AIDS – HIV – Big Pharma Under NIH & Fauci

The definition of pseudo = false.   The definition of science = the study, observation and experimentation of testing theories against evidence obtained.   The Rockefeller Institute in 1917 began a heady campaign to describe doctors of the time as quacks – snake-oil salesmen.   Today, anyone who cultivates an idea north of Mainstream is considered a pseudoscientist.   Anyone so labeled by the Media/Scientific community is thus defaced.

WHY?   Because pseudoscience focuses on cure – while real scientists focus on the elaborate marketing strategy of a pill that causes massive side effects – including ‘death’.  

This deviant medical community is front and center once again in the declaration that HIV is a precursor of Aides, and AIDES medications need to be hyped because everyone has HIV.   According to Kary Mullis a biochemist who won the Nobel prize and who discovered the PCR methodology, there has never been any scientific proof to make the assumption, as posited by Tony Fauci, that HIV is the causal link.

Instead, Mullis asserts that Fauci created a fake polymer chain that was common in humans, replicated it and announced it was HIV.   A new disease necessitating a vaccine.

Four decades later, the medical community powered by NIH declares HIV is = to AIDS.   The diseases are interchangeable in terms.   And no vaccine is possible because HIV is a shape-shifter.  After 40 years of shifting the HIV chain likely no longer resembles ANY string isolated by Luc Montagnier in 1982.   Not to be deterred, Fauci wanted to create a Legacy!   And he saw possibilities in creating one thru HIV in the hopes of a mandatory immunization for children.

Early studies with Macaques revealed that they inherently had antibodies against HIV – so they were injected with more antibodies to see what would happen…   The study involved 5 animals.   Five.   It disappeared into the anals of Science Mainstreamism as having proved nothing evidentiary.

If we already have the antibodies – we don’t need their re-manipulated antibodies injected into us!   It is when these anibody proteins are depleted that they need a boost – as per Dr. Bradford.   In 2015, Dr. Bradford was suicided for his extensive research and trials that found depleted human proteins could cause cancer.   Infusing that common protein back into a patient enabled them to fight off cancer.   Unpatentable, Big Pharma, GSK, were adamant that this discovery could be harmful to the Pharma Ideology.   Bradford needed to be muffed – and all his papers and research confiscated.

Mush like the government did with Nicola Tesla!   Odd.

Johns Hopkins, the source of CoVid Misinformation Deluxe, would like to incorporate mRNA technology to deliver an HIV immunization requirement for all adolescents.   For something they can’t cure, can’t source, can’t trial, and haven’t in 40 years been able to completely isolate.

The similarity between the HIV human experimentation and CoVid is particularly interesting in how logic and rationale were eliminated entirely.   The purpose?   Multiple layers that all form a common core – MONEY.

In one specific interview with Kary Mullis, he frequently espoused Hegalism.

A philosopher, Hegal concluded that, “The otherness that consciousness experiences as a barrier to its goal is the external reality of the natural and social world, which prevents individual consciousness from becoming free and independent.”

In other words, as Kary noted in numerous videos, a scientist is required to submit ‘papers’ to solidify his expertise in the scientific community.   The papers bear a remarkable ‘emotional’ rather than evidence based conclusion.   The reasoning is the motive – grants, recognition, and sustainability of a career.   And thus Science, the theoretical, is the true pseudoscience –

Mullis declares this Hegalism is the defining nature of Fauci’s NIH.

Although the degree to which Anthony Fauci decimated NIH over the course of 40 years is only now mainstream, there were countless scientists and bioscientists who reviled the man, his antagonism, greed, and lacking knowledge.   The general populace was only made aware via social media.  As a result, we were denied the privilege of acknowledging the true brilliance of some of our most revered and demonized.   Egocentricity was instead the mainstay for Fauci.

Despite the rigorous attempt to create a vaccine for HIV, all efforts have failed miserably.   Could it be because HIV is not a virus at all? Or perhaps HIV is a normal evolution in our bodies holding some one trillion viruses?   Or perhaps our natural antibodies have already subdued HIV from existence and the PCR detection test is a fraud?

In any reality, as Mullis pointed out, the symptoms of HIV replicate multiple other diseases including: Malaria, common flu, mono, strep, herpes, shingles, Crohns, Lyme disease, intestinal parasites, etc.. etc… etc… The means for health officials to determine HIV is via a blood test which looks for antigens that resemble HIV.   Often, when analyzing antibodies they are not an ‘exact match’ and therefore science determines, ‘eh, close enough”.   Or possibly you have a mild version – and the antibodies will kill the virus on their own accord.   Or it means the antigens cannot be replicated because the virus replicates daily or weekly.   Or it means the science is grossly flawed.

This same flawed methodology our esteemed NIH determined would identify CoVid – even when you are asymptomatic. Even when you had antibodies already working to defeat the virus. Even when the test concluded your antigens were a  ‘close’ match but not 100%.   Because if you have the antibodies – which everyone does – then the doctor can assert you are HIV positive – which you are NOT.

Big Pharma is running out of diseases to not cure.   Therefore, Big Pharma has determined that the only way they can make money is to ‘create diseases’ because Pharma’s very existence is based on mass disease and the mitigation of all subsequent side effects for correction via new pharmaceuticals with more side effects.

UNVAXXED are the Scourge of Civilization

The ‘UNVAXXED’ have become the Dalits, the Salem Witches, the lowest Caste, the Scourge of civilization. Not deserving of medical care for any cause not allowed to socialize, and now according to Fauci, not allowed to hug and kiss. Wouldn’t that fall under the UN’s International Human Rights Declaration and Law as a Violation?

The International Covenant came into effect in 1976 protecting:

  • the right to work in just and favourable conditions;
  • the right to social protection, to an adequate standard of living and to the highest attainable standards of physical and mental well-being;
  • the right to education and the enjoyment of benefits of cultural freedom and scientific progress.

“It prohibits arbitrary deprivation of life; torture, cruel or degrading treatment or punishment; slavery and forced labour; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; war propaganda; discrimination; and advocacy of racial or religious hatred.”

