Arizona Education Department Under Fire – Another Biden LOSS

BIDEN IS FUMING!   Apparently, Arizona is providing spiffs to schools that don’t demand mask mandates and Biden wants the Treasury Department to punish Arizona for their state sovereign use of funds obtained thru Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act dated March 2021.   Using the Treasury Department to make the accusation and determinations regarding the use of Education funds is NOT the proper legal lineage. The money went to the Department of Education and was then allocated to public schools across the country.   The money had attached the following requirements:

Part 1–Department of Education

(Sec. 2001) This section provides additional FY2021 funding for the Department of Education (ED) to assist states with addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools.

ED must use specified funds to support the identification, enrollment, and school participation of homeless children and youth.

Local educational agencies (LEAs) must reserve funds to address student learning loss. The remaining funds may be used for any allowable purpose under federal education programs and for other specified purposes, including for the purchase of sanitization supplies and educational technology.

It is pretty clear, that the money is Arizona’s and any remaining funds may be used at their discretion for ‘any allowable purpose or other specified purpose’.   The federal education program makes no mention of mask requirements.   In addition, per the CDC, masks are within ‘guidance rules’, not mandates.

Tch Tch.

Biden is subjecting himself to more lawsuits.   And thus building the impeachment scenario.   The Treasury Department person Kathleen Victorino made this statement, “By discouraging families and school districts from following this guidance, the conditions referenced above undermine efforts to stop the spread of [Covid]-19.   Accordingly, these school programs as currently structured are ineligible uses of funds provided under the American Rescue Plan.”

IN reading the Bill Section 2001 of the Rescue Plan, ‘stopping the spread’, is not mentioned anywhere as a provision of the funding or as a state requirement.   However the Bill does state that Use Of Funds shall include responding to the children’s “emotional and social needs”.   The Bill is not a CDC Mandate, it is to assist school operations, to help students re-acclimate, to address the social and emotional well-being of students, and to support learning that was impaired by online school closures.

They haven’t a leg to stand on.

But then Kathleen Victorino is the scapegoat.   She is “Acting” Deputy Compliance Officer.  And once again we witness the Fall within the expendables.

It is simply another blow to Biden designations who are clueless and not properly advised on legal matters.   Whether this is done purposefully to further destroy the entire administration has yet to be proven.   But given the lady in waiting – Hillary – it is suspiciously so.

Knowing that the Cabalists were going to destroy the global economy, it was a necessary default to find a president and VP who were considered expendable pawns.   Their legacies would ultimately be abject failures and their reputations dragged thru dung.   This was NOT a good fit for the Hillary ego.

So they found the most extinguishable pawns they could; Biden and Harris.   Once the damage was done and the economy and people were extinguished, Hillary could saunter to the podium and offer her expertise in saving not just America – but the WORLD!   Imagine her ego? Her eyes glazed!   Her vision of glory as she dons her robe awarded by the UK Chancellorship and takes her seat on the global throne.


Never underestimate the wicked in their deign for glory!  

One thought on “Arizona Education Department Under Fire – Another Biden LOSS

  1. dear Jesus why hasn’t this witch dropped from a stroke already! i guess it’s that stuff in the blood of all the children they’re murdering,who knows,but she looks a hell of a lot better than the slab of pork the secret service guys though in the van on that faithful day in new york city!beware of this woman,she’s like the walking anti-christ in drag,I WOULD NOT PUT ANYTHING PASS HER! i believe she would use atomic weapons against Americans if she was ever elected,that or some serious bio-weapon they have cooked up over the years,and i’m not talking some pussy thing like covid,they have much,much,much worst things at their disposal,let’s just pray we can keep the mad cow out of power,period and for good

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