Afghanistan: A Cabal Call To WAR?

IN WWII, General Patton was considered the main intellectual, military opponent of Rommel and Nazi’s Army.   His tactics were military perfection. And there are many who support the fact that he was an integral and instrumental Commander in the winning of WWII.

General Bradley is historically portrayed in a similar light as Patton, albeit much less inclined to go rogue of orders.   Bradley was an academic.   He had no ambition.   And yet, Eisenhower fast tracked him to brigadier general skipping his intern as Colonel altogether and then each year thereafter promoted him until he ultimately reached 4 stars.   Yet Bradley was NOT a Commander in any military sense.   He was the Pawn.

Gen Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, is General Bradley.   His acumen for intelligence and command are abysmal.   But he is a worthy academic who has no problem executing orders from the shadow government no matter how inane while blatantly disregarding tactics and intelligence.

WWII Patton was sanctioned, ordered to apologize, and verbally whipped by his commanders because he wouldn’t tow the political agenda.   Why?   Perhaps we were not supposed to win the war…

The media is blaming Biden for the Afghanistan decimation.   But Biden is an empty vessel, his mind has been absorbed and he has no ability to execute any order.   So who did?  

  1. Secretary of Navy: Carlos Del Toro was appointed just August 9th. Retired Navy, he reached the rank of Commander after 22 years of service. That rank is equivalent to lieutenant Colonel.  He has no war experience at all.
  2. Secretary of Army is Christine Wormuth.   She has no military service whatsoever, has a degree in ‘public policy’ and is career government. Despite her absent acumen, Wormuth was scooped up by the Center For Strategic and International Studies.   CSIS is an NGO well entrenched in the CULT of Clinton, Bolton, China, Gates, Albright, and Brzezinski within the egomaniacal Cabal.
  3. Secretary of the Air Force is Frank Kendall.   He achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserves – as a teacher.   Apparently, his reserve career garnered him VP of Raytheon after which he was Obama’s flunky during which time he wrote a book.

There can be only one true decimation of this schism.   These three powerfully positioned Secretaries have no combat or command experience.   They are, like Austin and Bradley, academics tuned to do and say what their Masters decry.

Should the US engage in a war, these are the people at the helm telling Pentagon Generals what to do!   While this revelation will likely scare the bejeebies out of the American People, it is likely to be seen as fantastically hilarious by any force who wishes to decimate America.   These are the individuals responsible for making the obtuse, dim-witted, ludicrous decisions that will result in the rise of terrorism.

The Pandemic didn’t kill enough people: A third jab is ordered to up the ante while further isolating populace to stage shortages of basic commodities, and now crate the rise of terrorism.   All while our military officials oversee this global annihilation – nodding vigorously at the outcome.

In WWII, while Patton’s ‘personality’ was considered problematic, he won battles.   He was an excellent strategist.   As in The Art of War which dictates, ‘know thy enemy’, Patton read Rommel’s book.   Learning his strengths and weaknesses.   While Bradley and Eisenhower were more politically motivated, their command logistics were rather infantile.    And could easily have cost the War.

Ultimately, Eisenhower helped promote the concept of the military industrial complex which he initially abhored, rising to  become an endless stream of munitions profit within the industry.   Companies that began operations during and after WWI burgeoned to excess; Raytheon, The American Marietta Corporation, General Dynamics, Northrup Grummon, etc…

And thus war was not about ‘winning’ but about profit. Follow The Money

  1. Northrup Grumman:   CEO Kathy Warden, served on Clinton administration as internet advisory council member, Federal Reserve Board, and Aspen Institute.
  2. General Dynamics. Phebe Novakovic serves as CEO; formally CIA and Department of Defense and has been a board member of Abbott Laboratories and is currently a Trustee at CSIS.   Small World…
  3. Raytheon: Gregory Hayes CEO joined President Trump’s roundtable for 7 months before quitting.

With the resurgence of a Middle East war agenda, the Military Industrial Complex is salivating.

Afghan military troops have been fleeing to neighboring countries; Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Iran while confiscating abandoned US military equipment worth millions.   All while Gen. Hank Taylor, spokesman for the Joint Chiefs of Staff has declared ‘no military strikes have been conducted in the last 24 hours, however, the commander on the ground maintains that capability if required to do so”…

That current remaining commander would be Gen. McKenzie appointed to Afghanistan just one month ago in July 2021 as the country rapidly descended into chaos.   Today he is actually in Doha Qatar, not Afghanistan.  McKenzie supposedly ‘urged the Taliban not to attack the airport’. He was appointed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Obama’s administration.

Before the troop drawdown by Biden’s Handlers, there were reportedly 2500 remaining US troops.   There are now 6,000 US troops in Afghanistan sent to evacuate the 30,000 embassy and Afghan citizens who desire to flee.   The Taliban has declared it’s desire is to control Afghanistan and has no ideal for international involvement.

However, it remains to be seen how the Cabal Cult within the US, UK, Germany, Netherlands and NATO will respond to the Taliban.   History Lesson:   throughout the 1980’s, the US joined forces with Maoist China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UK to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan…killing upwards of 2 million civilian Afghans, wounding upwards of 3 million civilian Afghans, displacing 2 million and creating 5 million refugees.