ALL of which are being espoused by governments across the globe against the unvaxxed!   Nowhere in the LAW does it say ‘except’ when a person refuses a vaccination.

IT isn’t just the Vax, It also does not provide an exemption for DC police and prison officials when torturing the January6th prisoners.

I thought the UN was supposed to be a universal body protecting ALL persons – not just the indigenous or the poverty stricken within Africa.   The UN tag line is “Peace, Dignity, and Equality’.   It does NOT say – just for Africa – or except for the unvaxxed , – and the DC prisoners. So why aren’t they doing their job?   If the UN contends to be the World’s Global Government, they are losing. Sorely!   You can’t be a savior when you are supporting deprivation of life, torture, and cruel treatment or punishment.

But then, Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres is full of joy and excitement given the prospect of a New Year 2022, stating:

“The world welcomes 2022 with our hopes for the future being tested by deepening poverty and worsening inequality…an unequal distribution of COVID vaccines…climate commitments that fall short, and by ongoing conflict, division, and misinformation”,

Ah! I feel so much better now knowing that we are in Good Hands…

As WHO blasts a forthcoming tsunami, Europe is back in lockdown over a ‘cold’, and the CDC is backing off its 72% Omicron to a readjusted guestimate figure of 22%.   Science is Failing Miserably.   Simultaneously, the CDC has announced the PCR test is slated to be completely declassed as of 12/31, the reasoning espoused by Director Wallensky, who appears to be near tears and cringing, is that the PCR test will show a positive result for 12 weeks, and cannot differentiate between CoVid and a Cold because they are both coronaviruses.   GOSH SHUCKS.

So what she is saying is that for 2 years the case counts are meaningless, and as per their previous footnote, only 6% of the actual true deaths were ‘from’ Covid, or possibly pneumonia or flu.   How delightful.   We should be celebrating – right?   It was all a funny joke.   Ha-ha.

Meaning a latent cold that you had a few years back is still a detectible virus within the 13 trillion inactive viruses living in your body at any given time. According to the PCR Test.

SO ALL these Case Counts – which are estimated using the Bill Gates algorithm, are further meaningless. But of course, they knew this all along because the inventor of the PCR Test, Kary Mullis – said so.

How Grand.

SO now the power that be states that despite plenty of shipping containers, and despite the fact that semiconductor chips are transported via cargo planes not ships, and despite the fact that ALL chipmakers have been fully ramped for roughly 9 months to a year – a shortage will continue.   Why?

Could it be that there are warehouses filled with boxes and crates of chips in China?   Taiwan?   Germany?   Anyone? Anyone?

As of August 17th, China declared that it had already manufactured 203.6 BILLION chips in 2021.   And that the shortage is a lie.

The US imports $53 billion in chips annually for cars and electronics within a global revenue of $474 billion representing just 11%.   The base cost per car in 2019 was roughly $312 each.   Next year, that cost will double. SURPRISE!   The electronic systems in a new car now comprise 40% of the cost of the entire car!!   Which also equates to ‘insurance rates’!    Lovely.

Roughly 17 million new cars are sold each year in the US.   That would require 5.3 billion chips or 2.5% of what “China” produced as of August. That would ALSO not include the production from Taiwan, Germany, Japan, Malaysia or The Philippines.

Where’s The Beef?

Obviously there is NO Chip Shortage – there is ONLY a Chip Contrived shortage to manipulate prices and spike Inflation.   I declare that to be a violation of my Human Right via non-discrimination as an American.   Where is the non-governmental, non-global, non-human right organization known posthumously as the United Nations?

Perhaps sleeping in Delaware? Walking the beach?   Or on vacation in Costa Rica?   YAWN.

You see.   Even the shortages are an illusion.   Just like the CoVid cases, just like the vax, just like the hospitalizations, and just like the death rate.   Contrived. And despite mathematical proof that all this is a LIE, the governments, the UN, NATO, WHO, continue to ignore the fact that 5+4=9.   And instead propagate the New Math illusion that 5+4 might = 12.

Just as it did in Alice in Wonderland ruled by the Evil Queen and her mascot – the Cheshire Cat.  

Is The DELTA Variant MERS-cov?

Is the Delta variant actually MERS-Cov?   If the PCR test is the go to effective test, why has the CDC issued a ‘Lab Alert’ as of July, 2021 stating that as of 12/31 the CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use Authorization of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay, and ask labs to implement one of the other FDA approved tests?  

What changed?   First the PCR test was implemented at too high of cycles.   Then the assay was altered to lower the cycles only for those vaccinated.  Now the CDC and FDA have effectively repealed the PCR test completely…

And why does the SARS-Cov Reference Panel instituted by the FDA identify the virus as containing, “one heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 strain and one heat-inactivated MERS-CoV strain”?    And why would the FDA Reference Panel “evaluate cross-reactivity with MERS-CoV virus”?   And why does the FDA state that, “…recent mutations reported for SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., D614G), which may impact molecular testing, are not included”.   Would that not reference the Delta mutation?   Or is the Delta mutation MERS?

These ‘Reference Panels’ were shipped to pharma distributors October 2020 to be the basis for labs positive test results.    Only 2 months before the first vaccines were shipped for use meaning the Panel was NOT a part of the trials…   Which would indicate the PCR test method was never matched against the vaccine.   Which means the ‘trials’ had no basis.   Which begs the question, why is Fauci NOW pulling the PCR Test?

Could it be that the PCR test and labs will no longer be testing given Gates and Soros just bought Mologics, a pharmaceutical that has a rapid CoVid home test which was mass produced via 3D printing?   Or maybe the $46 million the UK has promised for testing?

Or Maybe it is because Fauci has already selected the preferred home test to replace all lab testing:   “Accurate, fast, easy-to-use, and widely accessible testing is required before the world can safely return to normal life. To meet this challenge, with the support of the NIH RADxSM initiative, Mologic will accelerate development and clinical validation of its COVID-19 self-test, with guidance provided on US regulatory approvals (Emergency Use Authorization) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.” ~Mologics.

And once again we are simply witness to another boring billionaires desire for more billions… at the expense of a global economy, and lives.

