SPIN MEDIA: Word Garbage Propaganda

TRUE TO DEUTSCHE WELLE spin, they portray a newly Bundestad elected black man from Cameroon as evidence that Germany now has a fully integrated member parliament!   Boosting that 83 members now have some ‘immigrant’ background, they hail their mighty selves as fully WOKE!

That would be:   1)   83 members out of 709 = 11%.   2)   upon a furtive glance at each member I found 2 blacks, 2 Turks, 1 Syrian, and 2 Iranians.   3)   the ‘Spin” is the fact that any one of them could have a mother or father from Norway, Austria, America, Italy, etc… and they would be deemed immigrants.

This word garbage is getting so OLD!

Germany’s black population is ridiculously low at .5%. Statistically, Germany claims nearly 30% of its population is from an immigrant background wherein at least one parent was born outside of Germany. The largest immigrant population is among; Polish, Romanian, Italian, Greek, Croatian, and Russian.   Middle Easterners makeup 2.1% of the population, and sub-Sahara Africans make up 1.2%.

Germany is likely the LEAST DIVERSE Country of ALL!

SPIN MEDIA was a favorite topic of Bill O’Reilly.   Too many have become lethargic when attempting to unravel the spins.   Many simply don’t try. But the vast majority are the bought ‘spinners’.   Once upon a time, that would be likened to ‘Critical Thinking’. Unfortunately, that concept has also been ‘Spun’.

Where to look for the creators of Spin?

When in doubt, look to the Rothschild Economist for their global gypsy crystal ball predictions of the illusion world:  

  1. The Economist Spin: Labour shortages across the globe have brought the supply chain to a virtual halt.   Cause – Lockdowns.

But many countries have lifted lockdowns – so why is there still a labour shortage?   In the US, the obvious causal factor was welfare subsidies.   You know, the same guaranteed income espoused by the Greenie Weiners.   When people are paid NOT to work…

Germany, aka the CULT, via Soros, initially advocated for massive immigration, open borders, and repatriation.    The reason?   Labour shortages were threatening the future!   Immigrants were the answer.  Supposedly.  What it did accomplish was more welfare while leaving open a more readily accessible Africa and Latin America.   For – The – CULT.

The vast majority of SA and African immigrants don’t work.   Job availability is VAST while unemployment remains high.   Immigrants don’t have the language or the skill set.   Locals are balking at CoVid passports and thus a new unemployment HOLE is created.

But that would equate to income equality.   Not by bringing the unemployed up – but by bringing the employed – down.

In the US we have contrived shortages of supplies due to contrived mandates and regulations that lesson, shorten, or downright omit the vast majority of workers.   As a result these former heavy weights go back to the small mom and pop businesses that are exempt from the mandates. But that leaves holes in many industries including;   teachers, truck drivers, dock workers, construction laborers, and nurses.

Solution – according to the Elite Economists – bring in laborers from India, further devolving Europe’s, Australia’s, Canada’s and the US’s demographics.

While Germany and the UK media decry their shortage of fuels, their leaders advocate for ‘diversity’…   Europe is facing a winter fuel crisis for heating oil and petrol.   Not for lack of the resources, but for lack of laborers to supply the resources.  But diversity doesn’t have an education…

Australia’s solution?   Make the unvaccinated pay more, suffer more, and be victims of largess discrimination.   Australia’s economy is set to implode violently.   As an island, they are much more vulnerable.   The revolt will not be peaceful.

China’s factories have shuttered as a result of coal ‘shortages’.   Australia was China’s major supplier.   That supply was CUT.  Without the US trade surplus, China is economically void.   And the CULT has already set the stage to blame – Xi Jinping as China faces starvation and frigid deaths.

Like Theresa May who sold out the UK, Merkel is likely to be found on some beach in Portugal sipping Mai Tai’s.   But I imagine that is the drift of Trudeau and Macron as well.    Their conscience cleared of the destruction of their respective country is a unique soul to be sure.   Off they go giggling and catching butterflies…

Meanwhile, despite global health officials declaring the CoVid virus is simply a radical flu, Washington State has announced plans to build gulag style ‘quarantine centers’ for those unable to isolate at home.   The Next Phase of eliminating the old and weak – the Homeless. A further elimination of a segment of the population – the homeless, those in nursing homes, and those in Alzheimer care units that have no expansion capabilities without going bankrupt.   An easy target really.   It will garnish the least sympathy – and can thus operate without charge infinitely…

With Ted Cruz – unceremoniously silent, and Trump advocating for ALL to submit to the vaccine, a few flags should be raised.   And it might be prudent to be a bit more wary. Some-Many Things – Appear – Amiss…

Globalism – THE ART OF WAR: Know Thy Enemy!

UK admonishes citizens and tells them to ‘return to normal’ in the midst of a fuel shortage that has caused massive panic buying.   But the stations report 50% to 90% of pumps were ‘dry’.   That is NOT normal.   While it does not actually reflect a shortage of petrol, it does reflect the shortage of truckers.   Supply Chain.   As in the US, there is and has been for some time a severe shortage of truckers due to various causes.   Warehouses and ships are stocked and bloating with nowhere to go!

The UK’s answer?   Use the military to drive trucks!   Just like NYC is going to use the military to fill the massive hospital staffing vacancies … albeit with untrained, non-degree personnel.   Screw the typical requirements for such employment, just use untrained lackies.

Problem solved?   Or problem exponentiated?

Apparently the shipping debacle along the California coast is due to the fact that California normally runs its docks on a union labor schedule of 9-5 with Sunday closed.   Everywhere else in the world docks operate 24/7.   With the US now manufacturing little to nothing, imports are a mainstay.   But labor is low to slow.

I have a solution, require the immigrants to actually work for a living.   Instead, like Germany, the UK, and other immigrant friendly countries, immigrants represent just another welfare payment.   In the US, welfare subsidies can be as much as $77,000 for a family of four.   Why work?

A relative of mine by marriage has found this program quite lucrative. After getting fired from a managerial position a year ago, she decided that it was fun not to work any longer as long as the welfare schematic paid her a viable wage.   Every hard working taxpayer now foots $6,000 to $10,000 of their wage toward these naysayers of employment.   Who sit on their DUFF!

Now while Psaki is truly baffled that higher corporate taxes would actually cause unprecedented inflation in the US, we approach Venezuela.   I imagine Psaki attended the same university of Soros as AOC.   Like memoirs that are the money laundering for whistleblowers, fake degrees are another tool that plagues the idiots who are chosen puppeteers exalted in the public eye.   But then, that is likely the Agenda 2030 as written.

