ISRAEL WAR: A Slew of Back Stories Gone Awry – Blinken on Suicide Watch

There are some peculiar irregularities beginning to rise as we attempt to parlay where the Israel/Palestine war goes from here:  

  1. ‘Aid” to Palestine was an Obama construct, reversed by Trump and reinstated by Biden –
  2. Does this imply a confrontation had been planned for years?
  3. Egypt warned Israel 3-4 days before the attack and they did absolutely nothing to prepare.
  4. This is exactly what happened when our own distinguished intel all dropped the ball despite warnings ahead of 9-11.
  5. The Cartel likes to play the same reruns over and over…
  6. The WH declares absolutely no US incursion into the war.   Yet today DoD Austin announced two warships are off the coast, and marines had been called up.
  7. Human Rights Watch, which is a Soros NGO, is condemning Israel’s attacks as violating International Law targeting civilians.
  8. Netanyahu is dropping white sulfur on Gaza.   And seems to be operating as an android might.
  9. Israel has killed and injured a umber of war correspondents including from Reuters – and seems not to care. In additional 11 UN peaceworkers were killed by Netanyahu without remorse.
  10. The UN is calling out Israel’s War Crimes.

Blinken admits on national news that funding Iran means funding Hamas, gosh darn unfortunately.   But Blinken is likely the one who negotiated the exchange of 5 Americans for 3 Iranians and the unfreezing of monies held via a trade deal between South Korea and Iran.   A Contract.   And Qatar has likely refused to become a party to violating said contract.  Blinken – Fatal Flaw was already on the suicide watch.

I see three possible explanations:   1) Netanyahu has gone rogue. And is insane.   2) Rothschild’s Israel (owns 93% of the land in Israel and leases it to settlements) and the new Soros protégé, Pierre Omidyar, are having an argument.   3)   Netanyahu is AI.

Good ole desk jockey Austin has declared that the US can easily handle two wars, Ukraine and Israel thru funding, weapons, and ‘aid’.   The fact that the bank was broke with Ukraine makes the statement a bit as though memo’s are NOT emailed to everyone and thus we have a Houston Problemo.   The stories do NOT jive.

We know our weapons are depleted.   We know our coffers are dry. We know our manpower and intelligence are ill-equipped. And we are on a temporary budget!  With Jim Jordan coming in – a McCarthy democrat deal is not nearly as likely.   The Democrat pick failed and Jim Jordan is taking the baton.  DANG!   Of course, they might use the, ‘We have to fund our military fighting against the Nazi terrorists’…

Yes, Hamas is no longer Hamas they have been promoted to ISIS/Nazi/Hamas. As though this reference will drive even greater fuel for rage responses.  

Something is amiss.  

Blinken ending his trip to Qatar to shore up the $6 billion of funds for Iran was billed as a great success until a day later Qatar announced that they would cutoff ALL oil exports if a ground war was launched in Gaza.   Interestingly, Qatar’s main export partners for oil include: Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea and Thailand.   None of whom have any hand in the Israel war.   But it could force these countries to thus take a side.   In particular worry is – China.

Creating the backdrop for the WWIII proposal that is making Blinken so jittery and nervous – eyes darting, etc…   Yet another development: Right after leaving Qatar, Blinken traveled to Colombia, Chile and Peru claiming these countries are the source of our out of control border…   What The Heck?

Of these three countries, the singular common denominator is they all export oil to – China.   Therefore, Blinken knew that Qatar would make the oil embargo statement and is busily trying to shore up and replenish Qatar’s oil for China with South American oil so that China doesn’t get in a wad and side with Palestine.

Back home in Amerika, America First Legal has filed a lawsuit against Blinken charging he violated the Taylor Force Act by subsidizing Palestinian terrorism resulting in the death of 14 Americans in Israel.  A potential death penalty.

Iran is an ally of Qatar.   Any attack on Iran would ignite Saudi Arabia and Qatar – both of whom have been heavily supplied with US weapons for years!   Putting the entire West on high alert.  And Blinken on the Line!

IF Netanyahu is rogue, then Blinken has no ability to quell Netanyahu’s dearth of vengeance including a ground assault. Meaning this was supposed to be another incursion – not a war.   And everyone miscalculated!

IF Netanyahu is AI – it means the world is under the spear of a James Bond villain set on destroying earth.

IF Netanyahu is answering to Rothschild’s demands and Soros is pissed because the funding he had already earmarked for Ukraine has now dwindled, negotiating peace in Israel would take front seat to appease Soros.

Any way you cook the gamut, it appears, this was NOT the plan and once again Blinken is in the hot seat for not considering the consequences of “Funding”.   Soros could give a fark if all our troops died due to being out-weaponed, he just wants to keep the money flowing into Ukraine. Why?   Because Ukraine was the trafficking hub for all trafficking and laundering;   money, children, organs, slaves, drugs, etc…   And Russia put a huge dent in that revenue source.   Soros has been taking the biggest cut of Ukraine money to replenish what he is losing from his trafficking trade.

That means, Blinken is charged with keeping China at bay, negotiating with Netanyahu over implementing peace, keeping the Middle East happy with suitcases of cash, and reinstating Ukraine Aid to Soros while keeping that war ongoing. It then becomes understandable that Blinken is losing it –

In the meantime, Putin has offered to step in and mediate a long lasting two separate state solution returning the pre 1967 boundaries taken by Israel. The UN concurs with Putin.

Alice In Wonderland Red Queen – Revisited!

Afghanistan: Austin, Blinken and Milley – The Three Stooges!