The concept of Science being based on a factual statement is less and less – factual. It is instead a theory that evolves, changes, and morphs daily, weekly and into infinity.   But the left world would have us accept science as a religion, scientists as gods, and a plume of theoretical data as gospel.

The vaccinated spread the “Delta” virus. Therefore the vaccinated need to wear masks.   Thereby creating hysteria. Hysteria will lead to more lockdowns.   More lockdowns will lead to greater elimination of middle class wealth. Depression will lead to greater disease.

There are a number of actionable responses for us ordinaries:   go outside, exercise, vitamin D, B12, reading, and keeping the mind mentally challenged, active and driven.

As we learned from the Olympic challenger, Simone Biles, when the mind and the body are not in tune – we stumble, and we fall. A chaotic mind will create chaos in the body.   Biles fought to create the balance and lost.   But she had the amazing compassion to step down allowing her teammates to have a chance!   That action took great selflessness and strength.

And she did so – in front of the world!

Despite the chaos that was ruling her mind, she managed to remove her self from being the focus.

Our politicians could take a lesson.   Fauci could take a lesson.   His legacy, the legacy of Bill Gates will be tortured as they have chosen money as their god, self as their mantra, and chaos as their soul.   Today and tomorrow will be bleak as they assume the helm of this ship called earth.    But we have weathered worse over the course of history.   And we will prevail.   As long as we do NOT allow our minds to succumb to their wretched chaos.

COVID National Security & Emergency Status – Illegal?

Legally, for the HHS to declare a State of Emergency they must determine there is a National Security Threat.   In order for that threat to be confirmed, there are multiple rules in place that assist in making the declaration.   Those rules would dictate that in order for a disease to be considered a viable cause for implementing the Emergency Order, it should be identified as a terrorist attack, a biological warfare attack that justifies it as a Security issue both at home and for American citizens abroad.

In addition, in order for the FDA to authorize unlicensed, unapproved treatment for a disease, there can NOT be any other available treatments.

Public Health Emergency Law:   A pre-requisite to determining the use of biological agents to treat a disease via the EUA – There can be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.

In addition:   Within the emergency authorization, fact sheets providing the potential risks shall be provided to each patient who then has the ‘option’ to accept or refuse the product with no consequences! In addition, the FDA is mandated to provide patients with alternatives whether approved for use or not. State and local officials must comply with the conditions attached to the tests and treatments, ie refusing to comply shall have zero consequences.

NO tests or treatments shall be mandated given the entire purpose is to uphold economic and individual freedom and ALL measures will be deemed ‘GUIDANCE’ and shall not infringe on freedom.

Lockdowns and closures were – illegal.   We were not fighting an attack.   We were fighting a disease.  Diseases are NOT terrorists.

Humor!   In the wake of all the rules promoted by various states in converting our freedoms to illegal wakes, 2 democrat senators have determined 2 measures should be made law: 1. Third party delivery apps would have a cap on fees, and 2.   Restaurants would be allowed to sell ‘cocktails to go’ for two years.   Priorities!

These statements, rules and guidance I am quoting are stipulated within The Homeland Security Act, Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures, Public Health Service Act and the FDA.

The authority for treatment is specified as coming from government ‘stockpiles’ or from previously issued but unapproved treatments that meet risk evaluation vs benefit analysis, or from treatments approved for other diseases but not yet approved for this disease.   These treatments must continue to undergo rigorous trials and updates made available on a continual basis to the FDA in the form of reports.   These reports which must be made public via the FDA must include adverse reactions – as in keeping the public informed.  To the best of my knowledge none of these requirements have been met.

March 27, 2020, the Following Federal Declaration was issued by Azar, Secretary for HHS:

“…there is a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and that involves a novel (new) coronavirus (nCoV) first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in 2019 (2019-nCoV). The virus is now named SARS-CoV-2, which causes the illness COVID-19. On the basis of this determination, he (Azar, Sec of Health) also declared that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic, pursuant to section 564 of the FD&C Act, subject to the terms of any authorization issued under that section.”

 According to the FD&C Act 564, the FDA must determine that: “If the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determines that there is a public health emergency under the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) §31910 that affects, or has significant potential to affect, national security and involves specified CBRN agents (chemical warfare) and diseases… an EUA can be allowed.

In other words, all these authorizations were dependent on the one thing the White House and Fauci continually denied!   A Terrorist Attack using chemical agents. As such, they acted outside their authority.

The Heritage Organization issued an essay in 2015 targeting misconceptions on the use of and definition of National Security. Identifying what it is NOT, Heritage issued this statement:   “While a pandemic disease could endanger the safety and security of thousands of Americans, unless it is committed as an act of biological terrorism, it should be considered a matter of health and domestic safety, not national security.”

Once again, the distinction is whether an event occurs as a direct result of an attack, or act of biological terrorism, or whether it is a ‘social security’.   Further undermining the entire federal, state and local misuse of power.   National Security is not climate change, it is not gender identity, it is not human rights.   And it is not disease. National Security involves a threat of war wherein the military is involved.  That has always been it’s purpose and interpretation.

As such, 1000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors have convened to file a lawsuit claiming the CoVid laws and lockdowns violated the Nürnberg Code against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Stating:

  1. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles.
  2. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

However, the Nuremberg Code is based on the ‘Consequences of War’ – so the entire lawsuit may be tossed unless the National Security issue is triggered.  A very interesting conundrum!   Because governments declared a disease was a National Security Threat, they have in fact triggered the very concept of War – which would then trigger the Nuremberg Code.   If it is deemed to NOT fall into the category of war, then every aspect of lockdowns was ILLEGAL>

PCR Test DNA: Sold to BIG Pharma – Transhumanism Research

Both Transhumanism and Posthumanism are terms associated with gene editing. This same editing is the basis for ‘cloning’ and utilizes the CRSPR technology to alter DNA thru the replacement of a ‘faulty’ gene with a manufactured gene.  The idea is to create a perfect human specimen.

The difference between Trans and Post in this sphere, is a Posthuman is one that is defined in their mental identity whereas the Transhuman is more of a physically altered being, ie disease free, physically designer, hair on the head, that sort of thing.

