From The Netherlands With Love – The Agnelli Family

Yellen has arrived in China to clean up the mess after Biden called Xi Jinping a Dictator.   But the real concern is ‘metals’.   Metals that power semiconductors. Semiconductors that power – everything.   The Biden Handlers, in all their wisdom decided to reduce exports of semiconductors to China.   Although Intel is in Ohio building the world’s largest chip plant, it is worthless without China’s metals.   And Xi, unfettered, decided the Clown show running America is unraveling.  

IF Obama is Biden’s prime handler then he will be credited with the mental prowess of a five year old given the economic decisions.   Certainly, there is more than one handler behind the curtain; Bloomberg, Jarret, Rice, and Hillary are the obvious.   But obvious isn’t always the right answer.

There are four basic metals used in the production of semiconductors: Germanium (not the flower), arsenide (A derivative of arsenic), silicon, and gallium.   China has reduced shipments of the two G’s – Gallium and Germanium.   Retaliatory.

Blinken’s journey to China proved an abject disaster, so the Powers somehow think Yellen can sway Jinping into forgive and forget mode.  

Yellen spent the majority of her working years as a professor before Bill Clinton appointed her to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and The Council of Economic Advisors.   Her government career is relatively lackluster with few if any real achievements.

Yellen’s success is measured by the positions she has held rather than positive accomplishments attributable. So why was she chosen to speak with Xi Jinping?    Mending US and China relations is the tabloid agenda.   Oddly, Yellen’s visit is not even mentioned in Chinese Newspapers.

However, this pronouncement was quoted in Xinhau Globalink, “The U.S. recognizes that it can’t push for a full economic ‘decoupling’ with China,” said Nick Marro, an analyst of global trade, noting that there are “simply too many linkages” between the world’s two largest economies.”

Nick Marro works for The Economist Intelligence Unit.   This ‘Unit’ acts as the research and advisory division of The Economist Group, which publishes The Economist Magazine. The Group, was formed in 1946 predominantly by The Rothschild’s.   Shroder, Cadbury and Exor, NV are current shareholders as well, with Exor holding a majority of shares.

John Elkann, a NY Jewish Italian, inherited the fortune of the Agnelli family given a series of tragic deaths.  He is the current CEO and President.

Elkann and Nitan Nohria of India together control Exor, which holds over 46% of The Economist Group shares.   Nohria, a Harvard Grad, works with the World Economic Forum, The Aspen Institute, and was honored by McKinsey & CO.   He was appointed Chairman of Exor May 2023. The previous Chairman of Exor resigned to become President of World Bank.

They both adamantly oppose President Trump.

The Agnelli Family trace their ancestry to Ramesses II of the Turin Dynasty – 1200 BC.     Yet, given Ramesses had over 150 children, it is believed that 90% of Europe and parts of Asia could claim ancestry.    Hardly a pronouncement of royalty – but the media love to lap it up as though it bears merit.

The Agnelli family saw the profitability of war – first against Libya in 1911, then again WWI and WWII wherein their company supported the political rise of Mussolini – embracing Fascism.    The Agnelli company provided trucks, weapons, ambulances, and aircraft engines for war, growing the company from 50 employees to 10,000 by 1915.

Giovanni Agnelli was both a member of Mussolini’s Fascist Party and in alliance with Nazi Germany.   When Giovanni died, Viktor Valletta, then managing director for the company, took control.   Valletta was one of the original founders of the Bilderberg Group in 1954. The Agnelli family were instrumental in the formation of The Trilateral Commission in 1973 and the Aspen Institute.

The Headquarters for The Economist Group is the UK. Exor, NV is headquartered in the Netherlands.   The Home of BIS – the International Bank that rules the West.   Where Jerome Powell is employed.

Despite being the Chair of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell takes his orders from – BIS.   And BIS has ordered more interest rate hikes in order to affirm a Recession and Collapse.

This vast industrial complex was handed over to John Elkann in 2003, Giovanni’s grandson.   And in 2010, China became a destination for money and profits.

The Agnelli Family is interested in China for only one reason – money.   There are no politics involved, no human rights, no concern for ideologies, it is as simplistic as it sounds – $$$$$$$$$$$.

According to The Economist Group at least 13 multinational companies do business in China where they make of $10 billion each. But many are attempting to decouple by moving operations to Vietnam or India. Some cannot.   There are 22 multinational semiconductor companies operating in China.

Companies were drawn to China to scavenge the 1.4 billion consumer population while hacking the low cost of production and wages.   With time, these costs began to steadily rise and the competitive edge narrowed. As a result, they sought to ravage India where wages were still low but work ethic was high.

Biden’s foot & mouth disease put a canker sore on the devolving arrangement. And Yellen is sent in as a decoy. Or maybe to offer a Treasury Bribe.