Facebook’s Zuckerberg in Freefall: A COUP in the Making!

Zuckerberg is in freefall.   Despite massive funding to subvert the 2020 Presidential Election toward Biden as per the bidding of his ‘friends and handlers’, these hybrids have become his enemies.   And the Coup ramps up!

Two NGO’s funded by Facebook are now headlined as having manipulated the 2020 Presidential Election:   1.   Center For Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and,   2.   Center For Election Innovation and Research (CEIR).

But Facebook is hardly the ONLY funder!   Google, Knight Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers, Democracy Fund, Center For Democracy and Technology, Rock The Vote, and others are named as primary financing institutions as well.   If a Facebook Coup is underway and is successful, it would follow that hostile takeovers and coups will splinter the entire tech industry behemoths within the same guise of incompetence and monopolies triggered by lawsuits.

Each of these Big Tech companies were founded by devout liberal democrats.   The left wing Democrats in Congress are the frontrunners calling for the Breakup.   It would appear Facebook is the lone wolf with Zuckerberg unwilling to step down:

*Today Elizabeth Warren called for the breakup of Amazon.   While Bezos relinquished his position as CEO and President this past summer, he remains on the board.

*Google is facing four antitrust lawsuits including one filed by the US Federal Attorney General in 2020.   A second suit was filed by 37 state attorney generals led by New York’s liberal Letitia James. In 2019 both founders of Google/Alphabet, Sergey Brin and Larry Page stepped down from their executive posts.

*A recent whistleblower at Apple, Ashley Gjovik, has brought allegations against Tim Cook as CEO of Apple.   Cook has alleged that Gjovik leaked sensitive information which was the basis for her being fired.   Gjovik claims discrimination and harassment led her to making the offensive tweets that got her fired.

Warren has also called for the breakup of Apple.

*Pierre Omidyar, the founder of Ebay stepped down as CEO and Board Chair in 2020. Ebay has been assaulted by class action lawsuits for a decade.

*Bill Gates stepped down as a board member of Microsoft in 2020 amidst revelations of affairs with employees… Microsoft has been the subject of antitrust lawsuits since the 1990’s.

NOTHING is coincidental in these scenarios.   In order to convene the Great RESET Big Tech needs to relinquish control to the global government.

CEIR FUNDING:   Democracy Fund is one of the funding NGO’s of CEIR.   It was founded by Ebay’s Omidyar.   The Center For Democracy & Technology is funded by Open Society, Democracy Fund, Ford, Knight, Facebook, Google, Amazon and TikTok.   Facebook remains the holdout and the Cabalists are getting – angry.

Absorbing Google, Ebay, Amazon and Tik-Tok would entail a global collaboration between the CCP and the Cabal. Facebook’s Zuckerberg is the last stooge.

CEIR’s Board have extensive connections with the Clintons, including Ray Martinez who worked for the Clinton administration as one of four commissioners appointed to the US Election Assistance Commission. The Board chair, Pam Anderson is also on the Board for Center For Technology and Civic Life (CTCL as noted above). David Becker, founder of CEIR was formally the Director at PEW Charitable Trust a far left wing organization that left it’s philanthropic roots to become a screen for political activism. And Trey Grayson is a principle at CivicPoint.   According to their website:   CivicPoint is a full-service public affairs firm dedicated to helping you influence policy and public opinion to achieve your goals. Political capital is our currency: We build our clients’ political capital and leverage it to drive results.”

“Influencing policy and public opinion” is the key element of propaganda.

Divesting tech is a soft coup whose purpose is to nationalize corporate America – like the CCP.   It is being done with the cooperation of its founders.

Zuckerberg has two options:   1)   relinquish Facebook entirely to the Cabalist Government, or 2)   rebrand Facebook as a Conservative Voice and align with the Trumpers.   While Zuckerberg has fought off Soros and the Cabal a number of times, this time traction is mounting and the entire liberal media pundits are onboard the demon train.

ALL ABOARD! The Cabal is working OverTime!  What’s it going to be Zuckerberg?

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