In fact, a colleague informed me that a government worker in Amsterdam unwittingly came across a lengthy document outlining the entire shutdown process by industry and date throughout the globe.   The document was dated 2012.

The 2030 Agenda was ‘Released’ by the UN in 2015.  Coincidences are a figment of imagination.

In the midst of fake election snores, the US is hardly the only victim.    In Canada, despite Trudeau being routinely pelted with stones – despite the fact that Dominion is headquartered in Canada – errr, oddly he just won re-election.    In Germany, the neoliberal party, aka socialist extremists, have won the election and are working in alliance with the Greens to further destroy the only nation that is now holding up the entire EU.

While Merkel dances away….  Tikki style, I imagine she will be found on a beach along with Theresa May.

It is quite possible that the entire EU will implode shortly joining the US as the new under-developed global economies.   Simultaneously, Africa will rise as the new white Dubai.   Snore.

Japan has done the unprecedented in lifting the ‘emergency status’ thus making only approved vaccines viable, and future emergency powers void.  A precedent?

In the world of Faucism, the CDC has been informed of a new definition for CoVid.   In essence, it defines literally everything as CoVid with the exception of heart attacks, stroke, and cancer.   A person who exhibits a fever and headache will have died of Covid.   Although doctors are given discretion to make even that determination and are allowed to ‘believe’ these conditions apply.

Despite vaccination rates in the US supposedly topping 60%, oddly, death rates are also up.   Illogical – according to Spock.   And yet this anomaly of logic is ignored for “Critical Race Theory’.    Note to parents; the Pfizer trial on children included a total of under 2500 participants.  

So. Here we are.   The supply chains are about to collapse.   Hospitals are about to collapse.   Our politicians seem completely absent, devoid of soul.   Where are the Diehard Patriot politicians – Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, …   ummm, can’t think of anyone else.   They are fake.   And have joined the ranks of the asylum degenerates.

Our military is compromised.   Our police forces are compromised.   Churches are compromised.   Healthcare is compromised.   Corporate censorship and division reigns largess.

So – what – are – we – supposed – to – do?

  1. Horde.
  2. Stay off the grid.
  3. Pay off all debt.
  4. Accumulate weapons.
  5. Do nothing remotely illegal.
  6. Know Thy Neighbor.


  1. have knowledge of and acquire plant and holistic medicine
  2. have alternate communications other than internet and phone
  3. have many books
  4. don’t be an ass, don’t be selfish, and don’t be greedy.

In the end, we are simply another speck in the earthly evolution of societies that come and go, evolve, and prosper.   The Minoan’s were a wonderful example of what can be…

Read your ancient history – and read The Art of War.

Biden’s Australia/UK/US Triad – AUKUS: A British Colonization in PLAY!

Why are the Biden Handlers creating an alliance with the UK and Australia?   A better question would be – why are Europe and Canada NOT a part of that alliance?   Why is Germany silent while Macron fumes?   The supposed threat would be China, however, if that were true all of Humpty Dumpty’s allies would have been included.    France in particular is openly angry, while Germany and Canada prefer to pretend nothing happened.  

According to Politico, the purpose of the alliance is “to share information and know-how in key technological areas like artificial intelligence, cyber, quantum, underwater systems, and long-range strike capabilities.”   Specifically nuclear subs.

Oddly, Australia doesn’t have any nuclear subs because they signed an agreement in 2010 pinky swear promising not to produce nuclear material.  Which means the entire pact is about diverting Australia deals with EU countries in favor of creating a more nuclear powerful Triad Australia.

The arrangement is understood as a means of tipping the power void of another British Crown Colony.    Although the media parlays the deal as a means of thwarting China’s aggression in the South China Sea and towards Taiwan, that announcement is likely a deflection.   While Humpty Dumpty spoke of the need to maintain a “free and open Indo-Pacific”, that would be in stark contrast to his Afghanistan withdrawal pronouncement of ‘non-interference’.

Well, look no further than the recent contracts awarded to the military industrial complex!

In July Raytheon was ‘awarded’ a $2 billion contract for nuclear cruise missiles.   In August they were awarded another $960 million to provide hardware and software procurement services to the U.S. Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center for the terminal segment of a joint service satellite communications system.

Coincidence?  I think not.   This Triad was concocted many moons ago.   But obviously the non-interventionism espoused by Biden’s WH Handlers in the Afghanistan pullout was smoke and mirrors – as is well observed.

Was China’s Xi Jinping conned?  

July and August, PM Johnson thought it a fun idea to attempt to provoke the wrath of China by taunting them with warship excursions in the South China Sea.   Johnson was well aware what this childish tactic would gain – the invocation of who is in power and who remains subservient.

The Triad alliance may have omitted Canada because Trudeau is headed for the twalette in the election next week.   It bears mentioning that the Demonic Dominion organization is based in Canada.   Therefore the election can be parlayed with the same Arizona/Pennsylvania/Georgia/Newsom Recall antics.   Does the CULT really want Trudeau to remain?   O’Toole is the opponent who vies for a more moderate conservative party – much like the toolbit Bush, Cheney, Romney, Graham, etc….

Today O’Toole stated that he pledged to have Canada join the Triad.   That statement sounds like a Queen’s Handmaid story.   Which likens O’Toole as just another tool of the Cabalist Cult whose definitive goal is the reassertion of a Global Crown Colony. And thus it would appear that perhaps the Crown is just as weary of Trudeau as they are of Biden.

That leaves Singapore and Hong Kong as the next former British colonies to be absorbed by the Powers.   Given Kamalisha’s latest Asian visit included Singapore, the relationship or threat of colonization could have been the main agenda on the table.

Hong Kong is another former British Colony recently absorbed by China.   Given Hong Kong citizens adamantly feared and protested the absorption… and given the protests were heavily infiltrated by radicals, it could be surmised that the China agenda was a Cabal plan.   Why?   Quite simply – chaos before the introduction of a Savior.   The British Crown will now supplant Communist China with the more moderate authority of the British Crown.    The Colony reasserts its aggressive attitude toward China, and Hong Kong becomes the bargain table deal – all for $1.598.

Recreating the Crown is essential to the institution of a British imperialist rule.

In the forward time of Alice In Wonderland, the pawns of Australia and other territories will build an untenable nuclear war machine. The timeline for these ‘transactions’ is an end game of 2026 – 4 years before the 2030 Agenda is fully implemented.   Via the destruction of China and Russia.

