The Illusion of the Deep State Matrix: An Elite Parlor Game

Whether writing history or rewriting history, as we watch and listen to the perceptions being parlayed today and yesteryear the very truth of history begins to form a colossal doubt.

Our overly lauded science community residing in the House of WHO and CDC have long labeled every number – an estimate.   Yet, they present these guesstimates as fact.   Every statistic is created as a ‘best guess’ and always has been.   Census takers dating from 300 BC supposedly physically counted populations in the millions – which would have been physically impossible. But our history records it as so.

And the matrix opens to much more broader revelations as historians arbitrarily fill in blanks to ‘create’ a whole story.   Science creates entire dioramas of ancient life and with time, the verbiage is altered by one word – believe.

“Scientists ‘believe’ this is how the earth looked 1 million years ago.”

“Scientists ‘believe’ dinosaurs roamed the earth 450 million years ago.”

And suddenly with the elimination over time of this one word, Science and History evolve into an absolute instead of a philosophy of thought.

Much of our understanding of ancient history is attributed to accounts of storytelling attributable to a single person over a span of time which became the only written account.

Today there is no absolute count of the population of Africa.   There is no ability to determine the number of CoVid ‘cases or deaths’.   Yet the House of WHO will make a magical determination – and the non-critical thinkers will blindly accept.

The media created Bill Gates.   They have claimed he is brilliant, a scientist, a virologist, a philanthropist.   Yet, listening to countless speeches, ads, and videos, the man speaks on an 8th grade level.   Video’s from his testimony during the 1990’s reveals a man unable to comprehend simplistic questions.

The illusion – for critical thinkers – begins to fray.

Zuckerberg was brought before Harvard administrators for violating copyright and privacy security.   Meaning he hacked someone else’s work and claimed it was his construct.   Unlike 3 of the Facebook co-founders, Zuckerberg never graduated from college. When reviewing historical accounts of attribution of Facebook to Zuckerberg, the present written account has been altered to support Zuckerberg as the founder and his friends as joining him later. The original account did not make that representation.

Zuckerberg claims to be a co-founder of Breakthrough Starshot despite having no university degree, and no science background. In reality Starshot was founded by Steven Hawking and physicist Yuri Milner.   Zuckerberg apparently sits on the board.

And history is altered.

In testifying before congress in 2018, Zuckerberg used the magical word ‘believe’ to circumvent a question of breaching privacy.   He also stated that he and he alone created Facebook.

Is Zuckerberg a scientist or engineer?   No.   He did what Gates did, he capitalized on the knowledge of others much more capable and then eliminated them.   But the illusion remains that Zuckerberg has some indefinable Steven Hawking IQ.

Maxine Waters:   Her original biography has been extensively ‘rewritten’.   In 2005, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) declared Waters to be one the 13 most corrupt members of Congress.   Her original bio further states that she ‘attended’ LA State College and then between 1973 and 1990 – her bio was devoid of anything.

Her rewritten bio declares she received a Bachelors degree in Sociology before working as chief deputy for Councilman David Cunningham in 1973.  Subsequently,  she was elected to the California State Assembly in 1976.   Cunningham’s bio makes no mention of Maxine – and one would think that earlier bio’s would hail her election to State Assembly.

The altered version claims Waters represented California’s 48th District from 1976 to 1990, but the District wasn’t created until 1993 and is predominantly white Republican.

And the illusion is staged.  Albeit in this case rather messily.

Waters likely has no college degree, did not work for Councilman Cunningham, and was never an elected official of the California Assembly.

Ocasio Cortez:   Her bio states:  “In high school, she took part in the National Hispanic Institute‘s Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session. She later became the LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University. “

According to LDZ’s website – her school has never participated as a partner school and there is no secretary of state dedicated position. Nor is there any mention of her ‘involvement’ on their website.

A small planet/asteroid was awarded Ocasio in 2007 as a “finalist” in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. She claims she won second place.   According to the IAU, political leader’s names are considered ‘unsuitable’ unless the person has been dead for over 100 years. It appears that 2007 was the only year ALL finalists of that dedication were awarded.  Odd.

If her forte was science and engineering, why would she get “degrees” in ‘international relations and economics’?   She has tweeted that she started as a science major and subsequently switched – which would obviously mean she would need additional time to complete not just one degree, but two degrees as she claims.  Unless she was Steven Hawking.   In addition to the requirement in International Studies that the student study abroad, which she didn’t, a research paper is also required to be submitted to qualify as honors – none exists.

Ocasio claims she interned for Ted Kennedy while in college.  But Kennedy was rather busy having seizures, brain surgery, relocating to Florida, and dying during that same time.   Obviously the script writers were more than a bit negligent when creating Ocasio’s bio.

And then of course there is the oddity of her 7 years post 2 honorable degrees working as a bartender.

An illusion.

Obama refused to provide his Harvard or Columbia transcripts.   Were they an illusion as well?  Trudeau, Macron, their intellect seems devoid of – intellect.

Buying degrees, restating history, the world within the matrix of the liberal deep state leaves one in doubt of accepting any reality presented. But we know that the lies and deception are quite real as though this profound lack of truth is part of their training.   And little slips suddenly emerge as expansive canyons. The relevance is massively important given the extent to which truth can thus be obliterated.   And all of history, all of science, are suddenly falling off the precipice into the fiery pit of deception and illusion.

For all we know, our Congressional members and elites have little to no education, have rewritten their bio’s, and operate on completely faked, false and deceptive information.

What if Bill Gate’s IQ is actually 100?   And WHY would the shadows want such idiots in charge of wealth and power?