For example, a Transhuman could be a designer baby, or it could be a person whose physicque is altered to make them stronger with bioengineered abilities that are still within human capabilities.   A Posthuman is dedicated to a mind that rivals a god in its infinite power and depth of knowledge.

Together – these gmo humans are akin to mythological gods.

The CoVid Vaccine is undergoing a human trial larger than any vaccine in history and likely greater than the trials of all vaccines combined – because every person on the globe becomes a trial specific specimen.

But if a gene can be edited to fight disease, a gene can be edited to create disease. Which is why ‘scientists’ are leery that this entire concept could become a genocidal experiment gone astray ie, the madman.   For example, genes are our identity they distinguish us from every other human on earth.   While altering a plagued gene could make us healthier, just as easily, altering a healthy gene would create a diseased one that could cripple a person with cancer or heart disease, or even ‘sex addiction’.   Because every gene and cell in our body is a programmed description of our uniqueness designed by God, including our predilection for disease, addiction, moral compass, ethical behavior, etc….

Even our morality is guided by our genes.

While some might scoff that such a thing is ‘science fiction’, and altering genetics is in its infancy, everything that is science fiction ultimately becomes – science or technology.  And much of what we know is perhaps 1/10th of what has already been done.    The ‘curve’ of knowledge – what we know vs what has been proven is perhaps 10-20 years behind the present.    Hence we are told the human population is not allowed to know certain pieces of information because we are not capable enough or smart enough, to assimilate.

There are 20,500 genes in the human body housed in trillions of cells.   Humans also house trillions of viruses, the vast majority of which are dormant.   But altering one gene could thus potentially release billions of otherwise dormant viruses that have existed since the beginning of time. It is similar to the god notion that humans can alter the weather of the universe.

So when a ignoramous, like Bill Gates, makes the statement that he is only looking to deviate one gene amidst 20,000, that would be akin to saying he was only going to eradicate 15billion or the 3 trillion trees from the planet. Or basically, all animal life on planet earth.

And thus we have become Bill Gates and China’s human guinea-pigs.

Like ALL CoVid vaccines, the PCR Test is not licensed or approved for CoVid testing.   It does NOT have FDA approval status.  

When a PCR test is administered, they are extracting a sample of your DNA. That sample is attached to your name.   And a database is created.   Labs can sell your DNA to other labs and often do!   Most countries have little regulation in force.   While the EU has the GDPR Act in force as of 2018, its protection is exempted during a state of national emergency… and any and all DNA samples can be available to whomever!

Why is our DNA important to our personal security and privacy?

What uses are there for DNA?   1.   Paternity,   2.   Ancestry,   3.   Crimes,   4.   Disease analysis,   5.   Genetic Mutation,   6. Forensics,   7.   And – Possibly cloning…

Looking for the perfect specimens and cloning those specimens would be the starting graph for transhumanism.   How better than to have the largest sample size of DNA for analysis across the globe than through a ‘pandemic’.   Every DNA sample taken via the PCR Test was legally obtained with a minor vague release form required that matched your name, address, gender, and known diseases… Every DNA sample was uploaded into a database with all pertinent information attached.

You pay to have the test administered and the testing facility then sells your sample to Big Pharma. Follow The Money.

Labs across the globe are busily studying both Transhumanism and DNA.   For example ASU and Baylor College of Medicine are hot on the trail.   NIH would appear to be one of the leaders in genome research.     Epstein believed he was of a superior genetic as does Bezos, Zuckerberg, and every member of the Bilderberg Group.   But DNA from across the globe could potentially help accentuate those attributes and push toward the posthumanism status given the exponentially largess sample that has been provided via CoVid’s PCR Test.

Literally billions of samples for Big Pharma!   They are in utopia!

Worse, billions of people paid for the privilege for Big Pharma to assay every single DNA sample provided via the PCR Test. They didn’t pay us – we paid them.   Planned Parenthood comes to mind….

Anne Wojcicki is the co-founder of 23andMe, a genetics company in Sunnyvale, California.   Her husband was Sergey Brin co-founder of Google and her father was a member of the Polish Communist Party.   The company charges anywhere from $100 to $500 for each DNA sample.   Given her devout desire to help humanity, she sells the DNA samples to GlaxoSmithKline which fronted her $300million to have total access to the company ‘database’. That database tells them not just your DNA but every aspect of – who – you – are.

Within the testing cycle, the false positives and false negatives are really the true story because CoVid was NOT the purpose.   In fact there is no way of knowing if anyone actually had CoVid19, because once we understand the context it could be that the true algorithm was to simply produce a fake number of positives to continue to support the data collection stream for DNA.

And given that CoVid19 as a virus has yet to be strained and identified – licensed and approved, it is all a mirrors game.   The Vaccine and The PCR Test claim to be for SARS.   SARS is claimed to be the ‘host virus’.   Therefore any test or vaccine is based on SARS – not CoVid.

Kary Mullis, the laureate who created the PCR test, was a profoundly humble man. He worked the laboratory instead of the writing circuit.   And he died literally months before the release of ‘the virus’.    Given his profound dislike of Fauci, it is likely he would have been the first to make the denouncement regarding the PCR test efficacy for CoVid – much less any virus.   I imagine he would have had a mouthful over the societal implications of a global DNA database based on his PCR Test which he adamantly claimed had no viral context.

However, within the PCR Test each person’s DNA is captured, it was done so within the frame of a global emergency and no one can ‘recapture’ their sample once submitted.   Most people have little knowledge of the test, DNA or the ramifications therein.  But the point becomes the nefarious purposes for which DNA can be used.

With cloudbased data banks, Mafioso types could buy samples or steal millions of samples and leave traces at crime scenes.   Or simply blackmail the owner of the DNA.   From a scientific perspective, the samples could be used to create the perfect specimen of humans.   And/or, those specimens could futuristically be implanted in a clone.   And your existence cancelled.

To refuse to accept what is real, what is possible, and what is probable is like pretending Biden won the election.