So where is South America in all this?   A land of much fertile soil, and freshwater lakes…   Another Blog…

In the meantime, we can ‘predict’ a British Colony Chess Gamit – in the series, Russia’s Viking was defeated by a little girl.   I would suggest that eyes should remain wide and wary…

US Economic Inflation, Inflation, Inflation

The Biden Administration White House Handlers have declared that the inflation occurring throughout the US is really no big deal.   If you take out gas, heating, electricity, pork, meat, chicken, fish, and housing, then inflation is pegged at 6-7%!   But WalMart would say differently claiming shortages and inflation are going to hit hard and strong this winter! The media is also collaborating to hype the shortage of natural gas coming to your home this winter.

So what is Reality?

A.   Natural gas prices have peaked and waned for over 20 years with high nearly every three years topping over $16.80.   The price today is trending toward that peak with a current level hovering over $5.20.   While shortages are not about supply, in this instance they are about ‘storage’.

In 2019, Trader Magazine released this report:   “The United States has an overabundance of cheap natural gas. Prices are so low and supplies so plentiful that many oil producers find it more economical to burn, or flare, the surplus than to sell it to new customers.”

Natural gas is not used just for heating it is also used to produce electricity, you know, all those clean CARS!   But New York, in all its liberal quaking, decided to halt new gas pipeline construction projects that would mitigate the NE winter shortages because in 30 years, NY plans to be 100% Green.   Of course, what they would do in the meantime to fill the void was never addressed. Cuomoism.

But it is the same logic wingnutted from the WH in requiring private companies to mandate vaccines – during a massive shortage of workers.   As a result;   a)   NYC has cancelled all births indefinitely given the walkout of nurses and staff.   b)   airlines are cancelling flights amid a shortage of attendants.   c)   large companies are scrambling to find the employees to stock the growing barren shelves.   d)   and supplies sit at loading docks awaiting nonexistent truckers to take them to the retailers. e)   as a result retailers will ramp up closures leaving commercial vacancies that will destroy the REIT markets.

b.   Despite the White House’ lame attempt to shift the blame for inflation on Trump, the obvious is well – obvious. During Trump’s presidency inflation remained a constant at roughly 1.2%.   Gasoline prices were under $2 at the pump, which trickled down to transportation including airfare and trucking.   Today, gas prices at the pump are the highest level in history!   Even when accounting for inflation adjustments, the US has just ravaged its historical max although socialist Europe still leads the globe in pricing.

Meat prices came under attack when Bill Gates sought a mandate that Americans eat crickets and infused soy. YUM!

c.   While we have been privilege to the catastrophic impact of the chip shortage on the availability of new cars, according to an analysis by Goldman Sachs, the semiconductor shortage touches a mind-blowing 169 industries.   Everything from steel products to ready-mix concrete manufacturing to industries that build air conditioning systems and refrigerators to breweries.

Who manufactures chips?

Japanese company, Renasas, provided 30% of the global car industry’s chips. However, March 2021 they experienced a massive fire that put them completely out of the production cycle.   In addition, shipping channels have been uniformly clogged creating delays lasting a month or more. Ships have actually, suddenly – run aground.   Ships have completely blocked the Suez.   Since 1869, the Suez Canal has been blocked by container ships only 5 times – over a 160 year period.   In other words this is hardly a common occurrence and deserves a bit more investigation.   The latest blockage occurred in March – just as the Japanese factory simultaneously went up in smoke.   The Ever Given was the culprit and cost $400 million per HOUR in delays.

The Ever Given is owned by the Evergreen Group based in Taiwan and operated by Chinese nationals.   Fun fact – Hillary’s secret service code name was “Evergreen”.   They have also been mired in theories that they are a major transport in the sex trafficking business.   All of which is – denied.

Isn’t it odd how all things trip and trod back to a source – Hillary Clinton…   I might add that I have no intention of committing suicide, and any statements contrary are false.  The point is – it takes quite a bit of power to yield the entire Suez Canal to ‘shortages’.   Just a phone call away.  “I need a catastrophe, block the Canal.”   “Yes sir.”.

“What a Weird Game You Play…”   To me – it all seems so boringly futile.   How can you be proud of abject devastation?  Our entire psyche is built on ‘success’ and ‘success’ is/was defined within terms of beauty ~  

Imagine having had everything and done everything?  The amount of boredom and anger that might swallow a human could be like a thunderstorm storm of all beginnings.  Because without that challenge, the human has to create chaos – in order to solve it – in order to feel successful.

SO why is it that Communism is always synonymous with supply shortages, pronounced inflation, starvation, poverty and death?

As Australia has duly noted, communism/totalitarianism not only leads to massive shortages of essential goods, it leads to alcoholism.   The only viable escape mechanism for coping.   Knowing this escape mechanism was pronounced in every recent communist country, Australia, in all its wisdom, has instituted an alcohol rationing in lockdown cities.  Problem Solved!  Just make everyone batshitake CRAZY!

But the purpose of communism is to create such dire circumstances that the poverty drives people to desperation.   And thus reveals that the creation of the shortages is vital to the institution of communist power control.

Schematics are thus manipulated.   The chess game also becomes Tactic’s II, Monopoly, Checkers, and Sims all looped into one global mainframe.   And the gamit of supply shortages becomes a Matrix of illusion and propaganda.   In 1980’s Poland, food shortages became a reality.   Buying an automobile meant putting down a deposit, making periodic inflationary payments and taking delivery 5-7 years later.   Apartments were similar.   Two bedrooms were only available if two families shared the flat.   But the waiting list could be 7-10 years.

In the US where bounty is plentiful and our resources are estimated to be worth over $45 trillion, the creation of shortages requires quite a bit of manipulation, coercion, and corruption.   All wrapped up in a neat package of pure evil.   The White House Handlers began this matrix when they banned fracking and thus diffused an oil independent nation.

But that was only the beginning.

Shutting down commerce.   Derailing employment so as to create massive vacancies which shutter small businesses.   Inserting terrorism.   Inserting illegal welfare entitlements.   These societal vagrancies are actively created, they do NOT occur by social evolution.

In actuality there are NO shortages of Anything!

Instead we are fed an intravenous disparagement of fear through climate disaster, overpopulation starvation, terrorism, disease, disease, and, did I mention – disease.   Ebola is rising! Dengue is rising!   And soon people will jump off cliffs like sheep committing Hari Kari…

All because, the hype of television media puppets who see themselves as gods of lore saving mankind from itself has been bought and ripped of every viable brain cell.

They fantasize of their mythological powers while popping meth, acid, mushrooms, and every other street drug for which I know no name…   In other words, they are chemical. Their humanism has been sucked. And this is all that’s left.   I guess, I am a bit peesedOFFFF.

