The CIA, Hollywood and Congress: Roots, Passports and – Blackmail

How much of Hollywood and the movie industry globally is actually ruled and controlled by the CIA and MI6?   How much science fiction does the CIA feed Hollywood that is actually real?   How is it a coincidence that JFK, Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis all died on the exact same day?   How is it that the creator of the PCR conflux, Kary Mullis, died just 3 months before the virus was released and he openly described his contempt for Fauci?   How is it that an EU Virus Passport was mapped starting in 2018, 3 years before the virus?   How is it that Epstein and Maxwell working FOR the CIA is common knowledge in the UK – and oblivious knowledge in the US?

While the deflection is that Hollywood is owned by Communist China – it would appear to be in truth yet another manufactured distraction by the CIA.

The purpose likely stems to the pedophilia and sex trafficking agendas of exploitation and the means to blackmail.

Romney appears rife with guilt.   McCain, Flake, Swalwell, Schiff, Graham, Roberts, Powell, the list dates back to – the beginning.

J.  Edgar Hoover.

Perhaps the most notable difference between Hoover’s blackmail FBI file which was a compilation of possible Communist loyalists, and present day blackmail, is that the CIA actually creates and initiates the means for blackmail, aka Epstein.   Set the fishing line, have good bait, lure them in, and when they bite – take pictures and videos for future needs.

I suppose it is a Plan to submit wherein all things are fake – manufactured – illusions – until the people – no longer know – which is reality – and which is the mirage…

Prior to the appointment of Allen Dulles by Eisenhower as CIA Director, all previous Directors were high ranking military.   Mired in decades of allegations of drug trafficking, the CIA was ultimately the focus of JFK who in 1963, the year he was assassinated, he declared that he would take down the CIA.   Because they were – completely ROGUE.

In essence, the CIA has been among the frontrunners of the Deep State/Cabal since its conception.   They operated as the shadow police – above prosecution, above the law.   Along with the Mossad and MI6.  They Are The Global MAFIA.

Using the propaganda of Hollywood to fix a manipulated message, the reasoning was obvious – people, groupies, will believe anything a Hollywood star says.   They have millions of followers, stalkers, crooners who truly believe that Hollywood is God’s Heaven.

If Epstein was working for the CIA – and Epstein owned most of Hollywood and Congress, that doesn’t leave a lot of good people in positions of ‘power’.   It would seem that those in Hollywood who scream the loudest likely have the most to hide;   Baldwin, Cher, DeNiro, Debra Messing, Roberts, Alysa Milano cookie, Jane, where is Jane, Penn, Looney – Clooney, etc… etc…etc…

And it is also somewhat common knowledge that the blackmail involves some sort of pedophilia.   Boys. Girls.   Other beasts.   There is also belief that human and child sacrifices are a part of the blackmail logs.

Which I imagine, is a bitch to manage.

Someone has to keep track of the perhaps hundreds of thousands of blackmail; documents, videos, evidence, testimony, messages… Which gives thought to – I wonder if there is a master list floating around in the ‘cloud’.   Hackers? Anyone?

Imagine owning the blackmail list?

Which brings us thru the backdoor to Cuomo.

Why is everyone turning on him – a devout evil person with absolutely no integrity, truth, honor, or positive quality, value or virtue – Cuomo?   The sacrificial lamb.   His ego got too far out of control.   Making too many mistakes.   A meeting was held. Cuomo was elected – the lamb.

He will fall and be eulogized as a man devoid of anything positive or beneficial to society.   He is a man so vacuous of humanity it is as though his brain is reptilian. And the transformation physically will erode what is left as the blackness of a hollow existence bruises and sours his literal flesh. A disease.   Evil is.

Chase Brandon was purportedly the ‘first’ CIA operative to infiltrate the entertainment industry on behalf of the agency.   His official title, “Entertainment Liaison Officer”.   His purpose?   To secure reliable sources within the industry that could be tapped at any moment for any length of time via a dangling participle – a compromising video.

And well Hollywood being so scrupulous and all, they were an easy yawn.

Politicians had more to lose.

Legacy. Prestige.   Reputation.   All goals completely devoid in the world of Hollywood.

And so, thus, the Operation was set into full tilt.   The damage to the Agenda would be measured by how far they were off the algorithms of success.   If the majority decried FREEDOM – that was not a positive for The Cult.   Which required alternate measures as outlined in Plan B.  Death.

The CIA’s strength – is also its weakness.

The people it courts may have money but they are not the brightest and thus much more prone to making really largess – mistakes. Blunders.   Denouncements to the Plan.   And that strength suddenly devolves into a – weakness.