Transhumanism is the goal. The creation of a new and improved human race that can rule over those who are not genetically altered while simultaneously spiraling real education into a downward disintegration of retardation – IS the goal.   They don’t want “Equality”!   Their entire agenda is the creation of an elite god rule on par with ancient Greek or Roman Mythology.

And billions of people on this globe just paid them to own their DNA so as to achieve this Agenda and subvert globalization into a tier of peasantry vs elitism.

The CIA, Hollywood and Congress: Roots, Passports and – Blackmail

How much of Hollywood and the movie industry globally is actually ruled and controlled by the CIA and MI6?   How much science fiction does the CIA feed Hollywood that is actually real?   How is it a coincidence that JFK, Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis all died on the exact same day?   How is it that the creator of the PCR conflux, Kary Mullis, died just 3 months before the virus was released and he openly described his contempt for Fauci?   How is it that an EU Virus Passport was mapped starting in 2018, 3 years before the virus?   How is it that Epstein and Maxwell working FOR the CIA is common knowledge in the UK – and oblivious knowledge in the US?

While the deflection is that Hollywood is owned by Communist China – it would appear to be in truth yet another manufactured distraction by the CIA.

The purpose likely stems to the pedophilia and sex trafficking agendas of exploitation and the means to blackmail.

Romney appears rife with guilt.   McCain, Flake, Swalwell, Schiff, Graham, Roberts, Powell, the list dates back to – the beginning.

J.  Edgar Hoover.

Perhaps the most notable difference between Hoover’s blackmail FBI file which was a compilation of possible Communist loyalists, and present day blackmail, is that the CIA actually creates and initiates the means for blackmail, aka Epstein.   Set the fishing line, have good bait, lure them in, and when they bite – take pictures and videos for future needs.

I suppose it is a Plan to submit wherein all things are fake – manufactured – illusions – until the people – no longer know – which is reality – and which is the mirage…

Prior to the appointment of Allen Dulles by Eisenhower as CIA Director, all previous Directors were high ranking military.   Mired in decades of allegations of drug trafficking, the CIA was ultimately the focus of JFK who in 1963, the year he was assassinated, he declared that he would take down the CIA.   Because they were – completely ROGUE.

In essence, the CIA has been among the frontrunners of the Deep State/Cabal since its conception.   They operated as the shadow police – above prosecution, above the law.   Along with the Mossad and MI6.  They Are The Global MAFIA.

Using the propaganda of Hollywood to fix a manipulated message, the reasoning was obvious – people, groupies, will believe anything a Hollywood star says.   They have millions of followers, stalkers, crooners who truly believe that Hollywood is God’s Heaven.

If Epstein was working for the CIA – and Epstein owned most of Hollywood and Congress, that doesn’t leave a lot of good people in positions of ‘power’.   It would seem that those in Hollywood who scream the loudest likely have the most to hide;   Baldwin, Cher, DeNiro, Debra Messing, Roberts, Alysa Milano cookie, Jane, where is Jane, Penn, Looney – Clooney, etc… etc…etc…

And it is also somewhat common knowledge that the blackmail involves some sort of pedophilia.   Boys. Girls.   Other beasts.   There is also belief that human and child sacrifices are a part of the blackmail logs.

Which I imagine, is a bitch to manage.

Someone has to keep track of the perhaps hundreds of thousands of blackmail; documents, videos, evidence, testimony, messages… Which gives thought to – I wonder if there is a master list floating around in the ‘cloud’.   Hackers? Anyone?

Imagine owning the blackmail list?

Which brings us thru the backdoor to Cuomo.

Why is everyone turning on him – a devout evil person with absolutely no integrity, truth, honor, or positive quality, value or virtue – Cuomo?   The sacrificial lamb.   His ego got too far out of control.   Making too many mistakes.   A meeting was held. Cuomo was elected – the lamb.

He will fall and be eulogized as a man devoid of anything positive or beneficial to society.   He is a man so vacuous of humanity it is as though his brain is reptilian. And the transformation physically will erode what is left as the blackness of a hollow existence bruises and sours his literal flesh. A disease.   Evil is.

Chase Brandon was purportedly the ‘first’ CIA operative to infiltrate the entertainment industry on behalf of the agency.   His official title, “Entertainment Liaison Officer”.   His purpose?   To secure reliable sources within the industry that could be tapped at any moment for any length of time via a dangling participle – a compromising video.

And well Hollywood being so scrupulous and all, they were an easy yawn.

Politicians had more to lose.

Legacy. Prestige.   Reputation.   All goals completely devoid in the world of Hollywood.

And so, thus, the Operation was set into full tilt.   The damage to the Agenda would be measured by how far they were off the algorithms of success.   If the majority decried FREEDOM – that was not a positive for The Cult.   Which required alternate measures as outlined in Plan B.  Death.

The CIA’s strength – is also its weakness.

The people it courts may have money but they are not the brightest and thus much more prone to making really largess – mistakes. Blunders.   Denouncements to the Plan.   And that strength suddenly devolves into a – weakness.

An Achilles Heal.   Don’t forget!

As for Politicians, well, they may have a law degree, but the don’t know squat about anything outside of Washington Politics – and that makes them falter, misstep, and fall on the tarmac.   That is their Achilles Heal.

The CIA relies on idiots. There has to be a good Mark Twain  in there somewhere…   And yet, while I think the idiots could easily be beaten should a rebellion rise, there shifts back to the very distressed John Kerry proclaiming that his carbon footprint is meaningless and something very devastating is going to happen in ‘9 years’.   Not ten. Not five. Not an even number.   More like a prophesy fed to him. From somewhere.

And I think we need to be paying attention to that…and see, what else, they give. Because there are always specks of truth in every lie!

FAKE Science: FAKE Politics: FAKE Governments….

Which countries are being targeted for annihilation right now?  

After China effectively took over Hong Kong it set its sights on Myanmar and Taiwan.  


While Hong Kong fought for its sovereignty, the protests were invaded and infected with rebels bent on riot tactics – much like what we have seen across the US and EU.   A once booming international haven, Hong Kong’s economy took a resolute beating with estimates ranging from -5 to -6+.   Unfortunately, given it is now beholden to China, any actual factual data will be manipulated, misrepresented, and opaque.   Quoting numbers is thus a meaningless venture.