Social Security Explained – Equal In Poverty



Jane:   Why do we have Social Security?

Mary:   Because 80 years ago people didn’t save money so our president decided to mandate savings.

Jane:   You mean I ‘have’ to pay into this ‘savings account’?

Mary:   Yes!   Of course, Silly.   You pay and your employer pays too.

Jane: Why?   Can’t I just put money into my own savings?

Mary:   Yes and no. You can save as much as you want, but the government wants to make sure you do in case you don’t… it’s a law.

Jane:   So why don’t I just invest in the stock market?   Why can’t I save that way?

Mary:   Because 80 years ago the stock market crashed and everyone lost all their money.   Many people starved and many more died.

Jane:   So Social Security will keep me from starving?

Mary:   No.   Because what they pay you is based on the cost of living 80 years ago and so you will still starve.

Jane:   But doesn’t the government invest my savings?

Mary:   Yes, but they don’t tell you how or ask your permission, they put the money wherever they want.

Jane:   But it is my money, right?

Mary:   Kinda yes, kinda no.

Jane:   What does that mean?   Can’t I get it back?

Mary:   Sortof.   You get some of it back each year after you get old.

Jane:   But what if I die before I get old? Does all the money I put into savings go into my estate?

Mary:   Silly you!   No way!   The government confiscates the money.

Jane:   But it was my money!

Mary:   It was before you gave it away.   It is kindof like charity.   You give it to them and they use it however they want and you can only hope it is going to benefit the purpose for which you gave it to them…

Jane:   But the purpose of Social Security was to benefit me!   And I didn’t give it to them willingly!

Mary:   Well now, yes you did.

Jane:   WHAT?? That makes no sense!

Mary:   Of course it does.   The government takes your money, puts it into a witch’s brew of entitlement programs to support a bunch of illegals who are escaping poverty so that you can live in poverty when you refuse to work any longer. That way, everyone is equal in poverty.

Jane:   But isn’t that exactly what FDR said he was creating this mandated savings for?   To make sure no one ever lived in poverty again?

Mary:   Boo –

Jane:   Mary!   So is poverty reduced now?  I mean compared to 1930?

Mary:   HAHAHAHA!   We only started measuring poverty rates in 1959, not 1930, not 1920.   And the numbers are all estimates.   You know, like the numbers used by the CDC and WHO.   Everything is an algorithm.   And the algorithm is only so good as what concoctions the Masters choose to insert in the formula.   They make it all up and we are told to believe it.

Jane:   But I thought that was what China did – not the US?

Mary:   Oh Jane…   Haven’t you figured it out yet?   We are China.

British Imperialism = The New World Order = Cabal

In 1949, Carroll Quigley introduced the world at large to the Milner Group via his first book which was posthumously published 2+ decades later.   Why?   Quigley was friends and a cohort of the Group and was likely asked to deflect the Communist theory that surrounded their agenda.   In 1950, the McCarthy administration began its purge communism from Hollywood and Politics.   Historically, this is looked upon as a ‘conspiracy’, however, the reality is the conspiracy – then and now.

While Quigley offered enough information to give the appearance that he was neutral, and the Milner Group had the world’s best interest at heart, it is more likely that he was simply another pawn – deflecting per orders.   His usefulness was dismissed when he was suicided via a heart attack at the age of 66.    That would have been1977.

Various writers subsequently commentated on his various theories and doctrine, however, Quigley dismissed them as rhetorical conspiracists while continuing to support all things Milner.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes, of South Africa’s De-Beers Mining diamond fame, William Stead, an infamous journalist, and Lord Esher, friend and confidante to Queen Victoria, decided that the British Empire  should rule – the world.   What we now refer to as The New World Order.   They created an organizational structure whereby the inner circle was known as the Elite/Elect and would govern as a Junta of Three.   The Leader was Rhodes, and the Junta was comprised of Stead, Esher and Alfred Milner.   The outer circle was known as the Association of Helpers.

While the Elite remained, the Association of Helpers acquired various alternate names;   Milner’s Kindergarten, The Round Table, and the Chatham House crowd, among others.   Today, the Chatham House Crowd and The Pilgrims Society.

In 1902, the Pilgrims Society was formed in the UK.  One year later, the US opened its doors and membership became reciprocal.    Quigley wrote ‘Tragedy and Hope’ in 1966 in which he unveiled the vast network of Foundations and organizations that multiplied with unprecedented veracity, irreparably linked to the Milner Group.

Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…   ALL names currently configured in the scheme of the New World Order.

It would appear that within the hierarchy, individuals were initially appointed to specific industries so as to mold the global control mechanism under a closed power vacuum.  For example:   JP Morgan was the banker elite.    Then in 1930 the Bank of International Settlements, BIS, was created as a global central banking institution.   Its purpose was to create a global unified force – so as to own the wealth of the world.   This agenda has been calcified in the junta of the 1%ers.

However, the program became diffused with the advent of literally multiple thousands of subsequent foundations and NGO’s all having their own agenda, all demanding their place on the Pyramid, all thus creating their own vision.  And so, the Elite, the Cabal, became ingrained in – internal division.

Most recently, this massive displacement became all the more clear to me as a result of my own computer crash:

Day One:  I was told my computer might literally explode as my battery was expanding exponentially.    Oblivious, I fortunately listened and came to find that my computer was literally about to ‘catch fire’.   I was directed to put everything I could on a flash drive in the event my entire computer went up in flames.   Unfortunately, instead of copying files to the flash, I copied them to my desktop whereupon over 2500 files suddenly infiltrated my screen!

What I saw on my desktop was the thousands of layers of files that represent part of my work as a grid that mimicked thousands of layers of NGO’s that have become the grid for the initial Milner Group.   All layered.

And the inability to access one was little different from the ability of the Milner Group to Control the now thousands upon thousands of NGO’s that have become “Their Helpers’ per se.

In other words, the Cabal is rife with internal conflicts given they allowed thousands to become ‘Helpers’ per se.   And thus, their power is greatly, hugely, diffused.

Each Helper has their own agenda.  Each Helper has their own desire for Control.   Each Helper is corrupted within their own standard of corruption.   And thus – The Milner Group, The Cabal, is actually fighting desperately within.

Which means the infighting, the agendas, are in constant revolt for power.

In April 2017, Ronald Bernard, a format Handler who worked with BIS in trafficking, drugs, child sacrifice, and the occult gave a five-part interview explaining the mechanism of how and why The Group conducts its activities.

His interviews detail the true Cabal of Power, born of occultism, that has morphed significantly from the Quigley interpretation.

