Ukraine-Russia War = Ukraine Debt Default

The Ukraine Deflection Revealed.   Money.   Ukraine borrowed money from ‘foreign sources’ at high interest rates and is slated to default.   President Zelensky did nothing to support the terms of the IMF loans that were used to ‘bailout’ the economy.   They have not tapped their own reserves for independence from Russia, and their junk bonds are paying 10-12%.   Which is not feasible financially.  

In 2015 hedge fund Aurelius Capital Management restructured an $18 billion debt package and paid $8.9 billion.   A “vulture fund”, Aurelius purchases sovereign debt of troubled nations at a discount.  

In 2016, Christine Lagarde of the IMF threatened to withhold a $40 billion bailout program if Zelensky didn’t reign in corruption.

In 2020, Ukraine was given a loan from Deutsche Bank.  In December of 2020 Ukraine also raised $4 billion thru the sale of bonds.   In 2021 they were supposed to repay $21 billion.   January 2022, IMF has intimated Ukraine is being cut off from further commercial borrowing.

Adding to Zelensky’s woes is the fact that foreign land investors have been selling off in the face of the Russia instigation.   As their economy remains in crisis, with the lowest level of GDP amongst all of Europe, losing the $3 billion fee charged for the transit of oil through it’s pipeline from Russia just kicked the bucket!

So why would Russia want to invade Ukraine?   Russia has a stable economy, more gas than they can handle, and absorbing a bankrupt, debt-ridden country would only be a burden!

But that’s what you get with an stand-up comedian running a country.

Meanwhile, freezing assets of the former NED coup installed president Poroshenko and charging him with treason, seemed like a good comedic route to take to confiscate money and hold off on the debt default.  Desperation!  The terms of the loans is confidential.

What a twisted web we weave…

What happens when a country defaults on its debt?   They can print more money and enter a staggering unending spiral of inflation, or they can borrow more money at even higher interest rates. Neither of these events will technically do much of anything.   But what if, the outstanding creditors offered another solution?   A war?

The elite wealthy have typically profited quite nicely from war. And two separate scenarios could be accomplished – 1.   The War Chest profits,   and 2.   Economically destabilizing Russia to the point where a puppet president could be installed giving them control has been paramount to the final equation of a globalized GREAT RESET.  Russia being the Singular major holdout.  Navalny, their coup project failed miserably – multiple times.   Putin wasn’t playing their game.

Selling out his people to war, Zelensky has released a 22 page survival guide for every citizen advising such strategic actions as – ‘don’t face a bomb, turn your head the other way’.   Or, ‘if the gas is turned off, find another source of heat’.   You know, critical military tactics…

There have been massive attempts to create the folly that Russia made the first move so as to politically justify a war.   But the global populace don’t care about Ukraine and don’t want a war.   Russia knows this – as do many within the conservative awakening.   With the US and UK sending weapons and trainers, Canada sending taxpayer cash, and mercenaries sent to pretend they are Russian soldiers equipped with Russian uniforms and weapons, a staged plan to use chemical agents on innocent people while claiming it was Russia, intel continues to find the plots and disengage them.

Enter ‘satellite imagery’.   Provided by an Maxar Technologies, a Colorado company with an interesting board of directors including a few who previously worked for the CIA and the Department of Defense.  Their latest News Release states that Maxar worked with the UK military on a digital terrain AI technology to show solution based ‘routes for convoys’.   What their blog news site does NOT show is an aerial satellite view of Russian troops at Ukraine’s border.

The media entrusted satellite picture appears to show tanks and vehicles parked in Klinsky, Russia.   Only the road from Klinsky to the Ukraine border is 314 miles away.   Top speed of a tank on a road – 60 mph – off-road is 18 mph.    Perspective:   if we put troops in San Luis Obispo California would they be considered on the Mexican border 300 miles away?  That would equate to a 4 hour and 45 minute drive – in a car. 

Whether Zelensky was the new puppet of the Cabal or not, he is a pathetic leader.   Perhaps he thought that it would be a cushy job with a guaranteed salary and fame!   What every entertainer covets.   Ukraine’s economy was improving steadily under the tutelage of the ousted Russia friendly president, by NED.   Inserting a businessman, Poroshenko, he managed to ravage the economy as much as possible while increasing his personal wealth.

Placing puppets as the pawns of chaos, whose legacy’s will be the equivalent of black death would seem the newest exercise.   Perhaps, Zelensky was Ukraine’s Biden – a scapegoat.   But what is overwhelmingly true is that money is a powerful tool – even when it means selling out your own country…

One thought on “Ukraine-Russia War = Ukraine Debt Default

  1. the global takeover is a prime example of a few rich people with too much time on their hands and no brains to start mom used to always say,an idle mind is the devils workshop,i’d laugh,it’s not so funny anymore!

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