As a result, Hong Kong has officially been removed from the index that ranks economic freedom.


From 2016 to 2021, Aung San Suu Kyi served as the ‘prime minister’ of Myanmar.  She founded the National League for Democracy Party, registering it as a political party in 2011.  It is framed within the ideology of populism.   A parallel US representation would be the Occupy Movement advocating rebellion, socialism, and left wing concepts.


Prior to Suu Kyi’s rise, Myanmar was under a military rule of nationalism, conservatism and solidarity.   She was arrested after the 2020 election by the military claiming the election was rife with fraud – as she supposedly won 83% of the votes.   Suu Kyi is backed by the UK having attended the University of Oxford and University of London.   She has spent significant years in North Oxford, London, and NY, and worked at the United Nations.


Her removal from office by the military under the fraudulent election claims has been defined as a ‘coup’.   A wave of riots were set in motion as a result.  And the media supporting the claim of ‘coup’ is eerily western framed liberal/communist aligned:  WAPO, South China Morning Post, Voice of America, Al Jazeera…

Since Suu Kyi’s governing, Myanmar saw significant inflation in the range of 9%, a stagnant GDP per capita, rising public debt and a growing trade imbalance….  China dominates as its largest trading partner.  Not a stellar resume…


As a result of the election fraud the military has imposed Martial Law.


It is sounding a bit as though the media might just be deluding the globe…  imagine that!

Taiwan is fearful.   They see China as a dominant, prominent enemy bearing down on a military coup takeover.   It is believed that the WH handler Administration sold Taiwan to China as a part of the bid for ‘election results favoring Biden’.   And China is now bearing down on its bid for takeover in the form of ‘tagging challenges’ via its airspace and naval commands baiting Taiwan to confrontation.


The media rewrites Taiwan as the “Republic of China”.   Despite Taiwan claiming sovereignty.   Taiwan is a ‘democratic republic’ – which would align with the ‘former’ US Constitution defining us as a Republic.   Most precisely NOT – Communist.


Taiwan has been fighting China’s coup for some time.   In 2005 and again in 2015, Taiwan issued formal concerns that China would invade militarily and brutalize the country – deploying missiles and amphibious attacks.


The only administration that honored Taiwan as an independent nation was President Trump.   Therefore, anything Trump is demonized.  Therefore, Taiwan is sold to China.


While the news is anti-sovereignty, these nations are literally fighting for their lives!   They are small.  Susceptible.   And they are both watching as a formidable China bears down ever more on their sustainability.


But the over-reach of Chinese style authority is not simply about conquering nations, it is about conquering people.   Under the newly appoint Chinese authority in Hong Kong, reports emerge of hospitals restraining children as young as 1 in hospital beds throwing food with food littering cribs.  Food they cannot pickup.   As they are left.   Effectively, a form of disciplined torture.    Quarantine facilities for children are called ‘camps’.


The government justified the treatment claiming the children were given blankets – and parents were ill-equipped and incapable of tending to their own children.  Breast feeding was forbidden.

Oddly, these deviations would seem to be oblivious to mainstream media which instead advocates the utopian ideal of communism.


Within the span of over a year, Hong Kong, a city of 7.5 million has recorded a total number of deaths ‘with Covid’ of 203.   Total.   Two Hundred.   For this, under Chinese rule, Hong Kong has been under complete lockdown.


When calculating these figures for any country or city, the representative sources include:   CDC, WHO, ECDC, Wikipedia and The New York Times.   While all these sources are hilariously well known, the ECDC is the European Center for Disease and Control.


The ECDC was only just formed in 2004 and Directed by Andrea Ammon whose specialty as a Slovakian German was metastatic liver disease.  She later researched SARS.   You remember SARS, the horseshoe bat virus that was released by China in 2003?


SARS has been described as a ‘bacterial pneumonia’.   The same diagnosis of the “Spanish Flu in 1918”.




IF one were to actually pay attention, one might realize that both the CoVid Test and the Vaccine are called – SARS.   Not.  CoVid.

IN the End we have a ‘fake PM placed into power in Myanmar who was instructed to devolve the country into communism’, a ‘fake Hong Kong government who was placed into power by the Chinese government’, a fake sellout of Taiwan by a US WH government that sold the country’ for a fake election, and a fake pandemic that was actually a virus created in 1918 by the Rothschild Institute and re-imagined as SARS and re-labeled Covid’ – utilizing the scientific technology developed by Nobel award winning Kary Mullis who in all his glory decried Fauci as the Greatest Fake of ALL Mankind!

FOLLOW THE SCIENCE: of Critical Thinking

The very Cabal oriented Economist Weekly Edition , has announced that humans who are sub-categories of Neanderthals via ‘mating’ are more prone to CoVid19.   While providing absolutely no basis for this determination, the statement further determines that humans today are of two or more separate sub-species with different ancestral heritage and genomes. Those whose DNA contains Neanderthal sequence are more subject to lupus, Crohn, diabetes, hairiness, and – CoVid.

By default, those whose genomes have no link to Neanderthal are disease superior.

While there have been in entirety – two studies that make this conclusion – the studies are conducted utilizing a very small and distorted statistical value structure:   85 African Americans vs 90 Europeans.   The fact that Neanderthals became extinct according to ‘Science’ 40,000 years ago, based on pseudo-non-relevant data, this variant is the conclusion as to why Africans are more susceptible to diseases.   This would also indicate that Africans are the populace inheriting the Neanderthal genome.

Challenging this absurd data could be considered diabolical at best and could render a person in social media jail.   But given that there has been no, as in zero, sequencing of the CoVid 19 strain, making this scientific conclusion is an assumption at best, and a ridiculous fabrication in reality.

Neanderthals were depicted as ‘stupid, primitive and brutish’.   And their demise is attributed to Climate Change – although there is absolutely no proof of any of these conclusions. But hey “FOLLOW THE SCIENCE”.