While there are multiple key organizations that now dominate this Cabalist elite that are nowhere remotely Quigley’s understanding, the dominant end game presentation is Communism – as the MEANS.   While British Imperialism remains the quandry for continued infighting.   And the Agenda modus have varied ideologies.

Current Board Members of BIS include:  Christine Lagarde, Jerome Powell, Yi Gang, and Roberto Campos.  ALL run the prime banking institution/cabal of their respective country.   All envision themselves as the elite wherein they gain control of global order.   However, while that is their interpretation, it is not necessarily the interpretation of the True Elite.

Just as brainless Hollywood icons think they are the Chosen Ones, their ignorance of intellect presides over their intuition – and in reality they are insignificant pawns.

There are a few societies that have remained in power as next generation Milner Group:   Pilgrim Society Members have included;  Rockefeller(s), Haig, Kissinger, Allen Dulles, Joseph Kennedy, Vanderbilt, Depew, Jacob Schiff, etc…     They are old school intellectuals who have been bribed to believe their existence is paramount amongst the plebes and peasants.

Their ego’s are more than willing to comply with whatever heinous actions they must support.

Within the initial structure of the Milner Group – communism was embraced, however, the actual globalization goal was Imperialism.

Government controlled schooling or public schooling was a forced mandate initiated by these imperialists as a means of controlling knowledge and writing history as they conceived it to be.  Nearly 100 hundred years ago!

Bank Wars became a means for controlling economies.   And elite universities (Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Oxford, London School of Economics) became a hub for new members indoctrinated within The Group.   Daddy Bush was radically involved although his implication in the Franklin Scandal nearly upended his Seat.   The Jimmy Saville Scandal in the UK was another upended that was quashed leaving pedophiles and sexual abusers free reign.   The Epstein Scandal nearly toppled hundreds if not thousands of potential Group members.  

And chaos within the ranks unfolded.

Most governmental organizations were created as offshoots including;  CIA, FBI, NSA, MI6, etc…   They were used to eliminate the enemies – most notably Kennedy, Patton, Huey Long, Princess Diana, and Garfield.   But they were also instrumental in the vagrancies of sexual deviances.   Blackmail.

The Economist (Rothschild Rag) recently lauded Macron for his intuitive realization that the Taliban would soon take control of Afghanistan.   As a result, Macron apparently ordered all embassy workers back to France in – July.   A full month before Biden.   As all other Operations seem rooted in The Group and its offshoots, it is fairly predictable that the Afghanistan debacle was orchestrated as well and the Deep State Helpers were briefed, including Biden, Merkel, and NATO.   Hollywood actors walk with their stipend …   And the public at large is exposed to an infinite schematic of propaganda videos and scenes that simply – DON’T EXIST IN AFGHANISTAN – but do in Iran.

ONE author within the New York Times is given this attribute that is shared amongst thousands of indoctrinated offshoot MSM plebes.   And suddenly the fake CIA green screen becomes the social media frenzy!

In 2009, Sibel Edmonds gave groundbreaking testimony exposing the US government’s role in 9-11, which was called Operation Gladio/B.  Having worked for the FBI, she revealed that drug cartels, mafia’s, money laundering, and arms dealing were all internally orchestrated to destabilize the Middle East – at the behest of the US CIA.   She claims that both Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri worked with the CIA.

Peter Hoekstra was one of the Dirty Dozen named by Edmonds as a Deep State member.  Others included; Hillary, Orin Hatch, DeWine, Dreyer, Lieberman, Hastert, Ruppersberger, Santorum, Souder, Sensenbrenner, and Kyl.  A fair mix of republicans and democrats.

While the ‘Initial’ British Imperialist Society was the game, other agenda’s have infiltrated the schematic and morphed its means and end.   I doubt Quigley was an occultist.   I doubt he was a communist.   However, his version of insight has been eclipsed by 70 years of infiltration.

What Quigley did reveal is that the conspiracies are real, and reality is the conspiracy.  Plato’s Matrix?   The Next BLOG!

Afghanistan: Austin, Blinken and Milley – The Three Stooges!

Contrary to the GLOBAL MSM dialogue, Afghanistan is not for sale to china or Russia, in fact the true Taliban allies have already asserted themselves;   Qatar and Turkey.

In 2013, with support from the Obama administration the Taliban opened its main office in Qatar. While Pakistan has been implicated as an alliance, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the leader of the Taliban was released from a Pakistani prison at Obama’s request in 2010.   While Qatar is accused of abetting the Taliban, it was the Biden Handlers who orchestrated the media cringe botched withdrawal.

Of course Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chief of Staff General Milley and Secretary of State, Blinken, would seem oblivious to having any role in the botching… The Three Stooges!

What these Stooges would seem to have in common is a long history of flubs.   In October 2020, Milley specifically refuted President Trump on the Afghanistan drawdown stating, “I default back to we have a plan. It’s a conditions-based plan, and right now, the only number that’s publicly out there that I am aware of in terms of any sort of official number is 4,500 in the not-too-distant future by November. And that’s the plan.” He further reiterated, “The key here is that we’re trying to end a war responsibly, deliberately, and to do it on terms that guarantee the safety of the U.S. vital national security interests that are at stake in Afghanistan.”

So what happened to ‘the plan’ General?  

The fallout between Milley and Trump came to a head with Milley’s support of Critical Race Theory, and his noninterventionist approach to the riots and mass destruction of major US cities within the BLM and ANTIFA ‘movements’.   But Milley’s subordination became most evident in his politically charged rhetoric wherein he stated, “What caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution”… (referencing the January 6th Trump supporters).   Milley believed Trump was staging a coup.

Milley thus became another stooge of the deep state and sold out veterans, the military soldiers, the Constitution, and The American People.   Further assaulting his uniform, Milley was instrumental in paying off the Taliban while leaving countless American’s and Afghan loyalists to die – given NO PLAN was instituted as he had declared just a year earlier.

In 2017, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Bahrain declared Qatar an enemy and blockaded the country.   The US was somewhat caught in the middle given our Air Force base, Al Udied, was hosting more than 11,000 US troops.   The initial Qatari alliance came as a result of the conclusion of the Gulf War against Iraq. The base was a primary stronghold by the US in its missile attacks against Syria.

Turkey and the UK enjoy bilateral trade relations. Boris was a passionate supporter of Erdogan’s desire to become an EU state… until Boris was a passionate supporter of Leave.   But cooperative relations among the two countries continues.