Contrary to the GLOBAL MSM dialogue, Afghanistan is not for sale to china or Russia, in fact the true Taliban allies have already asserted themselves;   Qatar and Turkey.

In 2013, with support from the Obama administration the Taliban opened its main office in Qatar. While Pakistan has been implicated as an alliance, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the leader of the Taliban was released from a Pakistani prison at Obama’s request in 2010.   While Qatar is accused of abetting the Taliban, it was the Biden Handlers who orchestrated the media cringe botched withdrawal.

Of course Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chief of Staff General Milley and Secretary of State, Blinken, would seem oblivious to having any role in the botching… The Three Stooges!

What these Stooges would seem to have in common is a long history of flubs.   In October 2020, Milley specifically refuted President Trump on the Afghanistan drawdown stating, “I default back to we have a plan. It’s a conditions-based plan, and right now, the only number that’s publicly out there that I am aware of in terms of any sort of official number is 4,500 in the not-too-distant future by November. And that’s the plan.” He further reiterated, “The key here is that we’re trying to end a war responsibly, deliberately, and to do it on terms that guarantee the safety of the U.S. vital national security interests that are at stake in Afghanistan.”

So what happened to ‘the plan’ General?  

The fallout between Milley and Trump came to a head with Milley’s support of Critical Race Theory, and his noninterventionist approach to the riots and mass destruction of major US cities within the BLM and ANTIFA ‘movements’.   But Milley’s subordination became most evident in his politically charged rhetoric wherein he stated, “What caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution”… (referencing the January 6th Trump supporters).   Milley believed Trump was staging a coup.

Milley thus became another stooge of the deep state and sold out veterans, the military soldiers, the Constitution, and The American People.   Further assaulting his uniform, Milley was instrumental in paying off the Taliban while leaving countless American’s and Afghan loyalists to die – given NO PLAN was instituted as he had declared just a year earlier.

In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Bahrain declared Qatar an enemy and blockaded the country.   The US was somewhat caught in the middle given our Air Force base, Al Udied, was hosting more than 11,000 US troops.   The initial Qatari alliance came as a result of the conclusion of the Gulf War against Iraq. The base was a primary stronghold by the US in its missile attacks against Syria.

Turkey and the UK enjoy bilateral trade relations. Boris was a passionate supporter of Erdogan’s desire to become an EU state… until Boris was a passionate supporter of Leave.   But cooperative relations among the two countries continues.

It is highly unlikely that the Turkey-UK relationship and the Qater-US relationship embody the new Taliban/Qatar/Turkey alliance coincidentally…

Germany’s Deutsche Welle today announced that the government will likely reopen the Afghanistan embassy – forging a relationship with – the Taliban.   What begins to unravel is the fact that the previous Afghan government was NOT too keen on sharing the $3 trillion in known available resources.   Apparently, the Taliban is not so greedy.   But the spoils seem to fit a six way split – at least so far. The US share would thus be $500 billion – more than adequate to cover the $100 million or so in lost military equipment.

In mid 2020, National Endowment for Democracy stated, “NED expanded programs in Afghanistan, Morocco, and Lebanon to respond to political opportunities and guard against further democratic backsliding.” And then, without mentioning who the ‘partners’ might be, August 27, 2021, “We are standing in solidarity with our Afghan partners.”


Enter CSIS, Center for Strategic & International Studies, another bullpock in the deep state corporation. Their latest analysis, “…at this point, the Taliban seems to have at least some moderate elements that are focused on creating an effective and stable government. There is no clear extremist element in at least its visible political and religious leadership. Tragic as some aspects of the evacuation and the violence at Kabul airport have been, the fact remains that these events involved less than half of one percent of the total population.”   CSIS also recommends reopening the US embassy in Kabul.

Written by Anthony Cordesman, his bio defines him as formally aligned with:

John McCain/NATO/DeepState/Stanley McChrystal offionada!   McChrystal was quite critical of Biden which earned him the rebuke of Obama wherein he was ‘forced’ to resign his command in Afghanistan.   Subsequently, McChrystal was considered a running-mate for Trump’s 2016 presidency. He declined and ultimately endorsed Biden in 2020.   Was he too commandeered?   Another obvious.

What would it take for a military commander to supplant his country, his Constitution, his People with fraud and corruption?

Ridiculing the US was part and parcel of the Game.   Because the deep state does not work with, support, or advocate for the United States, they advocate for themselves as The Roundtable.   Within that roundtable agenda, destroying the US from within was always the point given an arrogant hatred of all things arrogant – aka, the US populace.

The game was not simply about losing miserably from a global perspective in the Afghanistan pullout, it was and is about turning the US into the global nihilist demon.  A weak, self absorbed, narcissistic, racist populace in need of ‘retraining’, ‘reeducation’ and ‘rehabilitation’, so as to accept the Totalitarian Rule of Order.   The government eroded and corrupted by the deep state will not be for blame – instead the American People will be encapsulated in this conditioned Mantra of demonization.

With a pariah America, and an incompetent government, countries will pullout of trade.   Countries will pull out of tourism.   And countries will ultimately drop the dollar. Destabilizing America shifts power vacuums. The MONEY will re-emerge elsewhere as a colony of its own. And as Epstein so eloquently revealed, the power of Blackmail has NO boundaries.

The political picks that were labeled Obama benefactors were also Stooges.  Three Stooges responsible for the integrity of our Country!  And BOTH parties voted them in knowing the level of ineptitude and the level of sadistic bent.  They Sold Their Souls and in so doing Sold the lives of millions – if not Billions.   HERO’s, they are NOT.  EVER.