When reading the discussion of ancient historical accounts and evolutions, it is interesting to note, that literally everything stated – is a guess.

“All humans lived as hunter-gatherers in band societies, often in caves”.   Hundreds of thousands of years ago.  Really, really really?   Did you talk with them?  Did you ask them?   DO you have all human skeletal remains?   Intact?   

We accept this statement of nothingness, because it emanates from science. And over the last 200 years science, which was a simplistic philosophy of thought, suddenly was elevated to FACT.

Follow The Science…

Forever Science declared that King Tut’s closest aide was a man.   Why?   Because.   Yet upon recent examination, the hip structure revealed that the King’s aide and closest confidante was actually a woman.   King Tut is said to have ruled approximately 1330 BC.   But even that date is not grounded fact, it is ‘an estimate’.  

If “Science” can’t provide factual data from 3300 years ago, how are we to sheepily accept their pronouncements of 40,000 years ago – 130,000 years – 400,000 years etc…  are anything less than conjecture?

Critical thinking would scream – NO.

Dr. Fauci proclaims his pronouncements as ‘Fact”.   Based on what studies?   Because none have been produced.

Today, the weather advisory declared a winter storm watch with upwards of 6”   – it never happened.

In fact, we barely got a dusting of accumulation.   These are the climatologists who declare what happened 4 million years ago and declare what will be 1000 years into the future – in terms of Climate Change.   Yet they cannot make a factual pronouncement within a 24 hour span of climating.

Follow The Science.

Today Biden and Fauci basically declared that state governments opening their economy are ‘Neanderthals’.   A species Brutish, Stupid, and Short that originated in Africa and is riddled with disease.

Where is the outrage? The Racism? How dare they!

The Nobel Prize winning bio Chemist who developed the PCR test, Kary Mullis, declared Fauci was an egocentric, greedy, idiot whose entire career was spent jumping aboard the band-wagon of others accomplishments.   A self promoter. A Marketeer. A short, brutish sort of Neanderthal bent on capitalizing on the IQ and intelligentsia of the true elite.   Much like Bill Gates.

Mullis also declared that the PCR test was NOT relevant to detecting a virus at all.

What Kary Mullis exposed within NIH and Fauci – is the illusion that science portrays too often in the name of accreditation.   Instead of searching for truth and evidence, science has become more of a “Me-Too” movement of recognition vs exploration into fact.   They clamor aboard the train hoping their pitiable research that is framed in a preconceived result will somehow make them famous.

This certainly does NOT mean there aren’t some exceptional Scientists doing incredible work!  It simply means that the label has lost credibility – much like journalists, politicians, entertainers, etc…

Weeding through the mélange means finding the ones who are not so vocally bent on fame.   Kary Mullis was most definitely a very interesting man and scientist who died – coincidentally – just mere months before CoVid and the PCR test was pronounced defacto by – Fauci.

Follow The Science of Critical Thinking.

COVid Lockdowns VIA Climate Change

As the Truth becomes more and more evident across the globe regarding the less than lethal repercussions of the CoVid virus as mostly hitting the sickly, the elderly, and the diseased, statesmen are hustling to find another reason to continue lockdown measures given Control has always been the Defined Purpose:

Given that scientists have known since February that the CoVid virus had already begun to mutate, they attempted to bury that information. Why? Because typically a mutated virus loses it’s impact with each successive mutation.  And that knowledge would not benefit the Agenda.

CoVid has already mutated to a ‘cold’ in younger people, and a nasty flu in the elderly.

With Fauci making gaffe after gaffe, rivaling Biden for the most idiotic rational known to mankind, his eyes blink emphatically when called on to explain.   ‘We don’t have any annual flu cases because we are wearing masks and social distancing…’   ‘Yes, but why then are CoVid cases spiking’?   And Porky Pig makes a comeback.

The fact that more people have commit suicide as a result of CoVid than have died exclusively from CoVid is buried.

The fact that flu vaccines typically have an efficacy rate of only 10-60%, should make one curious how the CoVid vaccine could possibly be so incredibly high at 95%…

The fact that H1N1 is an ‘annual shot’ despite the US having less than 20 cases per year, all of whom recover, has absolutely nothing to do with the vaccine.   The vaccine was developed 11 years ago – the virus has mutated likely thousands of times. They may as well give us the Biden syringe filled with saline.

The fact that the PCR test tells us a glass of coca cola has CoVid – might give us a clue that the test is hugely flawed.

The concept of asymptomatic has finally been labeled quackery.

With near empty hospitals trying to justify nurses having parties and dancing in hallways out of boredom, the media is desperately waiting for their Master to tell them it is okay to print these truths.

And then German MP Karl Lauterbach unveils the real truth. And it is stupendously asinine.   According to Lauterbach, we must continue these same lockdown measures and shuttered businesses forever in order to fight Climate Change. Because that is the real Pandemic Crisis for which their will never be – a vaccine.

I’m sure Bill Gates is busily attempting to figure out how he can create a vaccine and dub it for Climate Change as a direct result!   Because all these factoids make his CoVid vaccine nearly, relatively, worthless. In fact, it makes ALL vaccines worthless.

I wonder how Big Pharma is reacting?  As in Shitake MUSHROOMS! Shut your mouth.

And what makes this Socialist Politician so sure that lockdowns will benefit Climate Change?   He said he had a ‘feeling’, an impression.   Meaning Science is now based on predictions, crystal balls, and a feeling.

These ‘expert politicians’ provide criteria for determining when lockdowns can be lifted… “when the number of new cases falls below 50 per 100,000”.   Cases.   Via the cocoa cola test.   Which of course, can never happen.

Why do these politicians believe masks work, but none wear gloves, booties, hair nets, or plastic body suits?

As we enter into the New Year and leave this dirt and sloth and slime of a year behind us, the Club is busily inserting a new means of sheepling – Climate Change.   It serves Biden Well – at least in theory.   IN reality, Climate Money is nearly 100% diverted to Africa.   See my previous post.

People must stay at home, shutter their businesses, live in poverty, and wear masks to prevent – Climate Change – because breathing is the true man-made culprit.   Humans contribute to Climate Change via their inherent existence of breathing apparatus mechanisms.