It is highly unlikely that the Turkey-UK relationship and the Qater-US relationship embody the new Taliban/Qatar/Turkey alliance coincidentally…

Germany’s Deutsche Welle today announced that the government will likely reopen the Afghanistan embassy – forging a relationship with – the Taliban.   What begins to unravel is the fact that the previous Afghan government was NOT too keen on sharing the $3 trillion in known available resources.   Apparently, the Taliban is not so greedy.   But the spoils seem to fit a six way split – at least so far. The US share would thus be $500 billion – more than adequate to cover the $100 million or so in lost military equipment.

In mid 2020, National Endowment for Democracy stated, “NED expanded programs in Afghanistan, Morocco, and Lebanon to respond to political opportunities and guard against further democratic backsliding.” And then, without mentioning who the ‘partners’ might be, August 27, 2021, “We are standing in solidarity with our Afghan partners.”


Enter CSIS, Center for Strategic & International Studies, another bullpock in the deep state corporation. Their latest analysis, “…at this point, the Taliban seems to have at least some moderate elements that are focused on creating an effective and stable government. There is no clear extremist element in at least its visible political and religious leadership. Tragic as some aspects of the evacuation and the violence at Kabul airport have been, the fact remains that these events involved less than half of one percent of the total population.”   CSIS also recommends reopening the US embassy in Kabul.

Written by Anthony Cordesman, his bio defines him as formally aligned with:

John McCain/NATO/DeepState/Stanley McChrystal offionada!   McChrystal was quite critical of Biden which earned him the rebuke of Obama wherein he was ‘forced’ to resign his command in Afghanistan.   Subsequently, McChrystal was considered a running-mate for Trump’s 2016 presidency. He declined and ultimately endorsed Biden in 2020.   Was he too commandeered?   Another obvious.

What would it take for a military commander to supplant his country, his Constitution, his People with fraud and corruption?

Ridiculing the US was part and parcel of the Game.   Because the deep state does not work with, support, or advocate for the United States, they advocate for themselves as The Roundtable.   Within that roundtable agenda, destroying the US from within was always the point given an arrogant hatred of all things arrogant – aka, the US populace.

The game was not simply about losing miserably from a global perspective in the Afghanistan pullout, it was and is about turning the US into the global nihilist demon.  A weak, self absorbed, narcissistic, racist populace in need of ‘retraining’, ‘reeducation’ and ‘rehabilitation’, so as to accept the Totalitarian Rule of Order.   The government eroded and corrupted by the deep state will not be for blame – instead the American People will be encapsulated in this conditioned Mantra of demonization.

With a pariah America, and an incompetent government, countries will pullout of trade.   Countries will pull out of tourism.   And countries will ultimately drop the dollar. Destabilizing America shifts power vacuums. The MONEY will re-emerge elsewhere as a colony of its own. And as Epstein so eloquently revealed, the power of Blackmail has NO boundaries.

The political picks that were labeled Obama benefactors were also Stooges.  Three Stooges responsible for the integrity of our Country!  And BOTH parties voted them in knowing the level of ineptitude and the level of sadistic bent.  They Sold Their Souls and in so doing Sold the lives of millions – if not Billions.   HERO’s, they are NOT.  EVER.

Global Communism: A Global Agenda For Winners Take ALL!

IN addition to visiting Communist Vietnam during the Afghanistan insurgency, Kamaltoes visited Singapore as well.   Why?   Singapore is 70% Chinese, it’s government is a solitary parliament functioning as a totalitarian regime embracing socialist and communist ideologies.   And like Vietnam, Harris wanted to reaffirm US ties despite China being their largest trade partner!   Timing is everything…

Today, Singapore announced new racial laws stating; “the new laws would give the Government power to order someone who has caused offence to stop doing it and to make amends by learning more about the other race and mending ties with them.”   In addition, the government is calling upon citizens to turn in fellow citizens for suspected racial words or actions… The predominant racism is directed against Indians.

Citizens have always been encouraged to report anyone violating a purported law or mandate. Most recently, a British man was videoed and reported to the police for not wearing a mask on the rail system. He was arrested, beaten, put in prison, then in a mental institution before being deported to the UK.

The citizen making the report – a Hero…

Reality is checked at the desk as the illusion continues to be unveiled.   While Singapore brags of a 90% home ownership rate, that rate applies ONLY to Singapore citizens. To become a citizen one must reside in Singapore for a minimum of 10 years.   Housing assistance is only available to citizens over the age of 21 who make a housing request along with their siblings, parents, or spouse and children.   Anyone under the age of 35 who is single is not eligible for assistance.   Real Estate prices are the most expensive in the world!  And a fatigued statistic is not a statistic – at all.

A 650 sq ft condominium is a cool $1million. Most property is subject to a 99 year leasehold at which point the property reverts to the government.   Freeholds are considerably more expensive and allow for renovations and improvements.

For Example:  A 1,000 sq ft freehold condominium can sell for more than $2million.  

While poverty is hidden, over 400,000 Singaporeans live on $5 per day.   The number of locals who have -0- income is unknown.   The wealth gap is considered one of the largest in the world.   Given there is no minimum wage and no measurement of poverty, a verifiable rate statistic is unknown.   The government began providing $600 per month to individuals or $1000 a month to a household to attempt to alleviate the worst of citizen poverty.   But homeless shelters remain filled to the brim – no vacancy!  

To house foreigners with work permits, Singapore provides dormitories that host 12-20 men per room for a fee.   More than 20 percent of Singapore’s population of 5.7 million are foreign workers, a vast majority of whom are low-wage laborers with work permits. Slave labor.   Mostly from India and Bangladesh. Most Covid cases were among these laborers – for which healthcare is typically denied.   Since the dastardly Pandemic began, Singapore has reported a cumulative number of deaths – 52.   The The That’s It Folks!!!

Like Vietnam, I imagine that low death rate is exactly why Kamaltoes was visiting.   Amp up the CoVid fear mongering to match the hysteria finagled elsewhere!  Which would account for why this trip was more worthy than the Afghanistan demolition…

Cue the CDC which has confirmed there is NO test for the deadly variant – Delta – while simultaneously announcing that  80%-95% of all cases and deaths are attributed to the Delta variant, because … er, because… they say so.

As the ramp up to extinguish Biden from his presidential acting job is heightened by more Democrats than Republicans, we are faced with the miserable scenario of a Harris puppet office.   Her primary run for president barely garnered 3% of the votes, likely representing family and friends. And yet the ONLY conclusion as to why the Demo Party sought a dementia riddled president and infamously despised VP bears unraveling.

It is noteworthy that Kamaltoes has absolutely no experience with foreign relations, and was sent to Guatemala and Mexico before this latest excursion to communist Asia.   Her South American trip was mired in ‘obscure’ phrases and bullet point pronouncements including, ‘Do not come…’ As the key to stopping illegal immigration.  Reflecting her astute understanding of ‘nothingness’.

