The Psychological Dystopia of Elite Propaganda

The Latest Sniggle: “Russia is using Winter as a weapon”.   Variants:   “Russia is using energy as a weapon”…   “Russia is using grain as a weapon”…   “Russia’s war hawks…”,   “Russia’s authoritarian political system”,    Worse yet – social media is inciting chaos in Iran and China citing draconian control via CoVid.   And have somehow forgotten the measures employed by Western nations completely…   Exactly Who Is Authoritarian?

Quick answer – every country across the globe.

Unfortunately, the memory of the average citizen is now roughly 5 days… At which point all past totalitarian and authoritarian control is forgotten.   But it makes people feel better to call out regimes that have been festered for decades as communist while ignoring western regimes committing the EXACT same atrocities.

WHY?   For many, it gives them a sense of superiority – for others it alleviates having to address their own suppressive control.  

But the Truth is obvious – from the perspective of an outside student – the vast portion of our globe would be defined under the same oppression.

Trying to compare Iranian student uprisings and China Student uprisings to Canada’s trucking freedom convoy is a dangerous if not perilous agenda.   The purpose of which is to support coups.   The source of 90%+ coups is Western Propaganda NGO affiliates.

And in this – even the most conservative pundits fall prey to the Youth Market that conveys victimhood … without acknowledging the Antifa Market or the BLM Market. That plagues western nations. But it continues to serve the same purpose of division and chaos.

In this sphere of reality, we still emotionally adhere to America is good and those countries deemed bad by America – are bad. Therefore, even if their actions are the same as Western Nations, they are bad and Western Nations are good.   This placating is necessary to adhere to the false narratives.

A psychological dystopia.

As The Conservative Treehouse pointed out – when Biden declares that inflation has ended – that means that the inflated pricing remains inflated – yet the consumer propaganda is that this new price point has stabilized inflated. Ultimately, many consumers will see this as a positive despite paying 500% more over two years.

Attempting to bring this false and fake information to the public is met with derision – because the standard shifts.

It is no different than the misrepresentation of numbers that the US and the UN provide to disseminate statistics for Africa – when in reality Africa provides NO STATISTICS on anything –

It was recently noted that Africa has no CoVid and a supposed 6% vaccine status.   While the vaccine status may be as low as 1% – the point is regarded as an ‘unknown’.   Similar to the ‘unknown’ causes of death that have circled the globe to the tune of ! billion+ in 2022.

But another theory was posited to me – hydroxychloroquine is routinely used in Africa to combat Malaria.   The same hydroxy that eliminates CoVid.   Yet – Gates has initiated a New Malaria Drive in Africa to further eliminate populations that he deems unsustainable… aka – he hates blacks.

Will the Climate Space Cadets suddenly release a report that a mini-ice-age is the next diaspora climate change challenge?   Statistics would reveal – YES.   La Nina is the culprit cited by The Economist Rothschild Rag – as though these climate alts have never existed until today.   I remember when a female weather analyst acknowledged on air that the 2 tier climate ‘hump’ had grown to 3 tiers – this was perhaps 5-7 years ago wherein she was removed permanently.

As The Gateway Pundit has revealed – even the most strident conservatives can be manipulated to forge a fringe compassion for another anti-governments protests while ignoring the facts of western coups.

We should be LESS concerned about other government’s totalitarian regimes and MORE focused on our own!   Because, in reality, they are ONE AND THE SAME.