing elite wealth.   There was nothing terribly prudential in its goal other than a growing peasant class much like monarchial rule.  But that goal has already been achieved.

The ominous nature with which governments declare the ‘New Normal’ tells us that normal will not be allowed – ever again.

After 9-11, the New Normal consisted of security checks, baggage checks, and pat downs.   We followed like sheep caste under the sun waiting for a shepherd to right us.   But this New Normal would seem to be mandated in a way that abridged our Constitutional law with Executive Orders being utilized that are beyond the power and scope of authority – except that the authority to abridge was granted via Executive Order. Therefore Governors across the country claim it is legal.

While schools are locked down, Bill Gates is busily working with his failed Common Core conduits to expand a global unified online system.   The fact that college graduates can’t pass a 5th grade test from 100 years ago – is likely going to continue as the dummy-down rule is perpetuated.   Controlling the information, whether Gates is able to shutter home schooling as Germany did decades ago, will be a challenge.

It may be that students will congregate at specific sites, set down before a computer, log in and be remotely indoctrinated K-12.   But public schooling as it is now – will likely change dramatically under the New World Normal.

Large venues will be problematic.

Utilization of AI/Robotics will be mandated to ‘protect against disease’.   And in the Climate Change doctrine automobile travel may be restricted by implementation of a mileage calculator in every vehicle. When you exceed your allotment, your car won’t start.

The drone propaganda mechanizations will spew a constant chatter about protecting our climate and protecting our health. “Save A Life” – the mantra tool. Everything that is instilled will be for The Greater Good.

“The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.”

 As Karl Marx was fond of thrashing, “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”

While restaurants are being told that curb service will continue in Phase I, ultimately they will be ‘allowed’ 30% capacity regulations… Hotels?   And large venues such as movie theatres, sports events, and concerts may die a slow painful death.   Hollywood may slowly become woke to the fact that they are being effectively eliminated and helped to create that outcome.   By the time they awaken, it will be too late, and their very livelihood will no longer exist.   While they are a viable propaganda tools now due to their ignorance – they are ultimately expendable. A casualty of war.

In it’s original form, for thousands of years, science was considered a philosophy. In the 1920’s Logical Positivism emerged asserting that direct observation was proof positive and anything less was theory. The purpose of the movement was to legitimize science beyond philosophy – effectively a power move.   It was this movement that motivated Karl Popper, the mentor of George Soros.   Give Science power, create a secondary god, and the people will follow voluntarily believing that it represents fact instead of theory.

In fact, much of science is theory masquerading as fact.

Many scientists have manipulated this thought to achieve notoriety.   For example: if one begins with a theory and posits hundreds of facts on top of theory – this is now considered fact despite the truism that all facts built on sand, will ultimately crumble.  This Science Faith system has managed to upend every ethical, moral, and logical understanding – globally.

But Soros and his surrogate child Gates, would seem to have a maniacal view that Communism or Marxism, which are failed theories, when built upon like a Lego structure, with a hundred facts will somehow become – a fact.   When in fact this ‘theory’ is simply just a plastic Lego structure.

Imposing this concept of failed Science and failed philosophy on the globe, The Greater Good, has been their agenda for 50+ years and yet, the foundation of their theory is a house built on sand.

In the end – science cannot replicate the most basic of life forms – a seed.   So as to produce a flower, a scent, a beauty of nature.

Communism – Marxism – Science, they have nothing to do with fact – and everything to do with Control, Power, and Manipulation.