Born a ‘mutt’, Kamala has been referenced as an African American, an Indian American, and Irish American. On her mother’s side, her heritage is Tamil which is of various Chinese origins.   Oddly, no other president or VP has been distinguished by their Mutt roots.

Still, the inherent mindset by the Shadow/Cabal Cult is to choose the placement of those least intellectually capable of filling the position.   Meaning they take orders well and will play the three monkey’s with cackling degradation.

If Kamaltoes is eliminated as incompetent, next in line is 80 year old Pelosi.   Next in line to her is 81 year old Patrick Leahy, whose political career has been a forever display of leakism in conformity with Bernie Sander’s career.   If he doesn’t make the cut, Tony Blinking Blinken is next in line. The lineage was purposefully hand picked.

The ultimate solution to quell the incompetence – a UN government of One Worldship. Right on the tails of Merkel’s transition to life in the Bahamas. On the wagon of Trudeau’s snap election in September that could flail infamously.   To the Canadian weeping of the Macron state of Riots personified with another year of maniacal control.   And the continuum of befuddling slapstick presented by Boris Johnson.

These leaders were explicitly chosen exactly for their incompetency via their election corruption by the same coup conspiracy monogrammed by NED, National Endowment for Democracy – for decades.

Biden became synonymous with the jokers of the EU who will voluntarily pass the baton as they are instructed.   Who is left?   The leaders of communist countries including;   China, Vietnam, Singapore, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and Africa…

Africa’s leaders have been in various degrees of turmoil with some jailed, some fleeing, and some passing the buck, including; Myanmar, Sudan, Mali, Uganda, Tunisia, Zuma, Ethiopia, and South Africa, etc… ALL targeted for displacement and re-insertion of Cabal friendly communists.  For a Price.

While some of these transitions may not be revealed or leveled until 2022, the Agenda is quite obvious as the global map is redistricted, and redefined.   Winners – Take All.

Afghanistan: A Cabal Call To WAR?

IN WWII, General Patton was considered the main intellectual, military opponent of Rommel and Nazi’s Army.   His tactics were military perfection. And there are many who support the fact that he was an integral and instrumental Commander in the winning of WWII.

General Bradley is historically portrayed in a similar light as Patton, albeit much less inclined to go rogue of orders.   Bradley was an academic.   He had no ambition.   And yet, Eisenhower fast tracked him to brigadier general skipping his intern as Colonel altogether and then each year thereafter promoted him until he ultimately reached 4 stars.   Yet Bradley was NOT a Commander in any military sense.   He was the Pawn.

Gen Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, is General Bradley.   His acumen for intelligence and command are abysmal.   But he is a worthy academic who has no problem executing orders from the shadow government no matter how inane while blatantly disregarding tactics and intelligence.

WWII Patton was sanctioned, ordered to apologize, and verbally whipped by his commanders because he wouldn’t tow the political agenda.   Why?   Perhaps we were not supposed to win the war…

The media is blaming Biden for the Afghanistan decimation.   But Biden is an empty vessel, his mind has been absorbed and he has no ability to execute any order.   So who did?  

  1. Secretary of Navy: Carlos Del Toro was appointed just August 9th. Retired Navy, he reached the rank of Commander after 22 years of service. That rank is equivalent to lieutenant Colonel.  He has no war experience at all.
  2. Secretary of Army is Christine Wormuth.   She has no military service whatsoever, has a degree in ‘public policy’ and is career government. Despite her absent acumen, Wormuth was scooped up by the Center For Strategic and International Studies.   CSIS is an NGO well entrenched in the CULT of Clinton, Bolton, China, Gates, Albright, and Brzezinski within the egomaniacal Cabal.
  3. Secretary of the Air Force is Frank Kendall.   He achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves – as a teacher.   Apparently, his reserve career garnered him VP of Raytheon after which he was Obama’s flunky during which time he wrote a book.

There can be only one true decimation of this schism.   These three powerfully positioned Secretaries have no combat or command experience.   They are, like Austin and Bradley, academics tuned to do and say what their Masters decry.

Should the US engage in a war, these are the people at the helm telling Pentagon Generals what to do!   While this revelation will likely scare the bejeebies out of the American People, it is likely to be seen as fantastically hilarious by any force who wishes to decimate America.   These are the individuals responsible for making the obtuse, dim-witted, ludicrous decisions that will result in the rise of terrorism.

The Pandemic didn’t kill enough people: A third jab is ordered to up the ante while further isolating populace to stage shortages of basic commodities, and now crate the rise of terrorism.   All while our military officials oversee this global annihilation – nodding vigorously at the outcome.

In WWII, while Patton’s ‘personality’ was considered problematic, he won battles.   He was an excellent strategist.   As in The Art of War which dictates, ‘know thy enemy’, Patton read Rommel’s book.   Learning his strengths and weaknesses.   While Bradley and Eisenhower were more politically motivated, their command logistics were rather infantile.    And could easily have cost the War.

Ultimately, Eisenhower helped promote the concept of the military industrial complex which he initially abhored, rising to  become an endless stream of munitions profit within the industry.   Companies that began operations during and after WWI burgeoned to excess; Raytheon, The American Marietta Corporation, General Dynamics, Northrup Grummon, etc…

And thus war was not about ‘winning’ but about profit. Follow The Money

  1. Northrup Grumman:   CEO Kathy Warden, served on Clinton administration as internet advisory council member, Federal Reserve Board, and Aspen Institute.
  2. General Dynamics. Phebe Novakovic serves as CEO; formally CIA and Department of Defense and has been a board member of Abbott Laboratories and is currently a Trustee at CSIS.   Small World…
  3. Raytheon: Gregory Hayes CEO joined President Trump’s roundtable for 7 months before quitting.

With the resurgence of a Middle East war agenda, the Military Industrial Complex is salivating.

Afghan military troops have been fleeing to neighboring countries; Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Iran while confiscating abandoned US military equipment worth millions.   All while Gen. Hank Taylor, spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff has declared ‘no military strikes have been conducted in the last 24 hours, however, the commander on the ground maintains that capability if required to do so”…

That current remaining commander would be Gen. McKenzie appointed to Afghanistan just one month ago in July 2021 as the country rapidly descended into chaos.   Today he is actually in Doha Qatar, not Afghanistan.  McKenzie supposedly ‘urged the Taliban not to attack the airport’. He was appointed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Obama’s administration.