Simultaneously Bill Gates has been granted permission by a Danish cult to release billions/trillions of sun darkening particles into the stratosphere in order to cool our global temperature.   And the fact that this strategy would support a cooler more rainy climate in his retirement aboard the Africa train would seem to allude the many brittle minds that no longer seek analysis and cognitive reasoning.

Certainly all the vaccines are inherently safe given the pharmaceuticals creating them demanded immunity from any and all lawsuits into infinity.   Pfizer has released its ingredient list which includes RNA and SARS protein, sugar, salts, and fats.   Reads like a hotdog label.   And maybe, just maybe – that’s what it is – in essence.

Unfortunately for everyone, the protein for SARS was engineered in China in 2002. This glycol Protein is the target of antibodies either during infection or as a result of a vaccination.   In other words, the vaccination mimics the natural response to being infected.   While you might still test positive, the protein is boosting your immune response that would occur naturally in any person whose immune system is in high gear.

Which would also explain why trials are NOT conducted on the immune deficient – because those are the people who die. Just as they are the ones who die of flu, H1N1, SARS, stroke, heart attack, cancer, TB, etc…

Telling people to boost their immune system is hardly as persuasive in a world of propaganda as telling people that science and doctors and wealthy elite want you to take a ‘vaccine’.

And as the failure of this vaccine will invariably become the mainstay, the lockdown device must have in place a Plan B.   And our illustrious German has just revealed that Agenda.   CLIMATE CHANGE – LOCKDOWNS.   How Novel.   Can’t keep their mouths shuttered!   They obviously have never played Poker or Chess.

According to an article posted by a UK journalist just 388 of the deaths attributed to CoVid were 100% CoVid under the age of 60.   Amongst a case tally of 2.3 million – that would equate to .0169% death rate.   UK is calling for a 50 out of 100,000 ‘case rate’ – which of course is utterly meaningless at .05% of faulty infections when a glass of coke is a positive case.

But HEY!   They necessitate a reasoning for the continuation of lockdowns, deaths, suicides, and poverty in order to assuage the destruction of Freedom.

UNLESS – the TRUTH annihilates their illusion of Science and Factoids as mere nonsensical “predictions” as they confess.

CoronaVirus Vaccine – Targets Corona not CoVid 19

North Dakota making news for CoVid.   Reporting 818 deaths, 642 were CoVid, 466 were in nursing homes/end care with another 400 patients in end-care currently testing positive – meaning 73% of CoVid deaths were end stage patients.   There are currently 322 people hospitalized that have tested positive.  

In March when the virus began to spread, officials estimated they could care for over 500 CoVid patients in a peak day.   They have 2098 ‘staffed’ hospital beds with the ability to increase that to 2398 if necessary ~ according to Maj. Gen Dohrmann.   General Dohrmann further stated he felt confident that if necessary they could convert the State college for an additional 4000 beds.  No problems.

Therefore, the entire news doomsday being fired out to send our economy into whiplash is false. But the narrative needs to be hyped for the benefit of terrorism.

If Coronavirus cases are surging and most people report mild flu like symptoms, would that not be a good thing given that means they all now have the antibodies that the vaccine wants to give us?  Most will never get the virus again…  But somehow, the vaccine will only protect us six months – and then we are susceptible again – that definitely makes zero sense!  Unless you follow the trail of $$$$$$$$$.

If we take all supposed deaths across the US – 255,000 and all supposed tests – 11,801,000, that would give a death rate of 2%.   If we back out deaths with underlying conditions (according to the Science of the CDC) that would give us a death rate of .01% of all cases.   Just a number.

New York Times – Nov. 18th:    “In July, Pfizer and BioNTech initiated a late-stage clinical trial on a coronavirus vaccine.”    That’s odd.   They are they calling it a “coronavirus vaccine” not a CoVid 19 vaccine?   Just like the PCR Test is a coronavirus test, not a CoVid 19 test!

Are they vaccinating against a cold or CoVid?

The technology being utilized in the vaccines has NEVER been used before in any vaccine.   The nanoparticles installed in the vaccine are injected into a muscle and create inflammation so as to cause your own immune system to make antibodies to attack the virus.  What kind of inflammation?   Participants who experienced significant adverse effects developed inflammation within their neurological system.

So why did the mRNA traverse into their neuro system instead of tracking a simple virus? Obviously the ‘coding’ got confused and went places it wasn’t designed to go.

Another vaccine in development would inject a person with ‘self amplifying’ RNA which means the nanoparticles replicate inside you on their own.   Do they ultimately stop replicating? Can you stop them from replicating?   Do all those self replicating particles take over a person’s DNA?

Or are you now altering your DNA?

Apparently, other than the RNA nanoparticles – all other ingredients are a Big Secret! Why?   If vaccines are patent protected, then the ingredients should not be an issue.  Unless there is something to hide.

In 2018, Jon Rappaport wrote of the RNA concept in terms of it altering a person’s genetics permanently.   At the time, NIAID scientists (that would be Fauci’s office) were busily creating a vaccine that they claimed would use synthetic genes to re-engineer a person’s DNA and protect them from all flu viruses. At the time they called it a ‘universal vaccine’.  Imagine the amount of coding necessary to protect against 6000 different flu viruses – imagine one nanoparticle goes – rogue.

While gene editing has been in various stages of experimental use for specific diseases caused by a damaged or missing gene, the CoVid vaccine is not targeting a gene – it is injecting particles and instructing them to find a viral gene code based on strings of code.   The virus is not caused by a mutated genetic cell, it is caused by an infection.    Big difference.

When explaining how the altered DNA works, Bill Gates discussed how the new genes would clasp onto strands cut the defective one and replace it.  But that was based on targeted therapy.   In that sense it is something like chemo. Full body chemo invades every cell in your body making you very sick, whereas targeted chemo attacks the diseased cells in a specific location and is much less invasive.

Oddly, gene editing and genetically modified foods are not permitted in many countries until further research can determine long term health affects.   But billions of nanoparticles redesigning a human gene is somehow permissible…hmm