An Achilles Heal.   Don’t forget!

As for Politicians, well, they may have a law degree, but the don’t know squat about anything outside of Washington Politics – and that makes them falter, misstep, and fall on the tarmac.   That is their Achilles Heal.

The CIA relies on idiots. There has to be a good Mark Twain  in there somewhere…   And yet, while I think the idiots could easily be beaten should a rebellion rise, there shifts back to the very distressed John Kerry proclaiming that his carbon footprint is meaningless and something very devastating is going to happen in ‘9 years’.   Not ten. Not five. Not an even number.   More like a prophesy fed to him. From somewhere.

And I think we need to be paying attention to that…and see, what else, they give. Because there are always specks of truth in every lie!

Cynthia Nixon – A Staged Hollywood Play

It would seem that NY Candidate, Cynthia Nixon, is endorsing everyone as long as they are of the Liberal ‘persuasion’ and adhere to woman characteristics.   It doesn’t matter what comes out their mouths, it doesn’t matter their ignorance, all that matters is a profile.  You know, the profiling that is stricken most cops across the nation as ‘racist’.  Only Nixon’s is a more serviant profile – stupid women.

Ocasio-Cortez can only get worse.   Her credibility is making people of all persuasions – cringe.   Her complete lack of knowledge is only highlighted by the media that interviews her and says – nothing!  Because they want to proliferate – stupidity as the new Democrat Platform.

And yet, and still, Cynthia Nixon adamantly announces the victorious candidate as a proclamation of all things – feminine.   Help!  I refuse.   I refuse to announce my candidacy of idiocy.  And if Nixon thinks staking a platform, instead of knowledge, is going to earn her additional points, she may find it is exactly what costs her the points by a landslide.

It is what Trump refers to as The Swamp – it has no political ideology, it has no political affiliation, it has no bounds of $$$$, or legacy, or media coverage.  The Swamp is All Things.   And that is most likely what scares them more than anything, they have lost a core soapbox, and stand to be melted like the Wicked Witch Of The West.

It seems somewhat reminiscent of Trudeau.   He has no backbone.  He has no ideology.  He is tatamount to a marionette, and would seem to be ok with that.

And so, we are left with a Cynthia Nixon, a 50ish lesbian, who has spent her entire life on stage and in the movies pretending she is someone else…

So what is her platform?

1)  Universal healthcare – like NIH of the UK which is in such dire straits with a severe shortage of both doctors and nurses, a sever backlog of appointments and medical monitoring, and a massive shortfall of budget revenues.  Yes, that’s exactly the system of universal healthcare we must charge after, full steam ahead, with all it’s perverse failures.

2)   Income inequality.  This was an Obama bat-my-eyelashes demand as he asserted that all people should give their money to those who do nothing and have not.   Because, that’s what the Bible says.

3)   Renewable Energy:   She advocates for a pledge by 2050 for NY – in 32 years she will be 98.  What the heck, most likely she will be dead!  What a PLEDGE!

We are in the midst of an “Agenda”.  It is promulgated by the Soros Cabal as a means of cultivating support from a gender that is dominant in the world – women.   “Vote for me because I am woman” – is the same denouncement that sent Hillary into a tizzy when in fact – she lost!  But I am a woman – therefore I SHOULD have won!

So we are now in the midst of the core of the tornado wherein the quiet is the gathering of women to sequester various political offices across the country – not due to intelligence, wisdom, or knowledge, but due to Gender.

Of course her backing of Salazar, who has become much of a hype as revelations of fraud, falsified documents, falsified statements, corruption, and more is revealed in which Salazar s basically a complete fabrication.   Of course, Nixon would be wise to back off this endorsement…  But she doesn’t – because Salazar is a woman, and like Hillary, you can be a paedophile, rapist, drug lord, money launderer, fraudster – but if you are a woman, hey, you get a PASS.


The other rather demonstrative aspiration of the Nixon, Salazar, OCasio pledge is that they all aspire to some form of Progressive Socialism.   Ask them what that means and I guarantee you will laugh.

Even Hillary didn’t know.

Running against Cuomo, she actually has a shot – only because Cuomo is such a loser.   Cuomo is a like a car running on fumes, there is only so much time before the car hits the bottom of the hill and there is nothing left to make it go.  Vrom, Vromm.

For now, Nixon is attempting to take the high road and portray herself as a woman of refinement and control.   If Cuomo indeed assaults her, it will be at the behest of his “Handlers”, if he does not, we know that she is the next “Chosen One” by the handlers.   It is always a sad day when we realize another woman has succumbed …