Before the troop drawdown by Biden’s Handlers, there were reportedly 2500 remaining US troops.   There are now 6,000 US troops in Afghanistan sent to evacuate the 30,000 embassy and Afghan citizens who desire to flee.   The Taliban has declared it’s desire is to control Afghanistan and has no ideal for international involvement.

However, it remains to be seen how the Cabal Cult within the US, UK, Germany, Netherlands and NATO will respond to the Taliban.   History Lesson:   throughout the 1980’s, the US joined forces with Maoist China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UK to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan…killing upwards of 2 million civilian Afghans, wounding upwards of 3 million civilian Afghans, displacing 2 million and creating 5 million refugees.

Capitol Protest Detainees: Guilty Until Earth Freezes Over…

The federal criminal court system would seem to operate on the premise – guilty.   Not even addressing the second lopsided clause, ‘until proven innocent’.   While the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the presumption of innocent until proven guilty, an obscure Obama era proclamation muddied that right.

The National Defense Act of 2012 expressly gives the president the exclusive right to capture and detain indefinitely anyone considered an enemy combatant.   As such they can be imprisoned indefinitely without a trial or even proof of guilt.

Over 612 detainees are being held under this guise as a result of January 6th.   Only a handful have even had a trial.   And most of those who have were declared a threat and re-imprisoned.

Others have charges labeled as ‘entering a restricted building, and disorderly conduct’.  

According to US Code 1752, a Restricted Building references ‘entering a premise without lawful authority’. Given the plethora of photo and video evidence showing Capitol police officers removing gates and opening doors while milling with the Protesters inside the Capitol – this particular charge is a corrupt manifestation of fraudulent justice.

Given the US Capitol is a ‘public building’ it is not restricted per se. However, there do exist rules regarding prohibitive items; guns, knives, aerosol cans, explosive devices, mace, liquids, food, and sealed envelopes.

According to 18 US CODE 1752, a restricted building is specifically defined as:


of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds; NOT applicable.


of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting;   NOT applicable given President Trump was not in the Capitol.   The Secret Service is NOT tasked with protecting members of Congress. Members and the Capitol Complex are protected by the Capitol Police. When they readily allowed entry onto grounds and inside the Capitol, they effectively negated ANY potential restricted Building status.


of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance; such events are defined to include inaugurations, state of the union addresses, democrat and republican conventions, or the presence of a particular dignitary.   Electoral count is not among those definitions.

Therefore, this was NOT a Restricted Building as defined by the US Code.

January 6th was a Wednesday.   The US Capitol is open to the public Monday thru Saturday from 8:30 to 4:30.   Those persons who destroyed property within the Capitol must be shown to have specifically done so with evidence proving the destruction.   Disorderly conduct is considered a minor offense – in order for it to be classified as a felony, the person must have mishandled and discharged a deadly weapon.

The ONLY person to do so was the ‘officer’ who killed Ashli Babbitt!

By contrast, liberal states are releasing convicted rapists and murderers from jails due to CoVid case rates.   Some of whom repeat their offenses.   The illogic is extraordinarily insane.   Yet the motive operandi is still to delete all those who defy the George Orwell 1984 Institutionalization of ALL.   Which is defined as any-and-all pro-Trump.

The National Defense Act of 2012 is 566 pages and buried in its wordy plethora of Progressivism is a provision that even brought the ire of the very liberal Huffington Post when it found:

“…buried in this law are two provisions (Sections 1021 and 1022) that authorize the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person labeled a “belligerent”―including an American citizen.”

Belligerent:   As a noun, belligerent refers to anyone engaged in war or conflict or anyone who engages in a hostile manner as defined by International Law.   Thus the law is governed within the UN.  And Obama’s insertion of this law into the American Constitution allows the UN to supercede the US Constitution as a globalized government.

Meaning the UN is holding the keys to the incarceration of the 612+ detainees from the January 6th Capitol ‘trespass’.

The UN body that would be instilled with this power is the International Court of Justice with 13 presiding judges.

Judge Joan E. Donoghue is the presiding president. She was first elected to the court in 2010, re-elected in 2014, and elected by the ICJ judges to be President of the ICJ in 2021.   Oddly coincidental?   An American who previously worked in the US State Department and US Treasury, she was elected president February 8, 2021, 3 weeks after Biden’s inauguration.

During Donoghue’s tenure in the Department of State, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton presided as Secretaries. In the early 1980’s she worked for Covington & Burling.   Covington & Burling were hired by the State of California under Gruesome Newsom along with Eric Holder to fight President Trump. They were also instrumental in calling for the release of all Guantanamo detainees under the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution – before the Obama WH instituted the Amendment in 2012.

Donoghue’s impartiality is obviously compromised.

In July 2021, Pelosi announced that she intended to send Capitol Police to Florida and California to establish satellite offices so as to mitigate threats against the Capitol.   Such a move would in essence Federalize the Capitol Police giving them power of sovereign states.  Ultimately deriving their authority from – THE UN.

Each chess move may appear to be the sacrifice of a pawn, but pawns are expendable when taking down the King in the final move for checkmate.   And globalization is the end Agenda within the guise of Agenda 2030 – the 4th Industrial Revolution.

While prisoners held in Guantanamo number just 39 now, the Capitol Protesters are essentially under the same CIA system of confinement without charges, torture, and no due process.   The cost of the Guantanamo detainees is $13 million per prisoner – per YEAR!   Supermax prisons on US soil run roughly $70,000 per prisoner per year.  This would be where the Capitol detainees are likely held.   As taxpayers who control the government, we have the right to protest unconstitutional actions and actions wherein Congress exploits the law and undertakes unjudicial and unsubstantiated charges.

As of January 6th, Steven Sund was the Chief of Capitol Police. He was forced to retire at the request of Pelosi as did Sergeant at Arms Michael Stinger and Paul Irving.   On July 23rd, Tom Manger, age 66, came out of retirement and applied for the job as Chief of Capitol Police.   He has been a ferocious critic of every Capitol protester!   Manger has been a radical vocal critic of all things President Trump.   He supported Blasey Ford’s subsequent false assertions against Kavanaugh, has worked in conjunction with Schumer and Reid, and is associated with a number of liberal organizations affiliated with the FBI bent on reconstructing police via public sanctioning and defunding.

This chess move was a Pelosi manipulation.  The purpose is obvious.  The corruption is obvious.   The fraud is obvious.   Capitol Police are given gag orders.   Four have taken their lives as a direct result.   But blackmail is heinous indeed – not only involving the blackmailee but all other family members, friends and associates.   It is The code of The Mafia.   And it would appear – the Code of Congress…